View Full Version : DM Help So I need a riddle...

2017-07-04, 04:15 PM
Hello dear community,

I am afraid I have to start my activity as a member with a question for you help...

So to give you the short version:

My players found a nealy 12 feet high obilisk made of silver as it looks, but if they touch it its surface is throwing waves (like if you would throw a pebble in a river), but seems to be solid. They now that this object is not very popular by the townsman, because there are several different statements of what people have seen there or think to have seen.

On this obilisk was something written in draconic and here is the clue: I want the "thing" to be a portal to a library of an old silver dragon who sends out his dragonborn to gather books, because in his eyes knowledge is the biggest treasuer of all. And he is willing to share all his knowlege with those who are able to reach him.

I would like to have the writting on the obilisk to be a riddle where the answer is knowldge or books, but I don't find any hard riddle online and I am really bad at doing something like this (that is also the reason why I normally avoid riddles in my campaigns).

If you could help me with an short riddle that is hard to solve I would be really grateful.

(I am sorry for possible mistakes in my writting. It is not my mother tongue.)

I am looking forward for any kind of help.


Puh Laden
2017-07-04, 04:21 PM
What can transport you to a distant land even as you stay where you are? Or something loke that. If it needs to be easier, use more reading-related words.

2017-07-04, 04:28 PM
"They can take you to the beach or the mountains.
They can show you the world, or just one person.
They can give you lovers, fighters, or cunning rogues,
intrigue, carnage, or a simple life.
And they can do it all without leaving the room."


"They can illuminate the furthest reaches of the world,
Or they can fill you with lies.
A few in a bag, a bunch on a table, a lot in a room,
Break the spine, and see a legend's cries."

2017-07-04, 04:28 PM
Thanks for your fast response Puh Laden , but I guess this is faaaaaar to easy. They will solve this as soon as they read it.

But still: Thanks man.

Sariel Vailo
2017-07-04, 04:30 PM
What can fly through ones hair and yet shake the mightiest tree even rip out the tree from its roots.
Answer wind

What is the greatest treasure that without,one will be no better than a beast.
The greatest treasure is knowledge

2017-07-04, 04:41 PM
Turn me to move forwards while staying quite still.
I'll speak in a thousand voices without a sound being heard.
I'll teach you much but know nothing myself.

Some combination of the above and/or other clues for book.

2017-07-04, 11:19 PM
My spine does not shiver,
My leaves do not fall.
Without eyes
I am no use at all.

2017-07-05, 09:59 AM
What is black and white and read all over?

2017-07-05, 10:42 AM
My knowledge is hidden under cover
trapped within four corners.
In line, with my brothers, arranged in order,
All looking the same, all with different knowledge to offer.

Points at a book, hint at a library.

(I don't have the rythm right, but english is not my native language ...)

2017-07-05, 12:41 PM
There's an old classic of what has a spine but no bones (answer a book). If I wanted the answer to be library I'd probably say something like What has many spines but no bones? Or what has many spines, no bones, and may be eaten by worms?

I can see D&D players thinking about gelatinous cubes or other monsters first, and library taking a little longer.

2017-07-22, 08:04 PM
If you know me, you'll want to share me, but if you share me, I'll be gone.
Answer = a riddle

2017-07-22, 08:24 PM
If you know me, you'll want to share me, but if you share me, I'll be gone.
Answer = a riddle

More like a secret.

The Spine but no bones thing is good. Maybe adding teaches but could never be taught. Or along with the red all over. I'm sure someone can combine the good bits of all the riddles yet and make a super riddle. (Not that the other bits weren't good just the best bits are needed .)

2017-07-22, 08:37 PM
It can be held, but not touched.
It can be attained, but not awarded.
A lack of it is an opportunity to gain it.


If that's too vague, add

The more one possesses, the more one realizes they lack.

Alternate one line riddle -
The act of stealing it merely increases it.

Sariel Vailo
2017-07-22, 09:23 PM
Some thing necessary but incomprehensible. Any answer acceptable but its main use is to see what your players deem necessary but dind difficult to understand.so you can than put them in that predicament later.

2017-07-22, 09:29 PM
The last time I had a puzzle riddle, it was in the dungeon of an Crazy Jester lich. They were all corny jokes, but they each had an appropriate encounter after we solved it.

"What do you call a fish with no eyes?"
"A FSH!"
Then the door opened, the room flooded with water and we had to fight eyeless blind sharks

Garbage like that.

2017-07-23, 03:58 AM
I have a spine, front and back,
A face and bones are what I lack.
I am not alive but bring to life,
Love, laughter, beauty, and strife.
I cannot speak but never fail,
To captivate you with a tale.
Now I bid thee to wrack one's mind,
And tell me this: just what am I?

