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2017-06-29, 12:24 AM
Hit Dice: d8
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8+Constitution Modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (5)+Constitution Modifier

Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Any three musical instruments or other performing devices

Saving Throws: Charisma and Wisdom
Skills: Performances and any three others

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
-Any instrument
-Any two weapons (and 20 pieces of ammo, if appropriate)
-Leather armor
-A Diplomat's Pack or an Entertainer's Pack

The Performer


Performance Lite, Charming Defense, Expertise

Cunning Action, Performances


Ability Score Improvement

Extra Attack


Performance Mk II

Ability Score Improvement

Archetype Feature

Reliable Talent

Dance Of Death, Performance Mk III

Ability Score Improvement

Archetype Feature

Heartsight, Expertise


Ability Score Improvement

Archetype Feature

Performance Mk IV

Ability Score Improvement

The Grand Performance

Charming Defense-At level 1, your AC may equal 10 plus your Dexterity modifier plus your Charisma modifier.

Expertise-At level 1, you gain Expertise in Performance and any one other skill you have proficiency in. Gain two more at level 6 and two more at level 14.

Performance Lite-At level 1, you gain the Vicious Mockery cantrip, using Charisma as your spellcasting modifier.

Performances-At level 2, you gain a myriad set of performances. Each one may be used once per encounter-in effect. Any short period of rest (not an actual short rest) of at least one minute lets you perform the practice and relaxing needed to refresh your performances.

At level 1, you have the following performances available:
Mock II-You may cast Vicious Mockery using your bonus action.
Look At Me! Look At Me!-Make a Performance check as an action, contested by everyone within 120' Insight checks. On a failure, they have disadvantage on Perception checks to notice anything but you.
Look Away-Make a Performance check as an action, contested by a Wisdom save, on a single target within 30'. On a failure, the target is Frightened of you until the start of your next turn.
Entrancing Dancing-Make a Performance check as an action, contested by a Wisdom save, on up to Proficiency modifier targets within 60' of you. On a failure, the target is Charmed by you until the start of your next turn, and must spend their movement coming closer to you while Charmed.

Cunning Action-At level 2, you may use your Bonus Action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide.

Archetype-At level 3, gain your archetype! You gain new archetype features at levels 9, 13, and 17.

Ability Score Improvement-At all the usual levels.

Extra Attack-At level 5.

Performance Mk II-At level 7, you improve your performances, gaining a new suite.

They are as follows:
Mock III-You may cast Vicious Mockery as a bonus action. (Note that this is separate from Mock II, allowing you to use this AND Mock II in one encounter.)
Battle Dance-Make a Performance check as a bonus action. Any one ally may substitute one of their attack rolls for your Performance check after rolling their attack, but before the result is announced. (Note that this CANNOT score a critical hit, even if the result of your Performance check is a nat 20.) This may be used any time before the start of your next turn. If no ally used it, you may repeat this performance.
Shielding Song-Make a Performance check as a bonus action. Any one ally may substitute their AC for your Performance roll against a single attack. This may be used any time before the start of your next turn. If no ally used it, you may repeat this performance.
Saving Grace-Make a Performance check as a bonus action. Any one ally may substitute their saving throw for your performance roll against a single spell or other effect. This may be used any time before the start of your next turn. If no ally used it, you may repeat this performance.

Reliable Talent-At level 10, whenever you roll 9 or lower on a skill you have proficiency or Expertise in, treat it as a 10 instead.

Dance Of Death-At level 11, you may add your proficiency bonus to any damage you deal as psychic damage.

Performance Mk III-At level 11, you improve your performances again, gaining yet more abilities.

You gain the following new performances:
Mock IV-You may cast Vicious Mockery as a bonus action.
Surge Of Power-Make a Performance check. Divide the result by 5. Any ally may use that as a bonus on any single check made before your next turn.
Melody Of Despair-Make a Performance check as an action, as opposed by the Insight check of every enemy within 30'. On a failure, they are Frightened of you until the start of your next turn.
Death Knell-Make a Performance check as an action. Deal that in psychic damage to all foes within 60'.

