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2017-07-07, 02:12 PM
Six freedoms...

...are hold in common by all throughout River Kingdoms. Those who repeatedly flout a beloved freedom find themselves deposed by an angry mob and rival lords.

Say what you will, I live free... This freedom needs no explanation, save that the freedom to speak is not the same as freedom from consequences of speech.

Walk any road, float any river... None should attempt to hinder travel as of yet, let it remain so. Trade routes and rivers should remain open for all. "

Courts are for Kings... Whether a one is a serf-commoner or a neighboring king, all are subject to a lord’s law within his own territory, and anyone who disobeys must be prepared for punishment or a declaration of war.

You have what you hold... Violence is not evil in itself, as long as perpetrator is allowing a victim the ability to resist, the opportunity to face his or her robber, or one king hear declaration of war before he is attacked by another.

Slavery is an Abomination… Nothing is so secure in the River Kingdoms as freedom for escaped slaves and no slaver can be found in Kingdoms.

Oathbreakers Die... Riverfolk who undertake solemn, public oaths keep them, or die trying. This attitude trickles up to business transactions and politics, so be wary of contracts and pacts.

River Cutthroats

The pirates of Sellen river grew bolder in last year than in last decade and rumour has it, they will gather in even greater strength comes summer. The low thugs, disgraced soldiers of fortune and even ordinary folk with taste for violence are joining crews. Rivers merchants curse their fate and appeal to kings for vigorous action.

ESP 3+
(If you don’t have ESP stat equal or higher than 3, don’t open spoiler below)

There is new faction gathering currently with around 4 MIL strength. That wouldn’t be a lot, but they found themselves a leader -devilishly charismatic half-elf calling himself Dread Pirate Kayleigh Robertson.

Paths to adventure

Record number of dangerous ruins, ancient cities and magic portals leading to daring adventures was uncovered in recent years. Adventurers from across River Kingdoms fasten their ten-foot poles, pack spools of rope and gather in taverns to form groups of three to six, vowing to never again demean themselves with cleaning rats out of basements.

Glory and gold await for the brave, madness and death for the unlucky!

Abyss-claimed City (territory 41) - challange demons and countless wicked things inside the Gem, city of of the gleaming heights, and claim fabulous treasures of wizards and portal merchants!

Rift in Shadows (Territory 1) - in the oldest forest, where no ray of winter sun reach, lies place of unmoving shadows - portal into.. somewhere else. Will you dare to step into alien, lightless halls and claim the strange artifacts from beyond?

Adamantine Citadel (Territory 3) - a strange fortifications made of Numerian sky-metal - what secrets are guarded within? Will you fight merciless automatons to find out?

The Corrupted Grove (Territory 46 ) - strange light and bizarre monsters are seen in those woods and rumours has it that heart of Dead Marches and source of fell energies in the region lies within.

The Dark Tower of Dark Lord#5 (Territory 46 ) - No one remembers the name of Dark Lord who build the spire, but it proved to be more resistant to passage of time than his name. The dread monsters and undead servants still roams abandoned floors, guarding his spell scrolls and magic rings.

The Hydra’s Lair (Territory 46) - Ancient Hydra Broodmother nests in those swamps and guard heaps of treasures (do not ask why swamps in middle of nowhere have heaps of treasures!), spawning dozens of lesser magical beasts and worshipped by tribe of mud goblins.

Pirate, Pirate, Dragon Turtle (Territory 15) - all sorts of river pirates and aquatic monsters lurks in waters around lake Kallas. Merchants put bounties on their heads and gold stolen from ships awaits for the adventurers willing to cross blades with ruthless river bandits.

Skin in the game (Territory 15) - not all is as it seems in lawful city of Kallgard - several skinless, mutilated corpses surfaced near the harbour and rumours have it that sadistic monsters lurks in shadowed alleys, wearing skins of victims. The city has never needed heroes more.

Antikythera Undercity (Territory 22) - The portion of Antikythera that is subterranean has come to be called the Undercity, a sprawling, ancient metropolis that stretches for what seems like an endless amount of miles. What treasures--and dangers--this ancient site holds are the stuff of legend. Three areas are of special interest to scavengers and archeologists, but more could be found:

Silk Tunnels - deep maze of chambers and passages covered in acidic silk and inhabited by chittering, skittering host of monstrous spiders.

Illusionary Academy - believed to be centre of arcane experiments, library and university of metropolis, now it’s guarded by golems, magical traps and mind-boggling number of illusions.

Crystal Pyramid - a mysterious and intricate construction of unknown purpose, guarded by deadly spells and bound outsiders.

(Note: I didn’t forgot about fourth site, it’s just not unlocked yet, similar to the Guardians of Gem’ dungeons, which need to be explored in sequence. Consider it special surprise.)

Fortress of Stone Giants (Territory 47) - Tribe of stone giants proudly refuse Gurg da Great rule. Giants are confident that brutal strength, low cunning and high walls are more than enough to guard coffers full of looted silver and gold.

Dragon Cave (Territory 29) - old lair of mighty Verdagathrous, it was abandoned when he left with Maze on interplanar journey; still many monsters hired and coerced by dragon into his service lingered and made home in his mountain. It is said that part of old wyrm’s hoard is still hidden deep under earth, awaiting Verdagathrous return.. or adventurers bold enough to steal dragon’s gold.

The Forest of Poisoned Hopes (Territory 24) - once a capital city of Coalition of the Forest, now wide avenues of this forsaken place are hunted by feral packs of werewolves and beasts tainted by lower planes influence. The insidious and foul magic of Great Wyrm Verdagathrous still spell-binds this land.

Note: this adventure needs to be completed before second adventure site can be unlocked.

Splinter of First World (Territory 32) - a meandering forest trial leads to triple circle of elderberry, raspberry and grass and inside lies heart and wish of Fey lord. The space and time is not subjected to rules of Prime Material - and finite space of seven steps - as measured from outside - becomes near-infinite for those who step inside first ring. But adventures will keep trying to puzzle solution and reach the heart and wish through rings of elderberry, raspberry and grass..

Underwater Portal (Territory 40) - chaotic and uncontrollable passage into Elemental Plane of Water, place rife with aquatic monsters and unexpected, valuable items.

Infested Mine (Territory 38) - newly opened mining site, where unfortunate dwarves dug too deep and found an underground fungal horror-creature guarding gemstones and gold veins.

Forsaken Palace(Territory 16) - a ruins left by previous lords of this land, place where madness and unholy magic left mark on the very fabric of reality. The stained-glass windows are shattered and cold winds blow through the vacant hallways. The nobles never left this place, but their form is not what it once was and they care little for wealth and power now.

The Bayou of Wraiths (Territory 37) - At the entrance of one of the bayous hugging the Sellen River's bank lies the mouldering, worm-eaten wreckage of a pirate lord's ship that ran ashore after plundering a great treasure. Wise men do not linger and are not tempted by the prospect of treasure, for the pirate's gold is said to be cursed and shackled souls of pirates still guard it. But when a threat of mere curse or ghosts pirates swayed an determined adventuring party from plunder?

Troubles Abroad

The travellers from the East, from nation of Galt, speak of another year of infighting between Permanent Revolutionary Council and Galt military. Another round of purges has begun and many exiled or escaping soldiers and officers are already on the way to River Kingdoms or expected to head this way soon. It's golden opportunity to bolster the kingdoms forces - for those with gold and silver to pay!

(Price of rising permanent MIL stat with ECO is lower this turn)

Turn 1 begins

Spring has come to the River Kingdoms... The fresh air hangs heavy with promise of strife to come! Claim your destiny!

2017-07-07, 09:09 PM
The troll would think, pondering on that special chair that the folks of the place close by got him. Nice fellers really, and they make some comfortable chairs. Still, there would be thoughts moving in his great head, as eyes narrow speculatively. He would have to do something about those giants in the keep, doesn't do to keep an enemy at your back after all, even if he was going to be making a push later. For a moment, he thought of tales of some special chairs, that showed that one had the 'blessings of the gods.'

He would let out an explosive snort of amused contempt at that. Really, and people call him stupid? The gods show their favor in who wins. If you are strong, the Gods favor you. If you are not, they show only scorn. Then again, he was unused to deities other then those of battle, of the clashing of iron, of the red spray of blood as fang and claw ripped and tore, gulping down bits of meat as it tried to rip open your belly. He would chuckle then, and shout out to any of his lads, no matter their actual gender. "Oi! Sumun tink der ups fer a little trip an yaps with sum bankas?"

He would pause a moment. "An sumones elses ta do a pub crawl and puts up sum postas?" He would sound more thoughtful about the last one.

2017-07-08, 05:38 AM
To various taverns and gathering places in River Kingdoms


if you've intercepted this message, then you qualify as a potential customer of Daggermark's famed Assassin Guild. We guarantee great prices, 100% discretion and perfect execution.


Planeswalker Kirian

to Kingdom of Bonerock

Would you mind if I take a look at that underwater portal and explore around it?

Iron Kingdom of Gob

To Dead Marches

Stay away from our land, wreathed lich.

To Gurg Da Great

We need to talk about [territory 28]. Are you planning to claim it?

Bank and Barony of Melchon

Need a loan? Wish to expand your army, but don't have sufficient liquid funds? Contact Melchon Bank and negotiate a contract with us. Melchon Bank offers individualized repayment plans!

2017-07-08, 08:22 AM
House Dowerly

Brandon looked out at the Forsaken Palace. It was big enough to make into his own palace, if he could clear it out before the marauding hordes attacked. It had power and authority, both things his Villa lacked. Don't get him wrong, the place was large and luxurious, but it wasn't a fortified icon of the ages of the Palace. The Villa was the home of a ruler, the Palace would be the home of an Emperor.

To Bonerock Peaks (STA 4)

We would like to host one of your dignitaries at our keep to discuss the future of our territories. We have a plan that could help us civilized folk drastically should the monsters on the fringes of the Riverlands choose to push inland.

To the League of Andrianna (STA 1)

Hail friends. What tasks are you currently working toward? We are looking for a path to friendship between our peoples.

2017-07-08, 08:59 AM
Zonk was not a normal king. First off, he didn't even have a throne, but Zonk was okay with this. What would he do in a throne anyway, sit in it?

Anywho what separated Zonk from most kings now a days is that he fought with the rest of people near the front lines. He was there right where the action is, and that's part of the reason so many ratfolk accepted him as their king.

So when Zonk heard about this weird Shadow Portal Thingie, with possibly dark artifacts that could help him win the coming battles, he himself went there to find out its mysteries.

ESP 7+

I want the Nine-Claws and the Godly Groomers to go check out this Shadow portal thingie. I want no one to know that our forces are slight decline to explore this magical mystery, which is why I sent this letter to one of our most esteemed smugglers. After you read this letter I request you use it to make a nest or eat it.

Zonk, Master Marksman, Mysterious Monarch, Magnificent Mischief Maker, and Methodical Machiavellian

2017-07-08, 02:53 PM
The League of Andrianna

Spring (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFPjFjUonX8) is a magical time in the city of Min'Nethar. The Satyrs have begun their Spring rites (wine-making, flower-picking, child-tricking), and the cold rivers begin to unfreeze around the twinkling city. Truly, this spring would be a rebirth of cuture for the elderly elves. Or, at least, it would be interesting. With the League of Andrianna formed again earnestly, the Prince of Satyrs opening diplomatic channels outside of the league, and the wine tasting richer than ever, this spring in the River Kingdoms would be a revelrous one, indeed.

King Iudicus, as representative of Min'Nethar and first among equals for the League, began to write enchanted letters across the continent - upon opening, a short song would play and the letters would practically pop off of their scroll. Nothing practical, naturally, but very fun.

Stability 1

Planeswalker Kirian
Hello, fair Sir, and pray do tell,
I hope my letter finds you well,
How fares your kingdom on this new Spring,
And do you wear the crown of a King?
We are neighbors, that is is true,
Natural friends, then, me and you

I propose for us to meet,
Travel by foot or with a fleet.
Perhaps, allies we shall be?
Or something worse, we shall see.

-King Iudicus of Min'Nethar, Potentate of the Blademasters, Scholar among Scholars, First of the League of Andrianna, Prince of the Satyrs

House Dowerly

Hello, my friend, let us clear the air;
How well does your land now fare?
I have read your letter and read it well,
Truth be told, I have much to tell.

I fear interlopers can hear my words,
Clear as the chirping of the birds.
Mayhaps we can meet, you and I,
Please, please, do not be shy.

-King Iudicus of Min'Nethar, Potentate of the Blademasters, Scholar among Scholars, First of the League of Andrianna, Prince of the Satyrs

Iron Kingdom of Gob
Ah, the Kingdom of Gob yet still stands,
An anachronism in these lands.
Take no offense, I send this kindly
And I would not test your might so blindly.

Consider this an olive branch,
An active would, I would like to stanch.
If we choose peace rather than war,
We will gain greater than ever before.

-King Iudicus of Min'Nethar, Potentate of the Blademasters, Scholar among Scholars, First of the League of Andrianna, Prince of the Satyrs

The Verdant Heart
Ah, hello, my dear Elven friends!
This Spring is a time of beginnings, not ends.
I come with the authority of Elven kings,
(A Satyr regent is not the worst of all things)

Perhaps you see the treaties of ages old,
Binding our fates together, through warm and cold.
I suggest a meeting between our groups,
We will find no need to send any troops.

And, I fear these letters may be my doom.
I swear, there are spies even in my throne room!
A meeting would ensure absolute secrecy,
And, thus, our work will continue ceaselessly.

-King Iudicus of Min'Nethar, Potentate of the Blademasters, Scholar among Scholars, First of the League of Andrianna, Prince of the Satyrs

2017-07-08, 06:20 PM
Planeswalker Kirian

To League of Andrianna

To Prince of Satyrs,

I claim no kingdom beyond what in sight of my tower and I do it only because I wish not to be pestered by petty lords. Nothing is happening in my domain that would require my attention, so all is well.

I wanted to pay visit to your beautiful cities for a long time. We shall meet soon.

-Planeswalker Kirian

League of Andrianna PM

Planeswalker travelled on foot - but didn't touch dusty roads at all, crossing through Shadow beyond the world from shadows in his Tower into evening shadows cast by Min'Nethar' grand palace. He and monk Tisarion were apprehended by elven guards and after short time brought to audience hall inside. His inseparable companion fallowed, silent as shadow.

Kiran adjusted gleaming, ultramarine longcoat and bowed - not very low, but it was still formal and respectful.

"Greeting, o fair King. What do you wish to discuss? "

Iron Kingdom of Gob

To League of Andrianna

Anachronism? HA! I bet you a dozen foxhounds and chest of silver that my Kingdom will be whole long after yours get torn to pieces.

Alas, Kingdom of Gob won't be the one doing the tearing, pillaging and burning. There's plenty of troubles brewing in the River Kingdoms, north and south, foul magic and fools sticking their noses into old things best left buried. My armies will stay close to home just in case.

I wish you good luck, you old smelly satyr,
-Zog the Third, and all that fancy titles too.

2017-07-08, 08:12 PM
Bonerock Kingdom

King Oskar grunts as he brings down his hammer, the noise of steel ringing on steel echoing out across the hall. He had his own private forge in the back of his throne hall to bang out his frustrations on a piece of metal, It was very cathartic. He flexed his fingers, he was getting old now and his joints were starting to get a bit arthritic but he holds up the shield he had just finished and a smile breaks out along his craggy face.

"I may be getting old but Moraddins beard that's a fine shield."

Then the smile is replaced by a sigh as he hears his Herald Drumar shouting for him. He slings the shield into his back and puts the hammer back beside his forge as he trundle out into the main part of the hall. His Herald hustles up and hands him several sheets of paper and some reports "Sire I have some messages from other states and some reports from the city I need you to look over. Then there is a newly trained squad of warriors that need your blessing."

King Oskar grimaces, another day of running around the city doing administrative work. However as he reads through the diplomatic dispatches he perks up. "Sorry Drumar I'll be busy on a diplomatic mission for a few days, I'll respond to the dispatches and then be on my way with that new squad as my escort. The general will be in charge until I get back. Also contact the adventurers guild I have something for them."

Bonerock sends 5 adventurers and 2 Military led by Amber Fireforge to the Infested Mine(38) under orders to explore as many levels as they can prioritizing unique items if they can and gems/gold if they can't and to retreat if Amber should become injured or at dangerous risk.

Stability 5

You are welcome to come explore the underwater portal but I would like it if you took along my personal adventurer Amber Fireforge and split anything you find 70 for yourself and 30 for us. I can vouch for my adventurer, she'll guard you along with your monk.

As our neighbors and as a peace loving nation I think we should talk over the possibilities of an alliance of some sort or at least a mural agreement of non-aggression. Powerful countries such as us surely have much to offer each other.

Over a few days King Oskar makes his way to the lands of House Dowerly with his escort without announcement. As he shows up be heads directly to the court and waits to be announced, he walks in dust covered from the road but with a large smile on.

"So I heard you wanted to talk about the nature of the Riverlands, this felt like a face to face conversation so here I am."

2017-07-08, 11:36 PM
Gurg Da Great

Around several pubs, taverns and places of ill repute, there would be some posters being placed, the paper simple and the advertisement just as much.

'You looking for ADVENTURE, GLORY, and LOOT? Come join Gurg on his quest to break the Stone Giants keep! Every adventurer that comes to join in on the glory1 gets a full share* with the party that manages to breach the walls of the fortress being eligible to receive the deed to the fortress under Gurgs overlordship.
*Shares of the loot do not go to next of kin if you fail to survive.
1 size of party is determined at time of muster before the battle itself. Combatants only. Attempts to use non-combatants to swell loot shares will result in being volunteered to be the catapult ammunition..'

To Iron Kingdom of Gob
[STA 4]

Mights have a look see down that way, haveta deal with sum giants bit closa ta home furst, den can worry bout the expansion. But, seein hows its on da way to da udda side oh da riva kingdoms, gunna have ta head drou dere sunna a lata.

2017-07-09, 07:44 AM
Planeswalker Kirian to Bonerock Kingdom

That's a steep price to pay for assistance of your champion. I do not doubt her fine qualities and courage, yet I don't think she will prove that much assistance to me. I also do not seek aid in my studies.

I propose other bargain: seeing how your kingdom have not a single mage of note, I will identify any and all magical items your adventurers will win this spring.

Kingdom of Gob to Gurg da Great

Wise words, troll lord. We will discuss it when time is right.

And speaking of those giants, my Kalar and his boys want to join you - they want loot and glory. They will be there when you start the siege.

2017-07-09, 09:45 AM
House Dowerly

To Bonerock Peaks (STA 4)

OOC: We don't have to use a PM, this isn't that sensitive information. We can still say our leaders are talking directly for RP but then we can use our VIPs for something else this turn.

You are lead to the Hilltop Villa overlooking the Forsaken Palace, where you are introduced to Lord Brandon Dowerly. "Why yes, it is good to meet a fellow civilized ruler. I'll start with our current predicament. The biggest are the monstrous kingdoms that have risen up in some areas, like the Ratfolk, Deadmarches, and the followers of Grug. The second are other kingdoms that aren't going to trust us civilized folk, like this 'Regular Humanoid' cult and the Verdant Druids. While neither are directly against us I do not trust them. Meanwhile, our potential allies have no ability to defend themselves and large bank accounts waiting to get raided. We need to come up with some plans to counter the evil that is closing in around us."

To the League of Andrianna (PM)

Lady Haley arrives in a carriage with a small group of guards. She doesn't arrive with any fanfare, and asks the first Andriannan guard she meets with a flick of her hand "I am Lady Haley Dowerly. I am having a meeting with King Iudicus or one of his underlings, please show us the way."

To Bank and Barony of Melchon (STA 2)

What are your current rates for loans?

2017-07-10, 11:33 AM
Bonerock Kingdom

Stability 5

OOC: My bad. When you said send a dignitary I thought you meant actual VIP. Ya that's fine, this can be just RP stuff then and I'll save my VIP for something else.

King Oskar shifts uncomfortably, causing his armor to squeak and grate against itself, and crosses his arms and strokes his long grey beard with the upper hand. "Yes I have noticed the rise of these kingdoms with some trepidation as well. The world is coming to dangerous times and it would be prudent to be able to trust ones neighbors. You seem to be a trustworthy sort and Morradin knows we could both use some security and allies. I propose a tentative standing alliance with some benefits to us both that could be expanded once more trust has been built between us. A defensive alliance where we would come to the aid of the other if someone declared war on them but not if they declare war on someone and a standing agreement giving access to each others adventuring sights. What do think Lord Dowerly?

That sounds like a fair deal. I would be willing to renew this deal any time you wish to use one of our adventuring sites, either the Underwater Portal or the Infested Mine. We will contact you with what we find.

Please let us know if there is anything else that would be mutually beneficial to us. We would be interested in making a pact to not open hostilities against each other.

