View Full Version : good one shot adventures?

2017-07-02, 06:18 PM
Hello internet!

I am in search of a one shot adventure for a bachelor party (yes we are nerds). The basic premise is the groom, along with the groomsmen (5-6 people total) need to rescue the bride to be. I have a bunch of third level characters lying around so I am hoping to let them pick from those. Does anyone know of any one shot adventures that could be easily modified for such constraints? Thank you in advance!

May the dice roll ever in your favor!

2017-07-02, 07:20 PM
There's lot of Adventurer's League modules (designed to be 2-4 hours) that can easily be modified.

Breath of the Yellow Rose starts with a nobleman asking for the party to rescue his sister (she's been brainwashed by a con artist, so change up the circumstances of why he has her - maybe kidnapped for a ritual).

Outlaws of the Iron Route has you stopping two bandit gang from forming an alliance, and one of those gangs kidnaps people to sacrifice them to their dragon god. Could easily add that in.

From the master list of all 5e adventures (https://merricb.com/dungeons-dragons-5e-adventures-by-level/), here's some 3PP that might work:

Rescue Wilgold (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/205073) is about rescuing an old mage trapped in his tower. Easy enough to make that the bride. For level 3.

An Urgent Rescue (http://www.dmsguild.com/m/product/209172) is designed for levels 2-3 and meant to last a few hours.

Rescue from Tyrkaven (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/149098) is designed for 2nd level (but 3rd will work), and you have to rescue kidnapped caravanners from hobgoblins. Very easy to add the bride in there.

Check out that master list, it even includes all AL adventures (which are all designed to either be 2 hour or 4 hours).

2017-07-02, 07:51 PM
Awesome!! Thank you so much!! This is a life saver!! Props to you good sir!

2017-07-02, 08:16 PM
I just have one request. Ok, two requests:

1) Tell us which one you picked

2) Give a summary of how it went. :)

(I wish I did that for my bachelor party. Instead, my friends insisted we go out drinking.)

Puh Laden
2017-07-02, 08:26 PM
The Mines of Madness was a one I was able to run in one session. We used the pregenerated PCs on WoTC and there were three character deaths, IIRC (plus one character abandoned the adventure after seeing two die at once.). I just had them use a new pregen when their last one died. It was made for the Next playtest but it works well for 3rd-level in 5e and I think it's free on Dmsguild.