View Full Version : The Gutter Don't Care: IC

Trevethan Norn
2017-06-29, 01:42 PM
The Gutter Don't Care

Recruitment Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?524856-Street-Level-Shadowrun-Looking-for-Players&p=22144162#post22144162)

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?528716-OOC-The-Gutter-Don-t-Care&p=22144834#post22144834)

Dice Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?528782-The-Gutter-Don-t-Care-Dice-Thread&p=22147330#post22147330)

There are a few things that matter in life: Family, and survival. Nothing changes that, not even money. Money only obscures how frail life is and chummer, we ain't got much of that...

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

A time to be born and a time to die,
A time to plant and a time to uproot,
A time to kill and a time to heal,
A time to tear down and a time to build,
A time to weep and a time to laugh,
A time to mourn and a time to dance,
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
A time to embrace and a time to refrain,
A time to search and a time to give up,
A time to keep and a time to throw away,
A time to tear and a time to mend,
A time to be silent and a time to speak,
A time to love and a time to hate,
A time for war and a time for peace.

-- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, the Bible, New International Version.

The aid worker quietly lowered her hands as she finished reading the ARO in front of her. No tears came from her eyes this night, nor any night in many years; you didn't have tears after you worked in the Barrens, only unending numbness. She was better than most at handling the stress, which is why the chaplaincy duties always fell to her when the dregs of the city made it to her tiny corner of Bellevue General. She would have laughed at the irony that those with SINs got care, while those without SIN had to die in the holding room, but she hadn't laughed in years either. She quickly administered her digital signature to the batch of ARO's for the fifty recently deceased meta-humans who had had a religious preference on their ID. This was the easy part. It was also easy to go through the twenty different religious rites accorded by the UCAS charitable organizations who paid for her time. It was less easy to care, and impossible no to do so.

The tech at the end of the room got up from his desk where his eyes had been following some diversion as she administered the final touches. He could not have cared less about the rites, but Sal knew for a fact that he cared about what came next; there is no graduating pre-med student who would not leap at the chance to get ahead of the monstrous debt incurred by medical practice in the 21st century. He keyed open the secure door to the corridor running the length of the main floor and she followed him past two non-descript metas dressed in flat gray suits. As they did, Sal saw her account with Saeder Financial go up by 25,000 nuyen, and she could tell from the satisfied smile that Frank was seeing the same. Dead meat was bound for the incinerator one way or another, she might as well try to make the best of what opportunity came her way when she could.

Sal and Frank walked down the hall, never looking back, and finished their decontamination routine as efficiently as always. She stepped out into the musty brown-orange fog that was Seattle at night and made sure that her respirator and chemsuit were securely fastened. The acid rain had been a lot worse lately, and she knew she should earmark at least some of it for improved outerwear. All things in this town rot, she thought, and was soon lost to sight as she climbed onto the automated grid-taxi which her 'link had paged for her the moment she had retrieved it from her cubby.

23:42:00 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 169th St.

Something was very, very wrong. Accustomed as Apex was to the loud lifestyle that had become the hallmark of gang life since his return from Daliah, the dead silence was loud in his mind. The family seemed to have gone from their normal live-it-up lifestyle to a more taciturn manner fitting an Asian organized crime family. Their courier had delivered sobering news; the attempt to edge in on the Laes trade coming out of Tacoma through magical means had failed. In truth it had worse than failed, it had been pure foolishness and now the whole family was going to have to fight for their lives: the Ancients were coming. If he had not seen the corpse reanimated by the kannushi himself - in itself normally forbidden - he would not have believed such horrific tidings. It seemed the elven gangers had subjected him to mentally force himself to self-dismember while they slowly healed him with their own magics. While creative, it was not something for which Apex had the stomach. He slowly edged out of the room and headed for the wishing pond in the small downstairs lobby. The adept had barely made it to the 1st floor of the gang compound when he was thrown to his feet by an incandescent explosion from above. Something hit his head and he momentarily blacked out.

