View Full Version : The Princess Was Rescued [IC]

2017-06-26, 06:39 PM
You are all currently riding into town on horseback (provided by the royal family) with Princess Delilah in the middle. People line the streets, cheering and hollering, excited that their royal child has returned.

The Princess smiles and waves a stately, calm wave. Far removed from her panicked appearance when you had just slain the dragon.

How are you responding to the celebration?

2017-06-26, 06:44 PM
Nina stays close to the princess. Glad to be home, hun? Nina whispers warmly as her hands conduct a puppet show of the dragon slaying for the children.

2017-06-26, 06:46 PM
Delilah, who was at first quite eager for human contact, shies a little away from Nina. Nina has been a bit too close for Delilah's comfort-she's a princess. She wants her space. "Yes, I am. It was frightful, that cavern. And musty, and dank, and... Unpleasant, to say the least."

2017-06-26, 06:55 PM
Veris Rumyth

An elf, Veris Rumyth* himself, wearing a cloak over studded leather armor rides behind the party. Veris waves gleefully. "Finally some recognition. It's the easy life for me," Veris thinks to himself. "Finally I've hit it big. Smooth sailing from here.'

"Yes, thank you! We did it! Here's your princess back. Go on keep her, we don't want her nagging us anymore," he jokes, inappropriately.

Veris Rumyth is Elven for Peace-scroll Meadow-Folk.
Thanks, races of the wild!

2017-06-26, 07:04 PM
Well I don't mind if she stays. Nina mutters with a slight blush to Veris's comment.

Well just a little bit and we'll get back to the castle. The people need their show as well. Nina says gesturing to the crowd with the hand holding a plush red dragon.

2017-06-26, 07:21 PM
Delilah lets her horse fall back a little towards Veris, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Surely you jest," she says.

Several children rush forward, escaped from their parents' grasps, and rush towards the group, closest to Nina. They're letting out mostly incomprehensible cheers, and seem rather ecstatic.

2017-06-26, 07:32 PM
Nina shoots a death glare at Veris. Not a serious one, but she is less then pleased with these turn of events.

And then... She says to the children the smile on her face growing bigger. The dragon's bigger older brother appeared. She said now.... Embellishing the story. (And casting silent image to make the dragon puppet bigger.) Rawr! I'm a dragon. You slew my younger brother, prepare to go to...... She starts before remembering they are children. to go to a bus stop in the next dimension!

2017-06-26, 07:33 PM
"That's a lie!" one of the kids says. "Dragons don't have families!"

The others simply stare in awe, impressed by the way the dragon morphs and grows.

2017-06-26, 07:40 PM
"That's a lie!" one of the kids says. "Dragons don't have families!"

The others simply stare in awe, impressed by the way the dragon morphs and grows.

Jokes on you! Nina pumps up. Dragons totally have families, they lay clutches of eggs. So hmm She says sticking her tongue out.

2017-06-26, 07:41 PM
The kid sticks his tongue out back at Nina, before their parents catch up. They quickly grab them, murmuring apologies, and taking them back away from the horses.

2017-06-26, 07:44 PM
Veris Rumyth

"I can't have you feeling too bad for me once you're no longer gracing us with your company, milady," Rumyth says, teasing. "And, I do have my reputation to uphold. Can't be seen consorting with your kind," he jests more quietly. He perks his eyes up forward. "My arrival alleviates royal fear, and the grounds hold beauty this lovely year. Where it is not alive with a great crowd, regal trees and open blossoms stand proud." He smirks. He thought he'd never say anything so noble about himself. He's happy with the second line as the castle looms ahead, however.

2017-06-26, 07:49 PM
The kid sticks his tongue out back at Nina, before their parents catch up. They quickly grab them, murmuring apologies, and taking them back away from the horses.

No apologizes needed. Bards deal with hecklers all the time. Nina assures the parents warmly.

2017-06-26, 08:21 PM
Kenz waved at the retreating children, smiling broadly. "Another wonderful show, wouldn't you say?" she remarked to Nina.

2017-06-26, 08:33 PM
Kenz waved at the retreating children, smiling broadly. "Another wonderful show, wouldn't you say?" she remarked to Nina.

As always. Nina says proudly. Her eyes wandering to one or more cute girls in the crowd.

2017-06-26, 08:40 PM
As always. Nina says proudly. Her eyes wandering to one or more cute girls in the crowd.

"Hey perv, my eyes are down here," Kenz snarked, noticing Nina's wandering gaze. "How much we make so far? Or are we not charging for the moment to keep up the 'conquering heroes' image?"

2017-06-26, 08:50 PM
"Hey perv, my eyes are down here," Kenz snarked, noticing Nina's wandering gaze. "How much we make so far? Or are we not charging for the moment to keep up the 'conquering heroes' image?"

Nina's eyes snap back to Kenz, blushing as she dos.

Not charging right now, making sure people love the new nobles is more important I think. Nina reasons.

