View Full Version : AAA - Aurumar Quests

2017-07-11, 08:51 PM
The group planning to handle more Local Quests in Aurumar assesses their options.

Supernatural or Swamp Gas?
Mysterious lights have appeared recently in the Haunted Weald. Superstitious locals claim they are spirits of the dead or mischievous fey or some other such nonsense. A certain researcher with the local arcane college, one Artis Melmair, insists that the lights are caused by an unknown arcane source. He has spent several weeks in the Weald attempting to discover the source of the lights with no luck. As such, he is seeking adventurers to uncover the truth behind the lights and offers their choice of any one magic item from his personal collection for information leading him to the source of the lights.

2017-07-11, 10:12 PM

Ryn looks at those who aren't chasing after a big army or planning to sail away for months. "Right. Strange swamp gas stuff first, and then the conjurer's tower?"

2017-07-12, 11:35 AM
[Meanwhile, in the local arcane college]

Damian examined his short sword with both hands, humming one of his favorite songs as he waited outside the office of the supposed researcher who was looking into the Haunted Weald's mysterious lights. It was always a good idea to be in good standing with such institutions, and a magical item of his choosing wasn't too shabby a payment either. Furthermore, he was certain that it was likely they would be able to assist him in locating his quarry in the future, so what better choice than to start building that bridge between them? 'Geez, what's taking this guy so long?' he silently asked, looking up at the door then back to the gleaming blade in his hands.

While everyone was still wondering what goal to take, Damian just went to the town square and asked around for anyone that was looking to hire adventuring types. The Swamp Gas sounds doable enough and it gets him connections to people who might have the power to cast scrying.

2017-07-14, 11:26 PM
You enter the tower on the edge of town (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b9/89/44/b98944197d877a376033131f3d0ef33e.jpg) that houses the local arcane college. It's only three stories tall and can only be seen above the roofs of the local buildings because of the giant magical flame glowing from the parapets. Once you pass through the doorway, you realize that the local arcane college is... much less local than you might have thought. It turns out that the tower is, in fact, vacant.

The stairs leading up are locked, sealed, and warded, with clearly legible signs in fourteen distinct languages and a few indecipherable doodles that might also be languages warning against trying to make the ascent. The bottom floor is mostly one large, open room, dominated by a large, complex, and disturbingly glowy stone arch (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/6b/2b/12/6b2b129e6a17df0674527b98118cae6b.jpg). As you approach the arch, you are stopped by what can only be described as a sassy grandfather clock (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/09/a8/5e/09a85e9cecb15e0ef481c7aa30c32324.jpg).

"Excuuuse me. *tick* Where do you think you're going? *tock*"

The random tables definitely have not disappointed so far. :smallbiggrin:
The fact that I actually found a picture for the grandfather clock is even better.

2017-07-15, 08:15 AM

"We're here about a job involving strange lights in the Haunted Weald. I was given the name of Artis Melmair, who is" Ryn's lip twists slightly, "a wizard I believe."

He eyes the strange clock suspciously. They didn't have animated objects back home...

2017-07-15, 09:57 PM
The top of the clock tilts slightly, and the hands on the face make a quick revolution in opposite directions before returning to their original position. You feel as though the clock just did the equivalent of rolling its eyes at you.

"Oh, fine. I'll summon him here. Portal use is limited strictly to students, faculty, and staff."

The door on its front opens briefly, allowing a small pocket watch to emerge. It slithers much like a snake, propelled along by its chain, and quickly slips through the portal.

Precisely six minutes and thirteen seconds later, according to the grandfather clock anyway, a young man emerges (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/85/d5/95/85d595978fce196404f2fed5799a1b12.jpg).

"Hello and well met! I'm Professor Melmair. So, I'm told you're here to help with my research! Good to hear! May I ask your names and professions?"

2017-07-15, 10:05 PM

Ryn puts a hand on his chest. "Ryn Liskov, mercenary."

2017-07-16, 08:38 AM
"Damian Belmont, sword for hire." he replied, sheathing his shortsword while looking the mage up and down.

2017-07-16, 11:33 PM
"Ah, mercenaries. Wonderful," he says in a tone indicating that it's definitely not wonderful at all.

"No matter. I trust you can be paid sufficiently to maintain a scientific outlook? Good! Good. Well, time's wasting, so better get moving. Unless there's something else you needed from me...?"

2017-07-17, 07:50 AM
"I'd like to hear what you've learned so far about these lights in the weald. Maybe give us some insight on what you think might be or not be causing them?" Damian asked as he got off the wall and ready to follow the Professor's lead."Oh, and if you have something to keep the bugs away, that'd be swell. I have quite the sensitive skin." he jested.

