View Full Version : DM Help World building

2017-07-04, 03:22 AM
I have recently taken on the challenge to build a fantasy world for a 5e game that's probably not happening. Being a total newb to 5e makes it difficult but I've managed. I've had a much more experienced dm friend check it out and he says it's cool but it needs more I need help filling up my world with lore and items that are actually cool but lore based. Can I get HELPFUL insight and critique for this world I have built please.
History/lore of magiwill
The startower exists in the space between planes. It acts as an elevator to the other planes. At the same time however it also acts like a reality barrier that keeps the realms from "bleeding" into other realms which can be catastrophic to magiwill (example you don't want to have the plane of fire bleeding into the plane of water or vice versa). The planes usually have fluid borders which has caused terrible damage in all the realms which is why the startower has to be the borders. For example imagine someone casts burning hands on the "earth" casting that will cause the plane of fire to vibrate as if someone has put their hands in water. Then as the "magic waves" grow in size it will flow over into the other elemental planes then growing so big they flow into every other planes muddying the magic in those planes causing spells to be either more powerful than usual or not allowing casters to use the magic from those planes for up to 1000 years depending on how powerful the spell was when magic remains stagnant for such a long time Chaos rises from the 9th hell to conquer the multiverse
There was at one point one single elven pantheon, which included Lolth goddess of invisibility and stealth and spiders married to gruumsh god of war/wrath/vengeance and storms. then during the elven civil war the elves were split on what to do with the other races in the realm, the humans dwarves and halflings. Lolth and gruumsh thought the elves should destroy the weaker races with their superior numbers since there were so few of them but Corellon Larethian, and zol-narkin the sun God said no we shouldn't destroy them they may be weaker but they can still be useful. Lolth and gruumsh fought against Corellon Larethian, and zol-narkin bringing together their most loyal servants having them fight against the servants of the good elven gods. During the battle the Gruumsh and Lolth battled Corellon Larethian and his brother zol-narkin. During the battle Lolth lost 2 pairs of arms and gruumsh lost his right hand and his eye. His blood covered the battle field which turned his servants into orcs while lolths blood turned her servants into dark elves. The orcish mountain range is considered the hand gruumsh and lolths arms. The dark elves and orcs often marry and have half dark elf half orc kids. Their marriage ritual includes kidnapping 100 humans and 50 high elves, then the dark elf takes a knife and cuts down to their shoulder bones and the orc cuts their wrist also down to the bone before killing the humans and high elves as brutally as possible then bathing in their blood and having a blood festival. Ya brutal.
Lolth attempted an incursion 10,000 years ago but Corellon Larethian and his brother raised up a group of elven adventurers who ended the incursion.
The worlds history has been split into 7 ages all of which have spanned at least 5000 years
First age
the first age was the age of forces (working title). This age's length isn't exactly known since nobody actually knows how long the Order and Chaos entities were fighting but it's assumed to be about this time frame. The Order and Chaos entities fought for millennia one side would get a small advantage on the other but the other would then gain more power. This age was ended when Order trapped Chaos in the far realms.
Second age
The second age was the age of creation. After the first age was over and Chaos was trapped in the far realms, Order used her powers to create magiwill and all of the other planes and birthed the pantheons of gods who would rule over the realms and protect the them from Chaos's power. The second age ended when the first elves were created by zol-narkin
Third age
The third age is known as the age of the high elves. This age was full of huge discoveries including the discovery of magic and the discovery of the planes. The elves expanded their empire across the world and even into the other planes. This age ended when the elven civil war broke out. This age lasted for about 120 centuries its the longest age in known history and the first one with a real solid length
Fourth age
The fourth age was known as the age of division. This age saw the downfall of the high elven empire, and the creation of the different religions/races of elves from the orcs and dark elves to the wood elves. After the orcs and dark elves split the high elves only allowed their people to worship zol-narkin and the now wood elves didn't like that so they split away from the high elves preferring to worship nature instead of only worshipping Zol-narkin. This age ended once the wood elves split from the high elves this age lasted 100 centuries
Fifth age
The fifth age was known as the age of prosperity. this age was an unrivaled time of peace where in the past the realm's races were at odds with each other. this age bridged the gap between the races where elves would normally put up walls in their cities so only elves would be able to get in the cities. Now during this age and the ages to come the elves would be living next to the humans. Some elves even had children with the other races! The elves made an alliance with the other races in the realm called the Odin-Larethian pact with the humans, high elves wood elves, dwarves, halflings, and dragonborn. This agreement said that if any other races get into a war the other races in this agreement will come and help them (like NATO). This age ended when the grey war broke out. This age lasted nearly 1 millennia
Sixth age
The sixth age is known as the age of the grey war. This age was full of fighting, pain, and destruction. The orcs and dark elves rose up and sent their armies into battle against the forces of good. Gruumsh and Lolth tried to break free from their prisons in the 9th hell. The orcs and dark elves fought hard to empower their masters so they can break free from their prison. It almost worked too but thanks to the Odin-Larethian pact they failed to invade the realm. This age ended 15 years ago after the battle of orc mountain and the creation of the startower mages guild.
Seventh age
The seventh age is the most recent age for the last fifteen years there has been peace throughout the realm. Some small orc uprisings but besides that the realm has been clear of any danger.
Important leaders
Arcanos is an immortal high elf sorcerer who founded the arcane library. He was contacted by the God of knowledge, zerion-gal, and gifted with eternal life if he would store his all the knowledge in a single place. He is the avatar of both Corellon Larethian and zerion-gal. (The ultimate metagamer, he knows that everything in this world is just a figment of my imagination and that if he screws with me he will die he also knows that the gods themselves are weak against me. Anyone talking to him must take a D.C. 25 intelligence check to even understand what he's talking about since everyone thinks he's nuts Lol!!!) Legends say that he has mastered all of the magical arts in the tens of thousands of years he's been alive. he holds the only eye of arcanos a circlet that allows him to look into both Corellon Larethian and zerion-gals mind and gain more knowledge.
New player races
*Unnamed race (help needed angel/demon humanoids)
Alignment either lawful or chaotic or any the good neutral or evil alignments or true neutral
Aging same as human except max age is in the millennia
Height "6'5"-"8'5"
Weight 130
Racial stats +1 dex +2 charisma
Racial traits
Divine judgement they can use the smite spell as a cantrip
Winged get a fly speed of 50 feet
Full Ascended
Half ascended
Half fallen
Full fallen
Alignment chaotic evil
Aging adult 4 old 60
Height "7'2"
Weight 400lbs
Racial stats +2 str and +1 con -2 wisdom
Racial traits
Four arms gains advantage on all strength based checks using their arms
Water bound
They get the shape water spell as a cantrip
Add+2 ac in water and gains advantage on all dex saves while in water. Immune to water based attacks
Known as the sea orcs the azure ro are descendants of an unknown orc outcast cursed to wander the seas for eternity. These orcs don't have any ties to Grummsh. Any ties they had were severed when the outcast was sent out
The azure-ro can be... well let's just say brutal like almost every orc with them. They have this nasty habbit of ripping holes in ships and dragging their occupants down to the depths of the sea.
Alignment true neutral
Age 15 adult the oldest has been nearly 100,000
Racial bonuses +1 wisdom and intelligence -2 strength and constitution
Racial traits
Soul bound ally- soul-bound gain a soul bound ally. At lv 1 choose an elemental plane and gain a soul bound ally from that plane.
Each plane gives the soul bound 1 cantrip
Fire burning hands
Rock mold earth
Water shape water
Air thunderclap
Celestial healing hands
Abyss chill touch
Soul-bound are self proclaimed outcasts, they try to stay out of the affairs of men and succeed they used to be considered elves but ever since the dark elves began the war of the elves they split from their families to make their own species. they build their humble cities around the top of the highest mountain in the world where they say the planes are closest together. When they are 15 years old they are brought to the top of the mountain where they have a ritual where they summon their soul from the planes. When this ritual is done they are usually sent off to practice their new abilities down the mountain with adventurers. Their soul-bound abilities are incredibly difficult to master so they teach their young to meditate and be still for 14 years. When they are born they often look still born people often take them to the mountain to see if they are still born or not.
Soul bound usually stick around the mountain where they were born however they often leave for a while to train their abilities up
Name Treconians
Alignment chaotic good
Aging they don't age but they're considered "adult" at age 1500 years old
Height "5'3"
Weight "99"
Racial bonuses +2 dex -2 strength -1 con
Racial traits
Plantlike vulnerable to fire
Seed bomb-can throw these "explosive seeds" that roots anyone who fails a DC 15 dex save (treated like paralysis) they also take on the plantlike trait and take their armor class out of 20 in piercing damage every turn after 1 minute (example 12 AC=8 piercing every turn)
Photosynthesis regenerates 1d6+con health each turn when in partial sunlight (d12+con in direct sunlight. Can't be used when on fire)
Forest bound gain +4 perception checks when in a forested area also advantage on survival checks.
*Special items sap from the tree of life once one drinks it they are cured from all effects and they're healed for 5d20+con
Treconians are well known for their protecting the tree of life a tree that supposedly holds the life forces of every creature in the universe
Treconians live in the forest where the tree of life is. The trees sap has both meditative and healing properties. Their cities surround the tree of life whose sap can either help one ascend to near godhood or heal you.
Their elders (anyone over 15,000) can use the entire forest as a weapon. They also have the ability to control the plants all over the world. When they're in a forest/ wooded area can also sense everything going on around them.
Alignment neutral good
Age adult 20 old is 50
Height 300lbs
height "6'7"
Racial bonuses +2 charisma +1 strength -1 dex
Racial traits
Roar of light as a full round action the user roars and every evil character within its charisma modifier in squares takes 2d6 fire damage every turn for your charisma modifier in turns
Flaming passion attack every attack made by this race deal an extra 1d4 fire damage
Regaleo are known as the rulers of the wild-lands they protect their kingdoms jealously anyone who wants to hunt something in their kingdom faces their judgement (which tbh isn't that pretty). Their strength and courage in battle is unrivaled. It doesn't matter what race you are every race is important to them. Their passion for fighting against any evil is also unmatched. Their passion for guarding the light in everyone and containing the darkness is manifested as fire in their attacks.
For the past several hundred years they have developed these tight knit clans. A small clan is about 130 Regaleo males and about 400-500 females and about 700 cubs. Each clan has different talents
The Glorymanes +1 intelligence also proficient in persuasion all unarmed and roar of light deal radiant damage instead of Fire damage
The Warmanes +2 strength +1 constitution proficiency in athletics roar of light also gives allies advantage on hitting and damaging opponents Savage stance user gets on all 4s doubling its movement speed and takes 1d6 off of all damage and deals an extra 2d10 for every unarmed attack (you lose all your gear when activated except if you are wearing light or medium armor)
S” +2 dex +2 cha -1 wis
Size medium (5 by 7)
Alignment neutral
Society- because of their incredibly fast aging and their parents leaving them so soon once their eggs have been laid (out of 100 eggs rarely 6 make it out of their shells and 1 out of that 6 make it to adulthood), rhinaga almost never look out for anyone but themselves. Most are pickpockets and thieves. They usually go into adventuring because they want protection from their hunters. They're endangered since their blood is a very potent poison, an ounce of their blood goes for a whole lot of money on the black market because of its ability to make a Goliath hurl his mom’s best fish and mushroom casserole from 10 years ago
Aging- full adult at 8 years old (oldest in recent history 20 years old) die usually at 29 years old
Traits-shed skin, poison blood, natural poison, natural bite attack
cobra- +2 charisma poison gives you (and you only) an advantage on charisma based checks when the poison is in the enemy system (after you or someone in your race have attacked the enemy and have drawn blood)
Boa- +1 strength advantage on climb checks advantage on grapple checks after a successful grapple you can choke the enemy out
Rattlesnake- poison does 2d4 instead of 1d4
Class ideas
Modified battle master archetype
Designed for higher damage over all. lower rolls hitting when they normally wouldn't without the strength modifier
3rd level when you roll an attack roll you can choose to roll __ before you make an attack roll as a bonus action to either deal more damage if you hit or if you miss add that to the attack roll to hit when you'd normally not hit when you roll damage don't add strength. (Example target AC 10 you activate the ability roll a 2 now you'd be able to hit on an 8 instead of 10 or if you hit add +2 to your attack)
6th level any friendly creature attacking the same creature then they also get the power of the effect using their stats
11th level when others use this ability use your stats
17th level all allies that can see you or hear you can “push their own strength modifier” to you so on your next turn you can have their power behind the next attack.
Way of the iron will
Level 3 advantage against fear effects and wis instead of con for hp
Level 6 resistance to psychic damage when you succeed a wisdom save you regain 1 ki point your allies also gain your wisdom score for any wisdom save doesn't stack with the other ability gained from this level
Level 11 stillness of mind is bonus action and removes stunned effects
Level 17 immunity to psychic damage when you're attacked in melee the attacker takes psychic damage equal to half of the ki points you have
"Way of the forceful strike"
Level 3: Summon any monk weapon as an action, created out of the complete focus of the monks mind. Flurry of blows now can knockback opponents
Level 6: The weapons created in this way /\ now deal force damage, and the monk can use the same action to imbue a pre-existing weapon with mental force. Bypassing resistance is good, but not game-breaking.
Level 11: When the monk uses flurry of blows, all the attacks granted by flurry can be taken with the imbued weapon. In addition, whenever the monk uses Patient Defense, the monk can spend 3 additional ki to gain resistance to all damage until his next turn.
Level 17: user can create a "force explosion" centered on the user for 1 ki point you can add 1d10, up to 10d10 force damage, halved on a Constitution saving throw.
Animalistic avenger
Level 1 the barbarian chooses a spirit animal to absorb their powers and boost 3 stats and 3 skills
(Note all animalistic avengers give an automatic natural 20 on ride and handle animal checks only on your spirit animal (maybe this should be a +5 competence bonus, not an auto-success )
Example list of animals to embody:
Gorilla powers include:
+STR to intimidate checks
+2 natural slam attacks maybe 1d6+STR with grab
Grapples bonuses
Mammoth powers include:
Getting bigger.
Counting as a size larger for combat maneuvers and carry capacity
Spider powers include:
Web spell
Poison resistance/immunity
Poisoned blood spell to allies later adds caustic blood at lv 8
Poisoned bite natural attack
Rhino powers include:
gore /horn attack
Charge damage bonuses and speed increases when charging
Natural armor
Bear powers include:
Claw attacks
Lots of Temporary HP/CON bonuses
Endure Elements
Eagle powers include;
A fly speed, but no faster than your speed with unarmored movement
Buffs to fly and perception skill
Wolf powers include:
Increased Combat maneuver effectiveness
Bigger flanking bonuses
More survival
Elk powers include:
Speed increases that stack with unarmored movement, like a monk
Hoof attacks
Tiger powers include:
Stealth bonuses
Claw attacks
Porcupine powers include:
When an opponent hits the barbarian with an unarmed/natural attack the user can roll into a ball as a reaction and have them hit my 1d6 inch spikes that do piercing damage
Cheetah powers include:
+30 feet movement speed
1d4 natural attacks per level (as if a monk)
Immune/resistant to electricity
Holy defense
4th level abjuration
Casting time 1 action
Duration 1 minute
Concentration for the duration
