View Full Version : Group reward

Maximum Carnage
2017-06-30, 08:40 AM
Greetings, I was going to beg some assistance from you fine play-grounders.

My party recently finished a long quest line that has been growing for some time. Essentially saving a town from a group of werewolves hiding among the townsfolk, so I do believe a reward is in order for them.

I want to give the PARTY something, and not dole out a piece of gear for each of the players. (The werewolf baddies had some phat lootz on them, so I don't wanna overdo it.)

So that leads to my question: What would be a good group reward for the party? Not gold... Not a Deck of Many Things, but something the whole group will benefit from, or at least appreciate.

Dread Necromancer 6
Warmage 6
Paladin 6
Fighter 5

Thanks for the help in advance!

Red Fel
2017-06-30, 09:04 AM
General answer? Money. Which they can then spend on individual pieces of gear for each of the players, because that's what they actually want.

With rewards, you generally have three options.
Custom-tailored. Each character gets an appropriate character-specific reward which they will enjoy. This is great when appropriate, because it's personal and unique and so forth and cuts out the middle man, but obviously, it's not always appropriate. The Dragon's hoard won't magically have one relic for each character just as a rule of convenience, but maybe the King's treasury might. As an added benefit, a custom-tailored reward may serve a story-related purpose.
Money. Almost every baddy has it. If not money, then valuables which can be quickly converted into money. This serves the same purpose as custom-tailored reward (minus being story-related), although it adds a step of having to then go buy what you want. But plus side, almost always appropriate.
Story-related. The PCs gain a home base, or an airship, or a Plot MacGuffin of some kind. It's not necessarily as useful as the money or equipment, but it moves the story along or may make things easier or may add a dimension of gameplay. For example, if they saved the village, maybe that village becomes their home base. Maybe in their downtime they can help the village thrive, which nets them benefits (like discounts on gear, free inn stays, political capital, etc.).
It sounds like you don't want to give them a custom reward. I'm guessing you don't want to give them a story reward (unless you do, in which case totally go with that). So the easy answer is money, or valuables which can be quickly converted into money.

2017-06-30, 09:07 AM
Eternal wand of rope trick, Banner of the Storm's Eye, Horn of Plenty are a few things that come to my mind.

2017-06-30, 09:16 AM
I'll second Horn of Plenty. Or, a once per day item of Tiny Hut, or if you really wanna be nice the Magnificent Mansion. Just, something that will make their lives as a team more useful. Also, another item that would be useful is some form of interparty communication. For instance, four pairs of earrings that allow the wearers to telepathically communicate. Just my two cents.

Maximum Carnage
2017-06-30, 09:20 AM
General answer? Money. Which they can then spend on individual pieces of gear for each of the players, because that's what they actually want.

With rewards, you generally have three options.
Custom-tailored. Each character gets an appropriate character-specific reward which they will enjoy. This is great when appropriate, because it's personal and unique and so forth and cuts out the middle man, but obviously, it's not always appropriate. The Dragon's hoard won't magically have one relic for each character just as a rule of convenience, but maybe the King's treasury might. As an added benefit, a custom-tailored reward may serve a story-related purpose.
Money. Almost every baddy has it. If not money, then valuables which can be quickly converted into money. This serves the same purpose as custom-tailored reward (minus being story-related), although it adds a step of having to then go buy what you want. But plus side, almost always appropriate.
Story-related. The PCs gain a home base, or an airship, or a Plot MacGuffin of some kind. It's not necessarily as useful as the money or equipment, but it moves the story along or may make things easier or may add a dimension of gameplay. For example, if they saved the village, maybe that village becomes their home base. Maybe in their downtime they can help the village thrive, which nets them benefits (like discounts on gear, free inn stays, political capital, etc.).
It sounds like you don't want to give them a custom reward. I'm guessing you don't want to give them a story reward (unless you do, in which case totally go with that). So the easy answer is money, or valuables which can be quickly converted into money.

I should have specified, but the werewolves dropped player appropriate items AND gold, so I'm looking for something other than those.

2017-06-30, 09:29 AM
How about a set of rings of telepathic bond that allows them to communicate with each other without speaking? It would make sense that the werewolves would have them in order to keep tabs around the town without drawing too much suspicion. It's useful, but not game-breaking.

Maximum Carnage
2017-06-30, 09:45 AM
I like the idea of shelter in the form of tiny hut, but I want to steer clear of communication based devices. It's always been a little cheesy in my opinion, and kind of reinforces behavior I don't really want in my game: (Metagaming, because if they can hear each other all the time, it's essentially implied that everyone knows everything. Or at least, that's how my group would take it.)

2017-06-30, 11:58 AM
A set of earrings of the wolf (Drag Comp)
A tattered portable hole, fixing it has it be an enveloping pit
A flying carpet (damaged)
A bottle of air
A Gremma's Cauldron
A ring that gives trapfinding
An intelligent item that trapfinds (Maybe a mechanical monkey?)
A broken down self-pulling wagon. Used by merchants that the wolves raided, can be adapted into a sort of traveling house.
A folding boat

2017-06-30, 12:28 PM
There's always non-material rewards. Perhaps an old, crippled adventurer in the town is willing to teach the party some skill tricks (at no skill point cost), or a rare manual retrieved from the werewolves teaches how to more effectively work in a group (additional +1 to flanking bonuses or aid another or something like that). If you're feeling really generous, you could even give them all a story- or group-appropriate feat in some similar fashion.

Maximum Carnage
2017-06-30, 12:31 PM
A set of earrings of the wolf (Drag Comp)
A tattered portable hole, fixing it has it be an enveloping pit
A flying carpet (damaged)
A bottle of air
A Gremma's Cauldron
A ring that gives trapfinding
An intelligent item that trapfinds (Maybe a mechanical monkey?)
A broken down self-pulling wagon. Used by merchants that the wolves raided, can be adapted into a sort of traveling house.
A folding boat

You're getting warmer, for sure.

2017-06-30, 12:38 PM
This works or doesn't work depending on the nature of the game.

Have word of their heroics spread to the nobility and king.

They are knighted as Knight-Errants of the Realm tasked to do good.

They will generally get free room and board anywhere, as well as a circumstance bonus to various rolls such as gather information or diplomacy with certain people. Many NPCs will have a better starting attitude towards them.

This also lets you plot hook them later.

2017-06-30, 01:27 PM
A magical formula they can use to summon a specific outsider. Only works once per character. Gives them a Boon: Fulfill a task or cast a spell, or give information or somesuch... As long as it doesn't put the being at risk

Maximum Carnage
2017-06-30, 01:39 PM
A magical formula they can use to summon a specific outsider. Only works once per character. Gives them a Boon: Fulfill a task or cast a spell, or give information or somesuch... As long as it doesn't put the being at risk

Can you think of an outsider or extra-planar being that would be suitable for their lvl?

2017-06-30, 02:28 PM
Can you think of an outsider or extra-planar being that would be suitable for their lvl?

A Janni or Khayal or some Fairy

Maximum Carnage
2017-06-30, 02:42 PM
Thanks for all the responses guys, it's greatly appreciated!

2017-07-01, 01:22 AM
I like the standby of a powerful creature owing them a favor. Not an "I'm going to solve your entire quest for you" favor, but it's still interesting from a plot perspective to know that there's, say, a dragon who owes you one.