View Full Version : [Spoiler] Who else thought Hinjo was dead in panel 8...

2007-08-07, 01:44 AM
...when his skeleton flashed? That was a real shocker and made me go *GASP!* out loud.

Also, it looked sort of like Hinjo wouldn't have made the jump - it didn't seem like Hinjo had a big running jump, and that he might fall a few feet short of the coast.

2007-08-07, 02:03 AM
I wasn't shocked exactly, I was more along the lines of thinking "Well, crap."

But you're right, there was no way in hell he was getting to Redcloak without a few ranks in Swim.

2007-08-07, 02:07 AM
I just checked, and assuming one Hinjo is six feet tall, the distance between the edge of the junk is four Hinjos. (24 feet) I believe the WORLD record for the running long jump is somewhere around 28 feet. Hinjo is in full, heavy armor and doesn't look like he got much of a running start.

2007-08-07, 02:13 AM
Yeah, that is one ambitious jump if I've ever seen one. I guess Jump is where his few paladin skill points went. Or he has magical gear that makes the jump likely, possibly including Boots of Striding and Springing.

Flipping back to 478, he might've just aimed for the bridge part though, landing on a few hobbos. Perhaps it is only just out of view on panel 8 of comic 480? That would be pretty far-fetched, but just a thought that occured to me.

2007-08-07, 02:15 AM
Normal humans don't gain class levels. Hinjo may have jumped off more than he can chew (?), but it's no more unbelievable than the rest of the comic.
Looking at his trajectory, he may have been intending to swim the rest of the way.

And there was this brief moment where, seeing Hinjo's skeleton flash, it felt "if there's a time for Hinjo to die, now would be it". Though, remembering that dragon in the #100s, it was perfectly possible Hinjo could live, so I didn't leap to a conclusion in either direction... It's safer to just stay on one's boat, as it were.

2007-08-07, 02:34 AM
I just checked, and assuming one Hinjo is six feet tall, the distance between the edge of the junk is four Hinjos. (24 feet) I believe the WORLD record for the running long jump is somewhere around 28 feet. Hinjo is in full, heavy armor and doesn't look like he got much of a running start.

True, but Character wise the guy who made that jump was probaly no more than a 4th level commoner with 16 strength and Skill focus (Jump).

Just abit of nerdity
Lets say the jump is 25 feet. with a run up thats a DC 25 jump check.

Hinjo is a 10-12th level paladin, Jump isnt on his skill list so he is unlikley to have ranks, but he tried the jump so he must of thought he can make it, so maybe he does. 8 ranks in jump, since hes a two handed fighter we can assume a strength of 20, starting high and strength + items to boot.

a total of +14

He seems to be wearing medium armour, its squared off at the bottom but not as wide as roys so we can assume its a breastplate with a -3 check penalty.

This also lowers his speed giving him a further -6.

our total modifier is now +5

VS dc 25 he had to roll a natural 20 to make it, but if unarmoured he could of made it with about 50% chance of sucess, so that would show confidence that he could make it.

"I can make it ive done jumps bigger than this before *leap*"

*half way across. "But then again I wasn't wearing 30lbs of metal back then.."

2007-08-07, 02:53 AM
Initially I thought that he was dead. It was surprising but nice, since I am among the few who do not like Hinjo.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-08-07, 03:28 AM
Then again, the boat is much higher than the pier, Hinjo may have been taking into account his being at a higher altitude then his target point.

2007-08-07, 04:43 AM
I agree with Thanatos. The world record for the long jump was achieved over a completely flat run. If you're jumping from a higher place to a lower one, you could achieve a longer jump--at the risk of breaking both legs on landing, obviously. :smallsmile:

2007-08-07, 11:01 AM
^ That would be where Hinjo's cross-class tumble skill comes in.

2007-08-07, 11:41 AM
I definitely did :smallsmile:

2007-08-07, 11:41 AM
Nah... We forget that Heroes (Protagonist) gets free "cool entrance" and "cool opening attack" without penalty.

D&D or not, storytelling usually wins. also the GM could give special circumstances (I do that sometimes when I do nasty rolls for the NPC and get like multiple 20s)

2007-08-07, 05:56 PM
When I first read it, I had only scrolled down far enough to see Hinjo get hit, so as I was scared for a few moments until I scrolled down to the next panel

2007-08-07, 06:08 PM
There is a precedent for flashing-skeleton-but-still-alive after eating a Disintegrate:


2007-08-07, 06:16 PM
His death at that juncture would have been ignominious.

