View Full Version : Adventurous Adventurers Adventuring - Central IC

2017-07-04, 01:40 AM
Port Argent, the "Jewel of Aurumar," had more in common with every other soggy, worn down port reeking of week old fish and body odor than the citizens of the kingdom would ever admit. Why, just to suggest otherwise almost bordered on treason. Though perhaps a bit larger than other port cities you may have visited, Port Argent didn't have much else of note about it. It was, however, a crossroads of sorts where ships from various nations docked and two major overland trade routes met. Convenience of location sustained this otherwise decaying city in a decaying kingdom ruled by an equally decaying king.

Loathed by the nobility and peasants alike, the king maintains his position and his life through brutal paranoia and sheer spite. Age has not been kind to him, and whatever progeny he may have once fostered have long since been eliminated. It's only a matter of time now... Only a matter of time...

Just after eleven in the morning, a ragtag band of adventurers begins to trickle into one of the smaller taverns looking for a place to meet and get a bite to eat. The Dancing Orc Tavern, or so the sign indicates, although judging by the imagery accompanying it, "dancing" is applied a bit liberally. It is somewhat clever though how the painting of the hanged orc ends at the waist so that little wooden legs can hang from the bottom of the sign and blow listlessly in the wind...

As the number of adventurers slowly swells over the next hour, the locals get a little spooked at the murderhobos odd individuals, quickly finish, pay, and leave. Soon, the twelve of you find yourselves alone in the small establishment, taking up the majority of the seats, and attended by one very nervous serving girl in her early teens. She brings a stew of "meat" and potatoes and a mug of hard cider to each of you as you are seated before quickly scurrying away.

2017-07-04, 02:16 AM

The soft basso rumble of a giant wall of armour and grey skin, far too large for any mere tavern chair to withstand, echoes from lips that smile placidly at the girl. It's the look of empathy in his eyes, the way his shoulders held themselves.

Kolan Dossk understands. The cues are so clear. They've all been nervous before. They've all been afraid that someone was going to flip their lives on their heads. Today was not that day. If he could say it all in one word, he would. He did.

Huge hands pick up the tiny stew bowl and lift it to eager lips. The food within disappears quickly.

"Delicious. Thank you."

A nod, then his gaze turns to the other adventurers.


Not 'well', like a demand. More like the Goliath is asking how everyone is with a genuine hope that they are. Pale blue eyes slowly scan the faces assembled. They're searching, finding the little things.

The people of the mountains, so large in stature, know that the little things are what matter most.


2017-07-04, 02:22 AM
Anthony Ambrosure

Bound to Naberius, poor bargain. Naberius' Skills: Use Magic Device & Knowledge Local. Silver Tongue (take 10 on Bluff/Diplomacy even under duress, rapid diplomacy without penalty). Disguise Self at will (currently in effect).

Sitting quietly close to the bar, nursing a clay mug of a steaming liquid, sits an unusual man. Slightly overweight, wearing a travel and food-stained overcoat and out-dated suit of finery, the man seems very out-of-place among the assembled adventurers. Loose jowls and a large nose perfectly complement small watery amber eyes, which somehow seem to be the most striking thing about him.

He looks about the assembled adventurers, and speaks without rising. His deep, rumbling rough voice projects well enough to cut through most idle conversation. "I have often wondered why this type of establishment holds such a draw to the adventuring type. One would think that locations either more discrete or more obvious would be of better use, depending on the nature of one's 'heroism'. That said, I am beginning to see the appeal! The service has been lovely, the locals unobtrusive," he waves one heavy hand in the direction of the empty tables, "and this mulled wine is truly fantastic. Moreover, I see here collected a wide variety of adventurous types all in one place, ready to take on whatever tasks might be thrown their, or should I say our way. I say our, of course, because I too count myself an adventurer and am seeking a journey to test my skills, and of course to gain some fame and fortune along the way. Are there any of you who seek the same, who look to find their fame and fortune at the risk of life and limb out in the wilds, or the depths of some unknown jungle? Again, a curious profession adventuring... but a rewarding one. More rewarding than others...." The man sits back, sipping at his mulled wine and his eyes losing focus for a moment as he is lost in thought.

2017-07-04, 03:47 AM
One of the humans, bland looking (save for half of a Falharghan priest's vestments that seem to be worn improperly) compared to the many larger (both vertically and horizontally) individuals making their way in, looks around the room nearly constantly with a vague smirk on his face, though doesn't actually seem to notice the patrons leaving until the last one in common clothing steps out and the serving girl is nervously bringing his food.

Soph smiles to the girl and slips her a silver piece as she leaves. "For your troubles, miss, not your boss's. And don't worry: the kreen are kind and the big guy benevolent." Well, probably. He was not exactly sure, not knowing any of the individuals personally, but a lie of politeness was hardly a lie at all. Speak with confidence and people will think you know what you're doing.
Lose 1 SP
"Well as water!" Soph says, eyes seeming to almost light up as he picks up his bowl and drink and moves over to the aforementioned big guy. "Interesting..." he says, left hand holding a spoon of stew as his right supports the body leaning over the table and visually examining the goliath before him. "Outcast or... no, I suppose the most likely answer would just be outcast..." he seems to half ask, half mumble to himself. "Though with a very unusual set of armor... If I may ask, where does that come from? I have not come across its make before."