Range 120 feet
Components VSM a holy symbol
When cast, this spell adds +2 ac to any allies within 120 feet and also they heal their new ac/2 rounded down every turn they have the spell on them. If hit the opponents must take a wisdom saving throw, if they fail they take 2d6 force and 2d6 radiant damage half as much on a success
6th level conjuration
Casting time 10 min
Spell lists paladin, cleric, warlock
Range 140 feet
Components V,S,M- a piece of charcoal a piece of obsidian
You speak with the your deity in order to banish a person. You banish any evil character native to the plane you're on that you can see who fails a D.C. 18 wisdom save if they succeed that save they take 2d20 + your wisdom modifier in radiant damage
Level 9 Enchanting
Casting time action
When you use this spell in combination with an attack spell or check/save, you maximize the roll. Example you hit with your great axe, you cast this then you do 12+str.
Quick shot
Can only be placed on a bow/crossbow
If your roll to hit is at least 2 more than your opponents dex and AC you as a bonus action you gain an extra shot at -1 accuracy which stacks if you crit you do a "triple shot" at +5 damage and all further shots stop
Weapon always does the opponents AC in extra damage on a crit (example an enemy has 15 AC+dex so a destructive warhammer will do 3d6+20+5)
Unnamed enchantment
Every attack you make you add the roll to hit and your stat bonus on the hit on a crit you'd add your highest stat (besides constitution) on the damage
Example hit roll=10
You'd hit the target and add str + 10 to the attack
Tome of knowledge
This book knows everything. To learn something you must take a D.C. 15 arcana check
Soul-ember Longsword
Sentient Longsword
Stats 18 intelligence 19 wisdom 13 charisma
Lore- long ago there was a warrior whose passion for justice was like a fire. He personally made sure that the accused actually did the crime, but when he found the criminal he would go after them with the force of 100,000,000,000 suns. He made sure that his sword never tasted the blood of the innocent. Then he was murdered by his brother who tried to take the sword and use it for his own purpose to kill as many as he saw fit. But the sword wouldn't take an innocent life. He then realized that the sword held his brothers spirit and he then killed his brother.
Enchantment must be wielded by someone with a pure heart (lawful good) when they get attuned to it their “sins” get purified. When you hit an evil character you will deal 2d12+ *purity level in fire damage
*Purity level 1 chaotic neutral, 2 true neutral, 3 lawful neutral, 4 chaotic good, 5 neutral good, 6 lawful good
"The blade brothers"
Attuned to lawful good fighter with no orc blood
Lawful good
Stats intellegence 12 wisdom 19 charisma 13
A pair of sentient Longswords which are floating above your shoulders. (Penny from rwby) if they're within 5 feet of you you gain +2 AC. But they can "fly" anywhere within 500 feet of the user and can cast any non touch spells on the users spell list. You can also teleport to the swords location if outside of 25 feet. 1x a long rest the user can split the swords into 10 swords and cast Eldrich blast
Lore- long ago 3 high elf brothers. They were so close to one another. When they were training for battle they would have each other's back. Until one day when an orc tribe raided their city. This was their first time actually fighting. they weren't expecting the orcs to be as powerful as they were. All three fell in battle and two of their souls were contained in their swords it's not known why the third brother wasn't bound to his sword.
Fist of the world shaker
attuned to anyone with above 12 strength
When you hit the ground with this weapon you roll damage then for everyone within your strength modifier in feet away takes a dex check if they fail they get knocked prone and they take 3d4 bludgeoning damage. The same area becomes affected by rough terrain. if you get a crit on the ground anyone in a 3-5 square area fissure on the ground from the square where the hammer hit anyone in that range takes 3 DC checks in a row succeeding the second one give them advantage on the last one
dexterity to get out of the way
Constitution to hang on to the ledge
Strength to pull themselves up
If they fail all three they will take 2000000000000d20 fire damage (aka they die)
Phoenix bow
Elven crafted long bow
Very rare
Attuned to any elf
While attuned to this long bow you gain +10 movement speed. When you take any damage from a creature five feet away from you deal the amount of damage you just took in fire and radiant, you gain resistance to fire frost and radiant damage. You are also considered a bright light source up to 60 feet. When you speak the command word as a bonus action and shoot the bow with a Phoenix touched arrow a 50 foot cone of fire damage shoots out and dealing 2d12 fire and 10 radiant to all in the cone see Hanzo ultimate overwatch but with one Phoenix instead of 2 dragons
Phoenix touched arrows
Quantity 10
When you use these arrows up the quiver fills back up with ten the next morning at dawn they deal 1d6 fire, and 1d6 radiant damage when you hit
Kyjarian keys
A set of keys that when put into the hands of a powerful mage can be used to summon creatures from the elemental and upper planes and can cast gate on any smooth surface
Helm of heroism
Sentient helm
Attuned to any good aligned character
Intelligence 19 wisdom 15 charisma 20
You become immune to psychic, necrotic, and force damage. As an action you can use the effects of foresight 1x a week by calling upon all the past warriors in the hall of heroes if you have the spell casting feature you can cast call lightning, fireball, and speak with dead. If you have the fighting style ability you can choose 1 more
Boots of Hermes
Your dexterity goes up to 20 if not already higher 1x per day you can cast fly on yourself without any components you also gain +50 movement speed
Olinone's gauntlets
Attuned to a fighter
+1 heavy gauntlets
These gauntlets look like a regular pair of iron gauntlets. However as an bonus action you can change these +1 gauntlets into either two +1 short swords one +1 short sword and a shield two +1 small shields or one +1 crossbow
Blackblade armor
Must be attuned to an evil rogue
Full set abilities you're immune to poison damage and resistant to necrotic vulnerable radiant and psychic damage
Blackblade cowl can cast suggestion 5x per long rest or mass suggestion 1x per long rest gain darkvision 120 feet
Blackblade gauntlets gives you advantage to hit and damage when you use sneak attack
Blackblade armor immune to fear effects and can cast fear without components
Blackblade boots gain advantages on all stealth and acrobatics checks
Blackblade ring can cast pass without a trace once per long rest
Blackblade dagger when paired with blackblade armor set the blade when it crits does an additional 1d10 poison and 1d10 necrotic damage
Ring of the hero
Very rare
Attuned to any good character
Anyone wearing this ring gains +2 AC against evil characters.
Immunity to fear effects
All weapons act as +1 radiant weapons
True-name template a creature with this template becomes one size larger gains +2 on every stat and magic resistance unless the caster knows the creatures truename and uses the creatures truename on his weapon.
Knight of shadows- whoever wields the heart of darkness long sword, will turn into one of these knights. At the end of the transformation, the wielder’s head is encased in a helmet called the helm of despair which causes the victim to hear the voices and see the faces of all those he's hurt/killed and he knows he has no way of saving them. The heart of darkness effects will cover all other weapon abilities If the sword hits any good alignment character then that character will be terrified until the battle is over unless they take a will save DC 24. It also has the drain 2d6 health enchantment on it. If it touches a neutral or evil character they will not have to take these saves. It uses the victim's stats, weapons and other abilities.(The curse is broken when the sword is broken.)
the wielder will do anything he would do to a normal enemy but to you.
Knight of shadows abilities
CR 16
Can cast Hungry Darkness 1/day
Can cast Enervation 3/day
Can cast Fear 3/day ( functions as “persistent spell metamagic” against good aligned creatures)
Gains the “Undead Lord” Template
Death attack (Instant?)
Heart of Darkness:
Sentient Longsword chaotic Evil
Enchantments: hex of chaos
Stats: INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 18
There are 5 of these swords in existence
Forged by a group of Shadowfell Creatures
Equipment (Pre-transformed)
Gorgon belt
Bone breaker bracers
Post transformation
Helm of Despair: Causes insanity if the creature goes against what the armor wants him to do, and the target takes a -10 on this save. The insanity is removed once they return to acting as a chaotic evil creature or when the heart of darkness has been broken
Boss build
Name-Ganarokk the broken
Backstory ganarokk the broken was once the leader of an orc clan who believed that they could become the avatar of gruumsh by creating a mask with his magical powers. The mask gave him tremendous power but then gruumsh realized his powers were being put into an orc and he destroyed the mask while it was still on him.
Class 12 fighter 8 Barbarian
Takes the bear totem archetype and champion archetype
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 19 +4
Intelligence 10 +0
Wisdom 11 +0
Charisma 17+3
Hp 246
Acrobatics (Dex) 12
Animal Handling (Wis) 8
Arcana (Int) 6
Athletics (Str) 17
Deception (Cha) 25
History (Int) 10
Insight (Wis) 0
Intimidation (Cha) 12
Investigation (Int) 4
Medicine (Wis) 0
Nature (Int) 14
Perception (Wis) 12
Performance (Cha) 0
Persuasion (Cha) 0
Religion (Int) 12
Sleight of Hand (Dex) 0
Stealth (Dex) 2
Survival (Wis) 17
New abilities
Blood lust
To replace reckless attack
When you crit in rage you regain a use of rage
To replace unarmored defense but at level 10 and improved level 15
Level 10
your constitution score increases by one with a max of 20. while in rage you gain what is called durability dice which when you're about to take damage from a nonmagical piercing slashing or bludgeoning damage while wearing no armor light or medium, you roll your hit dice then take off what your roll is plus your con modifier. (Example Kulh has 25hp left he's about to take 18 damage so he rolls his durability dice and gets a 15 total. Kulh takes only 3 damage)
Level 15 improved durability keep previous abilities but now add strength to the fore mentioned checks and immunity to nonmagical critical damage
Mask of gruumsh user gains divine smite when the wearer attacks using a strength weapon use its strength score and bonus example 10 strength +5 mod add 15 to the attack. All grummsh children (orcs ogres etc.) go into a trance like state waiting for the mask to tell them what to do. (As if the mask is casting mass suggestion any suggestions always work)
Ring of the deceiver wearer gains advantage on all charisma rolls and user can cast alter self once a day
Belt of frost giant strength
Boots of swiftness
+3 great axe of fire, lightning, fear
Does 1d12 slashing and 1d6 of every damage listed and anyone hit by it will be frightened for 2 turns
Ganarokks not as evil form
Gorrnok the strong is the strongest pit fighter in the orc clan called drenokao. As a chaotic neutral orc Barbarian/fighter he fights over everything. It has been said that he killed 15 white dragonborn sorcerers, 10 werebear fighters and 12 elven mages casting dominate person on him just because they refused to give him any drinks with a constitution check attached! In every settlement across the continent orcs aren't allowed in but they "made an exception" considering he and his kind killed nearly 1/4 of the continent in the war that ended 15 years ago and those they didn't kill his kind sacrificed to gruumsh.
Boss supports characters/minibosses
2 Druids circle of the moon Level 18 with ganarokk at final battle fight them earlier at level 11
1 Cleric tempest level 4-5 during one shot
3 Paladins level 6 very early in
30 Fighters/rangers level 12-16
4 Sorcerers level 12 fighting with one of the guilds.
5 Warlocks level 14 final battle
15 years ago in the world of magiwill orcs humans and elves ended the gray war over what nobody knows nobody except ganarokk the broken and his clan of orcs. he tried summoning gruumsh using the power of the mask of gruumsh which would empower him to give him immortality. And to let gruumsh grow in strength so he could destroy the elven and human gods This war caused devastation all across the world it killed hundreds of billions on both sides. But more recently the creation of the mages guild helped the world heal. However deep in the mages library is the tome of all knowledge which can tell the orcs where the mask is.
Variant rule
When using evocation/conjuration/divination magic if you know a creatures true name (if the creature has one) you can use it and either deal more damage to that specific creature or have the creature be more powerful or selectively search for that creature. (Example there's a demon lord on the loose you search for it's truename when you find it you "enchant" your weapon with its truename and have your weapon be a +2 against that demon lord only to everything else it does regular damage if it doesn't already have an enchantment. Any spells used against it with its truename 1d12 extra damage.)
True-name template a creature with this template becomes one size larger gains +2 on every stat and magic resistance unless the caster knows the creatures truename and uses the creatures truename on his weapon.
Truename temporary enchantment
If a creature has a true name and you know it then you can "cast" its truename on a weapon which become a will add 3d6 force damage against that creature alone. The enchantment lasts for until the next dawn then disappears from the weapon
Campaign "theme" alliance building and item finding
Setting magiwill
Planes the planes are giant concentric ovals with certain planes touching other planes
The game begins in the city called startower a city of tremendous importance for it is the location of the startower mage guild the first of many guilds created after the Gray War ended 15 years ago. The creators built on this spot for it is one of two crossing points of nearly 200 planes. Here, Magic is extremely Powerful (a 1st level spell is more powerful than a nonboosted 9th level spell). It's a beautiful place. At the bottom of the startower guild there's a portal to anywhere in the planes. The startower guild was designed to guard the realm from destruction but most of the time they investigate stolen sweet rolls. That was until one day when an orc called Gavorkin killed the high elf headmaster of the guild Devorin Baot. After his death his son Travoris took over the guild. He then put together a the best warriors from multiple offshoots of the guild from all across the world to track down his father's killer (the PCs plus a few NPCs who will die). He brought the 8 of them to startower and explained their mission. Their mission was to head north to the orc tribe of Drenokao and try to reason with the orcs. Obviously the orcs didn't do a great job of listening (I mean try reasoning with creatures whose entire job description is to kill and kill brutally or be killed it just doesn't work) because they followed them and attacked the party. The four survivors fight (PCs). They also kill the orc who killed travoris's father. They get back to the city and are given a hero's welcome. Then the orcs come and attack the city with their entire clan of nearly 2 hundred thousand. They then kill the rest of the party and destroy nearly 3/4 of startower. The second group are the only humanoids to survive the attack each has their own story.
The rest of the world now is terrified of the orcs and they're worried that if they attack the orcs they'd open themselves up to an attack. Or if they survive the orcs onslaught they'd have barely anyone left to fight the orcs. Before the attack the skyvalor court mage, travinis varinsi, cast future sight and he saw a great darkness that would fall over the land but there would be a group of warriors who would stop the great darkness. He tried to tell the king of the city but he wouldn't listen. And now when the council of kings has him cast future sight all he sees he sees the same thing. Most of the realm is trying to arm themselves because their kings won't do it for them. Most of the rulers are wimps with the new 6 year old king of skyvalor, king Kiddio Imawymp being the chief. (5 minutes after startower fell, Imawymp let the orcs take his city and told the orcs "I'm not the real king he is I'm only 6 years old." He was pointing to his bodyguard very few people know what actually happened but the orcs were seen dragging a headless body out of the city. Neither Imawymp or anyone of his court have been seen since, most people say he allowed the orcs to take the entire city and the city was burned an hour later with 25,000,000 people still inside.) Aurile, the realm's second largest city, is home to the resistance. A fairly ragtag militia is trained by Akihiko Badasary the greatest warrior in the mage guild rivaled only by the new guild leader. he was on a mission to another part of the world when the orcs attacked.
Akihiko Badasarys (level 30 paladin oath of vengeance) armor, weapon and shield.
Weapon elven longsword
Attuned to a high elf paladin of Zol-Narkin the elven God of light and fire/the sun
This weapon is easily the most powerful artifact of the ancient high elves. This elven longsword has a ruby imbedded in the hilt this ruby can absorb the power of the sun and ignite the blade with fire. evil characters are vulnerable to damage from this weapon. Damage types 1d6 slashing or piercing 2d6 fire and 1d8 radiant wielder can use charisma instead of strength. This sword has 12 charges and can cast flame strike for a charge it regains all 12 every morning at dawn. When the user dashes they gain an extra 25 feet
Mirror shield
This mithral shield has a large diamond imbedded in it. When a spell is cast while you wear this shield if you make a charisma check you can "catch" the spell and then recast it within a minute as an action and you become immune to that damage type until the next dawn. You can use this ability once per long rest