Hinjo will die ushering in a new order, perchance a more just order.

Perhaps at the hands of Xykon, more likely an attack of spite (dieing blow) on The Red Mantle. (havent played D&D in a decade) but that seems more likely.

Just my view on the thing.

It is fully within trope, only a rank tyro or master story teller would deviate from that literary convention.

Giant, I, as always am in your hands.

As such I abide.

2007-08-07, 07:53 PM
Nah, no X's in his eyes when he landed on his junk.

(Although I probably would if that happened to me :smalleek: )

2007-08-07, 11:55 PM
I thought he was dead at that point too, and I think I also gasped. I was relieved to see he survived.

Alex Warlorn
2007-08-08, 02:24 AM
I think I thought "Oh no!" I was relieved to see he wasn't dust or X'ed eyes.

2007-08-08, 02:56 AM
Then again, the boat is much higher than the pier, Hinjo may have been taking into account his being at a higher altitude then his target point.

True, but looking at Hinjo's angle, it seems almost as if he was aiming for the water to buffer his fall.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-08-08, 05:07 AM
True, but looking at Hinjo's angle, it seems almost as if he was aiming for the water to buffer his fall.

The angle was completely different between the panel where he jumped and the panel he was zapped, too.
Ah, the magic of webcomics!

Also, on an unrelated note:
Where do I sign up for your fanclub, mockingbyrd?

2007-08-08, 05:34 AM
I did, then we he hit the ground I was like "Oh...oh well"

Anywho, there's not much point in marking the thread with SPOILER when you use that title :P

2007-08-08, 07:05 AM
...when his skeleton flashed? That was a real shocker and made me go *GASP!* out loud.

Also, it looked sort of like Hinjo wouldn't have made the jump - it didn't seem like Hinjo had a big running jump, and that he might fall a few feet short of the coast.

Do not fhorrk with the red cloaked badass goblin, that's my motto...

2007-08-08, 08:58 AM
Nah, no X's in his eyes when he landed on his junk.

(Although I probably would if that happened to me :smalleek: )

I probably wouldn't ... but there'd be a period of time where I would WISH there were X's [grin].

2007-08-08, 09:10 AM
There is a precedent for flashing-skeleton-but-still-alive after eating a Disintegrate:


Redcloak his his brother with a disintegrate and that wasn't enough to kill him (same visual effect). Although the subsequent fall was enough to stick him in to the negatives

2007-08-08, 10:09 AM
Initially I thought that he was dead. It was surprising but nice, since I am among the few who do not like Hinjo.

Whaaat? With most other characters I can understand why someone wouldn't like them much, but Hinjo? What's not to like about the guy?

2007-08-08, 11:56 AM
Whaaat? With most other characters I can understand why someone wouldn't like them much, but Hinjo? What's not to like about the guy?

Not that I dislike Hinjo, but "What's not to like about the guy?" might, in fact, be something to not like about the guy [grin[.

2007-08-08, 01:38 PM
Whaaat? With most other characters I can understand why someone wouldn't like them much, but Hinjo? What's not to like about the guy?

He's just so annoying sometimes. LIke when he was enlisting Roy as a body guard. He was just so smug and, like I said, annoying. His defense strategy sucked, particularly the layout of the arcane casters, paladins, and clerics. And while he agreed to leave Azure City, his reluctance to do so was also rather bothersome and quite poorly thought out on his part. And he's still unwilling to launch the ship, even though it's obviously the smartest thing to do right now.

2007-08-08, 03:51 PM
Oh please Hinjo had the power of Dramatic effect on his side. He would have made the jump no problem. Although if dramatic effect wasn't in play then he would need some ranks in Survival (Bellyflop) and Swim to get at Redcloak.

2007-08-08, 04:16 PM
Looking at that panel, I thought he was a goner. I was relieved to see him land back on the deck without xx in his eyes.

2007-08-08, 04:27 PM
He doesn't need the two X_x in his face to determine whether he died by the effect of the Desintegrate spell, he would have just turned into spicy, grey and dusty dust.

Therefore, he's not dead, just injured (probably incouncious)

And regarding that jump.

The red haired dwarf assasin has the answer:

"it's a friggin' stick figure comic, ye moron!"

You guys take things too seriusly...

