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View Full Version : Good rewards for players?

2017-07-13, 08:03 PM
So, part of the mythology of my game includes a god who is in charge of making sure that all souls go where they're supposed to and correcting anything that seriously disrupts that process, including eliminating people who trap or otherwise manipulate souls on large scales. The players have stumbled into his employ (they're going to perform a hit on someone who fell into this god's crosshairs), and I want to give them a thematic payment. The idea is that he has no power to destroy things, but he can strategically empower people to bring about his goals. What kind of gifts, whether items or new abilities, should the god of souls grant?

2017-07-13, 08:25 PM
Detect Alignment as a spell-like ability, for starters.

2017-07-14, 04:15 AM

(once per X - be that hour, day, adventure the PC can re-roll 1(or more) rolls

2017-07-14, 12:27 PM
Is this D&D?

Then just give them XP.

Or give them all a template without affecting their ECL. (Ex: Celestial.)

2017-07-14, 12:34 PM
Depending on your further plans for the campaign, you could go with some basic magic items+gold+XP, and this god's blessing, without really divulging what that blessing does. The blessing would basically protect them from any spells that inflict direct harm to the soul. You could then later have the BBEG cast such a spell at them (preferably after demonstrating it on a tough NPC to get the point across). Cue magic shield of NPC's. Cue BBEG shouting in disbelief as his ultimate spell that they shouldn't have known about is easily countered, and cue start of the proper boss battle.

2017-07-14, 01:27 PM
I would grant a su ability such as immunity to an element, ability to breathe underwater, ability to go really fast once per day (like a cheetah speed burst) or other similar ability. Maybe give them some sort of celestial aspect.
This is a GOD, not some sort of king or noble paying for services. The result should be something special you can't get elsewhere.

2017-07-14, 01:58 PM
This is a GOD, not some sort of king or noble paying for services. The result should be something special you can't get elsewhere.

Technically it's still a "god". Upper case is only for monotheistic religions. :smalltongue:

2017-07-14, 04:16 PM
Early on in adventures I like to give players magic items that evolve with them (or they just discover new uses for them).

With the soul-themed deity, my suggestion is to give every party member a tiny "soul shard" crystal that contains a tiny piece of the divine soul and have them discover the abilities themselves.

Some suggestions of what the tiny crystals could do (some may be OP, but may make for interesting gameplay):
- if you look through them, you can "detect evil"
- holding the shard, you can sense where other nearby shards are located
- holding the shard, you get a vague sense of what nearby shard owners are feeling (both emotionally and physically)
- putting the shard in food/water purifies it
- cutting yourself with the shard, stores 1HP in it, the HP can be returned whenever needed.
- shard owners cannot harm each other (are immune to friendly fire/magic)
- touching the shard gives some form of resistance to mental attacks, fear etc.

2017-07-14, 05:53 PM
Immunity to energy drain/negative levels.

Encourages the party to go after evil intelligent undead, exactly what the deity would like.

2017-07-16, 08:10 AM
Immunity to energy drain/negative levels.

Encourages the party to go after evil intelligent undead, exactly what the deity would like.

Probably the sensible choice after the sorceress took 8 negative levels in one round last fight.

I like a lot of these ideas, except the "just give gold and xp" one. That is why no one will remember your games.

2017-07-16, 08:30 AM
My most sought after goodies are the once in a blue moon "artifact" mega potion that gives a permanent 2 AB stats or hitpoints .

I do something of that nature when i say host an in game arena tournament which usually involves players attacking each other kinda like a royal rumble .

2017-07-16, 09:37 AM
I think I'm going to have them each pick an object, which will become sort of like a phylactery, allowing them to "hide" there souls from certain attacks by essentially taking away their creature type for a limited time.