2017-06-27, 12:18 AM
Harper has been largely ignoring the antics of the rest of the party, and her stock still upright position on the horse might be mistaken for some unshakeable discipline. In reality she is so out of her depth it isn't even funny. She knew, in an abstract kind of way, that saving a princess was a big deal. Yet somehow she had failed to anticipate the sheer turnout for their homecoming. There were so many eyes. She could swear one of the ladies had winked at her. Harper was not entirely sure how to deal with any of this.

2017-06-27, 07:42 AM
The procession continues on-Delilah staying near Veris, and the crowds cheering as the party approaches the castle. Soon enough, you find yourselves getting off your horses, and being lead in to the castle by a finely dressed servant. He bows to you before leading, though, saying "Thank you for your services to our kingdom."

In mere minutes, you find yourselves walking through the anteroom, entering the throne room, and being brought before the king. King Ansolon is standing in front of his throne, and when he sees Delilah come in, he looks around for a moment and, seeing no one there but you, his daughter, and his majordomo, rushes forward and wraps his arms around Delilah. "Delilah! Oh, my sweetie, you're okay!"

"I am, father," she replies, hugging him back, a few tears in her eyes.

"I was so worried!" he continues, breaking the hug and walking her up towards his throne. "Thank you, thank you all, for rescuing my daughter. Delilah-I promise I'll never let something like that happen again."

She smiles at her father, and takes her seat in a slightly smaller, but equally ornate, chair near his.

"Now," King Ansolon says, seating himself and turning to face the party. "Your reward."

2017-06-27, 08:45 AM
Versus Rumyth

Veris clasps his hand together in excitement. "Yes, excellent!" He exclaim. He looks around and then clears his throat, composing himself. "I mean, it's great you're back together. The family has been reunited, for good this time."

2017-06-27, 09:55 AM
"I am truly honored to receive such high regard from the king, it is reward enough to see the princess returned safely to her home."

This felt better, without the pressing of the crowds Harper finally felt like she could breathe a little once more. And truth be told this was a very touching reunion, the king had obviously felt his daughter's absence greatly. It had been a long hard slog full of fiery death to get here but she already felt the satisfaction of a job well done.

2017-06-27, 03:47 PM
Nina curtsies.

For my reward. Nina says her eyes going over to the princess. I wish to gain the hand of the beautiful princess Delilah, in marriage.

2017-06-27, 06:40 PM
The king looks at Nina, and lets out a hearty laugh. After a few moments of mirth, he calms down, saying "Nina-surely you jest. After all, I don't want the line of Ansolon to die with my daughter, and my wife is past child-bearing age."

2017-06-27, 07:59 PM
The name at least will die regardless. Nina points out. Which ever lucky man you pick to marry your daughter, that name will be used. This way your daughter may keep her last name. Nina pipes up.

As for kids. There are magic's outthere. It's certainly not impossible, and there's always adoption. Nina replies.

2017-06-27, 08:17 PM
"I..." King Ansolon starts, but is cut off by is daughter.

"Absolutely not! If I'm to marry anyone, it will be Veris!" she says.

2017-06-27, 08:20 PM
"I..." King Ansolon starts, but is cut off by is daughter.

"Absolutely not! If I'm to marry anyone, it will be Veris!" she says.

Nina rolls her eyes.

Here's where I should say. "Veris won't love you like I do!" Nina replies pulling out a puppet replica of herself.

Instead I will say. Are you sure? Veris isn't exactly the most.... competent. She says gently.

2017-06-27, 09:42 PM
Veris Rumyth

Veris is dumbstruck. "Uhhhh..." he trails off awkwardly. This has put Veris in an difficult place. The conman he was wouldn't want to be be in the spotlight presented with being loyalty. Attention attracts scrutiny, and scrutiny presents incarceration in his old line of work. Being a king would just paint a target on it his back, too. Of course, being rich wouldn't be so bad. Gold has a value, if only so he could rub his wealth in the faces of naysayers. Speaking of naysayers, it would get under Nina's skin. She still doubts him, despite his hand in saving Delilah.

"IIIIII..." Of course, there are intangible benefits to the proposal. Delilah seemed nice enough. She had a good hard, at least. Simply put she could make a home for the wayward charlatan turned hero. He was young for an elf, though she was young for a human, and he would surely outlive her. Still, he would have a family to look after at that point.

"...wouldn't dismiss it out of hand," Veris finally finished, running the back of his head in thought."That is, if your highness would be able to live with half elven grandchildren. At the very least, I know I could live with kids with stubby ears." He finishes with a joke. "I wonder f there's a historical precedent..."

Veris is a good historian at least. History was always his favorite subject, and it was a good resource for advice and cons.

[roll0] insight
[roll1] history

2017-06-27, 10:47 PM
The Princess seems quite enamored of you, Veris. And the king seems to be fine with you marrying his daughter.

If there's anything particular you were hoping to learn, let me know, and I'll let you know if you know.

