View Full Version : Working on Homebrew Spell- Rage Storm

2017-07-10, 01:34 PM
Rage Storm (nickname "Thunderdome")
level 4 evocation
Components VS
Casting Time- 1 action
Duration- Concentration, up to 1 minute

You tilt your head to the sky, as black clouds violently spew from your mouth. The begin to swirl around you, creating a hollow dome with a 10 foot radius centered around you. Those inside the dome begin to feel a great anger and bloodlust . Lightning crackles sporadically between the clouds, ready to punish those that try to flee from combat.

All creatures that are completely inside the dome (and all creatures who enter it thereafter) must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, creatures can only move towards another creature that is hostile to them within the dome, and can only take the attack action against or cast a spell that deals damage on another creature that is hostile to them within the dome. All creatures within the dome can repeat this saving throw at the start of each of their turns. On a success, the creature is not compelled by this spell for the rest of their turn. Any creature that exits the dome is no longer effected by the spell, but takes 2d6 lightning damage upon exiting. The black clouds heavily obscure creatures inside the dome.

The spell ends immediately if you exit the dome.

Inspriation- I use this forum often to check the balance of things I want to homebrew in my campaign. Right now, my friend and I are using Kryx's monk redo (http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SkbbHIDc) to make a "Way of Storms" monk (though we are keeping the idea of bonus actions intact) finding spells that match the levels but have a "lightning/thunder theme." Another part of this character my friend is making is that he is from a monastic order that stresses learning to harness one's anger to harness the power of lightning and is a follower of the god of war. The only problem is that there isn't a lot of cool spells for lighting (though there is for thunder) in PHB and EE, its a lot of "deal lightning damage." So that's why I wanted to do this. I combined compelled duel, tiny hut, and darkness.