View Full Version : Help Me Gear Up a Grippli Ranger

2017-06-30, 01:44 PM
Pretty much what it says on the tin—I need suggestions for equipping a grippli ranger.

He’ll be second level, which means there’s 1000 gp to work with. I’m open to any official 3.5 or Pathfinder content, and I’m especially interested in anything that’s flavorful, cool, and/or slightly weird.

2017-06-30, 01:46 PM
Combat style? Companion? Any archetypes?

2017-06-30, 01:59 PM
I'm thinking basic longbow, although I like the image of a grippli swiping a blowgun dart across his own skin for the poison effect.

No companion, and I'm not thinking any particular archetypes. I'd love to find some grippli-specific gear, but the Advanced Race Guide doesn't seem to have much. I'm pretty sure there was a Dragon article that went into detail about grippli, but I don't know which issue it was.

Otherwise I'm open to ideas. Hit me from left field. :smallsmile:

2017-06-30, 02:28 PM
I'm not sure about Grippli-specific gear I'm afraid.

There's a number of neat toys aimed at Rangers though, like Boots of Friendly Terrain, the Hosteling armor property, Enmity Fetish...

2017-06-30, 02:46 PM
Grippli are in issue #324, but that issue doesn't have any equipment or much more than an overview of what a Grippli is, and the racial features. I don't even know if those are the same features as they have in the PF book.

2017-06-30, 02:48 PM
Pathfinder Grippli is found here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-grippli/) - I'm not sure of there Dragon Mag stats, but Paizo wrote DragMag back in the day so that's probably where they got it from.

Maximum Carnage
2017-06-30, 02:49 PM
I'm thinking basic longbow, although I like the image of a grippli swiping a blowgun dart across his own skin for the poison effect.

No companion, and I'm not thinking any particular archetypes. I'd love to find some grippli-specific gear, but the Advanced Race Guide doesn't seem to have much. I'm pretty sure there was a Dragon article that went into detail about grippli, but I don't know which issue it was.

Otherwise I'm open to ideas. Hit me from left field. :smallsmile:

I'm picturing the Dart Goblin from Clash Royale, haha.

In all seriousness, though, maybe a net combatant?

2017-06-30, 02:49 PM
The grippli in the Dragon magazine doesn't have poison at all... but, might I suggest a valorous weapon? Increases charge damage. Use battle jump [I think that's the name of the fear. It's a regional feat for taer] or leap attack to work off of the jump bonuses. Anything to enhance mobility and elevation will be useful.

2017-06-30, 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Psyren
There's a number of neat toys aimed at Rangers though, like Boots of Friendly Terrain, the Hosteling armor property, Enmity Fetish...

These are cool in theory, especially the Enmity Fetish, but way out of my price range. Items of equal coolness under 1000 gp would be ideal. :smallsmile:

Originally Posted by DrMotives
Grippli are in issue #324, but that issue doesn't have any equipment or much more than an overview of what a Grippli is, and the racial features.

Okay, thanks for the issue number.

Can it be that no one has come up with custom gear for the grippli?!

2017-06-30, 03:05 PM
Your budget's 1000? Other than potions, alchemy and mundane gear, there really isn't a lot in this game in that price range...

Tetsubo 57
2017-06-30, 03:25 PM
In a swamp type environment I would go with a trident and/or net. Basic gear, a hammock, no need for protection from the rain for a frog.

2017-06-30, 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Psyren
Your budget's 1000? Other than potions, alchemy and mundane gear, there really isn't a lot in this game in that price range...

Well, mundane gear still opens up a lot of options, and there have to be at least a few odd little magic items that could fit.

I’m looking for any kind of modest items that would be helpful for a grippli ranger. I was hoping for some frog-specific flavor, but anything quirky and useful would be fine.

2017-07-01, 07:04 AM
I'm partial to an Elvencraft composite longbow (+300 GP, Races of the Wild), but if you went all-in with the masterwork (600 for the quaterstaff, 300 for the longbow) this would exceed your available funds.

There are a few magic items in the 500 GP range, such as Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker (500 GP, MIC) or Brute Gauntlets (500 GP, MIC), but nothing you absolutely need at 2nd level. I haven't given the Pathfinder system the comprehensive "Shax's Haversack" treatment, so there may be some things out there in PF in that particular price range, but your budget at the moment is pretty much "masterwork weapon and masterwork armor" territory. That's probably where I'd start. If you have any GP left over, grap some shapesand, chaos flasks, or a few dust eggshell grenades.

2017-07-01, 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by Darrin
There are a few magic items in the 500 GP range, such as Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker (500 GP, MIC)….

I was definitely looking at the chronocharms, since they’re handy and in my price range. I think you’ve convinced me to go with at least one of them.

Originally Posted by Darrin
I'm partial to an Elvencraft composite longbow (+300 GP, Races of the Wild)….

And this is perfect, thank you.

2017-07-01, 09:23 AM
Pretty much what it says on the tin—I need suggestions for equipping a grippli ranger.

He’ll be second level, which means there’s 1000 gp to work with. I’m open to any official 3.5 or Pathfinder content, and I’m especially interested in anything that’s flavorful, cool, and/or slightly weird.

I´d suggest you take the "Well-Provisioned Adventurer" equipment trait and grab the Wilderness Wanderer Package to get a start, then go for some ranger-type wands to have a bit of endurance.

2017-07-01, 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Florian
...and grab the Wilderness Wanderer Package....

Where is this from? When I try to look it up I get a backpacking company (http://www.thewildernesswanderer.com/).

Fits the spirit, but probably not what you meant. :smalltongue:


2017-07-01, 09:31 AM
This one may get a book thrown at you... but you can turn 910 GP into 8220 GP.

Find a 13th level spellcaster who can cast summon monster VII. Pay them 910 GP to summon a djinn. Ask the djinn to create 20 cubic feet of cloves for you (permanent duration). Cloves are a trade good worth 15 GP per pound. 20 cubic feet of cloves (http://www.aqua-calc.com/calculate/food-volume-to-weight/substance/spices-coma-and-blank-cloves-coma-and-blank-ground) weighs about 548 lbs, 548 x 15 = 8220 GP.

2017-07-01, 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Darrin
This one may get a book thrown at you... but you can turn 910 GP into 8220 GP.

Thanks, but no summoning shenanigans. I'm the DM, so I'd have to throw a book at myself.


2017-07-01, 09:35 AM
Where is this from? When I try to look it up I get a backpacking company (http://www.thewildernesswanderer.com/).

Fits the spirit, but probably not what you meant. :smalltongue:


The trait and packages are from Adventurer´s Armory. The Wilderness package is from Armory 2.

2017-07-01, 09:42 AM
Is the second one already available online?

According to Amazon, Armory 2 (https://www.amazon.com/Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Adventurers-Armory/dp/160125945X/) won't be out for another six months. Unless you mean another item?

2017-07-01, 09:43 AM
Is the second one already available online?

According to Amazon, Armory 2 (https://www.amazon.com/Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Adventurers-Armory/dp/160125945X/) won't be out for another six months. Unless you mean another item?

Weird. That book is already out, physical and PDF.