View Full Version : Magic Item ideas?

2017-07-05, 06:42 PM
In a 1e campaign i have a plan for the pc's to come across a vault filled with both magic and cursed (but mostly cursed) items and artifacts. I had a few good ideas, but now I've run dry. Anyone wanna help me with ideas good, bad and ugly?

2017-07-05, 06:53 PM
A magical hourglass that, when turned upside down, reverses the effects of gravity for the holder until the sand runs out.

A small pewter figurine that turns to point toward the nearest civilization when placed on a flat surface.

A mysterious gold coin that gives the user visions that take the form of horrific nightmares.

A mirror that shows the observer one of their possible futures, manifested in their reflection (perhaps they see themselves in rags, or covered in battle scars, maybe as an old, world weary old man, etc.)

2017-07-05, 07:16 PM
A magical hourglass that, when turned upside down, reverses the effects of gravity for the holder until the sand runs out.

A small pewter figurine that turns to point toward the nearest civilization when placed on a flat surface.

A mysterious gold coin that gives the user visions that take the form of horrific nightmares.

A mirror that shows the observer one of their possible futures, manifested in their reflection (perhaps they see themselves in rags, or covered in battle scars, maybe as an old, world weary old man, etc.)

Oo very good.
Where'd ya get that banner?

Jay R
2017-07-05, 07:26 PM
A magical hourglass that, when turned upside down, reverses the effects of gravity for the holder until the sand runs out.

Wouldn't the sand already be run out? You just put the half with all the sand on top, at the same time that gravity starting pulling upward.

2017-07-05, 07:43 PM
Wouldn't the sand already be run out? You just put the half with all the sand on top, at the same time that gravity starting pulling upward.

I was thinking that but then I realized /personal/ gravity

2017-07-06, 06:13 AM
Have turning the hourglass effect the person turning it over meaning they start to age rapidly meaning they need to cast a Remove Curse or find a way to remove the curse say for example turning the hourglass over again which reverts the aging?

Have one of the niches hold what looks like an opening into another chamber but its actually a Mirror version of Rope Trick meaning it can be removed trapping anyone inside until they reopen it I'm more thinking some kind of suspension or stasis rather than immediately killing them though!

Stone Dias (a literal 20' by 20' stone coin) that when a command word is spoken it shrinks to the size of a coin revealing its actually covering a pit so everything in the centre of the room is now falling down to the bottom of the pit which say leads to the Underdark or the next level depending on what you want for your adventure?

Jay R
2017-07-06, 08:05 PM
A ring which an Identify spell reveals to be a Ring of Indestructibility.

The ring can never be harmed.

2017-07-07, 04:53 PM
A ring which an Identify spell reveals to be a Ring of Indestructibility.

The ring can never be harmed.

What happens when it comes in contact with a sphere that harms & destroys everything that comes in contact?

2017-07-07, 07:59 PM
What happens when it comes in contact with a sphere that harms & destroys everything that comes in contact?

The sphere destroys the enchantment.

Then destroys the ring.

2017-07-09, 04:34 AM
It immediately shifts to the astral plane or dimension doors to the last place it's wearer rested the indestructible part only effects the ring itself unfortunately!😉

2017-07-09, 09:38 AM
An opaque jar made of blue jade, just large enough to hold a small melon or perhaps some wine. Magic runes cover its surface, keeping its contents comfortably chilled (but not quite cold enough to freeze water).