View Full Version : 3rd Ed 3.x - If a Spell Casts a Spell...

2017-06-26, 10:34 PM
If a spell like Contingency, Energy Transformation Field (Spell Compendium), or
Enveloping Cocoon (Spell Compendium) were to 'cast' their linked spell within an Energy Transformation Field what happens? Does the ETField get charged?

Are there other spells that can fuel spells like this?
Edit: Chain Contingency (Tome and Blood), Elminster's Evasion (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting)

2017-06-26, 11:40 PM
An additional line of inquiry; Can a summoned monster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?255219-The-Summoner-s-Desk-Reference-D-amp-D-3-5)'s Sp and Su abilities charge the same ETField that summoned it...?
If so this gets into Mirror Mephit levels of minion spam abuse veeery quickly.

2017-06-27, 09:39 PM
Originally I was looking into these interactions because I once had the idea to build a 'machine' entirely of interconnected spell effects.

Here are some of my notes to that end:

Energy Transformation Field can make summons that last 1 round per CL that have Sp and Su abilities that can charge the ETField.

Spell Cocoon targets a creature and casts the next spell cast at the creature spell on the creature no save

Contingency takes 100 rounds to cast... does the target have to be there throughout or at the end?
Only 1 contingency per creature.

Chain Contingency holds 3 spells.

Elminster's Evasion greater teleports and casts two contingencies.

War Spell versions are just bigger numbers, a physically larger machine.

Valiant Steed spell summons up a sentient pegasus or unicorn that lasts for 1 yr

summon mon 9 gets an Ursinal Guardinal which has spells as a lvl 12 Wizard.
the Firre Eladrin which has spells as a lvl 12 Cleric
which means they can cast 6th lvl spells including Contingency, if one can make them last long enough or shorten that casting time.

Using the variant that resummons the same unique creature over and over could one summon a creature with item crafting feats and have it perform item crafting?

Can one mage or ETField summon multiple of the same unique summon?