View Full Version : DM Help Sinmaker's poisons

2017-07-01, 03:48 PM
So, my player has a siege against high level enemies in front of her, and she wants to make it easier by using poison.

But at level 20, any ordinary poison would be utterly useless.

So, she's going to go to Carceri and visit Sinmaker, to see what he can concoct for her.

It should be ingested, as she will be dropping it in the castle water supply.

She needs something with enough save DC to affect high level foes, and she wants it to bypass poison immunity of outsiders,as she expects some there. It doesn't have to be lethal, a debuff that gives her an edge during the attack is acceptable.

It would be best if it didn't "count as poison", like a drug that hits with bad side effects or something.

So what do you think the taanari poison artist could concoct for her, and what would be his price?

2017-07-02, 02:46 PM

Does that mean the only think I could do is homebrew something?

2017-07-02, 02:52 PM
Sorry to say it but yeah you're kinda SOL on this one outside of homebrew.
You could maybe look at the ravages from exalted deeds for inspiration, but yeah at level ~20 poisons aren't going to be scaring anyone, at least none of the printed ones that are ingestion based.

2017-07-02, 05:56 PM
The thing to do would probably be find something that more or less matches the criteria, and then have Sinmaker tweak it to boost the DC and damage.

I guess I'll start with the ravages first, unless you can suggest something more.

Now, what would he want as payment? Last time the party visited him, they ended up saving his life from some powerful blood war recruiters, but he probably only remembers that they wrecked his lab in the process (plus he spent the fight polymorphed into a frog, so the whole affair was quite humiliating, really)

2017-07-02, 06:41 PM
Positoxins from libris mortis?

2017-07-02, 07:39 PM
Stick with Afflictions for a planned attack, and for ingested, that means Pride in Vain-DC 20, and the Incubation period is 1 day, so everyone should be affected around the same time. Bypasses Outsider and Undead Immunities, and requires a Caster level check to neutralize. Charisma damage-in addition to Cha casters, will also impact everyone's SLAs and Supernatural abilities, a good way to soften them up.

For an immediate attack, use the Ravages Golden Ice or Celestial Lightsblood-the former has a low DC of 14 but brutal damage, and the latter hits both Dex and Con at DC 20.

Hire Sinmaker to create a Holy rig you can drop in the well to contaminate all of it, but remember Undead and Outsiders will not be drinking the water anyway-however, Golden Ice can be transmitted by touch through any suffused medium, so you can get creative with the water reserves in the presumed fortress-control water and the like could be a devastating weapon.

2017-07-02, 08:04 PM
The amount of poison it would take to dose an entire water supply at full potency would be pretty tremendous. I would imagine a high DC ingested poison in a quantity to dose an entire water supply at fully effectiveness is going to cost hundreds of thousands of gold.

2017-07-03, 04:50 PM
The amount of poison it would take to dose an entire water supply at full potency would be pretty tremendous. I would imagine a high DC ingested poison in a quantity to dose an entire water supply at fully effectiveness is going to cost hundreds of thousands of gold.

Which is why I asked what Sinmaker would ask for in return. Living in a toxic swamp as he does, he has little use for a pile of treasure, because while the components can be very costly, he doesn't actually make his poisons out of gold. Sometimes "2800gp component cost" means "a tiny flower from hydra-infested swamps, that it would take a level 10 party a week to find."

What are ravages made of, actually?

2017-07-03, 07:45 PM
Ravages are magical, and while some are apparently physical substances, like Purified Couatl Venom or Unicorn Blood, others like Golden Ice appear to be more akin to mundane items charged with holy power. They can be crafted similar to poisons, so Sinmaker should know how to make/prepare them-though perhaps outsourcing some of it to a neutral helper who can use good aligned magic.

2017-07-04, 01:46 AM
There are some poison templates in Dragon Magazine. Stack all of them onto an epic poison (like, say, godsblood), and you should have a ridiculously expensive (especially if you're going to use it in large quantities) and reasonably powerful poison.

2017-07-04, 01:49 AM
Read this for more details: http://www.realmshelps.net/stores/poison.shtml

2017-07-04, 09:51 AM
I know this one, though I may need to reread this.

As far as "sending the party on a weird quest that isn't just a combat encounter" unicorn blood sounds the most promising so far.

2017-07-04, 09:38 PM
Hmm... not exactly poison, but would Aboleth Mucus work for this?

2017-07-05, 04:27 AM
this is the kind of "not exactly poison" that I was asking about.

Would be ironic, since the first time the player visited Sinmaker, she needed to poison an aboleth :smallcool:

2017-07-05, 04:31 AM
this is the kind of "not exactly poison" that I was asking about.

Would be ironic, since the first time the player visited Sinmaker, she needed to poison an aboleth :smallcool:

You're right, that is ironic.

Aboleth mucus is pretty cheap for what it does. The only problem if it works as an ingested poison as well or not, but I think it does.

2017-07-05, 09:32 AM
Even if you rule it does work on ingestion, I think somebody might notice that their water is filled with snot.

2017-07-05, 08:09 PM
Even if you rule it does work on ingestion, I think somebody might notice that their water is filled with snot.

It's not that kind of mucus, but honestly that's a good point.

2017-07-06, 01:42 AM
Well, that's what you need a demonic poison expert for, isn't it? To isolate the active agent, and bind it into something that can easily dissolve in water.

2017-07-06, 02:23 AM
Okay. going for distilled aboleth mucus, just for the look on the face of the player when she sees what it's done to the castle staff.

And as payment, I'll have her bring Sinmaker some stuff from the upper planes, that he needs for his other projects. She's a druid, not really a 'good' person, but right about his only customer he could send on such a mission - he's not going to waste an opportunity.

So, what do you think he could send her for, and shenanigans could I get her into there? I'd really like to GM some Planescape-style adventure. :smallcool:

2017-07-06, 02:28 AM
Okay. going for distilled aboleth mucus, just for the look on the face of the player when she sees what it's done to the castle staff.

That stuff is downright nasty. Unless you have air breathing or water breathing right now, you're good as dead.

And as payment, I'll have her bring Sinmaker some stuff from the upper planes, that he needs for his other projects. She's a druid, not really a 'good' person, but right about his only customer he could send on such a mission - he's not going to waste an opportunity.

So, what do you think he could send her for, and shenanigans could I get her into there? I'd really like to GM some Planescape-style adventure. :smallcool:

Hmm... what is she going to get? If it's something that can be used to fuel apocalypse from the sky, like Angel Tears, then the celestials will not be pleased and is a good excuse for you to send angry angels at her.

2017-07-06, 02:42 AM
I don't think she'd accept a mission to traumatize an angel... but you're definitely onto something here. She's been entirely too trusting to demons as of late, and giving him a tool to do some great evil would be great.

So, any other suggestions on that angle?

2017-07-06, 02:48 AM
I don't think she'd accept a mission to traumatize an angel... but you're definitely onto something here. She's been entirely too trusting to demons as of late, and giving him a tool to do some great evil would be great.

So, any other suggestions on that angle?

Angel Tears are just an example... the spell can be fueled with any good-aligned artifact. Of course, a non-good adventurer looking specifically for a good-aligned artifact might raise an alarm, considering the power of AftS.

2017-07-07, 08:53 AM
So what other things could be procured from the higher planes and used to commit horrible evil?