Hello neighbors. I would like to reach out and make contact with you while opening channels for communications. We would be interested in some mutual benefits for us both and possibly an agreement to not open hostilities on each other.

2017-07-10, 08:34 PM
The League of Andrianna

Stability 1

Private Meeting - Planeswalker Kirian
The city of Min'Nethar was as pretty as legends described - streets flecked with gold, impossibly graceful trees lining the streets that bear full fruit, the air filled with the sweet scents of honey and wine. While all of this might be overwhelming, intoxicating, to a normal visitor,
the Planeswalker was hardly normal, and he could see that much of this was a well-curated enchantment. Nonetheless, the city was still appealing and ancient, with varied architecture leading to the beautiful stained glass windows of the city palace.

Inside sat the King Iudicus upon his throne (http://orig14.deviantart.net/a87f/f/2010/285/b/4/lucifer__s_throne_room_by_thegryph-d30mphv.jpg), his eyes carrying a devilish golden gleam. He smiled when his Elven guards, thin creatures covered in glittering armor, led the Planeswalker into his throne room. Immediately, the Planeswalker can feel charisma from this man -
he is effortlessly charming. A fitting king for the highly reputable league. He gently smiles before speaking. "Ah, and the mage arrives!" With a flick of his hand, a seat appears below his throne. "I am King Iudicus of Min'Nethar, Prince of the Satyrs. I will spare you the other titles. I come to you with a...proposition. A deal, of sorts." From nowhere, a pan flute appears. Upon playing a short harmony, a full goblet of wine appears in the Planeswalker's hand. "Men like us...we're not bound by tradition. The kingdom of Gob, the other elven kingdoms, and those dreadful feudal lands across this continent are much different. The adhere to customs and laws outside of their own creation; they see a certain immutable 'spirit' of this land. But you - I can see that you're different. Your land appears near overnight, you capture a kingdom with ease, and you personally represent the entire power of your county? You're a powerful man. But even a powerful man cannot stand alone."

Iudicus, with a flourish, pulls a scroll with a map of the elven cities from next to his throne. He tosses it down his throne, letting it unroll gently before it touches Kirian's feet. "Tirileash, the League's premier magical university, cannot even match your power. But, together, we can be powerful. My city is an economic powerhouse, Tirileash a magical one, and U'Kelor is home to our finest archers. I will be frank - this season, much of our wealth from trade will be used to secure the mercenaries that inhabit our region.

But, and I say this earnestly, I can offer the strength of my League's reputation to improve your own. Entering an open diplomatic alliance with us will do wonders for your land's trade, as well. With my city's word, you will have an influx of our Elven traders, and thus, buyers searching for Elven wares. In return, I would ask for your help in scrying and enchanting my lands. This land is full of traitors, a tumultuous mistress; while this excites me as the Prince of Satyrs, it is unfitting for the King of Min'Nethar. If you can use your potent magics, in combination with ours and my spies, to help seal this land from peering eyes, root out traitors, and generally make my rule more stable, I will offer you the alliance of the League. We will protect each other from all enemies."

He gestures once more, pointing to the doors. They fly open as light floods in from outside. "Should you accept, the knowledge of this entire land will be ours."

Private Meeting - House Dowerly
Min'Nethar is a city of beauty and magic - as the Spring begins, the trees have begun to blossom in beautiful pink hues that accentuate the city's golden aura. The elven guards usher Lady Dowerly to an enchanted garden, where she will see a frail Elf in long,
elegant robes. He eyes her, sensing her magical training, before bowing.

"Lady Dowerly, I presume? I am Arcanist Andonrir, Archmage and Lord of Tirileash. I am here on behalf on the League of Andrianna - King Iudicus, the first among equals of our League, seems to think our lands must cooperate in the coming future. You are a magician, no? Skilled in your own ways, I'm sure, but I believe you seek something greater. Perhaps one day, you can come to Tirileash to learn." He shakes his head before continuing.

"Our lands are in turmoil, but our League seeks peace with our neighbors. Perhaps we can work together on mutual ventures, share information we intercept from foreign lands, and defend each other in times of strife. While we are not a militaristic powerhouse yet,
we have a strong economy, powerful magic, and a glistening reputation. If we add our forces together, we can have the power of two nations, not just one."

Bonerock Kingdom
Hello, hello, my lords of Deep Places,
How lovely it would be to see your faces!
Sadly, this season has drained my time -
At this point, I can hardly rhyme!

We seek peace, and nothing more
Elves and Dwarves needn't settle some score
Perhaps, together, we shall work strong
But, for a private meeting, we must wait long.

-King Iudicus of Min'Nethar, Potentate of the Blademasters, Scholar among Scholars, First of the League of Andrianna, Prince of the Satyrs

Bank and Barony of Melchon
To the gods, I must atone,
For I require one small loan.

-King Iudicus of Min'Nethar, Potentate of the Blademasters, Scholar among Scholars, First of the League of Andrianna, Prince of the Satyrs

Iron Kingdom of Gob
Thank you for your kindness, King Zog. I wouldn't doubt your strength - surely there is a reason your empire one controlled these lands completely. I wish you and your goblins well on future endeavors - both of our peoples, Satyr and Goblin, are viewed as monsters in the lands. Men of taste and refinement, like us, show that this is clearly not the case.

-King Iudicus of Min'Nethar, Potentate of the Blademasters, Scholar among Scholars, First of the League of Andrianna, Prince of the Satyrs

2017-07-11, 05:53 AM
Bank and Barony of Melchon

(STA 2)
To House Dowerly

The Melchon Bank prides itself on tailoring the loans and rates to the customer. What sums are we talking about, what collateral one is offering to the Bank. What forms the repayment is the most preferable to our client and in what time-frame?

To League of Andrianna

How 'small' are we talking about?

Planeswalker Kirian
League of Andrianna (PM)

Planeswalker listened to the charming Satyr Prince, his face betrayed no emotions, no reaction to the skillful flattery. When the map unrolled to his silver-tipped boots, Kirian snapped his fingers and the scroll levitated, unfurled at arms length to his right, so that it could be easily referenced. Walker studied the map for an intense minute, but the King Iudicus knew that his guest is thinking about the proposition.

"Your vision is grand and it's hard to deny usefulness of such alliance. I am willing to weave the spells you require to secure your lands in exchange for the pact of mutual defence against all foes and trade alliance.

The one thing I do not seek is glory, or fame, or recognition. Save your charming tongue, bards and diplomats to beguile more soldiers or for any other purpose. Instead, I wish to be granted the right to explore Splinter of First World and keep all that I find there.

To Bonerock Kingdom

We have a deal.

I am afraid I cannot swear the full oath of peace with you and your Kingdom, for I am entering an alliance with League of Andrianna. Unless you and King Iudicus likewise sign the accords of peace my hands are tied.

Guardians of Gem
STA: 4
To Bonerock Kingdom

King Oscar Minebreaker,

It's a pleasure to hear a kind word from you, King of Dwarves. Your letters and envoys are always welcome in the Guardians' camp.

We are part of the Holy Crusade, ordered and blessed by Iomedae. As long as you do not support Evil in the River Kingdoms, we will have peace.

May the Light of Iomedae guide us all,
Lady Olivia Soulsinger

2017-07-11, 02:16 PM
House Dowerly

To Bonerock Kingdom (STA 4)

Outside of the Site access I can agree to that. I may be able to be convinced of site access, but I am hesitant to give that out.

We would also like to talk about creating a river bulwark that would surround us, and most of your kingdom and Andrianna. Would you be interested in something like that? We would be planning this season and begin construction next.

To League of Andrianna (PM)

I don't want to push you away too far, but your current lack of a military is a large problem. As you state, you have a great economy, but with little way of protecting it. We would be willing to consider an alliance if you could raise a stronger military [to 4 MIL].

We can, however, work together in other ways. As we speak my Father is having a discussion with king Oskar. What we are looking to do is fortify the river that surrounds our nations, which would give us a significant bulwark against our enemies. There are still details to work out, for example your northern border would be unprotected and there is a portion of the Bonerock kingdom that would be left out. Would you be interested in such an endeavor? We would be planning this season and begin construction next.

This would also lead to a problem of [territory 35]. We don't have an explicit interest in the area, but we don't want the druids crossing the river and ruining the plan. We have the military to move into the region and solidly the control, but we would like your input in the matter before committing that kind of act.

To Bank and Barony of Melchon (STA 2)

We could have magical tomes we could use as collateral [MAG]. We are looking for a loan of either 5 t.eco or 10 t.eco, depending on the rates.

2017-07-12, 02:25 AM
Bonerock Kingdom

Reposting this here from my first post just in case.
Bonerock sends 5 adventurers and 2 Military led by Amber Fireforge to the Infested Mine(38) under orders to explore as many levels as they can prioritizing unique items if they can and gems/gold if they can't and to retreat if Amber should become injured or at dangerous risk.

Stability 5

King Oskar shrugs "The sites aren't a huge sticking point for me right now, we have our own to explore for the moment. As you say maybe we can readdress this sometime in the future, introduce some deals? Maybe give the other first dibs on unique items the other doesn't want at a discount or split any material wealth gathered 70 to the finder and 30 to the owner."

The stout dwarven king shrewdly eyes the human lord from beneath his large bushy eyebrows and polished hem"I cannot help but notice that this would leave all your lands well protected but leave parts of mine unprotected. I will not abandon a third of my people to the dangers running through these lands. I can see that doing this along the river would provide a natural fortifying point but I will only commit my resources to this project if you in return help me fortify my outer territory. I will commit to fortifying along the river first however and my own outer territory after it is finished."

OOC: So what stat would it use for fortifying this along the river line? Mil? Econ? Stability?

Lady Olivia Soulsinger

Ours is a kingdom that abhors the evil in these lands and yet we must recognize that evil does run through these lands. Those of us that venerate the good must work together for the good of this land and the safety of our people.

We would be honored to have a defensive alliance with the pious Guardians of Gem and, if you would allow us, to join your vigil over the inner city of Gem and aid the combating of the monsters within to make safe these lands. We too would relish any advice or aid your skilled adventurers could pass onto our own monstrous sites. Maybe as time passes and our trust deepens we can tie our kingdoms together to deepen our piety and strength.

King Oskar Minebreaker

OOC: Trying to ask for a defensive alliance and access to their adventure sites and offer access to my own.

2017-07-12, 08:24 AM
Bank and Barony of Melchon to House Dowerly (STA 2)

We could provide loan of [5 temp. eco] for the repayment rate of [6 temp.eco] paid in two equal instalments over next two seasons [3 temp eco on turn 2 and turn 3]. We would be willing to lend you [10 temp. eco], repaid in four equal instalments over the course of year [3 temp eco on turns 2 to 5].

In both those cases we will require for the money to be collected at the Bank of Melchon as we regrettably can't guarantee full transport security.

Guardians of Gem to the Bonerock Kingdom
(STA 4)

King Oskar Minebreaker,

Do you want to join our holy task and help us cleanse the stain of Abyss from River Kingdoms? We would welcome your host and heroes on the walls. To watch and learn and fight against forces of Evil and Chaos.

But I cannot show the favours in the politics of River Kingdoms. Guardians won't tolerate any entanglements that could compromise the task in name of mundane politics. I cannot honestly promise that my sentries, soldiers and paladins would enter the field of battle if it meant abandoning the walls around Gem.

Lady Olivia Soulsinger

OOC: she allow you into adventure sites, but don't agree to the defensive pact. Yet. You can spend resources to change NPCs mind.

2017-07-12, 06:59 PM
Verdant Heart

I'm going to be completing this later tonight

Sta: 4

A letter arrives at the league of andrianna. It is sealed in beeswax with an almost impossibly intricate seal of a tree and a wolf, obviously druid craft.

Greetings from the Verdant Heart inheritors of the Forrest, King Iudicus of Min'Nethar.

You remember the treaties from the moons of our Fathers and Mothers and we shall honor such remembrance in kind.

We agree to meet and the Queen of the Forrest shall extend the courtesy of the Forrest to you.

The Verdant heart has known much pain from trusting too much and so we will meet but not unfanged as such a thing would be unnatural. A wolf is never without her fangs.

Mid Turn Report

4 temp Mil spent to support adventurers clearing The Forest of Poisoned Hopes, the old capital of the Coalition
2 adv spent to clear The Forest of Poisoned Hopes
1 VIP "The Grinder" [MIL] sent to support retaking the capital along with the adventurers

2017-07-12, 08:43 PM
((Note; All this is entirely new information.))

Videl Vicario (VIP, ECO) will attempt to invest in the nation's infrastructure, spending all but the necessary expenditures budget our current treasury (2 temp ECO points, attempting to improve the ECO rating)
Darren Gorn (VIP, STA/ADV) will go hunting with his adventuring troupe, attempting to take out some of the pests that trouble the various townsfolk (1 ADV? + 1MIL? + Any necessary STA to improve STA rating)*
? - if necessary
Saria Orvel (VIP, ESP) will be performing a round-up with a small counter-intelligence team (2 temp ESP) to reduce the effectiveness of spies in Territory 44 for the next (few?) rounds.

Message to the League of Andrianna, Stability at 4.
(Found lying on the king's throne one morning, with no-one having seen a person near it.)

"Your Highness-
As we share a border, I believe it could well be profitable to come to an... arrangement.
We are willing to forgo any and all missions in your territory, regardless of potential future contracts, in return for the opportunity for our budding mages to study at your glorious universities. In addition, you will be favourably considered in future contract tenders. Of course, should this arrangement change, you will be notified.
Does this sound amenable?
-Spymaster Supreme

2017-07-12, 10:33 PM
Gurg, along with 5 MIL in support, along with 1 ESP, is going to be laying siege to the Fortress of the Stone Giants. Treasure is not as important as subduing the giants, and I'll welcome anyones Adventurers, VIPS, MIL or ESP if they would help, and would share the spoils with them.

2017-07-13, 09:07 AM
House Dowerly

Midturn (PM)

My 3 ADV and Lord Jamie will be exploring/ clearing the Forsaken palace. I will also be using 2 MIL to secure my adventuring sites from other parties looking for treasure.

2017-07-13, 05:20 PM
The League of Andrianna

(Midturn - PM)

Use 5 Temp Economy, 6 Temp Reputation, and 3 Temp Magic to purchase mercenaries from Galt, wooing them with the promise of fortune, Satyr wines, and a chance to explore the mythical Elven cities. Satyr bards, Elven traders, and diplomats, all equipped with enchanted Elven artifacts, will go across taverns and encampments offering the opportunity to join the League of Andrianna.
PM - House Dowerly

The Arcanist nods. "Your concerns are noted, and, if I may say, fair. The League wishes to change this aspect of ourselves - we will make the most of the mercenaries in the land. Further,
the lack of security to our northern border is of no concern - we are in dealings with the owners,
worry not...

But of the lonesome territory you mention, perhaps an occupation by our forces with your temporary support would be more beneficial? Of course, if your plan is to conquer the territory and you are unwilling to change, I am understanding - but, your territory would be spread out, like a tendril. Our core territories form a triangle - you can reach each province from almost any other. This makes moving supplies, providing defense, and rapid retreat much easier. In addition, conquering this territory would open your border to another part of the Troll King's. If that's what you wish, so be it - I would recommend caution when expanding near the troll, though. He might take it as an act of aggression - without external support, that would be a brutal war to fight."

PM - Planeswalker Kirian

"I understand - perhaps, as a boon, I can commit my military towards your expedition. A show of good faith, if you will. You may have full access to Splinter of the First World at your leisure. We have no way to access the Splinter, at any rate."
Iudicus taps his throne once more; an elven servant, lithe and thin-lipped, sprints in, carrying a goblet of wine. Iudicus raises a glass. "To future alliances, my friend. I hope you survive your ventures in the Splinter. A terrible fate befalls many who enter."

[Bank and Barony of Melchon]

Perhaps 'moderate' is more appropriate - my kingdom requires a small boost [ECO 3]
to jumpstart our economic ventures.

The Spires of Vol
We find this to be an agreeable arrangement. Your cooperation would neatly secure our borders. How many students would we teach?

-Arcanist Andonrir

The Verdant Heart
I apologize, my friends, but our lands are not suitable for a meeting this season. Prhaps we can share pertinent information through these messages? I have been distracted by other work,
so I cannot truly respond in full detail.

-King Iudicus of Min'Nethar, Potentate of the Blademasters, Scholar among Scholars, First of the League of Andrianna, Prince of the Satyrs

2017-07-17, 01:33 PM
Dungeon Trips, Turn 1

The Spring blooms and tells of adventure are spread by bards and travellers!

Underwater portal in Bonerock Kingdom territory

STA: 5

Planeswalker Kirian ADV 5 and Kirian(1 VIP) . Explored 5 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 6. No Dungeon Events. Loot: Pearl (+), Case of Scrolls (++), and a Magic Ring +1 Ending Dungeon Size: 15

Infested Mine Bonerock Kingdom territory

Bonerock 5 ADV and 2 MIL led by Amber Fireforge Explored 7 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 8. 1 Dungeon Events: Collapse! 1 MIL killed; dungeon size reduced by 2 Loot: two chests of gold (++++++), Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection +2 and Sword of Thunder +1
Ending Dungeon Size: 10

Planeswalker Kirian identify and explain the Rod function and identify Sword. (OOC: both can be assigned to VIPs and their purpose is self-explanatory - i.e Sword helps in ADV/MIL and Rod is boost to VIP economy actions. ) You didn't get any artifact.

The dwarves made a great progress in clearing the Infested Mine, it's becoming more dangerous to delve below surface, more dangerous and profitable this is.

The Forest of Poisoned Hopes in Verdant Heart territory


Verdant Heart 4 Mil 2 ADV and VIP "The Grinder" [MIL] Explored 4 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 5 due to heavy losses. Events: 2 MIL killed . Loot: Beautiful Art Objects (+++),
Ending Dungeon Size: 15

Forsaken Palace in House Dowerly territory

House Dowerly 3 ADV and Lord Jamie, Explored 3 Encounters, forced to Withdraw on the 4. 1 Dungeon Event: Moderately strong Monster Released! Loot: 1 Beautiful Art Object (+), a whole heap of platinum coins (++++)
Ending Dungeon Size: 16

The adventurers released lesser eldritch horror, The Thing of No Human Shape, that is now tearing the bodies and sanity of guards stationed around Forsaken Palace!

Fortress of the Stone Giants in Gurg da Great territory


Gurg, along with 5 MIL 1 ESP, Iron Kingdom of Gob Adv 5 and Kalar, Seeker of Throne, Completed 12(!) Encounters, forced to withdraw on the 13 due to heavy losses. 3 dungeon events! Major monster released! Found VIP, Orc Warblade Kargol willing to join Gurg da Great; heavy losses: Gurg da Great MIL 2 killed, Iron Kingdom of Gob 1 ADV killed!;

Loot: Four perfect sapphires (++++), chest of gold coins (++++) case of assorted Potions (++), fistful of scrolls (++), , and a Rod of Negation +1, Magic Ring +2, Flaming Sword +1,
Ending Dungeon Size: 8

Scouts report that the outer walls of Fortress of the Stone Giants have fallen before awesome might of Gurg da Great. The fighting is getting more fierce as the inner keep is now under siege.

Giants sneak squad of their finest warriors past the Troll’s assault forces. The stone giants plunder, burn and terrorize Gurg’s territory in retaliation!

Illusionary Academy in Oakeshott's Excavators


Bank and Barony of Melchon Adv: 3 and Acquisitor Trav Renn Completed 6 Encounters, forced to withdraw on the seventh. Dungeon Event: minor monsters released! Loot: Four Golden Statuettes (++++), a book of minor scrolls (+), and a Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection +1.
Ending Dungeon Size: 13

Oakeshott's territory is menaced by dozen of angry quasits, unsealed by careless adventurers!

Planeswalker Kirian to League of Andrianna PM

"To future alliances, king." Planeswalker Kirian drinks from chalice "One last thing left to do: the public proclamation to the River Kingdoms, so that everyone knows about our pact and that war with one of us is war with both"

Bank and Barony of Melchon


To League of Andrianna

Ah, yes. We will be able to provide it with repayment rate of [5 t.eco], paid within a year.

to Verdant Heart

OOC: you have sent a blank message?

2017-07-17, 04:46 PM
Gurg Da Great Adventure conclusion from the Trolls point of view

Diagonal Two handed Left Chop
Turn 21 degrees to the right
Step back
To the right
Punch to the crotch
Tear out Spleen
Eat Snack
Kick in face
Tear off arm
Use arm to cave in former owners chest
Toss corpse at kin
Give Job offer
"So, Kargol izit? Ya lookings ta joins up?"
Briefly wonder what a Mexican Love Beat is
Continue Fighting to the Rhythm
Cover Troops retreat

2017-07-18, 07:31 AM
??? to Gurg da Great PM

"You have my axe" the warblade Kargol swore to the Troll lord. "let's kill all that stand against you".

