View Full Version : 3rd Ed Spicing up a Jade PhoenixMage (Crusader, Stalwart Sorcerer) Gish

2017-07-05, 06:32 PM
Hey guys.

I'm currently working on a Jade Phoenix Mage concept, but it seems to lack some drive. If you got any ideas for spicing it up a bit tell me, would be rad.
Simply switching Sorcerer for Wizard is not an option. I want the build to be enjoyable over the course of the campaign (Lvl 4-15). I'm also happy for spell suggestions :-)
I'm imagining him as a rider (will get Improved Familiar--> Hippogriff later on) and tripper, Weapon Guisarme.

House rules:
Get one regional feat for free .
Get feats every odd-numbered level.
Only one (base class)dip allowed.
JPM uses Maneuvers of Devoted Spirit and White Raven.

Stats (34 point buy)
STR 15 [16] CON 14 DEX 14 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 15

Classes Feats
1 Crusader Regional, 1: Saddleback, Mounted combat
Human, Flaws: Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise (prerequisite for) Improved Trip
2 Stalwart Sorcerer Weapon Focus: Guisarme
3 Stalwart Sorcerer Knock-Down (3.0)
4 SW
5 SW Ancestral Relic (Guisarme)
6 SW
7 SW Improved Familiar
9 JPM Combat Casting
10 Abjurant Champion
So, if someone just happens to have a good idea how to spice things up: Thank you :-)