View Full Version : Looking for encounter ideas

2017-07-03, 12:25 PM
I'm not the best versed at the lower end of the level curve, so I wouldn't mind a little assistance. Mainly, what kinds of things do you think you would discover as obstacles/enemies in present day central/south america, if magic and all the works were also in existence? Thus far it has been a very open and flexible game, so definitely open to ideas from just about anywhere.

Also, if we can somehow fit in a bee-like theme, all the better! Doesn't have to be for all the encounters, but if that helps to steer in a more refined direction, go for it!

2017-07-03, 12:27 PM
You said low level, but how low, exactly? Also:

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/b8/b8699f80a6be1e6f98a5b00cb7371d63e0834a162219f06596 f9c4de2b52be98.jpg

2017-07-03, 12:36 PM
Well, the Fiend Folio has a genuine Aztec monster, the Ahuizotl, which clocks in at CR 6. For bee-themed, you could try the entamanthrope template to make werewasps, also there's a template to let swarms inhabit undead. Nothing like a zombie or ghoul which is full of angry bees. If you insist on having it be more thematic, it can be an awakened tree zombie full of living bees. Or zombees, whatever tickles your fancy.

2017-07-03, 12:40 PM
Quick replies, I dig it!

You said low level, but how low, exactly? Also:

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/b8/b8699f80a6be1e6f98a5b00cb7371d63e0834a162219f06596 f9c4de2b52be98.jpg

The jokes, they be coming in game... Also, CR 6 is probably the high threshold point for difficulty.

Well, the Fiend Folio has a genuine Aztec monster, the Ahuizotl, which clocks in at CR 6. For bee-themed, you could try the entamanthrope template to make werewasps, also there's a template to let swarms inhabit undead. Nothing like a zombie or ghoul which is full of angry bees. If you insist on having it be more thematic, it can be an awakened tree zombie full of living bees. Or zombees, whatever tickles your fancy.

Awesome, I'll look up that... thing... when I get home. Where can I find those templates?

2017-07-03, 12:44 PM
Did you say partially-flooded crumbling ziggurat temple complex? Because I swear I heard you say partially-flooded ziggurat temple complex.

Take a fairly standard dungeon layout, 10' x 10' hallway with rooms/cells on one side--lower down with steps leading in. Flood the main hallway with 2' of water, which puts the cells under about 5' of water. And just for fun, have some 5' squares in the hallway that used to be cells, but now are just pitfalls full of water.

All kinds of things can be in the cells, and floating around. Zombies, still chained to the walls. Pathfinder srd has monstrous sea wasp jellyfish (mild Con damage). Water rats. Water snakes. An octopus. Giant amoebas, amoeba swarms. Giant frogs. Aquatic goblins, kitted out with water-combat feats. Water strider swarm.

That's all I saw on the pathfinder SRD at CR 1 or less.

2017-07-03, 12:59 PM
It probably wouldn't be too hard to fluff out some mephits so that they fit the locale. And, they're always fun in groups. They're not particularly strong individually, though, so swarm tactics are a must for them. Flanking. Using their SLA's as often as possible. That kinda stuff. Magma Mephits, for example, have a small burst breath weapon with a recharge that does fire damage. They're immune to fire damage, so friendly fire isn't a worry for them.

2017-07-03, 01:31 PM
My bad. The Hivenest template is found in Dungeonscape.

2017-07-03, 02:13 PM
My bad. The Hivenest template is found in Dungeonscape.

Thanks. Do you have a source for the were-bugs? The name you used isn't pinging anything on google, and I feel like its misspelled.

2017-07-03, 03:20 PM
Sure. The were-bugs are an online WotC article. It's here http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040614x

2017-07-04, 04:02 AM
There's also the Abeil, the bee-people from Monster Manual II.

CR 2, 6 or 12 varieties.