View Full Version : Optimization Nar Demonbinder/Cosmic Descryer Final Draft

2017-06-25, 01:26 AM
I'm really just posting this so I have my build online and accessible, but as always, suggestions are welcome.

Optimization Theory: Earliest possible Planar Binding, sky high planar binding save DC and 100% win chance on the charisma check to be able to bind outsiders on the fly with 0 preparation, 0 risk of outsider breaking free, enter Cosmic Descryer PrC a.s.a.p. which is level 22 even for straight 20 wizards, and be the best planar binder in the world.


Wizard7 - Entry Class, Charm Domain Power for untyped +4 Charisma bonus, stacks with Eagle's Splendor.
NarDemonbinder1- Earliest possible access to the Planar Binding chain of spells. Only 1 level because the class features in this class are bad.
WyrmWizard - What makes this build work. Surge of Fortune for a 100% chance to win the charisma check with 0% chance of them escaping and Gate to qualify for Cosmic Descryer PrC.
Fatespinner - +5 save dc for Greater Planar Binding
Dragon Disciple- Extra level 8 spell slot for a 2nd and 3rd Greater Planar Binding. Thank Charm Domain and Cold Focus for making additional Greater Planar Binding attempt worthwhile. Depending on preference, get it after Chameleon. To get the maximum out of the Charm Domain, create 3 calling diagrams before activating its power so you can cast Greater Planar Binding 3 times in 1 minute.
Chameleon - Use floating bonus feat to qualify for Cosmic Descryer PrC. Also, bonus floating feat = massive utility. Depending on preference, get it before Dragon Disciple.
CosmicDescryer - +4hd on greater planar binding every 4 levels, eventually letting you bind every outsider in the game.

Race: Human

Wizard School Specialization: Conjuration Specialist, banned Evocation and Enchantment.

Wizard ACFs
Immediate Magic: Abrupt Jaunt, no familiar.
Domain Granted Power: Charm Domain, +4 untyped bonus to Charisma, no wizard bonus feats.

Ability Scores: 28 Point buy
CON 14
INT 14
CHA 18

1 Able Learner - Chameleon Prerequisite
1H Arcane Preparation - Solely so you can add spells to Nar Demonbinder with Wyrm Wizard. Gotten at this level in case you lose it after a race change.
3 Spell Focus: Conjuration - Prerequisite for Nar Demonbinder
6 Iron Will - Prerequisite for Nar Demonbinder
9 Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration - Higher Planar Binding Save DC.
12 Snowcasting - Prerequisite for Cold Focus
15 Cold Focus - Further improves Greater Planar Binding Save DC.
18 Greater Cold Focus - +1 Further improves Greater Planar Binding Save DC.

21 Improved Spell Capacity - Level 9 Spell Slot for Nar Demonbinder to qualify for Cosmic Descryer PrC
24 Energy Resistance - Free up Chameleon Floating Feat
26 Epic Spellcasting - AWESOMENESS
27 Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration - Further improves Greater Planar Binding Save DC
30+ Great Charisma - Further improves Greater Planar Binding Save DC

Bluff 8
Concentration 0
Craft:Tattoo 12 - Tattoo Spellbook. Put points into concentration if you don't care about losing your spellbook.
Disguise 8
Intimidate 5
Knowledge:Arcane MAX
Knowledge:Religion 2
Knowledge:ThePlanes MAX
Profession:Gambling 5
SenseMotive 4
Spellcraft MAX

Note: You can choose to put the ranks in Craft:Tattoo into Concentration, but seeing how 100% of your combat ability is in the outsiders you bind, the only spells you'll be casting in combat is basically haste, invisibility, or celerity+planeshift to escape, so concentration is really not needed.

