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2017-10-25, 01:30 AM
Eyena nods at Ilsa's offer. She's silent for a few moments after the half-elf finishes, then speaks. "Lastwall. Where, well, where is it's location?"

Eyena nods.

Over the course of the day, she does what she can to find and gather materials to rebuild a shelter.

Survival for gathering shelter materials: [roll0]

Lord Of Mantas
2017-10-25, 07:18 PM
"You don't know? Your friendly neighbors to the north, east of the hold of Belkzen."
Apologies for the lack of formatting; I'm on my phone.

2017-10-26, 05:43 PM
"You all make good points," Aubrin says to round out the discussion when it's clear that Rask will stick to his customary silence. "So looks like the matter is settled, then. If you all keep scouting ahead, I will take some volunteers and walk with the sick and make sure their condition doesn't worsen before we make camp for the night. Jet will be busy herding the animals. I'm sure one of us can make do without shelter, or at the very least we can scrounge something up on the way."

With your delegations made for the day, your temporary camp breaks up for the day. It's clear that the mood around the villagers is a cautious one, given your three patients. Despite that fact, there are several volunteers who offer their services carrying litters. Farrow and Coryn, who seem to have struck up something of a friendship, take Lirosa, and Rhyna and the other acolytes tend to Gelis. Shara is one of the last to raise her hand when the question is brought up, and her partner turns out to be Edran, of all people. The bard grins sheepishly. "Turns out that I'm no good outdoors, would you believe it?"

Over the course of the day, your slow progress through the woods is mitigated largely by the successful hunts and forages that mark the hours. At various points, Jodis and several others return with animals or fruits to add to your stores, and Jet successfully herds all of the animals alongside the rest of the group without any problems arising. Even the road ahead is clear of threats, and by the time the sun starts to get low at the end of the afternoon, you find that your trek through the Chernasardo has almost been pleasantly uneventful.

So you guys travelled at half-speed, and there were no random encounters to spoil your trip. Also, the villagers made back a surprising amount of Provision Points (20 in total, with Jet's extra +1), so you're only down by 2 points! I haven't made the saves for the diseased members of your band yet, but I will in my next IC post. For now, I'll record your earnings on the Google Doc.

Now it's just a matter of waiting for the other shoe to drop...

2017-10-27, 12:55 AM
Eyena nods, then is silent for a moment, shifting and staring at Ilsa's face. "If it, well, isn't...a bother. What is the hold of Belkzen?"

At the end of the day's travel, Eyena quietly sits down with the sick, doing what she can to help them stay comfortable. She's attentive, if only due to the effort she puts in to overcome her tendency to miss the first sign of a patient's discomfort.

2017-10-27, 08:50 AM
Part of him had been glad for the lack of action. The other part had stewed on the past, as it always tended to when he'd nothing else to do but keep watch. Rask found a suitably tall tree to sit under, suitably far enough away from the sick that he could tend to them, but far enough that he was at risk.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-10-27, 11:15 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

"Your unfriendly neighbors to the north and west? Home to the original pure-blooded orcish hordes? Eternal enemy of pretty much every nation that surrounds them, except maybe the Worldwound? Assuming that even qualifies as a nation..." Ilsa cocked her head to the side. "I'm guessing you don't get out much."
Ilsa relaxeed near the fire, thankful for what had mostly been a rather uneventful day.

Now it is simply a matter of waiting for the other foot to drop.

2017-10-28, 04:30 AM
Eyena shakes her head. "And, well, a factor of it may also be that, I'm not from around here, this place. Is, Belkzen...on the lake? Lake Encarthan?"

Lord Of Mantas
2017-10-28, 01:17 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ilsa had a look of realization as Eyena reminded her that she was not from here originally.

Of course. Yeesh, Ilsa, think a little.

"Belkzen's not on the lake, no. Lastwall is between it and Lake Encarthan. Actually..."

Grabbing a stick, Ilsa drew a rather crude map in the soil next to the fireplace of all the nations immediately surrounding Nirmathas.

"So, this is Nirmathas, where we are. To the east, you've got Lake Encarthan. On the southern border, you've got Molthune, the nation Nirmathas used to be a part of before they rebelled and broke off, and then, past the southern part of the Mindspin Mountain range, you've got Nidal, which is one part a client state of Cheliax and one part a front for His Twistedness, the god Zon-Kuthon. Never go there if you can avoid it."

"Directly to the east, past the northern part of the Mindspin Mountains, you've got Varisia. Mostly a bunch of independent city states and traveling wanderers, complete adventurer material."

"Then, to the east of Varisia and north of us, there is the Hold of Belkzen, home to orcs, orcs, and more orcs. And also some half-orcs. Also on our northern border, east of Belkzen and on the border of Lake Encarthan, you've got Lastwall! Where I'm from." Ilsa smiled, a little proud. "And there you have it."
For Reference, A Map of Northern Golarion. (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0d/8d/8b/0d8d8b0dd5cb8d9c3444b2d9750286c7.jpg)

2017-10-28, 02:24 PM
Eyena stares down at the rough map in the earth, nodding after a while. "That...is good," she says eventually. "I, that is, I hope it isn't a bother, or, rude, in any sense, to ask this, but, how long have you known Ramiel?" She asks after a few more quiet moments.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-10-28, 03:32 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

"Oh, no, it's not rude at all." Ilsa smiled. "Now that is a tale and a half. Where to begin..."

"The short answer is that I've known him for around 12 years, now. As to how I met him, well, it all began one summer night when I was 14 years old. When I was younger, I hate to admit it, but I was a complete brat, and I fought a lot with my parents. We had ventured into the Northern Fangwood to supervise the construction of an outpost, down near the Nirmathan border, and of course I had to come along, because they rightfully didn't trust me to stay at home alone. One night, I got into a really bad fight with them for... I don't even remember, anymore, I think it was table manners. I stormed out, and in a fit of pique, I decided to sneak out and go for a walk in the woods. Which they'd told me never to do, especially at night, because of the monsters. I figured they were just exaggerating."

"Turns out... not so much."

Ilsa rolled up her half-dress/tunic, exposing her stomach above her trousers. Three long scars crossed her abdomen, spider-like tendrils snaking out into the immediate area around each.

"I'd been walking for around 10 minutes when I ran into a bunch of blighted fey who were making a beeline for the fort. Naturally, upon seeing them, I ran like hell, and they gave chase. Somehow, I managed to dodge them for a bit; I've no idea how. It's ironic, really - by breaking the rules against going out, it turned out later that it was what saved the outpost, because the noise from me screaming like a banshee gave them time to sound the alarm. But, eventually, I ran out of luck - a couple of them backed me into a ravine, and I remember being scared out of my wits. They were stalking toward me, claws at the ready, and I remember offering kind of this one last desperate mental prayer: 'If anyone is out there listening… anyone at all… I promise to be good! I promise I’ll never disobey mother and father again! Just, someone! Anyone! Save me!' And, then, well... I kind of felt this spark, inside me. Half a second, one of them slashed me right across the stomach, but then an arrow hit him right in the head. I looked up, and... well, the most gorgeous, picturesque man I'd ever seen was standing there at the top of the ravine, firing arrows down at them. Once he'd finished off the other one, he leapt down, extended his hand, and said..."

"Come with me."

Ramiel had come over, and sat down beside Ilsa. The summoner smiled, nodded, and continued.

"Anyway, after that, he picked me up and carried me back home - they'd finished driving the others off by then. Even though I wasn't dead, that scratch was enough to infect me, and I almost died - I was in and out of consciousness for a week. Still throbs when I get near blightfey, actually. When I finally woke up for real, I saw him with my parents, and he finally introduced himself."

Ramiel cleared his throat and then spoke, as if reciting a line from a play.

"I am your eidolon, the Azata Ramiel, of the sphere of Elysium. Through your force of personality, you summoned me, young one, and so I have come. Our souls are now bound, forever more, one to another. You have the spark of magic within you – different from your mother’s and father’s, but present all the same. It is your responsibility to nurture this spark, to help others – to use these talents to free others from the shackles that bind them.”

Ilsa smiled. "And he's been with me since."

2017-10-28, 04:05 PM
Eyena nods and sits quietly as Ilsa begins her story. She looks down at the map, or stares at some part of Ilsa's face, for the majority of it, though she does give a wide-eyed look down at the scars she reveals, nodding as two brief, somewhat snort-like puffs of air come from her nose, with Eyena either not commenting or not noticing. As Ramiel arrives, she briefly turns to him and gives him a brief nod, before quickly looking back to Ilsa as she continues. As she describes being cornered, Eyena nods, her brows furrowing slightly as she describes Ramiel's entrance. When the eidolon speaks, Eyena's turn from Ilsa to him is a touch slower than it had been before. For a few moments, Eyena is silent.

"That...Thank you, for, telling me. It sounds, that is, you have a very interesting past," she says, giving a smile that seems almost uncertain. "If, ah, it isn't too...too much, could you explain, the souls, together?" She asks. "That is, what is meant - your souls are bound together, if my understanding is correct. What, well, how much does this...do? Do you, can you, think, together? Are you...combined, like you were one person? How do you, see, well, not see, but, feel about, the other? That is, well, are you, different, than, just someone else? Like, another person you meet?"

Lord Of Mantas
2017-10-28, 05:19 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

"We are two different people, the both of us. As I told Ilsa when she first summoned me, I am an azata - an outsider from the plane of Elysium. And of course, she is half-elf on her mothers side. But, when she awakened her magic, in that moment of fear, that spark reached across the planes, and bound me to her."

"So, even though we have two different souls, they're tied together. So we have separate thoughts, feelings, identities, but we are able to hear each others thoughts, and we can talk to each other telepathically. I can also, very briefly, if I concentrate, share his senses."

2017-10-28, 05:56 PM
Eyena nods, slowly. "I...believe, that I understand." There's a few moments of silence from her as she stares at Ilsa's chin. For someone accustomed to speaking with her, the pause before she begins again is within normal boundaries. "Would you say...that is, if you were describing it, it being, well, not just the bond, but also, in general, how you are. You, two," Eyena shifts, a half-extended finger vaguely motioning between the two. "Would you say, that is, would it be accurate, as a description, of how you two are, to say, you are like...close siblings? Apart from, well, of course, the mind hearing, and that."

Lord Of Mantas
2017-10-28, 07:06 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

"Ramiel came into my life a little late to be considered a sibling, especially since, well, he's got several hundred years of life on me. The best way to describe it would be... A very, very close friend. Life partners."

The two found each other's hands.

"I will remain at Ilsa's side until the day she departs this world for Elysium."

2017-10-29, 04:38 AM
Eyena nods slowly, her gaze returning to Ilsa's chin after a moment of looking down at the two's hands. "Thank you, for, explaining," she says after a pause that's a bit longer than normal. "If there's...that is, if there is nothing else, you would like to discuss, I would, go."

Lord Of Mantas
2017-10-29, 10:33 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ilsa yawned. "All right, Eyena. See you tomorrow."

2017-10-29, 02:04 PM
Gilraen uneasily accepts Edran's role as one of the carriers. Throughout the day, his thoughts wander to the original source of the disease. Despite Kining's protestations, it strikes the Elf as unlikely that their scouts came ill off something as obvious as foul water. Surely they're better trained than that, no?

His trust of Rask keeps pointing back to the ostensible traveling entertainer. It is fortunate that they encounter no immediate threats, as his attention remains largely divided throughout the day. When the party stops to make camp, Gilraen immediately returns to the ill, paying particular attention to the person carried by Edran.

Three more heal checks, or just one? Better too many than too few.


and [roll3] perception for good measure (trying to find any subtle signs of foul play)

2017-10-29, 02:31 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek’s eyes narrowed for a moment when Edran stepped forward to help Shara with one of the litters. He wouldn’t have picked her, let alone placed her with the that man, but to speak out now would simply give the sly bard more credibility at the expense of his own. Also, it would appear to be favoritism, something that would eat at the group over time.
... he stared at the knife in his hands, still red with blood, as he stood over the body. While mangled, you could still see that damnable easy-going smile, now an eerie, accusing rictus in death. He spun as he heard a noise, only to see her standing there, one hand over her moth. Even as he stammered an excuse, she was backing away, eyes wide with fear. As he reached for he, she turned to run, screaming for help ...
Shaking his head, Narek found Thel, gave him a quick squeeze and told him to stay near Aubrin ... to ‘assist her’ as necessary. The real reason was he hoped the boy would be safer with a priestess than anywhere else. He then joined the others to scout ahead.

That evening, he found Shara when she was alone, asking to speak with her quietly. "Good evening. How ... how are you doing? I, uh, just wanted to pass along my gratitude for your volunteering to help. I would ask that you, ah, tread carefully with Edran. While I cannot identify specific evidence, I do not trust his story entirely.”

Did Thel ever find any supplies during his gathering?
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Effect: none

2017-10-29, 05:12 PM
Gilraen's ministrations, both during the walk and after you've made camp, look promising. The poultices and various antibodies for the fever are eaten graciously by Gelis and the hunter siblings. Lirosa, who is mostly on her feet, looks on impressed at the distant campfire and the food presented to the others there. "Damn," she says as she suppresses a lingering phlegm. She spits out a gob of phlegm onto the ground nearby. "Looks like you don't need us as much as we thought. Would you look at that, Taidel?" Her brother remains by far the weakest, although hopefully tonight will show an improvement in his condition. Shara and Edran have both been careful carrying him, thankfully. Gilraen's other errand, on the other hand, proves less than successful. Despite his keen skills as a scout and a sharp eye for detail, there is no physical evidence that links any instances of filth fever to anything the bard has done.

Narek's former spouse stands with her son, not too far from the main circle of the fire. Thel turns in happiness to see his father approach, even though it's only been a few hours since he saw him last. Shara, for her part, seems troubled. When the mage takes her aside to warn her about Edran, she is remarkably quiet for a time. Narek knows Shara well enough to know when she's thinking something over. "He seemed harmless enough, but I trust your judgment. Thel seemed to have taken a shine to him, but I'll make sure he keeps some distance, or at the very least is on the lookout for suspicious behavior. Thank you for your words of counsel." The formality of her tone indicates a lack of willingness to discuss this much further, although it's obvious by her body language and posture that she at least takes the warning seriously.

"... and they say that on full moons, when the tears of the Winter Witches turns the ice sheets black, that the wendigo will come again." Edran sits close enough to the flames that the light of the fire casts long shadows upwards on his face, giving him a suitably dramatic appearance. With a murmur and a wave of his fingers, an orb of light hovers over the gathered villagers, and those who look closely see that it is almost a spitting image of the same celestial body from his tale. "His call is ever present in the dark hearts of men, beckoning them to pit brother against brother. On the first day, you might be able to ignore it. You would be hard pressed to do so on the second, and I have not yet heard of any man or woman who has held out for a third. You can hear him in the howl of the distant wolf, in the sound of the never-ending waves on the shore, and in the whispers of the wind. And when you give in, all of the joy in the world is replaced with a single urge: to feast on the flesh of your kin, to give into the animal that lurks within. Nothing else remains. So you wish to travel the ice caves of Redtooth... be very careful of who you decide to bring with you." As he lets the implications of his last words sink into the spellbound audience, Edran looks up at Narek, just long enough for the mage to see that his choice of tale was a deliberate one.

Sorry, totally forgot about Thel's role in getting things! He was successful at getting Narek enough of the materials that Narek can start scribing a map of the forest and the surrounding area for navigation. Feel free to make those rolls for this in-game day, Starbin.

Also more speech and things! I'm liking writing this character, as it turns out.

2017-10-29, 10:37 PM
He listened to the liars tale, staring right at him through the hole thing. It sounded most dumb to him, calling out a smart man like Narek as being distrustful. The man's smarts had seen them through enough that he was willing enough to trust them. Especially over someone who seemed more inclined towards divisivness than unity.

He got up from his spot under the tree and approached Narek, not taking his eyes from the liar. Rask dragged his sword through the dirt. When he got to him, Rask laid a reassuring hand on the mage's shoulder. He nodded to Narek, before casting a dark look at Edran, the kind with narrowed eyes. He beckoned for the mage to talk to him later, when he was good and free of accusatory glances or familial concerns.

2017-10-30, 07:01 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek frowned as he listened to Shara's response. He opened his mouth, stopped, then started again. "You know that I am ... ill-equipped in the arena of empathy. I know that I have been less than successful at being a husband or a father. I care for you and Thel deeply, but ... ” He paused at a loss for words, knowing full well that his inability to profess love and express devotion had been one of the major reasons they were not together.

"Know that your wellbeing is very important and ... if you have anything that ... if you need something ... or wish to speak. I ... am here.” He finished lamely, knowing full well that he had just managed to sound even more awkward than Eyena, if that were possible.
Narek glanced up as Edran told his ghost story. However, when the bard reached the end and looked at Narek, the implication was clear. Whatever the bard expected, he may not have expected Narek's response. The wizard grinned, a knowing, appreciative grin ... as if the bard had just given him something important. Nodding to the man, he turned back to his books until Rask approached.

Waiting until most of the others had settled for the evening, he went to find the half-orc, curious to hear (or read) what the man had to say. "Good evening, Rask. What is on your mind?"
Sweet ... stuff to make maps!
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Effect: none

2017-10-31, 09:12 AM
Admittedly, Rask had spent the better part of the night trying to think of what to say to the mage. Werent much sense to letting it fester. Best just to be blunt with it. When he had time alone with Narek, Rask showed him what he'd written:WAnT Me TWo gIt RID oFF hIm? It was the best he could come up with, given his limited grasp of common. Rask nodded in the direction of a sleeping Edran. It'd be best not to take any chances by say such things out loud. S'why he'd written it.

2017-10-31, 10:36 AM
Gilraen's attitude improves as does the condition of the infirm. A hint of displeasure hangs around Taidel's cot, but the lithe forester remains confident that he's done his best to offer care and rest. As the other two begin to show more and more signs of recovery, Gilraen begins to ask more and more pointed questions.

"What do you think of Edran?" precedes "Did he say or do anything unusual today?" Not wanting to stress or otherwise upset them, he tries to keep the questions relatively benign, while he continues to search for evidence to support Rask's concern.

If checks are necessary, I'm unsure what they would be. Hopefully not diplomacy D:

[roll0] bluff?
[roll1] diplomacy?
[roll2] sense motive?

[roll3] (if something else, modify as appropriate. (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1246835))

2017-10-31, 04:56 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek raised an eyebrow at the warrior's written question. Shaking his head, he murmured back "I do not think we have reached that state of affairs. Patience and a watchful eye are our primary weapons." He paused for a moment, waving his hand as a small dust devil erased Rask's crude drawings. Glancing back at the half-orc, he spoke again, this time in a different tongue.

"Is it easier for you to converse and communicate in this tongue, or not?"
Continuing the chat ...
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Effect: none

2017-10-31, 05:17 PM
Rask nodded. Seemed reasonable. Wasn't like the man had gone anywhere yet. Narek speaking like an orc made him wince. It' been a good long time since he'd heard anyone speak it. Sounded jagged. Daggers in the ears. He sagged. I was to be expected, he supposed. Only thing more common than orcs being violent was just how far things related to them traveled. He wrote in the scratch of the homeland. It'd been a while, but the words came back to him easily enough, like using a flail or halberd.


He stopped and gave the mage an appraising look, then scribbled down a few more scratches. Seemed appropriate for the big question. Best just to get that out of the way first. He shrugged after finishing it.

Not much to say after 30 years.

2017-10-31, 07:04 PM
Taidel seems confused at first by Gilraen's question, stammering over an answer before the second of the hunter pair steps in. "Edran... you talking about the storyteller? He's a likeable enough sort, haven't heard or seen much unusual about him since... well, since Cleaver and Cloth threatened him, that first night." Lirosa takes a furtive look around before continuing.

"Look, I know there are some here who don't trust him. I don't usually put much stock in wordy types, myself. It's been just me and my brother way too long for that." The half-elf moves to pat Taidel on the shoulder gently as she speaks, checking his temperature with a warm bit of cloth. The concern is etched on her features, and by the time Lirosa looks back at Gilraen, her demand is clear enough that it need not be verbalized.

"So if you want me to keep an eye on him, all you've got to do is ask."

2017-11-01, 01:14 PM
Gilraen visibly struggles to respond. More than a hint of shame creeps into his features at the admission of doubt and concern. "I..." He frowns and sighs quietly. Looking up, he notices the warrior and wizard in conversation and his features soften. He narrows his eyes for a moment and suddenly smirks.

"Despite the odds, I trust Rask. Rask doesn't trust Edran. Ergo, I don't really trust Edran. I don't want to accuse a man falsely- especially without evidence to support the suspicion, and he's been nothing but helpful since he stumbled into the camp. I just... just be careful around him, alright? Let me know if he does anything that seems dangerous. Especially around him." Gilraen nods at Taidel, still feeling some odd sense of guilt from the trio's illness. With a shake of his head, Gilraen makes clear that he has nothing more to add to the conversation.

2017-11-03, 04:40 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek read the two comments, once again waving his hand as a tiny whirlwind erased the scrawls. He nodded, almost to himself, thinking on his own memories ... and 'memories.' After a moment, he quietly responded. "It's a lonely path, but one you don't have to take alone. You've got a pack, a tribe ... possible a family." He gestured to the refugees, and more pointedly at the group of would-be heroes. "For all the languages I know, I'm not sure I communicate any more effectively. Hopefully you continue to share your thoughts as you will ... I would be honored to listen ..."
Just responding ...
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Effect: none

2017-11-03, 06:50 PM
The evening wears on to night, and the songs of the campfire soon turn to the embers of sleep. After their talk with Gilraen, both Lirosa and Taidel get a good night's rest. The shelters have been pitched, and besides the soft braying of some of the goats, all is fairly quiet. Edran, who has put up his own makeshift lean to directly across from Narek as though in response to the mage's grin, falls asleep with ease and barely stirs through until morning. When the sun rises, he's up and about helping the others. The bard is always all smiles, and today is no exception, although he tilts his head in the mage's - and the orc's - direction when he crosses their paths. There can be no doubt that he's aware he's still under suspicion.

"Well," Aubrin says brightly as she examines the three formerly sick members of your group. "It looks like you fought off the worst of it! You have Gilraen to thank for that, I suspect. I've prepared some more curative magic this morning, so Gelis and Lirosa, you should be able to return to your duties. Taidel, you still might find some sluggishness and slowness of limbs, so I would take the day as easily as you can. The good news is that by the sounds of it, we won't be needing hunters, although we're going to be traveling at a brisk pace."

The cleric then turns to your group, looking at you through her clouded pupils. "That was the plan, right? We're going to make the day headed north at full speed?"

So good news: all three of the sick folks made their saves, which means Gelis and Lirosa are completely cured, and Taidel only has one more to go. Aubrin also cast 2 more lesser restorations, getting rid of Lirosa's Dex penalties completely and eliminating Taidel's hit to Con.

That IC question reflects my own question: are you going to travel at full speed today? The farm animals are all set to grant 9 PP to your group since it's been 3 days since they did so last, so you won't take that much of a Provision hit if you decide to go that way.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-11-03, 07:41 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ilsa nodded.

"Now that the sick have recovered, we need to cover as much ground as is reasonably possible. The sooner we warn Gristledown, the better."

2017-11-04, 11:25 AM
Narek Skyskin

Narek nodde as the others spoke. "Yes, if the group can maintain the pace ... and our stores will suffice for the day. " Glancing in the direction of the recovering refugees, he asked, "They are indeed prepared to march with all haste? If so, should we reclaim the litters, or keep them for future need?"
I can see both ways, but it will determine spells ...
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Effect: none

2017-11-04, 11:42 AM

Rask nodded in thanks. There was probably a word for it in Orc, but the language escaped him. Maybe there just wasn't such a word. A tribe was no refuge, nor a pack. They werent animals. But a family, now that was an interesting notion. Maybe even a good one. Rask smiled awkwardly and somehow looked uglier for it. He wrote a bit more.

Maybe. Have to survive first.

He looked over and wrote a bit more, counting on the mage to keep up his previous habit of erasing what was written.

Should search him or his belongings. Might be keeping written information about real identity.


Rask agreed with the plan to go ahead full speed. They needed to make good time, and what better way to do it than with the stores they had? He saw no reason to reclaim the litters, especially if they were aiming for speed. Seemed best to carry only the essentials for such a hasty endeavour. So he shook his head no at the mention of carrying them along.

2017-11-04, 12:30 PM
Gilraen nods. "Haste is, for now, our highest priority. First the people of Gristledown must be warned, and perhaps more after that." His survey of the refugees reveals almost entirely positive news for the first time since leaving the wreckage of Phaendar behind.

"They don't weigh enough to be worth leaving. Might need them again, though, and it'd be a waste to have to remake them." He shrugs. "As soon as everyone's ready, we'd better go."

2017-11-05, 12:58 PM
Roots and Leaves (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTlScD1ixYs)

With everyone more or less up on their feet, your group sets off at a newly brisk pace. For today, at least, nobody is worried about gathering more supplies. You have enough, especially with Jet and a few others having milked the animals early in the morning. Along the trail, the villagers eat hard biscuits and cheeses to bolster their strength. The focus remains on the next step, on each foot closer to your goal, and putting ever more distance between you and Phaendar. For what it's worth, the people behind you seem focused. There's still some grief and fear, questions about things left behind. But if the past few days have been any indication, you are all survivors. Rhyna walks not far behind you, her eyes bright as she looks into the green wilderness. Her optimism - which clearly grated at a few of the others early on - has taken hold in a few others who are light of spirit.

It's a few hours into your trek that you come across something unusual. The roots of an ancient oak tree crisscross the ground like the tentacles of some subterranean beast. A shadow beneath the tree marks the mouth of a den dug deep into the soft earth. A tuft of pale gray fur clings to the edge of the hole, and a musky animal stink lingers in the air. For the time being, it is just the five of you out in front, as been custom for the past few days on the trail. The others won't be too far behind, but the stench is powerful enough to give at least some of you pause. The unspoken question hangs on the air: how will you approach this place? Will you simply go around, and leave the den alone? Or will you brave the unearthed roots?

Map of the Glade (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Okay, so here we are! Instead of giving you guys more results, I think I'm just going to link you the map and let you make your checks / outline your approach to the tree. :smallamused:

Lord Of Mantas
2017-11-05, 03:48 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

"This smells."

"Quite literally."

"But there might be something useful in there."

"All the same, it would be best if someone a bit more experienced in melee combat were to take point."

Raising their hands over their eyes, Ilsa and Ramiel then both examined the den, looking for any signs of movement.

Ilsa's Perception: [roll0]
Ramiel's Perception: [roll1]

2017-11-05, 09:03 PM
"Useful, nothing. There might be something we don't want at our backs in there. I'll check it out." Sticking to the thicker parts of the underbrush, Gilraen prowls closer, trying to approach such that he'll be able to see into the depression without getting too close.

Might as well scout.
[roll0] stealth
[roll1] perception

2017-11-06, 09:57 PM
Narek Skyskin

The group stopped and stared at the tree with the stange den. The whole glade smelled of decay and wrong. Narek glanced at the others, stepping to the side to avoid another entanglement capturing the entire group. He glanced around, looking at both the tree and the surrounding area. This stunk of a trap ... but was it natural or something else?
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4]
For anything he sees, or remembers, or deciphers ...
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Effect: none

EDIT: Ah ... averaging just over 7 1/2!

2017-11-06, 10:47 PM
When it is only Gilraen approaching the den, the forest about you is quiet. The elf is the first to hear the sounds that emanate from down under the roots of the tree. It's hard to make out at first, but the hunter is soon able to make out a series of highly pitched yips, as though coming from some pitiful creature or creatures. It is echoed in turn by a very different sound: a thin, growling chorus of laughter. Whatever is down there, and there is most certainly at least one of it, does not sound friendly. The cackling soon pauses, however, and you realize that somebody within must have heard Ilsa or Ramiel as they made their approach up behind Gilraen. A second passes, and then you can hear the sound of frantic voices, spoken in the language of the wind and the trees, a tongue only a few of you understand.*

"<What is this I hear, brothers? It sounds like our second course has just arrived! And it sounds big! Enough for all of us, methinks. No more need for scrapping and spoiling!>"

"<Well, brothers, shall we go out and give it a proper greeting? Knives out, gents!>"

The voices soon give way to a series of feet slapping mud. Whatever is down at the bottom of that hole is coming up, and it is coming up fast. You have mere seconds to prepare before the threat may befall you, and only a few of you are even aware of what is about to happen.

Map of Combat (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Okay, so here's how this is going to go. Due to both sides failing at Stealth, nobody is getting a surprise round. However, since there is going to be a small window, your group is going to get a set of readied actions before I get into the Initiative rolls. Feel free to cast any buff spells, set up an attack, or even just move in close to try and get a better position. I'll be making all of the Initiative rolls myself before my next IC post, so don't worry too much about that yet. You should all have control over your minis, so feel free to mark up the map or move around as you wish.

Edit: Narek's knowledge rolls don't get him much, but the Geography one does a spot on impression of being useful by pinpointing that you're in a glade in the southern Fangwood Forest. The temperature is a balmy 15 degrees centigrade (yes, I know that's not a legitimate measuring system on Golarion!), seasonally warm for an area this far north of the equatorial line. Thus continually proving my point that Knowledge (Geography) is more or less worthless.

*Also, the language I am referring to is Sylvan! IIRC, only Ilsa, Gilraen, and Ramiel can speak the language anyways.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-11-06, 11:27 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

"Multiple enemies. Speaking Sylvan. They want to eat us. Get ready."

Withdrawing from the hole, Ramiel nocked an arrow and pointed it at the hole, while Ilsa retreated behind Rask, touching him and subsequently imbuing him with a protective spell.

Ilsa and Ramiel will both move, then perform the following actions.

Ramiel will ready an action to shoot the first enemy who emerges from the hole.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Ilsa, in the meantime will cast Shield on Rask, giving him a +4 shield bonus to AC for 2 minutes.

2017-11-07, 11:29 AM
Eyena nods to Ilsa, then moves forwards and draws her weapon.

Yeah, nothing really complex here.

Gogo have more than 0 BAB so I can draw during movement!

2017-11-07, 11:13 PM
Narek Skyskin

He stared at the gaping hole ahead, mist rolling near the edge. Growling sounds emerged from the pit as the group stood ready. From nearby, he heard one of his companions murmur, "Get ready ... here they came ..." In a rush, shadowy, clawed figures clamoured forth and swarmed the group.

Then the screaming began ...
Narek nodded to the others, then stepped close to Rask. Leaning in, he murmured in the gutteral tongue "I can increase your size again, if we wish to let these monsters regret their choice ... "
Offering Rask an enlarge person. If he says nods yes, then Narek will cast it on him. Otherwise, Narek will draw the cause fear wand ...
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Effect: none

2017-11-08, 11:30 AM
Rask nodded in thanks to Ramiel as the magic coursed over his body. He was about to move up next to Eyena when Narek started speaking. He nodded to him as well. Being bigger was still an odd feeling. The big man heavily stepped forward, taking up a position alongside the swordswoman. He'd not an opinion on things that spoke Sylvan, but anything that wanted to eat humanoids sounded...bad.

Moving on up.

2017-11-08, 07:43 PM
"To arms!" Gilraen hisses to his allies. He steps to the side to allow Rask to advance, while speaking a divine incantation.

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1246835)
M CG Elf Oracle (warsighted), Level 2, Init 5, HP 15/15, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, CMD 16, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 2, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
PBS MW composite long bow (40 arrows) +5 (1d8+2, x3 )
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+2, x2)
Shillelagh Qstaff +3 (2d6+2, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition Charisma to saves vs enchantment
Spells, 1st level: 4/5 remaining
Martial Flexibility: 4/4
Divine Favor: +1 to hit and damage, 10 rounds5-foot step as noted and cast divine favor.

2017-11-09, 12:22 AM
The five of you make your preparations just in time, as the silhouette of a large figure charge out of the hole at the base of the oak tree. As the first steps into the daylight, you get a good glimpse of what you're up against, while realizing at the same time that shadows can be deceiving. This squat humanoid seems to be nearly all head - an unfortunate circumstance, considering how ugly its puffy blue face is. Seeing the forces arrayed against it, the figure's eyes grow very wide very quickly. "<Brothers!>", it manages to squeak out in Sylvan as it staggers back towards the orange, torch-illuminated throat of the roots. "<I think they might be a bit more than we can ->" But he does not get to finish his sentence, as Ramiel's arrow finds its mark in between his eyes.

Although he goes down easily, that cannot be the end of it. If the sounds coming from the entrance to the den are any indication, there are a lot more monsters just like the one the azata felled. And they're all coming your way, sooner rather than later. A humming starts rising from the earth, a terrible chant that defies your description. Whatever these little monsters are, they're not going to stop just because you kill a few of them. Already, you can spot the eyes glinting out at you from the half-light.