The Ansolon line is far from pure human. Very few people can claim to be 100% human, and given the average lifespan of the Ansolon family (110 years) it's almost certain they have SOME other blood in them. It's rumoured that they have blood of fire in them-the royal family saying it is from long powered arcane rituals, connected to the elemental plane of fire. Those who would speak ill of the throne, though, claim it's the blood of devils.

2017-06-27, 10:50 PM
"I wish I could say I'm surprised but honestly Nina she's been making eyes at him this whole trip back."

Harpe is of course baffled as to why the princess would develop a crush on Veris but insulting her taste in men out loud was probably not conducive to keeping the king happy. Instead she just claps a hand on Nina's shoulder sympathetically. "Better luck next time I guess. Plenty of fish in the sea etcetera etcetera... I mean we're heroes now right? Bet you won't have any trouble finding a nice girl."

2017-06-27, 11:04 PM
"I wish I could say I'm surprised but honestly Nina she's been making eyes at him this whole trip back."

Harpe is of course baffled as to why the princess would develop a crush on Veris but insulting her taste in men out loud was probably not conducive to keeping the king happy. Instead she just claps a hand on Nina's shoulder sympathetically. "Better luck next time I guess. Plenty of fish in the sea etcetera etcetera... I mean we're heroes now right? Bet you won't have any trouble finding a nice girl."

Nina grumbles, crossing her arms.

Let's get on with the rest of the reward then... She says sadly.

2017-06-27, 11:13 PM
The king clears his throat. "Right... My daughter's hand will be something to discuss another time. For now, though, you are all to be officially knighted, and made a Lord and Ladies of the realm. Your official title will be Marquise and Marquette, and you will have approximately 200 acres of land each. I do not have the exact documentation ready, as, well... I wasn't sure if you'd survive. But, now that you've made it back, hale and hearty, I can have my clerics draft the papers immediately."

2017-06-27, 11:22 PM
"Wait what?"

Marquette? Her? No no no that's got to be some kind of joke. Harper was as common as mud. Born and raised in some little backwater farming village, spent her formative years with a bunch of rough a tumble mercenaries. She knows how to swear in fifteen different languages, and proposition someone in eight. For the longest time it's just been her, her sword, and the open road. But now she has a title?? Land?? Servants??? She doesn't know the first thing about managing a property. She's never even owned property.

"The King is... so very generous. I'm honestly not sure what to say?"

Can she turn it down? Is turning down a king's reward something you can do? Or do they hang you for... contempt or something. She has no idea and her thoughts are far from organized enough to make an educated guess. So she just stands there waiting for something to start making sense again.

2017-06-27, 11:34 PM
"Wait what?"

Marquette? Her? No no no that's got to be some kind of joke. Harper was as common as mud. Born and raised in some little backwater farming village, spent her formative years with a bunch of rough a tumble mercenaries. She knows how to swear in fifteen different languages, and proposition someone in eight. For the longest time it's just been her, her sword, and the open road. But now she has a title?? Land?? Servants??? She doesn't know the first thing about managing a property. She's never even owned property.

"The King is... so very generous. I'm honestly not sure what to say?"

Can she turn it down? Is turning down a king's reward something you can do? Or do they hang you for... contempt or something. She has no idea and her thoughts are far from organized enough to make an educated guess. So she just stands there waiting for something to start making sense again.

Hey. Nina said seeming to see some of Harper's doubts form on her face.

Think of it as something for your parents. They can live their twilight years in comfort right. And 200 acres really isn't that much. Won't be too much to manage, and if you want my help. Help is only a pigeon or carrier away.

2017-06-27, 11:41 PM
"It's the best reward I could think of. I know you come from a common background-though your actions were anything but common-and this will last far longer than any paltry sum of cash could," the king says. "Though I've yet to inform my court of the new Lord and Ladies, so they might be a touch upset... But I am the king here! If they don't like it, they can secede, and we all know they'll never do that."

2017-06-27, 11:49 PM
Do people currently live in the areas we'll be granted? Nina questions.

And should the court not be called so that we at least can meet them. She adds.

2017-06-27, 11:52 PM
"There are a few scattered homesteads, as well as, of course, the ceremonial city acre. And the court has been called-but they live a fair distance away, and while they should be overjoyed to see my daughter's return, there is no true urgency," he says.

"Should be," Delilah says, scoffing a little.

2017-06-27, 11:53 PM
So we'll have rather small amounts of people under us. Nina recognizes hoping to soothe Harper.

2017-06-27, 11:54 PM
"It would be an honor to serve in the king's court," Kenz said when she came out of her shock, curtsying when she couldn't think what else to do. What was she to do with a noble title?

2017-06-28, 09:10 AM
Veris Rumyth

Veris smiles. Now that's a tangible benefit, with room to grow. How hard could it be? "Thank you, milord.'

He pats Harper on the back. "Buck up, Harpy. You lead us through the dragon's lair. If anyone can figure this out, it'll be you." Which does remind him, he needs to replace the crossbow that the dragon burnt. How much would a fancy crossbow cost him?

