View Full Version : Speculation Archmage in 5e

2017-06-28, 08:06 PM
Seeing the Subclass speculation post by Shadow, and it got me to thinking. My favorite prestige class in 3.PF was the Archmage, and one of my favorite abilities they had was all the High Arcana Abilities, especially Arcane Fire. How would you guys do this in 5e? I'm definitely open to Homebrew, especially since I don't think there is a clean way to do it with just the normal books.

2017-06-28, 08:27 PM
Loremaster Wizard does have some of the old archmage abilities. But good luck finding a DM willing to play with that overpowered mess.

The way spellcasting and upcasting spells from higher slots works in 5e, Arcane Fire would be just a normal spell, Magic Missile would be sufficient.

2017-06-28, 08:32 PM
I like the concept of the loremaster, but I would much rather see it nerfed to be equivalent to the other subclasses.

2017-06-28, 11:15 PM
Arcane fire was just an attack roll ability fueled by spell slots. You could choose to make it like a cantrip or as a leveled spell (or if you want to make it more unique perhaps a cantrip that can get boosted by sacrificing spells). For instance have a cantrip that deals d10 damage and is a damage type of just pure damage with normal cantrip scaling. Then you can choose to add additional damage by sacrificing spell slots and also half damage on a miss.