Map of Combat (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

So, the stage is now set for Round 1. You guys have used your set-up actions, and I have rolled for Initiative in the Roll20. It unfortunately did not go very well for you - everyone but Narek failed to beat the enemy force, despite them having a measly +1 to their modifier. So I'm going to ask Starbin to make his Round 1 actions, at which point I'll get my next post in and we can to block as usual!
This creature is a mite, one of the lowliest breeds of vicious fey. Descended from even smaller fey, the mites are among the most pitiful and craven dwellers of the dark. Hideously ugly, even goblins have been known to mock mites for their homely appearances, mockery most mites take to heart and nurture for weeks, months, or even years in their tiny homes, until their distress and anger finally overcome their natural cowardice and impel them forth on short-lived bouts of bloody vengeance. Although they have lost the supernatural ability to tinker with magic items, luck, or mechanical objects possessed by their more sinister and dangerous gremlin kin, mites retain the ability to perform minor magical tricks, and often use these tricks to annoy and vex their enemies.

2017-11-11, 07:12 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek called upon his arcane might to cover his body in magic armor. Then he moved to behind the front line, pulling free a small flask of liquor flame. He murmured to the others, "These creatures are the goblins of the fey world with a penchant for using vermin to do their dirty work. Deal with them swiftly and mercilessly.”
Cast mage armor (standard), move and draw alchemist’s fire (move and free).
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Effect: mage armor (+4 AC [armor], 2 hrs)

2017-11-12, 11:11 AM
Narek, as ever supernaturally ready, manages to move in behind the front line just as four mites explode out from the cavern. Their war cries in their guttural tongue seem too warped and garbled together to actually be of much substance. Their puffy blue faces are screwed up with excited bloodlust as they charge you without any heed to strategy or tactics. These creatures seem to be the very epitome of violent shortsightedness, as they completely ignore the words of their now fallen brethren. A few of them pause slightly as they get a glimpse of the towering Rask, but the confidence of the many overtakes them, and they close the distance.

The mites aren't all that effective as front line fighters, as it turns out. Their daggers swing and hit nothing but air, or are deflected easily by your armor. The cries of anticipation soon become those of frustration, as not one of their first attacks actually lands or does any lasting damage. "<We need more blades, brothers!>", one of them calls out to the warren. The four are clearly not alone, and if you don't put these creatures down swiftly, you might be overwhelmed by sheer numbers.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

So mites are actually god-awful at fighting. A grand total of +0 to attack, and they'll all go down in one hit. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop myself from zerg-rushing you all! Happy killing!

2017-11-12, 12:36 PM
Rask sighed and stepped forward to swing at one of the little buggers. Ugly, blunted little things. Best put them out of their misery quick, while there were only four of them.

Studied Target as a move action

Attack vs. Thing on the Right as standard action
To hit (power attacking): [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]
CC: [roll2]

Stat Block
Rask (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1147672)
Male N Half-orc Slayer (Vanguard), Level 2, Init 5, HP 21/21, Speed 20ft
AC 21, Touch 12, Flat-footed 20, CMD 18, Fort 7, Ref 7, Will 4, CMB +7, Base Attack Bonus +2
Greatsword +6 (2d6+6, 19-20/x2)
Dagger +6 (1d4+4, x3)
Longbow +4 (1d8, x3)
Breastplate (+6 Armor, +4 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 7
Condition Enlarged, Shield

Lord Of Mantas
2017-11-12, 12:48 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Seeing that Eyena had moved to the front, Ilsa moved up behind the magus and reached out her hand, again infusing her with protective magics. Ramiel, in the meantime, moved to the side and let loose another arrow at one of the mites attacking Rask. Recognizing now that they were indeed fey, he plucked a cold iron arrow as he did so.

Ilsa moves and casts Shield on Eyena, giving her +4 shield AC for 2 minutes.

Ramiel attacks the Mite attacking on the right side of Rask, using a cold iron arrow.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-12, 04:10 PM
Eyena briefly glances back at Ilsa as she casts her spell, nodding before bringing Eisenherz to bear on the...thing in front of her. Fey-goblin, whatever that meant.

Attack the baddie directly in front of Eyena. If it downs the target, step to the left.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2017-11-14, 12:06 AM
Narek Skyskin

Narek slipped the wand into his belt, casting a small cantrip with a violent motion towards one of the small beasts. A glob of black, swirling liquid flew forward, Hsing through the air and against whatever it struck.
Cast acid sash. [roll0], [roll1]
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Effect: mage armor (+4 AC [armor], 2 hrs)

2017-11-14, 10:55 AM
Gilraen steps back, calling to his allies. "They may be small, but they're ferocious! Put them down!"

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1246835)
M CG Elf Oracle (warsighted), Level 2, Init 5, HP 15/15, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, CMD 16, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 2, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
PBS MW composite long bow (40 arrows) +5 (1d8+2, x3 )
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+2, x2)
Shillelagh Qstaff +3 (2d6+2, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition Charisma to saves vs enchantment
Spells, 1st level: 4/5 remaining
Martial Flexibility: 3/4
MF: Precise shot: 10 rounds
Divine Favor: +1 to hit and damage, 9 rounds5-foot step as noted
move action to Martial Flexibility out precise shot. Pew.
Rolled in ROll20:
22 to hit
4 damage

2017-11-16, 09:38 PM
Rask's sword is the first in this 'exchange' to take a life, swinging down in a vicious arc and not-so-neatly bisecting the nearest fey monsterling. The creature makes no noise as it is snuffed out. The rest of your kills aren't so quiet. The mite that Ramiel hits with an arrow squeals as it falls over and dies, and the rest of the group break out into a hardy war chant to celebrate the rush of battle. Unfortunately for them, your group is hardly done. Eyena carves up a third fey, and although Gilraen's arrow isn't quite enough to put down his enemy, a tossed bag of various energy reagents finishes it off. The root entrance has truly become a site of carnage. These fey aren't proficient or strong enough to really pose you any sort of serious threat.

But judging from the sight of the next wave already emerging to charge over the bodies of their kin, it would seem that nobody has bothered to tell them that. Their daggers bared, four more of them emerge from the shadows to take up new positions on the blood-slick battleground. Just like before, most of them are completely ineffectual in their attacks. One of the creatures, perhaps by sheer stroke of luck, manages to graze Eyena and draw a little bit of blood. "<Brothers! I got one! Look!>" The 'great victory' is taken up by the rest of the standing mites. If you weren't in the midst of combat, you might stop to laugh at them all.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Alright, well they actually managed to hit somebody this time! Eyena takes a grand total of 1 damage. On the other hand, you guys completely massacred the first wave, and I don't doubt that you'll make equally short work of the second. :smallbiggrin:

Lord Of Mantas
2017-11-17, 12:52 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

<Good work, Ramiel! Keep it up!>

<You too, Ilsa.>

Raising their crossbow and longbow, respectively, Summoner and Eidolon fired off another shot.

Ilsa will target the Mite immediately to Eyena's left.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Ramiel will target the Mite immediately to Rask's right.
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3], using a Cold Iron arrow.

2017-11-17, 03:02 AM
If Eyena is amused by the incompetent antics of their enemies, she doesn't show it, attacking the one directly in front of her with her usual calm bearing.

Attack the baddie in front!

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2017-11-18, 08:52 AM
Rask sighed and chopped down at the closest of the little things, ignoring their chittering. It almost wasn't fair.

To hit (PA): [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]
CC: [roll2]

2017-11-20, 11:09 AM
Narek Skyskin

Narek shook his head at the strange creatures who suddenly cheered after scratching Eyena. With a sigh he launched another ball of acid at one of the creatures, unwilling to waste greater magicks on these vermin. However, if the waves did not lesson, the group could find itself overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Clearing his throat, he called out, "Perhaps we should consider pushing to the edge of the pit - catch them before they can climb out ..." Even as he spoke, he gazed around, ears intently listening for any additional sounds over the cries of the mites that might indicate a greater threat ...
Prescience - 18. If attack is less than 12, use for attack (or crit, if necessary). Otherwise use for Perception
Casting another acid splash - [roll0] vs touch AC, [roll1]
[roll2] Perception - 22
And pressing forward - is it a risk? Yes. But it might allow more of you an AOO vs these critters, and kill ratio seems to be key in this fight.
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: mage armor (+4 AC [armor], 2 hrs)

2017-11-20, 06:57 PM
Even as Narek gives his advice, the noise from the pit stops, as the last of the creatures gets impaled on Rask's sword trying to clamber out to join its comrades in a wasteful death. A blade or two here, an arrow there, and all is silence. When all is said and done, no less than ten of the mites lie dead or dying at your feet. One of the creatures lies on its back, facing the sky and sighing as it prepares to join its 'brothers' in whatever afterlife they came from. Bloody breathing signifies its last. There is nothing from the hole at first, but as you listen closely, you can hear a caterwauling wail. It is similar in pitch to whatever was making the yelps before; no doubt a victim of whatever depredations the band of mites was in the midst of inflicting when you arrived on the scene.

Clambering down into the root-filled hole, you find that it is little more than a hollow, maybe fifteen feet in length. There, you come face to face with a gray furred canine carcass. A powerful she-wolf lies along the edge of the nook, a series of bloody cuts tearing at areas of her pelt. Just like the Ironfangs with the trader, it looks like the mites took their time slicing her up, likely in order to maximize the pain. Unlike the hobgoblins, there can be no doubt of what the mites were intending to do with the wolf once they had killed her - not to mention her young. In the bloody shadow of their noble mother languish three pups. Their soft fur is matted with blood, but they look to be mostly uninjured. Still, you wouldn't think it from the growing howls.

Dilemma time! Also possibly interrogation time! What do you guys do? :smallbiggrin:

Lord Of Mantas
2017-11-20, 08:14 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

As the battle died down, the mites all killed, and the party descended into the hollow, a sadness filled Ilsa's heart as she saw what they had done to the she-wolf - a sadness shared by Ramiel.

<What horrible cruelty!>

<I concur. It is now that I truly wish we were still in the company of that Druid. It would be of immense benefit to have someone capable of communicating with animals.>

<Those poor puppies. There must be something we can do to help them. ...I have an idea.>

<Be careful.>

Crouching down, and trying to make herself look as non-threatening as possible, Ilsa carefullly inched toward the wolf-pups.

"Easy, there, little ones. I'm not going to hurt you."

Ilsa will make a Charisma check to attempt to get near the wolf cubs. [roll0]

If the wolf allows her to approach, Ilsa will then use her wand to cast Cure Light Wounds on her. [roll1]

As it turns out, the she-wolf is not merely severely injured but outright dead, so ignore that last part. This is why reading comprehension is important, kids.

2017-11-20, 08:25 PM
Gilraen looks down at the mess of fey with an odd expression. "What a waste. They could have been allies to those who use the woods for good ends, but instead they chose senseless death." He shakes his head in both disgust and confusion. "A pity."

Hearing a mewling cry from the cavern, he presses forward urgently. He's on hands and knees at the she-wolf, hands groping hopelessly for some signs of life from the noble beast. "Damnit! It's worse than a waste! They befoul the very forest which gives them life and freedom! Ugh!!" His eyes scan the hollow for the source of the cries and quickly spies the whining pups.

He pouts a bit, his lips pursed in thought. "We cannot simply leave them, they will surely die without their mother to tend them- besides, this young they might be well groomed to be hunting companions or even protectors of livestock." Gilraen turns to eye Ramiel, his movement clearly betraying his intention to approach. He stands silent as the Aasimar attempts to approach.

Whether willingly or not, we should bring the pups back to the refugees. If nothing else, as mentioned above, there's potential for them to be useful to the people.

2017-11-21, 04:17 AM
As the others head into the hollow beneath the tree, Eyena cleans off Eisenherz and looks over the bodies, her gaze eventually coming to rest on the one still breathing. Stepping over to it, she looks down at the small creature, taking no action to preserve or end its life. Eventually, she crouches down to check it for useful gear.

Eyena will check the dying baddie for loot.

2017-11-21, 05:14 PM
Narek Skyskin

The attack ended almost as quickly as it began, leaving the group standing amidst a small pile of dead bodies. Shaking his head in frustration, Narek glanced at Rask, then back at the creatures they had slain easily. Hopefully they wouldn't regret wasting his magic on such a minor threat. Of course, it was impossible to know how many mites were in the warren; and nobody was seriously hurt.

Before heading down into the rift, he turned to the others. "Eyena, please don't step on the mite. If anyone can speak with it, the creature might offer up some information of value on the surrounding area."

Narek waited for any responses, then headed down into the warren. As he joined those down there, he grimaced in disgust at the state of the she-wolf. He nodded absently at Gilraen's assessment concerning the wolf pups. He nodded to the she-wolf, murmuring "It would seem best if we burn the body, but perhaps taking her pelt would help calm the pups? I have heard younglings can be comforted by the familiar scent of a parent ..."

Trailing off, he glanced at Gilraen with a questioning look, since the resident woodsman seem the most likely to have a valuable answer.
Not sure what else to do right now, so search around? [roll0] ... and [roll1] to learn more about the wolves ...
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: mage armor (+4 AC [armor], 2 hrs)

2017-11-21, 07:03 PM
Gilraen frowns. "It just might, at that. At any rate, it's something I'm... more proficient in, but would take more time than it would be wise to spend here." He watches until the pups are corralled, one way or another, while scanning the room for a bag or cloth he could use to protect his clothes from being ruined by carrying a wolf carcass.

Gilraen will attempt to retrieve the carcass in a way that a huntsman might- carried over the shoulders. I'll leave it up to you to decide if he's able to find a suitable fabric to interpose between wolf and shoulders.

2017-11-22, 08:06 AM
Despite Ilsa’s best efforts, the wolf pups don’t seem all that open to being under your care. Their fur stands on end, and two of them start to growl in the summoner’s direction. Their eyes dart around the hollow warily, and the way they otherwise stay still indicates that they are ready to attack, should anybody get too close to them. All three of the pups also seem to keep half an eye on their mother’s corpse. These wild creatures are far from being tamed, and as you look around the room, you notice some small cuts on their legs and backs. Clearly they didn’t escape the mercy of the mites.

As others in your group search the cavern for valuables, you come across something interesting. Propped against one of the root walls is a rough cloth sack, which is untied at the top. Inside, you find a wide assortment of items which would not normally be found in a wolf lair: clothing dyes, three bolts of cotton cloth, eight sewing needles, a pair of scissors, as well as a pouch of implements that include bandages and a tourniquet. This must be something the feylings brought with them. Digging further, you also find a spool of very fine rope, a bundle of potions, a sharp looking dagger, and a pair of soft leather boots that would never have fit one of the mites. This miniature collection begs the question: where did the mites get all of this stuff, and why bring it with them?

Outside, Eyena is in the middle of looking around for more items and looting the bodies when she hears an unmistakeable sound. Without immediate medical attention, the last of the mites gives a shuddering sigh and coughs up the last of its lifeblood. A death rattle.

Sorry Mantas, turns out the DC on that Handle Animal / wild empathy check from the book was 20. :smallfrown:

I will describe the items in the bag that might need more explicit identification here. There is 50 feet of spider silk rope, a bag of caltrops, a healer’s kit, a shaving kit, three potions of pass without trace, a medium +1 dagger, and a pair of boots of striding and springing.

Casting detect magic on the hoard will reveal no less than three separate magical auras: one around the potions, another around the boots, and the last around the dagger.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-11-22, 09:21 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ilsa stood, a look of dismay on her face as her efforts to calm the pups were in vain.

"I don't suppose any of you guys know how to deal with animals, do you? We can't just leave them here."

OOC, of course, I know you don't, but Ilsa doesn't know that. I think our best strategy is going to be to get one of the NPCs to do it.

2017-11-23, 04:59 PM
Gilraen frowns. It's clear that Ilsa's efforts are being met with less-than-desireable results. "If you don't mind, let me try. True, most of my understanding is more knowledge-based than practical, but it can't be that hard, right?"

It quickly becomes apparent that yes, it can.

With a dismayed shrug, Gilraen abandons the prospect for a moment. "Keep them in here, let me see...." As he discovers the sack, his eyes light up. Carrying it back to the mouth of the hollow, he begins to sort through it, under Eyena and Narek's watchful eyes. "Clearly magical," he mutters setting a few potions aside. Somewhat unceremoniously, he dumps the contents out in the dirt, and looks up, holding an empty bag between his hands. "They may not like it much, but this will be sufficient to get them back to the group. Perhaps Aubrin or Kern one of the other villagers will have greater insight."

Resigned to being on the receiving end of an undisclosed number of scratches and scrapes, Gilraen begins to nab the pups, carrying the sack awkwardly as it develops moderate heft in a decidedly unhelpful fashion.

2017-11-24, 09:33 PM
Rask stood outside resting on his sword while the others went in. Someone had to keep watch. He blinked lazily, taking in the forrest and the little might bodies strewn about. Some battlefield. A light breeze carried over him and it felt good. Rask relaxed a little.

When Gilraen carried out the snarling bag he offered a hand to carry it but otherwise stood in place, watching for signs of movement.

2017-11-25, 05:55 PM
With the items dispensed among you and your living payload now in hand, you all head back through the trees. It does not take very long to find the rest of the villagers making their way along the forest paths. Funnily enough, it is Lirosa who is the first to greet you, the half-elven hunter out with her bow surveying her surroundings. Her chestnut hair gleams under dappled sunlight, and she shoots a half-smile in your direction when she spots you. "You know, I didn't think that I would have been feeling back to normal so quickly! Taidel is a lot better too, but I thought it best to stick close to the front of the pack. Hobgoblins, and all that. What’s that you've got there?"

The mites all being dead, the major topic of discussion predictably turns towards the creatures you've returned with. Gilraen wears a number of shallow cuts and scratches, which are noticed and commented on by a number of folk until Rhyna finds him in order to heal the injuries closed. Jodis and Ramus, after some wrangling from Jet, eventually agree to watch over and try to train the wolf pups. Thel, for his part, seems enraptured with the idea of the little wolves, and nearly loses a finger for his trouble. "They're wonderful," he murmurs quietly after the experience. For the rest of the day, it's hard to keep the boy engaged with any other meaningful task.

The rest of the day's journey is considerably more quiet after that. Your speed throughout remarkable, and despite the minor setback that was the mite attack, the group makes very good time. "It's hard to say for sure, but I think we covered at least a few more miles today. Good work, everyone!" Aubrin says in the evening when everyone is starting to set up camp. It's funny, after only a week in the wilderness, that the people of the village have already gravitated into patterns. Certain pairs always set up their shelters in the same configurations around the central area, and others are always on the fringes. Kining falls into the latter camp: the dwarf strikes a small match to light a pipe from her coat as she looks out into the dark canopies. She's waiting for the other shoe to drop, no doubt.

Wow, this game has slowed down. I am very sorry about that. So I take it that people are ready to move on from this fight?

Gilraen will take [roll0] nonlethal damage in his attempts to wrangle a bunch of wild wolves. It will all be healed, of course, so it's just for flavor! :smallbiggrin:

2017-11-25, 06:20 PM
Gilraen's interest is further piqued when Narek describes the effects of the boots. "That would be... quite useful for harrying foes and keeping ones distance. May I?" Without really asking for permission, he puts the healing kit in his bag, as its presence would have been useful to him a few days prior.

Claiming the boots & healing kit, if no one objects. If no one wants them, he'll take the caltrops and rope as well, but I don't want to claim too much without giving others a chance to respond.

Back at the camp, Thel's eager excitement somewhat mirrors his own, drawing an unusually pleasant smile to the often-standoffish Elf. As the refugees begin to spread out, he approaches Jet, with the she-wolf's carcass in tow. "Excuse me. I am... somewhat more capable at fletching and whittling than leatherwork, yet we felt this shouldn't go to waste, left to rot in an abandoned hollow. Could you... uhhh... show me how to best preserve what's left? She would make a fine cloak in the winter season, if nothing else...." His request comes across as decidedly awkward, despite his complete and deliberate honesty.

2017-11-26, 03:47 AM
Once the day's travel is finished, Eyena looks over the camp, familiar in its structure even if it's once again in a new place. She glances at the pups occasionally, but doesn't pay them much mind.

Eyena approaches Lirosa shortly after the group stops and begins to make camp. "A good, evening," she says. "You are, em, your full health is returned, yes?" She asks.

Eyena approaches Narek after she's spoken to Lirosa, giving him a nod and speaking in Elven. "I hope it is not a bother to you, but I would like to ask: What is evil?"

Eyena approaches Kining in the same way she normally does, quietly coming over to her and sitting silently next to her. She smiles softly as the dwarf lights her pipe, but says nothing.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-11-26, 12:48 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Having winced earlier as Gilraen forearms became chew toys for the wolf puppers, Ilsa smiled as they were handed off to Jodis and Ramus. She then steeled herself, taking a bit of a breath, then making her way over to Lirosa.

Apart from the others on the scouting team, I've not interacted much with the other villagers. I should probably fix that.

Clearing her throat as she made her way over to the other half-elf, Ilsa nodded at a nearby rock. "Mind if I sit here?"

Since I didn't finish this until this morning and PersonMan got the jump, Ilsa will approach Lirosa after Eyena's done.

2017-11-26, 01:33 PM
Rask took the rest of the days journey as he always did, silently and steadily. Perhaps it was a bit more steady this time. Bending over to swipe at the little things had put an old ache into his knees. So when it was time to stop for the day he took his usual place on the outskirts of things and stretched out, using spit and a rag to clean his sword.

2017-11-27, 04:16 PM
Narek Skyskin

With the mites all dead and the others trying to bag up the dogs, Narek searched around the area for a bit, wondering if there was anything else he might find out about who the mites had stolen from. A merchant or something else? He then moved to check the items Gilraen had found, casting his cantrips to identify them. He nodded to Gilraen's 'request' for the boots, explaining how they worked. If no one else seemed to want it, the mage also slipped the magical knife into his boot ... just in case.

Upon reaching the camp, even Narek had to smile at Thel's response. It was uplifting, to the point of him approaching Jodis and Ramus, to quietly request they enlist the young boy in training the puppies. Perhaps one would take a shine to him and it would mean an extra set of eyes on the lad.
Narek kept to himself during the evening, taking some notes on the day's findings and studying his book for a bit. Gathering the items Thel had found, he started to work on a map, hoping to start the basis of a living document. When Eyena approached, he nodded politely, setting his things down, indicating she should speak.

Her question left him blinking for a moment, uncertain how to answer exactly. After a few moments, he sighed and spoke quietly. "Evil is an amorphous concept, as are most concepts of morality, and difficult to define without cultural, racial and political biases. Commonly, I think of an evil person as being driven solely by selfish needs, beyond the typical physical needs that every living being shares; often to the exclusion of consideration to anyone else's well being.

Of course, many of the biases I mentioned earlier may change what is considered generally 'good' or 'evil,' making the discussion more convoluted. Do you have a more specific question regarding morality?"
Take 10 on Craft for 19
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: mage armor (+4 AC [armor], 2 hrs)

2017-11-27, 05:21 PM
Eyena, Earlier

The half-elf stays fairly close to Taidel, who is still taking things relatively easily after his ordeal. As such, Lirosa isn't all that hard to find. In fact, she's busy setting up the two shelters when you come across her, laying out a rough tarp and some rocks against a tree to protect herself from the elements. The huntress looks up when you approach, having already recognized you despite the fading light of day.

"It's Eyena, right? Yes, I'm feeling much better now, thanks. My brother too, but he's still on the mend." She pauses, looking around only to see that he's skulked away since you showed up. "Well, he would be recovering faster if he wasn't off fawning over Gelis. I swear, that boy does an unfortunate amount of thinking with the lower half of his body. Honestly, I had planned to leave you after the first day, but he took a shine to her. So here we are."

She looks at you, before speaking quickly again. "Not that I'm not grateful, of course. Your friends probably saved our lives, after all. But the Fangwood is a place for hunters, not for a walking village."

Eyena, Later

It's somewhat hard to tell in the light, but you could swear you see Kining return a smile - or her best impression of one, anyways - as she continues to burn her pipe. The white blonde hair frames her square features well, hiding her eyes in shadow. Coils of smoke fill the air around the smith, who exhales and puffs out a modest smoke ring. She eventually shuffled over to give you a bit of room sitting next to her.

For a long time, Kining is quiet. You're used to the silences by now, but this is different. It isn't a harsh silence, or a judgmental one. For once, the dwarf doesn't seem to be thinking anything disparaging. Her eyes wander around the camp’s edge for a while, although her inner mind remains private. She's never easy to read, by any means, but whatever she's thinking now is truly a mystery. The best guess you have is that she is pondering something, deep in thought.

And then, very deliberately, she reaches over to try and take your hand.


On your way to see Lirosa, you can spot Eyena leaving. The half-elf is already standing, watching the back of the magus disappear when you approach with an unreadable expression. When she sees you, you can't help but notice a raised eyebrow. "Another one? Damn, apparently I'm popular tonight. Are you here to check up on me too? You know, just because we're both half-elves, or outsiders or whatever, doesn't mean we need your help. As I was just telling your friend, I'm grateful and all, but... I guess I'm just waiting for the right moment to go hunt the real enemy, instead of running around in the woods like a group of lost lambs."

2017-11-27, 05:50 PM
Eyena nods, and is silent for a few moments. "What is - em," she pauses. "What is it that you wish to, with your hunting, that is, the harassing of the hobgoblins, accomplish? As, that is to say, your end goal, what is it?"

Eyena is silent for a few moments, then nods. "How much would an individual, one person, have to...endanger, or, make things worse for, others, to be evil? If they have to do it, to live," she stops, and frowns. "That is, what I mean is - if someone will be killed, if they don't do something. And the thing, they need to do, it's bad. Are they evil?"

Eyena is silent in the silence; a keen eye in the dark could see a significant difference in her posture now to when she's normally around another person. A lot the tension and stiffness that's normally present is gone. As Kining reaches for her hand, she looks over to the dwarf, clearly surprised for a moment, before relaxing again. She smiles, letting the dwarven smith take her hand. Her fingers shift ever so slightly to rub against the other woman's.

2017-11-27, 06:43 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek sighed, thinking again. When he spoke, his voice seemed ... more distant? "Personally, I think evil is in the eye of the beholder. The world has a natural order to it, with good and evil often considered polar opposites. However, in my lives ... life ... I am convinced otherwise. Good and evil tend to be the fabric by which one adorns their soul, often clinging to it without any understanding or comprehension.

Your questions clearly highlight the underlying fallacy in defining abstract concepts of moral ambiguity. If a well-to-do man took food from a starving family simply because he wanted to, many would see that as unacceptable; an evil act. However, if a man stole a single loaf of bread from a prosperous bakery in order to survive, most would judge that as acceptable. If he stole it to give to a starving family, some might argue it was an act of kindness, and therefore goodness.

My concern with these situational assessments, colored by one's many biases, is one fact tends to be lost - in all of these instances, the law was broken. Good, bad or indifferent, there is an order which defines what is allowed and what is not, typically established by the society in which one lives. These are the bounds by which we must gauge our actions, vice emotional judgments made in the heat of the moment.

You ask how much 'bad' must an individual commit before they are deemed evil? I suggest the real question is whether their society accepts or decries the acts as right or wrong. Leave questions of good and evil to the priests and the dreamers ..."

He glanced across the camp at the assembled refugees for a moment, then looked back to Eyena.
Clearly not the discussion you asked for, but the one he seemed intent to have!
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / <s>endure elements</s> obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: mage armor (+4 AC [armor], 2 hrs)

2017-11-27, 07:25 PM
Eyena is silent and unmoving for a few moments, then slowly nods, but furrows her brow. The silence grows longer as her fingers quietly tap against her leg. "I understand," she says, nodding again. "That...it makes sense. But, well. Of us, here...are we a society? Who decides, for us, what is good, and, the important laws?"

Lord Of Mantas
2017-11-28, 09:17 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Lirosa, Later

On your way to see Lirosa, you can spot Eyena leaving. The half-elf is already standing, watching the back of the magus disappear when you approach with an unreadable expression. When she sees you, you can't help but notice a raised eyebrow. "Another one? Damn, apparently I'm popular tonight. Are you here to check up on me too? You know, just because we're both half-elves, or outsiders or whatever, doesn't mean we need your help. As I was just telling your friend, I'm grateful and all, but... I guess I'm just waiting for the right moment to go hunt the real enemy, instead of running around in the woods like a group of lost lambs."
Ilsa raised an eyebrow at the brusque opening line, but continued anyway.

"I was actually stopping to check up on you, yes - you and your friends were pretty ill for a day or so. And as for needing our help..." Ilsa looked around. "Forgive my being rather blunt, but you appear to be rather short-staffed and short-supplied at the moment. It's rather difficult to hunt effectively if you don't have proper logistics or a place to retreat to."

2017-11-28, 07:47 PM
Eyena, Earlier

"Um." She pauses, as though not quite sure how to address the question you're asking her. As she finishes putting up the shelter, she talks over her shoulder in your general direction. "We hunt goblinoids and others like them because they ravage these forests, and prey on innocents. These hobgoblins - the Ironfang Legion, that is - might be cunning, but at their heart they're all brutal beasts. You don't reason with a wild animal. Taidel and I, we've provided Phaendar with enough over the years, so if you don't believe me, ask Aubrin or one of the others."

After making sure all of the rocks and wooden pegs are in place, she stands back up to her full height to examine her handiwork. A small frown indicates that she's not thrilled with it, but she doesn't lean back over to fix her mistakes right now. "A few years ago, there was an overpopulation of bears in these woods. Damned things kept coming back in bigger numbers every summer, when the honey flowed. Some people were hurt, and some livestock. So one winter, Taidel and I stayed out here. We looked for dens, and killed families of the beasts in their sleep. Turned their hides into blankets for the people. There were no more incidents after that."

<"By the way, we can talk in elven if you wish. I noticed your words sounded strange, like they meant to be spoken in this tongue and not in that of the Taldanes.">

Eyena, Later

The two of you sit together for a minute longer, the same nothing filling the space between you. Then, Kining starts to rise. Her hand never leaves yours, and it's clear that she's trying to draw you up with her. Wordlessly, she starts to drag you towards her tent.


When you approach the woman, she's in the middle of trying to help a few other villagers - Erick and Shara, to be precise - with setting up a corral for the livestock and other herd animals. The rations are already being doled out to everyone else by a few more volunteers. The black-haired innkeeper wipes a bit of sweat off of her forehead, not even realizing you're there until you speak, at which point she starts in surprise.

"Almost didn't see you there! Gods, don't they teach you not to sneak up on people like that? Eh? You've got a wolf pelt? I'm not much of a tanner myself, you know. Better off talking to Raluf or one of his boys. They know how to skin a beast." Jet looks at your forest leathers and your bow. "You'd think a hunter like you would already know to do that sort of thing."


After a moment, the half-elf seems to check her attitude. "Right, thank you. We definitely needed the help when we fell sick to the filth fever, but Taidel should be feeling ready to go within a few days. His dalliance is keeping us longer than I'd planned, but we have survived fairly well in the Fangwood on our own up to now." When she speaks, it seems to be with a genuine sense of gratitude.

"But you should know this fairly well. You and your friend - Ramiel, that was his name - also traveled this wilderness on your own, right? So what's stopping you from striking on your own, like we will? It's not like these people owe you anything, and we might be able to use an extra bow."

Lord Of Mantas
2017-11-28, 10:22 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ilsa smiled a little as Lirosa's tone turned more toward gratitude, then answered her questions.

"So, addressing your points in order. I don't doubt that you guys are capable woodsmen. And I'm certain that you can at least manage with the day to day stuff. But if you happen to run back into the Ironfang Legion again, all by your lonesome? Lone wolves might be more maneuverable, but if something with overwhelming force gets the drop on them, it's like a hot knife through butter - to badly mix metaphors, sorry. You could, of course try to strike from the shadows, use hit and run tactics and sabotage, stuff that plays to your strengths. But even that works best when you have teamwork, strategy, a place to fall back to when the going gets rough. To a certain extent, you need numbers, or else something to help even the odds."

"So, even though we might not technically owe these guys anything, Ramiel and I will be sticking around with these guys for a couple of reasons. All of us together, working as a team, we can help each other, bolster our effectiveness. I mean, it is going to be a struggle until we can find a permanent base, but I'm confident we can struggle through. As for a more sentimental reason... Well, my dad's an officer in the Lastwall army, and my mom consults for them. I may not be into the idea of being a conscripted soldier or anything, but I've seen them able to really help people. And if I can do something like that? Help out these guys? Well, sign me up."

