View Full Version : Optimization White Wind's guide to the universe

2017-07-12, 02:44 PM
Hey, first time posting, long time D&D fan.

Down below is a character I've been working on for a while, it involves some special uses of abilities and equipment I've come up with over the time, it was never played but I tried to make all of the uses RAW and RAI, and the character cohesive as a whole. So here it is, I hope you enjoy it.
BTW, not a native English speaker, so I might have strange mistakes sometimes and I won't even know it.

Class: Mystic (Nomad) 1/ Warlock (GOO) 2/ Wizard (Divination) 2
The following describes White Wind at level 5, perhaps later I'll describe him on higher levels.
He was born with a different name, to a simple northern family living of the land (fishing, hunting, some foraging). He was a pretty frail child, and was afraid he couldn't give his share of effort, but soon he discovered he had innate abilities that were useful in other ways. He could speak with animals mentally and see through their eyes (Mystic's Mind Meld), he used that as a kid to see through the eyes of birds and tell his father where the deers and elks are.
He was destined to go and learn with the medicine man who resided 2 weeks' journey away from them.
He was 7, they were packing for the journey, when the orcs came. They heard the cries from the neighboring farms first, but they were upon them before his father could even turn around to pick up his bow. His father fought bravely, his mother too, but it was over very fast, I won't bother you with the horrid details.
Orcs usually don't waste time on non-threats during a raid, focusing on the plunder and hoping for a future plunder (Volo's guide to monsters, awesome by the way). They left him be.
The next morning, still blacken from the ashes of the burned cabins, he decided he'll make the journey to the medicine man nonetheless. It was 2 weeks to the east, but he didn't know the way. After 2 months alone in the northern woods he realized he will never find him. He spent 2 more years alone in the woods and plains of the north before meeting a fellow human (the orcs hordes cleared a wide area of human settlements). At those years the Great Old One kept him company. He was sitting alone, snow falling on his face, when he remembered an old tale the neighbors' daughter used to tell him when he was helping her taking care of the snow dogs (they were used for hunting, and guarding), she told him of a man who once lived in their village, before her father was born, which was said to be able to turn into a polar bear, which made the orcs run away the last time they came. "If I could turn into a polar bear I could make the orcs run away", he said to himself, shaking the snow of his hair. And a place awakened in his mind, and suddenly he knew where to find the man who turns into a polar bear (Nomadic Mind's Find Creature). He found him.
He was a polar werebear, living in the fringe of the north, and a divination wizard. He agreed to teach him his wisdom, but refused to turn him into a werebear. The years have passed, he was a bright kid, learning the craft with great speed with his Keen Mind, but he always kept in his heart the reason he is there. Did he convince him with Portent eventually? (he could have waited for a natural 20 for a persuasion roll), I like him to be a polar werebear, but I know it's broken and that basically anybody could just be it (the locate creature and portent shtick are nice but really… there are other ways), anyway, it's just a white room character, and being a polar werebear or not being is not the main thing of the character anyway.
He left 6 years after he came, only 15 years old. he knew he had to go back in the world, "to make the orcs run away" (it became a figurative thought for him, encompassing resisting evil as a whole, not just orcs).
Only ten years later, at the age of 25, after years of planning and preparing (you'll see what those preparations entailed) he began acting.
His name, White Wind, comes from his eldrich blast (+repelling blast). It takes the form of a snowy wind that as if comes out spontaneously from his body, defending him, cutting and pushing his enemies (just a fluff thing, no mechanic meaning), and eventually people began to know him as the White Wind.

P.s- rule one of D&D origin stories: your parents need to be killed by orcs on act 1....
Not very original… I know. But still, it actually makes some sense that this is a popular beginning, losing your family violently, losing your emotional, social and livelihood backbone is a strong incentive for developing the capable survival skills pc's have. And orcs raids are probably one of the most common ways to lose one's parents violently in a fantasy setting.

Appearance: Sadly I still can't share with you a link for an image. Hopefully soon. He is tall, pale, with black hair. He wears a simple black open cloak and simple brown-black clothes. He wears no weapon, and carry no staff. He is usually seen beside or on the back of his warhorse with his owl familiar always nearby.