Sun plate
Ac 19
+3 plate mail
Attuned to a high elf paladin of zol-narkin
user is immune to radiant fire and resistant to necrotic damage and wearer is considered to be a source of bright light up to 150 ft and user can cast the spell destroy evil D.C. 16 without material components
Destroy evil
6th level evocation
1 hour of concentration
VSM a mirror and a diamond worth 1000 gold
User pleads with the gods to have them destroy the target. If the target fails a charisma save the target will take 3d12 in radiant, force, and thunder damage and half as much on a successful save
Epic Boon ideas
Boon of the eternal warrior
once a year when you'd normally die true resurrection is cast on you
Natures benefaction available for the Druid and the ranger
Passive- beasts with intelligence less than 3 can't become hostile against
Variant rule
When up to 2 or more people cast the same spell (up to 4th level) the spell becomes ritual and becomes more powerful. Every caster must put in at least one level 1 spell slot except the original caster who puts in 2 level 1 slots. Doesn't work with self spells. (Example fireball when three or more people cast fireball the fireball gains up to 24d6 fire damage when every caster uses a 3rd level spell slot
The first party all level 20
Goliath fighter
Blue dragonborn Barbarian
Half elf bard
Soulbound earth monk
Centaur paladin
Werebear ranger with a bear animal ally?
The second party
Rhinaga rogue
half elf Fighter/monk
Dwarf Bard
weretiger Ranger tiger animal ally
Dragonborn Paladin of garakmat
High elf Druid
New blessing
God dragon flute
As an action You can summon garakmat, the God of all dragons from the plane of the dragons for 5 minutes a day. Your entire party also becomes resistant (immune if already resistant) to any elemental damage
Garakmat the god dragon
Cr 45
30x50x80 chaotic good dragon
stat block
Strength 50 +20
Dexterity 30 +10
Constitution 44 +17
Intelligence 25 +7
Wisdom 35 +12
Charisma 28 +9
Dragon king
Garakmat can summon either 2d10 wyrmlings of random color or 1d4 adult dragons of random color under its direct control
Omnicolored this dragon can choose which breath attack it wants to use. And is immune to all elemental damage
Black rose
Small fiend chaotic evil
These vile creatures are the offspring of a demon and flower. Black roses look almost exactly like a normal rose except a black rose has a dark red color to it and if they're in a forest it will be as if an antilife field spell has been cast because there isn't really any life around. It has a magical poison that when inhaled by the user the user must succeed a D.C. 25 wisdom check in order to stay their alignment and to resist taking 2d10 necrotic damage. If you fail this check your alignment changes to chaotic evil and take 2d10 necrotic while in evil form you get the effects of an antilife field around you. And you become immune to necrotic damage and radiant damage reverses the effects of the poison
World Organizations
Startower mages guild
As the worlds "police force" the startower guild protects the realm from any threats internal or external. They use magic as the last line of defense only if necessary. They teach their students to master the use of magic and how to defend themselves with magic and weapons. Without their enforcement the world is slowly descending into chaos.
Children of Chaos
this shadowy organization is known by many names but the most common is children of chaos. Most of the highest ranking members are advisors to kings whispering lies to have an innocent killed or put into prison or have a guilty criminal go free all in the name of chaos or generals sending troops into battle against helpless civilians with lower ranking members of the children of chaos as the front line, in fact the leader of the group a human called Sedem Damno is the wife of high king of the realm! They were formed in the void that was created when the shadow clan was destroyed 500 years ago. They believe that chaos himself can be returned to his full power once they gather enough dark energy which strengthens him
Sedem damno is the direct descendant of the original leader of the children of chaos. While the shadow clan was more brute force the children of chaos are more subtle. The damno clan has spent the last 500 years creating chaos in the realm. And now they are more powerful than ever thanks to Sedem damno.
The children of chaos believe that the only way to live is to live in chaos and that they need to destroy order in order to "perfect" the world. They also believe that when they die they become a part of chaos
Bloodblade level 2
Death bringer level 8
Death knight level 12
Grim lord level 16
Chaos lord level 20
When a member reaches the chaos lord status they are given a pair of items called the reaper robes and the reaper scythe.
Reaper robes
Attuned to anyone aligned chaotic evil
User becomes immune to force and necrotic damage When the user gets targeted with an attack the wearer can take a reaction to "phase" through the attack phasing acts like the target is immune to the attack and anyone who touches the phased person deals 2d4 necrotic you also cannot age while wearing these robes
Reaper scythe
Attuned to anyone aligned chaotic evil
User gains an ability called soul harvest the ability causes anyone who is hit with this weapon to take 4d10 necrotic and 1d8 force damage if the target has less hitpoints than you
The shadow clan
The shadow clan was group of assassins who would brutally murder anyone who stood in the way of their mission, to eradicate all good in the multiverse. After multiple attempts to destroy them the light though they had exterminated these monsters. The 11 surviving members rebuilt and began the children of chaos
Plane ideas/multiverse explanation
The multiverse is a series of several concentric circles magiwill being at the center and the smallest it's been said that there are potentially infinite planes in our multiverse alone. Some believe that there are even more multiverses that have their own deities and histories that have the chance to interact with their own multiverse. Magic comes from the energies of the planes when they intersect with magiwill
A beautiful world with the best and worst of each plane
Elemental planes
The elemental planes are magiwill's source of elemental magic.
Upper planes
The upper planes are the source of all positive energies in the multiverse. It's locations include the hall of heroism (Valhalla) where all the multiverse's heroes can live on after death and can lay down their weapons and have the ability to rest for the rest of eternity
Lower planes
the lower planes is the source of all negative energy in the multiverse. Locations include the 9 hells, the shadowfell, other places that you don't want to visit anytime soon