2017-06-28, 10:58 AM
"Yeah, small.. no problem. Well it's going to be a hell of a thing to write home about." She ran a hand through her hair nervously. Was she going to have to wear something fancy to court? Would she have to wear a dress? She suppressed a shudder of revulsion at the idea. She settles for slugging Veris good-naturedly in the shoulder instead.

2017-06-28, 02:12 PM
Hey. Hey. Hey. Don't punch. Nina replied.

Tell the Veris puppet how you feel. She says pulling out a tiny replica of Veris.

2017-06-28, 06:38 PM
The king chuckles a little, and speaks again. "We'll need to make sure you're properly outfitted for the court. The first of them arrive later today, and they should all be here within four days. For now, make yourselves at home-there is a feast waiting for you in the dining hall."

"Thank the gods," Delilah says, standing to head for the mess hall. "I'm tired of trail rations and game."

2017-06-28, 06:55 PM
Hey. Hey. Hey. Don't punch. Nina replied.

Tell the Veris puppet how you feel. She says pulling out a tiny replica of Veris.

"I feel like if he calls me a harpy again I'll do my best to live up to the name by dropping him off the side of a cliff." but she grins anyway. "But yeah food sounds good. Shall we Lady Nina?" Harper offers her an arm. "Lady Kenz? Lord Veris? Mm that's going to take some getting used to."

2017-06-28, 07:08 PM
Veris Rumyth

Veris feigns injury at the punch. "You rule with an iron fist, Marquise Harper." He chuckles at himself, and offers Delilah his arm as he enters the dining hall.

2017-06-28, 07:39 PM
"I feel like if he calls me a harpy again I'll do my best to live up to the name by dropping him off the side of a cliff." but she grins anyway. "But yeah food sounds good. Shall we Lady Nina?" Harper offers her an arm. "Lady Kenz? Lord Veris? Mm that's going to take some getting used to."

The Varis replica's arms go wide as Harper makes her idle threat, before going over it's mouth in shock, and cowering away.

Yes, food sounds good. Nina agrees taking Harper's arm with her free arm.

2017-06-28, 07:48 PM
The group, following Princess Delilah, makes their way to the mess hall. She takes a seat at the head of the table, off to one side. There are a few servants about, one of whom (a young man) speaks up, saying "Seat yourselves anywhere-excepting the head of the table. That's for the royal family only. You'll have more specific seats once the court is in session, but for now, choose what makes you most comfortable. Would our Lord and Ladies care for soup, to start?"

2017-06-28, 08:19 PM
Nina for her part starts to ogle any cute serving girls.

Eyes still trained on the girl, she turns her head to the serving man.

What type is the soup? Nina asks.

2017-06-28, 08:24 PM
Harper takes a seat neat the middle of the table, looking towards the head with some curiosity. She's never had the opportunity to meet the queen before now, though of course this being a more casual sort of banquet she wasn't entirely sure if the queen would be attending. During court though certainly.

"Soup sounds fine thank you."

2017-06-28, 08:38 PM
Kenz follows along, bemused at most of what's going on. As they make their way through the building, she catches herself eyeing people up to try and see if they're worth conning, before forcefully reminding herself that she doesn't necessarily need to do that anymore...at least to common folk. "Need to aim higher," she mutters loud enough for those close by to hear.

2017-06-28, 08:47 PM
Kenz follows along, bemused at most of what's going on. As they make their way through the building, she catches herself eyeing people up to try and see if they're worth conning, before forcefully reminding herself that she doesn't necessarily need to do that anymore...at least to common folk. "Need to aim higher," she mutters loud enough for those close by to hear.

Hmm? Oh right, sorry. Nina replies assuming that comment was aimed at something else as her gaze visibly raises.

2017-06-28, 09:33 PM
There are two female servants in the room, one a tall, willowy elf, and the other a matronly and kind looking plump woman.

"We have pretty much any kind you can imagine-just ask. Although the chefs have prepared an excellent tortoise soup earlier today."

2017-06-28, 09:52 PM
Then I shall go with what they have baked earlier today. One turtle soup please. Nina replies.

2017-06-28, 09:56 PM
Veris Rumyth

Veris takes the seat near Harper, as she seems to have the right idea of taking a neutral position.

Kenz follows along, bemused at most of what's going on. As they make their way through the building, she catches herself eyeing people up to try and see if they're worth conning, before forcefully reminding herself that she doesn't necessarily need to do that anymore...at least to common folk. "Need to aim higher," she mutters loud enough for those close by to hear.

"I wouldn't bother," Veris says. As a conman, he knows when someone is eyeing a mark. However, scamming people who are already giving you land out of the goodness of their heart is just poor business. They're already giving you something, and will liekly continue to do so if you aren't scamming them, so you should mark a group that isn't. Hopefully, the intent of Veris' words reach Kenz. "Mushrooms are a delicious ingredient, but sometimes asparagus is better on cupcakes," he mentions in a thieves cant.