Up ahead is the main optimization of the character, although not the only one.
The main optimization of White Wind is in the knowing department. turning him into a potentially significant force in the world even at low levels. It comes online pretty much fully at level 3 (mystic 1/warlock 2).
Remember everything (keen mind + misty visions): Keen mind is in my humble opinion the most under-rated feat in the game, and you'll soon see why. It is basically a perfect photographic and auditory memory of everything you've seen or heard the past month. Now all you need to do in order to keep those memories forever, past this month, is a way to re-see\re-hear them every month. That's where misty visions comes along (an amazing ability with other large-scale and small-scale influence uses which will be explored more later). With at will silent image you can re-see everything you perfectly remember. Imagine White Wind sitting in a dark room, in front of him are floating images of dozens of open books, fast-scrolling their pages forward, and when they are finished a different group of books is moving ahead, re-seening this way thousands of books every hour.
What White Wind has done over the first years of his travels (and keeps doing in new places he arrives to) was exploring libraries, fast scrolling over the books (if you ever saw the documentary "the real rain man" that's how Kim Peek reads there, he actually skims through two pages simultaneously one with each eye, he's a real person with keen mind), going through the entire library, ingesting all the information in it. He spends an hour each day fast-re-seeing the books he read, every day a different part of his vast knowledge base, in a 30 days cycle. The result is a walking library, a walking libraries to be exact. A 20 INT character (eventually) with perfect memory of most of the known knowledge sources, is a force to be reckoned with.
See everything (Keen Mind + Mind Meld): White Wind mentally speaks (Mind Meld) with the local animals when he reaches an area. Mind Meld allows a character to mentally speak to any willing creature with 2 or more INT, regardless of him knowing a language. I don't know when an animal is willing to mentally speak with someone and when it's not, but I imagine that if its calm and not under threat by the speaker it should be willing (I think that if the character possess handle animal or the like it should be able to have a chance to speak with a distressed animal as well). After a round of speaking with the creature the character gains a perfect recall of a single memory of the creature, or of something he has done. That's amazing. You can see for example a bird's journey across an area, a cat's journey across a city or inside homes. White Wind uses this in two ways. One is creating a perfect bird's view mental map of vast areas (which he remembers forever). He uses the same fast viewing method at night to fast re-see these images and keep this information in his mind. The second is for military\strategic intelligence, to know what units\monsters are roaming the current area he's in right now. He is very rarely surprised, talking with the local animals in each area and insta-learning their latest memories, and sending when necessary animals for specific recon missions.
A different use of Mind Meld is speaking with sentient creatures. White Wind is using this ability to speak with experts in certain fields, specifically in fields in which writing a book is less common and less efficient like manual crafts. He mentally speaks with willing craftsmen, learning their special methods (gaining perfect recall of how they create certain things), in exchange for knowledge he possesses they want\need. It can also allow WW (White Wind) to see allies' memories of historic or important events he is interested in, perhaps being able to gain farther insight into them given a different person sees them now.
Mind meld can also be used as an instant way to "read" a book and without the need to access its physical copy, by gaining access to the memory of a person who read it. He does that regularly with scholars, mages and priests he meets, as with the crafters before, in exchange for knowledge of his own.
Do everything (Nomad's Breath of knowledge + Portent): Breath of knowledge completes "The All Knowing" ability. It allows WW to gain access to any two proficiencies, tools or languages once every long rest, for an entire day. That's amazing. Together with Portent it can be used to assure perfect execution of every proficiency and tool imagined, if they require a single roll at least (with 2 portent rolls a day it can allow for one perfect-20 roll every 10 days on average), one could argue, and I think I agree with it, some actions should require a series of rolls over a period of time specifically for actions that require more than one day (like creating a great work of art).
This combined ability is ideal for situations where preparation is possible, and time is not a main issue:
Research- Remember Everything allows WW to gain access to a vast database of fact, but knowing facts is definitely not the same as integrating your knowledge in order to reach a conclusion that is outside the scope of what is written in books (like speculating on the location of an lost tomb based on ancient poems you remember), or innovating in a field (like creating a new formula for magical items, retracing it based on clues from arcane books if it doesn't appear as a whole, researching a new spell or retracing an old lost one)- that is the realm of a proficiency. WW uses this combine ability when he requires superior research in the fields or Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature or Religion (and most notably in researching magic item formulas, spells and rituals, whether new or old, though this specific use should require more than 1 day if the information is not readily available somewhere in the books, so it might suffice for a perfect start via portent, and for gaining the proficiency for the rest of the research in a fields he lack proficiency, and gaining 2 additional proficiency rolls to choose from each day, raising the quality of the research significantly, but it won't allow perfect execution of complex research).
Convincing- When WW has a long or short term goal that involves convincing key figures he uses this combined ability (usually bad aligned key figures as he doesn't like using it on good aligned people). The amazing thing about it is that it's not magic, it cannot be detected. The drawback is timing, he has to wait for a perfect 20 to assure success, and the timing might not allow a meeting with very important key figures as gaining an audience with them is not trivial and cannot usually be made on a day's notice. A possible situational solution for this problem is using The Great Old One's Awakened Mind- WW uses it in a long term plot he has on toppling an evil empire. Over a period of years he talks mentally with key figures in the evil empire that he assessed through Insight+Protent as having doubts about the evil ways of the empire (this conversation doesn't require an audience with them just line of sight, so it can be done during a speech\when he walk with his guards on the streets), he gradually convinces them to change their ways, and eventually to break from the empire and form together (the lords and priests he speaks with) a separate kingdom that resist the empire. WW makes sure he makes these mental conversations while within a large crowd, to remain anonymous, but despite that over time a smart lord\priest might realize there is a reoccurring figure in the crowd every time a mental conversation occurs. Hopefully this realization will come when the lord\priest already considers WW an ally, but if he doesn't, well, changing the world is a risky business, and WW is ready to face the consequences of those risks.
Monkey Business: not exactly his style, but in extreme situations WW might incorporate in one of his plans some monkey business like, Forgery, Disguise, Gambling\Games of skill and Thieves' tools. having the ability to have a proficiency in them, and gaining (or granting an ally) a guaranteed success in the matter is a powerful option.
Windrush: Last are options that are relevant in acute situations like combat. As much as WW like planning many of the situations an adventurer faces cannot be planned up ahead, and the skills needed cannot be foreseen. This is where the Nomadic Mind discipline comes in (off topic; it's one of the three disciplines he took, the other 2 are: Mastery of light and darkness for the focus that allows seeing in magical darkness and the darkness power for the Mystic version of the infamous warlock combo, and Nomadic Step for misty-step-like abilities twice a day), its focus allows him to gain knowledge in one skill\tool\language. As changing focus is a bonus action, it is an on the fly ability that allows him to react to emerging life threatening situations. Sometimes making that jump can mean your life just as much as a saving throw. The skill related to this combo are- Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Survival, Acrobatics, Slight of Hand, Stealth and Athletics. It is used both defensively and offensively; a high roll can allow you to make that jump, a low one can cause your enemy not to make it, an average one can make sure you don't mess-up a critical medicine roll. There aren’t really bad Portent rolls, and its lucky for him as in day by day adventure he must use whatever rolls came up that day.

