View Full Version : Can an elemental have a humanoid shaped body?

2017-07-06, 08:16 AM
So, in Sphere's of Power (yes, this again), under the Alteration sphere for pathfinder, there's Elemental Transformation, whose form is "mutable." Can someone who turns in to a "mutable" elemental take the shape of a humanoid, and use a humanoid's armor?

2017-07-06, 08:28 AM
I don't know that much about Spheres of Power, but I would assume so.

2017-07-06, 09:40 AM
I believe there's a thread that is frequented by the actual SoP designer who can provide authorial intent/FAQ for these sorts of questions.

From a strictly PF standpoint, polymorphing into an elemental is one of the forms that absorbs your armor and renders it inert, suggesting that they can't wear it, but I have no idea whether the SoP ability works differently.

2017-07-06, 10:17 AM
To answer the question in the title, yes. The default shape for a lot of elementals is very roughly humanoid.

To answer the question in the actual post, no. Just because bear can stand on two legs, doesn't mean you can cram the armor of a giant around them. you can make armor specifically for them at higher cost, and have that work, but the platemail for a creature of whirling tornadoes is different than for one of naught but flesh and steel.

Fouredged Sword
2017-07-06, 01:45 PM
There are also proficiency and weight concerns for many elementals.