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View Full Version : DM Help Wolf riding a bat

2017-07-08, 11:17 AM
One of my players is playing a halfling monk 1 / druid x. He just hit 4th level druid, and he was considering taking a dire bat as his animal companion/mount. He is not playing a terribly optimized character in comparison to the rest of the party. I am trying to find ways of helping him out so he feels a bit more useful. His go-to combat spell is Aspect of the Wolf because he likes the idea of being a "martial-arts wolf". One small thing I wanted to do for him was make it so that he can remain mounted while in wolf form (to help him maneuver himself in combat when aerial combat is important). So, I was trying to come up with an inexpensive mundane item that I could recommend he take for his bat that would allow him to remain mounted regardless of which form he was in.

He gets a little defensive about his character and does not like bonuses and benefits just handed to him. I think he likes the challenge of playing a suboptimal character, but would like the idea if I could figure out something that kinda makes sense. Like, if he could imagine the item actually working, and being cost effective, I think he would be really excited about it!

So, I was thinking of some kind of harness. The problem that I am running into is, when he wants to dismount in wolf form, how would he work the harness? It would obviously need to be something that both handle a change in size category and can be bitten to release. I can easily enough rule that something like that exists, but again, I am looking for a flavorful description of how it works. I'm thinking in the range of 80 to 100 gp for it.

2017-07-08, 02:20 PM
The thing that comes to mind is an Anthropomorphic Wolf (Savage Species) Just refluff the rules of Aspect of the Wolf such that it makes him also anthropomorphic, or have his god grant him (or a party wizard) a spell that makes a single animal anthropomorphic. So he can cast it on himself before he changes

Side Note: Anthropomorphic means an animal has human qualities, and is also bipedal

Other than that, if he changed into a wolf while riding the bat, I'm sure his hind legs would go into position of his humanoid legs, which shouldn't give him much problem in a saddle.

2017-07-29, 11:25 PM
Sovereign Glue? (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#sovereignGlue) :smalltongue:

2017-07-30, 07:58 AM
Sovereign Glue? (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#sovereignGlue) :smalltongue:

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