View Full Version : Planescape: Torment: Questions about the Fortress of Regrets (+Nordom vs. Vhailor)

2017-06-30, 02:16 AM
I'm debating whether to take Vhailor or Nordom to the Fortress of Regrets. Do Nordom or Vhailor get any special dialogue or such there? Will Vhailor screw anything up? Will I get epilogues for the party members that I bring along (sort of like BG did it)? And yes, I know that Vhailor (and Dak'kon) gets powered up if he's brought along/rezzed, and that Vhailor and/or Ignus can turn on you if you have the wrong alignment.

About the resurrection thing... I've only vaguely heard about this, and I don't want it spoiled, but from what I can tell, after a certain point, I have to choose three party members to rez and continue on with. Can I rez all of them with that tattoo that lets you can Raise Dead?

Are there any tough physical ability score requirements in the Fortress? I have 25s in all of my mental stats, but only a 13 in STR, 10(?) in DEX, and 15 in CON (after buffs from items, of course). Will a CON of 12 cause me to miss out on anything (since I get 3 points of CON from a ring that I wouldn't mind giving to someone else)?

Finally, is a level 8 Nordom more effective in combat that a level 11 Vhailor? Assume that Nordom has been fully upgraded (except for the Thief "upgrade") and uses his default bolts, and that Vhailor uses his default axe, since I haven't found anything better than it yet. What if I grind for that scope for Nordom that gives him a +10 (or something like that) damage boost per bolt?

2017-06-30, 02:18 AM
Oh, and I have a full party consisting of everyone but Ignus and either Nordom or Vhailor.

2017-06-30, 06:43 PM
About the resurrection thing... I've only vaguely heard about this, and I don't want it spoiled, but from what I can tell, after a certain point, I have to choose three party members to rez and continue on with. Can I rez all of them with that tattoo that lets you can Raise Dead?

If you do the right things, it's possible to resurrect everyone.

2017-07-01, 12:53 AM
If you do the right things, it's possible to resurrect everyone.
Even those that I didn't bring?

Also, is Vhailor's final hour power-up important to his character's story or anything, or is it just "this guy is really bad, go beat him up"?

2017-07-07, 12:27 PM
Vhailor's power up starts exactly as you described it! It can be important to his character's story, since it's just what Vhailor is, after all.

Anyway, the answer is: bring whoever you want. At most just keep a save before the fortress and just replay it with the other character. Nordom gives a better sense of 'being part of the group' (after all, he may be a secret character, but he becomes more of a follower of the Nameless One than Vhailor/Ignus); if you want to see Vhailor going full Ghost-Robocop, take him instead.

As for the ability scores, they are right: I'm pretty sure there's a dexterity (or strenght, can't remember well) one you will miss, but a CHA/WIS will cover it properly.

Edit: Noticed now that you wrote almost a week ago... I suppose you already finished it, then!