When Apex came to, he was face-down on some sort of black, sticky surface. His retina still had glare spots, but he turned his head only to experience an incredibly sharp pain. He screamed involuntarily and put one hand to the back of his skull only to feel wet stickiness. Apex pulled himself up on aching limbs and saw that the black, sticky surface was coagulated blood, and likely his own if his hands were any indication. He slowly rolled over, not having much energy for the time being, only to scream in horror at what he did not see; where before there had been a respectable and fortified looking manor, there was open sky. Only about 3 feet of the foundations where still standing and providing fuel for the flames. Whatever had struck, it seemed that he had been fortunate to be so close to the pond; the explosion had knocked him into the water, but the water had also softened his landing and protected him from whatever flammable elements were involved. Nothing, however, was going to bring his family back..

23:42:00 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
Woodmoor Elementary School

<New reports this evening of dangerous arms traffickers and terrorists fighting in the Barrens just across the 405 has many Bellevue and Snohomish residents and officials asking what is being done to protect law-abiding citizens.> BIOS enjoyed the naive chatter of the anchorwoman on the news trid. She got nearly all of her information and bias wrong, but at least she was covering what people wanted to hear. BIOS grinned to himself as he hummed softly to his sprite. <Don't think they'll mind if I make the show more interesting, do you?> The coruscating pulsar shimmered and hummed to itself and he was once again reminded that he was not all-together certain that it understood him as a separate entity. The momentary pique which gripped him pushed him back into the moment; he made a few mental tweaks and carefully massaged the software in charge of distributing the feed. As he mentally stroked the watchdog's collar, it calmly unwound the leash from its neck and rolled over, begging for more attention. In a picosecond he had attached 2 new leashes to the ARO, and the anchorwoman's feed was bizarrely altered. In place of the attractive young elf who had been reading the ARO prompter, an image of a large troll seemed come out from under the news desk. <We bring you this special announcement: Deadbeats Inspired by Brackhaven's Killings will not rest until the governor resigns or meets our terms. Too long has he let metahumanity rot under inequality; we demand our rights. We demand that he explain the circumstances regarding the lack of aid to the Redmond and Puyallup Barrens. Long have metahumans been unfairly corralled in these neighborhoods, doomed to unending corporate slavery for the lucky few, or death at the hands of ghouls and other dark creatures for many. We demand that Knight Errant and the AAA corporations and government fix some of their man-made disasters. There has still been no cleanup by Shiawase or any major governmental body since the 2013 disaster at the NPP Trojan-Satsop facility. Further risk has been our ever-present neighbor as we suffer in the shadows of the current monstrosity powering the city. Rise up, citizens! Overthrow, or hold accountable, your corporate masters!> BIOS felt the tingling which meant that GOD or a spider was on its way and casually detached the first leash. The second he folded carefully underneath the collar of the submissive dog. It never hurt to be practical.

The broadcaster resumed her normal features as she quickly explained, <We apologize to our viewers for the momentary stoppage of service. There was a terrorist attack on our matrix assets which is being severely dealt with... wait a second, we just have breaking news. It appears that Governor Brackhaven is holding an impromptu press conference. Let's tune in!> The feed switched to what must have been a drone or rooftop camera which BIOS realized was showing a large area of Northern Redmond. A loud and stern voice carried over as part of the feed real estate was given to the image of the governor in his customary black suit. <I would like to address the worrying concerns of our citizens, as well as the violent attacks which our news affiliates have been subject to in the last month: Knight Errant and the Metroplex guard have been activated to contain and de-escalate the rising violence in the Barrens areas. Earlier tonight, key raids were carried out on organized crime targets ranging from the Ko'mungo crime ring all the way down to several figures involved with the traffic of controlled substances which has lead to the economic decay of the Redmond Area. Starting tonight, the Barrens are under blockade; all checkpoints will require authorization for crossing. In addition a mandatory new security deposit for those crossing from areas judged to be under the influence of hate-related groups and insurgencies is now in effect. Anyone crossing from these blighted areas will be required to make a 50,000 nuyen bail to ensure their good conduct throughout the city unless they are on special assignment from a AAA or governmental entity. Further, I have ordered intervention into the fighting now taking place in the Northern Barrens in the form of directed, smart-targeting munitions, which will minimize innocent casualties.> As he spoke the last few words, the imagery changed from heavily armed checkpoints to sudden flashes and explosions which seemed loud even for BIOS normally amped up sound settings. It wasn't until he paused the feed that he realized the feed wasn't loud; the explosions were happening not too far from him. The city was shelling Kingsgate.