Dream plane
the mindscape this plane encapsulates the the other planes and it houses the hopes dreams and fears of every being in the multiverse

Item sets
The timeless king was a great elven warrior king who was born long ago he ruled for 100,000 generations according to legends he was the good father of vecna and kas
Helm of the timeless king
You can cast revivify on yourself when you would normally die (single) can cast future sight 1x a day (full set)
The timeless blade
Does 1d6 necrotic damage every time you hit a creature with a roll of 10-15 any higher/lower no effect (single) when you deal critical damage to a living creature then that creature automatically dies as if they age 100 years in a second (full set)
Armor of the timeless king
Resistance to necrotic damage (single) can cast timestop 1x per long rest (full set)
Boots of the timeless king
Has the gives you +5 to dex (single) has the swiftness effect added to +5 dex (full set)
*New cleric domain (need some help here)
Dream domain
*the core pantheons still exists but these are my deities that I created
Elven pantheon
zerion-gal: lawful good the book keeper symbol-a book domain knowledge
Evinial: neutral good the healer symbol a pink heart domain life
Zol-narkin: chaotic good the sunblade symbol a golden sword with the sun as the hilt domain light, war
Gorani: Lawful neutral the sky queen symbol the majestic eagle domain tempest
Kadarkihm: True neutral the mediator symbol a scale life, death
Waranak: chaotic neutral the snake symbol a snake with dripping fangs and red eyes domain war, trickery
Narokol: Lawful evil the dread shadow symbol the shadow of a skeleton domain war, death
Velkorai: neutral evil the mistress of shadows symbol a black background with red eyes domain trickery and war
Karikai Chaotic evil the destroyer symbol domain death tempest and trickery
Dark elven pantheon
Gruumsh normal
Lolth normal
Karikai normal Lolth and gruumsh' son
Orc pantheon Same as dark elves'

""Elemental lords" (the elemental lords are the embodiments of the planes, they created the planes and have 2 forms elemental lord form and humanoid form)
Gaeon lord of earth plane
Solarin lord of fire plane
Daemos lord of the lower planes (the 9 hells evil planes)
Celestin lord of upper planes (the celestial planes good planes)
Hydren lord of water plane
Zorinath lord of air plane
Unattached deities
Lygari chaotic evil lord of the hunt and lycanthropes
Mortals worshipped as gods/
Vecna chaotic evil an elf who was obsessed with gaining immortality and power. He became high elven emperor after his father died under “mysterious circumstances” (vecna killed him after hearing that karikai had bigger plans)
Kas chaotic evil an elf who was obsessed with gaining immortality and power. He became the general of the high elven army after his father died under “mysterious circumstances” (vecna killed him after hearing that karikai had bigger plans) and his brother put him in charge
The starforge is known for its creation of the metal called starsteel. The starforge takes advantage of the enormous heat generated by the portal to the plane of fire. These forges are the only locations in the material plane hot enough to melt star iron an absurdly rare material found in meteors. The amount of starsteel needed to make an entire suit of plate armor is worth about 100,000 gold pieces. When used in a weapon or armor you gain the charger feats effect

This light blue and silver metal is so stupidly light monks often use it in their weapons to both deal more damage and to make them be better balanced. When the metal is used in any monk weapon it is 1 counted as an unarmed attack 2 can be held with one hand. If it's any armor it counts as unarmored for the monk and gives the monk +2 dex and once a day you can use (some number of) ki points to cast fly without material components

2017-07-04, 05:05 AM
For the love of pizza, a minimum of spacing & layouting...

