View Full Version : [WH40k] How long does it take to make a Grotesque?

2017-06-27, 12:31 PM
Quick lore question for any knowledgeable 40k'ers here.

In the Dark Heresy campaign I'm running, one of the major villains is a Dark Eldar, who briefly made a deal with one of my PC's. She agreed to do him a favor if he'd betray and deliver an ally of the party to her. He took the deal, and said ally was captured and taken away by the Dark Eldar. I want to turn this into a plot development down the line, and was wondering if it would be remotely feasible for a Dark Eldar Haemonculus to turn this poor sod into a Grotesque within about a one month to two month time frame. Primarily as a nasty surprise for the party when they're finally ready for the final stages of the campaign.

I ask because one of my player's is pretty up-to-date on 40k lore (moreso than myself at any rate), and has been fairly quick to call me out on any serious lore breaches that I've pulled out. Is this idea workable?

2017-06-28, 09:41 AM
Creating a grotesque takes many years: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Grotesque

If you could space that out (just arrange for a timeskip over a long duration for the players), that'd be the best. Other than that, you could always say that it was accelerated by being done in the warp, or y'know, magic.

2017-06-28, 05:39 PM
Time in WH40000 is pretty mallable.

A bad hyperspace jump could take years in realspace. and as for Dark Eldar... they don't spend that much time in the realspace in general. And... one of their leaders once assassinated his rival by sending him a literal black hole in a box. If one of the big wigs wants a time anomaly so that he sees the job done quicker, he will get it.

2017-06-29, 11:08 AM
Much obliged for the tips.