23:42:00 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 169th St.

Sentinel measured her pace as she approached the respectable oriental structure where her clients lived. She was not nervous, but it never helped to forget where you were when dealing with fellow gangers. The Shimmering Inferno were a newly powerful whiz-gang that had made its mark in the north barrens of the Kingsgate area, and as such were worth a good bit of respect. In her experience, the newer the power, the more prone they were to perceiving unintended slights and weaknesses. That also made them more prone to violence. Her first sojourn into gang life to escape SK had been eye-opening, and she had needed to flee the Puyallup barrens as quickly as she could to avoid having her throat donated to the corpse cutters. This time around, she had seen things she never thought possible back in her days as a corpsec lieutenant. She would do more, too, in order to survive, but this recent relationship with the Shimmering Inferno had been lucrative and relatively unstrained. She was a low-level mystic with a penchant for delivering just the right sort of message. Her preference to not leave a body behind was what made her uniquely valuable in a landscape where life was cheap. This evening had been no different; collect on the overdue neighborhood watch investments over on NE 171st, administer gel rounds to the owner of the stuffer shack on 140th Ave and NE 171st, and collect his pinky as promise of future cooperation. It was rough work, and she did not feel great doing it, but she felt that her qualms could be eased by reasoning that with her on the job, no one had to die. Someone else given the same job would not have been using the same care.

All that remained to her was to collect her due and head home to her own turf. It was not large, but she was proud of the group she had forged together to carve it out nonetheless; a ragtag group of survivors who always had each other's back. Most of them had similar stories to her - it appeared that national and corporate armies thought that PTSD and other symptoms were too expensive to treat their average grunt. Sentinel had brought the 10 ex-veterans and disavowed sec workers together and forged them to a positive influence on their block. No graffiti covered the loop formed by NE 157th St., 156th St., and 125th Pl NE. That was another reason it was important to keep the Shimmering Inferno happy; they owned the turf around this area, except for the small patch which she kept clean by her own reputation. Apparently the wizards could care less who was in de-facto control so long as you worked for them, or paid them in favors.

So lost was she that she did not hear the sound until she was thrown onto her back by a violent burst of light. Thankfully, her flare comp on the newly acquired goggles saved her from the worst of it, but there were still some bright purple spots in her vision as Sentinel struggled to her feet. What she saw stunned her. Where before there had been a small and elegant compound surrounded by security walls and concertina wire there was now just low flame and empty space.

23:42:00 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
NE 160th St & 124thi Ave NE, Sewers, Maintenance shaft D25

The thrash metal booming in Jack's mind seemed almost real. He had been told that his dreams were weird by even the most sanguine druggies which he had the pleasure to know, but he could not imagine life without imagination. His imagination had power, he knew that much. Sometimes, when he least expected it, it seemed that life bent to his will when he was either truly desperate or truly thrilled. He sometimes felt as if he was able to talk with the few treasured machines which he had managed to gather together while trying to pay for his kid's education. At any rate, his affinity for diving was what kept him alive; diving in the sewers on the edge of the Barrens, getting down to the confluence that washed into Lake Sammamish, and into open water was his first and only true love. It was shocking what people threw away, even in the Barrens. True, it was often a case of disposing of evidence as much as it was getting rid of feces, but the mysteries of that underworld made Jack feel like he wasn't the abomination. In the sewers, it was easy to convince himself that he was something better than he was; dirt-poor, starving dad, and an inveterate junkie.

