View Full Version : Player Help Looking to roll a character, no idea what to play.

2017-07-05, 10:18 PM
So I've avoided 5e since pretty much the early playtest. The game moved in a direction I wasn't particularly interested in, so I stepped aside and went back to other games. However I was recently invited to a 5e game being run by a friend, so I figure what's the worst that can happen? I have more fun hanging out than playing the game? I'll take the risk.

But this does put me in a situation where I need a 5e character ready by Saturday, and have no real idea what I want to play. Currently the player's have said they are bringing the following:


So as far as I can see, bases are covered. Obvious gap is a Cleric, but I'm not particularly interested in playing one unless they are notably different from past edition counterparts, which I doubt.

What I am most looking for is suggestions of classes/archetypes that best exemplify what 5e has to offer. Something notably different from previous editions. It doesn't need to be overly complex, but something genuinely different and interesting is preferred. I normally enjoy martial types, but Fighter looked pretty bland overall, and there's already a Barb in the group. Shadow and Elemental monk both sound promising at least on a conceptual level, but I'm not 100% sold.

Also worth noting, other sources are allowed. I've been told everything in UA except for some broken Wizard variant is fine. I have no idea if there are even other 5e sources besides PHB and UA, but if there are they are probably on the table and it's just a matter of asking.

So... any suggestions?

2017-07-05, 10:23 PM
Well... if you feel like you have all the bases covered and UA is on the table; why not a Mystic? (This edition's version of a psionicist)

2017-07-05, 10:25 PM
I am thinking about a Paladin or Eldritch Knight as a back up in the event my character is killed.

No brains
2017-07-05, 10:41 PM
Cleric isn't a bad choice. Domains and ability distribution can make a big difference on how the class is played. You CAN play like a past edition cleric by going life, light, or war cleric, but you can mix things up by being a knowledge, tempest, or trickery cleric. It's good to have the basic cleric stuff to fall back on for times when the party is getting it's butt kicked, but you still have access to fun things to do if you want to look out for yourself.

If your DM will allow it, Death domain has some decent options for damage dealing.

2017-07-06, 12:03 AM
Fighter with archer specialization will be a good fit and they are fun to play, just don't multi-class.
Sorcerer will fit well though I'm not a fan personally, very powerful but too much sacking going on to be fun.
Priests are indeed different from previous editions, give it a try.
A second Bard might play better than you think, lore bards are just useful in so many situations and work well with a multi-class dip which means they can feel very different and supplement healing almost as well as a cleric.
No Paladin so Warlock is viable or you can go Paladin, neither is my cup of tea since both are one trick ponies for the most part.

I haven't tried Rogues but I'm told they rock, particularly the thief.

In the end I recommend Rogue Thief, Lore Bard, Champion Fighter, or any version of Priest. Either way, welcome aboard.

2017-07-06, 12:10 AM
warlock is honestly the most "original" thing 5e has, as far as I've seen, but basically everything has varying degrees of difference from previous editions.

Quick question though, what level are you looking at?

Also, on the lack of cleric: druids and bards in this edition can be built to have enough healing to not need a cleric. It's not as much, but more than enough to get by.

2017-07-06, 12:17 AM
You could always go for a paladin.

2017-07-06, 12:45 AM
If you plan on being sober, play a wizard.
If you plan on being drunk, play a fighter.

2017-07-06, 01:04 AM
Pick the class you'd like to play... then play the Cleric version of it.

War and Tempest priests gets all armor and weapons (like a Fighter).
Knowledge and Trickery gets you some extra skills (like a Rogue).
Arcana (from SCAG) gets you some free Wizard spells (like a Wizard).

But real-talk, if you don't know WHAT to play, play a Battlemaster Fighter as your favorite race. Its hard to go wrong with one, plus it doesn't have many 'moving parts' to deal with.