"As for the second thing you mentioned, Ramiel and I were on our own by accident, not by choice. We were originally part of a larger hunting party, venturing into the Fangwood to investigate rumors of blighted fey, but we got ambushed by a pack of Owlbears. We got separated and then fell into a cave by accident; when we found our way out, we were far away from our original position and there was no sign of the others."

2017-11-29, 02:18 AM
Eyena nods, and pauses after Lirosa finishes. When she speaks again, it's in Elven. "Oh. Yes, that is preferable," she says. "So, if my understanding of what you said is correct - your goal is to kill hobgoblins until they have all been driven off, and are no longer a threat, correct?"

Eyena rises with Kining, following closely but silently, looking between her and what she can see ahead before she puffs air out of her nose briefly - once, then a second time. Then she continues, letting Kining lead but keeping only just, barely, behind her.

2017-11-29, 01:04 PM
Rask slept while everyone talked, waking only to take his turn at watch. Otherwise he dreamed of when he was younger.

Smoke plumed out of the small hovel as it’s inhabitants broke into a run through the doorframe. Rask put an arrow in the man’s-probably the father- guts as the other members of his group moved in to take the others. A younger man, probably the son of the dying man, was hacked apart by Vorsk and Ront while the man’s daughter was carried off. Rask tried not to look too closely at that. He tried to block out the wailing coming from the wife, even as the young girl broke away from the group. Couldn’t have been older than 20. Maybe twenty five at most.

As though sensing his lack of attention to their surroundings, Sormek bellowed at him. “Well Runt? You gonna go get ‘er or am I gonna have to tell Krusk and Shoglick about your lack of balls again? Huh? ” The words caused Rask to whip his head around first to Sormek, then to the girl as her pink dress trailed in the wind. Time seemed to slow for a moment. He heard nothing . Not the idle crackling of the family’s home as it burned nor the gurgling of the man he’d all but killed with the arrow. Even the cries of the woman who’d been carried off receded in the face of what he was looking at. Just silence. Nice. Beautiful. Silen-

“Well Runt? Whatthefúcksitgonnabe huh? You only half a ****in orc bítch?!” Suddenly things were moving fast again. Very fast. He’d dropped his shield and was charging the girl now, longsword in both hands. For a moment it looked like she was going to make it and strangely Rask hoped she did. Her gait was strangely graceful in spite of the carnage about her. Like some sort of plains antelope. Then the illusion was broken as she turned her head around, tried to scream something in response to what she now saw before her in a language he didn’t understand and Rask’s found a way through her midsection. Rask was panting just a little bit harder, blood pounding in his ears.

“Fúckin aye Runt! Couple more kills that messy and you’ll be a true n’ proper tribesmen!” Somewhere off in the distance one of Shoglick's detonations rocked the ground.


His sword crashed through the man’s shield, digging out a respectable portion of his opponents shoulder. Rask gritted his teeth and smiled as the Molthuni’s shield arm went limp. “Hah. Stupid pinkski-“ He was interrupted as the Molthuni’s mace impacted with the side of his head. Rask rode out the momentum of the blow, letting it twist his body in a wide circle as he brought his zweihander around in a horizontal maneuver that neatly separated the man’s head from his shoulders. “Bastárd prīck.” He wasted a second spitting on the corpse before wiping some of the blood from his forehead and cheek. There was no tusk where the mace had got him and what felt like a trio of cuts from where his helmet had crumpled in. “Stupid pointy ball.”

He wheeled around in search of more people to fight and sighted Krusk surging towards a man in burnished gold armor atop a horse. Five heavy infantrymen stood between the warleader and the golden man. He chopped the first of them down like a child before spinning wildly, sending the fallen soldier’s body into two of his comrades. One managed to dodge out of the body’s way and into bisection from Krusk. The other had the horrible fortune of taking most of the flying corpses’ weight on his leg. It didn’t hold, broke and sent the man down screaming. Krusk, clearing paying neither of them any mind, went howling forward. He twirled the blade above his head the way a normal man might use a baton or stick. The maelstrom of axe heads snipped off the helms of the two remaining Molthuni at the neck as they charged forward screaming. It barely broke the warleader’s stride as he ducked down into a low, loping run that carried him toward the golden man. The man answered in kind, spurring his horse and spear forward.

They practically crashed together. Krusk’s double axe scythed down, missing the golden man by inches. The second blade of the axe whipped up, taking the horses head clean off. As the man fell, Rask watched in somber amazement as he drove his spear straight into Krusk’s eye socket. It was about then that the battle all but froze. Orc and Molthuni alike stood and watched what was to come next. Rask could make out the man’s chanting. Some sort of prayer or magery? From the looks of things most of the people around the two figures didn’t know what to make of it either.

Then Krusk’s head exploded. There weren’t much other word for it besides that. Like one of Shoglick’s magical detonations it was. The golden man’s armor became a sort of angry orange amidst the viscera that splashed onto him. “Holy shi-“ Another mace crashed into his head and sent him into unconsciousness.

2017-11-30, 09:08 PM
For a moment, Gilraen looks like he may be offended at Jet's suggestion. Within the space of a heartbeat, his expression takes on tinges of embarrassment, and ultimately he simply nods. "Yes, well everyone starts somewhere.... I'm more capable at making weaponry than clothing. Raluf, you said?" At her discomfited nod, he nods in return. "My thanks. Rest well, mistress."

He sets off in search of the tanner, eager to find some news on the front and begin the productive disposal of his cargo.

2017-12-01, 12:32 PM

"That is correct, yes. My brother and I will hunt the Legion until they're gone from the forest, or until they take us down with them. If they are allowed to spread, they will become a threat to all of Nirmathas. Aubrin mentioned the Chernasardo Rangers - I have no doubt that they are fighting their own battles against the hobgoblins even as we speak." Lirosa's eyes burn with a quiet intensity that you recognize. You have seen it in your own reflection before, after all.

"Look, I don't mean to be rude, but I have more work to do. I can only assume that your questions mean you are willing to fight and kill the Legion as well?"


Throughout your speech, you can see the hunter's posture become more and more defensive: you spot the little adjustments, like a slight hunching of the shoulders, a setting of the jaw, a few long stares away from you.

"You're from Lastwall." The words contain more than a little judgment in them. "I wouldn't expect any other argument from somebody with your upbringing. Here in Nirmathas, we pick and choose our battlefields more carefully. Everything you said about using 'hit and run' tactics? You wouldn't know the half of it. Numbers might count for something, I'll give you that much. But these are our woods. We can navigate them better than the Ironfang Legion, and when it comes down to it, we can always flee to our advantage."

The half-elf pauses, clearly unsure if she's gone too far with this. "I just... I like you all well enough. But when it comes down to it, you don't just need people you can trust. You need people who will always have your back, no matter what. For me, that's Taidel. I asked you and Ramiel to join because I figured you might understand that desire. I can see that I was foolish to do that."

Morning breaks over the camp, although none of you would know it from the lack of sunlight. The entire eastern sky is an ominous black-gray blue, the color that can only herald a storm. And yet, despite the weather, you can still hear the birds calling out and the wolf pups barking joyously. Throughout breakfast, the people of Phaendar are calm. Shara and Thel stand close to one another, mother holding the son's shoulders in a firm but comfortable grip. The cloaked Marta is putting out the fire for the morning, ash-streaked face pondering the cloud formations. The fighters among the group - Kern, Ramus, Jodis - are all busy either playing with the pups or gathering their weapons for the road ahead. The female half-orc Brunelle sits slightly apart from them, whetting her own blade and keeping half an eye on the path.

Slowly but surely, people start to look in your direction. And it strikes you, then, exactly why so many of them seem calm. They are waiting for the six of you to take charge, just like you've done up to this point. A few of them look to Aubrin, Kining, Jet, or Rhyna as well. But even those four are waiting for your group to take the initiative. Gristledown is ahead - but will you brave a potential storm to get there?

Map of Chernasardo (https://imgur.com/PUvQpwp)

Okay, we're onto Day 7 now! According to our newly updated chart, you are now down to 30 Provisions. On the map, your group is near the top of the hex marked 'G1'. According to Gilraen's map, Gristledown is in the next hex above you, so you might make it even if you move at half speed today. However, anyone in the group who succeeds at a DC 15 Survival check will be able to tell everyone that the storm will hit in the early afternoon, before you make it to the town. You're welcome to make those rolls in the OOC thread.

Now, there's no guarantee you'll find shelter at Gristledown either. Basically, it's up to you guys how to proceed here.

2017-12-02, 04:04 PM
Eyena nods. "Yes," she says.

In the morning, Eyena does her morning routine with a slight spring in her step, a bit more speed in her pace. As the gathering for the day's planning begins, she approaches a touch faster than the days before. Once the group is gathered, and the matter of the coming storm is brought up, she presents her idea for going forward: the main group, including the five-plus-Ramiel normally going ahead, would move at a reduced pace until the storm was close to being upon them, at which point they would dig in to weather it while Lirosa and Taidel went ahead to reach Gristledown and get word to them as quickly as possible.

2017-12-02, 04:46 PM
Rask woke up from the mace blow in the middle of a forest. It took him longer than he wouldve liked to gather his wits and remember where he was. His cursed his old age as he got up, then took his meal standing, sword over one shoulder. He made sure to glare at Edran too. Something about the morning had him in a foul mood.

He listened to everyone's plans even as he eyed the storm. Dam thing werent going to do anyone any favours. Doubletiming it to Gristledown was sounding better by the second. If there even was a Gristledown. No one else seemed to want to mention that. Best not to. No need for a panic. If they were going to double down it'd have to be somewhere sturdy. Maybe Narek could use some magery to help. Then they could send others to maybe-Gristledown.

Rask nodded slowly at Eyena's plan, then looked to the storm, Edran, then the storm again. Looked like a dangerous place to be.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-02, 05:19 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ilsa exhaled slightly forcefully as Lirosa finished talking - her perceived distate for Lastwall having become clear.

Not a whole lot of ways to recover the conversation from that one.

"I think that wraps things up, then." Ilsa stood, but said one last thing before she left. "If and when you do leave... Just take care. Whatever you do."

Well, that could have gone better. Eh, you win some, you lose some.

*** The next day... ***

Carefully considering Eyena's idea for getting past the storm, Ilsa and Ramiel eventually gave their assent.

"Sounds like a plan to me."

2017-12-03, 10:04 PM
Narek Skyskin

The evening before ...
Narek thought for a moment, then nodded. "That is a valid perspective. I’m sure our gathering will fall back on their previous rules ... but we may find a new way to deal with issues." He glanced briefly around the camp, but it was impossible to tell if his gaze lingered on any one place.

The next day, Narek rose to join the others. First, he paused to greet both Shara and Thel, checking on their night and how they were feeling. After a moment he reached down to hug Thel ... then after a momentary pause, he stood and squeezed Shara’s arm and kissed her hair briefly. With a faint smile, he turned to join the others.

He slowed as he approached, noticing the pregnant pause in the camps normal commotion. Glancing around, he realized the refugees were looking to the group to lead. He glanced at Eyena, considering their conversation from the evening, wondering how that would play out over the coming weeks. Nodding to the others, he cleared his throat. ”Greetings, comrades. I heard someone mention weather. How bad, and how quickly will it arrive? Is it coming from the north? I am concerned about splitting up, preferring but to use haste to get to shelter if necessary.”
[roll0] to think of a good spot to hole up
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, acid splash / endure elements obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: mage armor (+4 AC [armor], 2 hrs)

2017-12-05, 05:30 PM
The Storm (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KsgpP67hA7w)

"I might not be the outdoorsman I used to be," starts Aubrin, "but by the looks of it, that storm's bound to hit us around early afternoon at the latest. Clouds like that mean lots of trees falling all over the place. Rask or Gilraen, correct me if I'm off base with any of this." To their knowledge, neither woodsman nor warrior see any fault in the cleric's survival instincts. The announcement seems to immediately sober the people of Phaendar, who seem to take the signs of agreement among your group as a call to action. The camp is packed up in record time, and people are ready to hit the trail. Lirosa gives Eyena and Ilsa a series of meaningful looks before shouldering her bow and gathering her brother up to scout ahead. The way the half-elf scans the woods, you can see the determination in her eyes. This is probably the chance she's been waiting for: the chance to prove herself.

Over the course of the day, the trek seems harder than it did before. The overgrowth here is thicker, perhaps as a result of how deep your group has gone into the Fangwood. Or maybe it's that there is little to no sun guiding your steps over the rocks and brambles. Whatever it is, even moving at your reduced speed proves harder on some of your followers. Their efforts to forage what they can to make up for dipping into yesterday's supplies do not help either. Most of those who range off to try to get berries aren't even successful - only Kining is able to come back with a whole bushel of what look like wild mushrooms and root vegetables, though where the dwarf got them, nobody is sure. "Just have to get your hands dirty sometimes," she mutters by way of explanation, without looking at Eyena.

It's Rask that first hears the wind in the trees, the telltale sign of the onrushing storm, but within a few seconds most of you are aware that the time is upon you. In less than ten minutes, the wall of icy rain will hit you, cutting off most visibility. Branches will crack and fall from their trees, potentially striking most of you down. The first drops are already sprinkling from the darkening sky, and you can feel the gusts starting to pick up. Thankfully, Narek - who has been keeping an eye out with help from Visk - notices a pattern in the ground not too far away. A series of natural faults and an outcropping of rock, which continues through the trees to the north-east and could very well lead to some sort of natural shelter.

In the interest of moving things forward slightly, I rolled a Perception check for Rask (who naturally got a 20) and applied Narek's Geography check to help with finding a location to wait out the storm. Actually following the fault line to find shelter will take a few minutes, so I will be rolling for some wind effects as the storm starts to hit you. I figure I might as well copy over the storm effects from the book as well. Your group is approximately 40 minutes away from shelter. Keep in mind that the storm is still 10 minutes out, so I will only be rolling on the effects below 3 times.

The storm lasts for 3 hours between late afernoon and sunset, during which Medium or larger creatures must succeed at a DC 10 Strength check to move against the wind (one check per 10 minutes) Small and smaller creatures are knocked prone and take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage unless they succeed at a DC 15 Strength check. Visibility during the storm is reduced by three-quarters, imposing a –8 penalty on Perception checks. Ranged weapons cannot be used in the storm and unprotected fames are automatically extinguished. Protected fames (such as lanterns) have a 75% chance of being extinguished. Temporary shelters built with Survival checks, as well as any pitched tents, are destroyed by the high winds.

During each hour of the storm, each member of the group has a 10% (noncumulative) chance every 10 minutes of being struck by blown debris or falling tree branches, dealing 2d6 points of damage unless the character succeeds at a DC 14 Refex save.

2017-12-05, 06:22 PM
Eyena is her usual quiet self during the day's travelling, her somewhat haphazard efforts at foraging as fruitful as always. Which is to say, not at all. She keeps a hand on Eisenherz for most of the afternoon, and that's where it is when the wind comes. She looks up at the trees above, and then to the others.

A mix between a placeholder-type-deal and insurance that no one waits on me. Eyena will follow Narek or whoever else it is that gets us moving towards shelter.

2017-12-05, 06:28 PM
Narek Skyskin

With the storm nearly upon them, Narek motioned to the leaders. "Any fool can see that we need to hurry before this storm hits us. I've been gauging the terrain and if I read it correctly, which I am confident I have, we can find shelter in a natural ravine ahead. But we need to hurry. Our scouts should take the lead while the rest of us keep the main group moving. Any other suggestions?"
Let's do this!
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

2017-12-05, 07:09 PM
Gilraen's sour demeanor is all the answer Aubrin needs to know that the depth of black on the horizon bodes ill for the refugees. Without a word, he sets off at a brisk pace, hoping to find a relatively easily traversable path for the rest of the group. Within minutes, however, the clouds begin to roll over, and the further-dimmed lighting makes the takes a formidable one, indeed. The group moves slowly. Too slowly. "Damnit, this isn't good enough!" he gripes.

He turns back to the rest of the farmers and ranchers. "I don't know if any of you have ever been in a storm in the Fangwood, but this storm will kill us, if we don't find shelter. We've got maybe ten minutes, so MOVE!" He turns back into the threatening winds, setting a harsher pace. In brooding silence, he trudges onward, dreading the first blows to come.

I'm going to roll any and all checks that might be considered productive:
[roll0] know (Geography)
[roll1] survival
[roll2] intimidate (to encourage/goad the people into moving faster?)

[roll3] first set of strength check(s)
[roll4] reflex save

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-05, 09:38 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ilsa and Ramiel attempted to make their usual attempts at scavenging as they went along, but always with the tinges of nervousness in the backs of their heads, Aubrin's warnings ringing in their heads.

If permissible, Ilsa and Ramiel will attempt to help scavenge until the storm hits.

Ilsa: [roll0]
Ramiel: [roll1]

When Gilraen and Narek set upon a course of action, the two of them wordlessly sprung into action, following beside the oracle and the ranger.

Pre-emptively rolling Strength and Reflex checks for Round 1.

Ilsa's Strength: [roll2]
Reflex: [roll3]

Ramiel's Strength: [roll4]
Reflex: [roll5]

2017-12-06, 10:17 AM
"Come on, Thel!" Shara seems to drag her young son by the hand as they follow Narek at a close distance. And yet by and large the people of Phaendar don't seem to increase their pace by any marked amount. It could very well have to do with a lack of insight into the storm's destructive potential, or maybe it's just because Gilraen is the one giving orders. Initially, it might have seem that there is a sense of urgency, but your whole group does not cover a whole lot of ground in the ten minutes it takes for the storm to close in on you. As both Narek and Gilraen take the lead, the dark clouds blanket the skies above you, illuminated by the occasional tongue of lightning and roiling thunder.

And the storm wall hits you.

The curtain of wind and rain picks up steadily, from a few drops to a torrential downpour. The cold spring water blows through your outer layers, seeping into your clothes and onto your skin as though you were wearing nothing at all. The gusts buffet at your skin, and all around you the great trees of the Fangwood start to creak and groan in a chorus of disagreement under the pressure. You might think that a forest of this size would protect you from the worst of the weather, but you would be wrong. In fact, between the thunder, you can start to hear dangerous crashing noises that indicate trees giving in to the force of the winds. Thankfully, the wizard's course seems to be leading you all on the right track, as you move along the stones.

Pushing forward appears to be the only way to safety, but given the strength of what you're up against, there's a good chance that not everyone will be able to make it on their own.

Okay, if you haven't given me a Strength check for the first 10 minutes in the storm (which is what I'm be rolling for starting now), I will need one. If you have already rolled, I'll just use that. A failure means that you are checked, and don't make any meaningful progress over the 10 minutes in the storm. In this case, I am going to rule that if you succeed, you can then make a special Aid Another action (another DC 10) that will allow that person to automatically succeed on their check moving forwards. However, if you fail on this check, then neither character will make any progress.

2017-12-06, 11:25 AM
Rask narrowed his eyes and ground his teeth as the storm slammed into his body. He pushed on nonetheless, in spite of the watering that'd started through his eyes. He stopped into the wind, letting the weight of the sword keep him from tossing over. He moved to aid Narek's child as best he could with moving forward.

Aid another check w/ Thel: [roll0]

2017-12-06, 12:39 PM
Narek Skyskin

As the winds rushed forward, they struck with almost magical force. Even in the midst of the the howling winds, Narek found himself marveling at the pure ferocity and power of the storm.
The winds surged around the cloaked figure, swirling outwards as lightning struck one of his companions. A fell voice rode on the wind ... 'YOU HAVE TRESPASSED ON SACRED LAND ... YOUR LIVES ARE FORFEIT TO MOTHER EARTH!'

He frowned, amazed at the power this druid wielded; in any other place, this man could be ruler of men. Here, deep within the Vale, he was practically a god. But ... for all his power, he relied upon what nature could provide. Glancing as the spinning vortex that was sweeping back and forth, seeking out the group, the mage saw a pattern, a rhythm to the winds. Smiling, he called upon his own not-inconsiderable power and began to cast ...

Narek shook his head, looking at the gusting wind with different eyes. The howling pitch, the swirling winds, he could almost feel a beat to the heart of this storm. If he gauged it correctly he could ... there! A pause in the wind, then a sudden gust, as if the storm was compensating for the temporary lull. Nodding, he slipped between gusts; not using sheer strength of sinew, mass or power, but with his mind.

Glancing back, he saw Shara and Thel falter for a moment. As Rask moved back, Narek shouted to a few others to help them, then made his way back to help. He shouted to Shara, "I'VE GOT THEL! I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!"

He nodded wordlessly to Rask, who seemed to stumble trying to get to the boy. Leaning down to the boy's ear, Narek spoke loud enough to be heard. "Walk with me! Use the roots to plant your feet ... yes, like that, but angle them more. Don't hook them! If you fall, you'll break your ankle! Use the trees, step between gusts but duck down two heart beats after the lull ... the following gusts will take you off your feet. Good ... good!"
Narek's Strength check: 15 from prescience. Aid another: [b]17[/roll] from OOC.
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 6/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

2017-12-06, 08:57 PM
Gilraen, for all his experience and traveling, has no answer for the fury of the storm. It's unlike anything I've ever seen! The Fangwood itself gives way and shudders under the weight! How can we hope??

As if prophetic, Gilraen finds himself struggling for every step as the first true wall of wind and rain hit the group. He stumbles once, and struggles to rise. As a few of the sturdier refugees press past him, he redoubles his efforts, only to fall again, this time backwards. For what feels like hours, he forces his hands and feet to continue to propel him forward, with limited success at best.

When a hand enters his field of vision, he is startled. Looking up, Ilsa is there. Bewildered, Gilraen nonetheless takes the aid. With two bodies braced against the wind, the going is slow, but it's steadier.

2017-12-07, 10:59 PM
A minute passes, and then another. All around you, the wall of the storm howls like a chorus of demons from the Abyss itself, as the rain and debris from the branches clouds your vision. It is near impossible to see the person standing next to you, let alone the trail ahead, but somehow most of the group manages. "Come on, let's move it!", you can hear Kining yell at a few of the stragglers over the storm. The dwarf seems to be carrying her own, keeping a scarf up and her eyes out for falling branches. Aubrin is similarly engaged, and when Gilraen stumbles and starts to fall, she is there right along with Ilsa and Ramiel when the elf gets pulled up to match the group's pace.

By your latest tally, you have nearly everyone. Only a handful are still missing behind you: Rhyna the acolyte, Marta, Clidon the merchant, and Ramus. It would seem as though they weren't strong enough to withstand the gale. Their vague outlines are somewhere behind you, but even now they're starting to slip away. It's a miracle that they can even still follow your tracks. Thankfully, some choice intervention has helped a few others. Both Shara and Thel - who were at risk of falling behind - have been brought along as well, Narek guiding his son and Ramiel helping the mage's wife. Now, looking ahead, you are ready to keep moving.

That's when you hear the horrible tearing sound from above you. A massive pine branch, previously attached to one of the trees near the rocks where you tread, comes free. Despite all of you standing there, you are too slow to stop what happens next. The length of wood tumbles through the air, landing nearly square atop Thel's head. Without a sound, the boy collapses, his head burst open and bleeding all over the rocks. He is lucky that the tree limb did not break his spine... but by the looks of the injury, he will last less than a minute before bleeding out right here and right now. Despite the force of the storm, you can all hear Shara's scream of abject horror.

"NAREK!! Do something!"

So you've mostly made it through the first gauntlet of the storm! None of the PCs have been checked, and nearly all of the NPCs have made it through. Of course, you have one casualty. You can stop to heal / carry Thel (who just took 10 damage is at -7 and bleeding out fast), but whoever is doing it will take a -2 on their Strength check to keep moving through the storm. I think given our discussion, I am going to eliminate the risk associated with going to help another member of the group. If you fail at Aid Another, you fail, and the person is left at the earlier stage in the journey. However, at 2 failures, I'm going to start having people make Perception checks versus getting lost in the storm.

Also, for your next checks (this is for part 2/3), I would like you to include extra rolls for Aid Another if your PC makes it, and detail which NPCs you would like to go back and save. This will allow me to resolve all of it at the same time, and make things easier. Hopefully that helps things along.

2017-12-08, 01:45 AM
Eyena continues forwards, one hand on Eisenherz as she moves, pausing only to look at those around her. Whatever expression she makes at Thel's injury is muted by the pounding rain and much more emotional response of the boy's parents, and in a moment she's turned away, eyes elsewhere, pressing against the wind and rain.

Str to move: [roll0]

Eyena will Aid Another, priority: Kining -> PC -> Rhyna.


2017-12-08, 10:01 AM
Narek Skyskin

As the group moved forward, the mage glanced around. For all the storm’s fury, it looked like the group was making good progress. One hand on Thel’s shoulder, Narek risked a quick look over at Shara. Had the circumstances not been so dire, he might have smiled.

The crack came lime thunder, accompanied by Thel pulling away from him. Time slowed as he spun to look, eyes widening as he watched Thel crash to the ground under a heavy branch. Blood and gore were everywhere as Shara’s scream cut through the storm. Multiple images rushed through his head, scenes of blood and death from previous experiences ... previous lives. They came, too fast to process, too many to ignore, too personal to forget.

Rushing forward, Narek’s eyes glazed over but he didn’t need his magic to see the boy’s life force was ebbing quickly, too fast for him to bind the wounds normally. Kneeling, Narek pulled his son into him, his touch washing over to stop the bleeding. He looked up at the others, eyes glistening with intensity, as he wordlessly pleaded for help.

Not sure how many actions you need, but starting with stablilize (samsaran ability).
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 5/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-08, 07:16 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

"Hang on!"

Making her way over as quickly as she could, Ilsa pulled out a potion from her belt pouch and handed it to Narek.

"Down his throat, quickly!"

Ilsa will perform the above described actions as quickly as possible.

Also, here are the checks to move ahead.

Ilsa's Strength: [roll0]
Ilsa's Aid Another: [roll1]
Ilsa's Reflex: [roll2]

Ramiel's Strength: [roll3]
Ramiel's Aid Another: [roll4]
Ramiel's Reflex: [roll5]

2017-12-09, 12:20 AM
Narek Skyskin

The wizard dropped to his knees and practically tore the vial from the summoner’s hands, his words of thanks torn away by the storm. He poured it down Thel’s throat shouting for Shara to call Aubrin.

If no one else has rolled, [roll0]. Oh please oh please ...
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 5/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

2017-12-10, 09:44 AM
As Ilsa pulls him forward, Gilraen falls to his knees beside Narek. "Spirits of the Forest, we implore you! Help us strive together against this who would impose their will upon you!" He places his hands on the young boy, willing life back into his body.

1st: cast CLW (I forget if concentration checks are necessary. If so: [roll0]) Regardless: [roll1] CLW
I'll do it again, if needed. As many times as are needed.
If so: [roll2]) Regardless: [roll3] CLW
If so: [roll4]) Regardless: [roll5] CLW
If so: [roll6]) Regardless: [roll7] CLW

Then we're going to hopefully move again.
[roll8] str check (vs DC 10, I think?)
[roll9] assist, if passed

[roll10] reflex, if needed.

2017-12-11, 09:27 AM
"Here! I'm here!" Aubrin cries out as she hobbles to a reasonable distance. Closing her eyes against the wind, the cleric of Cayden Cailean holds her holy symbol out in front of her as the last of Thel's injuries close up. The boy sputters awake to see his father over him, and quickly clutches at Narek's sleeve as he struggles to rise. Aubrin nods her thanks to Gilraen nonetheless, as she knows it was his magic that really saved the youth from an early brush with death. "We need to keep moving! I think I can see the entrance to a ravine ahead, we must be getting closer." Pushing herself on her good leg, Aubrin starts to move forward, the rest of the villagers trudging alongside both you and her.

As you press on, you still have the majority of the people of Phaendar walking at your back, but as the minutes press on in the rush of the wind and rain, you cannot help but start to notice the holes in the line. There are more than a few far behind you, struggling to make headway. Rhyna and Marta are holding one another, trying to keep up near the very back of the column. At the end of the column, another branch has fallen, crushing Jodis' leg underneath it. The man's screams do not carry as far as they should in the storm, but his brother - who has more or less caught up - stops with him to try to get the branch off. And there is no sign of Clidon at all, as the Tamran merchant has completely fallen behind the pace of the rest of the group.

You are not immune to the effects of the storm either. It takes Ilsa and Ramiel's combined efforts to stay near the front of the column, and Eyena nearly falls prey to debris when going back to help Kining along. And of course there is the fact that Rask's valiant effort to carry Thel over his shoulder backfires, when it proves that the storm is too much for even the half-orc's prodigious strength. Narek, who has stayed by his son's side ever since the branch fell, also starts to slow in order to keep the boy in his line of sight. It will take more aid in order to get the three of them out of danger. Fortunately, Gilraen manages to find the reserves of will and endurance to not only keep pressing forward, but stay back and help. After all, getting to the cave in one piece will mean significantly less if it comes at the cost of half of the lives of those who struggled to reach it.

Another day, another movement piece! That is 2/3 done, so the next one will take us to the cave entrance. Only one relatively minor wound this time, dealing more or less minimum damage against a warrior that can take a hit. Nobody else here failed anything or got hit. The list of 'Checked' people isn't actually too bad, all things considered.

Bink, you need to decide who Gilraen is helping in your next post. The PCs that didn't make it are Rask and Narek (Rask failed because of the -2 he took from carrying Thel, which I factored into his roll since n0ble told me way back that he was going to help with it). I did not take the -2 from Narek's roll - this makes narrative sense as well.

2017-12-11, 09:54 AM
Eyena does her best to help Kining as she continues to push forwards against the wind and rain, hand only leaving the handle of Eisenherz if it's needed to steady herself or keep moving.

Strength to move: [roll0]
Aid Another on Kining -> PC -> nearest NPC: [roll1]

2017-12-11, 10:55 AM
Rask had no idea what Shara and Narek had been feeding the boy to make him so godsdam heavy. Maybe the big man was just getting old. If he ever got out of the wind ripping into his eyes Rask promised himself to have a conversation with the parents over the boy's food. Werent no business of his how parents raised their kids but it stood to reason he should have a say if he was going to be lugging Thel through anymore storms.

He tighted his grip on Thel, then did the same with the other hand holding his sword. He reversed his grip on the metal, driving it down into the earth. With luck he'd not hit any stone. Be a shame if the part of the top snapped off on some of the rocks they were following. He pushed down more on the blade, attempting to drive himself and Thel forward. Seemed like a better place for the blade then his shoulder. 'Leastways now it wouldn't go flying off his shoulder and into someone else.

Forward! [roll0]

2017-12-11, 11:57 AM
Gilraen almost runs into Rask as the big Half-Orc begins to lag behind. He lowers his shoulder to push, without thinking twice. As Rask begins plodding along again, Gilraen takes a moment to look around, trying to survey the state of the group. With a grimace, he notes the absence and lagging of several refugees. Anger gives way to compassion, and he steps to the side, at the lee of a nearby tree, and retrieves a length of rope from his pack. For several minutes, he waits, calling out to each villager who passes, tying a series of loops in its length.

"Keep going, Rhyna! Here, hold this! Try to get it to Rask!" He hands her the first loop at the front end of the rope.

"Jodis! I can heal you, can you come to me?! Here, grab hold. Clidon? Where is Clidon?"

Moment by moment, his eyes scan the canopy for falling limbs before returning to the sluggish column.

Gilraen feels largely responsible for the fact that we've been caught without shelter. If it's appropriate, he'll cast a CLW for Jodis (falling back in the line to cast it, if he must). [roll0]
[roll1] perception, to locate the last of the refugees and/or avoid weakening branches. (I think, modified by the storm, that's actually -1, not +7, right? :smalleek:)

If need be: [roll2] reflex

2017-12-11, 01:44 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek squeezed Aubrin's shoulder with thanks; a huge gesture from the normally controlled wizard. Nodding to Shara, he reached out to try and help her, following Rask as best he could. The winds continued their assault on the group, and seeing Gilraen pull forth a rope made Narek almost slap his forehead in disgust. Why didn't they do that originally? He was supposed to be the level-headed of the group ... something he would need to work on in the future.

Presuming they survived.
[roll0] (use for Str, if failed ... otherwise, use for Aid ... otherwise use for Perception to see the lost ... otherwise, use for a skill yet to be identified :smallsmile:)
[roll1]. If successful, [roll2]
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 4/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

Another horrible prescience, but at least Narek made his strength check!

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-11, 08:49 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

<Just a little further, Ramiel...>

Final pushes!