I highly suggest you copy and paste the following in Notepad without wordwrap.
Wizard1 +20 Bluff0, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo4, +4 Disguise0, Intimidate0, Knowledge:Arcane4, +4 Knowledge:Religion2, +2 Knowledge:ThePlanes4, +4 Profession:Gambling0, SenseMotive2, +2 Spellcraft4, +4
Wizard2 +5 Bluff0, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo5, +1 Disguise0, Intimidate1, +1 Knowledge:Arcane5, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes5, +1 Profession:Gambling0, SenseMotive2, Spellcraft5, +1
Wizard3 +5 Bluff0, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo6, +1 Disguise0, Intimidate2, +1 Knowledge:Arcane6, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes6, +1 Profession:Gambling0, SenseMotive2, Spellcraft6, +1
Wizard4 +5 Bluff0, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo7, +1 Disguise0, Intimidate3, +1 Knowledge:Arcane7, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes7, +1 Profession:Gambling0, SenseMotive2, Spellcraft7, +1
DomainGrantedPowerWizard5 +5 Bluff0, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo8, +1 Disguise0, Intimidate4, +1 Knowledge:Arcane8, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes8, +1 Profession:Gambling0, SenseMotive2, Spellcraft8, +1
Wizard6 +5 Bluff0, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo9, +1 Disguise0, Intimidate4, Knowledge:Arcane9, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes9, +1 Profession:Gambling1, +1 SenseMotive2, Spellcraft9, +1
Wizard7 +5 Bluff0, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo10, +1 Disguise0, Intimidate5, +1 Knowledge:Arcane10, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes10, +1 Profession:Gambling1, SenseMotive2, Spellcraft10, +1
NarDemonbinder1 +5 Bluff0, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo11, +1 Disguise0, Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane11, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes11, +1 Profession:Gambling2, +1 SenseMotive2, Spellcraft11, +1
WyrmWizard1 +5 Bluff0, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo12, +1 Disguise0, Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane12, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes12, +1 Profession:Gambling3, +1 SenseMotive2, Spellcraft12, +1
WyrmWizard2 +5 Bluff0, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo12, Disguise0, Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane13, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes13, +1 Profession:Gambling5, +2 SenseMotive2, Spellcraft13, +1
Fatespinner1 +5 Bluff0, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo12, Disguise0, Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane14, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes14, +1 Profession:Gambling5, SenseMotive4, +2 Spellcraft14, +1
Fatespinner2 +5 Bluff2, +2 Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo12, Disguise0, Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane15, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes15, +1 Profession:Gambling5, SenseMotive4, Spellcraft15, +1
Fatespinner3 +5 Bluff4, +2 Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo12, Disguise0, Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane16, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes16, +1 Profession:Gambling5, SenseMotive4, Spellcraft16, +1
Fatespinner4 +5 Bluff6, +2 Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo12, Disguise0, Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane17, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes17, +1 Profession:Gambling5, SenseMotive4, Spellcraft17, +1
WyrmWizard3 +5 Bluff8, +2 Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo12, Disguise0, Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane18, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes18, +1 Profession:Gambling5, SenseMotive4, Spellcraft18, +1
Fatespinner5 +5 Bluff8, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo12, Disguise2, +2 Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane19, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes19, +1 Profession:Gambling5, SenseMotive4, Spellcraft19, +1
DragonDisciple1 +5 Bluff8, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo12, Disguise4, +2 Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane20, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes20, +1 Profession:Gambling5, SenseMotive4, Spellcraft20, +1
DragonDisciple2 +5 Bluff8, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo12, Disguise8, +4 Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane20, Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes21, +1 Profession:Gambling5, SenseMotive4, Spellcraft20
Chameleon1 +7 Bluff8, Concentration0, Craft:Tattoo14, +2 Disguise8, Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane22, +2 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes22, +1 Profession:Gambling5, SenseMotive4, Spellcraft22, +2
Chameleon2 +7 Bluff8, Concentration1, +1 Craft:Tattoo17, +3 Disguise8, Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane23, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes23, +1 Profession:Gambling5, SenseMotive4, Spellcraft23, +1
WyrmWizard4 +5 Bluff8, Concentration3, +2 Craft:Tattoo17, Disguise8, Intimidate5, Knowledge:Arcane24, +1 Knowledge:Religion2, Knowledge:ThePlanes24, +1 Profession:Gambling5, SenseMotive4, Spellcraft24, +1