2017-06-28, 10:02 PM
Veris Rumyth

Veris takes the seat near Harper, as she seems to have the right idea of taking a neutral position.

"I wouldn't bother," Veris says. As a conman, he knows when someone is eyeing a mark. However, scamming people who are already giving you land out of the goodness of their heart is just poor business. They're already giving you something, and will liekly continue to do so if you aren't scamming them, so you should mark a group that isn't. Hopefully, the intent of Veris' words reach Kenz. "Mushrooms are a delicious ingredient, but sometimes asparagus is better on cupcakes," he mentions in a thieves cant.

Which demented cooking school did you attend? Nina comments with a raised eyebrow.

2017-06-28, 10:07 PM
Which demented cooking school did you attend? Nina comments with a raised eyebrow.

"It was at the same demented college where you learned to make creepy duplicates of your teammates," Veris snarks with a smirk. "Why do you have that, anyway? It's a strange addition to your ensemble."

2017-06-28, 10:12 PM
"It was at the same demented college where you learned to make creepy duplicates of your teammates," Veris snarks with a smirk. "Why do you have that, anyway? It's a strange addition to your ensemble."

I'm not creepy. The Veris Replica protests using exaggerated gestures.

And not just my teammates. Nina points out, pulling out one of herself, and the red dragon. The kids love it. Entertain for all ages, I say.

2017-06-28, 11:08 PM
Five bowls of soup are brought out and laid before the diners, allowing you all to dig in. The Princess eats daintily and carefully, as befitting her stature, while you eat, likely, how you always have.

As you enjoy the meal and talk amongst yourselves, you hear someone else arriving and passing by. Soon enough, you're also able to hear yelling, from the direction of the throne room.


Inaudible king talking.


Inaudible king talking.


"GERALD!" the king shouts as you hear slamming of doors.

"THESE PEASANTS ARE NOT FIT AS ANYTHING MORE THAN TOOLS, HIGHNESS!" Gerald shouts back as he slams his way into the dining hall. "YOU!" he says to Veris. "You will rescind your title at once! You and your band of common born misfits!"

2017-06-28, 11:20 PM
I didn't exactly see you out there. Fighting for your life with the dragon. Or coordinating the fight, or relief efforts in any way. Nina pipes up.

2017-06-28, 11:29 PM
Veris Rumyth

"Yes, it's creepy," Veris says apprehensibly as the duplicate speaks. "However, it might be a good item to sell kids. A whole line of 'Heroes of the Dragon Den' toys could work, assuming you'll cut us in for our likeness."

Then, someone barges it. Being yelled at, Veris handles it like he would any person he had just swindled, minus any of the blatant deception. He dabs his mouth with his napkin and politely stands, offering his hand for a handshake. "Greetings, I am Marquess Veris," he says, politely introducing himself with a broad smile, but emphasizing his title. "I will say that I am very excited to hear that you heard of me. I hope you are visiting for pleasure rather than business." Veris is not excited that this man has heard of him. While he did have an alternate identity* for scams, he didn't want to it being compromised without his knowing. He's mostly planning on going straight, so it would be good to narrow down any loose ends.

* = as a Charlatan

[roll0] insight, to find out this guy's beef
[roll1] deception to hide his contempt

2017-06-29, 12:29 AM
Insight [roll0]

So... Yeah, he fails.

His beef is pretty obvious. He feels that you're an upstart commoner who doesn't deserve the title you've been given. He's not concealing anything, far as you can tell.

"Hmph," Gerald lets out. "At least you know how to show respect to your superiors. And you, Marquette," he spits out. "Be silent unless spoken to, when in the presence of a Baron."

"Gerald!" King Ansolon says as he catches up. "They are not servants! They have their right to speak, regardless of being outranked."

Gerald sighs heavily. "They were no more than servants mere hours ago, and-"

"But the situtaion has CHANGED. Accept it," Ansolon says.

2017-06-29, 12:39 AM
You directly spoke to all of us. Telling us to renounce our titles. Nina points out.

2017-06-29, 08:10 AM
"Yeah though frankly I think I resent the implication that Veris is the leader of the troop more than I do the implication we're unfit." Harper says, getting to her feet as well to address the Marquis.And just when she thought she might be able to get used to this whole noble thing. The food was good, the castle was nice, she could have gotten behind the idea of soft beds... she'd forgotten though that actual nobility were always such a pain in the ass.

"Sir do you have an actual actionable complaint or are you just here to blow smoke? Because I can assure you none of us are interested in renouncing our titles." she said firmly. And even if she had actually been considering just that earlier, she sure as hell wasn't going to do it now just to spite this guy. "Unless you want to keep arguing with the king, who I am fairly certain outranks all of us on this issue."

Despite her martial prowess Harpe is not noteably imposing so this should be interesting.

2017-06-29, 09:50 AM
"Hmph. We will see-if you won't renounce your titles, then let's see how you manage them. Dereliction of duty can remove someone, after all," Gerald says. "Your Highness, I'll be in my quarters."

