View Full Version : Channel spell theough steel dance or similar

2017-07-02, 09:02 PM
Can the duskblade, ordained champ, spellsword channel spells through steeldance or spells of a similar nature. Cloud of knives thunder lance. Pleases rules lawyer.

2018-07-19, 03:48 PM
Actually this came up again.

2018-07-19, 04:01 PM
Most such abilities specify a weapon you wield, either in that exact text or implied, and usually require melee. For example, Duskblades do it with 'a melee attack with your weapon.' Steeldance does not qualify, because those are not your weapons - they are animated objects acting independently. Cloud of Knives does not qualify, because those are ranged attacks. Thunderlance and similar weapon-like spells are questionable, but I'm inclined to say they do not qualify; the game is weirdly specific and picky about what counts as a 'weapon' - for example, you could probably argue to apply Weapon Focus (Longspear) to a Thunderlance spell, but you couldn't cast Magic Weapon on it.

2018-07-19, 04:55 PM
Spells do what they say they do. You can't channel spells through steel dance