OOC: Warblade Kargol is MIL VIP and you can use VIP this turn.

Iron Kingdom of Gob to Gurg da Great

That was great. Any suggestion on splitting the goods (OOC: i.e. if you prefer gold over scrolls)? The enchanted gear.. we want the Rod of Negation and Flaming Sword, you keep the ring, but we are willing to negotiate.

2017-07-18, 07:51 PM
Bonerock Kingdom

King Oskar stomps down from his throne as Amber troops in with some of her main adventurers and his craggy face splits into a grin as they come face to face and he pulls her into warriors grip turned hug. He looks down upon the younger dwarven women he adopted as a ward years ago with fondness "So little gultalut how were the mines? I heard you lost some men during a cave in. Don't beat yourself up about it young one, they knew the risks when they joined our forces. They're with Moradin waiting for us with frosty steins."

He turns to the loot that the various adventurers have brought in and claps the dwarven women on the shoulder "Come on let's take a look at all of this."

The large amounts of gold pique lots of interest in the king and he gets it stored in the treasury to be spent at a later date but the two magical items are what really interests the older dwarf. He hefts the sword and swings it a few times, grinning like a child as it crackles with thunder, then looks at the rod along with the message Kirian sent explaining the magic. He taps it a couple times experimentally and shrugs. He tosses the sword back to the adventurous women and grips the staff, "Here you keep the sword, I think that you'll make the most use of it of anyone I can think of. I'll give the staff to Baern while I'm out conducting some international diplomacy but for the most part I'll be keeping it."

The Sword is equipped to Amber Fireforge and the staff will be equipped to General Baern for this round.

2017-07-19, 08:43 AM
House Dowerly

Jamie rushed into the villa, still bleeding from his recent delve into the castle. "Father, we need to hurry. I...I think one of the creatures from inside the keep followed us out. We need to get some"
Interrupting his son "You let one of the things OUT!?! What is wrong with you!"
"I obviously didn't know it was following us. We need to"
"YOU need to go back down there and make sure that creature doesn't get any closer to the town or Villa. Organize the guards already around the Castle, I'll organize some reinforcements."

To Bonerock Kingdom (STA 4)

"We will assist with your outer territory. Our current plan is an initial phase next season which would be a wooden wall and entry points, with consecration and perhaps other protections from evil just outside the wall. Should our enemies start moving closer we could fortify areas of the wall."

To Bank and Barony of Melchon (STA 2)

We will take the [10 t.ECON] loan, assuming there is no penalty for paying it off early.

To League of Andrianna (PM)

Hearing the reasons for not moving into the territory makes Haley smirk, "Yes, if you wish to claim the territory we can support you with 1 MIL this season for the task. We have no direct interest in the land, just keeping others off this side of the river. Our current plan is an initial phase next season which would be a wooden wall and entry points, with consecration and perhaps other protections from evil just outside the wall. Should our enemies start moving closer we could fortify areas of the wall."

2017-07-20, 05:34 AM
Bank and Barony of Melchon to House Dowerly
(STA 2)

There is no penalty, but we won't lower the total sum of repayment. We await your men in the bank, to sign contract and receive the funds.

2017-07-21, 09:38 PM
Gurg Da Great

Eh, feel free to take the scrolls. We'll be using the loot for a recruitment drive anyway, and that translates over a lot better in terms of cash.

2017-07-22, 04:41 AM
Iron Kingdom of Gob to Gurg da Great

F*ck the Galtan rabble. Aye, we will take the scrolls (++), and potions (++) and part of gold (++), you take tons of gold (+++ +++).

2017-07-24, 03:48 PM
Spring of new kingdoms!

The Litniv child-monarch regained the power over his ancestral lands, dealing with the rat-men who overruned it in recent years. The kingdom assure that no-one should be worried - they were way to humane to use rat poison. Ratfolks were last seen entering the Rift in Shadows and the portal was closed behind them. The ratfolks are gone from River Kingdoms! Long live Litniv!

And further north the Tetrelemental Republic joined the River Kingdoms. The economic juggernaut may soon become one of the major factions in politcs.

(the Rift in Shadows in longer available adventure site)

Sellswords’ gold

The galtan soldiers were invited to the militaries of many nations. Coins from Gurg Da Great, Bonerock Kingdom, House Dowerly, Kingdom of Peace, League of Andrianna, Iron Kingdom of Gob and others found the way to the pockets of new recruits.

In related news, the wine and cheese merchants all over River Kingdoms are seeing great uptick in business.

The Satyr don’t play about

The Planeswalker Kirian and League’s elven wizards were seen in many places this spring, weaving ward and spells that made spying in Satyr’s domain harder than ever before.

The expedition forces made a petty lord holding the land to the south of League’s cities to bend the knee and swear allegiance to the Prince of Satyrs.

The stupendous King Iudicus udacious moves to expand power and prestige of the League of Andrianna rise some concerns in other nations, but the alliance with Planeswalker Kirian, the bloodless conquest of new land and military build-up made impression on River Kingdoms folks.

(League of Andrianna claims territory 35).

Merchants and Monster

Lord Brandon Dowerly, using our central location of his hodings and clever tax reform attracted merchants from all over River Kigdoms. The House coffers are swelling and soon the House might become richest kingdom of all.

Moreover, the knights and adventurers dispatched Things of No Human Shape, banishing the monster into Far Realms.

The Revenge of Stone Giants

The giants force that descended on Gurg da Great territory didn’t meet any resistance or military reaction and burned quite a lot of crops - the monsters are still rampaging and Troll lord will need to fight them before more of his kingdom burns.

Misty Marches

Strange and deadly mist veiled whole of Dead Marches. No living creature can enter and echoes of arcane power can be senses from miles and miles beyond Lich Queen territory.

Boot stamping on a peasant face

Barony of Melchon descended into near civil war, as the Baron Melchon started a blood purge of all dissents, suspects and malcontents. The army, adventurers and secret police execute many and even more people simply vanish into dungeons-prisons below the Bank.

He’s a pirate!

Dread pirate Robertson and his river bandits struck at defenseless Spires of Vol! The pirates pillaged at will, killing, robbing and almost burning the city to the ground. The Spires suffered a great blow to their reputation and folks around River Kingdoms are muttering that they are too weak to hold all of what they claim.


Summer's winds taste of ashes.. will more cities burn?

2017-07-25, 01:11 PM
House Dowerly

To Bonerock Kingdom (STA 4)

Would you be willing to lease out a portion of your ADV? We would be willing to pay you [3 t.ECON] for [2 ADV].

To Bonerock Kingdom and The League of Andrianna (STA 4)


We would like to begin construction of the river wall this season. With the Ratfolk gone our threats have decreased, but we believe the wall would still be a good plan. We recommend each of us use [4 stats] toward the defense, being either ECON or MAG. Do you agree with this assessment?

~Lord Dowerly

2017-07-25, 01:48 PM
The Tetrelemental Republic

To all PC nations (Stability 4)
Well met, nations of the river kingdoms! The Republic of Elements welcomes any overtures of peace or diplomacy in these turbulent times. In addition, we are interested in purchasing magical artifacts. Please contact us if you have any unwanted enchanted objects and we may be able to come to an arrangement.
To the Kingdom of Litniv (Stability 4)
Greetings, neighbors! Our people admire your magical might – we hope that our nations can work together to usher in a new age of peace and prosperity. We are interested in a non-aggression pact; perhaps our experience using elemental magic to boost our economic prosperity could be put to good use by your alchemists?
To the Guardians of Gem (Stability 4)
Greetings, brave wardens! Our people admire the courage and valor of your mission – while we lack the adventurers to assist you directly, perhaps there is another way our nations could help each other?
To Planeswalker Kirian (Stability 4)
Greetings, master of magic. We are humbled by the might of your arcane power – while our republic is experienced with the use of elemental sorcery, we would greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak to a master of the craft. Perhaps you would see fit to visit us in the northwestern mountains, so that we might discuss the benefits of mutual cooperation?
To the Bank and Barony of Melchon (Stability 4)
Greetings, esteemed moneylenders. Long have our people had great respect for prudent investment – we are glad to see that at least one other nation feels the same way. Regardless, these are uncertain times for the Republic of Elements; we were hoping that we might be able to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement. We are interested in borrowing [4 Econ] for the current season – what sort of repayment plan would be amenable to you?

2017-07-25, 03:28 PM
Guardians of Gem to Tetrelemental Republic

Of course we can help each other. I would be willing to trade some of the magical loot for gold to hire more adventurers, if you are interested.
-Lady Olivia Soulsinger

Planeswalker Kirian to Tetrelemental Republic

But I am busy and behind in my studies, for the spells I needed to construct for Prince of Satyrs took many weeks of my time. You should send representative to me, if you wish to discuss matters of magic. If you wish to discuss trade, security or war - talk to King Iudicus of League of Andrianna for I trust him to handle those in our alliance.

Bank and Barony of Melchon to Tetrelemental Republic

The repayment would be [5 t.eco], paid back within two seasons [2 turns] time.

2017-07-25, 06:27 PM
"Remember Analyst, you are here to observe and, above all else, record the truth. The High King desires a unvarnished, objective history of his nation and it's goings on, now look lively here there come" Analyst Heboric nodded to the Lady vul Braun took his place in one corner of the council room, sipping idly from a flask that had a memory enhancing cerebral tonic in it. He would commit what he saw to page afterwards.

The massive doors opened as a trio of figures walked in, briefly accompanied by the roar of the crowd behind them before it was shut off through the doors closure. They could not have looked more different. Archemist Alphont Delat's mechanical gate was bereft of any imagined fitfulness. If anything it was smoother in movement than the other two figures. It's burnished bronze "skin" was completely unmarred, but for a metallic face mask on the automaton's neck. Like everything else about it, the mask itself was without adornment nor personal expression.

The figure on the right dwarfed both of the other figures, if not most features in the room. True to his namesake, Lord Protector Blackblood's veins stood out amidst his face, while malignant black fingerlings of veins crept along his massive hands. Hands that were well proportioned to his height of eight feet. Otherwise the lord protector was adorned in a simple military uniform of black and gold, without evidence of merit but for the rank insignia denoting his status. There was a surprising warmth to his face as he nelt before the lady Roslyn and kissed her hand.

Finally, there was the High King himself, who had elected to take on similar style to his supreme commander, with the addition of a small gold circlet and black cape with gold trim. All corrected to the proportions to a fair looking child, of course. His walk was self assured as he took his place at the table with the others, his voice smooth and well cultured. "Greetings. Let us Get down to it then..."

Salutations to you, our Northern Neighbours,

We would be happy to accept a non-aggression pact and are deeply looking forward towards incorporating less refined methods of elemental manipulation into facets of Litnivian life.

Salutations Lord Minebreaker, Most Wise of the Bonerock Dwarves,

We hope this message reaches you well and in fine health. As I'm sure you have become aware of, the Kingdom of Litniv has come into a font of lost treasure: the Adamantine Sky-Citadel. We shall not mince words. We will, upon conclusion of an agreement, allow the Dwarves of Bonerock Kingdom to explore the Sky-Citadel. It should be noted that we have sent a similar missive to the Guardians of Gem and hope that you will not see it as a hostile matter, but one born of a passion for exploration that we are sorely unequipped to undertake. In return we would only seek items that would enhance out alchemies and perhaps a fraction of any monies discovered therein.

Gratituide for your consideration,
High King Merwyn Vul Braun, High King of Litniv.

Dearest Lady Olivia Soulsinger,

My humblest of greetings upon your person, your fellow Guardians and the fabled nation of Gem. My offer is a simple one, bereft of any ploys or designs. The Kingdom of Litniv lacks adventurers and yet we are possessed a singular mystery that has quite puzzled our alchemists: the Adamantine Sky-Citadel, a gift from the stars. I will be curt and waste no more of your time in what I propose, a joint venture wherein the guardians investigate the . You will be permitted to the lionshare of the spoils of course. All we would ask for in exchange are items of value that pertain to the use of magic and perhaps a share of any monetary gains made in pursuit of the Sky-Citadel's secrets. It should be noted that we have sent a similar missive to the Dwarvesof Bonerock Kingdom and hope that you will not see it as a hostile matter, but one born of a passion for exploration that we are sorely unequipped to undertake

Humbly yours,
High King Merwyn vul Braun, High King of Litniv

2017-07-25, 07:29 PM
Bonerock Kingdom

Stability 5

I'm sorry but I have use for my adventurers for the next few seasons and I cannot lend them out.

Our people have no magic to speak of and other needs for our kingdom, we will dedicate some of our economy towards these fortifications but we may not be able to commit this much as of yet.

OOC: Sorry can't lend out the adventurers right now, adventuring is a potential source of income and items that is to good to pass up some of at this moment. Also since I have no magic and another thing I want to invest in I may not be able to do 4. Depends on how adventuring goes.

We welcome you back to the ranks of the River Kingdoms, you have already impressed us by dealing that rat infestation so succinctly.

We would be happy to accept your offer to explore the Adamantine palace of your lands. We would also like to extend the strong dwarven hand of Bonerock in peace. We would have much to gain from each other through mutual peace and possibly even alliance.

OOC: If you're open to it a non aggression pact would be great and if you're open to it a defensive alliance possibly.

Welcome to the Riverlands newcomer, you are joining a long legacy of honorable kingdoms. We would be happy to make peace with you and promise no aggression against you or your people.

We also happen to be in possession of a magic item that we will have little use out of. We recently acquired a Rod of Mineral and Metal Detection +2. We would be happy to trade it to you. What is your opening deal?

OOC: If you're willing then a non aggression pact would be great. Got this magic item. If used it'll aid your economy what are you willing to trade for it or what deal?

2017-07-25, 08:19 PM
The Tetrelemental Republic

To the Bank and Barony of Melchon (Stability 4)
We find those terms to be exceedingly reasonable. We look forward to doing business with your fine nation in the future.
To Guardians of Gem (Stability 4)
In future seasons, we would be thrilled to accept such an arrangement. For now, our gold must be spent on fortifying our own nation. We will strive to send a representative of our country to you in the months to come to discuss the terms of such a deal. For now, know that you have the support of the Republic of Elements, and should the need arise we are prepared to aid you in defending our world from the horrors within the rifts.
To the Kingdom of Litniv (Stability 4)
Excellent! We hope that this will be the start of a long and prosperous relationship between our two nations. Perhaps next season we shall dispatch Grand Mage Ebbtide, our kingdom's finest elemancer, to your territories to discuss such an exchange of magical knowledge.
To Bonerock Kingdom (Stability 4)
That is indeed tremendous news! We are deeply glad to see that the generosity and honour of dwarves is not merely the stuff of legends, and we shall strive to ensure that our nations stand together as friends in the future. We shall make no hostile actions towards your people or territories. Indeed, many of our Earth and Fire Genasi citizens would be very interested in seeing the wondrous city you have built into a mountain.

In terms of the magical artifact, we would perhaps propose a deal. We would be willing to purchase it from you for [2 t.Economy for the next two turns]. Alternatively, to celebrate the newly established relationship between our nations, we could take the artifact and make use of it, giving you [1 t.Economy] per season - sharing the spoils equally. Are either of those terms acceptable?

2017-07-26, 04:13 AM
The Dread Pirate Robertson has earned himself his death.

Darren Gorn (VIP) and his adventuring crew (1 ADV) offer their services to join on any dungeon delving, looking only to help restore the finances of the Spires of Völ.

We offer our services in the assassination of malcontents and enemies of your great nation. Let us negotiate and asking price.

2017-07-26, 07:25 AM
House Dowerly

To Spires of Vol (STA 4)

We are willing to hire your ADV and leader for 3 t.ECON. We are also willing to spare 2 t.MIL to help defend your land in exchange for 2 t.ESP this season.

2017-07-26, 12:48 PM
To House Dowerly (STA 7)

That rate is quite agreeable to us.

We are afraid that our espionage team will be... busy this season, as there is a slight issue we will need to rectify.

Send Darren Gorn and all ADV crew to House Dowerly to assist their adventuring this round.

2017-07-26, 01:16 PM
House Dowerly

Mid Turn (PM)

3 ADV + Jamie Dowerly + 1 ADV (Spires of Vol) + Darren Vorn VIP (Spires of Vol) + 1 MIL + 1 MAG will venture into the Forsaken Palace.

2 MIL will guard our adventure sites to make sure no one else spoils them, and make sure the Spires of Vol people don't walk off with any loot.

To Spires of Vol (STA 4)

That is fine. If you reconsider the ESP - MIL trade let us know.

2017-07-26, 05:36 PM
The Guardians of Gem

High King Merwyn vul Braun,

Thank you for kind words, alas, Guardians’ duty don’t permit us to explore Adamantine Citadel.

Lady Olivia Sunsinger

Bank and Barony of Melchon

To be clear: do we have a deal?

OOC: i.e should I send you that 4 t.eco during EoT?

We are not in the market for assassins, but… we would be interested in certain secrets and we could pay according to obtained results. If you wish to discuss such exchange we would welcome your representative in our Bank for face to face discussion.

2017-07-26, 07:57 PM

We shall get some of our affairs in order, then send our representative next season, if that is agreeable to you?

2017-07-27, 06:39 AM
Bonerock Kingdom

We think that the sharing the spoils of the artifact would be a wondrous way to celebrate our new found friendship. May it bring much wealth to the people of the elements.

Of course your people would be more then welcome to tour our cities and take in our rich dwarven culture. The city of Vir Kohldur has many wonderous sites or those who have never traveled beneath the mountains of the Riverlands.

OOC: Yep down with the second option.

Bonerock sends 5 adventurers led by Amber Fireforge to the Abyss-Claimed City(41) under orders to explore as many levels as they can prioritizing unique items if they can and gems/gold if they can't and to retreat if Amber should become injured or at dangerous risk. They are also to aid any Guardian adventurers they come across.

2017-07-27, 09:32 AM
Bank and Baron of Melchon

Yes, it would be agreeable. We are anticipating good trades in the future.

2017-07-27, 10:14 AM
The Tetrelemental Republic

To Bonerock Kingdom (Stability 4)
Excellent! It is done, then. Send the Rod our way, and we shall send you [1 t.Econ] when this season changes into the next.

Yes, we will undoubtedly encourage our citizens to visit and embrace your culture. Likewise, however, your dwarven citizens are equally welcome in our kingdom. The spired city of Kalas-Tel is a marvelous feat of engineering, something that your people would no doubt find interesting.

Warmest regards,
Malachal Rubbleborn, Chosen Speaker of the Earth Genasi
To the Bank and Barony of Melchon (Stability 4)
Yes, we accept the terms of this deal. We shall ensure you are repaid in full in a timely manner. If you ever require assistance with anything, please feel free to contact us.
To the Spires of Vol (Stability 4)
It is tragic how your kingdom has suffered from the reprehensible actions of the Dread Pirate. While our finances are strained this season, if there is anything we can do assist you in the coming months, please do not hesitate to ask.

May your people's recovery be swift in these troubled times.

-High Sovereign Ragnar Flamespire of the Republic of Elements

2017-07-27, 04:05 PM
Abyss-Claimed City in Guardians of the Gem territory

Bonerock ADV 5 Amber Fireforge, Explored 4 Encounters, forced to withdraw on the fifth. No Dungeon Events. Loot: A wagonload of silver coins (+++), arcane scroll (+)

Adv: 5, Olivia Soulsinger, Green Knight Explored 1 Encounters, forced to withdraw on the second. Dungeon event: deadly trap! Green Knight is wounded by poisoned bolts! Loot: pouch of potions (+)

Edinging dungeon size: 15.

Forsaken Palace in House Dowerly territory

Spires of Vol ADV 1, Darren Gorn House Dowerly ADV 3 1 MIL 1 MAG, Jamie Dowerly Explored 7 Encounters, forced to withdraw on eighth Dungeon event: heavy loses! A dark force reached from the Outside and snatched arcane casters’ minds and souls into Far Realms: House lose 1 MAG, 1 ADV; Loot Gained: Art (+++), and library full of scrolls ++++, crystal orb +1, elemental bane longbow +2, flaming sword+2.

Ending dungeon size: 9

The heroes of House Dowerly returned with heaps of treasure, even if it costed some of them their soul and sanity! The Forsaken Palace horrors become agitated and more aware of the intruders..

Illusionary Academy in Oakeshott's Excavators
Stability 4

Bank and Barony of Melchon Adv: 3 and Acquisitor Trav Renn Completed 3 Encounters, forced to withdraw on the fourth. No Dungeon Event, Loot Gained: potions (++), scroll (+).

Ending dungeon size: 10

The rumours about adventurers in the Illusionary Academy have it that the minor traps and wards were cleared.. And great magical treasures awaits those, who will risk themselves against greater wards.