Notice that I haven't mentioned Crafts. Crafts are likely to require several rolls to determine the end result, and despite Portent's ability to grant superior chances of superior work through additional rolls each day, 5GP a day is a scale of no interest to WW. He will use it in conjunction with Fabricate to create perfect creations when 4th level spells become available to him as this will require only a single roll to assure superior work (even though the rules don't speak of any roll at all...). I'll speak of Fabricate uses in a different section.
Background: Sage. A major part of WW childhood (9 to 15) was spent with his werebear master in the northern fringes. As befitted for a divination wizard his master had a significant library (placed inside an ice cavern, pretty nifty actually). He was a serious sage and knowledgeable on matters big and small, and he initiated WW as a sage first and foremost. The Researcher feature is invaluable for WW, allowing him to know where to look for the knowledge that he is missing.
As you can see it doesn't look like a highly combat oriented character so far, but that's not entirely true. The abilities described do have some military uses, both large scale, such as showing ally military leaders a perfect bird's eye view of a future\current battle zone, and scouting the movement of the units, and small scale- knowing monsters' vulnerabilities and abilities, and as a scouting and planning method before an attack.
Actual military optimizations of the character are also up ahead.

It's already getting really long, so I think I'll leave the rest of the optimization for a different post, or (better?) For an edit of this one. The other portions that are planned are Armory (special uses of ordinary and magical items), Tactics (special use of his spells mainly, some general tactics of his, and perhaps some of his strategic thinking on how to survive past 27 in a world with castle-sized dragons and wizards that can turn you into goo with one word), and Bestiary (the way WW uses his vast knowledge base combined with his Locate Creature ability).

Until next time, farewell and best wishes

2017-07-13, 01:59 AM
Decided to add a TL:DR, as it seems my post is too crowded for comfortable consumption.

Two main optimizations (more are comming):

1. Remember Everything: combining Keen mind with Misty Vissions allows remembering EVERYTHING you ever saw/read not just for the last month. Making you a knowledge powerhouse. The method is fast re-seeing a portion of the vast amount of the books you've read and perfectly remember through Keen Mind, every night a different portion, so in a month you cover vast amount of knowledge.

2. See Everything: using mind meld as a superior scouting method. It is without explisitly saying that a way to speak with animals at will and gain instant access to one of their memories, thus being able to instantly know what they have seen the past hours.

For more details on the optimizations see the main post. If there's intrest I'll add White Wind's other optimizations which I haven't written yet.