View Full Version : elder scrolls online: good or bad

Baby Gary
2017-06-29, 08:29 PM
Hi All,
I played skyrim and loved it and for a while I have been looking at elder scrolls online, I have not bought it yet because on of my friends has said that it is terrible but he is just one person, the playground has many more people. so I pose to you these questions, is ESO worth it or not? Is it a good game or not? is t over priced? does it has a playerbase that welcomes new players? and ultimately should I get it or not?

2017-06-30, 06:23 PM
I'm probably not really an expert on ES:O, but I did feel like offering my opinion of the game. I played the game during one of the free weekends that it had and I have to be careful what I say, because I don't want to make it look better than it really is. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the game. Keep in mind that I too was drilled with lots of talk about how horrible and awful the game is. So by me saying "Pleasantly surprised" I mean that it wasn't so horrible that it came from the bowels of hell.

Since they no longer have the monthly subscription; the value of the game comes down to mostly the cost of purchasing it. That's a largely subjective opinion and I can't really make that call. Especially considering I only really played on free weekends, so I can't really make a judgement about how much bang for your buck that you're getting, or how vitriolic the community is.

With that said, I would say that I'd probably fall in line with the current recent Steam reviews: 73% or 7/10 if you'd rather. It's not a bad game, but I also wouldn't really call it an awesome one either. Let me emphasize that with a warning that ES:O is an MMO set in the Elderscrolls Universe. It's not a Multiplayer Skyrim. It's very much an Action MMO with MMO things that you would see in MMO games. If you go into the game expecting Skyrim, then you're probably going to be disappointed. Zenimax really isn't breaking the MMO Mold for this game.