Ilsa Strength: [roll0]
Aid: [roll1]
Reflex: [roll2]

Ramiel Strength: [roll3]
Aid: [roll4]
Reflex: [roll5]

2017-12-11, 11:42 PM
Gilraen, Narek, & Rask

With the shrieking storm all about, the trio of you move to rally what remains of the villagers still on the trail. Gilraen's idea to use the rope seems to pay off, as he is able to make it to the injured Jodis and successfully heal the man of his injury. With the help of the other man, both brothers follow the oracle of the woods back to where Narek waits for Rask and Thel to catch up. It's slow going through the stinging rain, which is more or less sideways at this point. Bits of bark and leaves whip and scratch any bits of exposed skin you have, and it's a wonder that nobody else has gotten seriously injured so far. Looking ahead, you can barely make out the silhouettes of a few of the more determined refugees following Eyena and Ilsa's lead towards the shadows of more rocks. Aubrin seems to be leading the charge as well, but they're out of view before any of you can even start to make progress.

What does become apparent to you as you inch forward is just how many of the Phaendar survivors are still out in the elements. You spot at least ten others, who are either catching up to you or have failed to make it to the ravine ahead for fear of getting caught by a stray branch like Thel did. Jet, Rhyna, and Kining all huddle together as they try to organize the villagers together. Both the smith and the innkeeper seem to be applying Gilraen's idea, taking two spools of reinforced silk rope from backpacks to tie people together into a line. "Here, one of you take hold of the end!" Jet cries over the wind in your direction. "If you anchor them at the back, you can make sure that nobody else falls too far behind! I think we're all that's left!" But she doesn't seem to have accounted for Clidon, who is nowhere to be found.

Eyena & Ilsa

Successfully pushing yourselves forward, you finally make it to some form of shelter. Ahead of you, the rocks open into a small ravine, which offers limited protection against the wind. Taking a breath, you can see a dark opening in one of the outcroppings ahead: a cave entrance! It looks like a natural cave as opposed to anything man made, formed out of a depression in the rocks or maybe occurring on a fault. Either way, Narek's instincts and knowledge of geographical patterns appears to have paid off. The ground around the cave entrance is cold and muddy, but the rocky overhang speaks to at least a somewhat drier interior. Looking down into the darkness, you see a single narrow passage through the earth that twists and turns out of sight. Braving the corridor is the only way to know for sure what is down there.

And even over the rain, you can smell the sweet scent of rotten meat.

"Oh, thank the gods! Stay as low as you can, and use what materials you have to brace yourselves against the rocks." Aubrin stands not too far away, doing a headcount of those who have made it this far. Looking about, you can see only eight, including the cleric herself. Most of the crowd is comprised of warriors, such as Raluf, Kern, and Brunelle. Shara is among the crowd, although the woman looks like she has half a mind to charge back out of the ravine in search of her son. Coryn holds a mangled arm where a small rockslide crushed it on the way in, and Aubrin eventually turns to heal the wound. The rest must still be trapped out there in the chaos that this spring windstorm has wrought. More disconcertingly, this little ravine will not be wide enough to comfortably hold all of you. At least a few of you will need to take shelter in the cave.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-12, 01:31 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ilsa and Ramiel turned to Eyena.

"There's not going to be enough room for all of us to take shelter outside."

"At least a few of us will need to enter the cave. There is, however, the matter of whatever is causing the odor of rotting meat."

"I'm betting the best way will be to take the most able-bodied of us and make sure it's safe. Will you join us?"

2017-12-12, 02:45 AM
Looking into the cave, Eyena frowns, drawing Eisenherz as Ilsa speaks. Turning to her, she nods, and heads towards the cave proper, moving slowly and sticking to the walls, stepping around anything that might make an undue amount of noise on her way forwards.

Eyena is happy to deal with a problem that can be solved by stabbing!

Probably not necessary given the noise of the storm, but Stealth just in case: [roll0]

2017-12-12, 07:43 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek shouted to Rask to get Thel to the ravine, while he tried to help Gilraen with the rope. He used his cantrip to create flashing arrows pointing toward the ravine.
Let me know about any rolls needed - just trying to help ...
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 4/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-13, 12:11 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

As Eyena gave her assent, Ilsa turned to Aubrin and the warriors.

"I fear we may not be alone in this cave. That stench of rotting meat has me worried. I know we have struggled to get here, but I would ask for all of your assistance, lest whatever dwells within gets the drop on us."

2017-12-13, 01:05 AM
Eyena & Ilsa

"Good idea," Aubrin says as she finishes helping to round up the last of the villagers. Of the number present, only Brunelle and Kern seem ready for a fight: both the man and strapping half-orc woman carry weapons and armor looted from hobgoblins on the night Phaendar fell, and at your suggestion they draw them. Her arsenal is more suited to melee combat, with a pair of small blades, while the bearded hunter pulls out a heavy crossbow. The cleric herself appoints Shel in charge of the rest of the people making shelters and keeping on a lookout for the others, and she too follows you at the back. "Does anyone have a torch, or a source of light? I don't know about you folks, but even if my vision was what it was, I wouldn't be able to see an inch in front of me in there." Seeing nobody else volunteer, Aubrin casts a small spell on the end of her staff, which starts to glow and show you the muddy descent ahead.

The tunnel goes deeper than you might have expected just looking at it from the outside. The stone and dirt of the walls aren't entirely natural here, either. In several spots, you can spot markings that indicate that something widened the passage at some point, with a forelimb or with the weight of its body. Whatever it is, it is big enough to warrant needing such space in a passage nearly ten feet wide. Up ahead, the tunnel seems to open up into a proper cave. Both of the warriors seem to tense up at the sight of the opening, clutching their weapons just a little bit tighter, but nobody says anything. Quiet is the order of the day. At least, until Eyena - who has been watching where she's stepping perhaps a bit too closely - accidentally nudges a loose stone away from one of the walls. It tumbles to the ground and strikes another rock, making a loud echoing noise.

At first, nothing answers the sound. But then all of you hear a rumbling exhalation, followed by a heavy shuffling. Whatever has made this place its home, you have certainly caught its attention. It could well be a matter of seconds before it sets itself upon you.

Map of the Cave (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Well, thanks to a very unfortunate Stealth check on Eyena's part, the cave's inhabitant is now awake. It only just beat her check, too! I just rolled Initiative in the Roll20, and did quite well for your opponent. However, seeing as he was napping only a few seconds ago, I think I am going to have him delay his turn on Round 1 by waking up instead of giving you a surprise round. Both of you, feel free to post your Round 1 actions when you get the chance, and let me know if the map isn't working.

Good call, taking Aubrin and the warriors! They might well save you from getting utterly demolished by the threat down here. But I guess we'll find out. :smallwink:

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-13, 01:31 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 13/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

You fool of a Took Eyena!
"Well, that got its attention."

Immediately, Ramiel nocked an arrow, preparing himself for a fight, while Ilsa cast a protective enchantment upon Eyena.

Ramiel will ready an action to shoot at the first hostile creature to get within 30 feet.

Attack: [roll0]
Damagae: [roll1]

Ilsa will cast Shield on Eyena.

2017-12-13, 04:03 AM
When light is mentioned, Eyena is ready to imbue Eisenherz with some of her own magic, going to the edge of the cave and casting the spell while turned out towards the storm. As she group gathers, Eyena looks at Brunelle for a few moments, nodding and turning towards the cave if the woman says anything. As the stone tumbles to the ground, she frowns, taking a hand off of Eisenherz at the sound of the unseen beast's awakening. Speaking a pair of quick, harsh syllables and gesturing with her free hand, Eyena casts a spell of her own, causing dark blue flames to erupt from her hand. Coiling around her fingers, the dark flame provides no light, even as she returns her hand to her weapon and it seems to catch, enveloping the entire blade in silent dark fire - the spell from before provides light, giving the illusion that her weapon is truly aflame. After a moment, the weapon seems to pulse with a brief, minuscule light, barely visible beneath the flame and its own glow.

To Ilsa, Eyena smiles and nods, then turns back to face whatever is coming.

Assuming it's no issue, Eyena would cast Light when Aubrin asked around, but she'll do so even if there's another light already, and it makes sense that Aubrin might not realize she's stepping over to the edge of the cave to cast, and use her own spell as well.

In the present, Eyena is casting Chill Touch and I went ahead and expanded on the bit about the caster's hand and how it "glows with blue energy". She's also activating Arcane Pool for the +1 enhancement on Eisenherz.

2017-12-13, 09:27 AM
Eyena & Ilsa

The summoner's ward of force and the magus' disruptive enchantment aren't the only spells that are cast in the tunnel mouth: in the precious seconds before all hell breaks loose, you can hear Aubrin murmur a protective spell under her breath. For the briefest of seconds, a pulsating bridge of light connects her and Eyena, who stands with Ramiel at the front of your formation. While it fades, Eyena can still feel an inner warmth radiating within her. "It's up to you to take the fight to this thing, but we'll support you the best we can," Aubrin says with an audible smile. "You've got this, Eyena." More movement around the tunnel ensues as Kern readies a shot into the darkness near where Ramiel is aiming, and Brunelle trudges up through the ranks to take a position near Eyena. Both warriors, despite any nerves they might have been feeling, are ready for battle.

Your preparations are just in time, as a huge hulking monster comes charging around the corner. This terrible beast is easily as large as a bear, its jaws and claws oversized and brutal, its eyes dark and filled with rage. Its dark fur is matted with sweat and blood, and it has many bony ridges under its skin that speak to a life of intense combat at close quarters. Despite Ramiel and Kern's patience, both loosed bolts fly far from their target, as the creature gets in close. It focuses in on the azata archer, seeming to have tracked the arrow back to its source. In a single bound, the animal rakes a huge claw over Ramiel's midsection, producing a series of deep and terrible gashes.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

This combat, I am determined to make the most of the NPCs with you. They can Aid Another or flank with you, but for now they are actively going to try attacking. Kern actually has Precise Shot so he can fire into melee (forgot about the extra +1 from Point Blank Shot, now that I mention it), but he doesn't have Rapid Reload, so he will only be able to shoot every other turn. Aubrin also cast shield other (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/shield-other/) on Eyena, so damage she takes will be halved. Make sure to track all of the buffs on Eyena on any stat blocks you have for this combat.

And the enemy animal is in the fray now! It only landed one attack this round, but Ramiel took 8 damage from its claw. Anyone with ranks in Knowledge (Nature) is free to make a roll to identify the monster by its appearance and ferocity. A DC 14 check will reveal it to be a dire wolverine (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/wolverine/wolverine-dire/).

2017-12-13, 10:10 AM
Eyena readies Eisenherz, prepare to counter an attack, then frowns as the beast seems to avoid her. Taking a step forwards, she brings her cold iron blade down on the creature, the blue flame spreading from the point of contact, leaving pale fur in its wake and briefly burrowing into the creature's flesh for a moment before it's extinguished.

Eyena attacks!

From Roll20:

A: 17
D: 15 + 2

2017-12-13, 04:54 PM
Gilraen watches the refugees shamble past, counting silently as they go, now each grasping the various parts of a length of rope. He nods in satisfaction, though Jet's comment brings an expression of confusion to his face. "We are one too few, Jet! Counting Lirosa and Taidel, there should be 20 others!" It takes him several long moments to recall the dazed expression of the trader-turned refugee, but when he does, his eyes light up. "Where is Clidon? Do we have any more rope?"

If more rope can be found, Gilraen will tie a strand to the end of his 50' length, and begin to retrace their steps, hoping to find Clidon before he's deaded by the storm.

[roll0] str check (in the wrong direction D:)
[roll1] perception (including -8 from the storm)

[roll2] preemptive reflex save

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-13, 08:42 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ramiel grunted as the dire wolverine's claws raked across the chest, and leapt back. Nocking another arrow, he fired again, even as Ilsa fired off a spell at the huge creature.

If I don't take that thing down we're screwed.

Ramiel makes a 5-foot step and fires!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Ilsa casts Grease in the area occupied by the Wolverine! It must make a DC 15 Reflex save or else fall prone.

2017-12-13, 09:37 PM
Gilraen, Narek, & Rask

The spirits of the storm whistle about you, even as you go to work. As the rest of the villagers quickly bind their waists or wrists together on the line with some help from Rhyna and Kining, the dark-haired tavern owner squints in Gilraen's direction. The first time, she doesn't hear the elf properly over the winds, so she has to have him repeat his missive before acknowledging that she's heard him. "Got Farrow here, but I haven't seen Clidon! And that's it for rope here, unless you have some in your pack!" Jet looks around worriedly at the line that is slowly advancing together, from Kining and Narek organizing at the front all the way to Edran at the very end. By the looks of things, they are already moving well ahead to shelter, and should be there within a few minutes. "If you want to go back into the storm for him, I can send somebody else after you! Just have to make sure everyone else makes it okay first!"

With the waves of debris and the relative wall of wind in front of the column, it's still pretty slow going, but it's a great deal steadier now that everyone has been lashed together. Ahead of you, the rocks start to rise into the shape of a ravine. You're nearly there. But for some, that threshold is still too far away. Narek has to help out Marta when she stumbles and falls, guiding her up the rocks. So it is Rask - who is similarly on the lookout for stragglers - who comes across Edran when the traveling bard gets nearly impaled by a rolling log. He collapses in the mud, blood mixing with the earthy tones of the mud over his skin. The man's arm where he was tied to the rope is broken, and there is a bit of bone sticking out of the wound. Screaming for help, he meets the half-orc's eyes over the storm. "HELP ME!", he wails. Over his shoulder, Rask can hear the regular rise and fall of Thel's chest. The boy is asleep, and for the moment, nobody else is looking.

Rask is alone in the dark.

Eyena & Ilsa

The spellsword's attack finally earns the response that she was looking for. Neither Ramiel's second arrow nor Ilsa's attempt to slick the ground at the monster's feet bear much fruit, as the former misses and the wolverine nimbly sidesteps the latter. Even as the rest of your group readies themselves for the next attack - with Kern noisily winching his crossbow and Aubrin stepping up to take the retreating Ramiel's place - the wolverine makes its next move. Turning its gaze on Eyena, the beast seems to shudder and froth with barely constrained rage. If anything, the wound from her blade seems to have made the animal stronger. With an explosion of teeth and claws, the dire wolverine moves to rip Eyena to shreds.

And certainly it should have, except that the wards in place manage to barely keep the magus alive. In a few places where the impacts hit, Aubrin instead exhales in pain as blood appears under her cloak. Stoically, the priestess of Cayden Cailean leans over to the badly wounded Eyena. "I can't keep this up for long, but you look like you need this more than I do." Dodging a feral counterattack, Aubrin puts a hand on the small of Eyena's back, knitting together the shredded flesh and replenishing the supply of blood where the wolverine's assault has taken its toll. When all is said and done, Aubrin's patient is completely hale and whole again. The wolverine - not to be deterred - roars in unrestrained fury and raises another claw.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Well, you certainly hurt old wolvie here, but it more than returned the favor. Eyena took 25 damage from two of the three natural attacks, a total which was halved to 12, this turn (with Aubrin taking the remainder). Without both the shield and the shield other, Eyena would have been downed in one turn. Thankfully, Aubrin also stepped in and risked an AoO to burn one of her cure moderate wounds on Eyena for 14, healing her back to full. Unfortunately, nobody else has succeeded on hurting or debuffing the dire wolverine either, making this a battle of endurance so far.

Also, I'm sort of doing a little bit of Rule of Drama in the first group for some cases, but not so in others. You actually do only have two ropes on the equipment list, I just checked. And it really did come down to Edran on the list of survivors to get hit by the log (he also rolled a natural 2 on his Reflex, and so took about half his hp in damage). But in the interest of an interesting moral dilemma, I'm having Thel be more or less passed out for this section. Maybe the stress of almost getting killed by a tree branch himself caused him to faint again, or maybe he's just sleepy. Either way, it's a relatively minor liberty to be taking in the interest of what I hope will be a fun moment for Rask.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-13, 09:40 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ilsa and Ramiel both lined up their shots again.

<We cannot miss.>

Ramiel fires again!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Ilsa casts Grease in the area occupied by the Wolverine! It must make a DC 15 Reflex save or else fall prone.

2017-12-14, 05:21 AM
Eyena is rather quiet for someone whose organs had just nearly left for a vacation on the muddy cave floor. As the beast is suddenly surrounded by a second appearance of slippery grease, she makes a quick, sharp gesture to Brunelle, indicating for her to move around the beast, to the other side from her. Then she attacks, hoping to cut down the creature before it can attack again.

Swinging again.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1] + [roll2] + DC 13 Fortitude or take 1 Strength damage.

2017-12-14, 09:17 AM
Gilraen shakes his head to the negative. "Just get safe and stay there! I'll be fine! Leave as much rope outside as you can!" He loops his own rope around the tree he's been using as poor-man's shelter, and tries once more to plunge backwards into the storm.

More different die rolls
[roll0] str check
[roll1] perception

[roll2] preemptive reflex

2017-12-14, 11:09 AM
Eyena & Ilsa

For the second time, a shimmering layer of magical unguents coats the cave floor. The momentum is too much for the wolverine this time, and the beast loses its footing, collapsing in a loud thud on the muddy ground. Taking advantage of this momentary lapse, Eyena's sword stroke falls cleanly, cutting a deep swath into her enemy. However, the wolverine withstands the worst of the debilitating enchantment on the blade for a second time. It glares up at its prey in complete hatred, an emotion that should be inimical to this kind of animal. And then in a few seconds, it proves exactly why a cornered beast should still be considered dangerous. The first claw takes the newly restored Eyena in the leg, nearly ripping off the limb outright. As she falls to one knee, the second claw catches her shoulder, driving her down into the ground. Then, once she's within range, the wolverine's fangs find her neck. Darkness overtakes her.

"You will not kill me," Aubrin intones with some fervor towards the enraged beast. "You will not kill them." Her own wounds are far from insignificant, and it's clear that another few seconds of punishment will leave her bleeding out alongside Eyena. But the cleric has a plan in mind: closing her eyes, she calls on the favor of her god, and a wave of restorative energy rushes through the tunnel. In a flash, all of your wounds start to close. Unfortunately, that includes the wolverine as well, who seems to have moved onto a new target as said target starts to try to flank the creature. Brunelle's sword has also cut the animal, and since it doesn't seem to have noticed Eyena's return to consciousness, it is focusing on the next closest threat.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Well, I've got good news and I've got bad news. The good news is that nobody has died yet, and you've managed to largely surround, knock over, and seriously hurt this dire wolverine! The bad news is that even while prone, this beast is vicious, and dealt a total of 34 damage to Eyena with a successful full attack routine (17 after being halved), which was enough to knock her out in one turn. It did not roll lower than a 16 on its attack rolls. :smalleek:

Now, since Aubrin herself was running low on health, she decided to use up one of her channels rather than risk another AoO by casting directly on Eyena. Everyone (Eyena, Aubrin, Ramiel, and yes, the wolverine) got healed 5 hit points. That puts everyone back up at consciousness, although Eyena is also prone now.

2017-12-14, 12:33 PM
Mustering all his will and strength, Gilraen steps away from the tree, trailing his own rope behind. He stops to look back, sharing a long visual exchange with Jet. Firmly determined, he nods. With a grunt of effort he turns back to the storm, desperately searching for a man among the trees. "Clidon!" He calls, the wind his only answer.

"Clidon, damnit, where are you!?" As the minutes slowly tick by, Gilraen is careful to follow the unmistakable trail of two dozen footsteps through muddy ground. "Any fool should be able to keep track of this," he wonders, voiced aloud only because he doesn't stop to think about it.

A sudden voice whispers on the wind. "Clidon?! Clidon, is that you?" He turns a bit, off the trail, to follow the voice, and soon finds the trader, desperately huddled for protection from the stinging rain against a tree. "Clidon! Thank the spirits! Come on, we've got to get out of here! There's a ravine, that way!" Gilraen turns, and stops short, completely unable to see any sign of the trail and the rope he left on it. He turns back to Clidon, doing his best to mask his dismay... "Come on!"

The wind continues to howl, and the storm continues to rage...

2017-12-14, 12:46 PM
Unlike the last two times she's been brought to death's doorstep, Eyena doesn't find an arrow sticking out of her stomach as she awakens. She does, however, half-rise into a position at least somewhat suited to trying to stab the also-prone beast. Thrusting Eisenherz forwards, she tries to finish it off at last.

Still regretting not casting it! Just swinging from prone, here.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-15, 12:04 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ilsa cheered as the Wolverine fell prone and Eyena and Ilsa were able to hit it, but then began to panic as the wolverine, undaunted by its fall, savaged the magus.

<Damn it, Ramiel, start hitting the damn thing!>

<I'm TRYING! That thing is ridiculously fast for its size, and it doesn't help that it's prone now!>

Being out of spells, Ilsa is reduced to her crossbow. Both she and Ramiel miss, getting an 18 and a 10 respectively.

2017-12-15, 12:40 AM
Eyena & Ilsa

Aubrin cries out despite herself as an arrow from Ramiel's bow nearly hits her square in the back. "Have some care where you aim next time!" But she doesn't have time to turn around, as the wolverine launches another all out attack from where it lies at your feet. Eyena's sword stroke having failed to finish the fight, the animal launches a claw towards Brunelle. The half-orc tries to put up a valiant parry, she isn't quite fast enough. The limb rips through armor, skin, and bone alike, reducing the warrior to a bloody mess along the tunnel wall. Not stopping to watch the effects of its actions, the huge beast moves back to Eyena. Fortunately another swipe just misses the magus, but for the second time in under a minute, its jaws clamp around its prey and bleed it past the point of consciousness. The cleric's cry this time is of a very different sort: the kind you might hear at a funeral.

As Kern's bolt goes wide - the third to do so in as many heartbeats - Aubrin's shoulders slump slightly in defeat. For a moment, she seems to consider retreating, or at least trying to get you out of here. But then she looks down at the bloody mess in front of her, a steely look in her eyes. "Come on!", she exclaims, more for the benefit of herself than anyone else standing behind her. Kneeling down, she earns a vicious gash across the midsection that nearly has her joining those on the ground. But it's worth it, as she manages to grasp Eyena's wounds. Once more, the spellsword's injuries close, this time nearly completely.

Aubrin gasps for air, to find blood on her lips instead. She doesn't look like she can take much more of this.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Unfortunately, that was probably your best chance at taking down the wolverine without any casualties. Brunelle took quite a bit of damage this turn, and is either dead or pretty much there already. Eyena took another hit for 12 damage (6 after being halved), and Aubrin took another nasty hit for 11 more damage when trying to heal Eyena. Thankfully she made her Concentration check to cast defensively, healing Eyena for 17 damage and bringing her almost back up to full hp.

Your cleric is now out of 2nd level spells, and any more channel use could be very counterproductive. Not to mention, she's also running quite low on hp herself. If you guys are going to end this fight, now would pretty much be your last chance at doing so.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-15, 01:18 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --


Screaming in tandem, Summoner and Eidolon launched another desparate attack on the wolverine, hoping to finally put it down for good.

Ramiel and Ilsa again attack. Ramiel actually hits, getting a total of 25 and hitting it for the maximum 12 damage. Ilsa gets an 11 and misses.

2017-12-15, 01:33 AM
Eyena has either gotten used to going in and out of consciousness during battle, or is simply consumed by adrenaline - whichever it is, she comes to with a start, gritting her teeth and pushing herself back onto her feet, attacking as soon as she has the height advantage again.

Stand and swing if safe. If I misread the situation and it still has an AoO, just swing I guess. It looks like Brunelle is down, so RIP flanking bonus.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2017-12-15, 09:13 AM
Eyena & Ilsa

For the first time since the fight has begun, Ramiel's arrow is true. The azata takes aim at his target and with prodigious force nearly puts down the wolverine with one shot. The arrowhead rips through the animal's muscles with incredible ease. Really, the only reason the creature is even still conscious has more to do with its sheer determination and refusal to bend in the face of insurmountable odds. Eyena, unfortunately, isn't able to finish it off with Eisenherz, and the blade bounces harmlessly off of a bony plate. The wolverine, no doubt sensing its end approaching, roars in quaking fury before going all out in one last assault. One of its paws goes wide, but it still manages to savage its opponent near to the point of going under for a third time. Eyena only barely manages to stay awake, the haze of pounding blood and war-like vigor pumping through her all at once. This time, it is Aubrin who collapses instead, the sympathetic spell taking its toll on the priestess of Cayden Cailean. She tumbles to the red-stained earth and does not rise.

"Oh, screw all of this!" A clatter can be heard from behind you as Kern tosses away his up to this point useless crossbow. Striding forward past Ilsa, the warrior draws a long blade. He moves to stand over Aubrin's comatose body, holding the line with Eyena on the ground beside him. Valiantly, he tries to cut down the wolverine, but his own sword stroke misses the creature entirely. The wolverine glares up at him, promising a quick death if none of you intervene. And once Kern has been dealt with, Eyena will surely be next.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Well, the wolverine is so close to being down for the count, and Eyena is still standing not unconscious! The wolverine dealt a total of 27 damage with its hits, which was halved to 13 her way. She's barely up, with only 2 hp remaining. Unfortunately Aubrin's shield other is still active (and will continue to be active until its duration is up or she dismisses it), so she took 14 and is now well into the world of negative hp. Kern moved up to stand where Aubrin is, but your allies are all dying rather quickly here. And if Eyena takes another hit, Aubrin will be straight up dead.

Now it really is 'do or die'. If you don't finish off the wolverine this round, I'm 95% sure this will become a TPK, or close to it. The good thing is that you have three attacks between you (four if you count Kern)! You can do it!

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-15, 09:34 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ilsa and Ramiel were now fueled purely by adrenaline now.

<Ramiel, please!>

Ramiel nocked an arrow and leveled this bow. Adrenaline coursing through his veins, he exhaled.

<I've got this.>

And, for once, he did, as, releasing his arrow, it sped past and buried itself directly into the wolverine's neck.

Meanwhile, Ilsa, in a panic, dropped and started pouring potions down Aubrin's throat in a desperate attempt to revive her.

"Come one, Aubrin, come on! We can't lose you!

Ilsa pours two CLWs down Aubrin's throat for 4 and 8, in that order. Ramiel rolls a 20, which hits for 7​ damage.i

2017-12-15, 10:00 AM
Dangerous things, storms. Werent much for it, what with his arm all twisted up like that. Normally he'd be hesitant, 'specially on account of mucking up his blade. But it looked like the storm had done a pretty good job of that too. Rask made sure Thel wouldn't fall, said a silent to Nulgreth that the boy was out cold, then swung down at right after where the bone poked out.

He'd move to get Edran and drag him along too.

Attack Roll +studied target. [roll0]

2017-12-15, 12:16 PM
Eyena, seeing the beast slump down, takes the opportunity to stand. A moment later, Eisenherz is lined up in a way it could never be with the beast thrashing and biting - and a moment later, she's buried feet of it into the beast's head, ensuring that it's well beyond the reach of healing. Then, before even pulling her weapon from where she's plunged it, she looks over to Aubrin, then to Brunelle, and clambers onto the beast's corpse in order to clear the path to the half-orc.

Haha Kern you suck.

Coup de meurs juste toi animal imbécile on the beastie, for 30.

2017-12-15, 02:48 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek shook his head as Gilraen struggled to find one of the missing refugees. He waved to the others they had found, pointing to the rope and ravine. He continued to use his spell to lead the way and keep folks on the path ...
[roll0], [roll1] Str - 14, [roll2] +2? [roll3]
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 3/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

2017-12-15, 05:26 PM
It takes some effort, but between Eyena and Ramiel, the carcass of the dead wolverine is eventually pushed aside. The tunnel mouth is choked in blood and gore, most of it from your side of the battle. Tragically, the animal isn't the only casualty of the encounter. Although Aubrin has returned to consciousness quickly enough after Ilsa's draught, her intervention isn't quick enough to save Brunelle from succumbing to the wound that the beast inflicted upon her. The half-orc lies cold and pale, and as the rest of the refugees file into the musky cave, many of them stop to pay their respects to the fallen warrior. The cleric, for her part, looks down grimly. "We should have waited for help - waited for the others. We needed everyone." It's clear that Aubrin doesn't seek to lay blame anywhere, but her subsequent silence speaks volumes.

After some coordination, most of the Phaendar villagers are inside. It takes a few minutes, but eventually the others appear in the ravine outside. Jet and Kining lead the pack, most of whom are either tied together by rope or otherwise clinging onto one another. Narek is there too, the wizard helping guide the column of survivors. But it is Rask who makes a grand entrance to the cave, carrying not one but two figures over his shoulders. Thel is more or less unconscious, and Shara moves to take the boy as soon as the half-orc soldier is within the safety of the tunnel. But it is the second form - that of the bloody and now one-armed Edran - that he sets down that earns the attention of the townsfolk. Aubrin, who still isn't looking so great herself, asks Rhyna to tend to the wounded man.

"Gods above, what happened to his arm?", the acolyte asks Rask as she casts a few spells to close up the wound. "It's been neatly severed. Almost as if..." She lets the train of thought drift off as she notices the lingering specks blood on Rask's hands, and realizes that the shape of the cut can only have come from a few different kinds of weapon. The normally sanguine blonde priestess looks away quickly, not wanting to meet the fighter's gaze. Thankfully, the bard continues to breathe, and by the looks of it, will probably recover to somewhere near his full strength. Still, the sights of the bloody battlefield and the injured man are almost too much for some, who huddle together in the corners of the cave as they lay out their soaked belongings in a vain attempt to dry them out. There will be no campfire songs tonight.

"Where's Clidon?" Farrow's voice, suddenly high pitched and anxious, cuts through the crowd. "Where is he? He isn't with any of you? Where is Clidon?" His question prompts a series of searches that lend themselves to a singular conclusion. The trader moves to leave in search of his friend and partner, but Kining catches him just in time. "Don't worry. The elf went back for him, means he's probably alright. Won't do them any good if you go off and die like a damned a*shole, trust me on that." This not really being her area, the smith looks to the rest of you to help reassure the desperate fellow of his friend's survival.


All around you, the blue-black world of the storm closes in. There's a sort of terrible rhythm to the sounds of the deluge, and even as you move forward, you lose sight of any sort of path in front of you. Elven sight be damned, there's just too much rain, and the constantly falling debris turns the already slippery muddy ground all the more treacherous. At least Clidon is uninjured, but the man holds onto you as though you were a lifeboat during a flood. Which, you suppose, you more or less are. Nonetheless, it doesn't make moving around in this weather any easier.

Eventually, you are forced to concede that finding your way back to the others will be more or less impossible under the current conditions. So, you are forced to start thinking creatively. After a few minutes of wandering about - and nearly getting hit by yet another collapsing branch - you come across a heavyset pine that has fallen against a boulder. From your experiences in the wilds, you can tell that the tree is braced on both sides by depressions in the rock, and as such has an incredibly low chance of falling on top of you during the night. What's more, the thick pine branches offer a sort of natural protection against the wind.

Pushing yourselves in, you and Clidon hunker down for the night. The merchant's gaunt, mud-streaked face looks out at the violent world outside of your 'shelter'. "I didn't think there was so much rain in the whole world. Thanks... friend. It's Gilraen, right?"

2017-12-15, 06:41 PM
Eyena is silent as she cleans Eisenherz and sheathes it again, silently kneeling by Brunelle for a few moments before going back to the cave's mouth. She gives Kining and the others who have arrived a brief nod, but goes past them, to the edge of the sheltered space, and puts herself halfway into the rain. Not enough to seem like she's leaving again, or to worry about moving about to go anywhere, but enough to let the driving rain pound against her. The blood - hers, the beast's, some of Aubrin's, even - drips down as she stands, silently, at the edge of the storm's reach.

Sorry, Kining, reassurance in the social arena is not Eyena's strong point at the best of times...

Eyena will stick where she is until someone comes to talk to her, or everyone (except the folks hunkering down elsewhere) returns and an hour or so passes.

2017-12-15, 07:23 PM
Under a pine, in the lee of a great boulder, Gilraen takes a squatting position. His face is turned down into a fierce scowl as he continues to peer into the storm, fully expecting to see some landmark or trail that will guide him to the refugees. He starts, and looks up in surprise as Clidon begins to speak. With the storm raging around them, his quiet snort at the word 'friend' doesn't even reach his own ears. He carefully watches the man's face, curious of the sincerity of his words. Seeing nothing but appreciation and honesty in the man's strained features, Gilraen's mouth slowly begins to curl into a smile. friend...

Gilraen nods. "Aye. Gilraen it is. Your... friend will be glad you're safe, as long as we can stay that way. I do not anticipate a pleasant night, but I think we'll live." He struggles to find more words for several moments. Unusued to direct attention, he's clearly uncomfortable. Instinct kicks in and he removes the flint from his pouch. Looking to the sodden ground, he's forced to laugh at the absurdity of the thought and puts it back away. "I hope you have a cloak?" he comments, pulling his own outer garment tight around his shoulders. "It's going to be cold and wet come morning...." With his back to one boulder, Gilraen encourages the traveler to sit close, offering his flank for warmth.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-15, 10:35 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

The end was bittersweet. The wolverine was dead, and it would not kill anyone else. But the cost had been great, bringing the first casualty of the group.

