View Full Version : Pathfinder Help optimizing a Warder

2017-06-26, 03:55 PM
Hello everyone!

I'd like suggestions and help on how to optimize this Warder.

I especially feel like I need to up AC, AB and Damage, and I could use help with equipment choices in particular, since I feel like I don't know the EQ in pathfinder very well.

Victor Rogarvia
Human (Ulfen) warder (zweihander sentinel) 8 (Path of War 10)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Hero Points 3
Init +7; Senses Perception +0 (-2 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 22 (+10 armor, +1 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 91 (8d12+16)
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +8
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee +1 flaming greatsword +11/+6 (2d6+19/19-20 plus 1d6 fire) or
. . armament shield bash +10/+5 (1d3+11) or
. . gauntlet (from armor) +10/+5 (1d3+11) or
. . unarmed strike +10/+5 (1d3+11 nonlethal)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks 1 circular stance, 1 running hunter's stance, 2 rising zenith strike, 2 sanguine barrier, 3 burnished shell, 3 iron tortoise stance, 3 primal warrior stance, 4 impaling strike, 4 noble blade, 4 sanguine perseverance
Str 20, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +8; CMB +10; CMD 25
Feats Additional Traits, Advanced Study (bonus), Combat Reflexes, Discipline Focus, Leadership, Power Attack, Tactical Rush
Traits - custom trait -, bastard, mathematical prodigy, reactionary, rich parents
Skills Acrobatics -4 (-6 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally, -8 to jump), Appraise +5 (+3 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Bluff +3 (+1 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Climb +11 (+9 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Diplomacy +14 (+12 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Disguise +3 (+1 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Escape Artist -4 (-6 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Fly -4 (-6 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Heal +0 (-2 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Intimidate +14 (+12 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (engineering) +17 (+15 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (history) +16 (+14 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (nobility) +16 (+14 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Perception +0 (-2 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Ride +7 (+5 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Sense Motive +18 (+16 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Stealth -4 (-6 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Survival +11 (+9 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Swim +11 (+9 when furthen than 10 feet from a fallen ally); Racial Modifiers bastard
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Hallit, Secret Sign Language, Skald, Varisian
SQ adaptive tactics, Aegis, armament shield, Armiger's Mark, clad in steel, Defensive Focus, defensive reach, extended defense, hero points, overprotective, tactical acumen, zweihander training
Other Gear +1 full plate, +1 flaming greatsword, cloak of resistance +1, 22,000 gp
Tracked Resources
2 Rising Zenith Strike (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) - 0/1
2 Sanguine Barrier (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) - 0/1
3 Burnished Shell (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) - 0/1
4 Impaling Strike (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) - 0/1
4 Noble Blade (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) - 0/1
4 Sanguine Perseverance (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) - 0/1
Armiger's Mark -6 (5 rounds, 9/day) (Ex) - 0/9
Extended Defense (2/day) (Ex) - 0/2
Special Abilities
1 Circular Stance (Ex) Stance: Flankers do not receive combat bonus against you when flanking.
1 Running Hunter's Stance (Ex) Stance - While in this stance, the disciple gains the scent special ability and a +10 ft. enhancement bonus to movement speed.
2 Rising Zenith Strike (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Strike: Make a Sense Motive check, strike does double damage.
2 Sanguine Barrier (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Counter: Make a Sense Motive check to block an attack.
3 Burnished Shell (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Roll BAB + shield bonus vs enemy CL check, success negates targeted spell
3 Iron Tortoise Stance (Ex) Gain +5ft reach, one extra AoO/rnd, count as one size larger for CMD
3 Primal Warrior Stance (Ex) Stance: The martial disciple and the equipment he is using is considered one size category larger.
4 Impaling Strike (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Strike: Melee attack adds +4d6 damage and ignores damage reduction and hardness and inflicts 1d4 points of Constitution damage.
4 Noble Blade (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Boost: +5 to attack roll and +2d8 to damage roll on a single melee attack.
4 Sanguine Perseverance (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Counter: Use Sense Motive in place of relevant save on saving throw.
Adaptive Tactics (Ex) As a full-round action, spend 1 use of Armiger's Mark to replace 5 readied, unexpended maneuvers
Advanced Study (Bonus, Warder Maneuvers Readied: 6 of 6, Manuevers) You've delved deeper into your martial learning to find new skills.