History/lore of magiwill

The startower exists in the space between planes. It acts as an elevator to the other planes. At the same time however it also acts like a reality barrier that keeps the realms from "bleeding" into other realms which can be catastrophic to magiwill (example you don't want to have the plane of fire bleeding into the plane of water or vice versa). The planes usually have fluid borders which has caused terrible damage in all the realms which is why the startower has to be the borders. For example imagine someone casts burning hands on the "earth" casting that will cause the plane of fire to vibrate as if someone has put their hands in water. Then as the "magic waves" grow in size it will flow over into the other elemental planes then growing so big they flow into every other planes muddying the magic in those planes causing spells to be either more powerful than usual or not allowing casters to use the magic from those planes for up to 1000 years depending on how powerful the spell was when magic remains stagnant for such a long time Chaos rises from the 9th hell to conquer the multiverse

There was at one point one single elven pantheon, which included Lolth goddess of invisibility and stealth and spiders married to gruumsh god of war/wrath/vengeance and storms. then during the elven civil war the elves were split on what to do with the other races in the realm, the humans dwarves and halflings. Lolth and gruumsh thought the elves should destroy the weaker races with their superior numbers since there were so few of them but Corellon Larethian, and zol-narkin the sun God said no we shouldn't destroy them they may be weaker but they can still be useful. Lolth and gruumsh fought against Corellon Larethian, and zol-narkin bringing together their most loyal servants having them fight against the servants of the good elven gods. During the battle the Gruumsh and Lolth battled Corellon Larethian and his brother zol-narkin. During the battle Lolth lost 2 pairs of arms and gruumsh lost his right hand and his eye. His blood covered the battle field which turned his servants into orcs while lolths blood turned her servants into dark elves. The orcish mountain range is considered the hand gruumsh and lolths arms. The dark elves and orcs often marry and have half dark elf half orc kids. Their marriage ritual includes kidnapping 100 humans and 50 high elves, then the dark elf takes a knife and cuts down to their shoulder bones and the orc cuts their wrist also down to the bone before killing the humans and high elves as brutally as possible then bathing in their blood and having a blood festival. Ya brutal.

Lolth attempted an incursion 10,000 years ago but Corellon Larethian and his brother raised up a group of elven adventurers who ended the incursion.


The worlds history has been split into 7 ages all of which have spanned at least 5000 years

First age

the first age was the age of forces (working title). This age's length isn't exactly known since nobody actually knows how long the Order and Chaos entities were fighting but it's assumed to be about this time frame. The Order and Chaos entities fought for millennia one side would get a small advantage on the other but the other would then gain more power. This age was ended when Order trapped Chaos in the far realms.

Second age

The second age was the age of creation. After the first age was over and Chaos was trapped in the far realms, Order used her powers to create magiwill and all of the other planes and birthed the pantheons of gods who would rule over the realms and protect the them from Chaos's power. The second age ended when the first elves were created by zol-narkin

Third age

The third age is known as the age of the high elves. This age was full of huge discoveries including the discovery of magic and the discovery of the planes. The elves expanded their empire across the world and even into the other planes. This age ended when the elven civil war broke out. This age lasted for about 120 centuries its the longest age in known history and the first one with a real solid length

Fourth age

The fourth age was known as the age of division. This age saw the downfall of the high elven empire, and the creation of the different religions/races of elves from the orcs and dark elves to the wood elves. After the orcs and dark elves split the high elves only allowed their people to worship zol-narkin and the now wood elves didn't like that so they split away from the high elves preferring to worship nature instead of only worshipping Zol-narkin. This age ended once the wood elves split from the high elves this age lasted 100 centuries

Fifth age

The fifth age was known as the age of prosperity. this age was an unrivaled time of peace where in the past the realm's races were at odds with each other. this age bridged the gap between the races where elves would normally put up walls in their cities so only elves would be able to get in the cities. Now during this age and the ages to come the elves would be living next to the humans. Some elves even had children with the other races! The elves made an alliance with the other races in the realm called the Odin-Larethian pact with the humans, high elves wood elves, dwarves, halflings, and dragonborn. This agreement said that if any other races get into a war the other races in this agreement will come and help them (like NATO). This age ended when the grey war broke out. This age lasted nearly 1 millennia

Sixth age

The sixth age is known as the age of the grey war. This age was full of fighting, pain, and destruction. The orcs and dark elves rose up and sent their armies into battle against the forces of good. Gruumsh and Lolth tried to break free from their prisons in the 9th hell. The orcs and dark elves fought hard to empower their masters so they can break free from their prison. It almost worked too but thanks to the Odin-Larethian pact they failed to invade the realm. This age ended 15 years ago after the battle of orc mountain and the creation of the startower mages guild.

Seventh age

The seventh age is the most recent age for the last fifteen years there has been peace throughout the realm. Some small orc uprisings but besides that the realm has been clear of any danger.

Important leaders

Arcanos is an immortal high elf sorcerer who founded the arcane library. He was contacted by the God of knowledge, zerion-gal, and gifted with eternal life if he would store his all the knowledge in a single place. He is the avatar of both Corellon Larethian and zerion-gal. (The ultimate metagamer, he knows that everything in this world is just a figment of my imagination and that if he screws with me he will die he also knows that the gods themselves are weak against me. Anyone talking to him must take a D.C. 25 intelligence check to even understand what he's talking about since everyone thinks he's nuts Lol!!!) Legends say that he has mastered all of the magical arts in the tens of thousands of years he's been alive. he holds the only eye of arcanos a circlet that allows him to look into both Corellon Larethian and zerion-gals mind and gain more knowledge.

New player races

*Unnamed race (help needed angel/demon humanoids)

Alignment either lawful or chaotic or any the good neutral or evil alignments or true neutral
Aging same as human except max age is in the millennia
Height "6'5"-"8'5"
Weight 130
Racial stats +1 dex +2 charisma
Racial traits
Divine judgement they can use the smite spell as a cantrip
Winged get a fly speed of 50 feet

Full Ascended
Half ascended
Half fallen
Full fallen


Alignment chaotic evil
Aging adult 4 old 60
Height "7'2"
Weight 400lbs
Racial stats +2 str and +1 con -2 wisdom
Racial traits
Four arms gains advantage on all strength based checks using their arms
Water bound
They get the shape water spell as a cantrip
Add+2 ac in water and gains advantage on all dex saves while in water. Immune to water based attacks


Known as the sea orcs the azure ro are descendants of an unknown orc outcast cursed to wander the seas for eternity. These orcs don't have any ties to Grummsh. Any ties they had were severed when the outcast was sent out


The azure-ro can be... well let's just say brutal like almost every orc with them. They have this nasty habbit of ripping holes in ships and dragging their occupants down to the depths of the sea.


Alignment true neutral
Age 15 adult the oldest has been nearly 100,000
Racial bonuses +1 wisdom and intelligence -2 strength and constitution
Racial traits
Soul bound ally- soul-bound gain a soul bound ally. At lv 1 choose an elemental plane and gain a soul bound ally from that plane.
Each plane gives the soul bound 1 cantrip
Fire burning hands
Rock mold earth
Water shape water
Air thunderclap
Celestial healing hands
Abyss chill touch


Soul-bound are self proclaimed outcasts, they try to stay out of the affairs of men and succeed they used to be considered elves but ever since the dark elves began the war of the elves they split from their families to make their own species. they build their humble cities around the top of the highest mountain in the world where they say the planes are closest together. When they are 15 years old they are brought to the top of the mountain where they have a ritual where they summon their soul from the planes. When this ritual is done they are usually sent off to practice their new abilities down the mountain with adventurers. Their soul-bound abilities are incredibly difficult to master so they teach their young to meditate and be still for 14 years. When they are born they often look still born people often take them to the mountain to see if they are still born or not.


Soul bound usually stick around the mountain where they were born however they often leave for a while to train their abilities up

Name Treconians

Alignment chaotic good
Aging they don't age but they're considered "adult" at age 1500 years old
Height "5'3"
Weight "99"
Racial bonuses +2 dex -2 strength -1 con
Racial traits
Plantlike vulnerable to fire
Seed bomb-can throw these "explosive seeds" that roots anyone who fails a DC 15 dex save (treated like paralysis) they also take on the plantlike trait and take their armor class out of 20 in piercing damage every turn after 1 minute (example 12 AC=8 piercing every turn)
Photosynthesis regenerates 1d6+con health each turn when in partial sunlight (d12+con in direct sunlight. Can't be used when on fire)
Forest bound gain +4 perception checks when in a forested area also advantage on survival checks.
*Special items sap from the tree of life once one drinks it they are cured from all effects and they're healed for 5d20+con


Treconians are well known for their protecting the tree of life a tree that supposedly holds the life forces of every creature in the universe


Treconians live in the forest where the tree of life is. The trees sap has both meditative and healing properties. Their cities surround the tree of life whose sap can either help one ascend to near godhood or heal you.
Their elders (anyone over 15,000) can use the entire forest as a weapon. They also have the ability to control the plants all over the world. When they're in a forest/ wooded area can also sense everything going on around them.


Alignment neutral good
Age adult 20 old is 50
Height 300lbs
height "6'7"
Racial bonuses +2 charisma +1 strength -1 dex
Racial traits
Roar of light as a full round action the user roars and every evil character within its charisma modifier in squares takes 2d6 fire damage every turn for your charisma modifier in turns
Flaming passion attack every attack made by this race deal an extra 1d4 fire damage


Regaleo are known as the rulers of the wild-lands they protect their kingdoms jealously anyone who wants to hunt something in their kingdom faces their judgement (which tbh isn't that pretty). Their strength and courage in battle is unrivaled. It doesn't matter what race you are every race is important to them. Their passion for fighting against any evil is also unmatched. Their passion for guarding the light in everyone and containing the darkness is manifested as fire in their attacks.