Dragon Cave in Iron Kingdom of Gob territory

Iron Kingdom of Gob ADV 5, Kalar, Seeker of Thrones Explored 6 Encounters, forced to withdraw on the seventh with ADV 1 Casualties, Dungeon Events: rogues stole the magic items!. Loot: Scrolls ++, Coins ++, Art ++

Ending dungeons size: 13

Splinter of the First World in The League of Andrianna

Planeswalker Kirian ADV 6, Kirian VIPx1, Explored 6 encounters; Dungeons event: Dungeon Event: Moderately strong Monster Released! Loot Gained: collection of bark-covered scrolls (+++ +++), suit of Holy Armor +2

Ending Dungeons Size: 14

Planeswalker Kirian emerged from the Splinter of the First World chased by pack of Wyld's hounds!

Hive of Monster and Villainy in Sublime Commonwealth

Sublime Commonwealth, ADV 3, MAG 1, MIL 1 Meryem Hira, explored 3 encounters, forced to withdraw on the forth without casualties, Dungeon Events: rogues stole the magic items! Loot: confiscated contraband worth (++) gold coins.

Ending dungeons size: 16.

2017-07-27, 09:19 PM
To the Tetrelemental Republic

We thank you for your kind offer, and would most enjoy a mutually beneficial arrangement. Perhaps we could help you organise a potential alliance between some of our fellow kingdoms?
And don't worry. The "dread" pirate will soon get what is coming to him.

2017-07-28, 02:14 AM
The Sublime Commonwealth

The Committee of State would, one day, meet in a crystalline pyramid, a perfect emanation of Utopia itself. For the moment, the former city hall sufficed. It was one of the only buildings in the city center with thick enough walls to carry on discussion over the sounds of construction, anyway.

Outside, the newly expanded streets and alien, mathematically governed architecture was being paved by a mixture of hired laborers and bound elementals, directed by the Society's metaphysicians and geomancers and protected by glittering troops of Inevitables on the streets and clockwork Avengers in the air.

The Commonwealth certainly didn't lack for problems-swathes of the city and its hinterland were only as loyal as the closest guard, vital trade routes were the playground of river bandits and monsters, and that was barely scratching the anarchy and mayhem flourishing in the wider region. There were disagreements, of course-a weathered elf in a cavalrywoman's coat had a disconcerting familiarity with phrases like 'punitive expedition' and "exemplary justice", while the Sylph presiding over the meeting seemed more interested in checking his numbers with the Axiomite observers than considering any substantive objections. Still, at length, consensus was forged, plans were made, and a seemingly infinite number of letters and missives were drafted.

(Stability 3)

To All

Greetings and Salutations to all those who have established oases of order in this land so benighted with chaos and blood. On behalf of the Commonwealth's Committee of State I extend our most sincere wishes for cooperation and mutual aid. More concretely, we are extremely desirous of trade-both the mundane sort, and in information. Please do respond if you are likewise interested in such exchanges, as I'm certain we can come to an agreement that advantages us both.
-Coordinator Joseph Jerome Enyala, on behalf of the Committee of State

To the totally mundane Humanoid Kingdom
Several messengers and heralds travel through the villages of Territory 12, seeking to speak with their leaders and ascertain the areas politics and structure.

To House Dowerly
Salutations and Good Morrow to the esteemed House Dowerly.

In days past, trade flowed peacefully and with great alacrity down the river between our holdings, and in doing so enriched the whole region. While things have of course changed, we hope to maintain the peace and, with time, restore the trade. Would your venerable house be amenable to such endeavors? To begin with, we would propose something along the lines of a pact of non-agression.

-Coordinator Joseph Jerome Enyala, on behalf of the Committee of State

To the Bank of Melchon
To the bankers of Melchon, and to all those who hold their chain-

I'd apologize for vulgarity, but I doubt you mind. So-we need cash. Nothing extravagant, but the world's fetish for glittering things makes them necessary for rebuilding the city on the correct lines. What terms do you have on offer for [5 temp Econ]? [10]?

On a more interesting note, I've heard on several occasions that you have some of the finest drafters of contracts and bindings in the region. And that is an expertise I'd be very happy to acquire a bit of.

-Encyclopedist Pahlen

To Kirian

Greetings and salutations, hail to a fellow Seeker of Enlightenment, etc, etc.

Your work-and being honest, the fact you still exist-is something I admire greatly. So are all the rumors of what kind of library you've got hidden in that tower. Would you be interested in some exchange of mystic lore? And what's your going rate for a season's work?

-Abeline Pahlen


(if it's too late just ignore)

Academic Hira will take all the Societies former agents, along with a flight of Avengers and a few battle-trained mages (3 Adv, 1 Mil, 1 Mag) to sweep the slums and mean streets of Kalgard (Hive of Monsters and Villainy Site), stopping if a stat point is lost, she is in danger, or five encounters are completed.

2017-07-28, 02:08 PM
Bonerock Kingdom

Stability 5

Greetings noble guardians. We heard what happened to the Green Knight on your adventures this season and we wish him well. May Morradin grant him a quick recovery.

We come to you again hoping you have seen the loyalty and honor of our people and the aid we could bring in your fight against the monsters within your city. We hope that you would consider allying with us to defend each other's lands. If either of us is attacked the other would leap into action to defend the others lands as if they were their own. We also know how important your mission is though and we would not want to distract you from that unduly. We will also pledge that our hardy Dwarven adventurers will travel to the city of Gem and do battle with the monsters within every otger season.

What say you mighty heroes of Gem

2017-07-28, 07:24 PM
Bank of Melchon

To servants of Law,

there is nothing vulgar about discussing mutually beneficial business agreement. With great sadness I need to ask you for patience, as our funds are currently tied in other contracts and our acquisition team did not provided us with additional liquidity this season. Write to me in Fall and I promise you that your request get highest priority of Melchon Bank.

Our institution are obviously ready to provide any and all help with contracts and bindings, if we agree on adequate fee.

-chainholder Valgelor

Planeswalker Kirian

I am not a common farm-hand that can be hired for a season or two. I am too busy with my studies to bother myself with your cult, even on the shaky assumption that you have any lore that I don't already posses.

Planeswalker Kirian

Guardians of the Gem

We seen your courage and loyalty and we would be glad to call you friends and allies. Your term are agreeable. Let's as be known throughout River Kingdoms that sword risen against Bonerock Kingdom or Guardians will be answered by swords of both nations.
-Lady Oliva Soulsinger
Ps. thank you for your concern about Green Knight, but it's nothing that Tariel can't fix before fall.

OOC: yes, they agree to work with you and get mutual defence.

2017-07-28, 11:49 PM
The Sublime Commonwealth

Stabity 3

To Kirian
A pity. We could acomplish wonderius things. My offer remains open, if you ever tire of serving mortal princlings and trampling through fey outposts.

To Melchon
I suppose the g8ld can wait a span, then. We aim to correct the metaphysical status of what was once Kalgard, and your experience in binding and breaching the Eternities would surely be helpful, and we would we be willing to pay in kind or (over a somewhat longer scale ) in cash.

Alternatively, and preferably, personally speaking I would very much like to learn such expertise myaelf-the world is such an uncertain place, and I'm sure you apreciate the appeal of certainty and the sancity if conracts youraelf, along with the aid reliable frienda can provide. What sort of fees or favors might such lore require?


2017-07-29, 06:47 AM
Bank of Melchon

If you wish to learn and assuming that you are ready to exchange favours.. what if you and half [t.mag 3] of your spellcasters helped me with a sealing of important contract in coming months [this turn] and in the Fall [next turn] I and the Bank specialists will teach you all we can about magical contracts? [advance your VIP a to next tier 3 by using resources]

2017-07-29, 09:32 AM
The League of Andrianna

Stability 4
Lo, friend! Last season was productive indeed - your assistance has strengthened our lands greatly. How goes your journey into the Splinter? Perhaps we can be of assistance there; our alliance can prosper. Perhaps,
if you had the desire, you could gain a seat on our council - your lands could become honorary members of the League.

Of course, this is dependent on your desire. Write to me soon, friend.


I am happy to contribute to such a project! With our League's strength renewed, this will be an easy effort. However, I suggest a minor amendment - if we build solely along the river, the League's lands will be (in part) undefended. I suggest we extend our wall across the fortress to defend my territory [territory 31];
in return, I am willing to contribute more resources [2 extra econ/magic] towards the construction of this project. Send me your thoughts, comrades.

-King Iudicus, Prince of Satyrs

2017-07-29, 01:14 PM
Planeswalker Kirian

Thank you for your kind word, I will deal with the Wyld hounds and speak to you soon about my travels into First World.

I am too busy in the studies to concern myself with politics and don't desire a seat at your council. I could not imagine myself spending a day discussing taxes and fortification building.

OOC: you can always spend REP to influence decision of NPC nation. Kirian is friendly already, so..

2017-07-29, 02:33 PM
To Bank of Melchon [stab 3]
Wondrous. I'll be seeing you soon then. So glad we could come to an agreement.

2017-07-30, 06:57 AM
The Baron (VIP) spends any temporary ECO points I have to repair the city/infrastructure.
Saria Orvel (VIP) personally leads a contingent of 6 points of espionage, including Doncaster Smith (VIP), Evis Norn (VIP), and Bessie Gal (VIP) into a mission to eliminate the Dread Pirate Robertson, as follows.

Bessie Gal acts to distract the more weak-willed of Robertson's guards with a contingent of one.. "feminine" troupe of spies. Two more accompany Evis Norn, disguised as the Pirate, who congratulates the stronger-willed and bids them off-duty, to discuss these fine fellows joining their mercenary crew, leaving some as guards. If they start having suspicions, the enemy throats are slit without a second thought. Once in Robertson's private quarters, ways into the residence are made by the infiltrators for Saria and Doncaster, who begin setting up traps and laying in wait. Once Robertson returns, he is killed with a slit throat and the crew, for the most part, rifle through his quarters and treasury, claiming what they will. Some, however, remain to butcher the man, carving symbols of the Guild over and over into his flesh, hanging the body from the rafters by his gastrointestinal system, and writing the words:
On the floor in brain matter purloined from his cracked cranium. The crew then exfiltrate as they do best, letting the scene cool for any ruffians that wish to see it.

Torel Orvel (VIP) casts a spell (MAG 3) to confuse and delude any potential attackers, creating a large, mind-altering fog bank around the borders.

2017-07-30, 05:30 PM

Some of your diplomats return. The ones that do seem... Off. However they bear a message.

The Humanoid kingdoms of pEace are a democratic society in which aLl are encouraged to better themselves through liberal study and exercises of the mind!

It Pleases US to invite your greatest minds to partake in a banquet so we may share ideas.

2017-07-30, 06:07 PM
To the totally mundane Humanoid Kingdom of Peace

The altered diplomats are isolated fairly quickly, and sent back to where they came from with new surprises and a reply written in short, clipped writing and carrying the Captain-General's seal.

A surprisingly advanced form of government, given the primitive state of the region. Those exercises must be fascinating.

A meeting's a fine idea, but our leadership's already occupied for the present. Name a place, and C. Enyala will lead a diplomatic mission next season?

-A. Hira
(OOC: No VIPs free this turn. Next?

2017-07-30, 06:43 PM
The high king looked up from his bow to the dwarves of Bonerock Kingdom. He cleared his throat and affixed the surrounding individuals with a cool gaze that lacked any form of imperiousness. "Dearest citizens of Bonerock Kingdom. We would be honoured to accept both your offers of a non-aggression pact and that of an alliance between our two nations." A cheer went up from the escort of men and women that had accompanied the High King, yet he remained stoically facing forward. "Yet I find myself curious, what would your leaders have planned for such an alliance?"

OOC: peace and a defensive alliance confirmed.

2017-07-30, 07:12 PM
Bonerock Kingdom

Stability 5

These lands are full of people's of ill repute and dangerous ambition. It would be beneficial to us both to have someone to trust on both the battlefield and the political realm. As you have brought peace to your lands from the Skaven menace maybe together we can bring peace to the lands of the ill ruled in these territories. The steady Dwarven hand of Bonerock and the magical prowess of Litniv together. We should possibly consider the possibility of uniting our lands together on a solid border while bringing peace and stability to the people's of the lands between us.

What say you?

2017-07-30, 07:21 PM
Using the High King Merwyn vul Braun as a VIP

We would find such a thing most amenable to our sensibilities. May this alliance and the subsequent fruits of it military conquests be most bountiful for both of our nations.

2017-07-30, 08:27 PM
House Dowerly

To Bonerock Kingdom and League of Andrianna (STA 4)

Due to the land connection I think we should stay with defending the river for the current season. Afterward we have no problem helping build fortifications in your other territory, we have a similar agreement with the Dwarves.

To The Sublime Commonwealth (STA 4)

We welcome a non-aggression pact. What projects are you looking to complete in the near future, we are looking for strong allies to fight off the monsters infesting the riverlands.

2017-07-31, 10:10 AM
Sublime Commonwealth

A Diplomatic Notice sent to all notable towns

In order to avoid misunderstanding-
As the successor of the City-State of Kalgard, the Commonwealth holds sovereignty over all its former territory. Including [Territory 13]
The present disorder there is abhorrent, and will will rectify it. The matter is in hand, and I would make it clear that any who interfere will be treated as invaders.
-A. Hira

Stability 3

Ah, magnificent, it seems that our goals align then.

For the moment we intend to restore order to the former hinterlands of Kalgard, nothing to interest you, I'm sure, and to take action clipping the wings of the pirates infesting the riverways, which seems like something that might be on your agenda as well?

Beyond that, our position depends on what threats emerge, but joint action against the monsters which threaten the region is certainly something the Committee would be amenable to, along with more institutionalized cooperation to keep the peace and facilitate trade on the waterways.

-Coordinator Joeseph J. Enyala

2017-07-31, 02:28 PM
Post 1

The revolution has come to the river kingdoms, let the people rise up and claim what is theirs!

The corrupt Samson Oakshotte is no more, his bourgeoisie that stole treasure from the brave adventures who safeguarded his City have faced the guillotines judgment. His people who scraped by on wretched wages are now free under the guiding torch of sindiclism.

The Union of New Korvosa is here to stay, the cause is just! Break the chains dear friends! Break the chains!

GM Internal
I put 1 point into dungeon but it appears my predecessor had 4 points here. How would you prefer to handle that?

To Gurg da Great
Greeting to Gurg da Great,
Your stance on Corporations and Banks aligns well with our own, and we can only admire the strength of your forces. Given our similar ideologies and close borders the Union of New Korvosa proposes a non-aggression pact between our peoples. We hope that relations can continue to improve between our nations.

2017-08-02, 08:32 AM
The most lawful revolution

The merchants of Kallgard were usurped by cultists! The Sublime Commonwealth was declared after bloody struggle.. vast swathes of the city have been torn dawn and the new rulers are rebuilding it to create grid with geomantic properties. The dissenting territories were brought to the heel by army lead by inevitables and heavy armored infantry.

You can’t spell ‘dwarves’ without ‘war’

Unprovoked and undeclared, the dwarven army of Bonerock Kingdom and alchemical legion of Kingdom of Litniv under command of General Baern and Lord Protector Kallor Blackblood , invaded lands of Regular Humanoid Kingdom of Peace.

The war on north-western frontier was a rout, outmatched forces of defenders abandoned the fortifications and fled deeper into country. However, the clash with dwarves turned out differently as arcane explosion engulfed the Bonerock host and the civilian population - including women, children and elderly - attacked the invaders without regard to their own life. Butchery that followed forced Bonerock Kingdom army to retreat and regroup.

Paladin rebuke

Both the Kingdom of Litniv and King Oscar Minebraker did their best to justify the sudden and undeclared aggression. Yet the lines about weak and ineffective government, declaration of good intent and desire to uplift the downtrodden, all ring hollow in wake of civilian massacre and dwarven defeat…

The most dramatic reaction came from Guardians of the Gem. Lady Olivia Soulsinger declared that she no longer trust King Oscar Minebreaker's wisdom, judgement and good intentions. In widely circulated response she called him hypocrite, silver-tongued liar and dissolved the defensive pact between the two nations.

Tetrelemental Republic hour of glory

The devious Dread Pirate Roberson left his ships behind and lead his bandit army against mountainous Republic! Hoping for easy plunder, the pirates were caught unaware by ambush prepared by the genasi forces. The Republic prevailed in bloody battle, despite being outnumbered three to one.

Wrath of Vol

That’s not the end of Dread Pirate troubles. The Spires of Vol agents infiltrated the ships waiting for the returning army and that caught the Pirate in trap. The gruesome assassins mutilated his dead body and left the message written in blood:


The folks in River Nations agree that the Spires are not as defenceless as it seemed season ago.

He's a pirate 2: the one with bank heist

Yet there was a confusing development as few days after the Dread Pirate Robertson was gutted and hanged from the mast of his own ship. The House Dowerly transport with money for Bank Melchon was attacked and survivors swear that the leader of the bandits was no other than Dread Pirate Robertson.

Pirate against Pirate

Defeated, demoralized and confused, the pirates turned against each other in long, bloody battle. The rich in the River Kingdoms are, well, not safe, but at least not threatened by fleet of the river bandits.

Interestingly, many ships and several lieutenants of Dread Pirate were spotted under banners of Sublime Commonwealth, patrolling the Lake just weeks after the river bandits force destroyed itself.

Monsters and monster slayers

Planeswalker Kirian bound the Wyld hounds to his service and now the pack is hunting in his land, guarding it against enemies. The archmage is more than frequent visitor in the court of Satyr King and gifted the League’s fabulous monarch with suit of Holy Armour.

The warblade Kargol led army of the Gurg da Great against the elite force of Stone Fortress plundering Troll Lord territory and slain them to the last giant at the cost of grievous wound and dozens of trolls.

Guardians of Gem recruited two famous monster-hunters. Twins Eva and Adev are well known for their vampire-slaying and will help against demons of Gem.

Straight outta Nine Hells

The ground shook with power and revulsion as the Bank and Barony of Melchon performed mighty ritual, tearing the barriers between the worlds and calling a dreadful Pit Fiend to their service..

The gold-armoured devil was seen in the new, lavishly furnished office in Melchon Bank, marked with placard “Golgotterath - senior debt collector”.

New Korvosa and Oakeshott’s folly

Union of New Korvosa declared themselves boldly as the revolutionary force in River Nations, fighting against all kings, nobles and Guilds. The folks of River Kingdoms are in agreement that Erwin Folker had balls of adamantine to declare war against all kings at once.

(New Korvosa gain 2 REP.)

Their first major target, after claiming the lands of petty lords at the Galt’s boarders, was land of Oakeshott’s excavators. But the adventurers and mages were not defenseless.. They tried to turn ancient secrets of Antikythera Undercity against the invading force. But something went wrong. Terribly wrong. The Crystal Pyramid imploded, folded in multidimensional knot, taking with them all Oakeshott’s men with them..

Wretched Confluence

The amount of destructive and planar magic in River Kingdoms made it dangerously unstable. The walls between planes grow thin, even small spells may yield unexpected results.. Planeswalker Kirian warns against performing any grand works of magic in coming months to avoid further destabilzation of fabric of reality.

OOC: the mishap chance of using magic is doubled next turn.

Thinking in Portals

The confluence had already a major effect on planar-touched locations. The Underwater Portal in Bonerock Kingdom flickers in and out of existence. The Splinter of First World leads in perfect circle and no adventurer can enter - simply turned to place where the journey began. The Forsaken Palace changed. Whole rooms and corridors shifted out of place, some windows no longer shows the Galorion, instead facing outwardly panorama and the dark forces walk the halls once cleared by adventurers..

Tomb of Goblin Emperor

The most shocking discovery in the Kallgard enegized all adventures in River Kingdom. The fable tomb of Galahad, first ruler of Gobtopia, was uncovered during the rebuilding of the city. Adventurers from all over Kingdoms prepare themselves for Fall full of adventures..

Abyss-claimed City (territory 41) - challange demons and countless wicked things inside the Gem, city of of the gleaming heights, and claim fabulous treasures of wizards and portal merchants!

Adamantine Citadel (Territory 3) - a strange fortifications made of Numerian sky-metal - what secrets are guarded within? Will you fight merciless automatons to find out?

The Dark Tower of Dark Lord#5 (Territory 46 ) - No one remembers the name of Dark Lord who build the spire, but it proved to be more resistant to passage of time than his name. The dread monsters and undead servants still roams abandoned floors, guarding his spell scrolls and magic rings.

Silk Tunnels (Territory 22) - deep maze of chambers and passages covered in acidic silk and inhabited by chittering, skittering host of monstrous spiders.

Vault of Ancients (Territory 22) - the destruction of Undercity uncovered one important location. The vault, protected by strong anti magic, is guarding many dangerous artifacts and treasures of ancient builders.

