View Full Version : What warlock pact should I use?

2017-07-06, 11:16 PM
So Im planning a character around the concept of "Terrifying Innocence" shes going to be either half elf or full elf, I havent decided yet.

Her backstory is her village was raided by orcs when she was very small, like 5 or 6 and she wondered off into the forest to escape them, while wondering lost through the forest she discovered Hyrsam, the Prince of fools, though of course she didnt know who he was. The toddler followed the fey through a portal back to the feywild and there she was raised as a surrogate daughter, now of age shes come back to the prime material plane, only problem is, shes taken on the other worldy sense of humor from her surrogate father, able to bring rapturous joy and mind numbing terror almost within a beat of each other. Shes chaotic good, but its the raw wild chaos of the feywild, and not simply valuing freedom. She sees no issue with using her otherworldly powers to set things on fire, ensnare peoples senses or leave them gibbering in terror, all the while acting like an innocent child, unaware and unattached to the effects shes having on her friends, the populace at large, or her enemies.

Im torn between the chain or the book. The chain im thinking of using a sprite, as sort of the "Straight man" to my characters naivety. The sprite would be a direct servant of Hyrsam, tasked with looking over his daughter and to make sure she doesnt get into trouble, also Hyrsam can speak through the sprite.

Then theres the book which she sees as a gift from "Daddy" and gives her the new cantrips, which enhances the characters utility.

2017-07-06, 11:27 PM
Tomb is probably the mechanically superior choice, but I love Sprites (and their ability to detect alignments!) which also seems to fit the character better to me; I'd go with Chain

2017-07-06, 11:42 PM
I would go chain if you think you're DM is capable of bring it to life without it just being another Dead in the Water Familiar, due to how it can be both a foil to you and the rest of the party (just don't go overboard with it if you do) and the sprite is a decent Chain Familiar in my opinion.

But I'm a little biased towards the book since it's my favorite of them all. But we have to think, does it work for the character, is your character a bit bookish and this tome is a crash course on the Material Plane's history or is it a more of a (comedic) quick pamphlet of how not to die adventuring with illusion magic illustrating adventures meeting their gruesome fates by traps and enemies.

Overall I'd say go with book, especially if you're low on spell casters or have them all (who ever said getting all the rituals would be easy), since it's a major boon to have at least some one be able to cast Tiny Hut, Identify, or Detect Magic.

2017-07-07, 12:00 AM
I would go chain if you think you're DM is capable of bring it to life without it just being another Dead in the Water Familiar, due to how it can be both a foil to you and the rest of the party (just don't go overboard with it if you do) and the sprite is a decent Chain Familiar in my opinion.

But I'm a little biased towards the book since it's my favorite of them all. But we have to think, does it work for the character, is your character a bit bookish and this tome is a crash course on the Material Plane's history or is it a more of a (comedic) quick pamphlet of how not to die adventuring with illusion magic illustrating adventures meeting their gruesome fates by traps and enemies.

Overall I'd say go with book, especially if you're low on spell casters or have them all (who ever said getting all the rituals would be easy), since it's a major boon to have at least some one be able to cast Tiny Hut, Identify, or Detect Magic.

We do a three man group of DND, with our dm, and the other two are a knowledge cleric and a land druid. So we're good on casters.

It would honestly be the latter. Her "book" would be a bunch of leaves tied together with animal sinew and written in their blood, hey the feywild is a brutal savage place, which just has her cantrips, and pieces of humerous tidbits like "dont wipe with poison ivy"

The sprite on the other hand would be stoic and serious. Think Dexter to the Warlock's DeeDee.