View Full Version : 3.5 Thrown weapon trick questions

2017-07-10, 12:56 AM
So I'm playing a lvl 3 rogue 2 fighter in a 3.5e game and about to take my first lvl of master thrower, current feats are PBS, precise shot, weapon focus(daggers), and weapon finesse. I'm planning to end with whisper knife to round out my 20 lvls. (Yes, the dm waived the +5 bab to start master thrower, something about +1 size being applicable almost everywhere) although, I have some questions about how I should get there, and how I operate as a thrower

I want to take doubletoss, palm throw and weak spot. Combined with rapid shot from whisperknife lvl 1, at character level 11, am I correct in assuming I can throw 8 daggers with one standard action at a possibe 4 targets with a -4attack bonus (-2 for each hand in twf, -2 for rapid shot)? Does SA apply to one or all of these targets?(provided their respective dex bonus is denied). Can I then apply weak spot to make them all touch attacks? Any references or books I could check out would also be helpful.

Oh one last thing Tome of Battle is outlawed in this game.

2017-07-10, 01:01 AM
Rapid Shot doesn't do anything with a standard action, it only functions on a full attack.

2017-07-10, 10:00 AM
So I'm playing a lvl 3 rogue 2 fighter in a 3.5e game and about to take my first lvl of master thrower, current feats are PBS, precise shot, weapon focus(daggers), and weapon finesse. I'm planning to end with whisper knife to round out my 20 lvls. (Yes, the dm waived the +5 bab to start master thrower, something about +1 size being applicable almost everywhere) although, I have some questions about how I should get there, and how I operate as a thrower

I want to take doubletoss, palm throw and weak spot. Combined with rapid shot from whisperknife lvl 1, at character level 11, am I correct in assuming I can throw 8 daggers with one standard action at a possibe 4 targets with a -4attack bonus (-2 for each hand in twf, -2 for rapid shot)? Does SA apply to one or all of these targets?(provided their respective dex bonus is denied). Can I then apply weak spot to make them all touch attacks? Any references or books I could check out would also be helpful.

Oh one last thing Tome of Battle is outlawed in this game.

It seems to me that the Palm Throw trick would cancel out the real bonus of Double-toss. Since you don't apply your Str bonus to either attacks with Palm Throw, the ability to add full Str bonus to both attacks with Double-toss is wasted. Also, as far as I can see, you'd still only be getting four daggers off with a standard option, probably allowing a different target for each, since Palm Throw doesn't offer the restriction that you can only target the same creature. You'd get one attack per hand, each hand throwing two daggers for a total of four attacks, since it's been pointed out already that you need to full attack in order to use Rapid Shot.

Edit: Why not just go directly into Whisper Knife?