2017-07-04, 07:43 AM
A young-man dressed in a chain shirt with red cloth details sat in his chair, resting his head on one of his hands as he boredly stirred the stew with his spoon. He looked around the table at his 'companions', before looking at the fat man who had just finished what seemed to be a very contrived rousing speech, "Everyone has their own reasons to go out and risk their neck. Some would love to boast about their grand conquests. Some would rather keep it to themselves." he addressed the talkative man. 'Oh yes, manners and introductions.' he mentally nagged himself before righting in his seat. "Damian Belmont, pleased to make your acquaintance." he said as he put up a short-lived half-smile, figuring out that no matter how much he stirred the broth, it wouldn't get any tastier, resigning himself to eat it. Oily, the veggies overcooked and the chicken almost flesh and bones; definitely not how his mom made it.

This is all assuming the PCs don't know each other until now.

2017-07-04, 08:13 AM
Ryn Liskov

Ryn slips in, sitting well away from anyone who looks like a wizard. He leans his shield on the floor, but keeps his light armor on. One side of his face is burned, heavily scarred by some type of past accident. The scarring extends from his forehead down to his lip, giving a perpetual smirk as one side of his lip is permanently twisted up.

It looks like some of the scars have tattoo markings on them, seeming to swirl inwards towards the eye on the burnt side, which glows with faint green light.

"Ryn. I don't much care where we go, as long as it's not north."

2017-07-04, 10:52 AM
The waitress isn't the only one one nervous around here.

First seen loitering fretfully around outside the Dancing Orc, drawing many stares both curious and cruel, and even a few laughs, was a fairly large bunny humanoid wearing green rags. The rabbit hare seemed to have a problem coming to terms with the fact she wasn't going to be horrendously punished for daring to enter a place of business clearly meant for her superiors. Luckily, over the agonizing course of a few minutes she manages to slink into the place, climb up to the smallest, shabbiest seat that nobody else would want to use, all without being ousted! It all somehow went smoothly until the waitress asked her what she'd be having, giving both Artemmy and the poor girl a good scare when latter fell out of and hid under her chair.

Following the bumpy start and having it be assured she was welcome here (as long as she had money which the hare apparently did...) she was ushered over to the other table where the most of the others were seated and she just sits there looking adorably awkward. The mug is too big for her to hold with one hand, her food nearly spills when it's delivered, and yet, for Artemmy and whatever she's had to put up with in the past, she finds it all to be a feast. No wonder all these other huge blokes like it here!

The quality of the food is enough for her to ask for more, but she looks somewhat confused/worried on how to do that, and watches and listens to the others.

It becomes so disarming that Artemmy dares to add to the conversation:

"I... I'm just looking for work. I won't ask for much money. And..um.. also seconds? We can have seconds here, right?" she asks, half hiding under the table upon realizing she spoke out of turn (or spoke at all, really...)

2017-07-04, 11:25 AM
Anthony Ambrosure

Bound to Naberius, poor bargain. Naberius' Skills: Use Magic Device & Knowledge Local. Silver Tongue (take 10 on Bluff/Diplomacy even under duress, rapid diplomacy without penalty). Disguise Self at will (currently in effect).

The portly man chuckles. "I neither brag nor boast, Damian. Call me Antuan." His eyes track over to the shy hare, and he sets his cup down long enough to push his still-steaming bowl of stew over to the girl. "Here you go, on the house. I'm sure with such a gathering we can find you work of some sort. What is it that you do?"

2017-07-04, 12:57 PM
Garrett sat at the side of the room with his weapons leaned up against the wall next to him. Having been one of the first to arrive at the pub, he was impatient with how long it took for everyone to get here. Even when everyone was here, they waited further until the others had left. Looking around at the others, this was shaping up to be quite an odd group. Hearing some others starting to talk, and no one sitting with him, Garrett decided to stand up and introduce himself to everyone. "If it's finally time for introductions, then I'm Garrett." Garrett is fairly tall for a Human, with a powerful build and short brown hair. "I'm not one for long speeches, so I'll make it quick. I want to get as far away from here as possible." Having finished talking, Garrett sits back down and goes back to nursing his drink.

2017-07-04, 02:47 PM
The man inspecting him and calling him an outcast received a raised brow.

"Not all those who leave home are outcast."

The question about the armour went unanswered as he gave the man a subtle conciliatory look. What with all the people about and introducing themselves, it seemed prudent to get down to business and discuss the make of the Gear later. He wasn't actually entirely sure who made the Gear. It just was what it was. Passed down to him, in the family, some piece of his sire's legacy.

A sly glance to Ambrosure. "He boasts a little," the Goliath said slyly. He knew Anthony. Not intimately well, of course, but well enough to joke with the portly spellcaster --

--was that a rabbit?

Kolan Dossk blinked twice, before moving his gaze on. It wasn't polite to stare. He took a knee. He was still almost six feet tall, kneeling there at the table, towering above those seated.

"Kolan Dossk."

A gauntleted hand found the wooden table, resting atop it while the other found the mug of cider and enveloped it.

"Wanderers wandering find little pay or fame alone. Especially to the north."

The implication was clear. Perhaps they could help one another. And there was little to the north that was good, across the sea.

With a long sip, the human-sized cider was gone.

Silver Night
2017-07-04, 03:36 PM

Zalis sits atop her backpack in one of the overlarge chairs. She has rather the opposite problem that Kolan has, being a gnome and not particularly tall even for that not particularly tall race. Still, it gets her close enough to sample the stew ("My, this meat is very... exotic, isn't it?") and looks around the establishment ("So much character!")

She is wearing clean, well used travelling clothes, but the holy symbol hanging around her neck (a convoluted knot) suggests her priestly vocation. She pipes up as the other introduce themselves, "I'm Zalis. I'm here to, well. See the world, I suppose. I'm pretty good at healing and staying out of the way."

