View Full Version : Bard Core Pathfinder [help request]

2017-07-06, 05:35 AM
Hi guys, I'm going to start an Adventure with some friends @ level 6/7

The group Is that:

A Druid with a wolf
A Barbarian
A Fighter (dual Wield I think)
A Rogue/Wizard/Arcane Trickster
A Sorceress (Just Blasting)

They are all inexperienced except the AT.

We use Just core things any splatbook Is banned.

What i had in mind was a Bard to buff them or a Paladin or Cleric to heal up. But the Bard have won the debate imho because combat healing suck, controlling as a Paladin Is One dimensional controlling and buffing with the Cleric could be gamebraking as Rolling a control Wizard.

Anyway the build could be something like that:

Human bard

Feats: PBS, Precise , Rapid, Arcane Strike

After those: Deadly Aim than Manyshot.

Dex 18, Con 12+, Cha 14+, Str 12+, Int 10+, Wis 7/8

That should work Pretty good but It make me Shine probably too much in fighting.

Else i Can make a controlling one Bard focusing on tripping, skirmishing, buffing and let them grab the glory ;)

What are your thougths?!

2017-07-06, 08:28 AM
Bards are fantastic in a group this size.
I would focus on being great in 2 different scenarios: buffing for when you fight something with high ac, high sr such as a dragon or something similar, you should easily be able to manage a +10 to hit on at least one char, and the second being horde control. Throw out some illusions like a wall or creature to block enemies and funnel them into your team's meat grinder.