View Full Version : Anyone watching "Who Wants to Be A Superhero?" this summer?

Chaos Perfected
2007-08-05, 07:26 PM
I didn't see a topic about it, so I figured i'd make one. I'm not much for gameshows/reality shows because they always seemed to bring out the worst in people. They're not even entertaining. But, as a lover of comic books, I gave this show a shot last summer and loved it. Feedback was awesome.

Now theres a new season. I was going to go try out, but no try out options in the South? Whats up with that? Anyway, the batch of heroes this year doesn't seem as good, but eh, what can ya do. Its a little more theatrical this year as well. And I still find myself disliking a lot of how Stan Lee acts and makes decisions. Two are down so far, what do you guys think?

2007-08-06, 04:58 PM
I don't think the heroes are as cool the last season.

On a side note anyone know when the movie is coming out?

2007-08-06, 05:26 PM
I have to agree that the candidates don't seem to measure up to last year, and that's probably a more serious insult than it sounds. More tellingly, in my opinion, is that so far the challenges aren't measuring up.

To me, one of the charms last season was that the challenges... almost seemed to parody the standard challenges in the "insufficiently scripted TV" genre. Most were also appropriate to the comics, at least through Stan's silver-aged lens. The 2nd challenge last year was the reason I kept watching the series even though I generally have a low tolerance for this genre. It was a *perfect* setup for the series and, regretfully, almost the high point.

Yeah, it's a paranoid spoiler. Last year, the 2nd challenge was "a race to change into your costume and get to the archway". Except there's a little girl crying for her mother about 10 yards from the archway; the real challenge was to see who stopped to help the girl.

Chaos Perfected
2007-08-06, 08:04 PM
Yeah, the new challenges suck. I mean, a spelling bee? Are they trying to be heroes or Grade Schoolers? I didn't like any of them much, but I figured i'd back Mindset. And we all know how that turned out.

2007-08-07, 11:38 AM
See, now, I'm really beginning to warm to some of these heroes: Basura, Ms. Limelight, the Defuser, Hyperstrike. Hygena especially. I try to like Parthenon but he verges on a bit too campy at times.

The challenges are a bit strange...the first was fitting, I think, and we had a bit of the "Help people, don't focus on the goal" with the second challenge, but the Spelling Bee...oi. Very fake. You just have to ask yourselves sometimes how seriously these people are actually taking it, because there's just thing strangely disquieting threshold for this much Silver-Age drivel.

I do hate Mr. Mitzvah.

2007-08-08, 08:14 PM
I really enjoyed the first season, but I've already missed an episode of this season, and none of the heroes are really... interesting... this season. Maybe I'll start watching soon, but I don't know if I'll be as into it as last time.

Also, the Feedback movie, when/where is it?

Chaos Perfected
2007-08-11, 07:21 PM
The Feedback movie is apparently coming soon. Man, I loved Feedback. He was such a great hero.

And i'm starting to dislike Stan Lee more and more. His decisions range from moronic to assinine.

I don't want to like Hygena. She seems like the most truly good person there.. but she is just a crappy superhero concept. Like Fat Momma last season.

The Defusers is kind of getting to be an ass by the third episode. I used to like him though, but not so much anymore.

Basura and Parthenon, however, are the ones i'm backing.

Oh, and in case you missed the third episode, you don't have to worry about Ms. Limelight and Mr. Mitzvah anymore. They went bye bye.

Chaos Perfected
2007-08-16, 10:03 PM
/new episode


It should have been the Defuser! Why doesn't Stan Lee mention how Hygena and the Defuser are always starting crap and talking about people?

2007-08-16, 10:30 PM
So far, I've been happy with the elimination. Braid needed to go, Mindset definitely needed to go, and both Limelight and Mitzvah had it coming since day one, and despite their promises, did not shape up.

My hopes are for The Defuser, Basura, and Hyper-Strike.

However, I, like Hyper-Strike himself, liked his old costume better, and think he should have been congratulated for sticking up for Mitzvah.

Edit: I missed the 4th Episode, and before even seeing it, I am miffed Stan Lee sold out to Esurance. Also, Basura was eliminated? And The Defuser was a jerk? I guess I need to see it soon.

2007-08-16, 10:35 PM
I'm not sure any of this season's heroes are strong enough to be the 'main attraction' in a movie or comic. If I were to choose one, however, it'd be Basura.

2007-08-16, 10:43 PM
Wow...these are really growing on me. My money is on Parthenon, Hygena, and Hyper-Strike for the final three, with Parthenon taking the win. I really do like Hygena; sure, she's an unconventional superhero but not by any means to the degree that Fat Momma was...Hygena just has so much heart and she's really got a decent gift for saying the right thing at the right time.

Smart money, though, is on Parthenon--namely because he seems to be the smartest of the remaining contestants. He figured out that the locks were all the same combination, he finished first in this mission, and he's always stopped to help people in need. Not only that, but he knows when NOT to run off at the mouth, and his superhero concept, from a marketing standpoint, is nice and modular. I don't like his potential coverart though.

With that all said, I also think Stan Lee is a moron. His justifications for everything are so skewed by his Four-Color Age perceptions, it smacks of "Superheros must be perfect" syndrome. I'd much rather see some nice, human flaws--Basura's insecurities give her room to grow and are so fitting with her character concept, for example.