2017-07-04, 03:40 PM
"Hm, interesting. That's the primary reason I hear for a goliath leaving the tribe. I suppose there are other possible reasons. After all, not all who wander are alone... Or was it lost? Anyways!" The man still has not actually touched his soup. Any time he got close, something grabbed his attention. "You all speak like you're looking for company, but not what for. Are you just looking for adventuring work, or do you have something more long term in mind?"

2017-07-04, 03:47 PM
Artemmy's doe eyes widen even further in confused surprised when the second bowl is offered her. A million paranoid thoughts swim through her mind, on how something might be wrong or poisonous about the food, but she can't resist enjoying one of her very first real meals, and tucks in.

And nearly chokes when she realized that she dared not respond first and sputters a little. "Gah! I hunt!...Um, I mean, I was trained to be a hunter, and can cast some magic. And I can cook. I promise, I can cook well. Um.. maybe not as good as this stew but I'll try and try to, I promise!" thinking this may well be her last meal, Artemmy shovels her stew into her mouth nervous but vigorously.

"But yes, I have a bow and I can find things...But um... well, I would be lying if I said this isn't my first job..um... that I was paid for."

2017-07-04, 04:34 PM
Gabriel of Wheaton

Sitting with the others at the table is a human clad in heavy armour, the plated armour covering his body and expertly fit to the strong-built man underneath. Hanging from his neck is a simple necklace with a wooden holy symbol painted yellow, portraying the sun with a face inside of it. The only parts which currently do not have protection from the armour are his face and his hands, for he is ready to eat. "Thanks be to the Sun Father that I am able to enjoy this meal. May the bounty of the fields provide for all." He speaks in prayer, after which he calmly eats his stew using utensils with finesse. Short blond hair, flattened by the wearing of a helmet, sits atop the face of a man in his twenties, with a minor scar running on the right part of his forehead. A beard of some days old adorns his strong chin. His armour, adorned with armour spikes at the shoulders, has seen some amount of wear, though it is finely polished by a warrior who keeps his equipment in good state.
Resting besides the mug of hard cider are his large and heavy gauntlets, and behind him lies his visored helm on top of the pile of equipment he has lugged along with him and set close to the armaments of Garret. A glaive, javelins, heavy steel shield, warhammer, very large backpack with a variety of things strapped to it, amongst which what seems to be a tent, bedroll, bundle of rope with a grappling hook affixed to it, hooded lantern, crowbar, waterskin and an iron pot, and that while wearing full armour, it's a heavy burden he carries with him.

Gabriel carefully listens to the others as he enjoys his meal. He looks and listens with keen interest as the man dressed much like a Falharghan priest asks about the unusual set of armour worn by the Goliath, eager to hear an answer. The conversation turns another direction soon after and he moves his attention to the group again. After finishing his stew and taking a gulp of hard cider, he speaks up with a strong and confident voice. "Greetings to all gathered here. My name is Gabriel of Wheaton." There is a brief pause before Gabriel continues and simply adds: "To obtain fair work sounds good to me at the moment."

Silver Night
2017-07-04, 05:32 PM

"No, no long term plans - well, go home someday. But that's just once I'm done with all this. Adventuring. I want to learn new things, meet new people, explore new places. Mostly."

2017-07-05, 01:14 AM
Quiet but jittering with nervous energy all night, R'Chik-pat suddenly focuses when Soph asks about the group's intentions. Of the two kreen in the tavern that night, he is obviously the younger. Tall and slender, his carapace is a dusty pink-red color and his large eyes are lantern-fire orange. A finely made chain shirt covers his torso, while the tattered remains of pants attempt to cover his upper legs. He wears a sagging heavy-duty backpack, and crudely strapped beside it a hardwood staff with heavy stone blades on either end. From straps hanging off his pack dangle a few three-pointed wedges of the same stone.

The slim kreen softly clacks his mandibles twice before he speaks, as if to clear his throat. "My name is R'chik-pat, but humans like to rename me from time to time. he says, his high voice carrying a rough Southern Auramarian accent. "I'm also a hunter, by nature. By trade I'm a sailor, and an excellent navigator, if you'll take my word for it." His unblinking eyes seem to stare directly at any viewer, regardless of angle. "It's my aim to travel to the sands where I was meant to hunt, but I've not made as much headway on that as I'd like." he continues. "I've a few scattered charts and not much else. I was hoping this meeting would set me in the right direction."

2017-07-05, 10:45 AM
"Well, we're not gonna be finding a job offer inside some soup bowl." Damian said, done with the broth and leaning back on his seat. "You wanna make coin, guess you could always ask the innkeper about what's going on around this town." he said, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder. "That one's a classic." he added before standing up, "If you'll excuse me." he waves before heading for the door.

I'm assuming they all paid before being served their bowls. If not, I can add him leaving his payment for the services before leaving.

2017-07-05, 02:17 PM
Anthony Ambrosure

Bound to Naberius, poor bargain. Naberius' Skills: Use Magic Device & Knowledge Local. Silver Tongue (take 10 on Bluff/Diplomacy even under duress, rapid diplomacy without penalty). Disguise Self at will (currently in effect).

The portly man chuckles and takes another sip of his drink. "Paid or not, work is work! I'm certain that a number of those here, myself included, do not officially get paid for our work. There is, of course, compensation... but not always in any form that would resemble pay."

His watery yellow eyes glance to Dolan for a moment before returning to scan the room. At Damian's intention to leave becomes clear, he coughs a little and raises an eyebrow. "Leaving so soon? We haven't even begun to speak of what brought us all here! Surely there is a reason for having come here."