Fortress of Stone Giants (Territory 47) - Tribe of stone giants proudly refuse Gurg da Great rule. Giants are confident that brutal strength, low cunning and high walls are more than enough to guard coffers full of looted silver and gold.

Dragon Cave (Territory 29) - old lair of mighty Verdagathrous, it was abandoned when he left with Maze on interplanar journey; still many monsters hired and coerced by dragon into his service lingered and made home in his mountain. It is said that part of old wyrm’s hoard is still hidden deep under earth, awaiting Verdagathrous return.. or adventurers bold enough to steal dragon’s gold.

The Forest of Poisoned Hopes (Territory 24) - once a capital city of Coalition of the Forest, now wide avenues of this forsaken place are hunted by feral packs of werewolves and beasts tainted by lower planes influence. The insidious and foul magic of Great Wyrm Verdagathrous still spell-binds this land.

Note: this adventure needs to be completed before second adventure site can be unlocked.

Splinter of First World (Territory 32) - a meandering forest trial leads to triple circle of elderberry, raspberry and grass and inside lies heart and wish of Fey lord. The space and time is not subjected to rules of Prime Material - and finite space of seven steps - as measured from outside - becomes near-infinite for those who step inside first ring. But adventures will keep trying to puzzle solution and reach the heart and wish through rings of elderberry, raspberry and grass.. Unavailable this turn

Underwater Portal (Territory 40) - chaotic and uncontrollable passage into Elemental Plane of Water, place rife with aquatic monsters and unexpected, valuable items. Unavailable this turn

Infested Mine (Territory 38) - newly opened mining site, where unfortunate dwarves dug too deep and found an underground fungal horror-creature guarding gemstones and gold veins.

Forsaken Palace(Territory 16) - a ruins left by previous lords of this land, place where madness and unholy magic left mark on the very fabric of reality. The stained-glass windows are shattered and cold winds blow through the vacant hallways. The nobles never left this place, but their form is not what it once was and they care little for wealth and power now.

The Bayou of Wraiths (Territory 37) - At the entrance of one of the bayous hugging the Sellen River's bank lies the mouldering, worm-eaten wreckage of a pirate lord's ship that ran ashore after plundering a great treasure. Wise men do not linger and are not tempted by the prospect of treasure, for the pirate's gold is said to be cursed and shackled souls of pirates still guard it. But when a threat of mere curse or ghosts pirates swayed an determined adventuring party from plunder?

Tomb of Goblin Emperor (territory 15) - the rebuilding of Kallgard uncovered one of the most guarded locations of old Gobtopia empire. The fabled tomb of Galahad.. What legendary treasures can be found there?

Hive of Monsters and Villainy (territory 15) - the dissent and bloody revolution left many dispossessed and disillusioned in the govermnent of Subline Commonwealth. The criminal underground is dangerous place…

Deep Mine (territory 50) - the Tetrelmental Republic miners uncovered an ancient and abanoned mine. Tunnels stretching for miles in deepest darkness resound with echoes of drums and flickers of distant flames. What lies in bowels of earth?

Black Tower triumphant

The mist surrounding Dead Marches lifted and revealed the result of conflict unseen by all in River Kingdom. The shade of Nameless Dark Lord, resurrected by Lich Queen magic, rebelled and subsumed the undead horde. Black Tower once again rules over Dead Marches.

The mouthpiece of Dark Lord, a hideous worm that walks and inexplicably named Edwin Tostltoff, declared that his lord returned and want his old Name back. Woe to anyone who will oppose the search for the thieves of True Name..


Fall looms ahead, and the magic runs wild as the River Kingdoms brace themselves for more war and upheaval.

2017-08-02, 10:51 AM
The Tetrelemental Republic

To the Spires of Vol (Stability 8)
Greetings, neighbors. We would like to offer our most sincere congratulations on ending the threat of the Dread Pirate Robertson. As you may be aware, many of our brave soldiers died defending our nation from him and his rabble of uncivilized, murderous cutthroats, and so you have the gratitude of the Republic of Elements for dealing with him.

Nonetheless, there have been some… alarming reports of a pirate who is at least purported to be the Dread Pirate himself active once more in the riverlands. Like you, we have a vested interest in ensuring that the dread pirate is brought to justice. Though the Republic of Elements is stable and prosperous, we do not have the resources to investigate this matter ourselves – we are a nation of craftsmen and merchants, not spies. If you would be able to do so for us, however, we would greatly appreciate it – there might yet be some way our Republic could repay the favor.

In regards to your message last season, we thank you for offering to help broker alliances with some of the nearby river kingdoms. For now, we would simply like to propose a non-aggression/interference pact between our two nations. Your capacity for intelligence gathering and subterfuge is rightly renowned throughout these lands, but so too is your honour - we are prepared to pledge not to take any hostile or malicious actions towards you or your people and will endeavor to ensure that any we associate with hold to this pact. The Republic of Elements hopes that you would be willing to do the same. In time, we would even perhaps be open to a formal alliance.

May the winds ever blow in your favor,

-First Ambassador Jaxxen Galeheart

To House Dowerly (Stability 8)
Greetings, Lord Dowerly. May this missive find you in good health.

We are deeply sorry to hear about your waylaid shipment – yours is not the only nation to have been harmed by the ‘Dread Pirate’ Robertson in recent times. We do not know if he has been resurrected by some foul magic or if it is merely an opportunist using his name, but we intend to see the perpetrator brought to justice.

We have approached the Spires of Vol, as the Republic of Elements lacks the capacity for espionage, in order to solve this mystery. If they discover any information about the Dread Pirate, we would like you to know that you would have the full support of our nation in taking action against him. We will have vengeance for the brave soldiers who perished at the hands of his foul rabble.

Warmest regards,

Ragnar Flamespire, High Sovereign of the Republic of Element

To the Guardians of Gem (Stability 8)
Greetings, Lady Soulsinger. We are troubled to hear of the friction between yourself and the Bonerock Kingdom; without them as your allies, you will have fewer adventurers to fight back against the horrors of the rifts.

Our Republic would, however, be happy to assist you. While we still do not have any adventurers of note, we would be willing to trade you gold in exchange for magical items, as you suggested this past summer. We would also be willing to help out in any other way that you would like - though the bulk of our gold must go towards rebuilding our military this season, we recognize the importance of your mission. Finally, though we are not a strong military force in the river kingdoms, we would be willing to assist you if ever your independence is threatened.

Please let us know if this would be agreeable for you.

Warmest Regards,

Ragnar Flamespire, High Sovereign of the Republic of Elements

To the Bank and Barony of Melchon (Stability 8)
We hope this autumn has been a prosperous one for your kingdom. Per our agreement this past summer, our Republic owes you [5 t.Econ], to be delivered before the end of winter. In the wake of what happened with House Dowerly, however, we are concerned that any payment we send to you might be similarly waylaid.

We would like to make it clear that we are not in any way reneging on our debt – we are merely worried about the logistics of transporting it. Would you have any suggestions of how best to proceed?

May the foundation of your kingdom stand strong and stable,

Chosen Speaker Malachal Rubbleborn

To the Sublime Commonwealth (Stability 8)
We have heard whispers of former pirates and brigands sailing under the banner of your nation in recent weeks. Know that many brave genasi soldiers gave up their lives defending our Republic from their former colleagues. We trust that you will keep them these cutthroats in line, or there will be repercussions.

-Chosen Speaker Malachal Rubbleborn

2017-08-02, 11:24 AM
The Union of New Korvosa

To Daggermark [Stab 3]
Greetings to the Nation of Daggermark,
The state of the nations in the River Kingdoms seems a confusing tangle to me, and I run a functioning decentralized anarchist state. Your nation has been here longer than most, and evidently are ready to sell your services. How much would your nation charge for information on the various factions. As well as your... other services.

I hope we can make each other wealthy and powerful. And that we may speak again soon.
-Erwin Folker

2017-08-02, 11:51 AM
To Kirian [Stab 5]:

Most Knowledgable Planeswalker,

I praise your command of magic, even as I stand in awe of it's application. Truly the tales that surround you do no justice to the truths. The Nation of Litniv offers our most esteemed congratulations at the binding of the Wyld Hounds. No doubt they will serve a new, better purpose under the command of your leash and word.

I must now bring attention to a most pressing matter, one which, I admit, is the cause for my writings. The maelstrom of magic that plagues the River Kingdoms is, put simply, a problem that we must address. As I'm sure your aware, Litniv thrives in no small part due to it's alchemical magics, just as your conjuration and planar magics. On behalf of the nation of Litniv, I propose a future joint effort to ensure that such control over magics remains firmly in our hands, so t that it may never rage out of control again.

Your Humble Student,
Archemist Alphont Delat

To Guardians of Gem [stab 5]:

Dearest Lady Soulsinger,

We are grieved to learn of the dissolution of your alliance with the Bonerock Kingdoms, yet with empathize with your frank disgust over their military's actions during the first engagements. Rest assured, our alchemists are hard at work to discover the root of the problem, be it Humanoid Kingdom magery or a result of dwarven racial bloodlust. If there is anything we may do to aid in your journey of securing the ever-present rifts, please inform us and we will do our utmost to facilitate a solution.

Merwyn vul Braun, High King of Litniv

To The Union of New Korvosa [Stab 1]

Erwin Folker,

You greatly sadden Us with your declaration of war. Should you wish to talk of peace, please inform Us forthwith.

Merwyn vul Braun, High King of Litniv

2017-08-02, 01:08 PM
Sublime Commonwealth
(Stab 3)
To call it a 'navy' was putting on airs, and brown water craft never cut as imposing a silhouette as a proper Galleon. Still, Hira felt a thrill of pride as she walked down the harbor of what used to be called Kalgard, watching the immaculately repainted and reflagged ships depart to begin patrolling the riverways. Most of those crewing them were scum, and the marine detachments were as much to keep order as to actually repel borders. Yet it was still better to repair broken instruments than discard them because they had been turned to evil purposes. That was the thesis of this whole enterprise, after all.

To House Dowerly
Salutations and greetings to the esteemed House Dowerly,

As I wrote last season, we have taken action to clip the wings of the pirates, as, it seems, did other agents in the region. In the process we've come into possession of the seed of a navy which will one day provide peace throughout the waterways of the River Kingdoms. Given the unfourtunate loss of your convoy, we feel this may likewise be a project which interests.

Speaking of the pirate Roberts, our information on the attack against you is disquieting. I personally believe it to have been a false flag attack, but if not it implies some very strange things about the scum who plague our rivers.
-Coordinator Joseph J. Enyala, writing on behalf of the Committee of State

To the Bank and Barony of Melchon
Your hospitality over the last season was appreciated, and it is always so nice to make fascinating new friends, especially with such novel names. Now, my part is done, so I trust you can be relied upon for yours?

And secrets of the universe aside, my compatriots and I are still in need of a certain amount of filthy lucre. Will you be more able to dig some out of Mammon's vaults this season?
-Abeline Pahlen

To the Tetrelemental Republic You needn't worry. Turning the wretched of the earth to a higher purpose is an ambition we should all strive for. These brigands will do more suppressing their former comrades than their scream would as they broke.
-A. Hira

To the Iron Kingdom of Gob

Greetings and Salutations to the venerable court of Zog,

We've recently discovered in our territory the tomb of the old Emperor Galahad. While we are of course interested in what treasures lie within, the Commonwealth does not have the resources to expend on tomb raiding expeditions for the moment. Given your historic connection to the Empire, we wondered if you might not be more interested in such exploration-for a reasonable consideration, of course.
Coordinator Joseph J. Enyala, writing on behalf of the Committee of State

2017-08-02, 02:23 PM
Bonerock Kingdom

Stability 7

King Oskar writes out a message to the Guardians following the defeat of his forces. Sending it with all haste.
Dear Lady Olivia

I beg you to reconsider the dissolving of our alliance. While it is true that we marched without a declaration of war surely you can see now these people must be helped. A magical explosion ripped through my dwarven forces with no regard for the safety of the non combatants in the area. Then the civilians attacked us with no regard for their safety, even the elderly and children were forced to attack us. You know we have no magical capability, it would have been the talents of those we attacked. It would have been the talents of those we attacked to cause their own citizens, their own innocent, to attack heavily armed invaders. We had had no plans to attack the innocent, it was forced upon us by our foe.

However I know these words will not excuse our actions. I know that actions matter more to Paladins then words. Which is why I hope you would give us the chance to prove ourselves with actions rather then words. We will not pressure you to take us back but just to allow us to uphold our end of the deal we made. We will make no demands on you except to allow us to defend you if attacked and to help clear your dungeons every other season. Let us redeem ourselves with actions.

His Royal Majesty
King Oskar Minebreaker

2017-08-02, 03:02 PM
House Dowerly

To The Tetrelemental Republic (STA 5)

We are developing our own method of searching for the culprit of the attack, but we are treating everything with suspicion at the moment. If they do discover some information about his location, please bring us into the loop.

To Spires of Vol (STA 5)

So you say you killed the Dread Pirate, how sure of you that you got him? We are willing to trade 1 ECON for 1 ADV this season if you would like.

To Sublime Commonwealth (STA 5)

A navy does sound like a worth while adventure, but with the attack on our convoy we have other concerns we must take care of at the moment.

To Guardians of the Gem (STA 5)

We understand the reason for you dissolving your alliance, it does put you in a bit of a weak position globally. The Dwarves have your territory mostly surrounded already. We would like to extend our hand at defensive alliance to hopefully keep the land from dissolving into further war.

On a second note, would you like to have some of your adventurers explore the Forsaken keep this season. We might be able to come to some agreement.

To GM (PM)

Does the bank calling in the collateral decrease how much I have to pay? In common terms, a bank calling in the collateral is in place of repayment.

2017-08-02, 04:11 PM
Sublime Commonwealth

To House Dowerly
Unfortunate, but entirely understandable given the circumstances. When your family has more freedom of action, a partnership would still be greatly desired, or simply a joint expidition to sweep clean the central rivers.

In the short term, part of our effort is to remove potential hideouts and ports used by the brigands and pirates. As such, the Commonwealth is preparing a small expedition to secure [Territory 17] this season. We do not expect any material support from you, of course, I'm merely seeking your consent and neutrality in the matter.
-Coordinator Joseph J. Enyala

2017-08-02, 05:46 PM
The Spires of Vol In case anyone's forgotten.
The services of Darren Gorn (VIP) and his adventuring crew are up for auction- bid as you see fit, and we will carefully deliberate your offers.

2017-08-03, 10:50 AM
Guardians of Gem

It’s agreeable to us, we will inform you about any sellable magic items we will find.
-Green Knight

Their military actions? As if you were not willing accomplice in that dishonourable attack!.

-Olivia Soulsinger

To His Royal Majesty King Oskar Minebreaker,

It greatly sadden me what transpired, but surely you agree that two wrong don’t make it right. Committing evil in the name of Greater Good is one of fastest roads to damnation.

Surly, if your intents were pure you could have considered other actions. Talking to your allies would be first logical step. If your goal was noble one, why didn’t you share it with me beforehand? If those people were ensnared by evil magic, our priests and paladins could have helped them. Could have, would have… the most bitter words in the world.

Alas, we won’t deny you if you wish to fight the demons inside Gem. Two wrong don’t make it right, but also past evils don’t erase good deeds.

-Lady Olivia Soulsinger

Bank and Barony of Melchon

It's a valid concern. Sending armed escort (MIL) or making sure that no one will know when exactly it leave your nation (STA) are both valid choices to secure it against bandits.. And others.

We thank you for aid in our endeavours. The Bank will fulfil our part of the bargain, I am surprised that there’s any doubt about that.

How much gold do you need? All the Mammon's servants will do their best to provide you with what you require.

-Falxugon Valgelor

We need to discuss the missing payment. We do understand that the.. delay was caused by third party. We won't call collateral this season and we hope that payment for this and previous season will arrive before Winter [this turn]
-Falxugon Valgelor

GM to House Dowerly PM-level

Yes, it would count against sum total of debt, but the Bank is willing to be reasonable here and don't confiscate permanent MAG, if you return them 6 t.eco this turn.


We are always ready to talk about business. Our rates depend on the target. So if you want to discuss it, we need to insist that we do it in more private circumstances. Please send an representative to Daggermark.


Planeswalker Kirian

Dispense with flattery, I have enough of it in the courts of Satyr King. Neither do I remember you being one of my students.

The giant maelstrom of wild magic did not escape my attention, thank you very much.


Iron Kingdom of Gob

I’ll bite. What would be considered ‘reasonable’?

-Kalar, Seeker of Throne

2017-08-03, 11:17 AM
Sublime Commonwealth

(Sta 3)

No question about your reliability, just making sure we shared an understanding.

As for wealth, the answer depends on your rates. What's on offer for [5 T. Econ]? [10]?

That is, of course, open negotiation. At the outset I would say a certain small share of whatever valuables you retrieve would be reasonable, say one fifth? Alternatively, we would be pleased to accept any sort of useful magic item as all the payment we'd require to give you free rein for the next few seasons.

2017-08-03, 11:39 AM
Kirian [Stab 5]

You misunderstand, I am merely a student before a much greater master of magic. As to the maelstrom, very well. Should you require aid in dealing with such things we are more than willing to lend it.

Archemist Alphont Delat

Guardians of Gem Stab 5

Lady Soulsinger,

You are right to accuse. We will not deny dishonourable conduct in launching a surprise attack, only seek forgiveness for the stain it has brought upon our reputation.

High King Merwyn vul Braun

2017-08-03, 11:55 AM
The Tetrelemental Republic

To the Sublime Commonwealth (Stability 8)
Well, we certainly appreciate the... zeal... in which you are repurposing the pirates. Perhaps we were too harsh in our prior message - I myself admire your nation's dedication to order.

The Republic of Elements has a proposition for you. We find ourselves to be very vulnerable, militarily, and your commonwealth is known as a force to be reckoned with. Perhaps you would see fit to lend us some of your military might this season, while we expand our own? In return, we would be happy to let you explore the deep mine we uncovered - if not now, then perhaps in another season. There would be no charge and we would not ask for a share of your loot, but we would of course request that you swiftly and overwhelmingly resolve any problems your adventuring would create in our republic.

May the foundation of your nation stand strong,

Chosen Speaker Malachal Rubbleborn

2017-08-03, 01:46 PM
Bonerock Kingdom

Stability 7

Thank you for giving us this chance. As a show of good faith we will send our adventurers to you this season and next season to aid in your holy mission.

Lords of the Spire I don't know if you would be interested but we would be willing to pay for the use of your famed spy networks if we can this round. We would be willing to pay top gold, 5 Econ, to make use of the Spire and networks you have available on our side of the riverlands, 5 Esp. They would be running counter intelligence for forces.

2017-08-03, 03:15 PM
Guardians of Gem

Very well. We will be expecting Lady Amber Fireforge and her companions.

Why you seek my forgiveness? I am not the one hurt by your dishonourable actions, I cannot grant you any absolution.

-Lady Olivia Soulsinger

Planeswalker Kirian

If you must.. I wouldn’t want to hear from someone else that you go around and call yourself my student. That word do have meaning other than "I adore your mastery and stand in awe of your magic".

Here is an lesson without any obligations: imagine casting several large stones into calm pond. The pond surface will be turbulent for a period of time, but the pond will inevitably become still again. Sometimes, dealing with something requires only patience and wisdom to not make it worse.

Don't cast any heavy stones this Fall.

-Planeswalker Kirian.

Bank and Barony of Melchon

We would offer you [6 t. eco] repaid in [two turns] for the smaller loan. For the sum [of 10 t.eco], we would expect repayment of [12 t.eco] over next year [four turns].


Iron Kingdom of Gob

How about we make a deal as fallows. We will give you all powerful items, save from the pieces of the Throne. You will allow us explore as we will and keep the pieces of the Throne (if we find any) with all mundane treasures.

To pinkskin rabble-rouser Erwin Folker,

we noticed that you are asking around for Daggermark slick f*ckers.. I do not like it at all, giving that we are good, s*it, yours best neighbours!

So if you get any bright ideas about Gob "structural injustice" that involve Daggermark, know this: my man, Abriel the Blood-handed, will carve your eyes out and slit your throat. He won't be quick about doing it.

Your best neighbour,
-King Zog the Third

2017-08-03, 04:39 PM
Sublime Commonwealth
Stab 3

To Iron Kingdom of Gob
An extremely clear sighted idea, and one we would be happy to accept. I wish you the best of luck in your expeditions. And to continued and improving peaceful relations between our states in general.
-Coordinator Joseph J. Enyala

To Bank and Barony of Melchon
Those terms are rather more generous than I'd expected, to be totally candid. Always nice to have a pleasant surprise to savor, isn't it?

So, in that spirit, are you capable of providing any larger loans? My more materially minded friends on the Committee have plans that could be very quickly moved up with some capital. If it's any incentive, they should help keep any more of your money from ending up in the taverns and brothels of the Kingdoms.

