View Full Version : Green flame blade and shillegh stack?

Lance Tankmen
2017-06-28, 10:06 AM
So I'm sure it's been answered but I suck at finding old threads. But can you use both at once ? Not the same turn but is there any reason they wouldn't stack ?

2017-06-28, 10:06 AM
Yes you can use both no problem, nothing about the two spells interferes with the other

2017-06-28, 10:09 AM
Yes, you can use GFB while also using Shil.
And actually, you could use them both in the same turn.
Shil is a cantrip with a bonus action cast time.
GFB is a cantrip with a 1 action cast time.
If you cast a bonus action spell, the rules forbid you from casting anything other than a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action, which is exactly what GFB is.

2017-06-28, 10:11 AM
You can use them in the same turn too. One is a bonus action, the other an action. And since you are casting a cantrip (ie GFB) and not a higher level spell with your action during the same turn that you cast a spell (shillelagh) with your bonus action, you are ok.

Edit: Ninjas everywhere!