2017-07-05, 02:48 PM
"I.. um.. I have no particular reason, why would you imply--I mean.. I just need a job. Really." the hare's ears flop down and Artemmy tries hiding behind her now empty soup bowl. "You can't always go home, you know..."

2017-07-05, 03:02 PM
Anthony Ambrosure

Bound to Naberius, poor bargain. Naberius' Skills: Use Magic Device & Knowledge Local. Silver Tongue (take 10 on Bluff/Diplomacy even under duress, rapid diplomacy without penalty). Disguise Self at will (currently in effect).

"I understand, my dear. More than you could know, I understand." He reaches out gently to pat the back of the hare's hand, his eyes compassionate.

2017-07-05, 03:32 PM
Artemmy's hand shoots away from the touch, the hare flinching in reaction. She winces and looks even more worried. "Ah! ...Sorry, I.. um... I don't like to be touched? Please don't be mad."

2017-07-05, 03:45 PM
"If you wanna believe that a bunch of adventurers coming to the same place for a bite is fate, be my guest." he pauses, turning to look at the group, "I have my own matters to take care of, and I can't do that sitting here. You wanna tag along? Fine. You wanna stay here waiting for your 'reasons' to appear out of thin air? I'll pass." he said with a shake of his head and a wave before putting his hand on the doorknob.

2017-07-05, 03:49 PM
Gabriel of Wheaton

As each speaks, offering an introduction or continuing the talk, Gabriel listens and occassionally gives a polite nod to acknowledge he has heard what was said. Gabriel frowned for a moment as he saw Damien set out to leave, but then he turned back to listening to the conversation, with the current speakers being the man in outdated finery with a deep and obvious voice and the hare humanoid. As she mentioned one can not always go home, Gabriel lets out a soft sigh while displaying an expression of melancholy. Swiftly, the mug of cider moves to Gabriel's lips once more with one gulp followed by the next. Setting down the mug again, Gabriel looks in the mug, disappointed at how little remained. Snapping out of his thought, he looks at the others once more, simply listening.

2017-07-05, 03:55 PM
Anthony Ambrosure

Bound to Naberius, poor bargain. Naberius' Skills: Use Magic Device & Knowledge Local. Silver Tongue (take 10 on Bluff/Diplomacy even under duress, rapid diplomacy without penalty). Disguise Self at will (currently in effect).

"Not at all, my dear. I should have asked. Please, I beg your forgiveness." He leans forward ever-so-slightly and bows in place.

2017-07-05, 06:01 PM
"I.. um.. I have no particular reason, why would you imply--I mean.. I just need a job. Really." the hare's ears flop down and Artemmy tries hiding behind her now empty soup bowl. "You can't always go home, you know..."

"Then make a new one," Soph says simply. "You lose something, you replace it, and make the replacement better than the one you lost."
K: Local or Arcana (same mod) to recognize Hengeyoukai? Either way, let's toss in a cunning inspiration, because why not? [roll0]

2017-07-05, 07:33 PM
Massive hands rest upon the table, the mountain stirring to glance at Damian as he went for the door.


It had a please in it. It was strange how he could deliver his words so, like there was softness and suggestion and recommendation all in one.

"Running about after jobs on our own is not enough."

The big man stood again, towering over the table and the assembly.

"Some of us know the others. Others are strangers. We have different reasons to be here, but here we are. Adventurers. Either individual..."

Hands came together.

"...or united. Go alone, go in small groups, or make a union that can take on larger work."

He grinned, his teeth crags against the mountainside.

"More to be gained in larger work. Less that can threaten us with a clan. Understand?"

It was such a simple proposal, even if nothing about it was necessarily easy.

2017-07-05, 08:54 PM

From his chair, the scarred man speaks up.
"Fight alone, die alone. I can believe that. A man, or kreen, or any other lone creature is at the mercy of a single slip of the blade, or a single mind-twisting spell. Clan is important, and where there are no clans, we make our own groups.

The question then is - where do we start?"

2017-07-05, 10:51 PM
Anthony Ambrosure

Bound to Naberius, poor bargain. Naberius' Skills: Use Magic Device & Knowledge Local. Silver Tongue (take 10 on Bluff/Diplomacy even under duress, rapid diplomacy without penalty). Disguise Self at will (currently in effect).

The man sits forward, his posture and attitude changing significantly at this turn of conversation. He is suddenly engaged and focused, his eyes sharp and piercing as he scans the room.

"The mountain raises an interesting point! It would seem that we are all somewhat accomplished in our fields, at least enough so that we have all survived our prior ventures and managed to gather here in this lovely establishment. I wonder if collaboration wouldn't increase not only our odds of survival but our, for lack of a better term, purchasing strength in terms of taking on challenges that might otherwise be beyond our individual reach. How then would we start? And... who would lead or represent us?"

2017-07-05, 11:11 PM
R'Chik-pat whirls to face Ryn in his excitement. "Yes!" he nearly shouts. "A large clutch is a strong clutch. More hands lead to better hunting." He clicks softly before continuing. "I was planning to head South, through the capital and then on to Tsai'Teksa. Many merchants travel those paths, with a lot of fetch and guard work for adventurers. The city itself has more wonders and opportunities than any other city in Aurumar."

2017-07-05, 11:40 PM
"Uh-huh..." Damian gave the group a raised eyebrow. They raised valid points, there is strenght in numbers, and should he meet his end somewhere in the wilds, no one of importance would learn what happened to him if he was alone. 'Discretion is the better part of valor, as some would say' he thought to himself. As much as it dismayed him, it seemed he would be traveling with some of these people. "I suppose we could speak with some caraveneers to hitch a ride with them in exchange for some guard duty." he shrugged, letting go of the door for a bit. "They'll likely be by the market, given the time."