Chameleon Floating Feat Selection
Mother Cyst - Prerequisite for Wyrm Wizard Shenanigan. Also, Permaslaves, however, due to the fact that virtually every outsider has at-will greater dispel magic and the fact that this build's caster level is subpar (caps at 18, cosmic descryer advances it one every 2 levels), unreliable.
Spell Mastery - Cast Spells when spellbook is lost.
Extra Spell - Recover spells when spell book is lost.
Craft Wondrous Item - Mantle of Second Chances.
Eschew Materials - When your Spell Component Pouch is gone and you don't have the Summon Component spell.

Epic Spellcasting - Awesomeness
Energy Resistance - Prerequisite for Cosmic Descryer levels 21-23.
Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration - Further improves Greater Planar Binding Save DC
Infernal Bargainer - +2 HD after using Epic Spells to turn into an outsider.
Great Charisma - Further improves Greater Planar Binding Save DC

Cosmic Descryer + Chameleon Shenanigan Explanation.
Problem: I need Gate to qualify for Cosmic Descryer. Nar Demonbinder doesn't have gate.
1. Select Mother Cyst as the Chameleon Bonus Feat for level 20.
2. Grab Improved Spell Capacity Epic Feat at level 21 to give Nar Demonbinder a level 9 Spell Slot.
3. At level 21, because I can prepare and cast Necrotic Termination thanks to Arcane Preparation, Mother Cyst, and Improved Spell Capacity, I can use Wyrm Wizard's Spell Research to give me Gate.
4. Level 21+, have Energy Resistance selected as the Chameleon Bonus feat, and occasionally switch it out for Epic Spellcasting
5. Level 22, Enter Cosmic Descryer Prestige Class.

Charisma Check
Level 8: 5 (Charisma modifier) + 2 (Eagle's Splendor) + 2 (Charm Domain) + 4 (Mask of the Ideal) = 13. Monsters here usually have +3 so 86% win chance.
Level 10+: Surge of Fortune to roll a 20 on the charisma check, so 20+13 = 33. Not even Pit Fiends and Balors can beat this with a natural 20. 100% win chance! 0% chance Outsider escapes bindings! Totally worth the level delay since it also allows you to get the Charm Domain power!
Win Percentage: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?528215-Opposed-Check-Win-Percenatages-with-an-Automatic-Faliure-on-a-roll-of-1

+2-3 with Tome of Leadership and Influence +5.
+1 Lilitu's Gift
+1 Cloak of Charisma
No Circlet of Persuasion because it doesn't stack with the spell Mask of the Ideal.

Planar Binding Save DC
Level 8: 10 + 5 (Spell level) + 5 (Charisma modifier) + 2 (Eagle's Splendor) + 2 (Charm Domain) + 1 (Spell Focus: Conjuration) = 25
Level 9: 10 + 5 (Spell level) + 5 (Charisma modifier) + 2 (Eagle's Splendor) + 2 (Charm Domain) + 2 (Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration) = 26
Level 11: 10 + 6 (Spell level) + 5 (Charisma modifier) + 2 (Eagle's Splendor) + 2 (Charm Domain) + 2 (Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration) + 1 (Fatespinner) = 28
Level 12: 10 + 6 (Spell level) + 5 (Charisma modifier) + 2 (Eagle's Splendor) + 2 (Charm Domain) + 2 (Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration) + 2 (Fatespinner) = 29
Level 13: 10 + 6 (Spell level) + 5 (Charisma modifier) + 2 (Eagle's Splendor) + 2 (Charm Domain) + 2 (Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration) + 3 (Fatespinner) = 30
Level 14: 10 + 6 (Spell level) + 5 (Charisma modifier) + 2 (Eagle's Splendor) + 2 (Charm Domain) + 2 (Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration) + 4 (Fatespinner) = 31
Level 15: 10 + 8 (Spell level) + 5 (Charisma modifier) + 2 (Eagle's Splendor) + 2 (Charm Domain) + 2 (Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration) + 1 (Cold Focus) + 5 (Fatespinner) = 35
Level 16: 10 + 8 (Spell level) + 6 (Charisma modifier) + 2 (Eagle's Splendor) + 2 (Charm Domain) + 2 (Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration) + 1 (Cold Focus) + 5 (Fatespinner) = 36
Level 18: 10 + 8 (Spell level) + 6 (Charisma modifier) + 2 (Eagle's Splendor) + 2 (Charm Domain) + 2 (Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration) + 2 (Greater Cold Focus) + 5 (Fatespinner) = 37