Prerequisite: Must be a martial disciple of 4th level or higher.

Benefit: You may select two maneuvers or one stance from your class' list of disciplines and add
Aegis +2 (10 feet) (Ex) +2 morale bonus to AC and Will saves for allies within 10 feet
Armament Shield Your weapon can bash as a light shield if wielded in two hands
Armiger's Mark -6 (5 rounds, 9/day) (Ex) Marked enemies get -6 to hit creatures other than you and suffer +18% to ASF for 5 rounds
Clad in Steel (Ex) Armor gets -0 to ACP, +1 to Max Dex
Combat Reflexes (8 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Defensive Focus (10ft) (Ex) Increased threatened area, can move when making AoO, +13 to CMD vs. Acro to avoid AoO
Defensive Reach Gain reach with all 2-hand weapons, can attack and threaten adjacent squares with reach weapons
Discipline Focus (Scarlet Throne) Gain +2 to discipline maneuver save DC's, +2 damage with discipline weapons
Extended Defense (2/day) (Ex) Choose a counter and use it as a free action until your next turn.
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Leadership (score 11) You attract loyal companions and devoted followers.
Overprotective -2 to attacks and skill checks when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Tactical Acumen (Ex) Use INT for Ref save and Initiative, if higher than DEX
Tactical Rush Move up to your speed as a swift action 1/encounter
Zweihander Training Gain your Aegis bonus as a shield bonus when using a two-handed weapon

2017-06-29, 09:44 PM
Hello everyone!Hullo Derenoc!

I'd like suggestions and help on how to optimize this Warder.Before getting into details, I'd like to know a bit about the party and game Victor is going to be in, since this will help me give better advice on suitable build options:

Starting and approximate ending level of campaign.
Any other specific relevant info from the GM about the campaign, such as whether enemies of a certain creature type (undead/dragons/demons/humanoids etc) will play an unusually prominent role.
Party size and basic info you have (if any) on other party members, such as class and primary focus areas in and out of combat.
Expected levels of optimization. (Basically, as far as you know, do the guys in your group see monks as "overpowered" and/or typically play characters which have great difficulties getting through Paizo Adventure Paths alive? Or do they typically play optimized full casters like tactical geniuses and/or regularly ROFL at encounters which are supposed to be "very challenging" for their level? Or something in between?)
Any relevant houserules, specific bans and/or allowed material besides (I assume) everything by Paizo and the PoW series by DSP.
Most importantly: what kind of warder you wish to play.

So in this post, I'm gonna try give you some more general advice and answer your specific questions.

I especially feel like I need to up AC, AB and Damage, and I could use help with equipment choices in particular, since I feel like I don't know the EQ in pathfinder very well.Keep in mind that these can typically be more efficiently improved by your maneuvers and spells of allied casters. Short lists of related magic items (and their market price) which I believe are at least OK investments for most ZS warders:


Armor enhancement bonuses, bonus2 x 1,000 gp. Cheap, but competes with most armor special abilities.
Ring of Protection (+1-5), bonus2 x 2,000 gp. Expensive, but deflection bonuses also apply to your touch AC and your CMD.
Belt of Dexterity (+2/+4/+6), bonus2 x 1,000 gp. Increases your Dex bonus to AC and touch AC (provided your armor allows it), and your CMD. You don't get much out of boosting your Dex as a Str-based warder though.
Amulet of Natural Armor, bonus2 x 2,000 gp. Last priority, and only if increasing your armor enhancement bonus or Ring of Protection would cost you more


Weapon enhancement bonuses (+1-5), bonus2 x 2,000 gp. Also applies to damage and the CMB of combat maneuvers made with the weapon. Depending on your build, you may want to prioritize special weapon abilities instead.
Cracked opalescent white pyramid ioun stone (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/ioun-stones/opalescent-white-pyramid-ioun-stone/) in a wayfinder (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/wayfinder-standard/), 2,000 gp in total. Pretty fantastic deal: lets you treat any one weapon type (decided when the stone was created) as martial, and gives you the Weapon Focus feat with that weapon. So Exotic Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus for 2k. That's practically robbery.
Cracked Pale Green Prism ioun stone, 4,000 gp. +1 competence bonus to attack. Great if you already have a +1 weapon or better and don't have allies who like giving you competence bonuses to attack.
Belt of Strength (+2/+4/+6), bonus2 x 1,000 gp. Combine with Dex and Con belt. Increases accuracy, damage, CMB and CMD.