Best, etc-Abeline Pahlen

To the Tetrelemental Republic

Your principality is better governed than most, I wish you no misfortune. But I have no interest in becoming grave robbers and exterminators. Certainly not in receiving the opportunity to do so as payment for another task.

There are more urgent tasks than we are able to attend to already. If you wish to hire us for mercenary work, you will at least have to offer coin we wish to spend.
-A. Hira

2017-08-04, 05:09 AM
Totally Humanoid Kingdom
Stab 2

Your attack upon our people in [Territory 6] that have left our people starving [1 ECO remaining] and panicked [2 STA left] was unprovoked, bloodthirsty and honestly cowardly. We beg to know what could have pushed the proud people of Bonerock, once known for their honesty and decrying of underhanded methods, to turn their backs on honour in such a desperate act.

However we acknowledge that the blame for the atrocities cannot be laid solely at your feet. The barbarian states who have gathered under the banners of Litniv share a much much large portion of guilt for the crimes against BOTH of our people. While they Invaded [Territory 5] to the south and put our people in chains [Stole 1 ECO] and raided our libraries [Stole 1 MAG] they also bombed our innocent civilians in [Territory 6] in an unforgivable act of terror. The same act that killed vast numbers of your dwarves. In this act they showed the depths to which they are willing to sink.

So while your act was rash and bruteish you are not beyond redemption. We offer a path for you to regain your honour right your wrongs and aid both us and the river kingdoms at large by ridding us of the Litniv hoards.

Our offer is as follows:

Reparations: in order to fix the damage you have done we ask that you provide [3 temp ECO] to us so that we may feed our citizens and start rebuilding damaged infrastructure.

Trust Building: Our people look up to John the Strapping (Adv) as a symbol of hope. He was in [Territory 6] when the explosion ripped through it. It would settle their nerves if he was seen to forgive you. As such we suggest that he accopaniy your adventurers on their next venture, where ever that may be. We would not require a share of the loot for this and would treat it as a training exercise. In actuality it would be a trust building exercise between our peoples.

Alligance: We are building an protective alliance in the west to resist those that would use terror as the Litnive Hoards do. This is simply a non-aggression and defensive pact. We hope to invite the Guardians of Gem and Sublime Empire to this agreement and expand from there.

Retaliation: As you know we have little military to work with to provide out people the justice they deserve against the Litniv so we propose a joint attack on [Territory 3]. We are opening negotiations for a join strike force with Guardians of Gem so the details are vague until we hear from them. but the general idea is we would provide [1 or 2 MIL] you would provide what you can [3 MIL?] and if the attack is successful you would keep the territory to relive the pressure that led to your attacks on us in the first place.

Honour: By agreeing to these terms we feel that you would regain your honourable standing with the civilised kingdoms in the river and start the beginning of a strong alliance in the west.

What say you King Oskar Minbreaker

(VIP sent for increased REP effect? worth a shot right)
Recently our peoples felt the effects of attacks from both the Bonerock Kingdoms and the Litniv hoards. We are left starving and in disarray.

While we don't understand the motivations of the Bonerock Kingdoms we feel that they may feel some form of guilt for what they did. Being the civilised people that we are we have extended a path for them to redeem themselves and fix what they have done.

On the other hand the terror tactics used by Litnivs foul alchemists in [Territory 6] as a mere diversion while plundering [Territory 5] are unforgivable.

From this perspective we ask two things:

Should the Bonerock Kingdoms accept our reparations treaty and ally with us would you join the West Against Terror Alliance with us, The Bonerock Kingdom and others against Litniv? A Non-aggression and defensive pact.

Again should the Bonerock Kingdoms accept would you join us in punitive military action against Litniv in [Territory 3]?

What say you Lady Olivia Soulsinger?

Dear A. Hira,

We apologise for the tardiness in our reply, we have been... Occupied. Quite literally, a ruthless hoard now occupies our once proud land of [Territory 5]!

Nether the less we would be ecstatic to host C. Enyala for a diplomatic mission. We feel that we have much to discuss that would be mutually beneficial.

Prime topics for the agenda are a proposal to trial an alternative way to clear the Hive of Monsters and Villainy that lurks in [Territory 15].

A joint military action that would result in the sublime kingdoms gaining control of more territory.

The option of joining the West Against Terror Alliance. A force to act as a deterrent against terror and defend against the dark forces that rise in the east.

What say you A. Hira?

Zyrxog understanding the need to show respect to the assassins that caught his spies decides to take the risk and approach them himself. Taking to one of the carts he approaches.

Dear Patrician! We had feared retaliation when you deftly caught the spies we had sent to infiltrate the ones widely proclaiming to be master assassins. We are relived that none has come. We take this as an indicator of your professionalism, which we respect most deeply. This is why I myself have come to propose a venture that I believe we can both benefit from.

Far to the east The Union of New Korvosa has risen quickly and shows a strong strong economy built upon a new concept called "industrialisation". This new way of thinking shows such promise that I believe that send resources[2 or 3 ESP each] to learn these techniques will result in either a direct boost in our own [ECO] or present opportunities to reinforce them most efficiently [Costs less ECO to improve ECO next turn]. Best of all as this is theft of ideas and not material goods the bounty should not be diminished through sharing.

If you would join me in this "corporate" espionage I would head the project myself!

What say you Patrician of Daggermark?

Bold Baron Mordecai Melchon,

As you have undoubtedly heard we have suffered a blow at the hands of dwarves and alchemists!

As you read this we do plan our great rise from the ashes in the next [TURN]. But in order to do so we need gold backing to raise our own economy.

How much would you be able to loan us next turn and what rates do you offer for repayment? We would offer Territory 12 as collateral.

2017-08-04, 06:45 AM
Bank and Barony of Melchon

To Abeline Pahlen,

We ware unable to provide loan larger than [10 t.eco] in current circumstances. We also need to discuss contracted collateral. We propose that, in unfortunate event of default, you Abeline Pahlen will stay in Barony and help us with our magical procedures for a year [4 turns]. If those terms are agreeable, we will provide you with the funds.


You are quite confident that you will have [territory 12] to offer as collateral comes Winter. There are two kingdoms at war with yours. Moreover, our liquidity is committed to other clients this turn. If your country succeed in battles this Fall or make an peace with winning side, we will discuss the loans for rebuilding.

Iron Kingdom of Gob

We have a deal.

Guardians of the Gem

I am saddened by the plight of your people. But I cannot compromise Guardians' holy mission in the name of mundane politics. It weight heavy on my conscience, but I am forced to choose between fight against creatures of pure Evil and Chaos and acting against atrocities perpetrated by mortals. My choice is obvious. Not easy, but obvious.

I am not accepting to be part of alliance with Bonerock Kingdoms under any circumstances, nor will I send my soldiers to die in the war between your three kingdoms.

-Lady Olivia Soulsinger


The cart was spotted on the boarders by several professionals, not high rank assassins, but still armed and armoured with light gear. The carts was re-directed it to the discreet location outside the city.

The figure waiting for the Zyrxog was not the Patrician. The man had no armour; he wore a kind of gray billows, of the lightest silks, bound to his form with a black sash. Cowl obscured his face from mundane sight and magic opaque like polished obsidian shielded his mind from Elder Brain's telepathy. The infamous Viper in person.

"That are the words of Patrician. The philosophers say: patience is the greatest virtue. One needs only to sit at the River's bank, sit and wait. The corpse of the enemy will float by sooner or later. You appear to have made enough enemies, so that we won't need to lift a finger to see you dead and your nation turned into ruin and memory. "

The Viper pointed to the road behind them.

"Now go. If you or yours agents set foot upon our land, I will kill you myself".

2017-08-04, 07:32 AM
To Bonerock Kingdom, STA 5:

While we most certainly appreciate your offer, we are as yet unwilling to commit our network into another's hands, as our measures are a trade secret. We are, however, more than willing to run a counter-intelligence operation in your lands for you, headed by one of our major operatives (VIP). Does this sound amenable to you?

2017-08-04, 09:31 AM
House Dowerly

To Bank and Barony of Melchon (STA 5)

Yes, repayment is still our top priority. We will get you the funds you are owed.

To the Guardians of the Gem (STA 5)

We understand the reason for you dissolving your alliance, it does put you in a bit of a weak position globally. The Dwarves have your territory mostly surrounded already. We would like to extend our hand at defensive alliance to hopefully keep the land from dissolving into further war.

On a second note, would you like to have some of your adventurers explore the Forsaken keep this season. We might be able to come to some agreement.

To the Sublime Commonwealth (STA 5)

That is fine by us. Better the area is controlled than be infested with bandits.

2017-08-04, 10:52 AM
Guardians of the Gem

We are not in precarious position as you describe. The Dwarves wish to work with us, Satyr King and Walker are our friends and my host is more numerous than ever. River Kingdoms' folks hail as their heroes.

We do appreciate the extended hand, and wish only for a peace between our nations, but I cannot forget that's a hand counting coins from Mammon's vault.

-Olivia Soulsinger

Ps. we have a demon-invested city to cleanse. The evil in Forsaken Palace is secondary concern, especially if we need to pay for privilege of risking the lives of good men.

2017-08-04, 10:54 AM
Sublime Commonwealth
(Stab 3)
To Bank and Barony
10 will have to do then, I'm sure they'll make it work.

I can work with that collateral, though I'd rather make one change. If for some reason we're unable to pay, I'll aid whatever workings you have planned for however long we're in default for. So if there are three payment left, I'll spend three seasons in Melchon, etc, etc. Seems only fair, no?
-Abeline Pahlen

2017-08-04, 11:07 AM
The Tetrelemental Republic

To the Sublime Commonwealth (Stability 8)
Your soldiers would not be mercenaries, per se - in fact, we would very much prefer that they never see combat. But very well. While our finances are certainly strained at the moment, we could spare [1 t.Econ] for the next three seasons in return for the use of [2 military] this fall. Would such a deal be acceptable to you?

2017-08-04, 01:00 PM
Sublime Commonwealth
(Stab 3)

To Tetrelemental Republic
That will suffice. I will reallocate our forces. A company of heavy infantry and a flight of Arcadian Avengers will convoy upriver in the next month. -A. Hira

To Mundane Human Kingdom
Intriguing ideas, especially the first. Name the place and the Coordinator will arrive as quickly as practical.

(OOC: Go ahead and send a PM)

2017-08-04, 04:40 PM
Bonerock Kingdom

Stability 7

Your demands for reperations are laughable and your attempts to foster off blame onto others to divide your enemies pitiful.

If you wish to truly end this war you can transfer us territory along the river and we will stop our campaign against you. No matter how much we would like to free your citizens from rulers who would brainwash their citizens to act with no regard to their own safety. We will show your citizens a stable and just kingdom where it's rulers do not use their citizens as it's first line of defense.

That would be amenable to us but it wouldn't be our lands we would need you running counter intelligence for. We need you to uncover traps and ambushes against our forces marching through enemy territory.

2017-08-04, 07:36 PM
To Bonerock Kingdom- Sta 5

Which Territory?

2017-08-04, 08:54 PM
The Union of New Korvosa

To the Kingdom if Litniv [stab 3]
To the High King of Litniv
I thank you for your outreach, know that I, Erwin Folker, have no direct quarrel with your people but rather your political establishment. Our people went through hell and were nearly damned there for the actions of our once queen, so I hope you can at least have an inkling of our grievance. Still as it stands I do not truly want war with your people, a few bold statements as we arrived have spiralled far past our control and now it seems the rumour mill has seen fit to have us declare war on everyone. Such is the way of words, always twisting and turning.

I stand firm in my beliefs, the means of production should stay in the hands of the workers, and not the oligarchs and guilds who would contrive to use them as one more means of control. But I thank you for your kind offer, on this new dawn for our people. I hope that peace can grow between us, and that our politics can simply learn from each other, rather than conflict.

Grateful Regards,
Erwin Folker

To Daggermark [PM]
Erwin arrives in Daggermark to discuss the Unions goals.

"As previously stated, I want to buy information about the kingdoms surrounding my lands, and discuss prices for your other services, including the hiring of adventurers and VIPs."

"Specifically the Goblin Kingdom, the Bankers of Melchon, The Verdant Heart, and whoever that is in 47."

With regards to the adventurers I would also inquire into joint operations our nations could partake in. And surely you have read the Goblins threats against the Union. I would ask your thoughts on the matter.

To the Iron Kingdom of Gob [stab 3]
I see I have wound up with kind neighbours. Watch your policy arrogant oligarch, lest you gain a foul reputation. If you are spying on us already then I see no reason not to tell you that my communications with Daggermark were to obtain information on regional politics, not petty assassination.

I suggest you pull your spies from my territory and continue searching for your wretched chair. Our forces are both large and well equipped, a war would only serve to ruin us both.

2017-08-05, 07:40 AM

The Patrician welcomes Erwin in his office.

"Of course, of course. The price depend on the specific information you want to purchase. Day to day movement of armies? Vulnerabilities in the defence fortifications? Ask and we will come to agreement.

"As for adventurers, Daggermark have none. I am afraid, leaders of our nation are not for contract. I am too old to leave my city." Patrician smiles " Ibber is out of town for most of the year on diplomatic missions."

"King Zog vulgarity and abrasiveness are well known by all in River Kingdoms. But the old goblin possess low cunning, a lots of it, and long war experience. "

I am open to all reasonable propositions and projects that can benefit our nations."

Iron Kingdom of Gob

So you have some fire in you. I was half-convinced that all that prattle about war against nobles and Guilds was just drunken commoner boasting. So tell me, do you want a war and glory? Together we can conquer more than either of us alone.

-King Zog

2017-08-05, 10:41 AM
Bonerock Kingdom

Amber Fireforge (adv VIP) will travel to the city of Gem to help clear the Abyss Claimed City. She is under orders to try to clear 6 floors minimum with acceptable losses being up to 2 Adv but to retreat if more is a possibility or she is in danger.

Territory 6.

2017-08-05, 02:15 PM
The Union of New Korvosa

Iron Kingdom of Gob [Stab 3]
Much better. I am sure we can work together for mutual benefit. Shall we discuss this further in private?

Daggermark PM
I hope to learn of the defences and weakness of Melchon, their politics go against everything the union stands for and should it come too war my people need to be ready. I would also be interested in information on the Goblin plans for the region, hard words have done the trick for now but as you yourself said their King is cunning, I hardly think the chair is all he is after.

With regards to VIPs and adventurers I apologize for my lack of detail, I did not wish to directly hire you or yours but rather ask if you know of any who would be hired. With your network I imagine you could make good coin as a recruitment firm.

2017-08-05, 02:40 PM
The Iron Kingdom of Gob

Yes, I will send envoy to you.

The grizzled, armed-to-the-teeth adventurer Kalar shows in the Union. He clutched a map, which he unrolls just after introductions and start to explain the King Zog's proposition:

"Behold Verdant Heart - tree-huggers, werewolves, not that many proper soldiers and not a single adventurer worth a damn. The [territory 24] have ruins we are interested in. We want to secure it.. and you would get something better - a road to the fat, rich belly of River Kingdoms [territory 23, 18]. Their collected army is quarter of our combined forces, their druids will face disadvantage of Mealstorm this Fall. It's perfect time to strike. "


"You have gold, and adventurers love the coins. I hardly can help you more than promise of heavy purse in hiring the usual rabble rouses. But the heroes.. yes that is matter of respect and connection more than gold. Ibber could find you an exceptional individual. [rising ADV stat is done by ECO and you don't need a middle-man. Hiring a new VIP could use REP and REP VIP and the Daggermark is willing to discuss that option.]

"We can compile reports about both those subjects and send them to you [at EoT]. The military intelligence on Bank and Barony of Melchon would cost [8 t.eco] and information about long-term plans of Zog [6 t.eco].

2017-08-05, 05:30 PM
The Union of New Korvosa

To the Iron Kingdom of Gob [PM]
Kolin greets the adventurer with an admiring glance at his armament.
"Thas' a helluva bold plan. Still I wonder if every angle should be scrutinised a little further. Erwin's the bold claims and speeches guy but me? I am the plan guy. You want our help invading a country we need to know who that countries allies are and who will see this as enough of a threat to come knocking at our castle door. Specifically house Dowerly. Dunno what their previous relations might be, but he has the troops to balance the scales if we don't wipe the druids out in one move. On the subject, you think that we can wipe them in one season? Ha! They are powerful warriors, not pansies. Our combined forces are what? [16]? That's against around [7]. I like our odds, if the first battles aren't overwhelming victories then we will face a much harder fight during winter. [OOC that begs the question actually, does winter make troop movement harder?]

Still I am interested. The odds are good. Lets hear what you know for the above questions and then set this in motion.

To Daggermark [PM]
Good to know. Your information is not cheap, but I am sure it will be worth it soon. How much for your information on the Verdant Heart? Specifically defences and weaknesses.

2017-08-05, 07:49 PM

I would put the price on [6 t.eco] for actionable military intelligence.

Iron Kingdom of Gob

Some of your information is inaccurate. They've lost [2 MIL] in Spring and haven't recovered yet. Moreover" Kalar grins "we put several men in position around their military leader. Come to attack, we will decapitate their forces. So it's more like [16] to [5] with our armies under command of my king, Zog, and you. Their will be in chaos and demoralized. So it's can be four to one in our favour.

Then yes, we can finish it this fall.

That's the risk all wars carry, other nations can complicated things. It's not like waiting will benefit us. The druids armies will grow, the magic maelstrom will pass, the war in the west will end and the House Dowerly won't be distracted by pirates and the conflict on their other flank.

2017-08-05, 08:35 PM
The Union of New Korvosa

To the Iron Kingdom of Gob PM
Well I am in agreement then, I'm sure Folker will be as well. We'll get things moving for the attack. You want exclusive rights to the ruins I get that. But I insist that those who want to leave [territory 24] and live in the Union be allowed.

To Daggermark PM
I see. Well for actionable information I will pay [3 t.eco], as [5] seems high. As to your VIP offer I will likely take you up on that soon, but for this season I should focus on getting my people set up. Thank you for seeing me.

2017-08-05, 09:20 PM
Reciving C. Enyala..

As Coordinator Joseph Jerome Enyala travels through the Humanoid Kingdom controlled lands of [Territory 12] he is presented with the scenes of a truly unsettled people. Up and down the streets fly many flags, all of which are colored either red or blue, the flags while numerous seem evenly matched in numbers. Most village squares he passes have become large "debate" stages between people wearing the same red or blue flags. These "debates" often show to be screaming matches between the two factions.

From what you can gather the factions refer to themselves simply as Team Red and Team Blue and are arguing over who should lead the Humanoid Kingdoms. The sides scream at each other with one side favoring internal economic strength and strict adherence strange puritanical social law while the other side promotes vigorous civil freedom and ignoring economic progress to aid the tiniest subset of the population in expressing non conformist gender identity. Its all very strange. There is one thing that unites them a very rabid desire to retaliate against Litniv's transgressions, Team red chants about a wall and team blue about automated guillotines.

Entering the "capitol building", a re-purposed keep falling into disrepair he see's red banners indicating which team is currently in power.

"Mr. Enyala, Joseph - can i call you Joseph? Im President Grenouille, but you can call me Chad if you want. Its a pleasure to meet you Joseph, tremendous pleasure, were going to be good freinds the best freinds." The strange man shakes C. Enyala's hand in a way that suggests he is only tangentially aware of how arms are supposed to work. "Sorry for the commotion out side, the attacks have gotten the people all worked up and they've demanded "Special Elections" SAD! We don't need any "Special Elections" I told them, we have elections every other year why have them now as well?" President Grenouille warbles on, his especially wide mouth contorting itself around every word in new and unsettling ways, one can only assume that one of his ancestors had bread with a frog at some point, a wizard had probably been involved.

[A few traumatic minutes of word salad later]

"-igly wall I say. Anway where were we... AH yes your [Hive of Monsters and Villainy] a dangerous place indeed. Obviously needs clearing for the good of the people, but you dont want to be sending a bunch of soldiers trampling the faces of the innocents down there, or adventurers with their oversized swords, bulgind pecs and swing first question second attitudes. Far too messy and the unanticipated surge in pregnancies -shudders-. So we have a method we want to try out. Well send in our guy Tan Du[VIP ESP/REP], a specialist in digression with no known children, equipped with what coin [2 ECO] is needed to persuade the less violent and important criminals to turn on the lichpins. Then we gather some intel [1 ESP] and send in our guys [1 ADV] headed up by John the Strapping [VIP ADV] as part of a surgical strike."

"Now I know what your thinking, 'Ive seen John and im pretty sure each of his pecs are actually sentient', dont worry hell be under strict instruction to stay away from your women."

"All contraband seized during this operation would obviously be returned to its rightful owners, The Sublime Kingdom coffers. In return for this service we ask for aid in freeing the people that lay in servitude to Litniv in [Territory 5]."