+1 with Cloak of Charisma +6
+2-3 with a Tome of Leadership and Influence +5
+1 Lilitu's Gift

Recommended Gear
36,000gp Cloak of Charisma +6
137,500gp Tome of Leadership and Influence +5

Race Changing
Upon a race change, you lose the human bonus feat, arguably chameleon bonus feat, and skill ranks equal to your hd.
Why change race? Ascension. Ascending to immortality, eternal youth, and untold power = worth it. My top choices are... Pit Fiend, Malcanthet, or Phane. Of course there is some cheese to achieving invincibility... http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?527192-Did-I-make-myself-invincible-(Epic-Spells)&p=22088907#post22088907
How to deal with race change penalties? Polymorph into a human to regain your human and chameleon bonus feats, which grants you access to Epic Spellcasting again. Items like Psychoactive Skin of Proteus lets you perpetually polymorph yourself into a human. Otherwise you gotta make an epic spell with a casting time castable within your polymorph duration that turns you into a human permanently (not instantaneously). This way you are human, you regain everything you lost, but you are still immortal.
When should I change race? Level 21, but make sure you have a way to turn back into human. Otherwise wait until level 26, so you can grab Energy Resistance (24 feat) and Epic Spellcasting (Cosmic Descryer Bonus Feat) and ditch all your human bonuses. The Chameleon's sole purpose was to let you enter Cosmic Descryer at level 22.
Epic Spell to turn myself into human? Base Seed DC is 21, +5 for changing type, +2 for making it dismissable for 28dc. -2 for changing range to personal, -10 for increasing casting time from 1min to 6minutes, and -16 for 16d6 backlash. Spellcraft DC doesn't have to be 0, you can afford to pay 9,000gp or 18,000gp to reduce backlash damage.

Why don't I take wyrm wizard at level 7? Because I believe you can only add spells that you've selected as your arcane spellcasting class.
Why no Ultimate Magus? Delays Planar Binding by 1 level and Greater Planar Binding by 3 levels, you don't get Master Summoner, your spell DC is crap because of MAD, no Fatespinner's DC boost, -1 reroll when you roll a 1, can't reroll an outsider's charisma check in case he rolls really high, and Fatespinner's Seal Fate class feature is extremely helpful for Save-or-Dies used by your Outsiders.
Why no Malconvoker? Compared to Nar Demonbinder, you get your planar binding spells 2 levels slower, and everything mentioned above.

2017-06-27, 03:35 AM
Nice build, I might try it.

Only thing I can think of is maybe get a level of Contemplative instead of Dragon Disciple after Chameleon for an extra domain, specifically Charm which gives an untyped bonus to charisma, so it would stack with Eagle's Splendor, Devil's Ego, and let Marshal double it.

2017-06-28, 12:22 AM
Nice build, I might try it.

Only thing I can think of is maybe get a level of Contemplative instead of Dragon Disciple after Chameleon for an extra domain, specifically Charm which gives an untyped bonus to charisma, so it would stack with Eagle's Splendor, Devil's Ego, and let Marshal double it.

I did consider it, but I believe deityless characters can only select the alignment domains with that bonus domain, so for fluff reasons I cut it. I also considered a cleric dip for two domains but multiclass penalty is a thing in my game so I couldn't.

Akal Saris
2017-06-29, 12:02 AM
I like it! Always been fond of Nar Demonbinder.