2017-07-06, 02:16 AM
Garrett notices the excitement going on and remarks, "While guarding caravans is good and honest work, I doubt that'd be enough work for more than four of us." Garrett goes on to continue, "Grouping up does increase our strength, but I doubt there's anything around here that would require so many of us."

2017-07-06, 02:33 AM
"Well, not everyone need travel together. I personally would like to relax, stick around for a while," Soph says, finally eating a spoonful of soup and taking a drink. "Might keep my innards from becoming outards. This is a slow town, and I'm sure there are roles in it that could do with filling. Plus, with the trade, coin still flows rather than trickles..." The man goes for another bite of soup before dropping his spoon, a sudden smile on his face. "Wait, that's it! Local trade! Get some start up money by doing a few trade jobs, use it to buy our own caravans, we get paid by the ships to transport goods to the nearby towns. We make some coin there, and use it to hire people to do the more dangerous grunt work that we started out doing, while we focus more on what to expand into next." There were a few gaps in the plan, but it was a start! First they had to deal with the competition of whoever already managed the caravans here... Bah, they won't be hard. "What do you guys think? We've got some strong folk here, and half of you seem to be itching to get out of here, for a time at least."

Silver Night
2017-07-06, 03:05 AM

"We, um, could find things to trade. There are places we might explore, ruins with archaeological significance, artifacts, that kind of things. I'm sure someone - museums? - would pay for such things." She smiles, "It's the sort of thing I came out here to find, anyway, so I would be interested in helping. We could bring them back - whoever retreived them - if you made contacts here or somewhere else central to getting them into the best hands."

2017-07-06, 12:59 PM
Damian brought a hand to his face, rolling his eyes as these people continued to throw ideas around but no one acting on them.
'Should've just left when I had the chance. Dammit.' he silently cursed, leaning back against the wall. "Look..." he paused, looking at the priest who had just spoken. "I don't know your name, whatever. What you're saying makes sense, and sure, it would be delightful to set up a large private company to rely upon later, but I'm pretty damn sure that if we were to put the coin of everyone in here together now, we couldn't even afford a plot of land. One way or the other, we have to get out there and make money." he said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

2017-07-06, 01:28 PM
"So maybe you should listen to what I said, rather than being sour at the world. I said to use the money we would make from guarding caravans, plus anything interesting we might find on said venture, and use that."

2017-07-06, 04:51 PM
Gabriel of Wheaton

Breathing calmly as Gabriel let the words sink in, he eventually raised his mug and let the last of cider sink in as well. Staring off into the distance, he occassionaly glanced at one of the speakers. He had nodded when the overly large man spoke of adventurers united. Another nod when man with the scars of burning mentioned his vital question, which was repeated by the next speaker. His eyebrows lowered, a scratch of his skin when Garrett pointed out there was not enough work in guarding caravans. Muscles in Gabriel's face tensed as he looked serious and thoughtful. Then the tension lessened as he straightened his posture and his face moved left to right, his brown eyes taking in those gathered, assessing something. A flinch of his eyes, then a short shrug followed by a thoughtful pause after which he spoke up.

"I support working together." The words were firm. While Gabriel spoke those words, his head followed his gaze which went over the mountain of a man, Ryn and Anthony, showing whose words he was supporting. "I know not at this moment which single task would be big enough for such a group, unless we together intend to rid the eastern border of bandit raids from the mountains." He then looked at Soph as he began to speak again: "I am no merchant," After which his gaze moved on. "but I am familiar enough with guarding their caravans. It's a fine job. If there are other proposals, please bring them forth."

[roll0] Knowledge: Religion to recognise Soph's priest vestments to be Falharghan.
[roll1] Knowledge: Religion to recognise the faith represented by Zalis' holy symbol.

2017-07-06, 09:16 PM
Artemmy looks put on the spot and barely manages to whisper that everything's fine to Anthony before the discussion concerning a combined job effort begins, and she nods along with the gnomish woman's suggestion.

"Y-yes! We can find things! I'm... I'm a good finder as well as a hunter and I know how to sail a boat. Um.. there's lots of scary things out there but if we stick together, maybe things won't be as scary... safety in numbers and all..."

2017-07-07, 03:38 PM
Anthony Ambrosure

Bound to Naberius, poor bargain. Naberius' Skills: Use Magic Device & Knowledge Local. Silver Tongue (take 10 on Bluff/Diplomacy even under duress, rapid diplomacy without penalty). Disguise Self at will (currently in effect).

"It seems that we may have some consensus that working together would be of good value to all. I think that perhaps the question of overall leadership or direction is one that can be left for later consideration. In the meantime, I think that the consideration of looking both for work locally in or around the city and further afield may be of very good consideration. For myself, although my own skills would greatly lend themselves to use within the city bounds, for the moment my preference would be to look farther afield for a venture. Am I wrong in thinking that there may be ruins and caverns out in the wilds that could be delved for venture and profit?"

2017-07-08, 12:02 PM
Damian opened his mouth, but kept silent, going back to his silent judgement. No use to keep repeating himself over and over. Rather than keep watching these people run around in circles, he opened the tavern's door and left towards the town square. If there was a place where there would be job offers, it would certainly be there. He double-checked that the money pouch with his gold and silver was in it's usual hiding place before pulling up his hood. His endeavor would certainly be easier the fewer people who recognized his heritage.