Ilsa knelt next to Brunelle, closing the half-orcs eyes if they were not already.

<Do you think... Was she right? Should we have waited? Or would it have found us anyway?>

<We will never know, I think.> The eidolon laid a hand on the summoner's shoulder. <No-one did anything wrong. We all fought as hard as we could. Sometimes there is simply bad luck.>

Ilsa bowed her head. <Perhaps. But we have to carry on now. We need to make sure that she is not forgotten - that this was worth it.>

She looked at Eyena as she went out into the storm. <Should we go after her? The wind and cold are biting.>

<She will be alright, I think. All grieve in their own way. There are others in here who could use a listening ear.>


Ilsa tentatively approached Aubrin once she and Ramiel had finished paying their respects to Brunelle. "Are... are you alright? You took a lot of damage on Eyena's behalf during that fight."

2017-12-16, 12:07 AM
Narek Skyskin

Narek had kept the refugees moving, not giving them time to think about the situation, or worry about a tree branch that might be in their future. He experienced a number of visions himself, dodging his own metaphorical and physical threats. When Task’s form materialized from the storm, Narek’s heart caught in his throat when he saw the large body on the warrior’s shoulders. But when he saw Thel shift on the man’s other shoulder, he relaxed slightly.

With a few more steps, Narek realized who the second body was. The bard was unconscious, but the dripping makeshift bandage spoke of a terrible wound. Staring for long moments as the group finally reached the ravine, the mage’s eyes narrowed. Blood on Rask’s hilt spoke of recent use; flecks on the half-orcs face indicated a fresh spray of sanguine.

Turning his gaze to the ravine, Narek paused, a chill going down his back.

...the dark beast lashed out, bodies laid around it. The crippled priestess lay dying, a mound of torn flesh next to her. The archers yelled in defiance, watching in horror as Eyena struggled to rise in the face of the raging monster ...

Blinking, Narek motioned to Rask and drew a wand, moving into the cavern with apprehension. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found Aubrin, Eyena and the others okay ... his face hardening at the sight of a fallen refugee. Shaking his head, he murmured to the assembled companions, ”Why didn’t you wait for us? You could have been slain ...”

With no apparent threat, Narek returned to the main group where one of the refugees (Farrow, was it?) was trying to run off. Frowning, the mage shook his hard sharply. “Don’t be ridiculous. There is no reason for three to be lost. Gilraen will return with your friend ... likely after the worst of the storm has passed. Speaking of which, if the cave is clear, everyone should get inside. Kining, please gather Eyena.”
Natek leading? How low have we sunk? Narek will get folks focused on some basic tasks - skinning and of skinning and dressing the wolverine; removing B’a body, tending to minor wounds, clearing out the cave of anything nasty, etc ...
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 3/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

2017-12-16, 07:45 AM
Rask handed off Thel and the spy. He'd thought about carrying the arm along, but was glad he'd ultimately decided against it. Seemed there was more than enough blood going about. Rask hardly heard Rhyna talking at him. Seemed pretty obvious to him, which meant that it'd probably become obvious to everyone else. Rask sighed as he made his way past everyone to the beast they'd killed.

Brunelle was dead. Looked to be he was the only half-orc in the group. He sat down and began to wipe the blood off his sword and face. Afterwards he could get a fire going.

2017-12-16, 04:51 PM

It takes a minute or two, but you soon hear the telltale scuff of boots on rock behind you. The heavy gait means it's either Kining or Rask, and soon you see the silhouette of the dwarf as she moves to stand beside you. "Hm," she says as she takes a moment to look out at the rain with you. "Never liked living on a plain, or a forest." The words have no context, and the smith does not feel the need to elaborate or explain her words any further. She is quiet for another minute afterwards.

"You coming back in? Or going out for a shower?"


"Yeah, got a cloak here. And makes sense to stick together for warmth." You can tell that Clidon still isn't entirely comfortable with the prospect of essentially snuggling up to you for the evening, but judging from the way he's moved some of the branches around to help maximize cover from the storm, he at least isn't entirely unaware of how to stay alive in the woods. Wrapping his cloak around himself like a makeshift blanket, he hesitantly sidles up to you.

Staring back out at the storm, Clidon shakes his head. "You said something about a ravine? I thought I heard the wizard mention it earlier, but it was all a rush. We can't be too far from Gristledown, then. From what I remember of the place, 'Row and I've passed by rock formations like it on the way from there to Phaendar. Good little group of folks there. Elder's a man by the name of Korus, a reasonable enough fellow, if a bit harsh." You can tell that he's largely talking to fill the silence, but the man doesn't seem capable of falling asleep just yet.


When you approach Aubrin, she is sitting on a small rock in one of the natural curves in the cave wall. She holds her staff before her, its tip digging into the ground, as she watches the Phaendar survivors eat their evening meal and start to put out blankets in order to go to sleep. Her gaze is rather far away. She doesn't even seem to notice many of the more minor wounds she's accrued over the course of the day, but when you mention them, she looks up with a strained smile.

"Yes, I'm alright. Just a few scratches. When I have my 'daily chat' with my patron in the sky, he will no doubt see fit to give me more healing power and I'll be back to my usual self." Fingering the ornamental golden flask on the chain around her neck, Aubrin looks directly at you. "It's funny, most people don't associate me with Cayden Cailean. But the Lucky Drunk is, among other things, a god of freedom. More than anything, that was what Phaendar and its people meant to me. I've always tried to be there to help all of its people. Today, I failed in that. I know it's not my place to dwell on such things, and I know that tomorrow we will move on from this place. Nevertheless, I've fought with Brunelle before: I didn't know her near well enough as I should."

And then Aubrin laughs, a genuine and self-effacing thing. "Listen to me, rattling on about my issues. Normally it's other folks who bring their burdens to my doorstep, not the other way around. Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself, Ilsa? Were you born in these parts? What drove you to a life on the road?"

Narek & Rask

Farrow doesn't respond to Narek right away, looking at the entrance to the cave as though still deciding what course of action to take. After a few moments, his shoulders slump slightly and he nods. "I suppose you've the right of it. It's not like I'd be able to find them on my own either. Clidon was always the savvier one when it came to that sort of thing." Sighing, the man moves over to collect some food and lay out a blanket on a space in the floor, although he glances every few minutes at the cave mouth as though to check that his trading partner has not come through.

Although the interior of the cave is dry, the cluster of the townsfolk in the small space and the lack of material to burn make building a fire somewhat inadvisable. Everyone who has made it to the shelter seems equal parts relieved and apprehensive to be here, and there are a few nervous looks at the rocks in the darkness. A few voice their fears that another beast is tucked away behind a rock somewhere, or that there will be a cave in during the night. Most of their worries aren't well-founded, but are clearly born of minds tired by the journey. After making sure that Edran's arm has stopped bleeding, Rhyna and the other two acolytes from the Riverwood Shrine move to tend some of the other injured since Aubrin is busy talking to Ilsa in one of the corners.

"Here Rask, will you give me a hand with this?" Jet stands over the corpse of the dead wolverine, holding up a hunting knife. Judging by the blood on her forearms, she seems to have already started skinning the beast. "No use getting a fire going down here, but at least we can dice and wrap up all of this meat before it spoils. I saw you butcher that wolf in Phaendar, and after. You're pretty good at this sort of thing." What she doesn't say about cutting up the beast - that it will at least partially obfuscate any lingering traces of Edran's blood - is just as plain to the half-orc.

2017-12-16, 05:02 PM
Eyena looks over to Kining as she arrives, giving a slow nod at her first comment; she turns back out to the storm after a few moments of silence, closing her eyes briefly. When Kining speaks again, Eyena turns to her, and nods. "Yes. I, that is, I'm coming, in," she says, stepping out of the storm and intoning a brief syllable of power, following it with a one-handed gesture. A moment later, any of the blood and muck that remains on her slides off, and she turns to Kining, one hand half-raised. She seems to be waiting for an answer for a few moments, before suddenly clearing her throat.

"It's good, that you, you're here," Eyena says. "I'm...glad."

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-16, 08:39 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --


When you approach Aubrin, she is sitting on a small rock in one of the natural curves in the cave wall. She holds her staff before her, its tip digging into the ground, as she watches the Phaendar survivors eat their evening meal and start to put out blankets in order to go to sleep. Her gaze is rather far away. She doesn't even seem to notice many of the more minor wounds she's accrued over the course of the day, but when you mention them, she looks up with a strained smile.

"Yes, I'm alright. Just a few scratches. When I have my 'daily chat' with my patron in the sky, he will no doubt see fit to give me more healing power and I'll be back to my usual self." Fingering the ornamental golden flask on the chain around her neck, Aubrin looks directly at you. "It's funny, most people don't associate me with Cayden Cailean. But the Lucky Drunk is, among other things, a god of freedom. More than anything, that was what Phaendar and its people meant to me. I've always tried to be there to help all of its people. Today, I failed in that. I know it's not my place to dwell on such things, and I know that tomorrow we will move on from this place. Nevertheless, I've fought with Brunelle before: I didn't know her near well enough as I should."

And then Aubrin laughs, a genuine and self-effacing thing. "Listen to me, rattling on about my issues. Normally it's other folks who bring their burdens to my doorstep, not the other way around. Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself, Ilsa? Were you born in these parts? What drove you to a life on the road?"
Ilsa bowed her head. "The first couple days, I spent apart from everyone, mostly. Then I realized that I owed it to the people I was helping protect that I should get to know them. And now I'll never have that chance with Brunelle." She sighed. "We may move on physically, but we owe it to her to carry her memory on with us. We need to make sure this sacrifice was worth it."

When Aubrin laughed, Ilsa smiled a little and relaxed."No, I was not born here. I was actually born up in Lastwall - my father is a commander in the army, there, and my mother consults for them sometimes. As for why I'm on the road, the exact explanation is a bit of a long story, but suffice to say that I wanted to prove to my father that I had the chops to be able to help Lastwall out in my own way."

2017-12-17, 10:59 AM

"Yeah, got a cloak here. And makes sense to stick together for warmth."Gilraen nods. "Good." He falls into a comfortable silence watching the storm, as Clidon prepares himself to ride out the wind and rain. Without a word, he pulls a bundle of daily rations out of his pouch, suddenly ravenously hungry for a morning spent hurrying and and afternoon spent battling against the elements. He tears into the hard bread, gnawing it into submission as Clidon tries to get comfortable...

Staring back out at the storm, Clidon shakes his head. "You said something about a ravine? I thought I heard the wizard mention it earlier, but it was all a rush. We can't be too far from Gristledown, then. From what I remember of the place, 'Row and I've passed by rock formations like it on the way from there to Phaendar. Good little group of folks there. Elder's a man by the name of Korus, a reasonable enough fellow, if a bit harsh."

At first, Gilraen's responses are only gestures. "Something about a ravine?" *nod*. "Hear the wizard mention it..." *shrug*. "Can't be too far" *nod* "Good little group of.." *furrowed brows* As Clidon lapses into uneasy silence, Gilraen maintains the same, though his eyes continue to scan the woods at the edge of their makeshift protection. As the seconds tick into minutes, a scowl builds on Gilraen's face. For some time, the thoughts that cause it remain a mystery, though the Elf is clearly struggling with something. Finally, his voice rises to do battle with the oppressive howling of the wind.

"He must be..." Gilraen begins, harkening back to Clidon's words of the Elder, "to survive amidst the Fangwood- especially with others in his care. The Fangwood is many things...." He pauses for a long time, letting the wind and rain speak for itself. Though his spares a brief smile for Clidon, his expression remains generally subdued.

"Forgiving is not one of them."

2017-12-17, 12:07 PM
Rask nodded and tossed down the rag. More blood. Lots more judging by Jet's forearms. Rask nodded, because Jet was telling the truth about him, then he let go of his sword, exchanging it for a jagged dagger. Finer implement, even if it was from the homeland. Easier to cut through the sinew. The beast looked to have a lot of that. Rask stood up in into a hunched over crouch, then started skinning the wolverine on the opposite side.

2017-12-17, 02:59 PM

The dwarf doesn't bat an eyelash at the display of magical cleansing, but does raises her eyebrow at your last comment. "Glad? Why would you be glad I'm here? The wizard sent me to come and fetch you." The words don't seem to have any malice, but neither are they comforting in any measurable way. If Kining has ascribed any emotional significance to your recent experiences, she certainly isn't sharing them. In fact, you get the distinct impression that she's deliberately shutting herself off from you pretty much since last night, perhaps in the hope of avoiding the kind of discussion that now looms before you.

"Look," she says, relenting slightly after a moment. She shuffles slightly from rock to rock, looking out at you from her blonde hair expressionlessly. "Not so good at talking about this stuff. But I ain't looking for a partner. That other stuff, it's just to blow off steam, alright? Can we do that without you being 'glad' I'm around, or some bullsh*t?"


In the wake of your comment, Clidon is silent for a little while. Then his face cracks into a wry grin as he looks at the absolute devastation that is your surroundings. Before long, that grin breaks in turn into a hearty, low chuckling laughter. "Not forgiving! No, it most certainly is not. You've a talent for understatement, I'll give you that." Shaking his head slightly in a way that doesn't seem at all patronizing or in any way disparaging, the Tamran native pats you amiably on the shoulder and then chuckles one more time. "Not forgiving indeed..."

After a few minutes, his breathing has become regular and heavy enough for you tell that he's fallen asleep without even asking for your food. In his sleep, Clidon's face loses a lot of the tension it was holding. Some people can sleep just about anywhere, it would seem. The man shifts slightly, to the point where he's not quite leaning on you, but you can feel the warmth of his body heat from beneath his wrapped up cloak. It would seem as though you aren't going anywhere else tonight, leaving you little choice other than to get cozy with your companion.


To your first point, Aubrin merely nods her head and holds your gaze. It's obvious that she agrees with you on the nature of the passed Brunelle, but the cleric doesn't seem to care to dwell on it any more now. A lingering pain mingled with a sense of quiet conviction, is enough to know that Aubrin at least has no intention on forgetting those who have laid down their lives for the sake of others. But your description of Lastwall and the role your parents play there brings a warm expression to your talking companion's face.

"Well, whatever the reason is, I'm certainly glad you're here. If I ever get the chance to meet your father, I will be sure to tell him that his daughter does him credit. You know, I've actually been to Lastwall once before? It was a long time ago, but I did a tour of the northern Fangwood beyond the Tourondel with a detachment of Chernasardo Rangers. You should be proud of your homeland." She seems to pause, thoughtful. "From what you said, I assume that when we've all been safely brought free of the shadow of the Legion, you'll be on your way back up north then?"


To skin an animal and turn its insides to meat takes a decent amount of time, even with two, and the dire wolverine corpse is big enough that the task is comparable to cutting up a large bear. First, you and Jet lay the wolverine on its back starting with the front legs both right and left make a clean cut from the pads of the paw to the point just below the neck. Then, you take a cut from the point just below the neck from over the abdomen, right up to the tip of the tail. On the hind legs, both of make cuts similar to the one taken on the front legs. With that done, the cuts need to extend around the pads of the feet, to skin the paws and cut the claws along with the hide. The claws themselves prove recalcitrant, so the pair of you are forced to skin around the wrist and saw off the wrist bones, leaving the pads attached to the hide. Only then can the beast be properly shed of its hide.

By the time the work is nearly finished, both you and Jet have worked up a small sweat from the exertion. Nevertheless, both of you know your stock and trade, and the end result is a remarkably well-preserved (if slightly cut up with sword slices) wolverine skin. "Now comes the real bloody business," Jet says quietly as she looks at the muscles and inner workings of the animal, laid out on the now-stained tarp to prevent it from getting too dirty. "If I salt the portions and wrap them up nice and tight to avoid rot, will you do the butchering?"

2017-12-17, 04:26 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek glanced around the small cave and out into the ravine where the group was fast at work taking care of their ndividual tasks. It seemed there was no need for his presence anywhere, no need for his skills. As he stood silently for a long moment, he felt eyes on him; glancing around he found Shara sitting against the cave wall, wiping away the blood from Thel’s head as the child slept, hr eyes on him. Blinking, he started to turn away, uncomfortable with her gaze and his own thoughts, but stopped. After another pause, he headed over to sit with Shara and Thel, not saying anything initially, but reaching out to help her clean the boy off.

After several minutes of silent work, he finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. [i]”I am ... bad at this, I know. It is difficult for me to just ‘be here’ with you. I think you presume it is because I don’t love you fully. I think perhaps it is I don’t know how to love you. I ... ” He trailed off, uncertain how to continue his thoughts.
Just some RO, since everyone else is doing it!
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 3/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

2017-12-17, 04:49 PM
Eyena stares at Kining for a moment, and then snorts. An odd sound escapes her lips, then another. She shakes, and after a moment, her resistance fails, and she begins to laugh. The fit seems to grow in strength the moment she loses control, and after a few moments she's leaning on Kining if the dwarf lets her, laughing. Eventually, the laughter begins to die down, after several false-ends that all lead to Eyena looking up to Kining, then falling into more laughter.

Once she can speak again, Eyena smiles at Kining, wiping a laughter-induced tear from her cheek. "Don't...worry," she says. "It's - that's, what you said, it's, how I'm used to having it."

2017-12-17, 05:04 PM
Rask rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt. No sense in adding to the dirt on them. He jammed the the dagger into the shoulder socket, thumping in between the ball and socket with his free fist. He pushed up on the dagger and gave the limb a yank with his other hand. It popped out with a wet snap. Rask stared at it for a moment, a bit more impressed with himself than previously. He'd seen a Molthuni mage do something sort of the same with a tablecloth at an inn. Of course, his nose had made a similar wet sound too, when Rask's fist had found it later. Rask had cheated at dice. A brawl had broken out. He couldn't remember who'd won.

From there the big man went about cutting the meat of the limb in big thick strips. He'd save the torso for last, on account of the offal and small spaces. Rask was none too sure what to do with the head of the thing.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-17, 05:40 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --


To your first point, Aubrin merely nods her head and holds your gaze. It's obvious that she agrees with you on the nature of the passed Brunelle, but the cleric doesn't seem to care to dwell on it any more now. A lingering pain mingled with a sense of quiet conviction, is enough to know that Aubrin at least has no intention on forgetting those who have laid down their lives for the sake of others. But your description of Lastwall and the role your parents play there brings a warm expression to your talking companion's face.

"Well, whatever the reason is, I'm certainly glad you're here. If I ever get the chance to meet your father, I will be sure to tell him that his daughter does him credit. You know, I've actually been to Lastwall once before? It was a long time ago, but I did a tour of the northern Fangwood beyond the Tourondel with a detachment of Chernasardo Rangers. You should be proud of your homeland." She seems to pause, thoughtful. "From what you said, I assume that when we've all been safely brought free of the shadow of the Legion, you'll be on your way back up north then?"
Ilsa smiled as Aubrin mentioned thanking her father. "Just ask for Adalgar Hartwick; they'll direct you to him." Talking of her homeland, Ilsa stretched. "We went through a bit of a rough patch when I was younger, but my father - I mean, Lastwall and I are on much better terms now. It may be under near-constant attack by orcs, but, home's home, y'know?"

"As for leaving, yes, I will depart once I've helped you reclaim your home and overthrow the Legion - but if the scuttlebutt I've heard around the camp is at all accurate, it seems like that will be one protracted fight. So I wouldn't worry too much about it, not right now. Besides, the longer I stay with you, the stronger Ramiel and I will get - assuming we live that long."

2017-12-17, 05:53 PM
For several minutes, Gilraen listens, the ever-so-faint sounds of Clidon's breath barely perceivable in the roar of the surrounding storm. His eyes glaze, as he watches water pool on a leaf and drip off, the reduced weight enough to let the leaf rise once more and the pool to form all over again. The short, periodic stream of water somehow helps to steady his mind, as he sits, alone with his thoughts.

The minutes turn into hours, and yet Gilraen's gaze remains impassive. His eyes linger for a few moments here, before focusing on a branch at the edge of their shelter. His thoughts run rampant, an odd symmetry with the storm raging just feet away. The peace on his features a blank mask to hide the urgency beneath.

As he considers the day, the week, every last waking minute, one word seems to echo, and re-echo in his thoughts: friend...

The night is not restful. Gilraen is still awake when the storm starts to wane, almost imperceptibly at first. He focuses back on the leaf- sure enough, the intervals are more-widely spaced than before: it's taking longer for the leaf to fill. The minutes tick by once more, excitement and urgency raising Gilraen's heartbeat. Clidon continues to slumber, and as the storm finally devolves into dripping trees, Gilraen decides to let him be. Though he has not rested, perhaps there will be time for that, later.

For the time being, Gilraen simply waits for the sun to return, so he can find his way back to the others...

2017-12-18, 12:15 PM

Kining at first just seems incredibly confused at your laughter, watching you with an odd expression. After a while, a small scowl appears at the corners of the dwarf woman's mouth. She doesn't stop you from leaning in, but neither does she move to turn the embrace into anything other than a physical support. When you look at her through the fits, her face gets progressively stonier. She waits for the little bouts of giggles to die down.

"Right. Didn't realize I was so funny." Turning around, Kining moves to walk back down the tunnel.


Aubrin seems quite relieved at your words, the cleric visibly relaxing. It seems as though up to now, she was under the impression that your aid was more temporary. "I don't even know how to thank you enough for everything you've done, everything you are doing. I can't speak for all of Phaendar's survivors, but know at least that you've made an ally here."

The priestess of Cayden Cailean thinks for a moment, before coming to a decision. "If - no, when - we oust the Ironfang Legion and get the people of Phaendar back on their feet, I would be happy to accompany you and Ramiel back to Lastwall. It's been too long since I was on the road, and you make it sound like the kind of place where I could fit in."


At first, Shara seems somewhat hesitant to have you so close. But she doesn't begrudge you holding onto the boy. Your words actually elicit a sweet smile from her, and she leans in to embrace you. "I know," she says into your arms. "I think I always knew, even when we were starting out. You were this beautiful thing, this man of light and knowledge. I think I fell in love with you because I didn't understand you, couldn't understand you. That head of yours, it's nothing like mine, or anyone else's here. And when you come back... next time. When you come back, that'll still be you, even if you don't remember us."

Playing with the sleeping Thel's hair, Shara continues to speak in a tone that is simultaneously tender and bitter. "I told myself that I wouldn't be back here with you. Closest I've come to a proper vow. And here we are. He needs you. We all need you, even if I have to go back on my own convictions."


When your bloody task is done, Jet shrugs one of her black braids behind her and adjusts the soiled teal sash around her waist. Shaking her head slightly, she looks towards the tunnel outside. The parcels of meat have all been expertly preserved, wrapped up and put away in packs, to be consumed when there is both time and space to make a proper cooking fire. The innkeeper then nods satisfactorily in your direction as she starts to try to clean off her favorite fabric. Her dark eyes move up to meet yours.

"Well done. I saw your work in the Taproot up close, but I never got the chance to say how much I like your blade-work. You've a talent to match those hobgoblins, and no mistake. I see why some of the others call you Cleaver. If you don't mind my asking, what is your real name? I remember you writing something that looked like 'Rask', way back when you first came to town, but might have been my eyes playing tricks on me. Everyone sort of took my word for it, and I never asked again."

2017-12-18, 12:28 PM
Eyena frowns, as Kining turns, and raises an arm as if she's going to grab her shoulder, but doesn't, watching silently for a few moments before quickly following. "Kining!" She says - this time, she does reach out to stop her. "I - " Eyena grimaces. "I don't, it's...I'm, sorry. I didn't, want - you to, feel bad," she says, and slumps. "The entirety of the, of the time, I wanted - to not do that. Not, make anyone feel bad, and say, say it wrong, and...now I did. My knowledge, of, it's - why it's bad, I don't know." Eyena's tone is on the brink of frustration, slipping between exasperation and confusion along the way. The usual break between each statement is gone. "Should, is it better if, I, we - should I ask, and, the discussion, we have, I know what to do, later, because of it? Or, do I...not, and, stay here?"

2017-12-18, 12:41 PM

Kining just shakes her head slightly, and her expression returns to something a bit closer to her neutral one. "Not much for talking things through. Just thought it was a reasonable thing to say, is all. I've had folks blur the lines on me in the past. Don't worry about it though. We're good. Know you didn't mean anything by it." She openly looks at you up and down, as though you were a newly forged suit of armor, that had yet to be tested in battle.

"Stay here, or come back. I can tell the wizard I tried either way."

2017-12-18, 12:50 PM
Eyena visibly relaxes as Kining speaks, and nods. She opens her mouth to say something, then doesn't, and simply nods again. "Is, ah, the cave, has the looking through of it been done? For, places, for people." She steps towards the cave as she speaks, talking to Kining as she walks if the dwarf follows her movement.

2017-12-18, 02:36 PM
Rask nodded to Jet’s question, then nodded again when she said his name. He spilled out some water from his flask and worked it into the skin of his hands. Seemed like he’d run out of water before the blood was all gone. Perhaps he could find a stream the next day, to get the rest of it from his forearms and wash the speckles of red from his breastplate.

He’d tried his best at a translation when he’d first arrived, but Rask was well aware of his linguistic skills. Or rather his distinct lack of talent pertaining to that arena. Narek could probably have done a better job of it, but as is he’d gotten pretty close. They both started with Rs, for one. And once he’d been done, scribbling it out, the scrawl’d been closer to “Small” or “Weak” than Runt. Rask had judged it close enough.

The big man thought some on what’d she’d said. Likening what he did to the hobs was proper, even if it did little to comfort. Maybe she thought he took pleasure in it. Had they met back in the homeland she’d have been right with that thought. And dead. He thought to continue, but the ruminations of the past had made him more tired than butchering the carcass.

He looked at Jet and offered a faint smile, then looked beyond her to the edge of the tunnel. He nodded at her, then at the opening. After picking his greatsword back up, Rask tried his best to not step on anyone as he made his way to the entrance. Someone had to guard it, and he seemed the widest in terms of shoulder span. Jet could back him.

Rask did not look at Edran as he made his way up to the front. If the spy made it through the night, he made it through the night. The thought was a black one, but the weather outside the cave seemed to allow for little else.

2017-12-18, 05:09 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek nodded slowly as she spoke, happy that she was at least open with him - a humorous desire given his own lack of openness. After a few moments, her last words registered as he raised his eyes to hers. ”That's just it ... I will remember you. And I won't. I've never really told you how it all works, but ... I see things. Visions ... predictions ... memories. Things that were. Things that are. Things that may be, or could have been. I ... see them all. When the attack came ... I saw you and Thel ... or not-you, and not-Thel. Or possible future-you and past could-have-been Thel. It can be confusing, frightening, worrying.” He trailed off again, rubbing his forehead for a moment.

Leaning in, he took her hand, staring at them. [I]"I ... have seen you and Thel die. During the invasion ... while traveling through the woods ... in the storm ... in Gristledown. The closer I am to something, the more I care about it, the harder it is to avoid 'seeing' the future ... or not-future ... near-future ... I have seen you and Thel in my visions hundreds ... thousands of times."

He looked up in her eyes, his own full of pain and longing that no mortal could fathom. "You want to know why I pushed you away? Once I let you in, I had to watch you die a thousand deaths, some of which might still come true. Once I let myself love you ... I had to mourn you."

Narek held her hands for a moment more before dropping them and turning back to Thel. He brushed his eyes, brining his emotions back under control. What he shared had cost him deeply, but there it was ...
More chit-chat! And the feels!
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 3/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

2017-12-18, 09:01 PM

Kining just grunts as you decide to follow her in, but for the briefest of moments, you think you can see a smug smile behind the curtain of her white blonde hair. "It's not much of a cave, you ask me. But yeah, they searched it, found nothing." The pair of you return to the main group just in time to see Rask walk past you and towards the cave mouth where you stood only minutes ago, wet with water and even more blood than before. The former town blacksmith just watches the half-orc go. "Not going to fetch him, that's for damn sure." She thinks for a moment, before remembering something. Rummaging around in her leather coat, Kining produces a gleaming metal object. It's a very fine lock, with a length of what looks like fortified chain. "Thought you could use this on that book you're always reading. Just couldn't stand looking at that shoddy craftsmanship."

As you find a place to settle yourself for the night, you notice Kining watching you a few times from afar. While she doesn't come over - and you get the distinct impression that going to her now would strain whatever arrangement you've come to - you can't help but feel as though you're being judged for your choice. However, it's far from being a condemnation. Your spell is in place, so eventually you see the dwarf fall asleep under a few blankets near the rest of her belongings. That leaves only the rest of the night to ponder things that have been done, and things that have been said.


Shara's hands are warm and soft, gently reaching up to caress your face. It's clear that she doesn't fully understand everything you've said, but you have spent enough years over lifetimes living with humans to know that the will in her eyes will not be deterred by that darkness. "Shhh," she whispers, leaning in. "Those deaths aren't real. But we are. If what you say is true, and you remember us, then a part of us will always live on through you. I have faith in your ability to keep all of us alive through these times. You and the others saved so many of us from a horrible fate at the hands of the Legion. And even if... even if somehow the worst happens, Thel and I will be by your side."

The kiss is as tender as it is unexpected, Shara moving in with great speed. Her lips melt against yours; you can see her closed eyes, feel her breath on yours. She holds you there for a long moment before finally breaking the physical contact. When she does, she holds your gaze with a surprising fierceness. "Don't waste time mourn something that isn't gone, Narek Skyskin."

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-19, 12:01 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --


Aubrin seems quite relieved at your words, the cleric visibly relaxing. It seems as though up to now, she was under the impression that your aid was more temporary. "I don't even know how to thank you enough for everything you've done, everything you are doing. I can't speak for all of Phaendar's survivors, but know at least that you've made an ally here."

The priestess of Cayden Cailean thinks for a moment, before coming to a decision. "If - no, when - we oust the Ironfang Legion and get the people of Phaendar back on their feet, I would be happy to accompany you and Ramiel back to Lastwall. It's been too long since I was on the road, and you make it sound like the kind of place where I could fit in."

Ilsa blushed slightly at the praise, rubbing the back of her neck. "I'd like to think I'm just doing what anyone would do in this situation. Provided they had a crossbow and the ability to summon an angelic archer from Elysium, that is."

"As for coming back to Lastwall, I certainly wouldn't mind the company. You've been a great help in these fights, helping to keep us patched up - both Lastwall and I would welcome someone of such capabilities."

2017-12-19, 12:46 AM
Narek Skyskin

Narek smiled, a genuine smile, and leaned into the kiss. He may have been surprised by the suddenness of it all, but the taste, the smell .... he knew he had experienced it many times across a multitude of lives. He held he chin for a moment, whispering ”I’ll try. With all my heart I promise to try.”

Hugging her tightly Narek found some small measure of calm in the midst of the storm. Somehow, it always was the same - amid life and death, war and peace, serenity and chaos, it was love that felt like ... Home.
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 3/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

2017-12-19, 10:40 AM

"I'm glad to hear that," Aubrin says, putting a hand on your shoulder in a gesture of open camaraderie. "Not that the Fangwood isn't a kind of home in and of itself, but I suspect that by the time we're done dealing with the Legion, most of us might appreciate a change in scenery." Screwing off the cap and opening a compartment in her holy symbol, she takes a swig from a little bit of liquid inside, and offers you a sip. The liquor is surprisingly bitter at first, but leaves a sweet taste in your mouth by the time you've finished swallowing.

"It came from an elder flower on the Nesmian Plains, pressed right in town. Hopefully we'll be able to make more one day." Rising to her feet, Aubrin - or rather Abby, as she insists you call her should you mention her name - extends a hand for you to shake and gives you a friendly nod goodnight. Tomorrow is another day, and you get the feeling as though you'll need all of your strength.

It takes more time than even the veteran survivalists in the group might have thought for the storm to break, although somewhere around midnight it starts to abate in favor of a gentle curtain of rain. The next morning dawns with a lingering halo of cloud, although there are streaks of eggshell blue on the horizon. The halls of the Fangwood have been thoroughly soaked, and as the people of Phaendar slowly emerge from their hiding hole, they can see the devastation of fallen trees and churned mud wherever they look. Navigating through this will be a good deal harder than the treks anyone is used to. A few of those taken to leading the others at your side - Aubrin, Kining, Jet - all take up positions along the edges of the ravine. "Looks like the gods have had their fill of pissing on us," the dwarf mutters darkly, as though daring the heavens to open for a second deluge. "Better we get out of this f*cking forest, and fast."