One alternative option to get Gate would be Planar Binding (Catalogues of Enlightenment) for a domain with Gate like Pact (useful skills), Summoner (gets +2 CL), Portal (fitting theme), Glory, or Drow. Then visit the Catalogues (should be doable at L20) and you will have the ability to cast Gate up to 3 times before returning to them. That frees up that bonus feat at 20, right? Seems a shame to lose the ability to craft anything, any day.

Depending on the level of cheesiness allowed in your game, you could gain Iron Will from the Otyugh Hole location, saving a valuable feat slot.

2017-06-29, 02:24 AM
One alternative option to get Gate would be Planar Binding (Catalogues of Enlightenment) for a domain with Gate like Pact (useful skills), Summoner (gets +2 CL), Portal (fitting theme), Glory, or Drow. Then visit the Catalogues (should be doable at L20) and you will have the ability to cast Gate up to 3 times before returning to them. That frees up that bonus feat at 20, right?


Depending on the level of cheesiness allowed in your game, you could gain Iron Will from the Otyugh Hole location, saving a valuable feat slot.

Sure! These could work if the DM says such places exist.

edit: The wisdom requirement for this method might pose a significant problem. Need 19 Wisdom! And the "you must be of sufficient character level to cast the spell" is kind of an ambiguous requirement. Does it mean I have to be level 17? Have 17 cleric levels? or be able to cast level 9 spells?

Seems a shame to lose the ability to craft anything, any day.

Not exactly, you only need Mother Cyst selected when you level up. If you're crafting that day then you're not gonna be gaining XP so you can safely change Mother Cyst out for a crafting feat.

Human Paragon 3
2017-06-29, 08:42 PM
OK, but what are you summoning and binding?

2017-06-29, 09:39 PM
OK, but what are you summoning and binding?

Anything within the power level of the party. It could be a Paeliryon that spams its at-will meteor swarm, a Mature Nabassu Spamming its at-will enervation followed by its Death Gaze, or it could be a Gulthir gobbling up a medium spellcaster for the entire encounter. It could also just as easily be 5 Paeliryons spamming 5 at-will meteor swarms a round.

I usually cast Secure Shelter and bring it to life with a Ravid (Gargantuan Animated Object to tank and grapple stuff for the party.)

Definitely no Efreetis and Nightmares, and usually never angels/eladrin/archons unless the party is sufficiently optimized.

Akal Saris
2017-06-29, 11:19 PM
Sure! These could work if the DM says such places exist.

edit: The wisdom requirement for this method might pose a significant problem. Need 19 Wisdom! And the "you must be of sufficient character level to cast the spell" is kind of an ambiguous requirement. Does it mean I have to be level 17? Have 17 cleric levels? or be able to cast level 9 spells?

Not exactly, you only need Mother Cyst selected when you level up. If you're crafting that day then you're not gonna be gaining XP so you can safely change Mother Cyst out for a crafting feat.

Eh, 19 wisdom at epic levels isn't so tough a requirement. Supposing that you started with 11 Wis, you could have +6 Wis from a stat boost item (like the belt that gives +6 to all in MIC) and then +2 from tomes or Wish. Or a 14 starting Wis and a +5 tome, which is much more expensive in both GP and stats, but now you're not item-reliant. I think the other requirement means character level 17, since a monk could presumably take Planar Touchstone and cast the spells. Still would be campaign/DM dependent for those locations even existing though.

Personally if I ever get to play an epic character (probably never in this lifetime, since my friends and I have moved on from 3.5), I would like to play an epic binder with the vestiges that summon a sphere of annihilation and the summoning vestige. I think it'd be a lot of fun to play one at full power :)

2017-07-01, 03:53 PM
I discovered Cold Focus and Greater Cold Focus from Frostburn!!!!

Ok, I think I got the best possible feats for this build now!

The +2 save DC really makes the 2nd level 8 spell slot from Dragon Disciple worth it! I've been searching high and low for a replacement PrC, but then BAM! This +2 really makes a huge difference, especially when stacked with other stuff.

2017-07-20, 08:48 PM
Added in Surge of Fortune to the build! It got exponentially better! Awesome! Yay! OMG!