Heartsight-At level 14, you learn to gaze into the hearts of men. You can, as a bonus action, use your Heartsight on anyone within 60'. You immediately determine their general emotional state, what can be done to make them happier, and gain advantage until the start of your next turn on any Insight checks against them, and any skill checks made to make them happier (such as Deception, to tell a comforting lie, or Performance, to cheer them up with a song).

Evasion-At level 15, you now take half damage on a failed save from Dexterity (save for half) abilities, and no damage on a success.

Performance Mk IV-At level 18, you improve your performances again, gaining yet more abilities.

You gain the following new performances:
Mock V-You may cast Vicious Mockery as a bonus action.
What's Gonna Work?-As a bonus action, trigger a state of teamwork. Any foe attacked by you or an ally grants advantage to all other attacks made against them until the start of your next turn.
Toll The Doomsday Bell-Make a Performance check, targeting one foe within 120'. If they have less than three times that many hit points, they instantly die.
Sundering Song-Make a Performance check, as opposed by the Constitution saving throw of one foe within 120'. On a failed save, their equipment is sundered, rendering it useless.

The Grand Performance-At level 20, you may choose to repeat any performance up to three times. (That is, three total repeats. So you can do Mock V four times, but you could not then repeat any other performances, or you could do Death Knell Twice, Toll The Doomsday Bell twice, and Surge Of Power twice.)


Night Walker

Sultry Performances-At level 3, you become more adept at the oldest profession. Your AC improves by 1 while using Charming Defense, as your, ahem, "charm" improves.

The Night Protects-At level 9, you become more inured to the insults of the world. You gain resistance to psychic damage, and any time you use a performance, you may reduce the next source of damage you take by your proficiency modifier.

Madam Of The House-At level 13, you are truly composed, poised, and in command. You gain immunity to the Charmed and Frightened conditions.

Lady Of The Night-At level 17, your AC improves by 1 more (for 2 total), and you gain resistance to any four damage types of your choice. You may change which five every short rest.

Day Player

Jolly And Germane-At level 3, you become a beacon of hope and inspiration. Any time you use a performance, one ally within 60' gains Temporary HP equal to your proficiency bonus.

80s Hair Metal Band-At level 9, your performances rock SO HARD. So hard, in fact, that any time you perform them, you deal your proficiency modifier in psychic damage to any one enemy within 60' when you do one.

Rock On!-At level 13, your brightness is such that you grant advantage on saves against being Charmed or Frightened to all allies within 20' (including yourself).

Consummate Performer-At level 17, you are never less than stellar. You may cast Glibness once per short rest, using Charisma as your spellcasting modifier.

2017-06-29, 01:51 AM
Red you might one to check your self is it performer or courtesan you are trying to build

2017-06-29, 09:47 AM
Red you might one to check your self is it performer or courtesan you are trying to build

Yes. :P

On a more serious note, any suggestions for archetypes would be appreciated, as would any comments on its balance.

Sariel Vailo
2017-06-29, 12:20 PM
Fun looking

2017-06-29, 05:53 PM
Mock is dysfunctional - what you would need to do is state with each upgrade after the first, "you may cast Vicious Mockery X times as a bonus action", because you can only take one bonus action on a given turn no mattter how many you are given. "Your bonus action" and "a bonus action" are not actually different.

2017-06-29, 06:06 PM
Mock is dysfunctional - what you would need to do is state with each upgrade after the first, "you may cast Vicious Mockery X times as a bonus action", because you can only take one bonus action on a given turn no mattter how many you are given. "Your bonus action" and "a bonus action" are not actually different.

Mock is not Dysfunctional-I never intended for you to be able to cast Vicious Mockery more than twice per turn. (Once with your action, once with a bonus action.) I simply mean to allow you to cast it twice in a turn multiple times per encounter.

2017-06-30, 06:08 PM
Mock is not Dysfunctional-I never intended for you to be able to cast Vicious Mockery more than twice per turn. (Once with your action, once with a bonus action.) I simply mean to allow you to cast it twice in a turn multiple times per encounter.

...Huh. I'm not sure if VM's strong enough to warrant it, but it does work as intended. Whaddya know?

New question - is Dance of Death just increasing psychic damage you deal, or adding your proficiency bonus to all damage you deal? Wording is weird for either of them, but not sure how I'd fix it yet.