2017-07-23, 05:15 AM
Terrible fiends took me away from the life I had. They plunged me in water, then left me in the sun for hours. They cut my hair, and then my skin. They twisted me until I was folded in two or worse. Painstakingly, they covered me with markings, again and again, until they satisfied. Their cruelty without limit, they pierced me with a wicked needle, and sewed what was left of me together. And then they left me, bound, motionless forever, in a dark room where so many have felt the same pain, the same torments.

Who am I?

2017-07-23, 07:38 AM
Here are two riddles for "book". I got them from an old favourite game of mine: betrayal at krondor. The game has chests with word locks: the chests had riddles an a plaque and spelling the answer out opened the chest.

It is a journey whose path depends on anothers vision of where it ends

Though not a plant has leaves
Though not a beast has spine
Though many wouldn't need this thing
Tis more valuable than wine

Here's a gamefaqs link to all the word lock answers:

2017-07-23, 08:17 AM
With this, I can go anywhere. I can fly twice as high as the butterfly in the sky. I have friends to know and ways to grow. Take a look.

2017-07-23, 09:56 AM
I had a riddle: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? Real answer: a penny. My player's answer: a worm. I had to give it to him.

2017-07-24, 12:18 AM
My spine does not shiver,
My leaves do not fall.
Without eyes
I am no use at all.

Kudoes! This is a good one!

And there are some other really good ones up there, too - good job, forum!

2018-06-10, 09:02 AM
Sorry for the huge delay in answering here.

My players just solved the following riddle i gave them (it is translated from german in englisch so it may not sound as smooth as I have ridden it in my mother tongue):

My fosterling tell quit truth as also lie.
The tell without haste and will never be tired.
Bring to me peacefully teachers, storyteller, poets to preserve their art.
Their words will be forever in my kingdom.

Anyone is a welcomed guest in my walls, but to those who do not show respect to that which was left behind and just want to raise harm in my home: A Verdict will be done and it will not be to your favor.

Sorry for the bad translation. It took them some time to solve this but they found the answer that it is about a library and you should bring a book or something else as a token. The second part is just a warning because the dragon who is the owner of this library can get very furious if you mess with its hoard of knowledge.

If you are able to understand german here is how it sounds in original:

Meine Schützlinge berichten stumm wahr wie auch trug.
Sie erzählen ohn' Hasst und werdens niemals mühd'.
Bringedt friedlich stumme Lehrer, Erzähler, Dichter zu bewahren Ihre Kunst.
Ihr Wort besteht führ alle Zaiten in meinem Königreiche.

Ein Jeder sei willkommen in meinen Mauern, doch jene, die net würd'gen was wurd hinterlassen und nur Unheil bringen in die Mauern mein: Ein Urteil wird er fällen, doch net zu Gunsten Dein.

Thanks again for all your ideas!

Kind regards,

Sariel Vailo
2018-06-10, 09:28 AM
Thats an ok translation i thought library.

2018-06-11, 11:22 AM
so this is my idea: it shines in the sun, reflects into the water, traded by men, read by few, in the gods we trust. what am i.

the players should think that he is making illusions to money but if thy known the backstory to the dragon they should think that that is odd. the correct answer is a book. i would pick a specific book. maybe one on trade or silver. and defiantly one with a metal strap. the point is the make a distinction between the idea of dragons and the personalities of dragons.

Fuzzy Logic
2018-06-12, 06:11 AM
This is fun!

None of me is useless
A little can be dangerous
A lot just makes you greedier

I am the greatest of all treasures
Beyond gold and jewels in equal measure
Only Fools avoid me to chase their pleasure

The general's deadliest weapon
The craftsman's greatest tool
Fill your cup a thousand times
And never drain the pool

If I am stolen from you, you will not miss me
If you give me away, you will not miss me
But I cannot be inherited

2018-06-12, 07:56 AM
With this, I can go anywhere. I can fly twice as high as the butterfly in the sky. I have friends to know and ways to grow. Take a look.
Reading Rainbow!

2018-06-12, 09:54 AM
It’s hard to solve yet easy to rhyme
You’ll need to cook with plenty of time
It avoids a straight answer, and may make you smile
But only if you had to ponder for a little while

Answer: riddle

I just cooked that up. But more because I hate these riddles! :smalltongue: If I am your player, please make the riddle easy (or skip it).

2018-06-12, 11:31 AM
First of all: you guys have some awesome riddles here!

I will use some of your ideas in the future!

@Magzimum: Would be kind of silly if I would give you your own riddle, woudn't it? But don't be afraid. I already gave my players the riddle I posted before.
Furthermore, I do not like riddles too, but my players like such twisted words and I want them to have fun and keep them engaged so I have to use riddles now and then.
