View Full Version : Spelless Artificer

2017-06-30, 11:02 AM
I'm planning on running a Steampunk campaign where my player's will not have access to magic. Classes like fighter, rogue, spelless ranger, and even barbarian are very easy to reflavor for that setting, (unchanged, unchanged, gentleman explorer, noble savage; these would replace the aforementioned classes). However finding a fit for a technologist type class is proving difficult. Since I don't want to create a whole new class from scratch I wanted to borrow as much work as I possibly could from work WotC has already done. This makes the Artificer class the natural go-to for my needs. The only problem is I don't really know what to give it to replace it's lost spells. Here are some of my analysis and thoughts:

The artificer spell list is actually pretty weak - especially early on. So it doesn't seem like the spells they get are hugely important to the class over all - which is good. This makes it easier to replace. What I was thinking about was allowing them to essentially double up on the wondrous invention: give them a piece of gear and also a "wand". By "wand" I mean an item that reproduces the effect of a spell. Right now you might be thinking "Why cut their spells just to give them spells"? Having a single item that reproduces a spell in game terms multiple times a day feels more like a tangible invention than just re-fluffing the way their magic already works. Essentially, I'd vastly limit their "spells known" in exchange for being able to cast the ones they do know a lot more often.

I'm really interested in your feed back not just on this idea but on any others that would make a "spelless" artificer.

2017-06-30, 12:04 PM
Check this out, see if you like it. (http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2017/04/craftsman-redux.html)

2017-06-30, 12:14 PM
Check this out, see if you like it. (http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2017/04/craftsman-redux.html)That's pretty strong work... but it only has modifications for weapons and armor and a big part of what I want out of my technologist are utility and healing items.

2017-06-30, 03:14 PM
Could also checkout DiBastet's Artificer of Alancia. Basically a reskinned sorceror/wizard w/ some warlock-esque invocations that builds inventions instead of casts spells. 1st-6th level can be found in the homebrew forum and the full class is $1 on dmsguild.

2017-06-30, 03:33 PM
What if you took away the spells, but gave them both the published archetypes? Maybe remove the damage-dealing ones, and start the progression of utility guys at 3rd? You could invent a few more as well, perhaps simulating some of the more distinctive/useful spells on their list.

2017-06-30, 04:12 PM
There's a player at my table who is essentially re-flavoring a sorcerer to be a gnomish inventor. All his spells are actually little items that do different things. It requires a lot of creativity on his part but it sure is fun!