View Full Version : Rules Q&A Magic Resistance for Ranged Spells attacks

2017-06-28, 08:30 PM
Hey guys

I was just recently reading the functions of magic resistance and was wondering if it affected ranged spell attacks, as magic resistance only states "Magic Resistance: The pit fiend has advantage on saving throws against Spells and other magical effects."

With the way its worded it seems like magic resistance wouldn't affect spells that require a attack roll to made as magic resistance only seems to affect spells with saving throws.

So i was wondering if magic resistance affects spells that require attack rolls or not ?

2017-06-28, 08:35 PM
No. It does exactly what it says.

However, there ARE creatures with a version of spell resistance that halve the damage recieved from spells instead (or on top) of granting advantage on saves. Check what it does with a specific creature.

2017-06-28, 08:44 PM
As an example, the Tarrasque has both Magical Resistance and the ability to reflect some spell attacks back to the caster.

2017-06-28, 09:35 PM
Ah i see now, Only for saving throws unless stated otherwise.

Thanks for the replies.

2018-09-23, 03:18 PM
"...has advantage on saving throws against Spells and other magical effects."

"...wouldn't affect spells that ..."

"So i was wondering if magic resistance affects spells that ..."

Yes, it affects spells and magical effects, then if it is a spell, Resistance applies, if it is a magical affect, it applies.

If there is no save, then it has no effect. if the spell or effect lists any save, they get advantage on it.