While Gerald stalks off, King Ansolon sighs. "I'm sorry for his behavior. I'd like to promise that the others won't be as opposed... But I don't make promises I can't keep. You'll have to prove yourselves to them, I'm afraid. But I have faith in you all."

2017-06-29, 02:35 PM
Veris Rumyth

"You don't think it was a masculine thing, do you?" he asks Harper, concerning the way that he was the one address. Still there could be other reasons. If this man seeks the throne, then he's a rival for Veris. Of course, being told what to do by some upstart blueblood born with silver spoon in his mouth irritates Veris. He's going to show this guy up. He'll be the best marquess to ever govern. Nay! The best king to ever rule!

"Is there like a resource for rules I need to know, such as a lawbook? I know some history, but I don't want to get caught misbehaving by Gerald."

2017-06-29, 03:11 PM
That would be a good idea. Some things are obvious. Others not so much. Nina replies.

2017-06-29, 03:30 PM
"I try not to assume." Harper shrugs in response to Veris. "I mean biased or not he's already revealed he's an ******* in pretty much every way possible. But given the way he snapped at Nina too I'm leaning toward yeah. As far as bylaws go...I don't even know if a book would help. It might as well be gnomish to me." Harper knew enough common to be able to read bounties and sign contracts. Anything more flowery than names and locations and directions was a little out of her depth. And she didn't doubt a book full of dense legalese and highbrow turns of phrase would start swimming in front of her eyes. "I might need you to give me the abridged version."

2017-06-29, 07:32 PM
"There are some lawbooks in the library. I'll have one of my servants bring you there, as soon as you're ready," King Ansolon says.

This will be an Investigation check. You get four, or two with advantage, or just your passive Investigation. Your choice.

2017-06-29, 07:47 PM
Nina is best investigator and after the meal will go into the books with gutso!

Check 1 [roll0]
Check 2 [roll1]
Check 3 [roll2]
Check 4 [roll3]

2017-06-29, 08:31 PM

Veris is, in fact, the best investigator, being the most intelligent member of the party. Sometimes being able to search a person dwelling is handy for entirely legitimate reasons.


2017-06-29, 09:23 PM
Veris Rumyth

Veris takes the seat near Harper, as she seems to have the right idea of taking a neutral position.

"I wouldn't bother," Veris says. As a conman, he knows when someone is eyeing a mark. However, scamming people who are already giving you land out of the goodness of their heart is just poor business. They're already giving you something, and will liekly continue to do so if you aren't scamming them, so you should mark a group that isn't. Hopefully, the intent of Veris' words reach Kenz. "Mushrooms are a delicious ingredient, but sometimes asparagus is better on cupcakes," he mentions in a thieves cant.

Kenz nodded appreciatively, and kept her expression neutral. "I wouldn't think of trying asparagus cupcakes, but life is full of adventures and surprises."

Kenz does what she can to help out in finding such a lawbook, but is still internally debating whether being so tied down is something she's okay with.

Investigation +4


2017-06-29, 09:56 PM
Harper is happy to peruse the Library but she is more casual about it and not really sure what she would be looking for if anything.

edit: rolls in the ooc because I borked my post.

2017-06-29, 10:01 PM
Kenz glanced over Nina as she got caught in another book. "...I don't think The History Of Puppetry is going to have any advice for us in regards to our responsibilities and duties in the court," she snarked, before returning to her own search.

2017-06-30, 07:52 AM
Harper, who had long since given up on her ability to recognize anything useful, just laughed from her seat on one of the library's plush reading chairs. "I don't know Kenz, who knows maybe old Jerry back there is a secret puppet fanatic."

2017-06-30, 08:37 PM
Veris Rumyth

"Indeed, it's not going to help us," Veris says. He doesn't mention that he's memorized the book about puppets, like so many other history books he's absorbed.

2017-07-01, 11:29 PM
You find much of what you're looking for. I won't bother writing out everything, but I'll let you know (and allow you to edit) if you do something against the law or tradition.

However, you did roll a 6 total. I reserve the right to, once, give you complete misinformation.

You find much of what you're looking for. I won't bother writing out everything, but I'll let you know (and allow you to edit) if you do something against the law or tradition.

You find much of what you're looking for. I won't bother writing out everything, but I'll let you know (and allow you to edit) if you do something against the law or tradition.

However, you did roll a 7 total. I reserve the right to, once, give you complete misinformation.

Hoo boy did you roll bad! I will be giving you constant misinformation on how to act in accordance with law and tradition.

Night falls, and a servant appears to bring you to your quarters. She's a small woman-human, though perhaps with some halfling blood, judging by her 4'6" stature-and quite nice looking. "Good evening, Lord and Ladies. I am Tanis. If you'd follow me, you have your own quarters. And I must say, you're the talk of the castle! Why, Sasha was going on and on about you four-and Williams, hoo, Williams! He's jealous! He wanted to go slay the dragon-not that he ever could, with his gimp leg, but he dreams big. Can't fault that. Anyway," she says, carrying on her gossip throughout the entire journey if not stopped.

