View Full Version : Attacks of opportunity vs range attacks

2017-07-05, 06:58 AM
How many attacks of opportunity would you get against a character with multiple range attacks?? I.e.

I have a ranger 16/mythic 4 with mythic rapid shot, rapid shot, mythic multi shot and normal shot, with boots of haste... So he has: 7 attacks in one round as a full round action... If he was near a monster would he trigger 1 x AoO or would he incur multiple AoO against him??

2017-07-05, 07:01 AM
He would provoke an AoO each time he fired, but most creatures can only ever make a single AoO each round, no matter how many times you provoke. The only way you're getting hit multiple times by the same monster is if they have the Combat Reflexes feat, or a similar special ability.