Aside from the Str belt and weapon enhancement bonuses mentioned above, damage primarily comes from options other than items, and typically it's most increased by stuff that grant you additional accurate attacks (haste, several maneuvers, having great reach plus many AoOs and surefire AoO triggers every round etc). So adding a Training Weapon (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/training/) is often the most damage you can get for the +1 cost. Secondarily, damage typically comes from size increases and "virtual" weapon damage die size increases. And generally speaking, most "adds Xd6 of X damage type" weapon abilities (like Frost, Flaming, Corrosive etc) will give you less than simply increasing the enhancement bonus, especially if you intend to use Power Attack (and/or optimize crits). Regardless, damage is typically easy to improve, especially with martial maneuvers.

I also think it's good to remember that while practically all warders can be good tanks/defenders, they can also lean pretty heavily towards other secondary combat roles like damage dealer or control/debuff, supporting and complementing their defender abilities. And since their maneuvers allow them to customize their combat style much further than Paizo martial classes, they can often also fulfill their combat role(s) using a wider variety of distinctly different methods and tools. So for example a warder who doesn't give a crap about dealing damage can still be a very effective combatant throughout all 20 levels (probably even more so than a warder focusing on damage).

I hope this helps a bit. I'll be happy to help you out more once you've given me some additional info, as mentioned.

Also, since you appear to be using HeroLab, have a look at the PoW errata (http://dreamscarred.com/path-war-errata/) and note the changes (which surely haven't been implemented in HL yet), and be wary of HL missing stuff (such as your armor check penalty reduction being "-0" according the build details you posted - it should say "-2").

2017-07-16, 06:20 PM

Sorry for the late reply, and thank you for the advice! While I do know the basics of enchantments and belts of mighty strength/dexterity, the cracked white ioun stone in particular is tremendously good for its price, precisely the sort of advice I was looking for.

Victor is actually my 2-year-old character from the Kingmaker campaign, and is the baron of the as-yet somewhat small barony of Novoy (Population of about 4000), so he's been played from level 1 to level 8 now. I just haven't really gotten almost any loot, which is why the gear is in such a sorry state.

In Victor's party we also find his intended, who is an Oracle specializing in enchantments and out-of-combat utility/diplomacy, a Chronomage (Wizard Archetype from, I believe, Dragon Magazine), a Warlord and a Ranger. We've also got two characters with the Leadership feat, cohorts being another oracle (Very unoptimized so as to make the Leadership feat more of a flavour than mechanics pick) and a Bard for partywide buffing.

Worth mentioning is that with the Warder "Clad in steel" class feature I will soon be able to benefit from a +3 bonus from Dex, which is pretty neat.

The average optimization is slightly all over the place, but on the whole the party's quite competent, and we have handled two CR 15-ish encounters already. The Chronomage in particular is very strong, having some multi-target no-save stagger spells/SLAs and the like.

We don't run any houserules except for one trait , and permitted material is Paizo and Dreamscarred Press.

The kind of warder I've been trying to aim Victor towards is one that 1) deals damage using Scarlet Throne and primal wrath maneuvers, whilst utilizing counters from Scarlet Throne and Iron Tortoise and 2) tries to maximize threatened area to try and tie up enemies, alternatively get some extra damage in on them between rounds.
In order to facilitate the various Scarlet Throne maneuvers that use Sense Motive, I've boosted that to an 18 so far, but would love any way to up it further (with a houseruled trait that switches ability score dependancy to INT), since some maneuvers use it for their to-hit roll and I like the out-of-combat utility.

I have zero Golden Lion maneuvers.