Movement above him made him tense up on the ladder which he had been slowly ascending from his recent salvaging trip. He went completely still except to slowly ease his Needler in the holster on his thigh; he didn't need to get in a fight for a lot of reasons, most important of which was the cost of ammunition, but he was no coward. He lowered the mental volume of the thrash his mind had been playing for him as he realized much of the crashing was coming from somewhere above the manhole he had been seeking. Muted noises penetrated through the steel which were hard to make out, but he had been in the barrens long enough to know a firefight when he was close to one. As he turned to move back down the way he had come, perhaps to the next maintenance shaft 3 blocks away, his eyes were met in the darkness below him by 10 blinking red eyes. Frag! Devil Rats! He shouted. An unknown fight above him was nothing compared to the savagery he could count on if he had stepped into the pack of aggressive animals. He quickly thrust himself up to undo the latch securing the manhole cover but found himself being thrown up and out as some force lifted the cover forcibly from its moorings.

Jack tumbled onto the pavement to see the biggest trog he had ever seen holding his manhole cover like a sort of shield against the gunfire skipping past from a desolated building not 50 feet away. Jack gave the troll a startled glance but the other meta was already charging the muzzle flashes with a lit Molotov in his other hand. Frag you, Keebs! This is 69's turf! Eat fire bastards! Jack scrambled away as the ground around him was lit up from the apparent explosion of the cocktail being thrown. He made it to relative safety behind a plascrete slab which dangled from steel rebar off of the parking garage before turning to look. Everywhere he looked for at least 2 blocks, there were bright popping sounds and a crush of bodies. Some of the bodies were prone on the ground, but many were making a huge commotion as they busily wailed on each other with chains, tire irons, plascrete chunks, and anything they could get their hands on. His immediate thought was for Barbara and the rest of the rolling 6's... this was pure warfare and from the looks of it it covered their turf. Had his chummers survived?

2017-07-05, 06:57 AM
23:42:00 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 169th St.

Sentinel shakily gets to her feet as she swears, "Fragging hell, what was that?" She turns, deciding that whatever had happened to the Shimmers, it was not her business. Rather, her business was making sure that her own home turf was not going to get caught up in whatever this was. She draws her pistol, just for safety, as she starts making her way back towards 157th Street.

2017-07-05, 07:51 AM
23:42:00 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
NE 160th St & 124thi Ave NE, Sewers, Maintenance shaft D25

Jack does nothing but hide. He strips off his onesie complete with all his gear (what others might have described as a filthy jacket and jeans), throws it down the open sewer and swiftly follows in a illusory flicker. The devil rats have surely fled this warzone.

2017-07-05, 11:11 AM
Running deeper into the sewer away from the shots, Jack finds a corner to sink into and reaches for the public matrix, almost as wretched as the air down here. One deep breath and he's in. The angel with albatross wings snaps his fingers, cups his ear and soars in a staticky fireball to the local chat room as quickly as lag allows. After a agonizing pause, a burning bush appears with a news feed, and a low-poly djinn slowly begins whispering the gangs messages to him. He gives the door a flying kick.

"What the hell is going on?"

Rain Dragon
2017-07-05, 04:25 PM
23:42:00 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
Woodmoor Elementary School

Akihiro was shocked; things were clearly then much worse than they seemed. He forced his limbs to move as quickly as he could, grabbing his already packed bag and tried to remember if he saw anywhere that he could take cover on the way into the school.

Vixsor Lumin
2017-07-05, 11:38 PM
23:42:00 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 169th St.

Looking back and seeing the inferno that was his families home, shock and grief rolled through his mind, one chasing the other. His immediate thought was to summon a water elemental to put out the fire. However that thought was quickly dashed when one of the timbers fell, throwing up a gout of sparks and flame.