2017-07-08, 03:10 PM
Gabriel of Wheaton

Gabriel gave a short nod to Zalis, acknowledging that she proposed to find artifacts as alternative to trade caravans. He followed the nod with one to Artemmy and then directed himself to Antuan. "Others think alike. You are not wrong, Mister Antuan. The issue is finding those places. As Zalis mentioned, that requires exploring. A lead as to where to start would be useful, ofcourse."

"As for the proposals, we have protecting caravans, finding things to trade and.. local trade?" He looked at Soph with the latter question, his expression asking for confirmation if he understood it correctly.
"Mister Belmont seems to be going for the first at this very moment." Gabriel nudged towards the door Damian Belmont just left through. "If there are any other proposals, you have my ear. Otherwise, I best get started strapping my gear up." Gabriel nudged one of his utentils which were lying in the bowl in a fashion to indicate he was done eating, after which he gently shoved the bowl and the mug a bit aways to further indicate he was done. He glanced over those present to see if any would bring up further proposals in answer, otherwise he would move to stand up, getting ready to strap the pile of equipment behind him to his body once more.

2017-07-08, 03:23 PM
"Yes. Why hire ourselves out to individual caravans when we could simply be the people who own the caravans?" Why work for someone if you can do their job better? You all seem to be itching to work with other capable people, so let's make some plans for it."

2017-07-08, 05:40 PM
Garrett turn to Gabriel, "If we're looking for somewhere to explore, I'd say having a group of us cross the sea would be a good place to start. There's plenty out there that's not marked on a map yet, and that means there's plenty of opportunity to make money. We even already have someone that can sail." Garrett gestures to Artemmy.

2017-07-08, 11:39 PM
Other than what the group has already discussed, they are aware of several other potential tasks to pursue. These tasks are mentioned in the course of conversation by someone or another so that everyone is now aware of them.

Barbarian Uprising
Rumors have been circulating recently that the barbarian peoples in the mountains to the west of Aurumar have begun amassing an army of sorts. There are no verified reports, but it's been long enough since their last significant defeat that the rumors could be true. An open bounty has been placed on information regarding the barbarians.

For concrete, verifiable information regarding the existence of the formation of a barbarian horde: 2,500 gold
For a detailed map showing the land and positions of villages and any troop encampments: 5,000 gold
For verifiable information concerning the names, locations, and alliances of leaders among the tribes: 1,000 gold each
For stopping the uprising with minimal loss of life among the Kingdom's citizenry: 10,000 gold
Supernatural or Swamp Gas?
Mysterious lights have appeared recently in the Haunted Weald. Superstitious locals claim they are spirits of the dead or mischievous fey or some other such nonsense. A certain researcher with the local arcane college, one Artis Melmair, insists that the lights are caused by an unknown arcane source. He has spent several weeks in the Weald attempting to discover the source of the lights with no luck. As such, he is seeking adventurers to uncover the truth behind the lights and offers their choice of any one magic item from his personal collection for information leading him to the source of the lights.

Vermin Infestation
While carving out a new branch to their mine, the miners working for the Silas & Sons Precious Mineral Company breached a natural cavern of some size. A swarm of giant vermin has issued forth from the cavern, driving out the miners and closing down the mine. The owners seek adventurers to put an end to this infestation and are willing to pay a bounty on slain vermin. For vermin slain that permit the miners to return to work, the Silas & Sons Precious Mineral Company offers the following bounties:
One copper piece for the remains of any centipede of less than 2’ length (Tiny or smaller)
One silver piece for the remains of any centipede between 2’ and 8’ length (Small to Large)
One gold piece for the remains of any centipede of greater than 8’ length (Huge or larger)
Additionally, should the adventurers find the source of the infestation and destroy it, the Silas & Sons Precious Mineral Company offers a selection of either rare ore, precious stones, or coin.

Stocking the Menagerie
The recent fire in King Jejunius' menagerie led to the death or escape of numerous rare and wondrous beasts. The menagerie has since been rebuilt, and the Chancellor has issued a request for the acquisition of beasts suitable to the menagerie.
Two rust monsters; a mated pair. 3,000 gold
Sailsnakes, various colors. 500 gold each
Draconic simians, any type. 250 gold each
Assassin Vine. 500 gold
Yuan-ti Halfblood; must have cobra-like hood. 5,000 gold
Cockatrice, male. 1,000 gold
Chelicera. 1,500 gold
Any Living Spell. Based on spell level, starting from 500 gold
Dinosaur, swindlespitter, minimum 10 individuals. 500 gold plus 50 gold per additional individual
Flumph. 10,000 gold
Unknown exotic creatures of sufficient beauty and/or strangeness will also be accepted, value to be determined upon delivery.
All creatures must be uninjured and otherwise in good health upon delivery and must be of good quality. Death, disease, escape, or other major complication within 15 days of delivery will forfeit any rewards for the creature, as well as a handling surcharge to be collected from the adventurers. King Jejunius shall be presented with only the best.

Imprisoned Damsel
A young man claims that his beloved has been imprisoned in the tower of Ames the Conjurer, who has recently left town on a journey for several days. Despite his best attempts, the man has been unable to gain access to the tower and free the trapped damsel and fears the conjurer will use her as a sacrifice in a dark ritual when he returns. The guards seem uninterested in investigating, perhaps out of fear of the conjurer. Faint cries for help and weeping can occasionally be heard near the tower, seemingly coming from within. Though the man says he possesses nothing of value to reward any who help, he is certain that magical treasures of all kinds can be looted from the tower.

