View Full Version : Player Help Help with where to go next in a Pathfinder build (Playing a medic)

2017-06-29, 01:44 AM
So I've been organizing what I have so far in as neat a format as possible in a mythweavers post, going to go ahead and link that here


Long story short, I have a friend who is planning on try his hand at GMing in pathfinder for the first time, and too my knowledge, he has had very little experience with tabletop games up till this point in time. The group being played is also composed of about 4 newbies when it comes to the the pathfinder/3.5 scene (again to my knowledge, only one of the other players has played a tabletop before, and that was a 4e game she was in... she also is a huge believer of style over function when it comes to playing tabletops.) GM had everyone roll for their stats, for the most part everyone got some decent rolls

So with that being said, current party build that I know of consists of:

a type of wizard (player has not said yet race or if he's doing any specialization);
a Half Elf unchained rogue (I actually helped this player out with setting up her character so she's actually going to be doing pretty ok);
some kind of paladin (player hasn't said what his race is yet.);
and finally a Sylph Cleric who rolled kind of badly when it came to her stats (After racials she's got a 11 str, 15 dex, 12 con, 14 int, 17 wis, and a 10 cha) and wants to stick with wearing light armor and not using a shield because the character that she envisioned was some kind of free spirited artsy cleric like thing... Her big focus is apparently going to be on buffing the party, and only occasionally providing healing as needed.(this is the person whos the believer of style over function.)

So, with that being said, current world is a homebrew setting, GM hasn't said what the story is going to be yet, and I'm just trying to look for an idea of where to go in order to essentially help keep everyone in the party feeling both useful as well as alive. He's allowing all paizo material as well as some of the dreamscarred material involving path of war and bloodforge since we've had an agreement that I won't be abusing anything stupid, as such I'm being allowed to potentially try out a feat or two from the Lords of the Wild playtest to help with that.

Overall focus I've been envisioning right now has been to try and keep this character relevant as a combat medic bruiser. Main focus is being able to remain tanky while working as a secondary striker and potential buffer; and then providing healing to others in the group as needed either through silver crane maneuvers or triage. Later on I was looking at potentially grabbing the Fang and Fury feat from Lords of Darkness and Hold Prey from Bloodforge to potentially be able to add a bite and a grab onto the back of any strike I launch... but that's still up and the air and the later part of that combo is going to be dependent on if I think the GM would be comfortable with dealing with a character who can grapple. That's what I got so far for ideas, anyone here have any feats they might suggest I take a look at or items I should try to be on the lookout for. Surprisingly enough there has not been an attempt from anyone in the community at making a handbook for the medic yet so I'm not sure what other players who've had more hands on time with the medic have been doing as of recommended feats and all that fun stuff.

Edit Just because I remembered I should mention this, even though I'm allowed to take a feat out of Lords of Night, I should probably say that I originally was planning on using the Unquiet Grave Discipline since I had access to it, however... after talking it over with some of my roommates who are pretty experienced with GMing games; the amount of power that the discipline could potentially bring we felt was unfair to use on a newbie GM. Mainly my character having access to Thirsting Axe Strike as written meant at level 1 I could potentially have at least 6 - 13 Temp HP every single fight...