View Full Version : Google doc, character tracking sheet help

2017-07-13, 07:27 AM
Would someone more enlightened than I on this subject please explain why I can't change the sheet on this Google document file even after I download it?


The character tracking sheet in the link there seems prefect for what I would like in the group I have now. Thanks

2017-07-13, 09:52 AM
My first inclination is that it is a PDF.

Yep. A quick google search indicates that you need a 3rd party PDF editor.

2017-07-13, 01:04 PM
That's quite a bit of information for you as the DM to keep track of, as well as having to keep track of everything else going on in the game...

I think having to keep track of ALL that information is going to slow you down even more, but that's just me guessing. Maybe you're extremely efficient and perfectly track each of these things should they come up in a combat situation.


PP = Passive Perception.
PI = Passive Insight.
BG/Notes = Background and a few words to describe the character, notable feats, or other notably high passive scores. (PS = Passive Stealth).

The colors can be changed as per your idea of what "color" the PC is. I tried making something that contained quite a bit of information, didn't take up much space, and was easy to read. I can look at this before a game and already have a quick reminder as to who each person is and what it is they like or enjoy.

Other then that, feel free to copy the document if you are looking for a smaller PC tracker to place on your DM screen.
In regards to the actual question, Demon was right on. You need a 3rd party PDF editor. You can easily google a free one, or PM me for a recommendation of my preferred free PDF editor.