The Ruined Isle
Ancient ruins have been discovered on one of the uninhabited islands to the north. An archaeological expedition has been organized and will be setting forth from Port Argent. They seek experienced adventurers to serve as guards during travel and to handle any traps, curses, or denizens within the ruins. The only stipulation is the absolute restriction against looting. All artifacts are to be carefully preserved and catalogued by the archaeologists and left undisturbed until then.
A payment of 3,000 gold is to be paid to each adventurer, in advance; however, the funds are in bills of credit, which can be redeemed with most local merchants within Port Argent. All goods so purchased will be delivered to the ship and only be handed over upon departure. A regular stipend of 5 gold per week will be credited to each adventurer for the duration of the voyage, to be paid in coin on return to Port Argent. The voyage is expected to last for about three months. Shelter, provisions, travel, and general expenses will be provided by the expedition company.

Escaped Slaves
Although the Kingdom of Aurumar typically does not permit its citizens to own slaves, {{Name Needed}} to the west has a thriving slave trade. A criminal organization based there has created a network to move stolen property, i.e. slaves, out of the country. The government of {{Name Needed}} has issued a bounty of 100 gold on the return of any slave from within Aurumar and a bounty of 1,000 gold on any of these criminals captured alive. The Chancellor of Aurumar has issued a statement urging the citizens to report any information they have that might help in bringing this organization to justice and has offered assistance to anyone working to resolve the situation.
For more information, inquire at the municipal offices of your local Reeve.

A deadly plague is spreading from the village of Hawic in the nation of {{Name Also Needed}} to the east. Aid has been requested, preferably from those who have access to divine magics that can cleanse the disease. An unspecified reward has been offered to anyone who can eradicate the plague before it spreads too far.

A Royal Bride
King Jejunius seeks a bride for his youngest son, Prince Parvlus, age 13. No noble family within the Kingdom has a daughter of appropriate age or status, so he seeks a bride from foreign lands. This woman must be clever, competent, trained to defend herself in battle, and should preferably bring an alliance to some powerful nation. The reward to any man who brings such a woman to the King shall earn the gratitude of the kingdom and five thousand platinum coins, or some equivalent favor.

2017-07-09, 12:02 AM
"Well, if one group really wants to sail, they might as well go for broke and see about whether any foreign lands would be interested in marrying off their young royalty. Other than that, I think I'll look into work that also makes connections. Having a mine or local government on one's side is always nice, after all. Anyone feel like killing some centipedes?"

2017-07-09, 12:35 AM

"Eh, the bugs are easy to kill, but the pay is low. I favor smashing the wizard's tower and taking everything within. The swamp gas or ruined isles look promising too."

2017-07-09, 12:52 AM

"Eh, the bugs are easy to kill, but the pay is low. I favor smashing the wizard's tower and taking everything within. The swamp gas or ruined isles look promising too."

"That's because the pay for just helping out is low. Solving the problem, though, that means gems! Diamonds and emeralds and sapphires, and a possibly useful allied business." One could practically see the gems and gold in the young man's eyes.

2017-07-09, 05:06 AM
Gabriel of Wheaton

Remaining seated, Gabriel listened to the other proposals that came forth in discussion. Healso recalled a piece of information he had not been able to think up of before. Now there were many more suggestions as to what to do and Gabriel smiled shortly. The smile vanished when matters turned serious.

"I wish I could assist the people of Hawic and cure their plague, but unfortunately I have not the means. The rumours surrounding an army building in the mountains to the west are very worrying. I feel it best to assist there. If others feel the same, we can at least verify whether the rumours are true. Were it not for that or if this worry is not shared amongst those gathered here, I will be happy to join you and kill vermin." The last is directed towards Soph when Gabriel faces him before turning to see who is the next to speak.

2017-07-09, 05:28 AM
"Well, nobody wars in a day," probably, "so that's also why I feel comfortable dealing with smaller issues. Plus, that money could also probably find its way to some better gear for dealing with the barbarians. Maybe a hat of disguise, or something similar, for example. If you really feel that it is pressing, though, we can tackle that first. I'm not married to any idea, after all." He might be able to finagle a spell instead, but the item would be longer lasting. Besides, can't show off every trick he had learned.

2017-07-09, 08:12 AM
Gabriel of Wheaton

"I had not considered it from that viewpoint." Gabriel admits after hearing Soph's argument to use the gains from the Vermin Extermination to assist in the Barbarian Uprising while there is likely time. "You raise a fair point. Whatever order we chose to tackle the vermin and the army, I support it."

2017-07-09, 01:06 PM
Trevor Wickham

Trevor bounds into the tavern, looks around,
Quite a motley crew here, nice. and some nice places to explore. let's get going then! This should be fun.
He then walks out of the tavern, trying to do a cartwheel along the way, failing miserably; laughing all the while.

2017-07-09, 06:18 PM
As new options of revenue present themselves, R'chik-pat again grows agitated. "I support stocking the king's menagerie. I said it before, but I'm a good tracker. It's what I was made to do." he says, clicking boastfully. "If I can't gather interest for that, I'm willing to find a royal bride for the prince."

2017-07-10, 12:29 PM
Anthony Ambrosure

Bound to Naberius, poor bargain. Naberius' Skills: Use Magic Device & Knowledge Local. Silver Tongue (take 10 on Bluff/Diplomacy even under duress, rapid diplomacy without penalty). Disguise Self at will (currently in effect).

"Ahh, our meeting of minds has born fruit! I must say, many appealing options exist. The existence of slavery is a terrible thing... and I have a feeling that we can both complete that job and gain an assortment of allies at the same time. That being said, it may perhaps be a bit beyond our reach for the moment. Counting barbarians and forging a peace there, on the other hand... that seems quite achievable. That said, push come to shove and I'll be as happy destroying centipedes as I am here drinking this delightful mulled wine."