2017-07-01, 11:33 PM
Oh? Nina replies with a raised eyebrow.

Is this a privilege afforded to all nobles? Or just while our manors get constructed? Nina asks smiling brightly at Tanis.

2017-07-01, 11:35 PM
"All nobles have quarters here-they're oftentimes filled with other guests while you're out, but you'll always have a room-and a NICE ONE-here in the castle. Sometimes I wish I could spend a night in one of those fancy rooms, rather than back home, but ah well," she says, sighing a little before perking back up. "And you're already getting manors? That's fantastic! Is the king paying for them? Why haven't I heard about this? I hear about everything!"

2017-07-01, 11:44 PM
Well maybe you'll have the opportunity one day. Nina replies with a smirk.

2017-07-02, 08:46 AM
Veris Rumyth

"Well, I've stolen quite a bit of the dragon's hoard," Veris says absentmindedly, "and much of it was possessed by my teammates after they found out." Considering the events of the adventure, Veris considering writing a book, or at least a sonnet.

The names cause Veris to squint. "Who are Sasha and Williams, if you don't mind me asking, Ms. Tanis?"

2017-07-02, 12:32 PM
"Oh, Sasha is one of the kitchen girls. I was talking with her earlier after you four came in," Tanis says. "And Williams is the gardener-well, one of them. Of course, you don't need to know all this-you're more important than us, after all."

2017-07-02, 02:49 PM
Wasn't too long ago we might have been the cook or the gardener. Nina said humbly.

2017-07-02, 02:58 PM
"Well, people like me don't go around slaying dragons, now do we!" Tanis says with a laugh as you come to a small hallway, with doors on either side, about 20' apart. "And here we are! These are your rooms-Veris, far right, Harper, near right, Kenz, far left, and Nina, near left."

2017-07-02, 09:38 PM
Would you like to come in and see the rooms? Nina offers lightly toughing Tanis's shoulder.

2017-07-02, 09:43 PM

Veris covers his face with his palm. "There is no way that interacting in this manner with the servants will bite us in the ass," he says sarcastically. "Thank you for your help Tanis. You might not think you're important, but it takes a kingdom to run a castle." He heads into his room.

2017-07-02, 10:11 PM
"Please, I see the rooms every day. Who do you think does the cleaning?" Tanis says, chuckling. "It's actually USING the room that'd get me excited. And thank you, Lord Veris!"

2017-07-02, 10:44 PM
Well what do you say about joining me in one of those rooms? Nina whispered suggestively.

2017-07-02, 10:48 PM
Tanis's eyes go wide. "I... Um... That is..."

Your earlier insight check is telling you that, right now, she's terrified, and just trying to hide it.

2017-07-02, 11:09 PM
No pressure. Nina assures Tania her arms open wide.

But if you want to, my door is open. She says gesturing to the door.

2017-07-02, 11:11 PM
"I... Will think about that..." Tanis says, nervously.

2017-07-02, 11:33 PM
Harper smiles a little because honestly Nina is beyond incorrigible. "Tanis don't pay her any mind she's harmless really." She goes over to the room that was indicated and opens up the door and... yeah. Yeah she could probably get used to living somewhere like this.

2017-07-08, 08:23 PM
Tanis looks around, and hesitantly steps towards Nina. "I'm... Well... You're a noble. You can't really say no to nobles."

Apologies for the long delay. I forgot to make a post when it came up in my subscription, and then it just kinda floundered.

As a side note, are we good to time skip to next morning?

2017-07-08, 08:41 PM
Oh hey, you can totally say no to me. Nina assured Tanis. It is certainly not an order. She assures the maid.

I'm good to time skip.

2017-07-08, 08:49 PM
"I... Thank you, for the offer, Lady Nina, but I have other duties. Sleep well, everybody!" she says, and quickly scurries off.

Inside, the rooms are spacious, with curtains covering the high, narrow windows. Each room has a large bed, full of pillows and blankets, as well as a dresser or two, and various other minor furniture items.

Once one other person says they're good to go, I'll skip.

2017-07-09, 10:56 AM
Harper sinks down into the pillows with a very self satisfied sigh. Oh yes this is exceedingly nice.

I'm good with the skip

2017-07-09, 12:22 PM
In the morning, you awake after what is probably the best sleep you've had in quite a while. No monsters breathing down your neck, no hard bedrolls, just comfy pillows and utter safety.

You all find a note under your door, when you awake.

Hey! It's Tanis. I... About last night, I really appreciate the offer. But I have a bit of history with nobles, and beds, and... Yeah...

I was young, I was kinda naive, and just... I might've taken it the wrong way. I'm sorry, but thank you for not doing anything to me.

Anyway, breakfast is available in the dining hall-if you don't know where it is, there's a bell in one of the drawers you can ring and a servant will come.