Steeling himself, he took off. He ran towards his bike that was parked on the street, glad he left his go-bag in the saddlebags. Quickly flipping open the cylinder of his Cavalier Deputy, he made sure that it was loaded with gel rounds before holstering it again.

2017-07-06, 05:05 PM
23:42:00 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 169th St.

Sentinel keeps a face pace, the run of little over a mile easy enough for her. When she sees the shadow out of the corner of her eye, she turns, looking back towards it as she keeps up her run back towards friendly territory, unperturbed by the explosions.

Rain Dragon
2017-07-06, 05:32 PM
23:42:00 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
Woodmoor Elementary School

The wreckage of the school (plowed over and covered in lave from the major events in the 2040s and never rehabilitated) is actually fairly safe, but the explosions are happening scarily close to the charity station which has comforted you in the past year.

After some thought, Akihiro paused to take a calming breath as he concluded the school might just be the safest place for him at this time, especially considering the various negative feelings welling up inside him as he came to the realisation that those who were there for him in his time of need were potentially in danger this very second. Fighting the urge to dash over to the charity station immediately (after all, he could help noone if he were dead), Akihiro took cover nearby and cleared his AR display of clutter. Swiftly, he focused on a few things. Firstly, he opened a couple of his favourite local forums and news sites and scanned them for information on the explosions specifically more precise locations and whether there was any information available of future shellings even if it was only 'areas of concern' or somesuch like that. If they were truly to minimize innocent deaths as the news indicated, perhaps the charity station might be safe? No. After skimming the pages he had open, Akihiro focused much of his attention on searching for a way he could contact anyone at the charity station. He spat on the ground nearby, disgusted by the overall situation and fearful that the explosions would have severe consequences for those in the Barrens rather than make it a safer place. Not that any of the drekheads that were on the news would care.

2017-07-06, 06:00 PM
The angel wings fold into nothingness and his body goes ghostly as Jack blinks out of full immersion and into an AR overlay. Springing up he snatches his clothes and begins to run the **** out of kingsgate. "Keep it together! Why aren't you bailing?" His free hand thumbs the safety of his needler and a stray thought appreciates that at least the sewer will be colorful when it collapses on him. Thank you ads.

Vixsor Lumin
2017-07-07, 12:22 AM
23:42:12 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 169th St.

Roaring down the road, Apex almost misses the figure on the side of the road. The first thing he notices is the gun and he has to do a double take before recognizing the person holding it. He skids to a halt beside her.

"Sentinel right? Not the best time to be on foot. Need a ride somewhere?" He called out tersely, removing his helmet to show that he meant no harm.

2017-07-09, 08:26 AM
23:42:12 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 169th St.

Sentinel turns as Apex addresses her, and holds her gun on him, evidently not recognizing the Oni as she says, "Depends. Who's doin' the asking?"

Vixsor Lumin
2017-07-09, 12:14 PM
23:42:15 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 169th St.

Apex puts his left arm up, palm out. His right is holding the helmet."Apex. I am...." He stops and catches himself. "I was an enforcer for the Shimmering Inferno." He finishes, and points his thumb back towards the fire behind him. He pushes his helmet back onto his head, not sure that he can keep a strong face right now. "If you'd rather walk, I won't stop you." He says, his voice slightly muffled.

2017-07-09, 05:03 PM
23:42:15 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 169th St.

Sentinel looks Apex in the eye, then holsters her gun and says, "Right. Do you know where the Old Guns' territory is? I'm headed home. And seeing what happened to the Shimmers...Well, if you prove yourself trustworthy, there might even be room for a spare enforcer, if you're willing to play by the rules."