"We have little in the way of military force and that needs dedicating to protect our still free peoples of [Territory 6] from viscous Bonerock attack. We would be happy with the territory remaining under Sublime Commonwealth control and protection indefinitely as long as you treat the people there more fairly than those alchemical bastards."

"We also hope that we might be able to request your services C. Enyala [next Turn] in order to aid us in rebuilding our somewhat shattered economy. Though we do not know what price you would ask for your services."

"I hope this can lead to an alliance between our people. But understand you may have concerns."

We send 2 VIP [2 ECO] [1ESP] [1 ADV] to attempt a clearing of [Hive of Monsters and Villainy]
In return you send [MIL] to take [Territory 5] for your own
Intrested in hiring C. Enyala next turn, essentially requesting a quote/price.
Tentative proposal of an alliance.

2017-08-06, 04:29 AM
Bank and Barony of Melchon

This change to our terms is acceptable.


Patrician studied his immaculately trimmed fingernails for a moment.

"The price for our service in uncovering strategic weakness and vulnerabilities of Verdant Heart's defence is [6 t.eco]"

Iron Kingdom of Gob

"Not going to deny any River Folks their freedoms. They can go as they want." Kalar said "well then.. sound the drums of war!"

2017-08-06, 11:10 AM
House Dowerly

To Spires of Vol (STA 5)

Are you willing to take our offer of 1 t.econ for 1 ADV?

Midturn (PM)

Once again my 3 ADV and Lord Jamie will go into the forsaken palace. Jamie will also take the flaming sword +2 and elemental bane bow +2. We may get a little support form Spires of Vol, so please let me know if they assist.

2017-08-06, 06:09 PM
The Union of New Korvosa

To Daggermark PM
I apologize if I have caused offense. I propose a short break for refreshments, and perhaps we can speak on less political things for a moment.
[OOC I might have a bit more to say after mid turn rolls over, but I have no more at the moment.]

Well there is no magic stat in the union anyway so may as well send some folks into the vault of the ancients.
2 adventurers down there, explore... up to 4 levels? I don't really know how difficult or risky this will be statwise, so we will start slow hopefully.

2017-08-06, 07:19 PM
To House Dowerly

I'm afraid not. Your offer is a little too light for us to tender the use of both our local adventuring party, and it's associated hero- and we are unwilling to risk our adventurers without the support of their leader to guide them. We wish you well in your adventuring endeavour, and may fortune be in your favour in this regard.

2017-08-06, 10:52 PM
Sublime Commonwealth

Internal (PM)

Academic Hira (Tier 1 Mil/Tier 1 Adv VIP), 2 Adv, 1 Mil, 1 Mag sent to Hive of Monsters and Villany. Will keep going until lossess force them to retreat, a point of starts or Hira is in danger.

2017-08-07, 08:46 AM
Declaration of war!

Listen up River Kingdoms. We, King Zog the Third, declare war on Verdant's Heart. First, because the druids are too weak to hold [territory #24] and we want it! Second, because our army is bigger. Third, because we have profound philo-f*cking-sophical diffrences: we hold that trees are to be cut for warships, shields and arrows. Animals are to be hunted for food and pleasures and Balance with Nature is bullsh*t.

Thus spoke King Zog!

Hive of Monsters and Villany in Sublime Commonwealth

Sublime Commonwealth Academic Hira , 2 Adv, 1 Mil, 1 Mag 1 Explored 3 Encounters, withdrew on the 4rd with 1 MIL Casualties. Dungeons events: Artifact found! Loot: Art ++, and piece of Cat God Talisman

Ending dungeons size: 14

Tomb of Goblin Emperor in Sublime Commonwealth

Iron Kingdom of Gob, ADV 5 Explored 5 Encounters, withdrew voluntarily Dungeons events: none Loot Gained: Art +++, Potions ++ and Dancing Scimitar + 1

The Dancing Scimitar + 1 was gifted to Sublime Commonwealth.
Ending dungeons size: 15

Vault of the ancients in Union of New Korvosa
Union of New Korvosa ADV 2. Did not get through the first encounter, withdrew with no casualties. No dungeon events triggered. Loot: None

Bank and Barony of Melchon ADV 4, Acquisitor Trav Renn Explored 4 Encounters. No Dungeon Events. Loot Gained: Potions ++,a bowl of platinum coins ++.

Ending Dungeon Size: 16

Forsaken Palace in House Dowerly territory

House Dowerly 3 ADV and Lord Jamie Explored 5 Encounters, forced to Withdraw on the sixth. Dungeon Event: none, Loot: A vase of opals (++++) and a Torc of Teleportation +2

Lord Jamie level up to Tier 2!

Ending Dungeon Size: 15

The adventurers report felt being watched.

Tower of Nameless Dark#5 Lord in Black Tower territory

Black Tower MIL 7, MAG 7, Nameless Dark Lord, Edwin Tostltoff Explored 15 encounters Dungeon Event: Major Monster Released! Heavy losses: MAG 1 MIL 1. Loot Gained: Scrolls +++++ +++++ +++, Shield +3, a Magic Ring +4

In an epic trip through his former lair, the Dark Lord and his minions blasted through countless floors and dungeons rooms to reclaim control over vast treasures, yet were unable to breach thought the most guarded area. The berserk Dragon-flesh Golem is running rampant, demolishing the Black Tower!

Abyss Claimed-City in Guardians of the Gem territory

Guardians of the Gem ADV 7, Olivia Soulsinger, Green Knight, Eva and Adev, Explored 11 encounters, forced to withdraw on 12th with ADV 1 casualities. Dungeon Events: moderatly strong monster realeased, Loot Gained: Coins +++, Art +++++, Scrolls ++++, Potions +++ , and a Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection +4, Armour of Fire Immunity;

Bonerock Kingdoms ADV 5, Amber Fireforge explored 3 enocounters, forced to withdraw on 4th with ADV 2 casualities. Dungeon Event: artifact found! Loot Gained: Coins ++ Scrolls++, Potions ++ Wings of Flying +3, piece of Legendary Throne of the Kings.

DUNGEON CHALLENGE REVEALED! the combined forces of the Guardians and Bonerock Kingdom hacked and slashed their way through endless ranks of minor demons occupying the Gem. The dwarven adventures knocked on the doors of Hellmounth Keep!

There they found themselves pitted against the door's guardian - a titanic, legendary abyssal wolf Sköll.. the slowest dwarves were devoured and the blood-freezing howl of the demon-wolf could be heard from miles away!

2017-08-07, 03:04 PM
Bonerock Kingdom

Spending temp magic from the scrolls we have to identify the magical items, Wings of Flying +3 and A piece of the Throne of kings.

Wasn't sure if it was 1 magic to identify both items or 1 magic per item so if its 1 cool if its 2 that works as well.

Stability 7

Hail mighty Adventurers of Gem

Though the challenge of the mighty abyssal wolf Sköll lies before us we want you to know that our resolve and our mighty arms will not fail you. We will plan a mighty expedition to the wolf's lair next season. Preparations will be many and we will bring to bare all of our might. Hopefully this joint endeavor will help is regain our honor in your eyes and we can once more join our two nations together inn alliance.

Greetings Lords of House Dowerly

We would like to reaffirm that though both of our peoples have prospered and grown since our first dealings we are still invested in our alliance and our plans to fortify our kingdoms.

So knowing now everything that you do do we have a deal?

2017-08-07, 03:26 PM
House Dowerly

To Planeswalker Kirian (STA 5)

Planeswalker Kirian

My daughter, Haley, is looking for some training in divination magic. Are you willing to take on a pupil? We would be willing to aid you in whatever endeavor you are currently working on. Perhaps access to our magical archives (t.magic)?

~Brandon Dowerly

2017-08-07, 04:48 PM
Sublime Commonwealth
(Stab 3)
Spend a point of magic for the turn identifying the items, if possible.

To Bank and Barony
Wonderful, we've got a deal then.

Another matter, and really just a matter of showing the proper respect, but. As part of the pirate hunting expedition that's such a big deal at the moment, we're planning to seize [Territory 17] in order to deny any safe harbor. Seeing as it borders you, it seemed impolite to make that a surprise-does it raise any massive issues for you?

2017-08-08, 03:59 AM
Bonerock Kingdom

The piece of Legendary Throne of the Kings is a real thing, not a counterfeit. It won't bestow any blessing without other parts, but it's cultural significance is great. If you make it public it will make Bonerock more respected in the River Nations.

The Wings of Flying +3 are excellent gear for adventurer hero or military scouting.

Sublime Commonwealth

The Cat God Amulet is powerful summoning artifact. Your mages are unsure about nature of entity it conjure and bind.

Bank and Barony Melchon

Excellent that we are in agreeement.

Thank you for heads up. We won't mind you taking [territory #17] as we have no plans to expand.

Planeswalker Kirian

Yes, I could tutor her in magic. I do not require more materials to study, but I would request a help in my explorations. If your son and his adventuring party help me to unraveal the mysteries of Splinter of the First World.
[this turn Kirian will use his resources to advance your VIP to tier 2 (you need to commit Haley) and next turn you send 3 ADV and Jamie to Splinter with Kirian].

Guardians of Gem

It's kind offer and brave act to goes against such powerful demon.
-Lady Olivia Soulsinger

2017-08-08, 09:22 AM
Do I have any idea how many pieces there are to the talisman?

Also, will I be able to figure out the effects of the sword by assigning it to a VIP next turn and seeing what happens, or do I need to know what id does beforehand?

2017-08-08, 12:06 PM
Stab. 5

Honoured Sovereign Flamespire,

With the important individuals within my nation concerned with pressing matters of states. Thus, it falls to me to make a request. My commanding officer has asked that I request a meeting of minds to discuss economic practice. As I'm sure your aware, Lord Protector Blackblood's purview is not just the safety of Litniv's borders, nor it's internal security, but every facet of our nations wellbeing in service to the High King. Thus he has asked me to convey a meeting, that we may learn from your economic dominance.

Lieutenant Klaudia von Imrikson

2017-08-08, 03:22 PM
The Tetrelemental Republic

To the Kingdom of Litniv (Stability 8)
Greetings, Lieutenant.

Very well. Though your sudden and unprovoked attack on your southern neighbors worries us, we would yet prefer that our two nations remain on friendly terms. I am sending Grand Mage Ebbtide to you as an emissary; she will no doubt be thrilled to study your kingdom's sophisticated use of the arcane.

-High Sovereign Ragnar Flamespire

(Go ahead and PM me, I'm sending my magic VIP to you.)

2017-08-08, 03:42 PM
Despite what the lord protector had told her about them, Klaudia couldnt help but marvel at the delegation as it arrived. All four elements working in concert. It was enough to make Litniv take notice, at the very least. Like her absent superior, she favoured a plain black uniform, the only adornment her symbol of rank. "Greetings Grand Mage Ebbtide, we trust your journey was without peril." The cerebral tonic was doing its work, forcing her brain and tongue to speak in foreign syllables. Turning to walk in step with the mage, Klaudia listened to what she had to say.

2017-08-09, 07:53 AM
Sublime Commonwealth

It's a sword. It helps with MIL and ADV actions, no need for special mentions or experiments.

You can reaserch the history and magic of Cat God Talisman in the EoT action (spending MAG or ESP) to get answer to that question.


"Can we resume our talks?" Partician asked. "The last reports are indeed interesting. "

2017-08-09, 10:21 AM
House Dowerly

To Plainswalker Kirian (STA 5)

We can agree to that, is there something specific you are looking for in the Splinter?

2017-08-09, 12:17 PM
Planewalker Kirian
I am looking to claim the Wish and study the nature of that place between worlds.

I wouldn’t worry about it, I don't think we could reach it just yet, so they won't be in mortal peril. I need Jamie's team to guard my back when I carve and beseech the path to the centre.. if we are in agreement, send lady Heley to Tirileash I will be there during the Fall as a guest of Arcanist Andonrir.


Guardians of the Gem

Lords of elements,

As we discussed, I am sending you the message with trade proposition: we claimed Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection+4 and scrolls (++++) that we could exchange for gold.
-Green Knight

2017-08-09, 04:58 PM
The Tetrelemental Republic

To the Guardians of the Gem (Stability 8)
Greetings, fair knight. We would certainly be interested in the Rod of Mineral Detection +4. What sort of payment would you deem appropriate?

2017-08-10, 05:56 AM
Guardians of the Gem

I think [4 t.eco] would be fair price for it.
-Green Knight

2017-08-10, 01:29 PM
House Dowerly

To Bonerock Kingdom (STA 5)

We are still invested in our alliance, and we will be investing [2 MAG] into the defenses of your territory outside the river. I believe the defensive foundation we have laid will be adequate enough considering the currently climate.
(ooc: I don't think we need to build up the river defenses any more. I'm donating 2 MAG to help defenses in your other territory.)

2017-08-11, 11:02 AM
The Union of New Korvosa

To Daggermark [pm]
Of course, please speak your mind.

2017-08-11, 01:27 PM

Partician smiled and gestured with his open palms.

"I was under impression that you wanted to wait to better assess the situation before committing to action. We, of Daggermark's Guild, are ready to facilitate any of your plans. We cannot tell you what should you do.

2017-08-11, 06:47 PM
The Union of New Korvosa

To Daggermark [pm]
Too daggermark
I think missives will be arriving momentarily about my plans for this season. But I am still very interested in Melchon. They outright assault their own people in a quest for perverted stability, and have summoned a powerful devil for ‘debt collection’. I don't their proximity dangerous given the dangerous nature of their infernal allies. What is your opinion on the bankers?

To all Nations of the River Kingdoms
In support of our allies the Iron Kingdom of Gob, the Union declares war on the Verdant Heart. The territories of [23 and 28] will be brought under Union authority and Syndicalist rights and virtues will be granted. Those residents of the Verdant heart who fear the coming changes: worry not, our ways are just and fair. Any of the folk who fear Goblin occupation in [territory 24] will be welcomed into the Union.

2017-08-11, 10:36 PM
The Tetrelemental Republic

To the Guardians of Gem (Stability 8)
That sounds like an exceptionally good deal. But since we do support your cause, let us make a counteroffer: we will pay you [4 t.Econ] and, as a token of our friendship, we shall send you all the [t.Econ] that it would help us generate this season. If these terms are suitable, we shall send our best ambassador to deliver the payment at the end of the season - and perhaps to discuss matters of security.

2017-08-11, 11:25 PM
Spires of Völ

-5 ESP led by Bessie Gal (VIP, ESP) and Doncaster Smith (VIP, ESP) to scout out Territory 6 and run counter espionage.
-2 ESP led by Evis Norn and Saria Orvel (both VIP, ESP) to expand the spy network- either in general, or specifically infiltrating/subverting the citizens of the Tetrelemental Republic, if it's not enough for a general increase. (either +ESP, or +ESP applicable only to the Tetrelemental Republic)
-6 ECON (1 mine, 5 provided for ESP service by the Kingdom of Bonerock) led by Videl Vicario (VIP, ECO) to increase my economic status (increase permanent ECO)
-3 MAG led by Torel Orvel to make permanent the magical defences of territory 44.
-Whatever I have left, Stability and reputation and adventuring- if I can put all or any of it into increasing my reputation or stability (preference of that order), led by Darren Gorn (VIP, ADV/STA), I will.

2017-08-12, 08:48 AM
Guardians of the Gem

That would be great! We will wait for your diplomat.
-Green Knight


I agree, the spring purges were distasteful. The Bankers of Melchon keep their deals and contracts and I don't have much more to say about them.

2017-08-13, 08:48 PM
Gurg Da Great

Yeah, we can agrees ta that, though our policy comes from da fact that does things can spiral out a control fasta then this pale yella fungus, and central banks, partially da infinatly accursed fraction reasrve bankin, ar nuting but a con game.

So, we don't smash ya guys, you don't smash us, and mayes we smash somes peoples heads togetha later?

2017-08-14, 02:28 PM
Feel the Baern

The dwarves are nothing but persistent. The second time the force was more cautious, methodically securing an advantage, instead of relying on advantage of surprise. The second battle between Bonerock Kingdom and Humaniod Kingdom of Peace mirrored the first in the beginning. The invading force was ambushed by advanturers and soldiers lead by Strapping John, hero of Humanoid Kingdom!

But the initial charge was meet by wall of shields, the dwarves did not yield, they did not break. The battle turned into contest of endurance and the forces of Bonerock had advantage of numbers and morale.

The deciding moment came when General Baern, flying on magical winds, fell upon Strapping John like an eagle diving for a mouse. If eagles were heavy armored, armed with thundering blades and bearded. The duel was short and brutal. The Strapping John, outmatched, died. His head split in half by General Baern. The army, outnumbered, run.

Alchemical Arson

Details of what exactly happened are unclear, but upon entering the enemy territory, the Kingdom of Litniv war camp witnessed an great fire, stopped only by Lord Kallor quick thinking and bad weather.. The field laboratory of Archemist Alphont Delat burned to the ground with the Archemist and dozen expert alchemist inside.

Battle of Red Water

The Humanoid Kingdom abandoned all positions on the path of advancing Litniv’s army. Lord Protector Kallor Blackblood clearly grasped the enemy plan. The Humanoid Kingdom wanted to delay and attack by magic and subterfuge from afar. The Lord Protector and his army, enraged by loss of Archemist Alphont, moved with fervor and determination to counter those plans.

Armed ships of Sublime Commonwealth waited on the crossings. The battle in freezing waters was even more brutal than the one fought by Bonerock forces, if less conclusive. The Sublime Commonwealth forces, less disciplined and without leader who could match Lord Kallor, took heavier losses, but Kingdom of Litniv didn’t secure its strategic objective.

They could not put an end to Humanoid Kingdom.

The Perfected Navy

The full might of Sublime Commonwealth and what apears to be ungodly sum of Melchon money was turned toward building better navy. Remodelled pirate skiffs and barges were enchanted with best of lawful protection against chaotic forces of nature, the cannons aim improved by runes of axiomatic equations. Former river pirates brandish newly forged masterwork weapons and wear matching uniforms with Commonwealth insignia.

Already the Navy was seen in the territories between Melchon and House Dowerly, claiming it in the name of Sublime Commonwealth.

Already the River folks are making wagers about the war and the odds are not in favour of Litniv and Bonerock Kingdoms anymore.

Off with his head… not!

The Litniv High King organized a celebration of recent triumphs and bestowed lavish gifts on his new subjects to show how much better and more civilized the Litniv Kingdom is. The ceremony was spoiled a litte by a royal guard that almost beheaded his monarch. The details are unclear, but the would-be-assassin is dead.

My password was on post-it scroll

In other notable news, the Dark Lord battled rampaign golem and by burning through ungodly amount of scrolls, menaged to find it arcane control codes. The dangerous engine of destruction is now part of growing undead horde.

The shadow of Black Tower grows, as the Dark Lord’s forces secured territory between them and Spires of Vol.

Maelstrom passes

The River Kingdom magic returned to its usual state as the chaotic forces subsided with time. The portals to plane of Water and one leading to Splinter of First World are stable once more and great work of magic don’t carry insane risk anymore

to my disappointment, you all rolled very well and nothing blowed up. Sad!

By magic and wine

The one and only King Iudicus, Prince of Satyrs and leader of League of of Andrianna, unconcerned by war in West and East, trew an epic party to celebrate Yule! Summer wine flew like spring stream, the colorful elven and sylvan citizens gathered for balls, parades and feasts.

Amidst sweet, sweet debauchery the King declaration of expanding and reforming the League was greeted with general good humor and the pun of calling the new union the “Planar League” was forgiven.

Moskstraumen didn’t send me two EoTs and didn’t respond to the PMs, so I am forced to mak NPC from his faction. I don’t want to multiply NPCs, so I will just assume that most of his stats were used to absorb Planeswalker Kirian faction. ‘Planar League’ is the new NPC.

Throne of Dwarven King

King Oscar Mindbreaker proclaimed an miraclous discovery of Legendary Throne of the Kings fragment. The news was recived well by River folks and the impression left by dishonorable sneak attack is almost forgotten.

The uncharitable bards that spread the gossips about King Zog seething with rage and throwing his favourite golden goblet across throne room are terrible liars.

King Zog favourite goblet is made out of silver.

OOC: making a public information about getting a piece of Legendary Throne of the Kings automatically grants 1 REP.

The Heartbreak War

The second conflict was more clear - the druids of Verdant Heart took valiant stand, but could not match allied armies of Iron Kingdom and Union of New Korvosa.

The werewolves and druids planned to wage a guerilla war, using not only terrain, but weather itself. Verdant Heart’s territories were covered with thick and obscuring mists and packs of soldiers, led by scent of werewolves encircled the armies. It was not enough. First, the leader of Verdant Heart’s defenses, El-Therrius, was assassinated by Abriel Blood-handed. King Zog affixed the wolf-man head to his blood smeared war standard.