Good morning, Lady Harper. This is from Tanis-there's breakfast available in the dining hall. I think you know where it is, but if not, there's a bell in the drawer you can ring to summon a servant.

Enjoy your day!

Good morning, Lord Veris. This is from Tanis-there's breakfast available in the dining hall. I think you know where it is, but if not, there's a bell in the drawer you can ring to summon a servant.

Enjoy your day!

Good morning, Lady Kenz. This is from Tanis-there's breakfast available in the dining hall. I think you know where it is, but if not, there's a bell in the drawer you can ring to summon a servant.

Enjoy your day!

2017-07-09, 03:23 PM
Hey, no problem. Take it as a compliment. :) Nina puts down on a note labelled for Tanis

Before ringing the bell not wanting to get lost in the manor.

2017-07-09, 03:28 PM
Veris Rumyth

Veris almost heads out, but then he thinks for a second. He rings the bell, so he can have a servant help him get something to wear. He did have some fancier clothes, but one thing led to another and Harper's sword wound up in Veris' backpack, destroying the outfit.

2017-07-10, 07:49 AM
Oh that had been such a nice sleep. Harper got up, stretching languidly before noticing the note by her door. Upon opening it and reading it over she looked curiously over at her wardrobe. She seriously doubted that the king had clothing ready for them so soon, but she opened up a couple of drawers curiously anyway.

2017-07-10, 05:21 PM
In the drawers, there are actually clothes. It seems like a single outfit in many sizes-a simple, but well-made and high quality dress for the Ladies, and a similarly plain but expensive suit for the Lord.

Some of you ring bells, after searching for them for a few moments, and you hear in just a few moments the pitter-patter of feet approaching. As they draw near, though, you hear a hushed conversation, and then, rounding the corner of the hall, a well-dressed man, with rings on his fingers. "Good morning," he says. "I am Lord Regis-and I would be happy to help you to your breakfast. Tell me, what's it like, having nobility thrust upon you? I was born into it, and I look forward to hearing an outside perspective."

2017-07-10, 07:27 PM
Nina studies the man. Wondering if he's really innocently wondering.

Insight [roll0]

2017-07-10, 07:35 PM
Lord Regis seems... At least partially sincere. While he almost certainly has other motives, there is an element of curiosity. But, with that said, you can hear a faint hint of distaste in his words-he might be hiding it better than Gerald did, but he's not happy about you four.

"Something the matter, Lady Nina?"

2017-07-10, 08:32 PM
I... suppose I haven't fully registered it, if that makes sense. Nina said more neutrally.

2017-07-10, 11:33 PM
Veris Rumyth

Veris gets changes into a fancier outfit.

"Not much different from my old like, in some ways. People will throw you dinners, others will yell at you and call you a fraud. I guess the level of celebrity is the same." Veris shrugs. "Where are my manners, I am Veris Rumyth." Veris bows to the lord.

Insight [roll0]

2017-07-10, 11:50 PM
He's definitely more than just curious, but you can't put your finger on exactly what.

"Good morning, Lord Veris. A pleasure to meet you-I eagerly await the rest of your companions," Regis says with a polite smile, tipping his head in a brief bow back to Veris.

2017-07-11, 01:06 PM
"Well huh fancy that..." she was a little impressed honestly the king really had though of everything. That said she still bristled at the thought of having to wear a dress. She decided her first order of business as a noble was hiring a proper tailor and getting a suitable wardrobe made. Hopefully one that included pants. It also became clear that the sleeves on these gowns were made for arms decidedly more slender than hers, with smaller biceps. Even in the larger sizes she was a little worried she would tear something, the muscle almost comically outlined by the fabric. Pants, loose sleeves... hmm maybe a nice brocade vest. Get fancy with it.

Mulling over her future clothing requirements she didn't notice Regis immediately upon exiting her room until she'd almost run into him. "Oh uh, morning." She was a little lost, did nobles bow to other nobles? She compromised by inclining her head politely in his direction. "I don't believe we've met? Harper, pleasure to make your acquaintance." she said, with a sideways glance at Veris and Nina wondering if she'd missed something important while getting ready for breakfast.

2017-07-11, 10:09 PM
Veris Rumyth

Veris gives Harper a reassuring not, but his gaze does settle on her momentarily. Alas, he knows that there are many things he may pilfer in life, but that woman's heart will not be one of them. Damn shame, really. He knows even if he did, his intentions wouldn't be pure. Sometimes he did things out of envy, other times out of greed. He would justify it as sport later, until the hunt itself became it's own reward.

2017-07-11, 11:01 PM
"Where is your little companion?" Lord Regis asks. "Not little in her contributions, of course, but in stature."

2017-07-13, 08:53 AM
"Dunno, sleeping in probably? Nina is Kenz normally kind of a late riser?" she asked, looking over at her companion. Frankly she wasn't sure if living puppets even needed to sleep, it was hard to tell when Kenz was just sitting thoughtfully and when she was actually resting.