View Full Version : Roleplaying The Command Spell and Fantasy Languages

No brains
2017-06-30, 06:30 PM
The command spell is a good one. A 1st-level save-or-suck that can definitely deny an enemy a turn and possibly shape an entire encounter. Sure, it is limited by language; only one word commands can be issued and it can't directly hurt the commanded creature, but I think language is also its strength.

Fantasy languages can be interesting. They can have unique rules and ideas, possibly making command even more potent in certain situations. Nuances of imaginary cultures could create the need for new and bizarre imperatives that can be magically abused.

I want to know some weird commands from fantasy (or if adequately weird, foreign) tongues. It would be most helpful if I could get a source on these words so I can convince other players that these ideas are real. Technically I could just claim that there is a word in Dwarven for "drink yourself unconscious", but I think I would have a stronger case if I proved a respected writer also had the same twisted idea.

Here's some examples from just English:

Blab/Confess: Have an enemy captured and want to know their plan? Get 6 seconds of plot for one spell slot! Throw on Zone of Truth if you want, but technically the nuance of the command keeps them from lying already.

Pratfall/Flop/FAIL: Have an enemy take a harmless spill. It ought to get them prone for a turn. If they are on ground they don't realize is rickety and won't take the weight of them flopping, then maybe you can make them fall through.

Chug/Binge: The closest I have to that Dwarven idea. It isn't "harmful" for someone to drink something placed in a cup before them. If it's a proof of liquor too strong for them, or even poisoned, they might not know that. Although it would be hilarious to cast this round after round, I think at some point the spell will fail against the creature's sense. It would work best as a one-shot.

Any ideas? They don't have to be cheesed up like I suggest here, just weird enough to make everyone around the table scratch their heads.

2017-06-30, 06:44 PM
I'm sure you could make up whatever you wanted. German is pretty famous for using a single (really long) word for a whole concept...

Make up elven words for "Tell me your life story" or "Tell me your secrets". perhaps "perform downward dog" - so they're both prone and weaponless.... idk

2017-07-01, 12:02 PM
Commanding someone to "Vogue" or "Macarena" could be amusing...

No brains
2017-07-01, 10:53 PM
One of the reasons I started this thread was because of that scene where that old ranger meets Drizzt and he thinks about how the goblin language doesn't have a word for 'friend'. I wonder if there are scenes in fantasy stories where the reverse is true, with creatures remarking that english/common doesn't have a word that correctly represents the nuance of some idea.

2017-07-02, 05:13 PM
Dms will likely never allow this but...
Command: "Obey."

No brains
2017-07-02, 07:08 PM
Dms will likely never allow this but...
Command: "Obey."

I could see them taking that one and just have the creature obey, but they only obey the command to obey. We gotta cram a lot of nuance into a single word. I don't know if you can propose something and have the creature magically 'accept the terms of service', as that goes beyond a sudden 1-word imperative.