View Full Version : Player Help I need some help optimizing a character.

Kaiju Yojimbo
2017-07-05, 02:23 PM
Sorry to be a bother, I'm going to explain the situation first.
The group was playing a campaign, but much to the DM's and my chagrin the group decided to stop part way into the story. They rolled up random characters and are trying to make the DM run a new campaign with the random characters.
When the characters were handed out the DM took me aside and told me the best way to get back to the campaign we wanted to finish was to have my character as overpowered as possible. Then they'll decide a game with some challenge would be more fun. (their complaint was that they don't like 4th edition, which the DM is working with them to try to make a build we can all enjoy without having to rebuild our characters. If you want more info about the situation Just ask. I don't want to get too far off topic right now.) That or one of them will have to take over as DM and run a munchkin campaign.

My random character is as follows.
Female, Half Dragon, 9 feet (2.75 meters) Tall, With wings, Chaotic Evil, Wizard (the dragon half is a Blue Dragon)
Str 10
Con 17
Dex 14
Int 19
Wis 16
Cha 11

Again I have no experience building optimized characters. I build characters for the character rather than power.
I'm sorry if this is the wrong area. I didn't see anywhere else that would work. But I am blind to what I'm looking for.
Thank you for any help you can give me.

2017-07-05, 02:30 PM
You want to optimize your character to chase your other party members into another game... 4th edition no less... because... whatever?

Take levels in monk, give him him improved grapple and as many toughness feats as you can take.

Karl Aegis
2017-07-05, 02:30 PM
Cast Mage Armor on your hawk familiar and have it go to town. Hope it doesn't get grappled to death.

2017-07-05, 02:31 PM
What system? What limitations? What's the party? What's the campaign? Starting level?

But honestly, no. Maybe you shouldn't start a dickish brinksmanship contest between you/the DM and the other players. There is absolutely no way this is going to work. The other campaign died because they didn't like it, trying to trick them into having bad gaming sessions will result in no gaming.

2017-07-05, 02:44 PM
Not going to lie, this sounds like something that needs to be talked over and worked out outside of the game. Never settle out of game issues in game, it never ends well.

But if you absolutely must, and you have full DM support to ruin the game, you might as well use pun pun.

In all seriousness though, don't.

Kaiju Yojimbo
2017-07-05, 02:59 PM
Addressing the concern about the game. They've repeated that their only problem was 4th edition. The rule changes the DM was trying to work out to make them happy just weren't coming fast enough. Converting to 5th isn't an option yet as many of the characters don't yet have equivalents in 5th. And they may dislike 5th on principle because it isn't 3.5. 4th was on the shelves when they reluctantly decided to give 3rd a try.
They liked the story as it was going and even tried to argue continuing the story with the new characters. However the story is pretty heavily involved with the characters and making the change just won't happen without completely scrapping big plot points. (I was helping write the story the DM wanted. We didn't railroad them, we used the first four levels to determine how their characters would react in given situations. There are still big quests that they skipped that would have ramifications later should the game continue.)
As I said. Worst case scenario, we turn into a munchkin campaign and the whole thing turns out to be ridiculous jokes.
Honestly the best way to solve the problem that had them leave the last campaign would be the remainder of 5th edition coming out. Eberron, Psyonics, etc.
Yes, I agree it's a **** move, but we've been nearly the last to make **** moves in the group. The Cleric regularly attacks the rest of the group to force them to do what he wants (a good character by the way.) And I can't take control because I'm not going to railroad them. Of course that's when he's not smacking around the rest of the characters just for laughs. He'll just take the other characters money if there's something he wants. The list goes on.
The swordmage forces my character to the front to tank for him (Ardent).
The rogue and druid are the only characters to not be ***** at every opportunity.

System is 3.5
Restriction are No vows. That's all they said.
Starting level 1 (again to the best of anyone's knowledge they may change it on a whim.)
Campaign: No clue. Even the DM doesn't have any idea.
Honestly I can't remember the rest of the group, and I'm not sure they even told me their characters. these are random characters they had no idea what was going into them when they started.)

2017-07-05, 03:17 PM
To get this straight: You were playing a game in 4e, which stopped halfway. It stopped because the players didn't like 4e, so everybody rolled up new characters in 3.5e. Your DM didn't like this, so he wants you to use optimization to make the rest of party irrelevant -- and therefore want to go back to 4e for more of a challenge.

The first question to optimization is: What will my character do? Once you know that; then you take all of the relevant classes and feats in order to achieve that one thing to the highest degree.

So I have a somewhat optimized build for a wildshape-focused druid which uses her forms to take the role of a tank through grappling.
The original idea is Druid 20, this gets you small-huge shape, and animal/elemental (small-greater) forms, but we can do better.
The Master of Many Forms (Complete Adventurer) is a druid PrC which gives you a wider range of forms to wildshape into (Diminutive-Gargantuan) and a lot more forms (more than I feel like naming), additionally, each level of MoMF gives you an additional WS use.

The build is now Druid 10/MoMF 10 (or Druid 5/MoMF 10/Druid 5 if you want early entry)
The new build can now WS 14 times a day, and has a wide selection of forms, but we can do better.
In Unearthed Arcana (UA) is a Wildshape Ranger variant. Why do we want this? Because of BaB; since we aren't focused on spells, we can drop druid levels and switch it for WS Ranger levels, which gives us a higher BaB, and a higher grapple bonus (and weapon proficiencies/favored enemy).

The build is now WS Ranger 5/MoMF 10/Ranger 5
This is good; but the extra 5 levels of ranger could be used better (since there isn't that much of a use for it)
We can use the Nature's Warrior PrC from Complete Warrior (CW) to boost our grapple ability, The PrC grants 3 Nature's Armament abilities; all 3 of ours will be Serpent's Coils (+4 to grapple, 1d8+Str after any grapple check).

The build is now WS Ranger 5/MoMF 10/Nature's Warrior 5

2017-07-05, 03:19 PM
This sounds like a terrible idea. You want to make an overpowered character to make things less fun for people in the hopes it will cause them to retrun to a game they don't like?

Yeah that's not the worst idea I've heard from a member of a gaming group, but it is still really bad.

Kaiju Yojimbo
2017-07-05, 03:33 PM
To get this straight: You were playing a game in 4e, which stopped halfway. It stopped because the players didn't like 4e, so everybody rolled up new characters in 3.5e. Your DM didn't like this, so he wants you to use optimization to make the rest of party irrelevant -- and therefore want to go back to 4e for more of a challenge.

The first question to optimization is: What will my character do? Once you know that; then you take all of the relevant classes and feats in order to achieve that one thing to the highest degree.


Sadly, not entirely inaccurate. The DM is still going to work on the rule changes to address the players problems with 4th. While I'm obviously going along with this, I'd be Okay with a break from the Campaign until we get the wrinkles ironed out. I'm going to have to talk to the group (thanks to the people in this thread for kicking me until I saw a compromise) about a possible compromise. Perhaps talking them into having a couple meets of this one and a couple of the other. The problem is convincing them to any form of compromise has been notoriously difficult. Again, they were playing second edition until 4th came out.

2017-07-05, 04:07 PM
Just talk to them OOC about this instead of trying to do this weird, antagonistic over-optimization thing.

Kaiju Yojimbo
2017-07-05, 04:14 PM
Just talk to them OOC about this instead of trying to do this weird, antagonistic over-optimization thing.

Maybe they won't ignore me this time.