Aubrin, for her part, just sighs at Kining's 'counsel', and turns to the group, her expression thoughtful and slightly concerned. "We have a few priorities, I think. Does anyone want to volunteer to take Farrow and look for Gilraen and Clidon? Or should we trust that he'll be able to find us if we head straight to Gristledown? Gilraen is definitely one of the most capable woodsmen of the group, but I don't much like the idea of just leaving him behind and trusting that he'll be able to follow us. Any ideas?"

2017-12-19, 12:58 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek stepped forward, frowning as he glanced back in the direction the group had come. While the land had been severely savaged, he felt confident Gilraen would find the group in quick order. Shaking his head, he motioned to the north. ”I am certain Gilraen can find our group; if we trusted Lirosa and Taidel to travel alone ahead of the storm, I think we can trust an accomplished tracker to catch up to us quickly without sending anyone to find him. The more pressing question is whether we possess enough woodcraft to find Gristledown without incident. Aubrin, let us ensure our group begins preparations to depart. In the meantime, who is competent enough to navigate the way ahead?”
Asking the question ... but we can probably delay some time by just getting everyone ready, gathering our resources, preparing spells, etc ...
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

2017-12-19, 09:28 PM
Gilraen is awake long before the dawn. Clidon has slid to recline in what is likely a more comfortable position as the earth's warmth outlasts the rain's chill. Gilraen lets the man continue to sleep until the eastern horizon begins to visibly light- the Elf can traverse the woods by moonlight, but he expects less of the Human's eyes.

"Time to rise, Clidon," He says, gently shaking the man into consciousness. "We must be off. I don't know how far ahead of us the rest of them made it, but we're definitely behind." Despite his restless night and the hours of rain that intervened, the wide trail left by the refugees is almost painfully clear in the clear light of dawn. A familiar scowl settles in as he silently chastises himself for missing it the night before.

Still, it is a matter of minutes, rather than hours, for the pair to lay eyes on the ravine, and some of the townsfolk standing outside. He smiles widely as Clidon and Farrow reunite, the relief evident on both faces. For the first time, Gilraen's face shows signs of fatigue, as he steps aside to both give the men a moment of relative privacy and report to the others the happenings of the night before.

"...Ultimately, it could have been much worse. We have returned, and after a chance to rest, will be no worse for the wear..."

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-19, 11:38 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --


"I'm glad to hear that," Aubrin says, putting a hand on your shoulder in a gesture of open camaraderie. "Not that the Fangwood isn't a kind of home in and of itself, but I suspect that by the time we're done dealing with the Legion, most of us might appreciate a change in scenery." Screwing off the cap and opening a compartment in her holy symbol, she takes a swig from a little bit of liquid inside, and offers you a sip. The liquor is surprisingly bitter at first, but leaves a sweet taste in your mouth by the time you've finished swallowing.

"It came from an elder flower on the Nesmian Plains, pressed right in town. Hopefully we'll be able to make more one day." Rising to her feet, Aubrin - or rather Abby, as she insists you call her should you mention her name - extends a hand for you to shake and gives you a friendly nod goodnight. Tomorrow is another day, and you get the feeling as though you'll need all of your strength.
Ilsa swished the sip in her mouth, letting the bitter liquid coat her mouth as she breathed in through her nose, letting the flowery scent pervade her mouth. She smiled as Aubrin - Abby left.

"Hopefully. Good night, Abby."

*** The next day... ***

Ilsa smiled as Gilraen and Clidon joined them. "Good of you to join us, guys. We were getting a bit worried, there. No time to rest, though - we've got to push on to Gristledown. Hopefully Lirosa and Taidel made it there safe, and they've gotten ready to mobilize."

2017-12-20, 01:22 PM
As Kining reveals her gift, Eyena stares, taking the lock and chain only after a moment, though she nods as Kining explains, a slight smile on her face. "To receive - " she pauses. Looks off to the side. Coughs. "...Thank you," she says simply after a few moments.

When morning comes, Eyena is as she normally is - having closed and locked and chain shut the book she was hunched over for much of the night (though she did pause to silently look down at the new, stronger chain and the shining, well-made lock), and opened the next for an hour of careful study before the day begins in earnest. As the others gather, she follows, nodding at Narek's words, though she offers no true answer to his question, and again at Gilraen and Klidon, once they arrive. Once the others are ready, she nods, indicating her readiness with a bit more force than is typical.

2017-12-20, 01:54 PM
Narek Skyskin

With little by way of feedback, Narek is spared having to ask each of the refugees about their skills when Gilraen and Clidon return. The wizard watched expressionless, but was inwardly surprise the woodsman had returned with the other man at all. So many paths where Clidon lay dead in the forest, food for wolves ...

Shaking his head, Narek cleared his throat. ”You have enough time to drink and eat while we gather our equipment and belongings. We should leave as soon as possible. Right now, the weather has erased our trail; once the hobgoblins find our new one, it will be even easier to follow.” Narek gathered his own belongings, then checked on Shara and Thel, making sure they were ready to move. He sent Visk skyward for a moment to check the local area, then sent him to watch over Thel.
Ready to go!
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

2017-12-20, 02:59 PM
Rask was glade the pair had survived. He hoisted his bag up over a free shoulder, checked to see if Edran was functional, then nodded at what Narek said. They'd have to make good time to Gristledown. With luck the trackers would still be alive.

2017-12-20, 05:33 PM
The Grave of Gristledown (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB0q_gxtmOs)

It doesn't take you too long to figure out that something is dreadfully wrong.

The morning trail, for all of yesterday's upheaval, is easy enough to follow in the indifferent light. With Gilraen leading the way, the path unveils itself without too much effort. All around you, clods of rich soil and the chaotic green of spring unfurl like a wild banner. The column falls into line easily enough, the usual routine of the six of you taking the lead having long since been established. Behind you, the faces of those you have saved stare ahead with a ragged determination. Clidon. Kining. Aubrin. Jet. Rhyna. Shara and Thel. Edran. Yes, even the bard seems to have recovered from last night's ordeal, minus his right arm from the shoulder down. He has tied his shirt into the place where his bicep used to be. They all march a ways behind you, giving their heroes room to maneuver should some unexpected danger arise to flank you.

As it turns out, they need not have worried about dangers from the sides. Up ahead, Gilraen and Rask alike both spot a prone form, half-buried beneath the mud. You recognize her cloak right away: Lirosa. The half-elf is incredibly pale, but you can see several fresh wounds that have miraculously closed on their own. Those behind you eventually catch up to the scene, and in a flash Aubrin is behind you. Kneeling at Lirosa's prone form, the cleric murmurs a plea for aid and touches the hunter. Some color soon returns to Lirosa's cheeks, as she starts to cough up bits of mud. "Phoe... the hell... ugh..." she starts to open her eyes, only to close them again due to the pain. Moaning, she tries to rise only to collapse again. You can see that despite Aubrin's spell, she still bears the marks of a few wounds: a broken arrow through her side, and a few choice bruises. It is only then that Lirosa fully clues into her surroundings, and her eyes go wide.

"No..." her voice is small, as a small tear descends down her dirt-streaked face. "We need to go back. You need to take me to Gristledown. We need to go back! Taidel! They got Taidel!"

Map of Gristledown (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

To save us all a little bit of time, I'm going to go ahead and assume that Aubrin casts cure light wounds on Lirosa to the point where she's conscious and can speak. Also don't worry about the map - I didn't put you far enough away from Gristledown to make the map to scale. For now, just assume that the town is less than a mile away (over the next rise kind of thing).

2017-12-20, 05:56 PM
Narek Skyskin

The wizard closed his eyes for a moment, clearing his mind of the vision of a field filled with refugees, buried like Lirosa. Shaking his head, he stepped forward to survey the area, noting the arrow, the wounds, and any foot traffic in the area. He leaned forward to murmur to Gilraen, "Best have a look around for any patrols - we may be under observation already. That and any tracks leading back, which should be easy after the storm."

Stepping forward, he verbally restrained the hunter. ”Stay. Get healed. Watch the others. We'll look for your brother, but we need information. Who attacked you? How many were there? Is Gristledown lost?”
Skill checks!
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: none

2017-12-20, 06:03 PM
Narek's intervention seems to calm Lirosa down some, as she meets his eyes her breathing steadies. However, some dark fear is still present in her quivering voice when she speaks. Craning her neck, the half-elf points towards the direction of Gristledown, due north through the trees.

"It's not too far from here, less than half an hour's walk due north. Taid - we beat the storm yesterday. Damn fool thing to do, rushing in like that, but we thought we'd get to some cover, you know? Only, the people of Gristledown were already dead. Instead, we found an entire host of Ironfang waiting for us. At least twenty, probably more. They'd burned most of the town, put the people to the sword. They were lead by the nastiest looking bugbear I've ever seen, scars all over. He carried two swords. 'Scarvinious', I think I heard one of his cronies call him." The hunter stops for breath, the information spilling out of her almost faster than she can recount it.

"They saw us. We tried to run, but they... they got Taidel. I wanted to go back, but I had a few on my tail. I thought I'd lure them out into the storm, pick them off one by one, 'cept they played it smart and I got smacked around by a tree for my trouble. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in the mud with you." Lirosa shakes her head in abject shame and sorrow.

2017-12-20, 07:12 PM
As they spot Lirosa, Eyena rushes forwards to where she lies, shifting to the side once it becomes clear she needs healing, giving Aubrin more than enough room. As Lirosa speaks, Eyena nods, grip tightening on Eisenherz, though her gaze seems to soften as Lirosa continues. As the half-elf finishes, Eyena lays a hand on her shoulder - her hand is light, especially if there seems to have been an injury anywhere near the spot - but she doesn't say anything for a few moments. "Forward," she says, after a lengthy pause. "What happened, it's..." she shrugs. "Taidel, we'll find him. Get him back. Look forward."

Eyena's voice grows firm as she speaks, to the point where it closes in on the confidence she shows during battle, or when she spoke to the hobgoblin in the Taproot Inn.

2017-12-20, 07:37 PM
Gilraen tries his best to hurry forward, but after a trying night and another day on point, he simply doesn't have it in him. He trots forward on Eyena's heels, visibly breathing heavily. At the news of Gristledown, his face turns even stormier. Nothing but disappointment and irritation can be seen in his features as Lirosa recants her own troubles.

Looking away from the still supine tracker, Gilraen takes a few paces north. His eyes scan the trees as far as he can see, though his mind is elsewhere. As Narek approaches, the Elf whispers back, "They're gone. He's probably gone. What have I done?"

After a heavy silence, he nods in acknowledgement. While its clear his heart isn't in it, Gilraen makes the effort to search the surrounding area.

Perception: [roll0]
Survival? [roll1]

2017-12-20, 08:55 PM
His hand tightened around the grip of his sword as the bowman spoke. As was he'd been hopping the hobs would avoid the city. Fool's errand. Werent much for it now but for going forward like Eyena said. So thats exactly what he did. As he walked towards Gristldown the big man scanned the area for signs of activity and Lirosa's path. Maybe putting his sword in the bugbear' ****er's face would shake him of the black mood that had settled in the day before.

Perception: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-20, 09:33 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

As much as a part of Ilsa wanted to say 'I told you so' to Lirosa, the rest of her took notice of her grief over Taidel's loss, and she remained compassionate.

"We'll get him back, Lirosa. I know you must not have had a lot of time, but did you notice anything useful? Any potential methods of ingress that might let us get the jump on them?"

2017-12-20, 11:30 PM
As you take to the trail ahead, Lirosa's words echo in all of your minds.

"The town itself's not much, was just a few buildings. There was a lookout tower to the southwest..."

The tower comes into view not fifteen minutes into your trek ahead of the rest of the group. Aubrin and the others have volunteered to keep the people of Phaendar safe while the six of you travel ahead to investigate Gristledown's surroundings. Rask is actually the first to spot the corpse strung up to the wooden frame of the building. A man, who appears to have been somewhere north of his fortieth winter, has had his ribcage has been ripped open. He still holds his innards in with one hand, perhaps in a futile attempt to stay alive. It's a miracle the storm hasn't washed his remains away by now.

"Most of the trees around that area have been cleared. There was a longhouse, and a few other huts. But some of them got burned, or knocked down..."

Approaching what remains of the little forest community, you spot few canvas and wood structures that might have once stood around a little town green. But that was before the Legion came. Now two of the buildings sit in shambles, a third little more than a smoked out ruin. Only the longhouse remains standing, although it too has seen some damage. All around, you can see the signs of looting, where the hobgoblins stripped the place of anything worth taking, from provisions and food to lumber and clothing. Of the Legion themselves, you find little sign other than tracks through the mud heading due east, deeper into the Fangwood and away from here.

"And right there in the middle of town... they dug a mass grave."

True to Lirosa's words, you see the patch of muddy earth at the center of the town. The mud has been stained red, and not the kind you see by riverbanks when there's too much iron in the soil. This is a horrible crimson sludge, and if you look closely you can even spot the telltale protrusions of bones and the like sticking out at odd angles. The bodies must be more or less right beneath the surface. But that's not the worst element on the scene: all along the longhouse wall facing you are splayed the stretched hides of the Gristledown farmers. From the looks of them, they were cut up and skinned methodically, not unlike the way Rask and Jet cut up the wolverine last night.

And there, right front and center, you recognize Taidel's warped and flattened face among their number. The half-elf's expression still bears what looks uncomfortably like a scream of utter pain in his last moments, or maybe his torturer simply stretched his face out after killing him to make him look more frightened.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Well, now you're all on the map proper! Feel free to explore around if you like, make more Perception and Survival checks by all means. The Legion are well and truly gone from here, though.

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-21, 12:21 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ilsa's face grew crestfallen as she and Ramiel spotted what had befallen Taidel.

"...another one."

Ramiel closed the half-elf's eyes as best he could.

"Find peace, brother."

Standing up, the two of them looked around.

"And they didn't even have the decency to leave a few of their number here to fight..."

"Calm yourself, Ilsa. Nothing productive ever sprung from a rash action."

It's at times like these that I bemoan the summoner's utter lack of skill points. Seriously, this class is rivaled only by the cleric in how few they get.

Ilsa's Perception: [roll0]
Ilsa's Survival: [roll1]

Ramiel's Perception: [roll2]
Ramiel's Survival: [roll3]

2017-12-21, 08:08 PM
Gilraen approaches the grave with a sombre attitude and a grim expression. At first, it seems he's going to take the sight well, having emotionally prepared himself for what he knew they would find. Instead, after a moment, he retches into the ground nearby, the partially-digested remains of his breakfast of hardtack add their own cloying scent to the scene. After a moment, a pair of tears streak down his cheeks.

He forces himself to watch as Ramiel gives the young ranger what little honor he can, swallowing back his own emotions. "Check everywhere. If there are any survivors, we must save them." His words come out harsh and angry, with a forcefulness unlike the quiet loner. Taking his own advice, he prowls towards the longhouse, unsure of what he expects to find.

And so it begins.

[roll0] stealth (counting fatigue penalty)
[roll1] perception

2017-12-21, 09:06 PM
Narek Skyskin

“They’re all dead ...” Staggering back out of the room, the wizard covered his mouth in horror, trying desperately not to gag. The corpses in the room were stacked like wood before winter ...

“They’re dead. Every one of them.” The wizard gaze dispassionately over the field at the decaying bodies, the air thick with black flies in the summer heat. The scouting force had been wiped out to a man, ambushed by the legion...

“They’re ... they’re dead! Noooooo!” Rushing forward into the town, he dropped to the ground where his wife and child lay, transfixed by a huge spear that had taken them both. Tears of pain and rage filled the man as he continues to scream his hate into the night sky ...

Narek sighed as he heard Gilraen’s muttering. As the nightmare unfolded, he shook his head sadly. The people never k ew what hit them - victims of circumstance. If they had been here, they might have made a difference. Or maybe they’d be dead, too. Who knew what vagueries of chance and destiny had lead them to this point?

Closing his eyes, Narek called upon his Sight. When he opened them, his clouded eyes gazed across the area, seeking signs of the living. As he moved to search, he called out to the others, "Search in groups, but don’t let any of the others come close yet. Especially Lirosa."

Moving to put a hand in Gimraen’s shoulder, he whispered, ”Let go of self recrimination. By sending them ahead, you probably saved everyone else’s lives. All we can do now is gather what we can and prepare to move again. I fear this place will not be safe ...”
Using Deathwatch to search for survivors.
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: Deathwatch (30’ cone, 20 min)

2017-12-21, 10:44 PM
Rask's fingers tightened around the grip of his sword until his knuckles where chalk-white. He looked at the skins, then looked down at the jagged dagger he'd used last night on the wolverine. Then he looked back to the others. The sky was on fire.

Gilraen's brains were coming out of a big segment carved out of it. Narek's hands were missing and all he was doing was moaning, Eyena was crumpled in a heap of viscera next to him and neither Ilsa nor the outsider were anywhere to be seen. Rask looked across at his sword, resting on his shoulder, and it was covered in blood. Red was burbling from the hilt of it down onto the blade and his hands.

The skins snapping in the wind drew him up and away from the bloody vision.

He was back in the carcass of Gristldown. Not Hells on Golarion or carnage eternal promised by Nulgreth. He'd almost rather it were either of those two. At least then there'd be something to chop at. Rask let the sword down from his shoulder. The tip bit into the earth. He hardly had the strength to raise it.

2017-12-22, 12:14 AM
The site of the massacre speaks for itself, with most of you converging around the churned earth of the mass grave. Looking around, the sounds of silence are at least not a great sign of there being any survivors nearby. From what you know and have seen of the Ironfang Legion up to this point, there would hardly be a purpose for mercy, especially if they had no need for anything that the people of Gristledown could not give them after being disposed of. Looking around the clearing, you spot yet another sign of goblinoid conquest: a solitary standard has been dug into the earth, flying the red and black colors of the Legion itself. Beyond that, you will need to take a more in depth look into the remains of the buildings to see if the invaders left anything behind.

Unfortunately for you, events transpire rather too quickly to give you such an opportunity.

Gilraen is the first to spot the movement at his feet, as he is already watching the resting place of the dead that he failed. First, a single phlange moves, followed by a few other bony joints. The red mud moves and slides ominously in response to your proximity, in a way that is decidedly not natural. Then, Narek sees the same thing. As he finishes casting his spell, the samsaran wizard divines the truth: the creatures that lie beneath the mud are not merely dead, but actively undead. As though waiting for that very signal, the ground itself starts to burst open. There are six figures in all, more bone and sinew than proper corpse, each covered in soil and gore in equal measure. Their hollow eyes turn towards you in absolute silence, the only noises they make are the shuffling, squelching, and creaking of their sudden turn to movement. What's worse, the diviner spots the presence of another creature out of the corner of his eye. But this is no skeleton.

Not moments after Ramiel has closed his eyes, the flayed skin of Taidel begins to writhe, and its eyes snap open. Tearing a large section of itself free from the wall with a noise that cannot be described in words, it floats in the air. The skin's upper half - around where the half-elf's upper torso and shoulders would be if he were alive - is intact, but its lower half is in bloody tatters. Thankfully, Narek's warning is timely and gives the majority of your group the advantage, and you find an opening before any of these vile undead can close the distance and actually do any damage.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

As is becoming custom, I just rolled for everyone's Initiative on the Roll20. It looks the vast majority of you did exceptionally well on your Initiative rolls, so you have the first move here (with the exception of Ilsa and Ramiel, who unfortunately go last in this round). So please post your Round 1 actions, and then I'll get the Round 1 recap - and this fight - going properly. A note: the area of the mud counts as difficult terrain, even if I am allowing the groups of skeletons the opportunity to effectively drag themselves up to start the fight.

Oh, and anyone can make a DC 6 untrained Knowledge (Religion) check about the skeletons to learn that they're bloody skeletons (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/skeleton-medium/skeleton-bloody/), and a DC 12 Religion trained only check on the skins to reveal that it’s a shredskins (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/shredskin/). Feel free to apply abilities and weaknesses as necessary, but don't metagame unless you roll exceptionally well as per the Knowledge rules.

2017-12-22, 05:18 AM
Eyena silently looks around the remains of Gristledown, frowning, neither expression nor action giving light into exactly what the grisly scene makes her feel. She stares at the skins for a few moments, Taidel's in particular, and seems like she may be preparing to say something in response to Narek's instructions...but whatever it is, the rumbling of the red earth prevents her from speaking. Instead, she draws Eisenherz, stepping towards the one closest to Gilraen, bringing her weapon down on the bloody corpse-turned-foe.

Move, draw, use an Arcane Pool point to +1-ify Eisenherz, and swing.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2017-12-22, 12:06 PM
Rask re-tightened his grip on the sword as cold anger seeped into his mind once again. He went forward and brought his blade down on the skin.

To hit:
Damage: [roll1]
CC: [roll]+5

2017-12-22, 12:56 PM
Narek Skyskin

A split second before the movement occurs, Narek felt a chill in the air. Before he could say anything, the mud began to move of its own accord, as bloody bones pull themselves free and turn to face the group. As his eyes clouded over, Narek realized the truth of things - undead! Skeletons that were created by foul, dark magiks. Whoever this bugbear was leading the Iron Fang death squad, they obviously retained a necromancer of great power ...

Stepping back, Narek raised his quarterstaff in defense as he called out to the others. "We will need Aubrin before this is done! Those skeletons are best dealt with via bashing weapons; however, they are immune to frost and will return to life if a priest does not deal with them! Ware yourselves!"

Pulling a wand out, he sighed and cast the spell upon the mud. It thinned slightly, creating a morass of slippery mess. Perhaps this would slow them down.
Damn ... forgot to add acid splash to my spells for the day, instead of stupid dancing lights. I guess we'll go with grease! 5' step to back away from the undead, move action to draw wand, standard to cast grease so that it catches the three closest to Gilraen and Narek.

AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (2); wand of grease (5); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: Deathwatch (30’ cone, 20 min)

2017-12-22, 01:04 PM
Though Gilraen is surprised by the sudden presence of undeath, as he gathers his thoughts, he is forced to admit that it makes sense. These people died in truly hideous fashion, and their spirits will struggle to find rest. "To arms, allies! The weary dead call for rest!"

He casts his bow aside, following Narek's words, and grips his staff tightly with both hands. In a clear voice, he calls out. "Spirits of Fangwood, defend them in death where you failed them in life!" His staff begins to glow faintly, as he glares to the first of the skeletons.

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1246835)
M CG Elf Oracle (warsighted), Level 2, Init 5, HP 15/15, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, CMD 16, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 2, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
PBS MW composite long bow (40 arrows) +5 (1d8+2, x3 )
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+3, x2) or 1d6+2/1d6+1
Shillelagh Qstaff +3 (2d6+3, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition Charisma to saves vs enchantment
Spells, 1st level: 5/5 remaining
Martial Flexibility: 4/4

Cast Shillelagh
Move action to MF out weapon focus: Qstaff

AoO stats, if applicable: Qstaff
[roll1] CC
[roll2] dmg
[roll3] crit bonus

edit: attack rolls, moving forward:
[roll]1d20+5 Qstaff
1d20+5 CC
2d6+3 dmg
2d6+3 crit bonus

2017-12-22, 11:43 PM
The restless spirits of Gristledown do not seem pleased at your intrusion upon their tortured place of rest. Rising out of the mud with a distressing alacrity, the small force of skeletal men and women have been stripped of their possessions but manage to stand and start to clamber out of the confines of their shallow grave. The skeletons are clearly not intelligent enough to differentiate you from their torturers, and given their new state it's unlikely they would care in either regard. Blessedly, Narek's magic proves sound in its application, as the red-brown mud becomes slick to the touch, sending two of the six enemies right back down to their knees even as Eyena slashes at one of their number. With a slight groan, the undead turns its grinning skull to look at the magus before rising once more, taking a second sword cut without even slowing down. Its claw rips into its prey quickly, drawing scarlet blood.

The rest of the bloody skeletons are able to clear the greasy confines of their resting place, although they are miraculously less successful at hitting anyone else in your group. The mud still clinging to their frames has slowed down their swings to the point where they are pitifully easy to dodge, although every moment more and more soil falls off of them, revealing the pulsing blood and bone beneath. Gilraen seems to be preparing himself well for the assault, invoking a natural magic to transform his staff into a fearsome looking branch and falling into a warrior's stance quickly enough to avoid the onslaught of two of the risen dead. Together, they might have posed a threat to anybody else, but the elf seems to have taken Narek's suggestion to heart. He may yet have a chance.

Such an optimistic forecast does not extend to Rask, however. The half-orc - for all of his sound and fury - drives his greatsword into the earth and handily misses his target. Whatever is left of Taidel almost seems to leer at Rask as it dives down to engage him in close quarters. Ramiel, who stands nearby, is not yet quick enough to intervene, and the azata can only watch helplessly as the enemy takes action. With one single hook, the shredded skin has a hold on Rask and grips him tight, tearing at his broad shoulders and muscular arms. Small streams of blood come running down to mingle with the sodden ground, what could very well be the first of much more to come. The two creatures are bound together now, and judging by the way the leathery skin quivers and flaps eagerly in the wind, its designs on the half-orc cannot be a benign one. At least for the moment, Rask is trapped.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

So, most of the skeletons are all up in your various grills. Narek's grease did down 2/3 of his targets, which worked quite well, setting up Eyena for another AoO that took a skeleton down to half of its hp (combined with her own earlier strike). Eyena herself only took 3 damage, so that's not too bad. However, Rask took 5 damage from the shredskin, and is now grappled (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Grappled) by it (-4 to Dexterity, -2 to all attack rolls and CMB checks that don't include breaking from a grapple, and can't use 2 hands for anything).

That's all I've got so far! Mantas, make sure you're posting your Round 1 action when you catch up Ilsa and Ramiel: everyone else gets to go ahead to Round 2. Good luck!

2017-12-23, 04:05 AM
Eyena takes another swing at the damaged skeleton, then moves to the side under the cover of another, wider swing that keeps either from capitalizing on her shift in stance.

Swing then step.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-23, 10:38 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 15/15, 6/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Taken aback as they were by the dead rising, Ilsa and Ramiel collectively did not raise their cross/bow until it was too late.

"Ramiel! Get the skin thing!"

"On it!"

Dutifully, the eidolon loosed an arrow at the monster.

"These skeletons will not rest without being eliminated by positive energy, holy water, or on sacred ground! We need Aubrin!"

"Gotta try and keep them down, then, at least. AUBRIN!"

Stepping back, Ilsa shot a splatter of magical grease from her hand.

Ilsa casts grease in the purple area on Roll20.

Ramiel fires an arrow at the Shredskin for an attack of 24 and damage of 7.

2017-12-23, 09:54 PM
Narek Skyskin

With a growl, Narek stepped back and dropped his staff behind him. Pulling out another wand, he fired a magic bolt at the creature harrying Eyena. He ground at Ilsa’s shout, muttering ”Didn’t I just say as much?”
Alright, 5’ step back as necessary to avoid melee and drop staff behind me (free). Draw second wand (move) and use it (standard)
[roll0] vs injured BS attacking
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 7/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (1); wand of grease (4); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: grease (9 rnds); Deathwatch (30’ cone, 20 min)

2017-12-24, 06:48 AM
His staff aglow, Gilraen lays about himself, righteous fury warring with fatigue to send the skeletons back from where they came.

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1246835)
M CG Elf Oracle (warsighted), Level 2, Init 5, HP 15/15, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, CMD 16, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 2, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
PBS MW composite long bow (40 arrows) +5 (1d8+2, x3 )
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+3, x2) or 1d6+2/1d6+1
Shillelagh Qstaff +4 (2d6+4, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition Charisma to saves vs enchantment
Spells, 1st level: 4/5 remaining
Martial Flexibility: 3/4
MF: Weapon focus (9 rounds remaining)

Smash skelly! Previous rolls failed to account for fatigue
[roll1] CC
[roll2] dmg
[roll3] crit bonus

[roll]1d20+4 Qstaff
1d20+4 CC (24, x2)
2d6+2 dmg
2d6+2 crit bonus

2017-12-24, 05:10 PM
Despite Ilsa's scream for help, none seems forthcoming. Aubrin and the other more combat-capable members of your group have stayed back to watch the others. Even if they could hear you, there's very little chance that anyone would make it to the battlefield in time to help. For the foreseeable future of this fight - and one of your number excels at doing just that - the six of you are all the backup you're getting.

The skeletons don't seem all that eager to give you a moment's rest, either. Although the area around their original resting place is still treacherous at best, all of them have now managed to close ranks with you. Gilraen's magical staff is primed and ready to hit his target, but the elf's swing just barely misses its mark and he gets a raking claw for his trouble. Not five feet away, Eyena holds her own slightly better with her bastard sword, avoiding taking any more hits. Then again, Narek's percussive missile does help in that regard, hitting one of the injured skeletons and sending its remains tumbling back down to the earth. It is Ilsa and Ramiel who fare the worst, as both summoner and eidolon alike are wounded and pinned down.

Near the wall, Rask manages to turn his fortunes around. Though the skin has torn and cut at him, the fearsome fighter drops his great blade and - using all of his considerable might - throws off the monstrosity. It nearly slams right back into the longhouse where it was hanging only moments ago. Screaming in frustration, the skin tries to claw at Rask and reaffirm a hold. Fortunately for the half-orc, while the blow draws more blood, his enemy cannot seem to get a grasp of him for a second time. Indeed, the growing gore is making it hard to grab onto anything.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

The rolls are rolled, and the results are in! Rask got out of his grapple with the shredskin, but he got hit for another 4 damage. This thing is really trying to get Rask now. Ramiel and Ilsa also took 6 and 4 damage from their skeletons respectively, while Gilraen took a total of 3. Pretty much the only one who hasn't taken a hit this fight is Narek.

Obviously, the holidays are in full swing, so no pressure on getting any replies up for the next few days! Just post when you can, folks.

2017-12-24, 05:30 PM
Eyena's eyes flicker over to where Ilsa and one of the skeletons are locked in...well, it's a rather one-sided melee. With a quick step forwards, Eyena brings Eisenherz into a quick side-swipe towards the rib cage of the skeleton before her, then moving back an instant later - a move that would be risky against a normal opponent, but one with literally no brains would hopefully be easier prey.

Swing and 5' step back. Rolls done in Roll20.

Attack: 20
Damage: 10

2017-12-26, 02:04 PM
Gilraen continues to fight, despite his less-than-inspiring success. The staff flashes about, literally, casting obscure and flickering shadows around his and his enemies' feet.

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1246835)
M CG Elf Oracle (warsighted), Level 2, Init 5, HP 12/15, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, CMD 16, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 2, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
PBS MW composite long bow (40 arrows) +5 (1d8+2, x3 )
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+3, x2) or 1d6+2/1d6+1
Shillelagh Qstaff +3 (2d6+3, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition Charisma to saves vs enchantment
Spells, 1st level: 4/5 remaining
Martial Flexibility: 3/4
MF: Weapon focus (8 rounds remaining)

Smash skelly?
[roll1] CC
[roll2] dmg
[roll3] crit bonus

[roll]1d20+4 Qstaff
1d20+4 CC
2d6+1 dmg
2d6+1 crit bonus

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-27, 01:36 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 11/15, 8/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Ramiel grunted as the skeleton clawed at him.

"Backing up!"

As the archer withdrew, Ilsa took a step backward, slapping a hand to her body as she attempted to shield herself.

Ilsa 5-steps and casts Shield. Ramiel withdraws.

2017-12-27, 01:39 PM
Contrary to what one might expect from the career that'd been enforced upon him, Rask did not have thick skin. The fist sized lance wound, the missing tusk. That ugly sag where a mace had gone and clocked him out into slumbe. All those scars were as much testimony to that.

He stopped down to pick up his sword but didn't take his eyes off the tattered thing in front of him. He felt a bit better now that he had a blade to hand. Rask let out a low growl and gestured at the creature to come at him. If it was attacking him than there weren't much it could do to others

Move action: studied target v. Shredskin
Move action: pick up the great sword.

Phoneposting, sorry for any errors.

2017-12-27, 03:45 PM
Narek Skyskin

The creatures surged forward, moving across the room with a speed belying their shambling gait. Claws and teeth took their toll on the front line, as two of his companions dropped, screaming as they were dragged under by the horde. Shuddering, he tried to focus, reaching into his pouch for a vial of liquid fire. Throwing it forward, it exploded upon impact with a walking corpse missing the lower half of its jaw. With a loud FOOM, he staggered back a step, smiling fiercely as he was rewarded by the agitated moans of the dead who were now on fire.

Before he could turn to share his joy with his wife, he heard her scream, a large skeletal creature pulling her slowly towards the ravenous hordes, legs kicking helplessly as she was dragged to her imminent death. Screaming in anger, he rushed forward in desperation ...