2007-08-08, 04:36 PM
The more I think about it, the more I think that he didn't actually attempt the jump. But if you drew the frame where he made that speech while standing still on the bow, it would look like he was just striking a pose rather than threatening an attack, which doesn't explain why Redcloak would fire off a spell without taking a segment to consider it.

Still don't know why, unless there is a clause in the Sapphire Guard charter that says that the Twelve Gods will intervene whenever nigh-mortal damage is done to a head of the SG.

2007-08-08, 04:43 PM
If Lien and her shark were still moving forward, he may have trying to hit the shark to bounce off of it. The idea of using a shark as a jumping board, even a celestrial shark, does not seem like a very sound idea.

2007-08-08, 05:49 PM
You guys take things too seriusly...
It's merely fun speculation, that's all. No harm in pondering whether there were game-mechanical considerations given to paladins leaping great distances, even if the answer is "no".

2007-08-08, 08:49 PM
You guys take things too seriusly...

Obviously, you didn't read my comment about Hinjo landing on his junk after getting hit with the Disintegrate spell.


2007-08-08, 09:55 PM
I was thinking YAY he died before he could hurt redcloak :smallbiggrin: :smalltongue:

2007-08-09, 12:20 AM
Nah, no X's in his eyes when he landed on his junk.

(Although I probably would if that happened to me :smalleek: )

You sir win one free internet for such an awesome comment. You can turn it in for a stuffed penguin, a llama, or a bag of oatmeal cookies

2007-08-09, 05:07 AM
Obviously, you didn't read my comment about Hinjo landing on his junk after getting hit with the Disintegrate spell.


Glad I didn't...


2007-08-09, 07:17 AM
You sir win one free internet for such an awesome comment. You can turn it in for a stuffed penguin, a llama, or a bag of oatmeal cookies



Yoritomo Himeko
2007-08-11, 10:08 PM
He's just so annoying sometimes. LIke when he was enlisting Roy as a body guard. He was just so smug and, like I said, annoying. His defense strategy sucked, particularly the layout of the arcane casters, paladins, and clerics. And while he agreed to leave Azure City, his reluctance to do so was also rather bothersome and quite poorly thought out on his part. And he's still unwilling to launch the ship, even though it's obviously the smartest thing to do right now.

Personally, this is very close to my problem with Hinjo. I really liked him when he debuted but he gets more and more irritating every time he shows up.

He is supposed to be a great leader, but his actions speak otherwise. He may listen to advice, but he never learns from his mistakes. Azure City is in big trouble if this is their leader.

My second issue with him is that he is supposed to be an NPC, a minor character. And yet, he gets just as much story time as the OOTS, who are PC's, and major characters.

My third issue with him is that I am sick and tired of every Azurian, (except for Kubota and the other nobles) fawning over him. Azure City will not cease to exist just because Hinjo isn't there.

And the running gag with the boat is really juvenile.

I liked him a lot better when he was just a supporting character with a lot of funny lines. But now he is just annoying. Either develop him or get rid of him.

2007-08-12, 02:59 PM
And the running gag with the boat is really juvenile.

You say that as if it were a bad thing. :biggrin:

2007-08-12, 04:02 PM
And the running gag with the boat is really juvenile.

I guess it rolls off my back, but then again I'm a veteran of Kingdom of Loathing. :)

I couldn't agree more about Hinjo. He's shown himself to be unqualified to lead his own life, much less Azure City or the Sapphire Guard. This whole "plan" of seeing Redcloak on the front lines, hoping that was out of spells, and telegraphing your attack without informing anyone else on the team turns out to have not had any secret benefits -- the only effect was that it took him out of the chain of command when he was incapacitated. It's just the stereotypical paladin tunnel vision that we had reason to hope him above. Then again, I suppose it's Shojo's fault for not taking his heir under his wing sooner and teaching him the subtlety of serving the gods when you are in a position of great responsibility.

2007-08-13, 12:08 PM
Good, more Hinjo haters. :smallbiggrin:

I've already stated my distaste for Hinjo elsewwhere http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53609, but I really hoped he was. I was pretty miffed when he wasn't. :smallannoyed:

My second issue with him is that he is supposed to be an NPC, a minor character. And yet, he gets just as much story time as the OOTS, who are PC's, and major characters.
Yes, I couldn't agree more, this is huge to me. :smallmad:

2007-08-13, 12:27 PM
And the running gag with the boat is really juvenile.

It's not a running gag, it was only featured in one comic.