View Full Version : The Village of Aweholm

2017-07-02, 04:52 PM
Aweholm is a new village, just settled by a few families and friends, it is nestled in the foothills of the mountains, at the first fordable part of the river Awe. There is nothing remarkable about the new settlement, except that every inhabitant (of adult age) happens to be a 1st level classed character.

The majority of the inhabitants are all variant humans, but there are other races.

There are:

George, Corwyn, Elsbeth all clerics of life (vHuman), who tend to the year-round berry trees and bushes.
where every day they cast good berry, and distribute these to all the villages
(Cleric: Magic initiate (druid) Goodberry, Shillelagh, Druidcraft)

Brian the cleaner (vHuman), Brian is and expert tailor, that can also clean and press your clothes every day.
(Rogue, Magic initiate (wizard): unseen servant, prestidigitation, mending) - Everyone in the village goes to see him every day.

Mavis the bookkeeper (vHuman), Mavis is a scholarly type and knows and teaches reading, writing, and spellcraft.
She is also the reason why every adult has a familiar:
(Wizard: Find Familiar, Magic initiate (cleric) Ceremony (UA-spell), Guidance, Thaumaturgy)


No one pays for anyone else services unless it is to cover component costs, all villages work for the betterment of the village, but are not above using excessive force to defend themselves, think N, with LN, or NG tendencies

What does the town look like, we already know that every adult has a familiar and that there are various berry growing trees that grow berries all year round.

The village is on a river at the first fordable point, and is near the mountains, and will probably be attacked at some point, but there is nothing very dangerous in the area, (CR2 at most).

What else would you include, who else lives here?

2017-07-02, 07:18 PM
Mark - Ex Vet/Sherif plain human
Level 1 Fighter weilding a sword and shield with chain armor and a hand crossbow
Provides security for the town patrolling the streets and guarding the gates

Also probably in love with Elisbeth the cleric.

Honest Tiefling
2017-07-02, 07:30 PM
Tamsen, the Town Drunk. At first glance, he seems to be a mooch that no one is willing to be overly firm with, so he moves from one person to the next, accepting any and all handouts and never doing a day's work. Too many are too softhearted to tell him to get a real job.

In truth, he's known to Mark, the Sheriff, to be a reliable source of information on travelers who often visit or pass through the town. Aweholm might be LG/NG, but they aren't stupid and do know that many will come to take advantage of their wealth or magic. He is more likely to be on the NG side of the spectrum, and isn't above going through the belongings of suspicious travelers or sneaking around at night.

He is likely a Bard, weaving interesting stories to travelers to get on their good side to get a better idea of who they might be, and to explain why the town barkeep puts up with him so much.