2017-07-17, 07:57 AM
What he said... plus, how far away is the Weald and what do we know about it?

2017-07-17, 09:53 PM
You know that the Haunted Weald is about three day's walk to the east of here, and there are two small villages on the edges of the Weald on this side of it. In recent memory, Haunted Weald was just a colorful name. No one is quite sure how it got the name, but there are a few baseless folk tales about the woods, mostly about ghosts and witches spiriting away bad children who disobey their parents, sneak out at night, or don't eat their goat curds.

"I've learned so far that it isn't ghosts, specters, or other common incorporeal undead, nor does it appear to be caused by wisps or lantern archons. I had a suspicion that it was the result of excess ambient mana spontaneously discharging due to ethereal turbulence in the astral miasma, but I have been unable to substantiate that. Then again, I also haven't found evidence against the hypothesis either. It is rather fascinating though, so if you have the time to listen, I wouldn't mind getting in a little extra lecture prep..."

2017-07-17, 10:02 PM

Ryn steps over to the wall and leans against it with his arms crossed. "Since we aren't wizards and can't detect magic ourselves, I think you're going to have to tell us more."

2017-07-18, 07:34 AM
"I really hope you are right about there being no ghosts or fey, cause I'm no cleric, and these aren't cold iron." Damian said, emphasizing his weapons. "I wouldn't mind a lecture about the intricacies of magical refuse, but I think we could walk and listen on our way towards picking up a carriage to take us to one of the villages surrounding it."

2017-07-22, 10:06 PM
So... I had a long post typed up with extensive rambling on the nature of reality as he sees it that was several paragraphs long, but my intermittent internet apparently ate it. :smallfurious: So, you get a synopsis instead.He gets rather excited and rambles on for a bit. Neither of you has the appropriate Knowledge ranks to follow the most esoteric things he says, but apparently he believes there's a magical mist in one parallel reality and cosmic storms in another parallel reality, and the two are impinging on this reality in the same location, causing the lights to happen. He also believes it might be building up into a catastrophic event that could doom all of reality in an unimaginably large explosion that destroys and then recreates the multiverse in the equivalent of a second big bang. On the other hand, it could culminate into something little more than the equivalent of reality having mild flatulence. Of course, he again admits that he has no actual evidence for any of this but that the theory makes perfect sense and drives up the ratings for his daily lecture series.

2017-07-22, 10:19 PM
"What are you expecting us to do? Stab the dimensional storm?"

2017-07-22, 11:24 PM
He chuckles, "Why, whatever good would that do? I don't need someone to solve the problem. I rather think you're most likely incapable of repairing a multidimensional conflux in a crescendo towards reality failure. No, as the posted bounty has said, I just need you to find and document the proper evidence. I can't continue doing field research myself. I've already used up all my sick days, you see."

2017-07-23, 08:24 PM
Damian raised his hand, reminiscing of his days in the academy. "Not to rain on your parade, Professor, but we aren't exactly well versed on the matter of interdimensional juxtapositions creating a paradox into our own across the multiversal layers of reality." he pointed out, always glad to find the oportunity to use big words, even if he didn't completely understand what some of them meant. "Are there any students of yours who would be up for joining the expedition? They would be able to identify any anomaly and more accurately describe what we encounter, plus some actual field experience is always nice for students. Or perhaps you could lend us a copy of your research notes? So we can compare what we see with what you have investigated, so when we come back we'll have more than 'well, the lights were this color and moved like this' as our testimony." he finished, making a flourish with his left hand.

2017-11-10, 12:03 AM
He snaps his fingers as his eyes light up.

"Brilliant! I could assign course work and offer extra credit instead of paying brainless ruffians to do the job! I should have thought of that! Nevermind. I'm no longer in need of your servi... Wait! No! Forget what I said. I do need your assistance. I simply can't send a student or colleague. That simply Will. Not. Do. Were I to do that, you see, I would be required to share authorship on the resultant paper. Simply unacceptable. No. I must request that you accomplish this without contacting anyone else with the university. Secrecy, at this point, is paramount. Once I have published, then others can become involved.

Ah! I have a solution for you!"

He turns and disappears through the portal before you can ask about the solution. A few moments later, he returns carrying a tiny dragon.

"I will send Theria with you. She will be able to help you on your journey. However, there are a few requirements, or she will become most difficult to live with. You must polish her scales each night before bed and be sure to feed her fresh meat twice a day. That preserved stuff gives her the most unpleasant tummy aches."

He coos at her and rubs his nose on hers while she emits happy little squeaks.