Narek watched as the tide seemed to roll against them, the creatures striking with unerring accuracy and power he didn't think they could muster. Stepping away from any encroaching creatures, he slipped the two wands into a single hand and drew forth his vial of alchemical fire. With a heave, he tossed it in an area that would strike as many skeletons as possible, hopefully helping slow their inexorable advances!
5' step to back away as necessary (or maneuver to stay w/in range, but out of melee), draw alchemist's fire (move) and throw it to splash multiple skels (w/o harming friends)
Prescience - 3 just in case I eff up the attack roll.
[roll0] vs AC5 I think. Splash damage all around!
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 6/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (1); wand of grease (4); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: grease (8 rnds); Deathwatch (30’ cone, 20 min)

2017-12-27, 09:56 PM
It is with some effort that your group starts to turn the tide against the onslaught of risen villagers. Gilraen and Eyena lead the assault, both oracle and magus putting some major dents in their foes. Through the supernatural layer of red gore, cracks are beginning to show on the frames of Gristledown's former residents. Although neither oracle nor magus are able to properly fell a skeleton on their own, both of them leave vulnerable targets for the next wave of attack. Seeing a perfect opportunity, Narek capitalizes on it with his alchemist's fire. The potable explodes on the ground in the midst of the wave of undead, rippling out and all but collapsing the two wounded skeletons. When the light and heat fades, all that remains is a field of bones and one lone combatant, who wails at Gilraen ineffectually.

At the longhouse, things are faring somewhat worse. Both Ilsa and Ramiel have been wounded, and although the azata tries valiantly to gain some ground in order to maintain his ranged superiority, his battlefield positioning is far from optimal. With a single deadly rake of its claws, the attendant bloody skeleton all but fells the eidolon. At least, it would have, if not for Ilsa's timely intervention. Sacrificing some of her own life force, the summoner spares Ramiel the worst of the blow. It ends up costing her greatly, as her own assailant manages to bypass her wards and nearly take her down. Rask only barely manages to avoid getting cut once more as he picks up his sword from the wet earth, but he cannot entirely avoid the counterattack, as both shredskin and the skeleton formerly bothering Ramiel surround him. The former soldier takes yet another blow, this time across the shoulders. He won't be able to take many more like that before falling.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Good work getting rid of 2 of the skeletons, everyone! The battlefield is looking a lot more clear now. That being said, Ilsa took 4 damage and Rask took a grand total of 3. Neither of them are doing too well for hp, especially considering Ilsa obviously spent the 3 required to keep Ramiel on his feet. Nonetheless, you are still doing quite well in terms of dealing with the enemy. It's more a matter of managing your own hp totals at this point.

2017-12-27, 10:02 PM
Rask grit his teeth and lone tusk, then took another swing at the skin even as bit of blackness crept into the edge of his vision.

Attack vs. Shredskin: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]
CC: [roll2]

2017-12-28, 05:39 AM
Eyena takes a hand off of Eisenherz to make half a dozen sharp movements, each coming at the mid point of another harsh arcane syllable, then rushes forwards, both hands on her weapon again. "No," she says, and brings Eisenherz, again surrounding by dark flame, down on the skeleton attacking Ilsa.

Eyena has just enough movement to get there with a normal move. Casting Chill Touch (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/chill-touch) and then moving in. I don't think Ilsa has a melee weapon out, so no flanking bonus.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1] + DC 13 Will save or flee as panicked for [roll2] rounds

2017-12-28, 03:57 PM
"Narek, get to Rask! Gilraen stands firm against the skeleton, his confidence building after a successful strike and dodge. "Looks like he needs help!"

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1246835)
M CG Elf Oracle (warsighted), Level 2, Init 5, HP 12/15, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, CMD 16, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 2, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
PBS MW composite long bow (40 arrows) +5 (1d8+2, x3 )
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+3, x2) or 1d6+2/1d6+1
Shillelagh Qstaff +3 (2d6+3, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition Charisma to saves vs enchantment
Spells, 1st level: 4/5 remaining
Martial Flexibility: 3/4
MF: Weapon focus (8 rounds remaining)

Smash skelly?
[roll0] Qstaff
[roll1] CC
[roll2] dmg
[roll3] crit bonus

2017-12-28, 04:14 PM
Narek Skyskin

With Eyena supporting Ilsa and Ramiel out of combat for the moment, Narek looked to Rask to support. Gilraen's call out was accurate, if unnecessary. Taking a step towards the other combatants, Narek raised one of the wands and fired a missile towards the creature engaged with the grizzled warrior. It wouldn't take the creature down alone, but should help Rask deal with it more effectively.

Eyeing Ilsa, he called out to her, "Back away, Ilsa! Let Eyena hold the line for now"
5' step towards north (?), but avoiding AOOs. Use magic missile wand! [roll0]
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 6/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (0); wand of grease (4); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: grease (7 rnds); Deathwatch (30’ cone, 20 min)

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-29, 12:17 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 11/15, 8/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

"You don't have to tell me twice! We should all withdraw, actually! We need to find a way to consecrate the area, or these guys will just keep coming back!"

<Ramiel, run back around to me!>

<On it!>

Ramiel runs, while Ilsa withdraws, both for maximum distance. This puts both of them off the map, so I've moved them to the edge.

2017-12-29, 12:32 PM
For all that the skeletons are reduced in number, your attacks don’t seem to land quite the way they should. Gilraen’s staff is knocked away by an enemy claw, and Eyena can’t quite take advantage of her enemy facing the other way. Neither of them are able to meaningfully hurt their opponents, and all they earn are a pair of baleful red eyed stares. In the flurry of counterattacks against the nearest targets, Eyena and Gilraen both come away with more wounds. The magus in particular has a deep cut across her forearm that exposes bone and muscle.

The death shriek of the shredskin as Rask’s sword cleaves the abomination in two echo across the battlefield, but it doesn’t do the warrior much good in the end. Behind him, the blood-covered skeleton gets in a good pair of cuts across Rask’s back, ignoring the magical projectile that Narek has fired through its ribcage. Although the half-orc manages to remain conscious, it’s a very close thing. With Ramiel and Ilsa both retreating from the battlefield, it’s more than likely that the remaining skeletons will continue to focus on the nearest wounded: all of you.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Well the shredskin is dead, but then again you’re all running fairly low on hp yourselves. This round alone, Gilraen got hit for 3 damage, Eyena for 5, and Rask for a nice 9 (which brings him down to 0 and makes him disabled (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions/#TOC-Disabled) and at risk of unconsciousness).

You only have three more of these bloody skeletons to go. So close! You can do it! :smallsmile:

2017-12-29, 12:49 PM
Eyena nods at Ilsa as she leaves, then attacks, though her swing is weak. After a moment of glancing over towards the shining bits of magically-slick ground, she turns with a slight flourish, heading towards the slick patches of earth. "Go!" She says, slowing as she becomes roughly equidistant from the two closest skeletons. She looks between the two, and twitches as she looks at Rask's condition. "Back!" Eyena says, gesturing at Rask, in Ilsa's direction. She speaks with the force normally reserved for casting spells, and goes entirely into Elven when she turns to where Ilsa has gone.

"Ilsa! Get over here and help Rask!"

Then, she turns back to the skeletons, gripping Eisenherz and looking between them, trying to keep herself closer to them than Rask is.

Swing and a miss in Roll20.

Then move east.

2017-12-29, 04:15 PM
Things were lookin to be pretty bad, even with the floating skin all gone. Eyena was calling something out about backing up. Or maybe it was backup. Wasn't like he could hear much with the blood pounding in his ears. Or with it spilling all over the place. Either way it seemed best to try and take one of the bloody ones with him. Less of a burden for everyone else that way. The skeleton's blows sent him spiralling to the left. He rode out the cuts and brought his sword into a feral horizontal swing, with no thought towards aiming at a particular part of the creature. Then the blackness that had been creeping in from the edges took him.

Rask, from the top turnbuckle
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
CC: [roll2]

2017-12-29, 05:01 PM
Narek Skyskin

Nodding in satisfaction as Ilsa moved away, he turned his eyes to the deteriorating combat between Rask and Eyena. Both were hurt, but the grizzled warrior was almost dead on his feet. He knew they needed to retreat; that much was obvious. For all their confidence, the group had met with creatures that would not be easily dealt with ... and definitely not permanently without some divine intervention. He prepared to call out, bringing the group back, when Eyena advanced on the other skeleton engaged with Rask and called for the big man to run.

Narek fumed as the half-orc predictably ignored the call to retreat and attacked ... only to miss badly and fall to the ground, unconscious. Fists clenched, Narek gazed around the field, uncertain how to save everyone; to be honest, if this continued, he wasn't sure if they could save anyone. He wasn't prepared to hurt foes right now, but he did have a few tricks that might save Eyena. Rask was likely a casualty of war. Unless ...

With a shake of his head, he advanced to behind Eyena. "Ilsa is right - we need to retreat and return with Aubrin. Get ready to run back! Ilsa, Ramiel, shoot the building to my left when the fog comes!"

Calling upon his magic, he called forth a fog that flowed away from him, cover the area in white, billowing clouds. There was still the matter of escaping without drawing the creatures' attention, but desperate times called for risk-laden decisions.
Move to the squared 'South East' of Eyena. Cast obscuring fog (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/o/obscuring-mist/). It should cover the northern battle space, while leaving Gilraen free to attack w/o concealment ... and 5' step back into the fog if he chooses! Let me know when a stealth roll is required ...
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 6/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of magic missile (0); wand of grease (4); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: grease (6 rnds); Deathwatch (30’ cone, 20 min)

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-29, 09:55 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 11/15, 8/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Wordlessly, Ilsa complied with Narek's demand, shooting at the wall even as Ramiel rounded the corner.

Ilsa fires at the square with the purple square in it to try and make a noise.


Ramiel double-moves, as he does not have an angle at which to shoot that target.

2017-12-29, 10:48 PM
"Blast it all, die you fiend!" Gilraen continues to lash out, trying to down the nearest skeleton.

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1246835)
M CG Elf Oracle (warsighted), Level 2, Init 5, HP 12/15, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, CMD 16, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 2, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
PBS MW composite long bow (40 arrows) +5 (1d8+2, x3 )
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+3, x2) or 1d6+2/1d6+1
Shillelagh Qstaff +3 (2d6+3, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition Charisma to saves vs enchantment
Spells, 1st level: 4/5 remaining
Martial Flexibility: 3/4
MF: Weapon focus (6 rounds remaining)

Smash skelly. For serious.
Qstaff (should have been +4)
[roll1] CC (23, x2)
[roll2] dmg (should have been +2)
[roll3] crit bonus

[roll]1d20+4 Qstaff
1d20+4 CC (24, x2)
2d6+2 dmg
2d6+2 crit bonus

2017-12-30, 10:42 AM
Rask's blow proves to be near fatal, as he collapses under the strains of his wounds shortly thereafter. As it turns out, standing and holding one's ground works better when the enemy can't simply turn around and gut you after a single felled stroke. Still, the skeleton seems to stop when Narek's mist rolls in. The fog rolls over the field of mud and bones, hiding most of you from the enemies, and each other. Only the mage's instructions - bellowed out mere moments before the spell takes hold - serve as direction for the fight. To the south, Gilraen doesn't seem to have heard it, so focused is he on destroying his enemy. A solid blow to the midsection all but obliterates his red enemy, which falls to join its brethren on the rain-soaked earth. Unfortunately, the sounds of combat seems to have attracted the attention of the two remaining skeletons in absence of other threats. A series of creaks through the mist indicate their turning to head south towards the elf.

Yet thankfully, Narek's message reached its intended target. With an expertly placed shot, Ilsa manages to fire off her crossbow. The bolt soars through the air and strikes the wooden planks of a nearby building, making a loud rattling noise. This seems to confuse the two remaining skeletons even further, and they both turn to stalk out of the mist in the direction of the shot. From the half-elf's perspective, she sees both gaunt and fleshless figures emerge from the fog bank almost simultaneously. However, when they see her on the far side of the building, both of them adjust course to start moving in her direction. They will be on her in a matter of moments.

"Hold on!", somebody shouts through the trees to the southwest. Those of you in the fog recognize Aubrin's voice. In truth, only Gilraen has a clear view of the cleric as she hobbles along as quickly as she can on her staff. Beside her stands Kining, both of her axes out and ready to bear. The pair survey the scene as best they can, starting to close the distance to the fight in order to lend their aid. Still, between a cripple and a dwarf they move slower than any of you normally would. Whether they arrive to quell the tide of the living dead in time to save Ilsa is not a sure thing by any means.

Updated Map (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Predictably, Rask went for the attack. He missed, and is now at -1 and dying. Nobody else took any damage this round - in large part due to Narek's strategy - and Gilraen managed to destroy the ante-penultimate skeleton. The others started to move towards Ilsa but ran out of move for the turn.

I placed Aubrin and Kining on the map, but it'll be at least a round for them to actually get into play (accounting for a bit of hustling). Now the rest of you have to decide how you're going to finish these pesky undead off.

2017-12-30, 11:30 AM
Finally, for a moment, Gilraen's face registers relief, as his quarterstaff crashes into the skeleton's midsection and it falls. He turns towards Ilsa as well, unwilling to let more people suffer for his ineptitude. "Come here, you mangy creeps!" he calls, hoping to get some of their attention himself.

Gilraen Súrion (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1246835)
M CG Elf Oracle (warsighted), Level 2, Init 5, HP 12/15, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, CMD 16, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 2, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
PBS MW composite long bow (40 arrows) +5 (1d8+2, x3 )
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+3, x2) or 1d6+2/1d6+1
Shillelagh Qstaff +3 (2d6+3, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Condition Charisma to saves vs enchantment
Spells, 1st level: 4/5 remaining
Martial Flexibility: 3/4
MF: Weapon focus (5 rounds remaining)

Move as noted
cast divine favor

1d20+5 Qstaff (counting fatigue, divine favor, weapon focus)
1d20+5 CC (25, x2)
2d6+3 dmg
2d6+3 crit bonus

Lord Of Mantas
2017-12-30, 11:34 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 4/15, 1/13 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +4, +5 | Status: --, --

Having seen Aubrin's arrival, Ilsa called out to her.

"Aubrin! Get in close and channel! There are literal bloody skeletons fighting us, and they can only be defeated by positive energy!"

She then ran north.

"It's not that I'm abandoning you all! It's that crossbow bolts do jack s*** against skeletons!"

Ilsa double-moves north; Ramiel uses Total Defense.

2017-12-31, 02:26 AM
Eyena does nothing, and tries to do so quietly.


Stealth: [roll0]

2018-01-02, 07:29 PM
Narek Skyskin

From within the mists, Narek heard the loud thunk to the west, followed by hurried movement in that direction. Given what he understood of these creatures, they should remain focused on their last target ... at least until the target fell or they were attacked by something else. With that in mind, Narek made a calculated risk to move slowly towards Rask. Once he got there, he reached down to stop the wounded warrior’s bleeding.
Stealth up to Rask (should be able to sense him and the undead with deathwarch ability) use stabilize (samsaran ability)
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
AC: 16 HP: 11 Init +9 Move 30'
F +0 R +2 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness
Prescience: 5/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of grease (4); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +2; Spellcraft +9; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +9; KS H/P/E/G/Na +8;
Effect: grease (5 rnds); Deathwatch (30’ cone, 20 min)

2018-01-02, 09:41 PM
As it turns out, it's not Ilsa or Ramiel that need saving, nor even Rask. The bonded pair of angel and half-elf make their way to the northern treeline that marks out the edge of Gristledown, even as Rask manages to pull himself together from beyond the veil of unconsciousness. Instead, beyond the veil of Narek's magic mist, the two risen dead start to shamble towards Gilraen. Although at the speed they're moving, 'shamble' is hardly appropriate. With startling speed, both skeletal figures close in on the woodland archer, and one of their claws tears into Gilraen with ease.

"I'm so sorry," Aubrin says as she hustles to meet Gilraen and the skeletons halfway. Although the cleric does not quite make it, she plants her staff in the ground and closes her eyes. Anyone who was unaware of her affiliations with divinity might think she had given up. But Aubrin clasps her holy symbol out in front of her, murmuring a prayer. It is only when she directs her gaze at the undead villagers that it becomes clear who she is directing her apology towards. "You all deserved a better end than this. When you're down in the ground, I hope that we can give you a proper send off."

Having said her piece, Aubrin releases a wave of incandescent golden energy - bright and warm to the point of discomfort, nothing like the soothing aura you have all been exposed to in the past - which roils over the last remaining skeletons. One of them crumbles into something that is neither ash nor dust, blowing away on a non-existent wind. The other manages to just barely hold itself together at the seams, but Kining takes care of it with a single stroke of her axe.

The mist fades, revealing little other than a killing field. The peace of the dead has been restored, if only for the time being.

As I mentioned in the Hangouts chat, Aubrin's channel more or less took out the remaining 2 bloody skeletons. As the last one is at a single hp, I'm willing to give it a gimme and call this fight resolved. Assume that Aubrin spends a few more channels and/or heals to get everyone back up to full, and make sure that the bloody skeletons won't rise back up in an hour. Feel free to write posts detailing the wrap up of the fight, and move on to the end of the day. If you would like to make rolls searching for loot in the area, let me know.

Now, all of you have the chance to level up your characters! 3rd level is here! Please let me know when you are finished re-statting your PCs, and make sure to keep up to date stat blocks for the next fight. :smallsmile:

2018-01-02, 10:21 PM
He woke up with warmth on his face and Aubrin's praying rattling about his ears. Must've meant that they won. Rask sat bolt upright and retrieved his blade. He considered adding a prayer of his own, to Nulgreth, for allowing him to survive one more time. But Rask was tired of praying to a god of blood and death. All he wanted right now was a shovel. (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cd7erR1w2zU)

After retrieving a digging implement the big man began to vent his fury on the earth, taking huge gouges from it. For a moment he thought he saw a white dress swishing in the wind, but the mists gave way to it being the skin-thing he'd chopped up. It's movement drew a genuine frown across his features. Rask shook his head slowly. Weren't time for remembering the past when he had a task in front of him. Wrapped up in the anger of a younger man as he was, Rask went about excavating a burial plot for the bones and skin. Maybe he'd find some peace in it.

As he planted the shovel in the ground next to the pit he'd dug, the old half orc looked over to where he'd left his sword. He abandoned the shovel and went over to the blade. It was chipped and the cross guard was still mashed up. The grip felt comfortable, familiar even. Pulling it out of the ground was one of hardest things he'd ever done.

Lord Of Mantas
2018-01-03, 05:46 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 2 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 4/21, 1/19 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +5, +6 | Status: --, --

As the skeletons shattered to pieces, reduced to dust via Aubrin's blessing, Ilsa and Ramiel ceased their retreat. Now satisfied that there was no danger left, the two returned, taking a look over things as the mist dissipated.

"So, Abby... What do we do now? I never really spent much time with Dad on his rounds, so giving the dead a proper sendoff really isn't my thing."

Once the dead were attended to (under Aubrin's advisement), Ilsa and Ramiel then searched the area, hoping to find some clue or hint.

Ilsa's Perception: [roll0]

Ramiel's Perception: [roll1]

2018-01-04, 05:34 PM
Post edited to respond to Gilraen. Rolls left below

[roll0] to learn more from the dead. [roll1] for finding things. Using deathwatch to find any more undead or any injured / dying.
Effect: Deathwatch (30’ cone, 18 min)

2018-01-04, 07:29 PM
Aubrin's arrival is well-timed, and much appreciated by the beleaguered Elf. The wave of energy that emanates from her symbol is inspiring in an odd way as well. As the last skeleton falls, Gilraen continues to lay into it with his glowing staff, screaming unintelligibly. After quite a few more seconds than are necessary, the glow fades, and with it some of Gilraen's fury. He collapses, falling to his knees, as the staff rolls to a stop a few paces away. His head falls forward, and fat tears of impotent rage roll unbidden down his cheeks.

2018-01-04, 09:16 PM
Narek Skyskin

The battle ended with less than a bang, but more than a whimper. Once the wizard heard Aubrin's arrival, he dismissed the mists and grease and stepped forward to help the others. He nodded his thanks to the priestess and dwarf, turning away to make sure the bodies found their way into the dirt. Frustrated, he studied the dead, searching for insight from their remains.

However, Narek was drawn to the sounds of unyielding rage in Gilraen as the woodsman smashed at his dead opponent with an anger they had not witnessed in the man. Stepping forward, Narek cleared his throat, calling out to the man in elvish.

"Gilraen ... stop ... Gil ... dammit ... STOP!" The air around Narek thundered in response to his own anger as his eyes flashed with sparks. In common he continued, ”We do not have time for this self-pity - not with the hobgoblin patrol operating in nearby proximity. If they find us, many of the group will not survive.

You must gather yourself - you have more of a rapport with Lirosa than any here, but you cannot console her in your current state!"

With everyone’s attention, he added, "While I'm certain the hobgoblins were thorough, but we need to search this place quickly. I'm especially interested with maps or writings that might indicated the next nearest settlement. Anything they may have found might provide insight into their next move."
Post updated, left the rolls behind
AC: 16 HP: 15 Init +9 Move 30'
F +1 R +3 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness /
Prescience: 5/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of grease (4); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +3; Spellcraft +10; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +10; KS H/P/E/G/Na/R +8
Effect: Deathwatch (30’ cone, 18 min)

2018-01-04, 09:53 PM
Gilraen stays largely put. "Who can console her? She has lost both her partner and pride in one fell swoop. The people here needed us, as much or more than our little band of refugees, and we failed them. Completely." He shakes his head as he reclaims his staff and rises.

"There is little I can offer her, but I will steer her from despair. Vengeance will be a better motivator..." His hands are tight on his staff, but calm- in a way that's almost frightening, like a storm waiting for the right moment to break free. He takes a few deep breaths, and exchanges the staff for his bow. His hands flow over the curvature of the compound, almost lovingly.

With a sneer of disdain, he comments as he leaves, "Let this patrol find us, if they can."

So Gilraen will help investigate the area, and then approach Lirosa (??), if no one else does.
[roll0] perception
[roll1] survival (+1 more, if this still counts as forested)

2018-01-04, 10:30 PM
"Now..." Aubrin swallows surveys the scene, her face echoing Gilraen's desolation. The cleric kneels at each of the skeletons to make sure that none of them are about to rise and strike you down, saying minor benedictions to them. "Now we do what we can to put these poor people to rest, to make sure their bodies don't rise again. We make it right. Somebody help me carry these bodies, so we can inter them properly."

Even as Rask is the first to go to work digging the pit, Ilsa and several others in your band set about the town, looking for any trace of what Scarvinious and his Legion cronies left behind, or any clue as to where they might have headed next. The tracks that head east are a fairly obvious clue to the latter, but as it's already mid-day and there are plenty of others to think about - not to mention the many wounds your company has already suffered - striking out from Gristledown immediately is out of the question. At first, it appears as though the Ironfang forces were thorough. There isn't much to find, beyond a few scraps here and there. By the time the mud-dredged faces of Phaendar start to appear through the trees, nobody has turned up anything significant.

A faint voice falls in from behind you, at the outskirts of the forest hamlet. It is a ragged and unfamiliar thing, something beyond any of your immediate help, and yet it comes from the lips of somebody you know. "No... nooo, please..." Lirosa falls into the dirt at the sight of her brother's mangled face and flayed skin. The half elf starts to drag herself forward until she's close enough to touch Taidel's face. Her own visage crumpled into a mess of wracked sobs, the hunter cannot bring herself to reach out towards the remains of her brother. "Gods above, why? Why? WHY?!" Her voice raises and cracks as though it were a spring thaw come on too early: cold and completely perilous. That's when Lirosa digs her fingers into Taidel's waxy flesh, as though to rip it apart herself.

2018-01-05, 04:35 AM
As the battle ends, Eyena goes through a routine that almost seems out of place amongst the carnage - cleaning, inspecting, sheathing Eisenherz, and then using a bit of magic to remove the blood from her increasingly ragged clothing. Once she's done, she looks around the battlefield, taking a few steps towards Aubrin as she gives the no-longer-walking dead their last rites, then stopping. She does the same in Rask's direction as he digs, but doesn't go further; eventually she simply idles around the center of the battlefield, watching Ilsa go off to search the remnants of Gristledown and looking at Aubrin as she makes her way from corpse to corpse. She watches the exchange between Gilraen and Narek silently, but doesn't move for it or anything following. Until Lirosa arrives. Eyena takes a step towards her as the half-elf collapses, staring with a furrowed brow and frown until she cries out again.

Moving with purposeful steps, Eyena slows only as she reaches Lirosa's side, kneeling next to her and seeming to hesitate for a moment before putting a hand on her shoulder. For one reason or another, she doesn't say anything.

2018-01-05, 08:31 PM
Gilraen stands beside Lirosa, his face a mask of impassivity. His breaths come steadily, as Lirosa's fail, having had a few more minutes to come to grips with his sorrow and self-blame. "We were too late," he says, simply. "First we were too late for the people of Gristledown, and then for you and he."

He turns his gaze downward, the steady and firm expression of a course decided. His eyes burn with barely-concealed rage. His lips twitch, curling into an almost animalistic snarl before relaxing and snarling again. "..But we will not be too late again. The Ironfang will pay. If Fangwood herself will not make them pay, then we will have to make them pay on her behalf. We cannot do any more for Taidel in this life- except avenge his memory." His eyes remain locked on Lirosa's, actively gauging her response.

Given time, we're going to set up camp either here or nearby, yes? Gilraen will make it a point to thoroughly investigate the longhouse before the group departs. (taking 20 for 28 on perception)

Lord Of Mantas
2018-01-05, 09:41 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 3 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 4/21, 1/19 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +5, +6 | Status: --, --

Having briefly gone on walkabout while Rask prepared a proper grave for those dead, Ilsa and Ramiel returned to help begin interring those killed by the Ironfang - only to see Lirosa finally come upon the scene. Sorrow in her heart at the fellow half-elf's pain, Ilsa joined Eyena in kneeling beside her.

"I'm so sorry, Lirosa. I'm so sorry."

Gauging her response, she then reached to put a hand on Lirosa's shoulder. Ramiel also knelt, sympathy upon his face.

"Taidel may be gone, physically. But we can not, and will not, let his memory fade, nor the memory of any of those who have passed on. We will carry their light in our hearts, and it will be our beacon. This is not yet over."

2018-01-06, 01:17 AM
Narek Skyskin

As should have been anticipated, Lirosa appeared in the battle’s aftermath. She immediately was drawn to the flayed hide of her brother, as if called to it. Shaking his head, he watched the others attempt to console the distraught woman, their efforts ranging from vengeance to remembrance to quiet support. Which path if any, the lone sibling would take was anyone’s guess.

Glancing back at the bodies, he shook his head again. So many had died in the town, slain by the invading Legion. The people of Gristledown were gone, tortured for information they didn’t possess. What was one more body amongst the dead? How many more would join Taidel before this was all over?

As he stared at one of the fallen skeletons, the face looked like Shara’s for a moment, then shifted to resemble Thel. For just a moment, his face softened, a knowing look in his eyes as he turned to Lirosa. Everyone was important; he had to believe that. Otherwise, why remain with the refugees and not stoke out on his own?

He waved at Aubrin and pointed towards Lirosa before calling out. "Gilraen, I require your assistance searching the buildings."

Getting the woodsman away from the young girl seemed important right now. And they did need to search around. He cast a spell to help him with the task ...
Search around, make sure the bodies are buried, then call for the refugees.
Cast heightened awareness. [roll0], [roll1]
AC: 16 HP: 15 Init +9 Move 30'
F +1 R +3 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness /
Prescience: 5/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of grease (4); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4 (+6); Stealth +2; Survival +3; Spellcraft +10; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +10; KS H/P/E/G/Na/R +8
Effect: Deathwatch (30’ cone, 18 min); heightened awareness (+2 Perception/KS, 30min)

2018-01-06, 11:56 AM
At a certain point his shirt became one giant stain from moving so much. It ended with him leaning on the shovel wheezing out a slow breath. Rask considered his age, thought better of dwelling on or it's meaning, then closed his eyes.

…and he woke up with sun on his face, the shaman’s chanting ringing about his ears. That was the first thing he noticed. The second was that someone had stolen his armor and shirt. The third was that tender mace wound. Dam Molthuni had taken off the tusk with the blow. Still it wasn't all bad. Looking about, he determined that they'd apparently won.

Rask rose up so he was eyelevel with the gnarled figure before him. “Lucky I stay to collect earsaheheh. Lucky lucky little Runt…” He took note of the garment, a particularly a lumpy ear that must have belonged to Krusk. He stood to full height and looked around at the crows picking through the dead, orc and Molthuni alike. Rask whipped his head round to the stooped shaman. “Why?” Shogglick bent at the waist to saw off another ear. He shrugged, business-like. “Not your timehehe-ahah!” He raised the ear up the sky. “We thank thä Nulgreth! Iä, Iä! For the Blood is strong! May we find bloodshed eternal under your watchful peepers. Hail O' bloody one!” Rask shook his head. The shaman had always been a bit touched. No better place for craziness that after a good battling.

He turned away from the gibbering old fool and went to look for his two-hander. He finally found it. Some Multhouni had buried it in Ront’s nape. Dumb idiot had gotten himself a spear in the gut for it in the process. As it was the blade was pitted and flecked with chips. Weren’t for much else besides being lodged there it seemed. It took him another half-hour to find a good replacement and in the end it was a Molthunish chopper. He spent another fifteen minutes mashing up the cross guard with a dagger pommel. Didn’t want to be seen with a Molthuni blade if it could be helped. It fit snuggly into the sheath he still had. He still had most of his knives on him, so there was that. Rations were plentiful. Rask pointed himself in the opposite direction of the tribe. Of home? He pondered for a moment and looked back to Ront and the old sword. Maybe. Maybe not. “Shogglick!” Calling out made Rask wince. His jaw was still a bit stiff from the mace wound.

The old orc’s cloak flew about as he whirled, turning his beady eyes onto Rask. He bumbled his way towards Rask at an agonizing pace, then dam near tripped over Mulg before catching himself. Mulg was the tribe’s pet rock troll. He was dead by alchemical detonations and even Rask found his carcass hard to miss. Maybe it’d been all the ears weighing the old fool down. “Ah, still here little Runt? Why don’t you be a-flying yourself home mm?” Rask shook his head, annoyed at how transparent his thoughts were in front of the Old Orc. He turned from the black-clad, no longer especially concerned with killing him nor talking to him, for it was a mad orc indeed that held council with a shaman. As a general rule Rask found a mad orc to usually be a dead orc. Same was true of all fighters really. Spoke volumes that Krusk had passed through fine to Nulgreth's paradise, and he was the best bladesman Rask'd ever seen.

Rask turned and left in the opposite direction. “Eh? I say you best be getting home, and don’t forget your sword. One I gives ta ya that.” That gave him pause. Shogglick had given him the tattoo as a joke. Leastways thats what the others had thought, giving such a big sword tattoo to a half-breed who could hardly swing one. Only now did he understand the meaning, half a tusk later. Rask left with things unsaid but he guessed Shogglick’s meaning fine enough. Home was the place where you didn’t have to run anymore.

Rask opened his eyes and noticed that Lirosa had joined the group and was weeping. Rask sighed into another lean on his shovel. He walked over to where Lirosa and the others were. Much as before the big man had little in the way of words for her. Instead he put his shovel to the earth next to her, gave her a nod, then went back to excavating a burial plot with another shovel. Getting angry could see one through many a conflict. But sometimes having a simple task to work straight towards helped more.

2018-01-06, 03:52 PM
For a few forlorn seconds, Lirosa rests her hand on Ilsa's where the half elf has put it on her shoulder. The other hand goes to touch Eyena's hand opposite. She doesn't say a word, just listening to the summoner's words. As quickly as it began, the time for shouting is over. She doesn't disdain the support, but her tears and closed eyes do little to say one way or the other whether Ilsa's message got through. When Gilraen starts to talk, the hunter stares back at him, as though vengeance hadn't even crossed her mind. She continues to kneel, with Eyena on one side and Ilsa on the other.

"..." Lirosa might have said something, but whatever it was, she can't seem to fully vocalize it. "Little brother," she murmurs. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I led you here, to this place." That's when Rask tosses the shovel at her feet. Her amber eyes harden with resolve. Lirosa grabs the handle of the shovel and uses it to propel herself up and forwards. She nods her thanks at all of you, but takes the time to look Rask in the eye and make sure the half orc in particular sees her gratitude. A little bit of simple wisdom here has gone a long way, and she digs pits by his side quietly. The thing that was Taidel is placed in a proper grave, alongside the rest of those slaughtered by the Ironfang Legion.