2017-07-01, 09:57 AM
...Huh. I'm not sure if VM's strong enough to warrant it, but it does work as intended. Whaddya know?

New question - is Dance of Death just increasing psychic damage you deal, or adding your proficiency bonus to all damage you deal? Wording is weird for either of them, but not sure how I'd fix it yet.

It adds your proficiency bonus in psychic damage to all damage you deal-regardless of the original type.

That makes it, at level 11, slightly worse than Improved Divine Smite. But it's slightly better starting at level 13 (well, I say slightly better, but it's arguably a worse damage type. Not by much, though).

2017-07-01, 08:25 PM
Yes. :P

On a more serious note, any suggestions for archetypes would be appreciated, as would any comments on its balance.

I don't have any feedback on balance yet, but I do have some thoughts on sub-classes.

Actor - Skilled in becoming other people and delivering powerful speeches.
Dancer - Skilled in moving around in graceful and awe inspiring ways

2017-07-04, 05:27 AM
Performer - Commentary

NB: Comparing mostly against Bard/Rogue/Monk and Ranger primarily.

Charming Defence - fundamentally same as Unarmoured Defence)Language indicates it doesn't stack with armour (i.e. says 10 + Dex + Cha), but may be worth specifying this.
Expertise - same as Rogue
Performances - I'd be more inclined to shift this to a number of uses equal to your Charisma modifier, regained at a short rest. I don't like 'short period of rest (not an actual short rest) as it amounts to a 'per encounter' ability which I don't think there's any other in 5e? Or change to a scalable number of uses/as per Rage/Sorcery Points?

Also as a 1st level package, there's too many abilities. Compare Rogue (Expertise and Sneak Attack at 1st level or Monk (Unarmoured Defence and Martial Arts). I'd be inclined to move Expertise to the 3rd/10th slots as per Bard instead. Or else move Performance up to 2nd level and shuffle around more in some way.

Performance II:
Length of battles increasing by 7th level would necessitate increase in uses, if not using their own level chart, I'd use Charisma Bonus + Dexterity Bonus uses at this stage (or flat +3)
Proposed changes above make Mock III irrelevant. An alternative could be to allow you to use it as an reaction when hit by an attack?

Performance III:
I don't like opposed perform check. It results in either the GM creating foes specifically for you, or the check being largely irrelevant. (i.e. you will have Expertise in performace and +4 Charisma by this stage - as a minimum so your +10). Also it doesn't seem like it should have an opposed check of any sort?

Grand Performance
Frankly I'd be inclined to just remove the limit on uses at this stage. Performer - Commentary.

NB: Comparing mostly against Bard/Rogue/Monk and Ranger primarily.

Charming Defence - fundamentally same as Unarmoured Defence)Language indicates it doesn't stack with armour (i.e. says 10 + Dex + Cha), but may be worth specifying this.
Expertise - same as Rogue
Performances - I'd be more inclined to shift this to a number of uses equal to your Charisma modifier, regained at a short rest. I don't like 'short period of rest (not an actual short rest) as it amounts to a 'per encounter' ability which I don't think there's any other in 5e? Or change to a scalable number of uses/as per Rage/Sorcery Points?

Also as a 1st level package, there's too many abilities. Compare Rogue (Expertise and Sneak Attack at 1st level or Monk (Unarmoured Defence and Martial Arts). I'd be inclined to move Expertise to the 3rd/10th slots as per Bard instead. Or else move Performance up to 2nd level and shuffle around more in some way.

Performance II:
Length of battles increasing by 7th level would necessitate increase in uses, if not using their own level chart, I'd use Charisma Bonus + Dexterity Bonus uses at this stage (or flat +3)
Proposed changes above make Mock III irrelevant. An alternative could be to allow you to use it as an reaction when hit by an attack?

Performance III:
I don't like opposed perform check. It results in either the GM creating foes specifically for you, or the check being largely irrelevant. (i.e. you will have Expertise in performance and +4 Charisma by this stage - as a minimum so your +10). Also it doesn't seem like it should have an opposed check of any sort?

Grand Performance
Frankly I'd be inclined to just remove the limit on uses at this stage.

NB: Not really checked on the archetypes too much as yet. will look later.