For the past several hundred years they have developed these tight knit clans. A small clan is about 130 Regaleo males and about 400-500 females and about 700 cubs. Each clan has different talents


The Glorymanes +1 intelligence also proficient in persuasion all unarmed and roar of light deal radiant damage instead of Fire damage
The Warmanes +2 strength +1 constitution proficiency in athletics roar of light also gives allies advantage on hitting and damaging opponents Savage stance user gets on all 4s doubling its movement speed and takes 1d6 off of all damage and deals an extra 2d10 for every unarmed attack (you lose all your gear when activated except if you are wearing light or medium armor)


S” +2 dex +2 cha -1 wis
Size medium (5 by 7)
Alignment neutral


because of their incredibly fast aging and their parents leaving them so soon once their eggs have been laid (out of 100 eggs rarely 6 make it out of their shells and 1 out of that 6 make it to adulthood), rhinaga almost never look out for anyone but themselves. Most are pickpockets and thieves. They usually go into adventuring because they want protection from their hunters. They're endangered since their blood is a very potent poison, an ounce of their blood goes for a whole lot of money on the black market because of its ability to make a Goliath hurl his mom’s best fish and mushroom casserole from 10 years ago

Aging- full adult at 8 years old (oldest in recent history 20 years old) die usually at 29 years old
Traits-shed skin, poison blood, natural poison, natural bite attack


cobra- +2 charisma poison gives you (and you only) an advantage on charisma based checks when the poison is in the enemy system (after you or someone in your race have attacked the enemy and have drawn blood)

Boa- +1 strength advantage on climb checks advantage on grapple checks after a successful grapple you can choke the enemy out
Rattlesnake- poison does 2d4 instead of 1d4

Class ideas

Modified battle master archetype

Designed for higher damage over all. lower rolls hitting when they normally wouldn't without the strength modifier
3rd level when you roll an attack roll you can choose to roll __ before you make an attack roll as a bonus action to either deal more damage if you hit or if you miss add that to the attack roll to hit when you'd normally not hit when you roll damage don't add strength. (Example target AC 10 you activate the ability roll a 2 now you'd be able to hit on an 8 instead of 10 or if you hit add +2 to your attack)
6th level any friendly creature attacking the same creature then they also get the power of the effect using their stats
11th level when others use this ability use your stats
17th level all allies that can see you or hear you can “push their own strength modifier” to you so on your next turn you can have their power behind the next attack.
Way of the iron will
Level 3 advantage against fear effects and wis instead of con for hp
Level 6 resistance to psychic damage when you succeed a wisdom save you regain 1 ki point your allies also gain your wisdom score for any wisdom save doesn't stack with the other ability gained from this level
Level 11 stillness of mind is bonus action and removes stunned effects
Level 17 immunity to psychic damage when you're attacked in melee the attacker takes psychic damage equal to half of the ki points you have

"Way of the forceful strike"

Level 3: Summon any monk weapon as an action, created out of the complete focus of the monks mind. Flurry of blows now can knockback opponents
Level 6: The weapons created in this way /\ now deal force damage, and the monk can use the same action to imbue a pre-existing weapon with mental force. Bypassing resistance is good, but not game-breaking.
Level 11: When the monk uses flurry of blows, all the attacks granted by flurry can be taken with the imbued weapon. In addition, whenever the monk uses Patient Defense, the monk can spend 3 additional ki to gain resistance to all damage until his next turn.
Level 17: user can create a "force explosion" centered on the user for 1 ki point you can add 1d10, up to 10d10 force damage, halved on a Constitution saving throw.

Animalistic avenger

Level 1 the barbarian chooses a spirit animal to absorb their powers and boost 3 stats and 3 skills
(Note all animalistic avengers give an automatic natural 20 on ride and handle animal checks only on your spirit animal (maybe this should be a +5 competence bonus, not an auto-success )

Example list of animals to embody:

Gorilla powers include:
+STR to intimidate checks
+2 natural slam attacks maybe 1d6+STR with grab
Grapples bonuses
Mammoth powers include:
Getting bigger.
Counting as a size larger for combat maneuvers and carry capacity

Spider powers include:
Web spell
Poison resistance/immunity
Poisoned blood spell to allies later adds caustic blood at lv 8
Poisoned bite natural attack

Rhino powers include:
gore /horn attack
Charge damage bonuses and speed increases when charging
Natural armor

Bear powers include:
Claw attacks
Lots of Temporary HP/CON bonuses
Endure Elements

Eagle powers include;
A fly speed, but no faster than your speed with unarmored movement
Buffs to fly and perception skill

Wolf powers include:
Increased Combat maneuver effectiveness
Bigger flanking bonuses
More survival

Elk powers include:
Speed increases that stack with unarmored movement, like a monk
Hoof attacks

Tiger powers include:
Stealth bonuses
Claw attacks

Porcupine powers include:
When an opponent hits the barbarian with an unarmed/natural attack the user can roll into a ball as a reaction and have them hit my 1d6 inch spikes that do piercing damage

Cheetah powers include:
+30 feet movement speed
1d4 natural attacks per level (as if a monk)
Immune/resistant to electricity


Holy defense
4th level abjuration
Casting time 1 action
Duration 1 minute
Concentration for the duration
Range 120 feet
Components VSM a holy symbol

When cast, this spell adds +2 ac to any allies within 120 feet and also they heal their new ac/2 rounded down every turn they have the spell on them. If hit the opponents must take a wisdom saving throw, if they fail they take 2d6 force and 2d6 radiant damage half as much on a success

6th level conjuration
Casting time 10 min
Spell lists paladin, cleric, warlock
Range 140 feet
Components V,S,M- a piece of charcoal a piece of obsidian

You speak with the your deity in order to banish a person. You banish any evil character native to the plane you're on that you can see who fails a D.C. 18 wisdom save if they succeed that save they take 2d20 + your wisdom modifier in radiant damage

Level 9 Enchanting
Casting time action

When you use this spell in combination with an attack spell or check/save, you maximize the roll. Example you hit with your great axe, you cast this then you do 12+str.


Quick shot
Can only be placed on a bow/crossbow
If your roll to hit is at least 2 more than your opponents dex and AC you as a bonus action you gain an extra shot at -1 accuracy which stacks if you crit you do a "triple shot" at +5 damage and all further shots stop

Weapon always does the opponents AC in extra damage on a crit (example an enemy has 15 AC+dex so a destructive warhammer will do 3d6+20+5)

Unnamed enchantment
Every attack you make you add the roll to hit and your stat bonus on the hit on a crit you'd add your highest stat (besides constitution) on the damage
Example hit roll=10
You'd hit the target and add str + 10 to the attack


Tome of knowledge
This book knows everything. To learn something you must take a D.C. 15 arcana check
Soul-ember Longsword

Sentient Longsword
Stats 18 intelligence 19 wisdom 13 charisma
Lore- long ago there was a warrior whose passion for justice was like a fire. He personally made sure that the accused actually did the crime, but when he found the criminal he would go after them with the force of 100,000,000,000 suns. He made sure that his sword never tasted the blood of the innocent. Then he was murdered by his brother who tried to take the sword and use it for his own purpose to kill as many as he saw fit. But the sword wouldn't take an innocent life. He then realized that the sword held his brothers spirit and he then killed his brother.
Enchantment must be wielded by someone with a pure heart (lawful good) when they get attuned to it their “sins” get purified. When you hit an evil character you will deal 2d12+ *purity level in fire damage
*Purity level 1 chaotic neutral, 2 true neutral, 3 lawful neutral, 4 chaotic good, 5 neutral good, 6 lawful good

"The blade brothers"
Attuned to lawful good fighter with no orc blood
Lawful good
Stats intellegence 12 wisdom 19 charisma 13
A pair of sentient Longswords which are floating above your shoulders. (Penny from rwby) if they're within 5 feet of you you gain +2 AC. But they can "fly" anywhere within 500 feet of the user and can cast any non touch spells on the users spell list. You can also teleport to the swords location if outside of 25 feet. 1x a long rest the user can split the swords into 10 swords and cast Eldrich blast
Lore- long ago 3 high elf brothers. They were so close to one another. When they were training for battle they would have each other's back. Until one day when an orc tribe raided their city. This was their first time actually fighting. they weren't expecting the orcs to be as powerful as they were. All three fell in battle and two of their souls were contained in their swords it's not known why the third brother wasn't bound to his sword.

Fist of the world shaker
attuned to anyone with above 12 strength
When you hit the ground with this weapon you roll damage then for everyone within your strength modifier in feet away takes a dex check if they fail they get knocked prone and they take 3d4 bludgeoning damage. The same area becomes affected by rough terrain. if you get a crit on the ground anyone in a 3-5 square area fissure on the ground from the square where the hammer hit anyone in that range takes 3 DC checks in a row succeeding the second one give them advantage on the last one
dexterity to get out of the way
Constitution to hang on to the ledge
Strength to pull themselves up
If they fail all three they will take 2000000000000d20 fire damage (aka they die)

Phoenix bow
Elven crafted long bow
Very rare
Attuned to any elf
While attuned to this long bow you gain +10 movement speed. When you take any damage from a creature five feet away from you deal the amount of damage you just took in fire and radiant, you gain resistance to fire frost and radiant damage. You are also considered a bright light source up to 60 feet. When you speak the command word as a bonus action and shoot the bow with a Phoenix touched arrow a 50 foot cone of fire damage shoots out and dealing 2d12 fire and 10 radiant to all in the cone see Hanzo ultimate overwatch but with one Phoenix instead of 2 dragons

Phoenix touched arrows
Quantity 10
When you use these arrows up the quiver fills back up with ten the next morning at dawn they deal 1d6 fire, and 1d6 radiant damage when you hit

Kyjarian keys
A set of keys that when put into the hands of a powerful mage can be used to summon creatures from the elemental and upper planes and can cast gate on any smooth surface


Helm of heroism
Sentient helm
Attuned to any good aligned character
Intelligence 19 wisdom 15 charisma 20
You become immune to psychic, necrotic, and force damage. As an action you can use the effects of foresight 1x a week by calling upon all the past warriors in the hall of heroes if you have the spell casting feature you can cast call lightning, fireball, and speak with dead. If you have the fighting style ability you can choose 1 more