Trevethan Norn
2017-07-09, 11:22 PM
23:42:00 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
NE 160th St & 124thi Ave NE, Sewers, Maintenance shaft D25


The sewer stretches out in 3 directions before Jack, but he knows the authorities long-since blocked off access underneath the 405. North lies the access manifolds of the old construction yard built in the wake of the 'quake when gentrification was a hot topic for the electorate. South of Jack the sewers turn iffy until they finally arrive under the redmon district courthouse and the official presence which passes for law in the touristville area. The sewers to the east are bad, but extensive and cover most of the territory of Northern Redmond. Jack's compound lies that way with the remains of his mates.

2017-07-10, 08:15 AM
Jack heads south, intently listening to the tough over deafening sound.

Vixsor Lumin
2017-07-10, 03:10 PM
Apex rolls his eyes under his helmet and prepares to remark on playing by te rules, but the retort dies, as he thinks about the fact that he actually does need a new job."I know where it is." As soon as she gets on the bike he takes off towards the Old Guns territory.

Rain Dragon
2017-07-10, 10:45 PM
23:43:02 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
Woodmoor Elementary School

A sudden movement caught out of the corner of his eye prompted Akihiro to look around in meatspace, all too aware of the potential for danger especially from those who are fleeing the disaster. Fearful folk do terrible things, after all. Looking around Akihiro saw nothing immediately threatening, but he noted his cover may prove inadequate. As Akihiro dismissed a couple of useless threads as lacking in answers, he scanned his surroundings for a better hiding place amid the wreckage. The school was a little eerie despite reminding him of the many abandoned places Akihiro had had to stay in in the past. There was just something about the atmosphere. It was often comforting to find some evidence of life in such a desolate place.

There, a partially intact 'wall' big enough to hide behind and under cover. Akihiro examined it for a moment, then decided it seemed stable enough. He sat cross legged facing the entrance and out of sight and continued to surf the matrix on AR. With all that was going on, he did not dare to enter VR. To ease his mind a little more as he skimmed through a recently posted article, Akihiro pulled from his bag his survival knife and lay it by his side.

Trevethan Norn
2017-07-12, 02:50 PM
23:57:00 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
NE 160th St & 124thi Ave NE, Sewers, South of Maintenance Shaft D25


Jack trudges through the knee-deep runoff which perpetually flows from above in the Seattle acid rain. His boots have long been used to the abuse, but a new pair would never hurt. Thunder rumbles above as he moves. The southern tunnels seem to be an endless stretch of broken concrete, toxic spills, and refuse. It is perhaps 1 or 2 blocks before the rumble mutes itself enough to not be heard over the swishing water as it filters through the debris. There should be a maintenance shaft to the west, through the small service corridor that Jack found when he was exploring the area in his first trips through the sewer. If he remembered correctly, it lead to the emergency shelter not far from one of the schools in the area.

Trevethan Norn
2017-07-12, 03:03 PM
23:52:15 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 160th St.
Sentinel & Apex

Driving in the Barrens is never fun. It is better than walking, but only because escape is slightly easier than it would be on foot. Apex has run these streets for as long as he can remember, so most of the gaping potholes and wreckage are familiar to him. This night was different, however. It seemed that the normal black and orange fog that was Seattle at night was punctuated every couple of seconds with bright light, and loud explosions. Gunfire, even a few rpgs, was expected in the hood, but this was something altogether different. Apex and Sentinel both peered through the gloom for any sign of danger, but none appeared until they neared the old Charity Station.

The Redmond District Red Cross had a small outpost here where a few dedicated souls eeked out an existence trying to form some semblance of aid and relief in the otherwise dark pit that was Kingsgate. They never had much, but what they did have would be shared with all. Everyone knew that you could get soup on Tuesdays and Thursdays that actually tasted pretty decent, and perhaps even some first aid and grain to take home when you were early enough. For all the good work that the red cross did, however, they were not immune to the struggle for survival that ruled the streets. Tonight was no exception, Apex and Sentinel could hear smashing as a handful of metahumans beat on the steel security gate. It was too far to hear what they were yelling in the dense fog, but their intentions were clear

2017-07-12, 03:23 PM
Jack clambers out discreetly into the tourist trap and hangs up on the tough after hearing no reply. He sends a message to Barbara that he's alive, buys a cup of coffee, and begins begging with the cup while he "slumbers".

