View Full Version : Guessing Roy's masterful deception to IFCC

2017-06-30, 01:26 PM

Roy's knowledge of V. body shielding if (s)he is call back to the Fiends
IFCC has still two timeouts left (one short, one long)
Female Giant will likely survive to the fall


IFCC want to shield V if (s)he is in a dangerous situation. Otherwise their asset it is lost
Roy will not mention the female giant expecting|hoping a confrontation between the two of them, in order to put V in mortal danger (very unfair assumption from me that Roy will do that, but considering the threat posed by IFCC and the fact they are heading in a major Thor temple, maybe he fell morally justified)

And this could lead the IFCC to protect V and lose one of the V callbacks.

edit: minor typos

2017-06-30, 02:03 PM
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too Batman-y for Roy. Roy's smart, but that's a very risky gambit that I'm not sure he would be willing to put V under given his personal character growth on how to be a better leader.

2017-06-30, 02:39 PM
Ah... so dropping his sword wasn't an error. Roy purposefully did that to engineer this scenario.

2017-06-30, 02:50 PM
Ah... so dropping his sword wasn't error. Roy purposefully did that to engineer this scenario.

Ahahah! No, this is too much, the opportunity shows up after the giantess fall. I guess it just matters to see if Roy give the heads-up or not. But really, will be unfair from Roy's perspective and also the character grew ( panel five http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0488.html ) it is not justifiable.

2017-06-30, 02:53 PM
Not outside the realm of possibility, but I would be very surprised if this happens. In addition to everything else said so far, an already aerial high-level wizard with a bird familiar for extra spot checks requires even more extraordinary circumstances than Roy did to have a magic-less giant that just fell at -least- dozens of feet be a threat to them.

2017-06-30, 06:18 PM
The IFCC could have used a timeout when V was being attacked by Xykon, but they didn't. Why? It wouldn't have made any dang difference since V's body would stay near Xykon, and once the timeout was up he'd just do another Meteor Swarm then. V would still be dead, so all a timeout would accomplish would be a slight delay.
The IFCC will likely save their remaining two timeouts for when the stakes are truly high. Should V die before then they will probably just consider it a botched project. Besides, the Order losing a member might work in their favor anyway.

2017-06-30, 07:58 PM
Your theory seems to assume that V is necessary to the IFCC's plans, rather than merely useful. There's no indication from the strip itself that if V died the IFCC would do anything other than shrug and say "oh well, no big deal in the long run."

2017-06-30, 08:19 PM
So, from now on, Roy will be trying to get V in mortal danger, in an attempt to ruin the plans of the IFCC? :smalltongue:
Apart from the fact it's not a very Roy-ish thing to do, he doesn't actually know what those plans are. For all he knows they're trying to make him kill his wizard.

2017-06-30, 08:56 PM
Your theory seems to assume that V is necessary to the IFCC's plans, rather than merely useful. There's no indication from the strip itself that if V died the IFCC would do anything other than shrug and say "oh well, no big deal in the long run."

"If the elf dies here, this whole thing was a huge waste of time." (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0656.html)

I mean, maybe V satisfied whatever they needed since then. But there's your indication from the strip itself that V's life is relevant to the IFCC's plans.

2017-07-03, 04:49 PM
I think the truth is somewhere in between. V isn't absolutely necessary to the IFCC, but a valuable piece to them nonetheless. But I think that's in part because we don't know exactly what the IFCC's plans are, and for V those plans so far seem to be "remove from play at the worst possible time."

I do think "the whole thing was a waste of time" refers specifically to the lengths the IFCC went to to secure Vaarsuvius' soul, not their entire overall plan.