Boots of Hermes
Your dexterity goes up to 20 if not already higher 1x per day you can cast fly on yourself without any components you also gain +50 movement speed

Olinone's gauntlets
Attuned to a fighter
+1 heavy gauntlets
These gauntlets look like a regular pair of iron gauntlets. However as an bonus action you can change these +1 gauntlets into either two +1 short swords one +1 short sword and a shield two +1 small shields or one +1 crossbow

Blackblade armor
Must be attuned to an evil rogue
Full set abilities you're immune to poison damage and resistant to necrotic vulnerable radiant and psychic damage
Blackblade cowl can cast suggestion 5x per long rest or mass suggestion 1x per long rest gain darkvision 120 feet
Blackblade gauntlets gives you advantage to hit and damage when you use sneak attack
Blackblade armor immune to fear effects and can cast fear without components
Blackblade boots gain advantages on all stealth and acrobatics checks
Blackblade ring can cast pass without a trace once per long rest
Blackblade dagger when paired with blackblade armor set the blade when it crits does an additional 1d10 poison and 1d10 necrotic damage

Ring of the hero
Very rare
Attuned to any good character
Anyone wearing this ring gains +2 AC against evil characters.
Immunity to fear effects
All weapons act as +1 radiant weapons


True-name template
a creature with this template becomes one size larger gains +2 on every stat and magic resistance unless the caster knows the creatures truename and uses the creatures truename on his weapon.

Knight of shadows
whoever wields the heart of darkness long sword, will turn into one of these knights. At the end of the transformation, the wielder’s head is encased in a helmet called the helm of despair which causes the victim to hear the voices and see the faces of all those he's hurt/killed and he knows he has no way of saving them. The heart of darkness effects will cover all other weapon abilities If the sword hits any good alignment character then that character will be terrified until the battle is over unless they take a will save DC 24. It also has the drain 2d6 health enchantment on it. If it touches a neutral or evil character they will not have to take these saves. It uses the victim's stats, weapons and other abilities.(The curse is broken when the sword is broken.)
the wielder will do anything he would do to a normal enemy but to you.

Knight of shadows abilities
CR 16
Can cast Hungry Darkness 1/day
Can cast Enervation 3/day
Can cast Fear 3/day ( functions as “persistent spell metamagic” against good aligned creatures)
Gains the “Undead Lord” Template
Death attack (Instant?)

Heart of Darkness:
Sentient Longsword chaotic Evil
Enchantments: hex of chaos
Stats: INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 18
There are 5 of these swords in existence
Forged by a group of Shadowfell Creatures
Equipment (Pre-transformed)
Gorgon belt
Bone breaker bracers
Post transformation

Helm of Despair: Causes insanity if the creature goes against what the armor wants him to do, and the target takes a -10 on this save. The insanity is removed once they return to acting as a chaotic evil creature or when the heart of darkness has been broken


Boss build

Name-Ganarokk the broken

Backstory ganarokk the broken was once the leader of an orc clan who believed that they could become the avatar of gruumsh by creating a mask with his magical powers. The mask gave him tremendous power but then gruumsh realized his powers were being put into an orc and he destroyed the mask while it was still on him.
Class 12 fighter 8 Barbarian
Takes the bear totem archetype and champion archetype
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 19 +4
Intelligence 10 +0
Wisdom 11 +0
Charisma 17+3
Hp 246
Acrobatics (Dex) 12
Animal Handling (Wis) 8
Arcana (Int) 6
Athletics (Str) 17
Deception (Cha) 25
History (Int) 10
Insight (Wis) 0
Intimidation (Cha) 12
Investigation (Int) 4
Medicine (Wis) 0
Nature (Int) 14
Perception (Wis) 12
Performance (Cha) 0
Persuasion (Cha) 0
Religion (Int) 12
Sleight of Hand (Dex) 0
Stealth (Dex) 2
Survival (Wis) 17
New abilities
Blood lust
To replace reckless attack
When you crit in rage you regain a use of rage
To replace unarmored defense but at level 10 and improved level 15
Level 10
your constitution score increases by one with a max of 20. while in rage you gain what is called durability dice which when you're about to take damage from a nonmagical piercing slashing or bludgeoning damage while wearing no armor light or medium, you roll your hit dice then take off what your roll is plus your con modifier. (Example Kulh has 25hp left he's about to take 18 damage so he rolls his durability dice and gets a 15 total. Kulh takes only 3 damage)
Level 15 improved durability keep previous abilities but now add strength to the fore mentioned checks and immunity to nonmagical critical damage
Mask of gruumsh user gains divine smite when the wearer attacks using a strength weapon use its strength score and bonus example 10 strength +5 mod add 15 to the attack. All grummsh children (orcs ogres etc.) go into a trance like state waiting for the mask to tell them what to do. (As if the mask is casting mass suggestion any suggestions always work)
Ring of the deceiver wearer gains advantage on all charisma rolls and user can cast alter self once a day
Belt of frost giant strength
Boots of swiftness
+3 great axe of fire, lightning, fear
Does 1d12 slashing and 1d6 of every damage listed and anyone hit by it will be frightened for 2 turns
Ganarokks not as evil form
Gorrnok the strong is the strongest pit fighter in the orc clan called drenokao. As a chaotic neutral orc Barbarian/fighter he fights over everything. It has been said that he killed 15 white dragonborn sorcerers, 10 werebear fighters and 12 elven mages casting dominate person on him just because they refused to give him any drinks with a constitution check attached! In every settlement across the continent orcs aren't allowed in but they "made an exception" considering he and his kind killed nearly 1/4 of the continent in the war that ended 15 years ago and those they didn't kill his kind sacrificed to gruumsh.

Boss supports characters/minibosses

2 Druids circle of the moon Level 18 with ganarokk at final battle fight them earlier at level 11
1 Cleric tempest level 4-5 during one shot
3 Paladins level 6 very early in
30 Fighters/rangers level 12-16
4 Sorcerers level 12 fighting with one of the guilds.
5 Warlocks level 14 final battle

15 years ago in the world of magiwill orcs humans and elves ended the gray war over what nobody knows nobody except ganarokk the broken and his clan of orcs. he tried summoning gruumsh using the power of the mask of gruumsh which would empower him to give him immortality. And to let gruumsh grow in strength so he could destroy the elven and human gods This war caused devastation all across the world it killed hundreds of billions on both sides. But more recently the creation of the mages guild helped the world heal. However deep in the mages library is the tome of all knowledge which can tell the orcs where the mask is.

Variant rule

When using evocation/conjuration/divination magic if you know a creatures true name (if the creature has one) you can use it and either deal more damage to that specific creature or have the creature be more powerful or selectively search for that creature. (Example there's a demon lord on the loose you search for it's truename when you find it you "enchant" your weapon with its truename and have your weapon be a +2 against that demon lord only to everything else it does regular damage if it doesn't already have an enchantment. Any spells used against it with its truename 1d12 extra damage.)
True-name template a creature with this template becomes one size larger gains +2 on every stat and magic resistance unless the caster knows the creatures truename and uses the creatures truename on his weapon.

Truename temporary enchantment

If a creature has a true name and you know it then you can "cast" its truename on a weapon which become a will add 3d6 force damage against that creature alone. The enchantment lasts for until the next dawn then disappears from the weapon
Campaign "theme" alliance building and item finding

Setting magiwill

Planes the planes are giant concentric ovals with certain planes touching other planes
The game begins in the city called startower a city of tremendous importance for it is the location of the startower mage guild the first of many guilds created after the Gray War ended 15 years ago. The creators built on this spot for it is one of two crossing points of nearly 200 planes. Here, Magic is extremely Powerful (a 1st level spell is more powerful than a nonboosted 9th level spell). It's a beautiful place. At the bottom of the startower guild there's a portal to anywhere in the planes. The startower guild was designed to guard the realm from destruction but most of the time they investigate stolen sweet rolls. That was until one day when an orc called Gavorkin killed the high elf headmaster of the guild Devorin Baot. After his death his son Travoris took over the guild. He then put together a the best warriors from multiple offshoots of the guild from all across the world to track down his father's killer (the PCs plus a few NPCs who will die). He brought the 8 of them to startower and explained their mission. Their mission was to head north to the orc tribe of Drenokao and try to reason with the orcs. Obviously the orcs didn't do a great job of listening (I mean try reasoning with creatures whose entire job description is to kill and kill brutally or be killed it just doesn't work) because they followed them and attacked the party. The four survivors fight (PCs). They also kill the orc who killed travoris's father. They get back to the city and are given a hero's welcome. Then the orcs come and attack the city with their entire clan of nearly 2 hundred thousand. They then kill the rest of the party and destroy nearly 3/4 of startower. The second group are the only humanoids to survive the attack each has their own story.

The rest of the world now is terrified of the orcs and they're worried that if they attack the orcs they'd open themselves up to an attack. Or if they survive the orcs onslaught they'd have barely anyone left to fight the orcs. Before the attack the skyvalor court mage, travinis varinsi, cast future sight and he saw a great darkness that would fall over the land but there would be a group of warriors who would stop the great darkness. He tried to tell the king of the city but he wouldn't listen. And now when the council of kings has him cast future sight all he sees he sees the same thing. Most of the realm is trying to arm themselves because their kings won't do it for them. Most of the rulers are wimps with the new 6 year old king of skyvalor, king Kiddio Imawymp being the chief. (5 minutes after startower fell, Imawymp let the orcs take his city and told the orcs "I'm not the real king he is I'm only 6 years old." He was pointing to his bodyguard very few people know what actually happened but the orcs were seen dragging a headless body out of the city. Neither Imawymp or anyone of his court have been seen since, most people say he allowed the orcs to take the entire city and the city was burned an hour later with 25,000,000 people still inside.) Aurile, the realm's second largest city, is home to the resistance. A fairly ragtag militia is trained by Akihiko Badasary the greatest warrior in the mage guild rivaled only by the new guild leader. he was on a mission to another part of the world when the orcs attacked.

