View Full Version : Worldbuilding Feedback

2017-07-09, 10:10 AM
Hello. I just like to create, put a new spin on things that have come before and that's how this started. But for the most part I've done this by myself and I'm to a point were i could use some feed back. so without further ado. This is a very basic overview.

The history of Vis is similar to Earth but the earth of stories and fairytales. After Humans were created and began to spread with their creators gone and soon forgotten they created new gods and magic ran wild. This is the times of myth and legend. Heroes saved people, monsters roamed the wilds. But as the population grew and fewer and fewer people had faith and the zealous turned faith into anger the gods died out and magic gave way to technology and its gods. The two sets of gods much like the humans didn't mix well and the old gods that were left went into hiding.
The decline of faith really kicked off during the middle ages and spread with the English as they covered the earth. This happened just about the same way it happened here but there was more trade then conquest. The Americas were colonized earlier by the north men and the natives began trade with the north men and soon intermingled by the time the Spanish got there they better defend themselves. So the Americas were never conquered but they traded with Europe, Asia and Africa, and soon became part of the same world. Technology boomed at a slightly accelerated rate by 2012 they have tech slightly better then ours.

Then the Stranger's Hand came, a cloud of space dust and asteroids, moved over the planet. The cloud disrupted electronics across the globe, this in turn cause the nuclear war heads across the planet to go off where they sat or to blast across the cosmos.
This ruined the planet causing a nuclear winter as well as well as causing the dust and asteroids to collide and form a second moon. This new moon cause many things to happen on the planet in the hundreds of years it took for it to form. One of these things was the rising and falling of lands, large chunks of lands rose from the oceans and others to fall into the waters from the gravitational forces of this second moon.
On the surface chaos reigned, groups of people set out for survival, some survived through the winter and radiation on the surface, others changed over the years becoming differing types mutants. Some of the wealthier humans built homes and compounds under the ground and guarded against the radiation some of there compounds opened as soon as the winter subsided others stayed underground for generations before opening the doors and seeing the sun, and some were lost in the shifting earth their underground dwellings either crushed under the stresses or lost for others to find and open.
After a few hundred years settlements began to form and grow and soon cities and empires.

The human population at this point covered the available land and technology was catching up although very slowly, by the time the Motherstone fell from the sky, transportation and power were steam powered, firearms were simple flintlock, but communication as very advanced; a very basic internet had been set up in some of the larger cities used mainly by the elite, phone line had been set up between these larger cities and some of the outlying cities along the way. But they never made it back into space, to most of them after the stranger's hand passed, the spaces outside the atmosphere were places to fear. Even the gods of this time were gods of the land or hero gods that once lived among the people. The sky was the place to fear and even when the heroes 'ascended' they became part of the world around them or ethereal things that moved with the peoples that worshiped them.

After the motherstone fell and magic flooded the world, the world changed drastically the once unified world became fragmented. Four continents were left in the wake of the motherstone;

The largest island, Bajarma, to the northeast, is dominated by the Golden Children. The Golden Children are a range of ore rich mountains that divide the Island in half diagonally from east to west like a saging belt on a profile of a man. Inside the largest of the Children sits the throne of the Diamond King, leader of the Hapis. His kingdom covers all the mountains of Vis save the Fingers on Lemuria.
The ‘buckle’ would be the large swamp known as the BlackWater, because the dense cover of the towering trees blocks the sun in most places making it seem as though it is actually a very damp and strange cave complete with glowing plants, fungus, and animals.
To the north are the boreal forests and tundra. This land is mainly wild save the land of The Silent Ones, a ‘kingdom’ of a few different groups of Spriggans in thier chunk of the forests and the wondering tribes of Jin, and Spriggans that roam the tundra.
To the south are thick forests, sweeping plains and rolling hills. Populated mostly by tribes of spriggans and kitsune and a few cities of lowg on the coast close to Hawaiki

Nibiru, the island to the northwest, is a land of hills, desert, and blasted cityscapes. To the north lays the forests of the Mammoth Trees (Think Redwood trees) and a small-ish mountain range. In this forest lays the ruins of Ur-Gore, a kingdom that rose up before the Motherstone, and a few tribes of Spriggans that mostly stay away from Ur-Gore although they say something may still live there.
To the south and covering three-fourths of the island is a great arid landscape of desert and dry steppes. The Blasted Lands are a desert that covers most of the island and taking up a third of that is Steave’s Anvil, a crater mesa that holds birthplace of the Forgeborn. Surrounding this mesa is a thick magic fog that causes the area of the mesa and any land the fog rests upon to become magically unstable. On the southern coast lays the Queendom of the Sitreans.