Meanwhile, the search of Gristledown's area proceeds quite a bit faster and with a greater deal of efficiency with the people of Phaendar on hand. While most everything has been picked clean, a second sweep reveals a shriveled up hand that has some sort of magical aura not too far from where the corpses were initially 'laid to rest'. Furthermore, tucked in one of the shelves of the supply shed is a canvas satchel, which has a few items in it. There is a sack of coffee beans, a fine looking curved blade, a vial of dusty gray powder, and a set of four arrows which are supernaturally cold to the touch. Rummaging around the ransacked longhouse also reveals a gold ring and a Mendevian crest tucked into the floorboards.

Now, as the evening starts to set on and the long light starts to leak out of the western sky, all that remains is to finish the burials and plan your next move.

Okay, I've updated the loot table! A DC 15 Appraise or Spellcraft check is required to reveal the gray as silver powder, which is worth 400 gp. I've gone ahead and assumed detect magic was used successfully on the hand of the mage and the four +1 frost arrows, which are all on the list. Feel free to divide everything up as you wish!

2018-01-06, 04:32 PM
Rask leaned on his sword as words were spoken about the dead. He'd none to offer. The thought crossed his mind of how many might have once lived here. Which, in turn lead to him thinking on putting that bugbear ****ers neck to sword. Or boot-heel. Rask's grip tightened on the handle of his sword. He was the first to leave once a silence descended on the congregation, for there were practical matters to attend to that concerned him more.

He sat down on the periphery of the camp, second to watch for the night. In the time leading up to it Rask took out all his knives and gave them a good sharpening before steaking them in the earth. Then he moved on to sewing up the tatters in his shirt. Then he wet the shirt much as he could and wrung it out. Following that Rask began to kick out the dents in the Legion breastplate he'd claimed. He patched over the cuts by hammering them with a dagger pommel. He'd need to deal with the grumpy dwarf for more work. One more task to look forward to. The sword was the last thing he sharpened. Best to get it good and cleaned up before taking it to the whetstone. Perhaps the bowman might lend him some more arrows...

Everyone welcome for a chat!

2018-01-07, 02:03 PM
Gilraen shrugs, letting himself be pulled away by Narek's request. He claims the four enchanted arrows with an oddly excited expression. With the searching done, he helps with the final touches of the burials, before leaving the rest of the refugees to their rites and blessings. He takes watch during the proceedings, never once letting the slack on his bowstring fully relax. He prowls quietly around the area, taking in the ruined buildings and the surrounding woods with quiet patience.

His eyes scan the forest, his mind intent on making sure the people in the village remain undisturbed.

So he's going in a very different direction from the community-minded cleric of Erastil we once considered. Gonna lean heavily on the loner drawback and friendless curse for a bit, here.

[roll0] perception
[roll1] stealth

2018-01-07, 03:52 PM
Around the Fire

It isn't much of a fire pit, set up in the longhouse. Most of the wreckage has been cleared, the blood cleaned up so that your people can rest easy for the night. Kining has helped set up a series of watchmen throughout the night, stationed at strategic points between Gristledown's existing structures. For now, the place is quiet. Most of the people have eaten and gone to sleep, leaving a select few to stand in the middle of the hall. Aubrin is there, of course, as are the rest of the usual suspects. Kining. Jet. Rhyna. Clidon stands not too far away, leaning on one of the carved wooden pillars. He seems to be staying up at least in part to keep Gilraen company.

"So," Aubrin says by way of starting off the proceedings. "Today was a hard day. Nobody's arguing that. What happened to these poor souls is a tragedy, nothing else to it. We'll see to it that the Ironfang bastards pay for what they did, both here and in Phaendar. But we still have these people to take care of. Before we came to Gristledown, the plan was to try to find a secure base in the Fangwood. Obviously, this town isn't secure if the Legion are already aware of its existence. So, does anyone have a plan as to how we should go from here?"


Some time after the meeting, you find yourself among the trees. The Fangwood is as noisy at night as it has always been, the rustling of critters underfoot and the sounds of the night birds chirping. The transcendence of the woods is everywhere, but tonight it sounds more hateful than you remember. Maybe it's the reminder of the choking life around you, where only minutes ago you saw death. The Ironfang Legion could butcher every man, woman, and child in Nirmathas, and all of this would remain, completely and utterly indifferent.

Through the haze of your anger, you hear a different noise through the trees. Closing in on it, you make it out for exactly what it is: weeping. On the other side of a shrub, you can see the distinct female form of Lirosa kneeling on the ground. She stares up at the moon's light through the leaves and branches above your head. She doesn't seem to notice your presence, as absorbed as she is in her grief. Although you cannot be certain as to her resolve from earlier, her presence here speaks volumes as to how she's actually handling her brother's passing. As you step a bit closer, she still does not see you. Whether you want to leave her be or try to talk to her is entirely up to you.


"Do you... mind if I sit with you?" The voice is muted, heavy with weariness. Turning, you see Edran approaching. The one-armed man seems to take your silence for an invitation, as he perches himself on the ground next to you, listening to you sharpen your blade. In profile, you can see the wound where your sword took off his limb, not too far below the shoulder. Somebody - probably Rhyna or one of the other priestesses - has dressed and bound the wound, then wrapped it in cloth. The bard's face is framed in shadow.

"You don't have to say anything," he starts hesitantly. "I know you don't like to talk. And I talk entirely too much for my own good, heh. Look, listen: the way I figure it, you saved my life in that storm yesterday. Other men, they wouldn't be too happy about being one arm less. But I know you did what you had to do. And I know you didn't have to carry me with you. So, between the two of us, I think you deserve the truth."

2018-01-07, 07:23 PM
As Gilraen makes his slow patrols, Lirosa's presence isn't particularly surprising to the woodsman. Everyone grieves in their own way, at their own pace, and often- as he well knows- solitude is an eager companion.

... Still, to the eyes of an Elf, she might as well be a child. And for some, Gilraen knows, commiseration can be cathartic... The Elf sighs deeply, the low-simmering frustration at war with the softer emotions in his mind. Despite his better sense, he approaches the grieving ranger.

From a few paces to the side, he deliberately begins to step amongst dry leaves. His footfalls clearly betray his presence. At a measured pace, he walks in front Lirosa, perhaps 15 feet further amongst the wilderness than she- a simple but literal reminder that he continues to try and stand between the wilds and the rest of the community. His eyes scan the woods further out for several moments ((taking 20, if allowed)) before he turns to look down at Lirosa.

His eyes take her in, weighing the weight of her stance and expression...

1: if not reasonable, he will at least stand and scan the woods for 15-20 seconds (2-3 rounds of using perception as a move action twice per round) to make sure they won't be taken by surprise.

Then, using sense motive to try and judge whether or not Lirosa wants company.

If she seems open to it, or he is unable to be sure, Gilraen will nod once, and say "I am here, if you care to speak."

((deliberately avoiding statements that demonstrate particular awareness of interpersonal matters))

2018-01-07, 09:03 PM
Around the Fire

Rask listened about and nodded in agreement with any plans that favoured attacking from a fortified position. Made sense. They could defend if they had to fall back.

Alone in the Dark

Rask drew the whetstone across the big blade one more time and judge it done to his satisfaction. He looked up at the man with an appraising gaze. He kept one hand on the sword for now but it was a devil-thing of a grip if he was being honest. Rask's eyes narrowed to slits as he rode to full height and bid the man speak.

Lord Of Mantas
2018-01-07, 09:11 PM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 3 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 4/21, 1/19 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +5, +6 | Status: --, --

Around the Fire

Listening to Abby, Ilsa spoke.

"As I've said before, I think our best shot at finding a safe haven lies with the Chernasado rangers. The problem is, of course, that we have no idea where they are. So, there are two viable plans that I have. The first is that we follow in the Ironfang's wake directly - not only will it let us keep an idea of where they are, but it will let us remain undetected, since large groups like that don't generally double back on themselves. Of course, if we follow them, it'll likely be harder to forage, since they'll probably strip everything clean. The alternate route is to split apart from them. Now that they've overtaken us, they have no idea where we are, so we can try to lose them and make our own way out. Plus, we'll be able to procure resources better, and we won't have to contend with the possibility of them trampling any clues as to the location of the Rangers. The downside is, of course, that we'll have no idea where they are, so we'll have very limited warning if they get the drop on us."

With Lirosa

Having finished strategizing with Aubrin, Ilsa departed on her rounds of the camp. She fully intended to talk to more new people, of course, but there was one person in particular who she needed to talk to, regardless of what else happened. Trying as best as she could, she sought out Lirosa.

Coming upon Lirosa, Ilsa approached slowly, not trying to hide her presence. Stopping close by, she spoke.

"If you want me to leave, I will. But if you'd have the company, I'd like to hear about what Taidel was like."

​With Jet

Having finished with Lirosa, Ilsa found her way back into the main encampment. After some consideration, she decided to speak with Jet.

"Do you mind if I sit?"

2018-01-09, 03:46 AM
The Fire

Eyena is silent while the others speak, shifting in place and staring at the fire until she turns and speaks. "Is it known, to us, what the goals of the Ironfang Legion hobgoblins, in this area, are? If they, that is, they might be in the forest, for...a deal of time which could find itself quite lengthy, however, it is also possible that they return, to, to their place of arrival. The tower, Phaendar..." she shrugs. "It could, potentially, be possible that a finding of temporary shelter, for the, noncombatant...people, is a short-term goal, which would be worthy, of pursuit."

"The finding of, some place, which is safe, for the people, that are with us, would itself then allow, us, the, ehm, smaller circle of us, to search, for the Chernasado Rangers, which may be...hidden, to a degree, which is very, high," Eyena continues after a few moments. "And, as well, if they are there, in the safe place, the danger for them is reduced, if we - the small we, now, search to see, what the Ironfang Legion has, as goals. If they, that is, if their goal includes, so to say...permanent settling, it is different, than if they will be going."


Once the meeting concludes, but before everyone begins to settle down to sleep, Eyena approaches Kining, remaining in her typical silence for a short while before speaking. "If it...isn't a bother, could you tell me, about Droskar? He is, that was his symbol, on the shield, yes?"

2018-01-10, 01:39 AM
Narek Skyskin

When the townsfolk returned, Narek took time to find Shara and Thel, relishing their presence. He didn’t speak of what had happened - he just found a moment of peace with them. For a few moments, even the visions ceased. Then he gave them both a squeeze and a kiss, then joined the others cleaning up the town. When the leaders met to address the situation at hand, he joined them. Listening to them speak, he simply shook his head. ”I agree that a safe haven is our primary goal. But where? Gristledown is comprised, but there’s little reason to think they’ll come back soon, unless they find our tracks right away. This will have to be a temporary shelter until we can find something else.

I like the idea of us searching for a new place, but fear leaving the others behind. Ideally, we would figure a way to cover our tracks ... perhaps convince the Legion we didn’t survive. But I’m not sure that’s something we can do now.

What does anyone know of these rangers? Perhaps we could figure out the puzzle of their hidden outposts.”
Any checks?
AC: 16 HP: 15 Init +9 Move 30'
F +1 R +3 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness /
Prescience: 5/7; Good Dreams 1/1; wand of grease (4); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +3; Spellcraft +10; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +10; KS H/P/E/G/Na/R +8
Effect: none

2018-01-11, 12:17 AM
Around the Fire

Kining - who has had the most experience listening to Eyena - more or less follows along with her particular mode of speaking, while the others in the group just frown. Jet in particular has a hard time, and just shakes her head halfway through Eyena's speech. The dwarf sighs at the others. "She means to say that if we find ourselves a shelter, they'll be able to strike out and figure out what the Ironfang are up to, and where the Chernasardo are hiding themselves." Picking at her fingernails with one of her axes, the smith looks into the fire with something approximating longing. For a few minutes afterwards, nobody has an obvious answer.

Then, as though conjured by Narek's question, a flapping of wings can be heard from outside the longhouse. A few members of the group draw their weapons, but the animal makes its way through one of the doors and into the rafters of the building with ease, revealing itself to be nothing more than a tawny owl. In the bird's talons is clutched a canvas satchel. "I remember that bird," Clidon says after a bewildered moment. "That's Yanael, Korus' animal companion. Yes, that's definitely it! It had the same pattern of feathers on its left wing. It must have escaped during the attack, or maybe Korus sent it out before?"

Aubrin ends up calming the bird, opening the satchel to examine its contents. There is what looks like a piece of parchment or a scroll, which is in turn wrapped around a chain link belt that radiates relatively powerful magic. The metalwork on the latter is that of some kind of wild boar chasing itself through the woods, crushing trees in its wake. But the cleric seems more interested in the latter map, as she unrolls what is miraculously a map of the very Chernasardo region you are in the middle of! This map is more detailed than the one that you have put together, and indeed has several marked sites on it that weren't on your version.

"Look at these," Aubrin says as she traces her finger over the canvas. The names attached to the markings are fairly rudimentary, but she perks up as she reads the last one. "There are three sites further into the woods. I don't know what 'All Eyes' Wood' or 'Keloch's Stead' mean, but I imagine that second one is a cabin or stronghold of some kind. But this one here: the Children of Stone. If my memory serves, they were a tribe of troglodytes that preyed on the Rangers back in the day. There was a theory that they were operating out of a cavern system in the area; I can't believe I didn't think to look for their lair! That could be exactly what we're looking for."


Kining grumbles slightly when you bring up Droskar. "Yeah, that was him on the shield." She doesn't say anything else at first, but breaks the silence with a few more words. "Look, I don't like talking about this, okay? You're a knürlafn, an outsider. I guess I am too, now. But I still know the old ways. Just... leave it alone." Shoving a strand of blonde hair out of her eyes, Kining gives you a hard look.

"Now, d'you want to f*ck, or not? If you're going to be asking questions, I'll keep my own company."

Ilsa (with Jet)

Jet is in the midst of taking care of the animals, having put most of her human flock to bed some time ago. She feeds one of the goats little bits of leaves, while making sure that the wolf pups from the cave you found a few days ago are sleeping properly. The former innkeeper looks slightly tired as she looks out at the trees surrounding the settlement, and finds a carved stump to sit on as you approach.

When you speak up, she looks up in surprise. "Oh, it's you. Of course, feel free to sit. To be honest, I wouldn't mind the company. Staying up to clean up an inn and take care of a few rowdy townsfolk is one thing, but these vigils are something else entirely. Plus, I can't say that I'm much at ease staying in these buildings like this. It feels intrusive, sleeping where these folks lived just a few days ago."


Still wary of you, Edran takes his time getting around to finding more words to say. "I am a spy," he manages to spurt out. "But it's not what you think! I don't work for the Ironfang Legion, never have. I work for Molthune. Higher-ups sent me and a few others to scout areas in Nirmathas, testing the waters to see if we could push north into your territory. I was in Phaendar at the Taproom on a simple listening mission, recording local rumors and chatter. Pretty routine stuff, really."

"That's when the hobgoblins showed up. I didn't know what to do, so I ran. It really was a miracle that I got away unscathed, but I saw tracks in the wilderness on the other side of the Marideth and followed them until I got to you. Lucky for me, Jet was around to confirm my story." The storyteller can't seem to quite conjure up the level of shame that you might think he would display at a time like this. The more he confesses, the more resolute he becomes.

"I don't care about goblins, not really. I just want to get home, to be safe again. I have nothing against you folk, not really, but I don't have much call to be loyal to you either. I'm only telling you this because I owe you. So you can kill me, take me prisoner, do whatever you like with me." Edran meets your eyes with an undeniable sense of fatality, mixed with a paradoxical bit of challenge.

2018-01-11, 02:54 AM
The Fire

Eyena nods as Kining explains what she attempted to say. When the animal arrives, she keeps a hand on Eisenherz, even once it's been identified, looking at it with a furrowed brow until the map is found. Once it is, she nods, again when Aubrin mentions the Children of the Stone.


Eyena listens silently, waiting as Kining falls quiet and quickly nodding when she explains that she doesn't want to discuss it further, opening her mouth to speak before pausing again, as Kining continues. She smiles. "Always," she says.

2018-01-11, 10:53 AM
Around the Campfire

Rask looked over the belt before turning his head back to more pressing matters. He'd not heard of the All Eyes Wood or Keloch's Stand. Then there was this new group of folk. Trogs. Rask did not relish being underground, leastofall fighting underground but it sounded exactly what they'd been looking for and thus he was inclined to agree.


Rask sighed and adjusted the blade weighing down his shoulder. Not much a whole lot worse than finding out a buried suspicion. Nothing much except well…Rask looked around at the gutted carcass of a town and gestured that the spy should walk in front of him. He directed their destination towards Narek’s place of rest. Something told him that whatever the spy had to say, the mage would want to hear.

Besides, it's not like it were ever his war, the Nirmathi and Molthuni. Though on occasion he’d had cause to enter it when a purse was on the table. Best that someone not from the homeland mulled over what to do alone, for Rask was having trouble looking beyond the edge of his own sword.

Lord Of Mantas
2018-01-12, 12:04 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 3 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 4/21, 1/19 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +5, +6 | Status: --, --

Around the Fire

Scratching her head, Ilsa tried to remember if she had heard anything about the names mentioned.

I don't know if Knowledge (Geography) would help here, but it's worth a shot.

All Eye's Wood: [roll0]

Keloch's Stead: [roll1]

Children of Stone: [roll2]
At the suggestion of taking on the Children of Stone, she perked up.

"That sounds like a great plan to me."

With Lirosa

Did Ilsa just not find her?

​With Jet

Ilsa eased herself into a seated positioni, her eyes turning downcast at the mention of the now-deceased townsfolk of Gristledown. "I know you must have been pretty busy with your work as an innkeeper, but... Did you ever get out this way? Know anyone here?"

2018-01-12, 09:25 AM

At the first crunching of leaves and branches underfoot, Lirosa whirls around. "Who's there?", she snarls through her tears. Immediately, she draws a bow and aims an arrow out at the darkness, only to stop when she realizes who she's pointing at. Once she recognizes you, the hunter slowly lowers the weapon, shoulders shaking slightly as she realizes who she almost shot at.

"Sorry, Gilraen. Didn't see you there. Thought you might have been..." Sniffing and wiping away the worst of the tears, Lirosa rises to her feet. "I came out here to be alone. The Fangwood's always understood me: even when I didn't always like the folks I traded with, I could always come out here to think. Taidel was different, he liked talking to people. Back when we left Phaendar, he wanted to stay with your group full time. I was the one who argued for leaving."

Ilsa (with Lirosa)

You do indeed find Lirosa, sitting near the edge of the encampment. She stares out into the growing night, her face slack. When she turns to look at you, she coughs slightly, her face hard. "You want to talk about Taidel, now? Figured you'd want to rub his death in my face, now that we're alone. I don't know if I particularly want your company, but..." Her composure cracks slightly, but she regains it quickly enough.

"Taidel is - was - a good brother, always put up with me. I'm only year older than him, did you know that? But he let me have my way, always followed me. Our parents, they were killed by Molthuni in an ambush north of the border decades ago, so for most of our life it's just been the two of us." The fellow half-elf manages to let out a laugh. "What did you want to know, in particular?"

Ilsa (with Jet)

"Can't say that I have, no." Jet turns to look at you. "I'm not like Aubrin or any of you: I only adventured out of need, and even then not for very long. I'm from the River Kingdoms originally, if you can believe that. Third daughter to some high to do people with land up there, not that it means anything. When our political enemies came knocking at the door, I was already gone. Figured Nirmathas was as good a place as any to start over, but didn't have much besides the cloth on my back and a few gold pieces, and adventuring was better than begging."


When you indicate that he should start walking, Edran exhales, letting the breath leave him slowly. He chuckles flatly, without a trace of good humor. "I was... I guess I was hoping you would let me off the hook. Ah well." As he starts to walk in the instructed direction, the spy shakes his head. He seems to have guessed where it is you're going, as the path you take across the camp eventually takes you right to Narek.

2018-01-13, 02:43 PM
At the first crunching of leaves and branches underfoot, Lirosa whirls around. "Who's there?", she snarls through her tears. Immediately, she draws a bow and aims an arrow out at the darkness, only to stop when she realizes who she's pointing at. Once she recognizes you, the hunter slowly lowers the weapon, shoulders shaking slightly as she realizes who she almost shot at.

"Sorry, Gilraen. Didn't see you there. Thought you might have been..." Sniffing and wiping away the worst of the tears, Lirosa rises to her feet. "I came out here to be alone. The Fangwood's always understood me: even when I didn't always like the folks I traded with, I could always come out here to think. Taidel was different, he liked talking to people. Back when we left Phaendar, he wanted to stay with your group full time. I was the one who argued for leaving."

Gilraen doesn't move, giving Lirosa the time she needs to regain her composure and lower her weapon. He nods slowly, an acknowledgement of her awkward apology. He stands, listening mostly, as she regales her most recent past. "I can understand that. I feel the same way, oddly. I'm still not entirely sure why I'm here either- guess I feel responsible for-" he waves his arm in the general direction of the longhouse- "them."

His eyes drift outward, towards the virgin wilds of Fangwood north of what used to be Gristledown. "I'm not sure she understands any of us," he muses, clearly referring to the forest around them. "I've always felt more at home here than under any roof, but... she's changing." He stands still for a long time. Maybe a few minutes.

"All I know for sure is that the Ironfang shouldn't be here. They're poisoning the land." He falls into an easy (for him) silence, again, quiet breaths marking as time trudges on.

If he's still there, when Ilsa arrives, Gilraen will return to the camp at that point, taking advantage of Kining's watch party.

2018-01-13, 03:49 PM
Rask hammered on the door of the house that Narek had claimed. No doubt some others would be gone and woke by what he’d just done. Best to resolve things quickly then, with the main scouting party. Perhaps Aubrin and some of the others as well. Then they could decide what to do from there. Last thing he wanted was a mob of addled civilians coming at him for what he did or didn’t do. When the mage came out, Rask indicated that Edran should repeat to the mage what had been said before. He still kept his sword on shoulder, as a warning.

The big man was surprised to find that the black mood from the day had yet to descend on him. It wasn’t anything approaching inner peace that was for certain. More a restlessness with himself. At least that left him somewhat thinking straight, even if it didn't leave him feeling better.

2018-01-14, 12:45 AM
Narek Skyskin

Narek starts somewhat at the owl’s appearance. The intelligence in its eyes worried him more than anything, forcing him to fear an aerial spy left by the Legion. But when Clinton recognized the bird, he relaxed, instead focusing on the items found within the bird’s pouch. The chain belt was clearly magical, drawing a murmur from the mage. ”Mystical belt ... it will grant the wearer greater strength. Perhaps Rask or Eyena would find it valuable.”

When the topic of the map arose, he moved closer to study it with Aubrin. Pulling out his notebook, he took notes, clearly interested in what it could tell them. After Aubrin spoke of the caves, he pondered the other places for a moment before speaking. ”As I recall, ‘All Eyes’ woods is plagued with an over abundance of insects and a distinct lack of suitable resources for our group. Keloch is a reclusive old elf who lives on the edge of civilization by choice. I would anticipate the path to his home would be rife with traps. Perhaps best we leave him be for now, but later he might be a valuable ally. Presuming he still lives.

All-in-all, I agree that the caves might be our best option for now. If the cavern system is large enough, it may serve our needs to harrow the Legion all across the Fangwood.”
Later ...
Narek was transcribing some magical notes in his book when the knock came. He glanced to the room Shara and Thel were sharing, then rose and strode quickly to answer the door. He blinked for a moment, surprised to see both Rask and Edran standing ther. Rather than inviting them in, he stepped out and closed the door behind him. His eyes moved back and forth between the two men, understanding it was something important. After a moment, he murmured simply, ”Yes?”

AC: 16 HP: 15 Init +9 Move 30'
F +1 R +3 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness /
Prescience: 5/7; Good Dreams 0/1; wand of grease (4); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +3; Spellcraft +10; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +10; KS H/P/E/G/Na/R +8
Effect: none

Lord Of Mantas
2018-01-14, 01:37 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 3 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 4/21, 1/19 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +5, +6 | Status: --, --

With Lirosa

"Anything you wanted to share. Good memories, in particular." Ilsa put on her best reassuring smile. "Over the years I've known many people who have lost loved ones - husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, children. I was always taught that even if you can't bring someone back physically from the dead, you can carry those memories in your heart, and share them with those who will listen, to tell their stories. In that way, they will still be remembered, and still be with you."

At the suggestion that she might rub in what had happened, Ilsa shook her head.

"I am not so callous that I would rub what has happened in your face, Lirosa. That would be nothing short of wanton cruelty. My only wish is to be an ear to talk to, if you want one."

​With Jet

"Very few things that are worse than begging, really. Almost none worth mentioning in polite company." Ilsa digested the information she'd been told. "The River Kingdoms? That's quite the trip. Did you walk the whole way, or were you lucky enough to get some transportation? Anything exciting happen on the way here?"

2018-01-14, 04:24 PM
Around the Fire

"Well then," Aubrin says as first Ilsa, then Narek voice their approval of the plan to head for the caves. "It sounds like at least most of us agree. We can probably try to forage as we go, but we should probably try to head out just after first light. Why don't we all try to get some rest; it's been a long day, and we've got a few miles to go before the people can rest easy." Regardless of her words, the cleric-adventurer speaks with a slight smile on her face. You can tell that she's happy with your leadership so far, and the tired lines around her eyes speak to a weariness that comes from only from having to make the heavy decisions on her own.

"If anyone needs me, I'll just be communing with my god." Pulling at the flask-turned holy symbol on the chain around her neck, Aubrin walks towards the edge of the longhouse, and out into the dark. The others wait for you to disperse before doing the same, getting to sleep or letting the night take their minds on other winding paths. The moon is still out, after all, and there is time yet for furtive conversation.


"It must have been so beautiful." The voice doesn't catch you off guard, despite it appearing not too far away. Melodic and contemplative all in one breath, Rhyna sweeps down to sit near where you are, long after your ministrations with Kining have ended. "Before, I mean. Not that I can't appreciate what they've built now, but it seems a little bit... well. I don't know about you, but I'm sure looking forward to seeing what the people here will do when it comes time to rebuild!"


Lirosa looks back at the distant outlines of Gristledown with a mixture of rage, pity, and sorrow. Your mention of the Ironfang Legion, however, brings her half-lit features into sharp and crystal focus. "Damn right. I tried telling Ilsa that, and she didn't listen. But she was right: I was going about eradicating them in the wrong way. A good hunter is patient, and knows how to work with a pack. You're not the only one responsible here, Gilraen. I need - maybe we need - to make things right. To rid the Fangwood of them, one hobgoblin at a time, until there's nothing left."

"Will you help me do that?"

Ilsa (with Lirosa)

The half-elf you're trying to console only chokes at your words, as though they are a poison more bitter than any recrimination you could have uttered. "Guess that makes you the better woman, then." For a second, she glares at you with stark hatred, and you could swear that she is either about to stalk off or otherwise pull a weapon on you. But she doesn't. Instead, she looks away for another few seconds. After a little while, her breathing starts to calm somewhat.

"I remember... the first day he learned how to use a bow. Our folks left us on the edge of the wilds, but we were picked up by a hunter named Jhoras who lived outside of Radya's Hollow to the north. He taught me first, on account of my being the older, while Taidel learned the names of plants and how to orient himself according to the sun. We were a team, right from the start. But Jhoras told us that when we were done, we ought to teach each other everything we knew. It was the only way to be sure that we knew it all for certain."

Ilsa (with Jet)

Jet nods at the 'begging' bit, before laughing at the follow-up question. "I killed my first man, bedded a few more, and got lost more times than I can count. My time on the road wasn't worth re-telling. It was nine parts agonizing boredom and one part drawn out bloodshed, and I don't think I could say which was worse. But who knows, maybe you would be interested in those kinds of stories."

She looks at you, her expression unsure. For all that she talks hard, you get the distinct impression that Jet is more than a little concerned with how you - how all of you - see her. It's the kind of thing that makes the most sense in hindsight: laughing a bit too hard, going above and beyond what is necessary just a few too many times. You are struck by some of the young squires of Lastwall, who have only seen a combat or two and put on airs to impress the folks in town who have seen even less. Although, perhaps it's not as calculated as all that. There's a good chance that Jet doesn't even know she's doing it.

Narek, Rask

It takes a little bit less than a minute for Edran to recount the story one more time. To his credit, he doesn't embellish or change any of the details in the re-telling, but his eyes are glued to the ground this time. "... so now I find myself here, with you. Thought I could keep on mission, maybe steal some of your supplies and make a run for the border. But then the storm happened, and Rask here saved my life. I owe a debt, you understand? So do what you want with me, but at least now my conscience is clear."

Clearly, whatever punishment comes his way, the man is quickly coming to internalize it. And perhaps he should, but that is cold comfort when looking at somebody who is preparing themselves to die. Edran finishes talking, and there's an expectant pause as though the words could have continued forever, only to have been curtailed too soon. Just like all joys, the relief of confession ends eventually.

2018-01-15, 01:03 AM
Eyena turns to Rhyna as she speaks, Eisenherz resting across her lap. She blinks at the woman's first words, and shifts as she sits down, blinking a few times as her brows furrow. Before she says anything, though, Rhyna continues, and Eyena seems to relax, though she does duck her head a bit, cheeks a touch more red than they normally are. "The, ehm," she begins, and stops for a few moments. "The, our...group? Which is to say, the group to which we both belong, that is, as long as you would not disagree with that categorization," she says. "I, that is, while I am sure it will be, will hold great...aesthetic, value, I do not hold a, well, my own appreciation of architecture is, limited."

2018-01-16, 06:49 PM
Narek Skyskin

Narek listened to the man speak, eyes narrowing as the story unfolded. Upon completion, he simply stood, staring, calculating. He glanced at the man's arm, back to Rask, and towards the encampment, then back to Edran. After a moment, he spoke, his voice devoid of emotion. ”You are a spy, sent presumably to look for weaknesses or exploits in the nation you once owned. You arrive shortly before the arrival of the Iron Fang Legion, a notorious mercenary band previously used by Molthune ... most notable for their involvement with the Ramsgate massacre. You lie about your connections and ingratiate yourself to our group while we are hunted down by the Legion.”

Having said the words aloud, they sounded, nay were damning. It would be an easy thing to sentence the bard now; by the Abyss, Rask would probably do it on the spot. But even the wizard realized there were more facets to this situation... and right and wrong were often the same side of the coin, flipped by different hands.

"Your saving grace is that by being honest, you may receive mercy, something you are probably counting on. Perhaps you are hoping to shift our suspicions to a more believable lie. Maybe it is all part of a bigger plot I cannot fathom yet. Regardless of the reason, I do not trust you. In lives past, you may have been executed immediately.

I, however, am not the leader of this group, nor an elected official. Even if I were, the people of Nirmathas have a different view on such things and I would be remiss to not give the people their voice. You shall give your story to the assembled representatives tomorrow, and we shall decide your fate.

Unless you run - then your life will likely be forfeit.”

civilization by choice. I would anticipate the path to his home would be rife with traps. Perhaps best we leave him be for now, but later he might be a valuable ally. Presuming he still lives.

Narek spoke without rancor or anger - just an emotionless statement of how it would be.
Nothing really ... except maybe [roll0]
AC: 16 HP: 15 Init +9 Move 30'
F +1 R +3 W +5
Weapon: Hvy crossbow w/18 bolts (10 MW)
Spells: prestidigitation, detect magic, message, dancing lights / mage armor, obscuring mist, enlarge person, heightened awareness /
Prescience: 5/7; Good Dreams 0/1; wand of grease (4); wand of prestidigitation (25); wand of cause fear (12)
Key skills: Perception +4; Stealth +2; Survival +3; Spellcraft +10; S. Motive +6; KS A/L +10; KS H/P/E/G/Na/R +8
Effect: none

2018-01-16, 07:31 PM
"Will you help me do that?"

Gilraen turns to Lirosa. His flinty expression is all the affirmation she needs, but nonetheless he nods. "What else is there, until we do?" He doesn't expect an answer, as it wasn't really a question. With an expression of oddly-content acceptance, he turns to the longhouse. With one more silent nod, he retires to the ruins of Gristledown.

He lays his bedroll as close to solitude as possible, without risking another night exposed to unfriendly elements.

Lord Of Mantas
2018-01-17, 12:44 AM
Ilsa & Ramiel
Level 3 Unchained Summoner and Azata Eidolon
HP 21/21, 19/19 | AC: 16, 16| Attack: +5, +6 | Status: --, --

With Lirosa

Ilsa thought briefly about reminding Lirosa that this wasn't about being the better woman, but thought better of it.

"It sounds like you two were really close. The world is a sadder place for Taidel's loss."

Ilsa cricked her neck. "If I may be so bold as to ask, what do you plan to do now?"

With Jet

Ilsa laughed.

"Honestly, given how crazy life has been ever since I set out from home, boredom would almost be a nice change of pace. As for those stories, any story can be made interesting if you know how to spice it up appropriately. Of course, it's easier with some things than others."