Behind his eyelids a angel reads a scroll of gang names and territories, picked up in his years in the barrens, and with one stroke crosses out all the ones that used to be in Kingsgate. The few that remain drift off the page and float before him, a mess of photos, articles and notes. He narrows those down to the vigilantes and the ones hiring contract killers. It's time to look for new work.

2017-07-12, 08:31 PM
23:52:15 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 160th St.

Sentinel stares at the metas attacking the Red Cross and mutters to herself, "God...Do they know any decency...?" She leans forwards and says to Apex, in a suddenly hoarse voice, "Keep driving. We..." She pauses, swallowing, "We can't afford to stop for them. I have to make sure my people are okay."

Vixsor Lumin
2017-07-12, 09:44 PM
23:52:16 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 160th St.

Apex has already started slowing down, before Sentinel spoke up. He continues rolling, but stopps braking while they drift past. "Are you sure? The Barrens are going to need places like this after tonight." He said looking back. There is a brief flash of mana from inside his helmet as he Healed himself. "I won't blame you for worrying about your people, and the decision is yours. My vote is to help them though."

Rain Dragon
2017-07-14, 06:59 PM
23:43-23:53 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
Woodmoor Elementary School

After a couple of minutes of looking, Akihiro gave up on the search for a way to contact the charity shelter. Swearing softly, he refreshed a couple of his favourite local message boards. He closed his social media, irritated to see that during this time of terror one of his friends had discovered that his anime hair colour was blue! Another had posted probably literally a hundred pictures of their new virtual pugs. (Why are they popular anyway?) Peeking around the corner to survey his surroundings briefly, Akihiro opened a thread on 'Silvr' titled 'Wtf is going on in Kingsgate?!' posted only at 23:44 local time. There was already four posts, but it was much the same as everywhere else he looked.

Funky Shrooms - I hear explosions nearby. Luckily, I left not an hour ago. What's going on?
Katie - It would of taken you two seconds to search. Here.
Funky Shrooms - Hey, I know there are some locals on here. Still tho, thx
Unicorn17 - It's good they're cleaning out the place, finally. There was a big gang war recently, too much death. If you ask me, they haven't gone far enough!

Akihiro massaged his temples but he knew a mod would sort this out soon enough. Gripping his survival knife handle, he quickly replied from his Metalink anyway.

Flying Serpent - The authorities are bombing Kingsgate. :smalleek: It seems like they're bombing the lot, though they say they're targeted to spare innocents. Anyone know if the charity shelter up there is ok?

Akihiro resisted noting that though the strikes are against so called terrorists, the real terrorists were the ones blowing up the whole joint. Surely if they gave a frag, the 1% could help pull the Barrens out of its current state but of course such selflessness was largely beyond the truly affluent. Sure enough as soon as he hit reply, Akihiro saw the beginnings of a flame war in response to Unicorn's post. Shaking his head he kept browsing other threads instead, trying desperately to quell the growing anxiety in his chest over the fate of the charity shelter. With what was going on, Akihiro wouldn't be surprised if attempting to rush over there would find him dead or as good as whether by the explosions themselves or the resulting panic.

Vixsor Lumin
2017-07-18, 12:20 AM
23:52:16 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 160th St.

Sensing the hesitation, Apex grips the throttle and heads off into the night. The electric engine humming quietly, he mumbles back to Sentinel, "I guess its better to save the people you know you can count on. There's corruption everywhere out here."

2017-07-18, 06:33 AM
23:52:16 Thursday, October 31, 2075: All Hallows Eve
124th Ave NE & NE 160th St.

Sentinel nods and replies, "Y-yeah. Thanks. I just...We can come back later. But like you said...My responsibility is to the people under my command first."