View Full Version : Question about Panther companion for UA Ranger

2017-06-24, 03:59 PM
In the panther page, it has a pounce attack that will knock a creature prone if it fails a saving throw. It does not however specify a maximum size for the proned creature.

Would you say it should have a maximum or as it is unspecified should it be able to prone anything in theory?

2017-06-24, 04:10 PM
Not sure. Will it be broken if it can knock prone anything? It might stretch logic a bit but personally I think the game suffers if you try to apply logic to everything. Also, the fact that it requires a saving throw stops it from being broken. You are not knocking over a storm giant or an ancient dragon unless it gets a nat 1. Most the DC will go up to is 19 and it begins at 12.

2017-06-24, 04:12 PM
Although I do love the idea of the panther knocking Giants prone, I'd probably apply grappling rules to it, as in it only works one size larger or less

2017-06-24, 04:15 PM
RAW it can prone anything, but I'd probably limit it to one size category as mentioned above in a home game (I'd tell any potential rangers of that beforehand of course)