2017-07-10, 05:00 PM
The mention of barbarians made Dossk frown. Mountain tribes, coming down? What was going on? There was more to this than the threat of violence. Had the politics of the mountains gone south?

"I am concerned about the barbarians."

It was a statement of concern and intent all at once.

"Armies do not wait. They grow larger and more dangerous, and the longer they wait, the less likely diplomacy is to succeed. Some should engage this now. Others can generate coin in other ways to build us up."

The big goliath's hands left the table. He knew where he was going.

"At least three others would be helpful. A tracker and scout. A spellcaster. A healer. Volunteers?"

Eyes flicked around the room, landing on Ambrosure. Hopefully, the sorcerer would stick with him.

2017-07-10, 05:13 PM
Anthony Ambrosure

Bound to Naberius, poor bargain. Naberius' Skills: Use Magic Device & Knowledge Local. Silver Tongue (take 10 on Bluff/Diplomacy even under duress, rapid diplomacy without penalty). Disguise Self at will (currently in effect).

Anthony returns Kolan's gaze with a nod. "I do believe that heading into the mountains would be a very good setting for me, at this time. Life in the city has grown... complicated... of late, and I would enjoy some fresh air. Any others interested? I have little skill in tracking or healing."

2017-07-10, 06:26 PM
"I'm mostly interested in the ruins on the island up North but, having fought against the Western barbarians before, I'd be interested in helping out there. I'd also be interested in helping to rescue the damsel."

2017-07-10, 10:46 PM
Artemmy shakes her head so much that her ears flop about.

"No slavery! No! I won't be a party to that now matter how safe we are together." thus speaks the will of the not-so-brave bunny. She won't go into details but she reads from the list and timidly suggests other options.

"Um... those isles sound nice; at least if they're in ruin, most of the bad stuff is probably long gone by now, I would hope, or maybe..
oh dear... if there's a poor girl suffering in a tower maybe we could help her in a few days and move onto the next job before that awful wizard knows what we did... But.. Well, I DID say i was a good hunter and finder so...maybe we should deal with those escaped creatures next?"

2017-07-11, 01:07 AM
Gabriel of Wheaton

"My worry about the army building up is shared." Gabriel states upon hearing Kolan Dossk. "I will go together with you to check that out first." He states towards Kolan and Antuan.

He then turns to Soph. "If you take on this task first as well, we can see whether they still need help with the vermin afterwards. Sounds good?"

Gabriel this time around does get up from his chair and sets about picking up the pile of equipment which had laid behind him.

2017-07-11, 03:01 AM
Gabriel of Wheaton

"My worry about the army building up is shared." Gabriel states upon hearing Kolan Dossk. "I will go together with you to check that out first." He states towards Kolan and Antuan.

He then turns to Soph. "If you take on this task first as well, we can see whether they still need help with the vermin afterwards. Sounds good?"

Gabriel this time around does get up from his chair and sets about picking up the pile of equipment which had laid behind him.

Soph thinks a moment. His goals are met, two high potential jobs taken and dealt with. Nodding, he says "Sounds good. When ought we set out?"

2017-07-11, 03:07 AM
Kolan thought for a moment.

"Research and preparation, now; things like a good map of the area. Learning the rumours. Seeing what information is out there already. Set out at dawn?"

Amateurs considered tactics. Professionals considered logistics.

2017-07-11, 05:22 PM
Seeing that there was someone else interested in the isle, Garrett speaks up, "Alright, is there anyone else that would like to go to the isle with me and, um" Garrett turns to Artemmy, "What was your name again, little rabbit person?" Garrett clears his voice and resumes speaking to everyone, "We'd only need one or two more to get going."

Silver Night
2017-07-11, 06:10 PM

"The island sounds like just the sort of thing I'm looking for, I'm in." The gnome cleric raises a hand, just in case anyone might miss her in the mostly larger crowd.

2017-07-11, 10:06 PM
Quest Links

Barbarian Uprising (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?530006)
Ruined Isle (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?530007)
Other Quest? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?530008)

2017-07-11, 11:03 PM
"If there's no one interested in hunting for the exotic, than I'll join the group hunting for the ruins." say R'Chik-pat. "Who knows? We might still manage to capture an unusual creature or two on the trip." The kreen click-chuckles to himself softly.

2017-07-12, 01:52 AM
"Good hunting, friends. Let us do what must be done."

With that, Kolan Dossk headed outside to wait for the barbarian investigation group...

And leaves this thread for the other!

2017-07-12, 09:45 AM
Artemmy looks around at the splitting up crowds, seemingly torn on her options. However, she quickly nods in goodbye to Anthony before bolting at the group that in her opinion holds the least amount of danger. "Sorry, but.. um.. we'll see each other again, I hope!"

2017-07-12, 10:45 AM
Anthony Ambrosure

Bound to Naberius, poor bargain. Naberius' Skills: Use Magic Device & Knowledge Local. Silver Tongue (take 10 on Bluff/Diplomacy even under duress, rapid diplomacy without penalty). Disguise Self at will (currently in effect).

Anthony waves at the young hengeyokai as they both make their separate ways. "Not a worry, young one. I'm certain we shall see each other soon enough." With that, he makes his way out the door and joins his barbarian seeking companions.

2017-07-12, 03:29 PM
Gabriel of Wheaton

When finally the large and heavy backpack is strapped to his body along with his weapons, Gabriel puts on his gauntlets and gives a final nod. "May the Shining One illuminate each of our paths." With that said, he heads out and joins the other setting out to meet the challenge of a potential threat from an army building up.