View Full Version : The barbarian with no gold

2017-06-25, 02:40 PM
In the campaign we're playing I play a barbarian my question is how do I role play a character like this with vow of poverty(he's the moral compass of the party)

Edit:the speed bit was irrelevant; I was just wondering how to role play a vow of poverty character; we modified the rules to a 5e version

2017-06-25, 02:43 PM
In the campaign we're playing I play a barbarian capable of speeds reaching Mach 5 my question is how do I role play a character like this with vow of poverty(he's the moral compass of the party)

What does Mach 5 have to do with any of that?

Just roleplay him like a person, same as you would anyone else. That's really all the advice that can be given, since you have no criteria other than fast Barbarian with Vow of Poverty.

2017-06-25, 02:50 PM
Mach 5 in 5e? How? I've heard of a monk barbarian wizard fighter tabaxi shape changed to quickling breaking Mach 2, with help and specific magic items. Mach 5 seems unlikely.

2017-06-25, 02:51 PM
Just to be sure: you're playing 5e, right?

I mean, the only vow of povrety I know with actual effects is from 3.X