View Full Version : Special Materials... 3.P

2017-07-10, 08:02 AM
I've got a bit of a unique question... What are all the ratios of Hardness to Hit Points of all known special materials that are comparable with 3.P? I'll list those I've found/figured out already.

Noticed material hardness and hit point ratios
30/60 or one Hardness / two HP or 1/2
30/50 or three Hardness / five HP or 3/5
25/60 or five Hardness / twelve HP or 5/12
20/40 or one Hardness / two HP or 1/2
18/45 or six Hardness / fifteen HP or 6/15
15/40 or three Hardness / eight HP or 3/8
15/30 or one Hardness / two HP or 1/2
12/30 or two Hardness / five HP or 2/3
11/25 or eleven Hardness / twenty five HP or 11/25
10/30 or one Hardness / three HP or 1/3
10/25 or two Hardness / five HP or 2/5
10/20 or one Hardness / two HP or 1/2
9/20 or nine Hardness / twenty HP or 9/20
8/15 or eight Hardness / fifteen HP or 8/15
6/12 or one Hardness / two HP or 1/2
5/15 or one Hardness / three HP or 1/3
5/10 or one Hardness / two HP or 1/2

These are all that I've been able to find thus far. It seems that the most HP you can get for any materials hardness is 3 X it's hardness. Arms and Armor 3.5 (If I remember correctly) states that Diamonds are possibly the hardest substance known, and gives rules for diamond tipped arrows (ignoring up to 2 points from each Natural Armor, Armor and Shield AC bonuses, up to 6 if all 3 are applicable) but does not give a hardness for it.

Personally I would like to see a material with 1 hardness and 5 HP, but that's just me I think. It might make items too hard to destroy for some DM's so be considered OP. Though things like Sphere of Annihilation and similar affects and effects should work the same as always.

Also, would anyone like to speculate how and why the HP/Hardness ratio is the way it is, or why there isn't a set standard?

For a suggestion to my own question, I would pundit that different materials have different material qualities and thus have naturally different ratios.

Is this type of questioning and line of thinking to esoteric?

RP reasons for this post and it's line of reasoning:sda I'd like to play a materials specialist Artificer/Wizard/Craftsman that knows how to blend the 'essences' of materials to get the best possible means through various alchemical/transmutation and crafting techniques and is looking for the 'perfect' material, but it's unlikely that it's attainable in the first place.

Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?