The mists were a problem for humans, but goblin’s worgs could navigate by scent as well as werewolves. The sheer numbers and coordination made dozens of small battles turn all in favour of invading forces. King Zog never overextended and the slow grind, slog of war, allowed to conquer two-third of Verdant Heart territory over the fall months.

Still, enclave of druids remain. The Queen Adfelya Stormheart is alive and unbowed, loudly calling for help to all River Kingdoms. Verdant Heart is on the brink of doom, but hope springs eternal.


Heroes fall like leaves. Death and more death, sweeping down and away. Fall is ending and
hungry wolves howl in first snowstorms..

2017-08-14, 03:03 PM
Humanoid Kingdoms [Stab 6]

Representatives of the Humanoid Kingdoms,

Despite your cowardly attempt on the life of our Monarch, he has decreed that a series of peace negotiations take place, that we may put an end to this conflict. What do you offer in order to procure this peace? What will you offer in terms of reparations for what was undoubtedly your nations attempt on our High King's life?

Klaudia von Imrikson

So I got bored and decided to write a thing.

Lieutenant von Imrikson watched the funerary profession carry the darkwood box into the sepulcher. Those bearing it were, in true Litniv fashion, as economical in their movements as they were in everyday life. The war was proceeding well, despite the casualties. This was the third funeral she’d been to within the week, ever present at the Lord Protector’s side despite his claim of needing no protection.

All militaries had their stories, legends and traditions, and the same was true for the man ascending the stairs to the tomb’s right. A new tale had been raised following the Battle of Red Water. It was said that when the Sublime commonwealth entered the fray, Kallor Blackblood’s rage had been so great that he’d torn Sublime Commonwealth warrior in two with nothing but his bare hands. You wouldn’t know that rage, to look upon him now. He’d traded out the standard military uniform for a suit of truly massive fullplate, ensorcelled as it was with runes that reduced it’s weight while increasing the armors density. A true suit of armor for a true, if reluctant warrior. His northern features were melancholic, made doubly so by how weathered they were. And yet amidst the sorrow his eyes held Klaudia could make out the kindness that the Lord Protector was truly famed for.

He looked to be bearing the weight of mountains on his shoulders as he began to speak. His voice rumbled out, “Highchemist Üwe von Lothar was a friend of mine. We had fought in the Unification Wars together and I am proud to say that he is the only reason why I’m still here to eulogize him today.“ a pause followed as the Lord Protector took a moment to ready himself for more talking, “In that sense, he has been instrumental in the creation of the great nation we all call home today. He was my friend. He was an avid reader and teacher whose musing on caloric increase have aided this nation a thousand times more than my blade, or the blades of my soldiers ever will. I will miss him.”

He walked down the stairs slowly as the crowd lined up to pay their respects to the man. Watching him walk, it became apparent to Klaudia just how much all that grief was weighing down the Lord Protector. She did not rightly envy him, nor the hardships he bore. “Lord Protector, Sir. I’d like to offer my condolences and ask, if I may Sir, what’s the plan of attack next?”. Kallor halted in his tracks and turned to face Klaudia with a mournful smile. She never could get over just how massive the Lord Protector was, especially with his armor. “Walk with me while we talk, Klaudia. There are talks of peace. We’re to extract a favorable settlement from the savages of the Humanoid Kingdom in return for what they attempted to do the High King.” Klaudia was unsure of what to say. “Permission to speak freely Si-“ “Granted lieutenant.”

“Sir, does the idea of peace sit well with you?” She couldn’t help but glance back at the line of people and the Highchemist’s resting place, only to find the Lord Protector’s towering form observing her “Part of it does, Lieutenant. Part of it doesn’t. The part that wants to put the whole Humanoid Kingdom to torch. Any nation that would so use it’s civillians in matters of war as they have deserves to lose it’s s sovereignty. My duty is to the homeland’s welfare first, our King second and my feelings last. If our lord the High King decrees peace than it will be peace. If he desires that I wage more warfare in the name of the dominion’s security that I will do so, for that is my purpose. Do you understand that Lieutenant von Imrikson?” He turned away from her and walked, back to her.

Klaudia’s face settled into a hard line before suddenly snapping to attention in the form of a dutiful salute. “YES SIR!” For a moment she thought she saw another mournful smile on the Lord Protectors face as he turned away for the second time.

2017-08-14, 05:59 PM
House Dowerly

To Verdant Heart (STA 5)

We are willing to aid you against the Iron Kingdom, would you be willing to meet in person with Lord Dowerly to discuss the situation?

To GM (PM)

If I have a PM with Verdant Heart, would I be able to add others to the PM at a later time without using another VIP?

To Union of New Korvosa (STA 5)

We are dumbfounded that you would ally yourselves with a warlord like Zog. Your people are for equality, yet you are allying yourselves with such an oppressive and evil group. We will not let the territorial gains of Zog stand.

2017-08-14, 11:35 PM
Kingdom of Litniv Stability 1

We are open to negotiations for peace at this time. We have little to offer you that you have not already taken from our unarmed civilians as you cut them down without warning. But if it means what few of us still survive get to continue living we will negotiate.

We rather do insist that the sublime commonwealths representative C. Enyala be present in order to protect their own interests and preemptively put to rest any accusations of foul play by either side.

We await your negotiator in territory 12.

2017-08-15, 12:50 AM
Sublime Commonwealth
(Stab 3)

Red Water

The wreckage was nearly thick enough in places to walk across the river. Nearly half of the recently 're-purposed' pirate skiffs and barges were lost causes, their wreckage impossible to distinguish from the improvised Litniv barges and troopships they had intercepted. But they had done their duty-and the arrival of the still gleaming Perfected Navy had firmly decided the issue.

Aboard the imposing flagship Souverain, its grey-blue sails correcting the winds to maintain the correct course, salvage operations ('looting' was something done by armies without discipline) were ongoing in any direction you cared to look. Living sailors and marines on either side were headed to the Commonwealth-either for leave until a new position was assigned, or imprisonment until negotiations allowed for parole or ransom. Besides, as a matter of moral hygiene it didn't do to leave corpses where anyone could grab them.

Of course, salvage didn't require the best of the new navy, or the dozens of clockwork Avengers patrolling the skies. It certainly didn't require the presence of the Captain-General and her personal staff. That was a message intended for the armies still encamped on the other side.

With the recent anti-piracy efforts, the courier ships soon passing through every port of note probably didn't need to be as heavily armed or as well escorted as they were. But the squadrons of skiffs and their marines compliments in matching grey-blue and silver did help make sure the message was taken in the right spirit.

To All and Sundry

The River Kingdoms depend on the movement of envoys and merchants throughout for both wealth and stability. The present distress has shown that the peace required for it cannot be left to mortal passions-it must be imposed and regulated.

The Sublime Commonwealth has accepted this duty. Any who wish to join in scouring the land of pirates and brigands are welcome. Unless and until that occurs, the Committee of General Security will organize our efforts.

To write in ink what has already been proven with blood and steel-the Commonwealth considers the whole of Sousward (the island containing territories 12, 13 and 15) a protectorate. Any interference therein is an act of war.

-A. Meryem Hira, Captain General of the Commonwealth

To Bank and Barony
Your hospitality is a pleasure as always, very educational. And as I'm certain you can see, your loan has been put to excellent use. Please don't hesitate to write if you feel there's any task we could help with-I would love to come to deal that helps us both further.-Abeline Pahlen.

To Litniv To the esteemed King Merwyn,

We have no quarrel with you, truly, beyond your intent on depositing an army on our fair isle. If you'd send a plenipotentiary to a summit with the humans you've driven so far, I'm certain we could all come to an agreement that satisfies your honour.
-Coordinator Joseph J. Enyala

2017-08-15, 06:12 AM
The Spires of Völ
To The Tetrelemental Republic

While we are more than willing to refrain from hostile and malicious actions towards yourself and your people- as we never had any intention to in the first place- I must point out that any espionage activities we undertake in your territory would not fall under that category- it would either be for self-preservation, and thus defensive rather than in aggression, or it would be motivated by profit. While we would most certainly appreciate so much as a formal alliance, to avoid any potential avenue of revenue without remuneration has the potential for disaster, given our recent financial difficulties. We look forward to further discussions, and would delight in coming to a conclusion and solution that would be beneficial for all parties involved.

2017-08-15, 12:21 PM
Bonerock Kingdom

Stability 8

Enemies of Bonerock

We have seen how far this war has pushed you and if you still desire peace we have a proposition for you. This peace will not be without it's conditions though.

We are willing to declare peace and sign a non aggression pact with you in return for the rights to your land bordering ours (territory 7). It is cut off from your new home and surrounded by enemies. We will be willing to let you withdraw from the land bringing all that you wish and moving your people without harm from us. In return not only will we declare peace as mentioned we will pay you several chests of gold and silver to aid your kingdom as well as some scrolls we found. (6 Temp Econ. + Scroll). Or if you prefer a smaller amount of gold but we will match it for two seasons with the scroll as well (4 Temp Econ a turn for 2 turns. And the scroll.)

If not then we will return to your land with our soldiers, our generals, and all the mercenaries and allies we can muster to sweep you into the river and take your land by force.

King Oskar Minebreaker, chosen by the Throne of Kings.

Your spies and their leaders preformed magnificently in our invasion, truly they have lived up to the reputation of their country.

We thank you and if you are amenable to it we may be willing to renew this deal at various points in the future.

King Oskar Minebreaker, chosen by the Throne of Kings.

We have met great success over these past two seasons working together and though we have both suffered losses I believe we have become stronger together. Our respect for you and your Kingdoms abilities has only grown over these seasons.

I believe that we should solidify this bond and work together more closely for the benefit of both of our kingdoms and sign a full alliance, each of us coming to the aid of the other whenever is needed.

King Oskar Minebreaker, chosen by the Throne of Kings.

Greetings Brave Guardians

As we mentioned our resolve to slay the beast within your city is strong and it has not wavered these past weeks. Out of respect to your wisdom and fairness we will leave the allocation of treasure to you after we have assuredly slain the beast.

King Oskar Minebreaker, chosen by the Throne of Kings.

2017-08-15, 02:07 PM
Stab 4

The Humanoid Kingdoms of Peace
The Sublime Commonwealth

Leader of the Humanoid Kingdoms,

We will meet on the border of our territories, as the Sublime Commonwealth has declared you a protectorate and We would not exacerbate nor escalate the war. Our terms are as follows.

- The Mages responsible for the attempt on Our life via the charming of an innocent Litniv man [1 Mag].
- The promise that no further espionage acts will take place in the Kingdom of Litniv. Should any occur our Treaty of Peace is null and void. We would also ask that, as they are acting in the capacity of moderator that the Sublime Commonwealth act as guarantor of this clause.
- A payment to ensure the cessation of hostilities is kept in good faith.[2 Temp. Econ]
- An end to hostilities between our nations. We will not pursue further conflict, nor will we supply our dwarven allies with military aid. Similarly to a previous clause, We wish for the Sublime Commonwealth to enforce this aspect of the peace treaty.

High King Merwyn vul Braun, Ruler of Litniv

Stab 6
Bonrock Kingdom

Honnoured King Minebreaker,

We thank you for the kind words pertaining to our nation. Lord Protector Kallor has had nothing but positive things to say about the manner in which your nation conducts warfare. Whatsmore he has related to me that you are a nation fully capable of showing restraint when not beset by low magics that would see a nations citizens harm themselves for an overlord.

As to your offer of an alliance, we thank you. We are currently engaged in peace negotiations with both the Humanoid Kingdom and the Sublime Commonwealth. Our answer to your offer of a full alliance will largely depend on negotiations between Ourselves and the other two nations.

High King Merwyn vul Braun

2017-08-15, 03:28 PM
From The Totally Humanoid Kingdoms Stability 1

In the face of you overwhelming might we agree to your surprisingly fair terms for peace. We will abandon the fair lands of [Territory 7] and retreat our people to safety.

We would have the smaller amount of gold over two [Turns] as rebuilding our society may take some time.

We are sure that your terms seem fair to you however:

-While you may not believe us we did not attempt to attack your king. Our mages were all at work attempting to defend [Territory 6] from dwarven invaders. You have been attacked by someone else without warning. We can only imagine how that must feel. Nevertheless we will not pay reparations for something we did not do.

-You ask us to send you [2 ECO]. If you had asked this before you started this war we might have been able to comply. However as you burnt our fields in the south and the dwarves burnt our fields in the north you have effectively removed all our economic output. (I now produce 0 ECO per turn). However as you are obviously not satisfied with what you have already taken from us; If you are patient we have a joint expedition planned with the sublime common wealth during [MID-TURN] that we expect to have some small returns on. If you are willing to wait until after that we will send you your [2 ECO]

-Obviously we agree to cease all hostilities regardless of their subtly or lack thereof.

2017-08-15, 04:35 PM
Stab 6

Humanoid Kingdoms

We find that agreeable, but will wait until the conclusion of the [Mid Turn] and the resulting payment to declare peace between our nations.

2017-08-15, 04:50 PM
The Union of New Korvosa

To The Iron Kingdom of Gob
Well fought King Zog, well fought.
The Union is not stealing your loot, our espionage teams were just to prevent the druids from self destructing said loot out of spite. We have captured [1 eco] and [2 mag] so far. What has your haul been?

Looks like House Dowerly has decided to shove their nose in, as suspected.

To House Dowerly
House Dowerly
The Verdant Heart war is a move to secure Union interests in the River Kingdoms, and with the rumour running amok and having our refugees declare war on... everyone? The Union needed strong allies. Is your objection a declaration of war? Speak clearly Brandon Dowerly.

To Gurg Da Great
Sounds fine to me. I need to finish this Verdant Heart war. Has your stone giant situation settled,
if it has not I would be happy to assist.

Also it sounds like you yourself are one of the most powerful adventurers in the land, does Gurg need back up?
The Explorers Union may be small, but it pays to have someone watching your back in these damnable dungeons.

2017-08-15, 05:15 PM
Verdant Heart

We will be honoured to receive Lord Dowerly or his envoy. We require all help we can get to stop Iron Kingdom and Union of New Korvosa.

-Queen Adfelya Stormheart

House Dowerly
Sure, if they send a VIP to meeting. As long as there is x-1 VIPs in the meeting between x sides, it's all ok.

Iron Kingdom of Gob

Perhaps, perhaps. We got some [1 ECO] and nothing more, you get the circle's magic trove close to the ruined city. But we have that ruins firmly in hand, so I still call it win-f*cking-win. Just inform me in advance about your spooks moving in and out.

King Zog the Third

Ps. I am sending you copies of correspondence with House Dowerly.

Darling Lord Dowerly,

Ye old divide and conquer? We are not the only one getting fat on the war and the land is fairly split in half.. For now. In spring it will be two to one for our Union allies, as we are moved, deeply, by their plight. They are all poor refugees, you compassion-f*cking-less ****.

We are all for war about equality, truth, justice and poetic sh*t. We are true scion and heir to Galahad

-King Zog the Third

Ps. If Iron Kingdoms agents spot your troops or your coins supporting the furry and long-ear losers from Verdant Heart I will add your skull to my standard.

House and Barony of Melchon
Thank you for kind words, it was pleasure for us to have you. I will speak to my husband and if something turn up that could benefit our nations, I’ll write to you.
-Agnes Melchon

Guardians of the Gem

We will await your adventurers and like they say, don’t divide skins of living wolf.
-Lady Olivia Soulsinger

2017-08-15, 09:23 PM
House Dowerly

Verdant Heart (PM)

Bringing the Verdant Heart delegate into Dowerly's villa, and to Brandon in the main hall. He has a pack of papers next to the table with a pen. After greeting the delegate he walks them over to the window overlooking the Forsaken Palace. "We would like to aid you in fighting the Iron Kingdom, but it will require a lot of trust from you and your people. Are you willing to take that leap of faith? The leap will start with showing us what you have available to you, we need to know what we have at our disposal and how much aid we are going to need from others. There will be some other leaps of faith." (ooc: I'm asking for the Verdant Heart's current stats).

To Bonerock Kingdom (STA 5)

Your war with the "humanoids" seems to be going very well, we seem to have another war brewing on our southern front. Are you willing to aid fighting off the Iron Kingdom?

To The League of Andrianna (STA 5)

It seems the Iron Kingdom of Gob has begun his march east. They may be tearing the Verdant Heart apart at the moment, but then they will turn their eyes elsewhere. Are you willing to aid stopping the menace?

MidTurn (PM)

Since I traded it last turn my ADV and Jamie Dowerly (level 2) will go adventuring with Planeswalker Kirian. We will use the opportunity to get to know him better to perhaps ask his aid in the coming war if needed.

2017-08-15, 11:43 PM
Sublime Commonwealth
(Stab 3)

To Litniv, Kingdom of Peace
The Committee of State has no objection has no objection to these terms, with the understanding that they are reciprocal. Which is to say, the Peaceable Kingdoms will commit to studious nonintervention in Litniv territory, and the Kingdom of Litniv will do the same with regard to our fair isle. Should either of you renege, the treaty is void. Is that agreeable?
-Coordinator Joseph J. Enyala

To Melchon
Marvelous, I'll await any letters on the subject.

On a different matter, I'm sure you've noticed we've acquired something of a vassal-one that at this point is mostly a superb spy network squatting in a desolate field. Would it be possible to arrange a loan to finance a bit of reconstruction for them?
-Abeline Pahlen

2017-08-17, 01:01 PM
Bonerock Kingdom

Stability 8

We have heard news of this war and we sympathize with your plight. However our people are tired of war and our armies battered, we need time to consolidate our new lands and strengthen our armies before we could consider sending aid to you.

Give us a few seasons and our answer may be different. We will also always be there to help you defend your lands should the war reach your boarders no matter our weakness.

Bonerock will be sending their 4 adventurers led by Lady Amber Fireforge (Adv VIP) to the Abyss Claimed City to meet up with the Guardians of Gem to fight Skoll. Amber will be taking the Sword of Thundering +1 and the Wings of Flying +3 To aid in their fight.

If possible after the fight and if they haven't suffered to many casualties, 2 Adv loss acceptable, they will also try to clear 1-2 encounters of the next dungeon.

OOC: I don't know if the next dungeon is immediately available or not bit if it is then they'll give that a shot.

2017-08-17, 11:28 PM
The Union of New Korvosa [Stability 3]

To The Iron Kingdom of Gob
It appears Dowerly isn't in a speaking mood. Still I think we should go ahead, if Dowerly had joined from the outset of the campaign it could have been trouble, now they will need to haul in support from much farther afield to have a chance.

I'll send you [1 magic] this turn to even the spoils. I'll likely have my agents do the same as before this turn, fair warning. I'll also be sending you a copy of my correspondence with Dowerly and the Verdant Heart.

To House Dowerly
I find your lack of response disturbing, threatening silence forces me to align with the Goblin Kings stance: intereferance in the Verdant Campaign will be seen as a declaration of war.

To the Sublime Commonwealth
Thank you for your operations against the Pirates, The Union recognizes your claim to Sousward.

2017-08-18, 12:41 AM
Gurg Da Great

Storming the Keep
Warblade Kargul (Ring +2)
10 MIL

The time has come. While he will give the giants a final chance to surrender, Gurg will give the order otherwise to begin the attack, the goal the capture of the keep. Non-combantants will be spared, and any giants that surrender will be allowed to do so... those that attack after they surrender will be allowed no quarter. If they survive the battle, they will be executed.

2017-08-18, 06:34 AM
Tandu (rank 2 esp)
Elderbrain (mag)
[1 Adv]
[5 Esp]
[4 Mag]
All join the sublime kingdoms adventuring party to provide support in cleaning the streats of wretched hive of villainy and scum.

The spies find any and all targets if intrest and learn their weaknesses.

The elder brain and his acompanying mages make use of mind control to black bag and turn the ring leaders on each other.

Tandu may or may not be wearing a batsuit. Hes definitely humming the bat theme song.

The VIPs are to be well protected losses if 1-2 mag or esp are acceptable.

2017-08-18, 11:57 AM
Sublime Commonwealth

Academic Hira (Tier 1 Mil/Tier 1 Adv VIP) w/ Dancing Scimitar +1
1 Adv
3 Mil
Hive of Monsters and Villainy

With the situation in the North defused for the moment, Hira will travel back to the city with the admittedly battered remains of the Utopian Society and a few companies of marines to continue the endless task of bringing order to the slums and catacombs of the city.

Insofar as it's possible, they will wait for the Commonwealth's new allies to locate and disrupt targets, arriving with overwhelming force and perfect timing to minimize all losses.

2017-08-18, 05:49 PM
The Union of New Korvosa [Stab 3]

Midturn PM
Lets have a peek at the Silk Tunnels. Send 2 adventurers in there this midturn with orders to explore as many encounters as possible.