Even still, with their growing stable of characters (they HAVE to retain rights to all the supers they've kicked off; its just how contracts and business work today), I wouldn't be surprised to see rejects make it into the comics if the sales figures justify continuation, arranging the heroes into several continuities and teams with more serious heroes like Lemuria, Basura, Parthenon, and Levity teamed up, while more outlandish or representational heroes collected into a team of underdogs--Fat Mamma, Hygena, Cell-Phone Girl, Miss Limelight, etc. If they've got the rights and the issues sell, it'll happen. Besides which, who wouldn't want to see the Smugfest that would be Major Victory fighting the Defuser? Or the hippie hero duo of Braid and Creature. Or even all of them up against the Dark Enforcer...hopefully with an increased level of competence.

Chaos Perfected
2007-08-17, 12:39 AM
Yeah, Stan was at least mostly good last season, even if he does make a few bad decisions though his silver age eyes.

But this season it seems like he has simply lost his mind.

"You caused damage to your team mates, Mindset."

"I think a hero should stay true even if faced with a very slight chance of physical pain."

"No, you lose."

A few episodes later..

Stan - "Truth is the most important thing to a hero. You should always strive to be true, even if its uncomfortable."

Dot dot, Stan. I thought Mindset had a chance.

And the Defuser has been a jerk since episode 2. Talking behind other heroes backs, talking down to them, acting like the boss, trying to council them, talking to hear himself speak, and being a nosey nar-do-well. They're here for the same reason you are, buddy.

And Hygena reminded me of Fat Momma. Good person, but I hate the character. Then in this episode she insults some goth kids that actually helped her, and acts like a total stuck up ***** to them. Talk about gratitude.

And Stan doesn't even mention any of this. Talking trash is one of the LEAST super hero moves you can make. But he'd rather hark on Basura for 'looking for glory' (i.e. not blowing off people to complete the mission and trying to be a good role model) and then the next episode kick her off for trying to give back pants/wallet/talk to this fat guy while the real mission woman was saying something. Basura just told her to hold on. Or hark on Whip-Snap for not 'facing her fears' on the roller coaster. She had asthma, jerk.


2007-08-17, 11:33 AM
I started watching this show based on word of mouth about the first season, so I don't have a direct point of comparison for the general set-up going on here. The people who have been released thus far were mostly good decisions (I thought Mindset had some potential). However, in this most recent episode, I have decided that this show isn't really worth more of my time.

The ridiculous Esurance product placement was bad enough, but then Basura got eliminated over Whip Snap and Defuser? What kind of decision was that? Whip Snap is a whiny drama queen; how can she fight crime if she's busy crying every 15 minutes? Defuser has been a jerk from the start, and I could even have seen keeping Whip Snap over him. However, I've seen Basura really try to get her act together, especially in light of conflicting criticisms from Stan Lee across episodes. Maybe she's not terribly assertive, but she's got her head in this, which is more than I can say for Whip Snap. Based on this most recent elimination, I have to say I'm baffled as to the standards being used to determine who is sent packing. I thought it was pretty obvious that the least-heroic person that episode was Whip Snap.

Chaos Perfected
2007-08-17, 05:15 PM
Stan sold out to product placement this season. And he said that getting the comic was 'what it was all about'. Uh, no Stan. Thats just the prize. What its all about is seeing who has the true heart of a hero.

But I highly recomend the first season, it was wonderful. Even Stan.

2007-08-17, 08:15 PM
Well, crap. There goes my pick. I knew Basura was gone the moment she hesitated when asked to help. Of all the heroes from either season, I think Basura is the one I'd like to read about most. But what do I know.

I also agree that Stan has made some strange decisions. I would also say that I think he made strange decisions on the first season too. He really goes out of his way to find something negative about everybody - his criticism of Parthenon this episode was that he talked about the lair to the public. BFD; he didn't actually tell anybody where it was....

Well, it's just a TV show.

I'm working on my super-persona for next season.... :smallbiggrin:

Chaos Perfected
2007-08-17, 09:22 PM
I would go on. If they didn't make shady business deals to force me to give them full rights to my character, even if I lose.


2007-08-19, 09:26 AM
What happened last episode? (friggin DirecTV messed up)

Major Victory should have one last season, but this season it looks like either the Defuser or Hyperstrike will win. Maybe Whiplash if she sucks up to Stan Lee some more. :smalltongue: Sucking up does seem to be the best way to win...

I agree about Stan Lee. For example, last season, Ty'Veculus was criticized for not saying that he disliked his new outfit. YET, this season, Hyperstrike, I believe, said that he disliked his new uniform, and he was put on the chopping block.

2007-08-19, 10:26 AM
I think that all of us can agree that Stan Lee has gone eccentric with his money, and decided to find the most "heroic" person (Read perfect). However, he has a hard time noticing everything, and has terrible memory. If I had to choose an Old Eccentric man to host MY reality TV show, it wouldn't be Stan, he would be my last pick.

Chaos Perfected
2007-08-19, 01:23 PM
I think Feedback should start hosting.. I think it would a perfect match up.

2007-08-19, 02:30 PM
no. reality tv is bad for you.

2007-08-20, 08:21 PM
What happened last episode? (friggin DirecTV messed up)

scifi.com has the episode online.

2007-08-24, 02:19 PM
Woo...now all we need next week is to see the Defuser go home.