View Full Version : 3rd Ed St. Cuthbert - What are all his official domains?

2017-07-10, 05:31 PM
It was so much fun with Wee Jas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?529417-Wee-Jas-What-are-all-of-her-official-domains), I thought I'd ask about St. Cuthbert.

Here's what I've found from WotC sources:

My List

Domains Given to St. Cuthbert

Domain Source


Player's Handbook

Player's Handbook, p186


Complete Divine

Complete Divine, p138



Player's Handbook, p187


Dragon Annual 6/d20 Special

Dragon Annual 6/d20 Special, p60


Dragon 355

Dragon 355, p28



Complete Divine, p139


Player's Handbook

Player's Handbook, p187


Player's Handbook

Player's Handbook, p188


Player's Handbook

Player's Handbook, p188


Dragon 323

Dragon 323, p64-65


Dragon 355

Dragon 355, p30

-Most of these domains are revisited in the Spell Compendium.
-Holy is 3.0 material described in an article about a 3rd party product, but is specifically called out as OGL. It's obscure, but I like it.

ETA: Wow. That formatting was a hot mess.

Anybody got any I missed?

2017-07-19, 11:02 AM
Nobody? I somehow got all of them on the first try?

2017-07-19, 11:51 AM
Nobody? I somehow got all of them on the first try?
Well for Greyhawk deities, the closest thing there is to an "Official" list is the LGCS Deity document, so you have already stated you looked in the "official" source so it is not surprising.
Actualy the Dragon Magazine domains are somewhat less official that the LGCS - many campaigns don't use Dragon and it is usually regarded as sort-of "2nd Party" {technically 2nd party is us, the game buying public, but it's somewhere between 1st (WotC) and 3rd (other producers)}.

2017-07-20, 09:29 PM
Thanks for following in my example from Wee Jas and listing all St. Cuthbert's domains!

Have you a spiffy link to the Holy domain or its source, even if it's a link to a paid document order?

2017-07-20, 09:39 PM
Thanks for following in my example from Wee Jas and listing all St. Cuthbert's domains!

Have you a spiffy link to the Holy domain or its source, even if it's a link to a paid document order?
Not a problem; in my headcanon, these Wee Jas and Cuthbert are LN deities that gotta stick together.

I do *not* have a link for the Holy domain. It's in the Dragon Annual 6/d20 Special that I purchased when I was looking for Wheel of Time d20 stuff.

2017-07-20, 11:27 PM
I mean, if you got them all in one, then we can always start looking at these deities and making up domains we think they Should have, based on our misconceptions of the characters for various reasons (be it that we never actually read the entry for them and let other players inform us of how they are, or had a DM who played the god/it's clerics in a particular manner, etc).

Like, I think St. Cuthbert should have the Miter domain, because he's basically the pope according to one gm's game I was in, so giving him domain over all pope hats would fit his character.

2017-09-20, 11:33 AM
Thanks for everyone's input on this.