"And tell her shes a good dragon. A precious dragon. A big scary dragon..."

I'll give you both the chance to back out of this quest and join up with the other 2 player group if you want. I'm more than happy to DM three groups, but I wanted to give you the option after it was mentioned.

2017-11-12, 08:00 PM
Damian let the insult slide, his curiosity picqued by the wyrmling they were being presented with. "So, how fresh must the meat be? Does she prefer white or red?" he asked.

2017-11-21, 01:18 AM
The dragon has ruddy scales, not quite red but not quite brown.

"Oh, her moods change from day to day. I'm sure she'll let you know. Won't you, precious?"

The dragon flutters over to Damien and perches on his shoulder, letting out a high-pitched chirrup in his ear.

"Aww. She likes you. Well, good luck, have fun, and don't die."

He turns and walks back towards the portal, having to you over his shoulder as he goes.

2017-11-21, 11:50 AM

Ryn looks dubiously at the dragon. "Well, at least she's not big enough to eat us. We should go stock up before we leave town."

I need to get camping gear, rations, etc. You?

2017-11-21, 03:05 PM
You can buy gear without having to RP it, if you want. I'm fine with playing out the shopping trip if you prefer.

2017-11-21, 04:37 PM
You can buy gear without having to RP it, if you want. I'm fine with playing out the shopping trip if you prefer.

"Not big enough yet." Damian commented idly, sheathing his short sword and heading towards the academy's exit. "I'm already stocked, but I could look around some more. Maybe see if they have some dwarven cheese around here. Do you like cheese, Theria?" he asks the small dragon.

I bought Damian's rations and such using the SRD when making the character using his starting gold, so he already has provisions, but he can accompany Ryn and maybe buy some more. I'd much rather skip ahead of the provision buying and move towards the investigation of weird swamp lights.

2017-11-21, 06:28 PM
No problem, just post of list of anything you buy and how much it cost so we can have a record of it, then update your sheets.

I just ask that one of you posts when you're ready to leave or something so I know to move the story forward.
I might suggest looking for a mode of travel beyond just walking for three days, but it's up to you.

2017-11-21, 09:44 PM
No problem, just post of list of anything you buy and how much it cost so we can have a record of it, then update your sheets.

I just ask that one of you posts when you're ready to leave or something so I know to move the story forward.
I might suggest looking for a mode of travel beyond just walking for three days, but it's up to you.

Link to SRD. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm)

Damian's buying:
1 tent. -10gp
1 blank notebook. -15gp
4 rations. -20sp
3 torches. -3cp
2 hunks of cheese. -2sp
1 set of traveller's clothes. -1gp

Updated sheet. (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1233431) With all that done, Damian's done and ready to go. He would suggest going by carriage.

2017-11-21, 11:06 PM

Ryn visits a general store, buying bread, cheese, and salted meat, as well as some spices, a pot, and some better traveling gear - his last set being worn to pieces. After that, he's ready to go, and checks to see if a carriage, caravan, or other form of faster travel is already headed in the right general direction.

Backpack 2gp
Blanket 0.5gp
Chalk x10, 0.1 gp
Grappling hook & rope, 11gp
Rations x 8 4gp
Waterskin x 2 2gp
Sunrod x 4 8gp (now I have 9)
Tent 10gp

Total 51.6gp deducted

2017-11-21, 11:18 PM
Ryn learns that he can hire a carriage for [roll0]gp per person... the carriage driver eyes the dragon for a moment before saying it counts as a person, much to her contentment. It will still take almost three full days of travel. While it doesn't save more than a few hours, it means you wouldn't be as tired when you arrive.

There's also a wizard in town who seems willing to cast a variant of teleport for you for 500gp. This variant allows him to send you without traveling there himself. He warns you that he's not the most familiar with the area, but he can at least put you within the area of the Weald nearish one of the towns.

You also encounter a rather boisterous man with a Huge reptilian bird-thing. He claims he can probably get you there in a day or so, but the ride isn't going to be comfortable and will cost you [roll1]*100 gp.

2017-11-22, 07:56 AM
Damian leans in close to Ryn and whispers. "I can only afford the carriage, I'm afraid. Unless you're willing to pony up the spell's cost or the trip in the... giant chicken? I think we'll be taking the panoramic route."

2017-11-22, 08:46 AM

"The carriage is still a vast improvement from walking a hundred miles in the snow..." Without further ado, they secure the carriage and get moving.

2017-11-22, 02:17 PM
Damian will pay his and the dragon's fee, will sit behind the driver and keep his bow handy just in case they come across some uglies. Maybe try to find out if Theria spits fire or something.