2017-07-06, 09:30 AM
Sorcerers are different than 3.5.
-First they gain metamagic exclusive to them
-second full caster (instead of full-1)
-third sorcery points fueling effects

-their spell selection is very limited but you have metamagic which will give you tons of utility with them.
(If you are worried about healing try the favored soul UA, but healings isn't that great this edition either. Can't go wrong with a draconic bloodline though)

Warlocks are unique and within the system. They don't get many spells per day but eldritch blast is a very powerful cantrip. They can also pact of blade which gives them good melee option as well. So you can be a full caster martial.

Elemental monk is fun but you blow through your Ki extremely fast (lower lvls you can blow through all in 1-2 turns) shadow is much more sustainable.

Fighters really shine at 3 when they get their archetype. Battlemaster maneuvers are a nice. They have a lot of utility and power.

Paladin is also a good option. They actually work in this edition and are finally really well designed. You aren't tied by alignment either so they're flexible.

2017-07-06, 10:48 AM
We can't answer this question for you.

Do you prefer ranged combat or melee?
-Monks and paladins aren't great at range.
-Wizards aren't great at melee.
Do you like magic-heavy or magic-lite characters?
-Pretty much everyone is a magic user in this game, excepting fighters and rogues. Even then, there's the arcane trickster and eldritch knight archetypes.
Do you want your abilities to refresh between adventuring days, between encounters, or to never run out in the first place?
-Between adventuring days: Wizards, Sorcerers, Paladins, Clerics, Barbarians.
-Between encounters: Warlocks, Monks, and Battlemaster fighters.
-No refresh: Champion Fighters and Thief/Scout Rogues.
-Other classes, like the ranger, have some abilities that refresh on a long rest and some that refresh on a short rest.

Personally, if you liked 3e, you should play a fighter, monk or paladin. Those guys sucked in 3e and its very cathartic to see them kick butt in 5e. Playing a wizard will no longer make you feel like a god, and some players find that jarring.

As far as balance goes, your party is very long-rest dependent. This either means that you should join them, since they'll likely be trying to pull a 2-minute adventuring day, or that you should play against type and roll a short-rest dependent character.

FYI: skills are not as important in 5e as they used to be. You also need features from your class, background, or feats in order to make them worthwhile.

2017-07-06, 10:54 AM
Hmm, are you coming from 3.5 or from 4e? If you are coming from 3.5, play a Paladin. Huge improvement, and super fun in general.

2017-07-06, 10:57 AM
What I am most looking for is suggestions of classes/archetypes that best exemplify what 5e has to offer. Something notably different from previous editions. It doesn't need to be overly complex, but something genuinely different and interesting is preferred. I normally enjoy martial types, but Fighter looked pretty bland overall, and there's already a Barb in the group. Shadow and Elemental monk both sound promising at least on a conceptual level, but I'm not 100% sold.

The elemental monk is considered to be the worst subclass in the game. Please don't.

2017-07-06, 11:40 AM
Since you're not limited to the PHB, maybe give the swashbuckler rogue from SCAG a look? Those guys are loads of fun.

Also seconding the double-bard concept. It's a strong, flexible class and you shouldn't have too much trouble finding separate niches.

2017-07-06, 12:02 PM
Cleric isn't a bad choice. Domains and ability distribution can make a big difference on how the class is played. You CAN play like a past edition cleric by going life, light, or war cleric, but you can mix things up by being a knowledge, tempest, or trickery cleric. It's good to have the basic cleric stuff to fall back on for times when the party is getting it's butt kicked, but you still have access to fun things to do if you want to look out for yourself.

If your DM will allow it, Death domain has some decent options for damage dealing.

I've never played previous editions, but Clerics were able to cast Fireball? Like I said, I haven't played past editions, but I can't recall ever reading about that.

Any group can take on a Cleric in my mind, even one that already has one. If you want to drop that sweet aoe damage with guaranteed maximum damage Shatter/Call Lightnings or Fireballs, roll up a Tempest or Light Cleric. If you want to serve as a skill monkey or just general utility, Knowledge and Trickery Clerics will do well. if you'd like to act as melee support tank, Life, Nature, and War will all allow you to do so.

My other recommendations to you would be a Strength-based Paladin or a Dexterity/Archery-based Fighter.