Hawaiki, the island to the southwest, is a land of mountains, forests, planes, and beaches. To the southwest the island forms a circular peninsula whose whole eastern side is a mountain range that quickly falls into the ocean in the middle of these mountains lies the city of Dis, a sprawling cityscape where magic, technologically, and the races mingle. To the west is a vast semi-forested plain populated mostly by spriggans, jin, and kitsune with few towns.

Lemuria, the floating and wondering island, is a land of Magic. Scionic magic fills the very earth of this palce. The north eastern corner is a large cave created by the motherstone, in which it still lays. At the entrance to the cave is a waterfall just behind the waterfall sits the city of Shadowed Eyes, started as a monk monastery and slowly grew into a full city. In the center of the island sits four tall mountains known as The Fingers, between the almost pillar-like mountains sitting on a complex net of ridged beams and supports sits the Temple of the Frozen Skys, a monastery of Scionic monks. Around the island are a number of cities and towns. Besides the mountains the land is relatively flat and sparsely wooded.

Across these continents human life changed, most of the human population took the new tool of magic and changed themselves as well as other people, over a few thousand years the became new species of human-like sentient life, and in the last few hundred years the entirety of the human race as been wiped off the face of Vis. The races of Vis;

The Jin are a simple people with the ability to change the outer appearance (Hair color and length, skin and eye color, ect.) with a thought. They live in small nomatic familial groups, living off of a combination of hunting and gathering, herding, and trading. In these groups of of at most 50-ish people the concepts of identity and individuality are, while not out right unheard off, are very uncommon. The leadership of the nomadic tribes is headed by the oldest parent or parents in the group then thier children.
The Jin's unaltered appearance is without color, every inch of their body is white as sun-bleached bone. They stand on average about 5 foot 5. While they look androgynous to most humans they do have gender. Their actual genitalia never truely change, though they can change aspects of them and hide them if they so choose.

The Tysimar are a race of insect-like humanoids that live in the middle of a large swamp. Their society makes use of the best attributes in an individual the strong fight and work, the dexterous hunt and fight, the wise prech, the charismatic sell and put on shows ect. This is handled in a ridged class system enforced by the religion of the people. At the top of this caste system are the Priests, from them five are chosen from the five great houses. Below the Priests are the Soldiers and then the Merchents and then the workers and performers. Thought this caste system is rigid and doesn't allow for upward mobility, those that show great skill and devotion are honored. Outside this main group of Tysimar are a group of Tysimar that denounce the religion and live outside the cities. Although they are offered no life in the cities they thrive outside on the outskirts with thier own smaller towns and villages.
As for for how they look, the Tysimar look like small-ish humanoids (4-5 feet tall.) with a segmented hard exoskeleton-like substance covering their skin. Their faces are segmented slightly around the mouth, allowing for limited speech. Their exoskeletons are usually dull grayish green and slightly opalescent. They are gender-less and sexless unless they become high priests, at they point a ritual is preformed giving them the ability to reproduce, at any time there is one (Male) and one (Female) in each of the great houses and few times in the history of the Tysimar someone will spontaneously gain gender.

Kitsune are a group of animal-like humanoids that live in the forests. Their society is one of trade and chance. The roles of the people are self made but those in power are chosen from those that are good in their field (Great merchants govern trade, great warriors govern the war council Ect.) These positions come only with power within that facet of society.
Kitsune look like humans with animalistic features and fur covering their body. Their facial features and their hands and feet are the most animistic, their ears can take many shapes and sizes usually dog or cat like but can have rabbit like ears, hands are usually clawed and feet can be cloven. They have the ability to enter a rage-like state that that exaggerate their animistic features, in this state they can grow horns, lengthen their claws ect. As they age this state can become even more animal-like.