Akihiko Badasarys (level 30 paladin oath of vengeance) armor, weapon and shield.

Weapon elven longsword
Attuned to a high elf paladin of Zol-Narkin the elven God of light and fire/the sun
This weapon is easily the most powerful artifact of the ancient high elves. This elven longsword has a ruby imbedded in the hilt this ruby can absorb the power of the sun and ignite the blade with fire. evil characters are vulnerable to damage from this weapon. Damage types 1d6 slashing or piercing 2d6 fire and 1d8 radiant wielder can use charisma instead of strength. This sword has 12 charges and can cast flame strike for a charge it regains all 12 every morning at dawn. When the user dashes they gain an extra 25 feet

Mirror shield
This mithral shield has a large diamond imbedded in it. When a spell is cast while you wear this shield if you make a charisma check you can "catch" the spell and then recast it within a minute as an action and you become immune to that damage type until the next dawn. You can use this ability once per long rest

Sun plate
Ac 19
+3 plate mail
Attuned to a high elf paladin of zol-narkin
user is immune to radiant fire and resistant to necrotic damage and wearer is considered to be a source of bright light up to 150 ft and user can cast the spell destroy evil D.C. 16 without material components
Destroy evil
6th level evocation
1 hour of concentration
VSM a mirror and a diamond worth 1000 gold
User pleads with the gods to have them destroy the target. If the target fails a charisma save the target will take 3d12 in radiant, force, and thunder damage and half as much on a successful save

Epic Boon ideas

Boon of the eternal warrior
once a year when you'd normally die true resurrection is cast on you
Natures benefaction available for the Druid and the ranger
Passive- beasts with intelligence less than 3 can't become hostile against

Variant rule : Multicaster

When up to 2 or more people cast the same spell (up to 4th level) the spell becomes ritual and becomes more powerful. Every caster must put in at least one level 1 spell slot except the original caster who puts in 2 level 1 slots. Doesn't work with self spells. (Example fireball when three or more people cast fireball the fireball gains up to 24d6 fire damage when every caster uses a 3rd level spell slot

The first party all level 20
Goliath fighter
Blue dragonborn Barbarian
Half elf bard
Soulbound earth monk
Centaur paladin
Werebear ranger with a bear animal ally?
The second party
Rhinaga rogue
half elf Fighter/monk
Dwarf Bard
weretiger Ranger tiger animal ally
Dragonborn Paladin of garakmat
High elf Druid

New blessing
God dragon flute
As an action You can summon garakmat, the God of all dragons from the plane of the dragons for 5 minutes a day. Your entire party also becomes resistant (immune if already resistant) to any elemental damage

Garakmat the god dragon
Cr 45
30x50x80 chaotic good dragon
stat block
Strength 50 +20
Dexterity 30 +10
Constitution 44 +17
Intelligence 25 +7
Wisdom 35 +12
Charisma 28 +9
Dragon king
Garakmat can summon either 2d10 wyrmlings of random color or 1d4 adult dragons of random color under its direct control
Omnicolored this dragon can choose which breath attack it wants to use. And is immune to all elemental damage

Black rose
Small fiend chaotic evil
These vile creatures are the offspring of a demon and flower. Black roses look almost exactly like a normal rose except a black rose has a dark red color to it and if they're in a forest it will be as if an antilife field spell has been cast because there isn't really any life around. It has a magical poison that when inhaled by the user the user must succeed a D.C. 25 wisdom check in order to stay their alignment and to resist taking 2d10 necrotic damage. If you fail this check your alignment changes to chaotic evil and take 2d10 necrotic while in evil form you get the effects of an antilife field around you. And you become immune to necrotic damage and radiant damage reverses the effects of the poison

World Organizations

Startower mages guild

As the worlds "police force" the startower guild protects the realm from any threats internal or external. They use magic as the last line of defense only if necessary. They teach their students to master the use of magic and how to defend themselves with magic and weapons. Without their enforcement the world is slowly descending into chaos.

Children of Chaos

this shadowy organization is known by many names but the most common is children of chaos. Most of the highest ranking members are advisors to kings whispering lies to have an innocent killed or put into prison or have a guilty criminal go free all in the name of chaos or generals sending troops into battle against helpless civilians with lower ranking members of the children of chaos as the front line, in fact the leader of the group a human called Sedem Damno is the wife of high king of the realm! They were formed in the void that was created when the shadow clan was destroyed 500 years ago. They believe that chaos himself can be returned to his full power once they gather enough dark energy which strengthens him

Sedem damno is the direct descendant of the original leader of the children of chaos. While the shadow clan was more brute force the children of chaos are more subtle. The damno clan has spent the last 500 years creating chaos in the realm. And now they are more powerful than ever thanks to Sedem damno.
The children of chaos believe that the only way to live is to live in chaos and that they need to destroy order in order to "perfect" the world. They also believe that when they die they become a part of chaos


Bloodblade level 2
Death bringer level 8
Death knight level 12
Grim lord level 16
Chaos lord level 20
When a member reaches the chaos lord status they are given a pair of items called the reaper robes and the reaper scythe.
Reaper robes
Attuned to anyone aligned chaotic evil
User becomes immune to force and necrotic damage When the user gets targeted with an attack the wearer can take a reaction to "phase" through the attack phasing acts like the target is immune to the attack and anyone who touches the phased person deals 2d4 necrotic you also cannot age while wearing these robes
Reaper scythe
Attuned to anyone aligned chaotic evil
User gains an ability called soul harvest the ability causes anyone who is hit with this weapon to take 4d10 necrotic and 1d8 force damage if the target has less hitpoints than you

The shadow clan

The shadow clan was group of assassins who would brutally murder anyone who stood in the way of their mission, to eradicate all good in the multiverse. After multiple attempts to destroy them the light though they had exterminated these monsters. The 11 surviving members rebuilt and began the children of chaos
Plane ideas/multiverse explanation
The multiverse is a series of several concentric circles magiwill being at the center and the smallest it's been said that there are potentially infinite planes in our multiverse alone. Some believe that there are even more multiverses that have their own deities and histories that have the chance to interact with their own multiverse. Magic comes from the energies of the planes when they intersect with magiwill


A beautiful world with the best and worst of each plane
Elemental planes
The elemental planes are magiwill's source of elemental magic.
Upper planes
The upper planes are the source of all positive energies in the multiverse. It's locations include the hall of heroism (Valhalla) where all the multiverse's heroes can live on after death and can lay down their weapons and have the ability to rest for the rest of eternity
Lower planes
the lower planes is the source of all negative energy in the multiverse. Locations include the 9 hells, the shadowfell, other places that you don't want to visit anytime soon

Dream plane
the mindscape this plane encapsulates the the other planes and it houses the hopes dreams and fears of every being in the multiverse

Item sets
The timeless king was a great elven warrior king who was born long ago he ruled for 100,000 generations according to legends he was the good father of vecna and kas
Helm of the timeless king
You can cast revivify on yourself when you would normally die (single) can cast future sight 1x a day (full set)
The timeless blade
Does 1d6 necrotic damage every time you hit a creature with a roll of 10-15 any higher/lower no effect (single) when you deal critical damage to a living creature then that creature automatically dies as if they age 100 years in a second (full set)
Armor of the timeless king
Resistance to necrotic damage (single) can cast timestop 1x per long rest (full set)
Boots of the timeless king
Has the gives you +5 to dex (single) has the swiftness effect added to +5 dex (full set)
*New cleric domain (need some help here)
Dream domain


*the core pantheons still exists but these are my deities that I created

Elven pantheon
zerion-gal: lawful good the book keeper symbol-a book domain knowledge
Evinial: neutral good the healer symbol a pink heart domain life
Zol-narkin: chaotic good the sunblade symbol a golden sword with the sun as the hilt domain light, war
Gorani: Lawful neutral the sky queen symbol the majestic eagle domain tempest
Kadarkihm: True neutral the mediator symbol a scale life, death
Waranak: chaotic neutral the snake symbol a snake with dripping fangs and red eyes domain war, trickery
Narokol: Lawful evil the dread shadow symbol the shadow of a skeleton domain war, death
Velkorai: neutral evil the mistress of shadows symbol a black background with red eyes domain trickery and war
Karikai Chaotic evil the destroyer symbol domain death tempest and trickery

Dark elven pantheon
Gruumsh normal
Lolth normal
Karikai normal Lolth and gruumsh' son
Orc pantheon Same as dark elves'

""Elemental lords" (the elemental lords are the embodiments of the planes, they created the planes and have 2 forms elemental lord form and humanoid form)
Gaeon lord of earth plane
Solarin lord of fire plane
Daemos lord of the lower planes (the 9 hells evil planes)
Celestin lord of upper planes (the celestial planes good planes)
Hydren lord of water plane
Zorinath lord of air plane
Unattached deities
Lygari chaotic evil lord of the hunt and lycanthropes
Mortals worshipped as gods/
Vecna chaotic evil an elf who was obsessed with gaining immortality and power. He became high elven emperor after his father died under “mysterious circumstances” (vecna killed him after hearing that karikai had bigger plans)
Kas chaotic evil an elf who was obsessed with gaining immortality and power. He became the general of the high elven army after his father died under “mysterious circumstances” (vecna killed him after hearing that karikai had bigger plans) and his brother put him in charge


The starforge is known for its creation of the metal called starsteel. The starforge takes advantage of the enormous heat generated by the portal to the plane of fire. These forges are the only locations in the material plane hot enough to melt star iron an absurdly rare material found in meteors. The amount of starsteel needed to make an entire suit of plate armor is worth about 100,000 gold pieces. When used in a weapon or armor you gain the charger feats effect

This light blue and silver metal is so stupidly light monks often use it in their weapons to both deal more damage and to make them be better balanced. When the metal is used in any monk weapon it is 1 counted as an unarmed attack 2 can be held with one hand. If it's any armor it counts as unarmored for the monk and gives the monk +2 dex and once a day you can use (some number of) ki points to cast fly without material components