Oh! And as a final note, I only used Herolabs to get a statblock to print to the net, his physical charsheet is the important bit, but thank you for showing me the errata, hadn't seen that before!

2017-07-17, 01:30 AM
Well, I thought you were building a warder from the ground up. In that case, my advice would have been to consider using weapon group adaptation with heavy blades so that you could stack broken blade maneuvers onto your sword and boarding, because nothing says bronze knuckle and steel flurry strike like a longsword, right? Steel Flurry strike is still an option to up your damage, but you might have to deploy it using a shield. Even so, you could take advanced learning at 9 and grab bronze knuckle (a second level maneuver) and Steel Flurry Strike (a 3rd level maneuver) and have a nice flurry of punching or shield bashes (since I think broken blade includes close weapon group) with 3 attacks at a -2, but with +5d6 damage each and ignoring dr and hardness.

When it comes to upping your AC, full plate +2 and a heavy steel shield (or a heavy Living Steel shield, if you can get one) also at +2 would go a long way to help that. +2 to armor/shields is only 4k for the enchanting, so it's relatively cheap, compared to magic weapons. It would be expensive to swing, at 16k, but a belt of physical perfection would slightly increase your to hit, damage and ac by giving you a +2 to your physicals, but as mentioned it's expensive.

I mention Living Steel because it's a neat material to make shields out of, since it can break your opponents weapons when they nat 1 against you. And it's pretty cheap as special materials go. Oh, and it self repairs, if equipment damage is even a thing for you.

You might want to look at Phalanx Training from Path of War Extended, it would let you use a two handed polearm and a shield at the same time, which will give you a fancy pants reach increase to take full advantage of your int based combat reflexes. Being the jerkiest of jerks with that will lay outside of your build any time soon though, as I don't see you getting quick draw and improved quick draw (another path of war extended feat) to threaten your regular area while weapons are sheathed, take attacks of opportunity with said weapons, and resheath them as part of that same action. Depending on your situation, you could then have your shield out and spear people who move in to attack you, then on your turn draw your sword for meleeing them.

2017-07-17, 06:22 AM
Well, I thought you were building a warder from the ground up. In that case, my advice would have been to consider using weapon group adaptation with heavy blades so that you could stack broken blade maneuvers onto your sword and boarding, because nothing says bronze knuckle and steel flurry strike like a longsword, right? Steel Flurry strike is still an option to up your damage, but you might have to deploy it using a shield. Even so, you could take advanced learning at 9 and grab bronze knuckle (a second level maneuver) and Steel Flurry Strike (a 3rd level maneuver) and have a nice flurry of punching or shield bashes (since I think broken blade includes close weapon group) with 3 attacks at a -2, but with +5d6 damage each and ignoring dr and hardness.

When it comes to upping your AC, full plate +2 and a heavy steel shield (or a heavy Living Steel shield, if you can get one) also at +2 would go a long way to help that. +2 to armor/shields is only 4k for the enchanting, so it's relatively cheap, compared to magic weapons. It would be expensive to swing, at 16k, but a belt of physical perfection would slightly increase your to hit, damage and ac by giving you a +2 to your physicals, but as mentioned it's expensive.

I mention Living Steel because it's a neat material to make shields out of, since it can break your opponents weapons when they nat 1 against you. And it's pretty cheap as special materials go. Oh, and it self repairs, if equipment damage is even a thing for you.

You might want to look at Phalanx Training from Path of War Extended, it would let you use a two handed polearm and a shield at the same time, which will give you a fancy pants reach increase to take full advantage of your int based combat reflexes. Being the jerkiest of jerks with that will lay outside of your build any time soon though, as I don't see you getting quick draw and improved quick draw (another path of war extended feat) to threaten your regular area while weapons are sheathed, take attacks of opportunity with said weapons, and resheath them as part of that same action. Depending on your situation, you could then have your shield out and spear people who move in to attack you, then on your turn draw your sword for meleeing them.

Your advice is neat - particularly regarding the broken blade maneuvers - but I'm a Zweihander sentinel so I don't have access to Broken blade, and I get reach with my regular greatsword :)