Spriggan are humanoids that life off of and that are a part of the environment, they life all over the planet in every climate. Their societies are built on taking care of the group and keeping the group happy with little help from outsiders. The different tribes are usually lead by a chief or groups of chiefs, but these leaders are only there when they are needed for war, epidemic ect. Other then that they are usually a democratic people, letting any one who has reached adulthood vote on everyday matters. They also have a strong connection with eldrich magics allowing them to use a very small amount starting at adulthood.
This bond with nature and it's magic gives the spriggans a unique appearance, their skin is thick, almost bark-like, and often matches the environment they were born in. Their facial features are angular and organic as if a tree took on a human shape. Their bodies are lithe but strong.

Akarth are the last to break from the human race, altered by the scionic nanites that course through their bodies. Their society is based on merit, all citizens are expected to do their best for the good of society because only the best and brightest are chosen for positions of power. This 'Quest' for greatness leads most Akarthi to stay on the island studying it and themselves. Originally a group of monks that were caught on the floating island and changed by accident when Scionic magic was first bound to the nanites, over time the use of the nanites saturated the island in them and changed all the humans and some of the other life on the island.
The Akarthi look like normal humans except for their eyes which glow allowing the Akarthi to illuminate the way in front of them. They don't grow much hair on their body at all but their heads grow long wavy hair in normal human colors.

Sitrean are reptile like humanoids. They stay to themselves and rarely leave the borders of their queendom. The society is headed by a queen and her king, below them are a a consul of 9 that are elected by the people every few cycles, these 'lords' rule over a part of the queendom.
Sitreans look like humans that have scales over their bodies. They grow little hair between their scales mainly on their head. Their eyes are slits like a snake or cat. Their faces are small and nearly feature less save for their eyes and their thin lips. Their most startling aspects are the glow their bodies can give off and their ability to swim in loose sand and ash.

Lowg are small humanoids with an affinity with soul magics. The city of dis where most pf the lowg live is ran by a single person, The Grand Technician, this person is chosen by magical dual. Below them are people they chose to run the day today things they can't handle. In most of the history of the lowg, right below the seats of power are the artisans, those that craft and create, Then the merchants. this love of art is rooted in every facet of lowg life, The Grand Technician is chosen in a dual so he must win, but one must also show creativity and aesthetic merit.
The lowg look like small imp-like humans. They only stand about 3 or 4 feet tall and their usually pale gray skin is thick and rough. The lowg only grow hair on their head, this hair is thick and slightly more rigid this normal human hair and can come in some very unnatural colors like neon green or blue. Their eyes come in a wide assortment of colors from amber to pink.

The hapis are large humanoids that live on and in the mountains. The hapis were one a very war like people, and this as lead to them covering the world. But this doesn't stop them form being a unified people, lead by a king. This king holds absolute power of the Hapis but but for the most part just collects taxes and keeps the people unified, below the king are the four houses. Each of these houses is a political entity of it's own but is loyal to the king for fear of loss of stability. Military service and athletic prowess are things honored by the hapis.
The Hapis look like large humans carved from the stone, while not thick or rock like the coloration like the patterns of rocks, mainly marbled or granite-like but some do have more plain skin colors but their always colors of stone, shades of gray, blacks and sometime more metallic colors like silver or copper. Hair grows all over their body similar to a human but their hair is always glossy like a gem or metal.

Forgeborn were the catalyst for the eradication of the human race. Created by humans, the forgeborn look like constructs with wildly differing constrictions, some are made with stone or metals and others seem to be made of hardened wood, sizes vary wildly with some being a couple of feet tall and others being up to 8-9 feet tall. The only unifying thing among the forgeborn are the glowing Heartstones in their chest, a small glowing stone that causes the chest of forge born to glow very slightly. The forgeborn live in the forgotten places of the world very few live in or close to many of the major cites of the world.

2017-07-24, 08:19 PM
Disregard this. I'm done. Just don't know how to delete this.