Note that some of these are personal issue, I like language and effects to be consistent between classes. I'd also clean up the equipment, to be something like (rapier + dagger, or two weapons) as all the PHB classes 'suggest' weapons but give option of free choice).

Part of me thinks that it would be easier to re-write the Performance section and use it as an archetype for Rogue.

Regarding the Travelling Performers game, I'd allow it, as starting at 3rd level negates the main issue with the class (the front-loaded aspect), if it proves in play that this was mistake we can shuffle around later.

As a quick and dirty how I'd do as an Archetype:
Performer (Rogue Archetype)
You learn the Vicious Mockery cantrip when you take this archetype at 3rd level., Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.
You gain either the Perform skill proficiency or one musical instrument proficiency.
Superior Performer
When you choose this archetype at 3rd, you learn performances that are fueled by a resource named Performance points.
Should a Performance require a save, the difficulty is 8 + your charisma bonus + your proficiency bonus + any modifiers to the Perform skill (such as Expertise)
At 9th level, you become an expert at reading a mark. As a bonus action you can target a single humanoid within 60’. You immediately learn their emotional state, what they currently desire and gain advantage on any Wisdom (insight) or Charisma checks against them until the end of your next round.
Song Neverending: At 17th level when you roll initiative and have no Performance Points remaining, you may regain 1 performance point.

Performances: You learn three performances of your choice, (detailed below). You learn two additional performances at 9th, 13th and 17th level. You have four Performance Points, you gain one additional Performance Point at 9th and 13th level.
Instinctive Mockery: Cast Vicious Mockery as a bonus action
Look at Me!: Make a Charisma (Perform) check, the result becomes the difficulty of any Perception check made by any character within 120’ to notice anything except for you (unless it would be higher).
Look Away!: As an action you may a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus within 30’. That target makes a Wisdom save or gains the frightened condition until the start of your next turn.
Entrance: As an action you may target a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus within 60’. That target makes a Wisdom save or gains the charmed condition until the start of your next turn.
Surge of Motion: One ally may use a bonus action to make an additional action. You may not select this option below 9th level.
Counterpoint: As a reaction you may substitute a Charisma (Perform) check for an allies (including yourself) save against the Charmed or Frightened condition, or any effect dealing sonic damage.
Resonant Destruction: You may cast Shatter as a 2nd level spell. At 13th level you may use an additional Performance point to cast as 4th level spell.
Perfect Mask: You may cast disguise self, with a duration of 8 hours.
Master of Props: You may gain any 3 weapon, armour or tool proficiencies until you take a short rest.
Mastery Perfected: As a reaction you may substitute any attribute check you have just made with a roll of 12.

2017-07-04, 11:53 AM
Charming Defence does indeed not stack. It's a new formula. It DOES WORK while in armor, though-it just replaces the armour formula.

I know, it's a new feature. But I'd have to vastly increase the power if they were to be a once per short rest ability, since currently, they're balanced on being used every single encounter.

I suppose I could move Performances to level 2... Maybe if I gave Vicious Mockery at level 1, and the rest of the Tier 1 Performances at level 2, would that be okay? A single cantrip, plus Expertise and Unarmored Defence, ain't too much, is it?

Surge Of Power is meant to be difficult to deny. Really, only Bards, Rogues, and other Performers can shut it down. Although it probably is too powerful-an action surge every encounter? I'll tone it down, and probably remove the opposed check.

Edit: Changed Performances to level 2, but added Performance Lite to level 1 (gives Vicious Mockery and that is it).

Changed Surge of Power to be Performance Check/5 bonus to any one die roll, made before your next turn. So, with a +10 modifier, that's +6 (on a nat 20) or +2 (on a nat 1). Averages to +4.

2017-07-05, 04:46 AM
Charming Defence, that's what I meant, you can use it in armour, but since they both set the defence score, you'll just whichever is best. Just thought it better to spell it out as there's a number of people who seem to translate it directly to bonuses in their head (number of queries as to whether mage armour stacks with draconic resilience etc). Not really relevant unless it gets a more polished published version, just idle commentary really.

The per-encounter doesn't bother me too much, but it's not language that's used anywhere else in D&D5, and stuck out to me. Though on further investigation the fighter archetype (battle master? can't check at the second) does eventually give you a manouver dice 'when you roll initiative', so it's not completely without precedence.